Sayers 2010
Sayers 2010
Sayers 2010
Sayers, SP and Gibson, K. A comparison of high-speed power n inevitable consequence of aging is loss of muscle
training and traditional slow-speed resistance training in older mass and concomitant reductions in muscle
men and women. J Strength Cond Res 24(12): 3369–3380, strength and functional capacity (22). One way
2010—Muscle power, the product of force 3 velocity, is to increase muscle strength is through resistance
a critical determinant of function in older adults. Resistance
training (RT), and numerous studies have described the
success of this method in older adults (10,13,24,28,32,35,37).
training (RT) at high speed has been shown to improve peak
In the past 2 decades, however, muscle power has emerged as
muscle power in this population; however, different functional
a critical muscle performance characteristic in this popula-
tasks may benefit from the improvement of power at values
tion (3,5,9,12,36). Muscle power is the product of force 3
other than ‘‘peak’’ values, for example, tasks that require velocity and reflects the ability of the muscle to produce force
a greater velocity component or a greater force component. rapidly (3). Decreases in muscle mass (22) and changes in the
This study compared the effect of high-speed RT on muscle ability of the muscle to contract at high speed (such as type II
performance (peak power [PP] and its components [PP force muscle fiber loss and atrophy [19,20]; slowing of contractile
and PP velocity] and overall peak velocity [VEL]) across a broad velocity [17,18]; and slowing of nerve conduction velocity
range of external resistances. Thirty-eight older men and women [29,38]) may accelerate the age-related decreases in power
were randomized to high-speed power training at 40% of the compared to strength. As a result, muscle power begins to
1-repetition maximum (1RM) (n = 13 [74.1 6 6.4 years]); decline sooner and more rapidly than muscle strength with
traditional RT at 80% 1RM (n = 13 [70.1 6 7.0 years]); or aging (25) and at up to twice the rate than strength (3–4 vs.
control (n = 12 [72.8 6 4.1 years]). Measures of muscle 1–2%) after age 60 (31).
performance were obtained at baseline and after the 12-week A number of studies in the older adult literature have
demonstrated that muscle power is a more critical variable to
training intervention. Muscle power and 1RM strength improved
functional decline in older adults than muscle strength
similarly with both high-speed and traditional slow-speed RT.
(3,5,12,36). Other studies have demonstrated that high-speed
However, speed-related muscle performance characteristics,
power training in older adults may also improve muscle
PP velocity and overall VEL, were most positively impacted by
power (11,15,23,27) or functional performance (26) com-
high-speed power training, especially at lower external pared to traditional RT with a strengthening component.
resistances. Because gains in speed-related measures with A key outcome variable in these studies has been peak power
high-speed training compared to traditional RT do not come (PP). This outcome measure has traditionally been
at the expense of other muscle performance outcomes, we determined by measuring power output at several percen-
recommend using an RT protocol in older adults that tages of the 1-repetition maximum (1RM) (3,6–8,11,30,33),
emphasizes high-speed movements at low external resistances. and choosing the highest power output value across that
range of external resistances. Power typically increases as
KEY WORDS muscle power, velocity, resistance training, aging external resistance is increased (see Figure 1) and decreases at
the highest external resistances (11,33). The PP has typically
been found at or near 70% 1RM in this population (11).
The PP, however, is not the only muscle power outcome
Address correspondence to Stephen P. Sayers, [email protected]. variable that is valuable as a contributor to muscle performance.
24(12)/3369–3380 We reported previously that muscle power developed at high
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research velocity (40% 1RM) and the corresponding contraction
Ó 2010 National Strength and Conditioning Association velocity at which that power was developed were better
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
High-Speed Power Training in Older Adults
HSPT (n = 13: 6m, 7f) STR (n = 13: 5m, 8f) CON (n = 12: 3m, 9f) p
*HSPT = high-speed power training group; STR = slow-speed resistance training group; CON = control group; GDS = geriatric
Depression Scale; MMSE = mini-mental state examination.
†Data are mean 6 SD.
the TM
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
TABLE 2. Muscle performance variables across a range of external resistances at baseline and after 12 weeks of resistance training (using loads relative to
posttraining 1RM).*
Variable 40% 1RM 50% 1RM 60% 1RM 70% 1RM 80% 1RM 90% 1RM
Peak power (W) HSPT Pre: 298.5 6 136.2 Pre: 321.8 6 133.2 Pre: 329.4 6 137.9 Pre: 317.4 6 139.7 Pre: 293.8 6 136.1 Pre: 250.8 6 140.3
Post: 378.3 6 145.9 Post: 416.1 6 164.3 Post: 415.1 6 161.2 Post: 380.0 6 153.6 Post: 340.8 6 140.6 Post: 273.7 6 120.1
% Change: 27 % Change: 29 % Change: 26 % Change: 20 % Change: 16 % Change: 9
STR Pre: 324.6 6 154.3 Pre: 360.7 6 183.5 Pre: 364.4 6 184.1 Pre: 357.2 6 189.0 Pre: 325.8 6 175.3 Pre: 306.8 6 157.1
Post: 397.3 6 169.6 Post: 417.1 6 196.0 Post: 431.0 6 196.1 Post: 415.6 6 182.9 Post: 378.7 6 176.8 Post: 320.3 6 157.0
% Change: 22 % Change: 16 % Change: 18 % Change: 16 % Change: 16 % Change: 4
CON Pre: 270.3 6 137.1 Pre: 294.8 6 148.4 Pre: 294.4 6 145.8 Pre: 285.9 6 140.6 Pre: 265.4 6 126.0 Pre: 244.1 6 120.6
Post: 281.9 6 142.1 Post: 297.8 6 144.7 Post: 292.4 6 145.2 Post: 279.3 6 125.6 Post: 265.8 6 118.4 Post: 222.5 6 93.4
% Change: 4 % Change: 1 % Change: 0 % Change: 22 % Change: 0 % Change: 29
Peak power HSPT Pre: 69.4 6 18.2 Pre: 84.7 6 22.0 Pre: 99.0 6 26.7 Pre: 113.4 6 31.4 Pre: 127.1 6 36.3 Pre: 139.5 6 40.6
torque (Nm) Post: 84.2 6 23.6 Post: 102.8 6 30.2 Post: 120.9 6 36.7 Post: 138.9 6 42.5 Post: 154.1 6 50.6 Post: 168.6 6 52.7
% Change: 21 % Change: 21 % Change: 22 % Change: 23 % Change: 21 % Change: 20
STR Pre: 66.7 6 21.8 Pre: 81.2 6 26.8 Pre: 95.0 6 32.1 Pre: 108.6 6 38.5 Pre: 121.2 6 44.7 Pre: 134.6 6 50.1
Post: 88.8 6 31.4 Post: 109.0 6 38.6 Post: 126.7 6 47.7 Post: 147.1 6 56.2 Post: 165.5 6 64.6 Post: 182.8 6 70.1
% Change: 33 % Change: 34 % Change: 33 % Change: 35 % Change: 37 % Change: 36
CON Pre: 60.2 6 22.8 Pre: 73.2 6 28.4 Pre: 85.1 6 33.8 Pre: 97.2 6 39.3 Pre: 107.7 6 41.3 Pre: 115.8 6 45.6
Post: 64.3 6 25.0 Post: 77.9 6 31.7 Post: 91.0 6 38.7 Post: 102.8 6 41.6 Post: 115.0 6 51.3 Post: 126.4 6 55.0
% Change: 6 % Change: 6 % Change: 7 % Change: 6 % Change: 7 % Change: 9
Peak power HSPT Pre: 4.2 6 0.9 Pre: 3.7 6 0.8 Pre: 3.3 6 0.7 Pre: 2.7 6 0.7 Pre: 2.3 6 0.7 Pre: 1.8 6 0.7
velocity (Nms21) Post: 4.4 6 0.8 Post: 4.0 6 0.7 Post: 3.4 6 0.6 Post: 2.7 6 0.6 Post: 2.2 6 0.6 Post: 1.6 6 0.5
% Change: 5 % Change: 7 % Change: 4 % Change: 0 % Change: 22 % Change: 27
*HSPT = high-speed power training group; STR = slow-speed resistance training group; CON = control group.
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Variable 40% 1RM 50% 1RM 60% 1RM 70% 1RM 80% 1RM 90% 1RM
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Peak power HSPT Pre: 313.2 6 118.4 Pre: 339.0 6 138.1 Pre: 350.6 6 144.1 Pre: 342.8 6 149.6 Pre: 317.2 6 145.6 Pre: 272.9 6 154.2
(W) Post: 383.3 6 113.3 Post: 426.6 6 133.6 Post: 456.6 6 136.6 Post: 456.3 6 150.2 Post: 457.6 6 149.3 Post: 431.3 6 162.4
% Change: 22 % Change: 25 % Change: 30 % Change: 33 % Change: 44 % Change: 58
STR Pre: 331.5 6 163.9 Pre: 366.7 6 198.0 Pre: 371.7 6 197.2 Pre: 365.1 6 203.4 Pre: 333.0 6 189.5 Pre: 319.2 6 167.0
Post: 380.3 6 204.9 Post: 421.2 6 230.3 Post: 443.9 6 237.9 Post: 465.2 6 252.1 Post: 467.5 6 244.5 Post: 444.6 6 243.8
% Change: 15 % Change: 15 % Change: 19 % Change: 27 % Change: 40 % Change: 39
CON Pre: 292.6 6 165.9 Pre: 315.5 6 180.0 Pre: 315.4 6 178.8 Pre: 304.4 6 174.3 Pre: 281.4 6 155.3 Pre: 252.1 6 150.7
Post: 283.5 6 153.9 Post: 313.9 6 169.1 Post: 327.3 6 180.0 Post: 320.3 6 180.5 Post: 302.9 6 169.7 Post: 242.4 6 111.2
% Change: 23 % Change: 0 % Change: 4 % Change: 5 % Change: 8 % Change: 23
Peak power HSPT Pre: 69.7 6 18.0 Pre: 85.4 6 21.8 Pre: 99.5 6 25.9 Pre: 114.3 6 31.2 Pre: 128.8 6 35.9 Pre: 141.1 6 42.3
torque Post: 73.4 6 15.8 Post: 89.6 6 21.6 Post: 104.6 6 25.9 Post: 121.5 6 31.2 Post: 135.9 6 36.9 Post: 152.8 6 41.9
(Nm) % Change: 5 % Change: 5 % Change: 5 % Change: 6 % Change: 6 % Change: 8
STR Pre: 66.5 6 23.8 Pre: 80.1 6 29.2 Pre: 94.5 6 35.0 Pre: 107.7 6 42.0 Pre: 120.5 6 48.7 Pre: 133.6 6 54.6
Post: 72.1 6 28.9 Post: 87.5 6 35.7 Post: 102.3 6 42.8 Post: 117.7 6 49.8 Post: 132.5 6 58.5 Post: 145.6 6 63.2
% Change: 8 % Change: 8 % Change: 8 % Change: 9 % Change: 10 % Change: 8
CON Pre: 65.1 6 26.6 Pre: 79.6 6 33.2 Pre: 92.7 6 39.5 Pre: 106.3 6 46.6 Pre: 117.4 6 48.2 Pre: 125.8 6 53.8
Post: 66.6 6 25.4 Post: 81.3 6 32.9 Post: 95.1 6 39.3 Post: 108.4 6 43.7 Post: 120.2 6 48.2 Post: 130.7 6 56.6
% Change: 2 % Change: 2 % Change: 3 % Change: 2 % Change: 2 % Change: 4
Peak power HSPT Pre: 4.4 6 0.8 Pre: 3.9 6 0.9 Pre: 3.5 6 0.8 Pre: 2.9 6 0.7 Pre: 2.4 6 0.7 Pre: 1.9 6 0.7
velocity Post: 5.2 6 0.6 Post: 4.7 6 0.6 Post: 4.4 6 0.5 Post: 3.8 6 0.5 Post: 3.4 6 0.5 Post: 2.8 6 0.5
(Nms21) % Change: 18 % Change: 22 % Change: 27 % Change: 28 % Change: 40 % Change: 50
STR Pre: 4.8 6 0.8 Pre: 4.3 6 0.9 Pre: 3.8 6 0.8 Pre: 3.2 6 0.7 Pre: 2.7 6 0.5 Pre: 2.4 6 0.5
Post: 4.8 6 1.5 Post: 4.6 6 0.8 Post: 4.2 6 0.7 Post: 3.8 6 0.6 Post: 3.4 6 0.6 Post: 3.0 6 0.6
% Change: 21 % Change: 7 % Change: 10 % Change: 17 % Change: 27 % Change: 24
CON Pre: 4.3 6 0.8 Pre: 3.8 6 0.7 Pre: 3.3 6 0.6 Pre: 2.8 6 0.7 Pre: 2.4 6 0.6 Pre: 2.0 6 0.7
Post: 4.1 6 0.6 Post: 3.7 6 0.5 Post: 3.3 6 0.5 Post: 2.8 6 0.5 Post: 2.4 6 0.5 Post: 1.9 6 0.4
% Change: 24 % Change: 22 % Change: 0 % Change: 1 % Change: 3 % Change: 24
Peak velocity HSPT Pre: 4.5 6 0.9 Pre: 3.9 6 0.9 Pre: 3.5 6 0.8 Pre: 3.0 6 0.7 Pre: 2.5 6 0.7 Pre: 1.9 6 0.8
(Nms21) Post: 5.3 6 0.9 Post: 4.8 6 0.6 Post: 4.4 6 0.6 Post: 3.8 6 0.5 Post: 3.5 6 0.5 Post: 2.9 6 0.5
% Change: 17 % Change: 22 % Change: 26 % Change: 27 % Change: 40 % Change: 50
STR Pre: 4.9 6 0.7 Pre: 4.4 6 0.9 Pre: 3.9 6 0.8 Pre: 3.3 6 0.7 Pre: 2.8 6 0.6 Pre: 2.5 6 0.6
Post: 5.1 6 0.9 Post: 4.7 6 0.8 Post: 4.2 6 0.7 Post: 3.9 6 0.6 Post: 3.5 6 0.6 Post: 3.0 6 0.6
% Change: 5 % Change: 7 % Change: 9 % Change: 18 % Change: 27 % Change: 24
CON Pre: 4.3 6 0.8 Pre: 3.9 6 0.7 Pre: 3.3 6 0.7 Pre: 2.9 6 0.7 Pre: 2.4 6 0.7 Pre: 2.0 6 0.8
Post: 4.1 6 0.6 Post: 3.8 6 0.5 Post: 3.4 6 0.5 Post: 2.8 6 0.4 Post: 2.5 6 0.5 Post: 1.9 6 0.4
% Change: 24 % Change: 24 % Change: 21 % Change: 25 % Change: 1 % Change: 29
*HSPT = high-speed power training group; STR = slow-speed resistance training group; CON = control group.
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
the TM
Figure 2. Change in knee extension peak power across a range of external resistances (40–90% of the 1-repetition
maximum [1RM]) relative to A) posttraining 1RM and B) baseline 1RM for high-speed power training group (HSPT), Procedures
traditional slow-speed resistance training group (STR), and control (CON). All data represent mean 6 SEM. Maximal Strength and Power
Determination. Leg press (LP)
and seated knee extension (KE)
Subjects 1RM were obtained using Keiser a420 pneumatic (air
Fifty-two participants were originally enrolled in the study resistance) equipment (Fresno, CA, USA). Keiser’s a420
and randomized to 1 of 3 treatment arms: High-Speed Power computer-interfaced pneumatic RT equipment is designed to
Training at 40% 1RM (HSPT), Slow-Speed RT with capture the measures of strength and additional muscle
a strengthening component at 80% 1RM (STR), or Control performance measures calculated with computer software.
(CON). All participants were healthy by self-report and During the concentric actions as the exercise arm is moved
community-dwelling but possessed some limitations in either through its range of motion, a piston is driven into a cylinder
function or mobility. All participants were seen by a study where it encounters the mechanical resistance of the air
physician before they were allowed to take part in the study. pressure in the system. The a420 equipment captures
Exclusion criteria consisted of history of heart disease, measures of peak muscle power, PPV, force at PP, and
osteoarthritis, severe visual impairment, presence of neuro- VEL during the concentric portion of each contraction by
logical disease, pulmonary disease requiring the use of sampling the system pressure at 400 Hz and making
oxygen, uncontrolled hypertension, hip fracture, or lower calculations based on an appropriate algorithm. For brevity,
extremity joint replacement in the past 6 months, and current only the KE data from the study are presented here.
participation in a structured exercise. Fourteen of the One repetition maximum measures were obtained by
52 enrolled study subjects discontinued participation in the progressively increasing the resistance until the subject was
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High-Speed Power Training in Older Adults
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
the TM
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High-Speed Power Training in Older Adults
performance characteristics at
baseline were significant (all
p , 0.001) as expected.
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
the TM
and group by condition interaction (F = 2.7; p = 0.005) (p = 0.02) only but showed a strong trend at 60% 1RM
(Figure 2B). To further evaluate the significant interaction, post (p = 0.08). The HSPT group demonstrated greater VEL
hoc testing revealed that both HSPT and STR demonstrated compared to the STR group at 50% 1RM (p = 0.005) and
greater PP output compared to CON at 40% 1RM (both: 60% 1RM (p = 0.03) and showed a strong trend at 40% 1RM
p # 0.05), 50% 1RM (both: p # 0.02), 60% 1RM (both: p # (p = 0.06). The HSPTand STR values were not different from
0.03), 70% 1RM (both: p # 0.001), 80% 1RM (both: p # 0.002), the CON value at 70% 1RM (both: p . 0.05), 80% 1RM
and 90% 1RM (both: p # 0.004) but were not significantly (both: p . 0.05), or 90% 1RM (both: p . 0.05). In the second
different from each other at any time point (all: p . 0.05). analysis (b), repeated-measures ANOVA using the change
scores relative to the baseline 1RM indicated a significant
Velocity at Peak Power. In the first analysis (a), repeated-meas- group main effect (F = 11; p , 0.001) and condition main
ures ANOVA using the change scores relative to the effect (F = 3.2; p = 0.009) but no group by condition
posttraining 1RM indicated a significant group main effect interaction (F = 0.81; p = 0.62) (Figure 5B). To further evalu-
(F = 4.2; p = 0.05) and condition main effect (F = 2.5; p = ate the significant group main effect, post hoc testing revealed
0.03) but no significant group by time interaction (F = 1.4; p = that HSPTdemonstrated greater VEL compared to STR (p =
0.17) (Figure 3A). To further evaluate the significant group 0.03) and CON (p , 0.001). The STR group demonstrated
main effect, post hoc testing revealed that HSPT demon- greater VEL compared to the CON group (p = 0.01).
strated greater PPV compared to STR (p = 0.03) but not
CON (p = 0.23). The STR and CON values were not
significantly different from each other (p = 0.30). In the DISCUSSION
second analysis (b), repeated-measures ANOVA using the Over the past 2 decades, muscle power has been examined
change scores relative to the baseline 1RM indicated extensively in the older adult population, both as a predictor
a significant group main effect (F = 11.8; p , 0.001), of performance (3,5,34,36) and as an outcome variable in RT
condition main effect (F = 3.3; p = 0.007) but no group by and power training studies (6–8,11,14–16,27). Previous
condition interaction (F = 1.1; p = 0.40) (Figure 3B). To studies on this topic have been limited by little or no
further evaluate the significant group main effect, post hoc examination of (a) muscle power at values other than the
testing revealed that HSPT demonstrated greater PPV ‘‘peak’’ value across the full spectrum of the power curve and
compared to STR (p = 0.03) and CON (p , 0.001). The (b) changes in the different components of muscle power
STR group did not demonstrate greater PPVcompared to the (force at PP and PPV) with RT. The present study addressed
CON group (p = 0.06) but showed a strong trend. these 2 limitations by examining how 2 different RT
Torque (Force) at Peak Power. In the first analysis (a), protocols, 1 approach emphasizing high-speed movements
repeated-measures ANOVA using the change scores relative at low resistance (high-speed power training) and the other
to the posttraining 1RM indicated a significant group main approach emphasizing slow-speed movements at high
effect (F = 6.5; p = 0.004), condition main effect (F = 23; p , resistance (traditional RT with a strengthening component),
0.001), and group by condition interaction (F = 3.7; p , 0.001) contribute to muscle performance (i.e., muscle power and its
(Figure 4A). To further evaluate the significant interaction, post components [force at PP and PPV] and VEL) across a range
hoc testing revealed that both HSPT and STR demonstrated of external resistances. In addition to focusing on changes in
greater PPTcompared to CON at 40% 1RM (both: p # 0.003), muscle performance relative to the posttraining 1RM, we
50% 1RM (both: p # 0.003), 60% 1RM (both: p # 0.009), 70% also included an evaluation of changes in muscle perform-
1RM (both: p # 0.004), 80% 1RM (both: p # 0.02), and 90% ances relative to the baseline 1RM, which may be more
1RM (both: p # 0.03) but were not significantly different from applicable to real-world situations where external resistances
each other at any time point (all: p . 0.05). In the second are fixed and not variable. This investigation is one of the first
analysis (b), repeated-measures ANOVA using the change to focus on how high-speed RT impacts muscle performance
scores relative to the baseline 1RM indicated a significant main across a range of external resistances that might be
effect for condition (F = 21; p = 0.001) but no significant group encountered in daily task performance. Similar to previous
main effect (F = 1.2; p = 0.31) or group by condition interaction studies, we found that muscle performance characteristics
(F = 1.2; p = 0.32) (Figure 4B). improved with both high-speed and traditional slow-speed
RT. However, novel findings were that speed-related muscle
Peak Velocity. In the first analysis (a), repeated-measures performance characteristics, such as PPV and overall VEL,
ANOVA using the change scores relative to the posttraining were most positively impacted by high-speed power training,
1RM indicated no significant group main effect (F = 2.3; p = especially at lower external resistances. In addition, there
0.11), but there was a significant condition main effect (F = were similar increases in 1RM strength obtained with both
6.1; p = 0.002) and group by condition interaction (F = 2.1; high-speed power training and traditional RT; thus, the gains
p = 0.02) (Figure 5A). To further evaluate the significant in speed-related measures with high-speed training com-
interaction, post hoc testing revealed that HSPT demon- pared to traditional RT do not come at the expense of other
strated greater VEL compared to CON at 50% 1RM muscle performance outcomes.
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
High-Speed Power Training in Older Adults
Since the earliest studies of muscle power in older adults, PP It has been argued that increases in the 1RM associated
(the highest power value across the spectrum of the power with RT could account for the apparent decrease in PPV after
curve) has been repeatedly shown to be a strong predictor of RT with a strengthening component (8). For example, the
functional performance (2,3,12,36) and even more important movement of heavier weights following gains in 1RM
than muscle strength (3,5,33,36). As a result, RT protocols for strength with an RT protocol would lead to the slowing of
older adults were developed with the intention of improving movement speed because of the force–velocity relationship.
peak muscle power. In 2004 and 2005, 2 studies reported that However, in this study, 1RM strength increases after 12 weeks
muscle power developed at high speeds (40% 1RM) and the of training were similar in both the high-speed and slow-
corresponding VEL at that external resistance were stronger speed training groups (;26% in both groups). This suggests
predictors of functional decline than power at 70% 1RM that speed-related increases in muscle performance in the
(a power value typical of PP values across the power curve) high-speed training group compared to the traditional RT
(5,34). These studies led us to believe that power values other were likely because of the differences in the speed of the
than the typical ‘‘peak’’ value, and factors that contribute to training protocols, not differences in 1RM improvement
power (i.e., velocity) may be important to focus on in RT between groups. Moreover, speed appears to be trainable in
studies. Although many studies have explored high-speed the older adult population. In addition, it may be misleading
power training (6,11,14,16,21,26), to our knowledge, no to simply state that PPV was not different between the high-
studies have reported the impact of this type of training on speed training group and control, given that there was no
power values across a range of external resistances. Two increase in the 1RM in the control group over 12 weeks.
studies we are aware of have examined the force and velocity Because the HSPT group significantly increased their 1RM
components of muscle power after power training (7,21); compared to control (25 vs. 0%), these 2 groups were moving
however, no studies to date have examined these compo- very different resistances when being tested at the same
percentage of the 1RM.
nents across a range of external resistances, at other than
Few studies on muscle power in older adults have
peak muscle power, and whether force at PP and PPV are
compared changes in muscle power (and its components)
differentially affected by different types of RT.
relative to the baseline 1RM (8). This was done in this study
When comparing changes in muscle performance relative
to account for potential differences in the 1RM that could
to the final posttraining 1RM, we found that both HSPT
have occurred with the different training regimens. We
and STR increased PP across a range of external resistances
initially hypothesized that training at a higher percent of the
compared to control; but, neither protocol was superior to the
1RM (80% 1RM) would improve 1RM strength to a greater
other. Thus in contrast to our initial hypothesis, PP can be
degree than at a lower percentage of the 1RM (40% 1RM);
improved similarly across a range of external resistances by
however, this did not occur in this study. As previously
performing high-velocity or slow-velocity training. Similarly,
discussed, the lack of reported change in velocity relative to
both HSPTand STR increased PPTat all power values across
the final 1RM after training (7) was largely because of
a range of external resistances compared to control, but again, training-induced increases in the 1RM; thus, speed-related
neither protocol was superior to the other. These findings in changes may not be as profound given that a heavier weight
our high-speed training group are in agreement with those of is being moved (albeit at the same percentages of 1RM).
de Vos et al. (7), who reported that the force component of In real-world situations, however, some external resistances
muscle power (at peak only) increased significantly during are fixed and would not vary with functional performance.
high-speed power training in 3 different training groups (20, For example, the force necessary to depress a gas pedal in
50, 80% 1RM). a car or rise from a chair does not change after training, so
When we compared the velocity components of muscle representing these tasks by having a person depress
power with different training regimens, however, differences a ‘‘heavier’’ brake pedal or rise from a chair wearing
began to emerge between our training groups. HSPT did not a weighted vest would not reflect the actual force necessary
increase PPVcompared to CON, again in agreement with the to accomplish the task. This, in essence, is what we measure
findings of de Vos et al. (7) but did increase PPV in HSPT when we assess changes in muscle performance after training
compared to STR. In addition, HSPT increased overall VEL relative to the final posttraining 1RM. Thus, including
compared to both STR and CON at the lowest external evaluation of performance against a fixed external resistance
resistances, ranging from 40 to 60% of the 1RM. Thus, slow- (loads based upon the baseline 1RM) might better reflect
speed training appeared to decrease speed-related compo- how speed-related changes in muscle performance are
nents of muscle performance compared to high-speed applicable to real-world situations.
training. If traditional RT results in an actual slowing of In this study, we found that changes in muscle performance
movement speed in older adults, and increased speed is across a range of external resistances produced at the same
a critical factor in function in this population (34), these 1RM as that initially obtained at baseline were improved with
findings could dramatically change the way we design and both traditional RT and high-speed power training compared
implement RT programs in older adults. to control; however, speed-related changes (PPV and VEL)
the TM
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
the TM
resulting from training continued to favor HSPTcompared to practical mixed-method approach including both high-speed
STR and CON. Similar to the changes in muscle performance and traditional RT.
relative to the final 1RM, the change in PP relative to the
baseline 1RM was significantly increased with HSPT and ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
STR compared to CON across the spectrum of the power Data from this study were supported by grants from the National
curve but was not significantly different from each other at Institute on Aging R03-AG025141-01 and the American
any point. Although there was no difference in the change in College of Sports Medicine Research Endowment REG 07.
PPT among all 3 groups, PPV and VEL were significantly We would like to acknowledge the contribution of Mason
increased in HSPT compared to STR and CON. Stevens, Daniel Hodgson, Jenessa Blalock, Robert Rogers,
The improvements in PPV and VEL may more accurately Shanelle Carolan, and Susan Guittar for the collection of data
reflect training-induced changes in speed characteristics of presented in this report. Results of this study do not constitute
the muscle compared to examination of changes relative to endorsement of any product by the authors or the National
the final 1RM that reflect movement against a higher absolute Strength and Conditioning Association.
mass. Again, these findings are supportive of differential
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