Automatic Change Detection On Satellite Images Using Principal Component Analysis, ISODATA and Fuzzy C-Means Methods
Automatic Change Detection On Satellite Images Using Principal Component Analysis, ISODATA and Fuzzy C-Means Methods
Automatic Change Detection On Satellite Images Using Principal Component Analysis, ISODATA and Fuzzy C-Means Methods
BEKKOUCHE Ibtissem et al., International Journal 11, No.6,Trends
of Advanced November - December
in Computer Science and2022
Engineering, 11(6), November - December 2022, 241 - 248
International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering
Available Online at
Received Date: October 17, 2022 Accepted Date: November 23, 2022 Published Date: December 06, 2022
BEKKOUCHE Ibtissem et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 11(6), November - December 2022, 241 - 248
[7]. It has the ability to project the multi-dimensional original Calculate the covariance matrix.
and it is less susceptible to image overlapping. Calculate the eigenvector and the eigenvalue of the
covariance matrix.
We found that the most used methods for change detection Extract the diagonal of the matrix as a vector.
used a lot the K-means, so we tested it on our data but we Variance sorting in descending order.
chose to use the improved Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) version. Choose components and form a feature vector.
FCM has reduced complexity and gives best result for Derivation of the new data set.
overlapping data sets and comparatively better than k-means
algorithm. At the end, the number of PC is less than the number of
variances in the original image. In CD studies, the
2. METHODS USED consequence of this linearization is that the unchanged pixels
or common information shared by a pair of images are
2.1. Isodata assumed to be in a narrow and elongated space. Cluster along
a principal axis equivalent to the first component (PC1). On
It is an image segmentation technique by clustering and it is the contrary, pixels containing a change would be more
an improved version of the k-means algorithm, which was unique in their spectral appearance and should lie far from this
first introduced by Velasco in 1980 [8] as a classic algorithm axis (PC2). [13][14]
which makes it possible to carry out a very good
categorization and which gives significant results. [9] 2.3. Fuzzy C-Means
The thresholding of an image can be done by manual Fuzzy C-Means (FCM), is an unsupervised fuzzy
thresholding or by automatic thresholding. classification algorithm. Issued from the C-means algorithm,
developed by Dunn in 1973 [15] and improved by Bezdek in
Manual image thresholding involves 4 steps [9]: 1981 [16], it introduced the notion of fuzzy set in the
1. Observing the histogram of the image definition of classes: each point in the data set belongs to each
2. Choice of thresholds in the valleys cluster with a certain degree, and all clusters are characterized
3. Definition of the classes of the regions by color range by their center of gravity [17].
4. Pixel classification The goal of Fuzzy C-Means clustering is to find the minimum
of the following function:
ISODATA thresholding is global thresholding, where a single
threshold is used across the entire image to divide it into two (1)
clusters. It allows to find the value of the sought threshold in where m is any real number greater than 1, uij is the degree of
an automatic way following its steps [10]: membership of xi in the cluster j. As a rule, for each pixel, sum
1. Choose an initial threshold T, for example T = the of all membership value belonging to all classes must be 1.
average intensity. [3][14]
2. Divide the image into two groups G1 and G2 using T.
3. Calculate the average values of each region R1 and R2 3. METHODOLOGY
4. Calculate the value = ( 1+ 2)/2 The Figure 1 shows and summarizes the organization of the
5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 until the T value does not change. processing steps adopted for the detection of changes on
satellite images by our ISOFAP approach and this according
2.2. Principal Component Analysis to the basic procedure of an image change detection
processing system [18].
Principal component analysis (PCA) is a mathematical
technique used for data redundancy reduction by Jackson and This scheme is composed of several implementation phases:
Bund, 1983 [12]. It is useful when you have obtained data on a
number of variables (perhaps a large number of variables), 1st step: This is a data preparation step and we must:
and there is some redundancy in these variables. [12]
Data acquisition and preparation: This is the stage of
PCA is one of the most popular multivariate analysis collecting and assembling data, which can be
algorithms for change detection studies and can be performed satellite images and field investigations. Then we
on original or normalized data [7]. With this technique the can go to pre-processing, for example image cutting
digital images acquired by remote sensing, we can reduce its if necessary.
dimensionality such that the multispectral bands are the Geometric correction: the verification of the
variables to be introduced. geometric accuracy is essential for the detection of
changes besides a bad georeferenced of more than
There are certain steps to follow to implement PCA [7]: one pixel would cause abnormal results for analyzes
Take an original data set and calculate the mean of the pixel by pixel.
data set.
Subtract the mean for each dimension.
BEKKOUCHE Ibtissem et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 11(6), November - December 2022, 241 - 248
Data normalization: Data must be normalized, Confusion Matrix: One of the most popular ways to
especially for satellite images, in order to reduce the measure the performance of a classification model.
variability between multi-date images over the same Each line corresponds to an actual class and each
geographical area. column corresponds to an estimated class and it
includes the following values [19]:
2nd step: This is a digital processing step for the detection of o True Positive, TP, when the actual class and the
changes and for this we will: estimated class are both positive
o True Negative, TN, when the actual class and the
Apply the difference image method estimated class are both negative
After that, the obtained image is partitioned into H*H o False Positive, FP, when the actual class is
blocks, then the creation of eigenspace space using negative but the estimated class is positive. This
PCA and principal components are achieved. is called a Type 1 error.
Apply the ISODATA algorithm for thresholding on X. o False Negative, FN, when the real class is
After applying PCA and ISODATA, create the feature positive but the estimated class is negative. This
vector space using the eigenspace space. is called a Type 2 error.
To determine the areas that have changed and not
changed, we used the FCM algorithm to generate the It can be used for more in-depth measurements to get a
two classes (k=2) and assign each feature vector to better assessment of the quality of the model. Among the
the class closest to either modified pixels or classification measures used are accuracy, precision,
unchanged pixels. error and specificity. [19]
3th step: This is a generalization of the final product, which is Accuracy is the number of correct predictions made by
a map of land cover changes at a scale equivalent to that of the the model.
input data. (2)
4th step: Once a model has been determined and This measure is used when the number of True Positives
implemented, the last step is to analyze and interpret the and True Negatives are the most important.
results to establish the quality of this model. There are various Error = 1 – Accuracy (3)
evaluation measures that can be used and chosen carefully, Precision is the number of correct elements rendered by
since the choice of measure can influence how performance is the model.
assessed and interpreted. For this we have chosen to use: (4)
This metric is used when the number of False Positives
Visual interpretation: the use of the human visual is highest.
system as a quality judgment tool is not to be
neglected but necessary to verify the quality of the Specificity is the number of negative classes predicted
images obtained by the classification. To evaluate by the model.
this approach, we also used visual analysis according (5)
to the ground truth available in the area.
BEKKOUCHE Ibtissem et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 11(6), November - December 2022, 241 - 248
Figure 3: Images 2 (a) before change and (b) after change.
Figure 2: Images 1 (a) before change and (b) after change
(a) (b)
Figure 4: Images 3 (a) before disaster and (b) after disaster.
BEKKOUCHE Ibtissem et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 11(6), November - December 2022, 241 - 248
(a) (b)
Confusion Detection error
(c) (d) Figure 6: Visual interpretation of the best results by (a) ISOFAP and
Figure 5: (a) artificial image, (b) artificial image changed, change (b) PCA-K-means on images 1.
map results (c) with PCA-K-means and (d) with ISOFAP.
BEKKOUCHE Ibtissem et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 11(6), November - December 2022, 241 - 248
The previous Figures 6 present the best results given by The comparison between the best result given by the two
ISOFAP and PCA-K-means applied to images 1. From our methods approves the previous result because we can say that
visual interpretation for comparing the best results of the two the visual interpretation, presented in Figure 7, is the same and
methods to the original change image, we notice that even if that ISOFAP has better detected the change even if there are
ISOFAP had confusions and detection errors caused by the conflicts and detection errors but they are less than
conflict between the two changed and unchanged classes, it PCA-K-means.
there are some details were better detected compared to
PCA-K-means. For the last tests, we chose the best parameters: number of
blocks (h*h) h at 2, number of iterations at 90 and we applied
For images 2, we did the same tests as images 1. For them to the same part of the images 3 (In Figure 8). We notice
PCA-Kmeans, after several tests we initialized the threshold that the PCA-K-means only gave us two classes: changed and
at 75, the number of iterations at 85 and varied the number of unchanged, but ISOFAP gave a third class of pixels with the
blocks. we note that these results reinforce the change gray color, for the program it is conflicts and at the same time
detection results on images 1 because the best result is given we notice that it is not totally unchanged but the change is not
on the number of blocks equal to 2. great.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Confusion Detection error
Figure 8: (a) image before, (b) artificial after, change map results (c)
with ISOFAP and (d) with PCA-K-means.
From the visual interpretation of the results of our ISOFAP
approach on the three groups of images, we notice that there
are detection errors in the images, which can be caused by
several reasons among them the resolution of the image
(b) because sometimes when the image is of lower quality poses
Confusion Detection error conflicts between the pixels therefore gives errors.
Figure 7: Visual interpretation of the best results by (a) ISOFAP and
(b) PCA-K-means on images 2.
BEKKOUCHE Ibtissem et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 11(6), November - December 2022, 241 - 248
BEKKOUCHE Ibtissem et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 11(6), November - December 2022, 241 - 248