Annotated DLP Practical Research Cot March 2022

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Oriental Mindoro

School Grade Level Grade 12

National High School
GLEACEL M. Practical
Teacher Learning Area
Daily Lesson Plan HERNANDEZ Research I
November 28, 29,
Teaching Date December 1-2, 2022 Quarter Quarter 2

I.OBJECTIVES The learner demonstrates an understanding of qualitative research

A. Content Standards
The learner is able to:
1. describe qualitative research designs, sample, and data collection and
B. Performance Standards analysis procedures
2. apply imaginative art/design principles to create
C. Learning Competencies / Most Essential Learning Competency
Objectives (Write the LC code  choose the appropriate qualitative research design
for each.) (CS_RS11-IVa-c-1)
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to
 describe the types and characteristics of a qualitative research
D. Objectives
 identify the strengths and weaknesses of the types of research
designs; and
 choose the appropriate research design.
II.CONTENT Qualitative Research Designs
Baraceros, Esther. (2016). Practical Research 1. 1st Edition. Sampaloc,
Metro Manila. Rex Bookstore, Inc.
Marquez-Fong, E.E., &Tigno, C. (2016). Practical Research 1,
Qualitative.Quezon City, Metro Manila. Vibal Group Inc.
A. References
Prieto, N.G., Naval, V.C. & Carey, T.G. (2017). Practical research 1 for
senior high school: Qualitative. Quezon City, Metro Manila: LORIMAR
Publishing, Inc.

Dela Vega, J. (2020) Practical Research 1 SLM

B.Other Learning Resources

Putting Class in Order

1. Opening Prayer
2. Checking of Attendance
3. Special Prayer for Learners in Difficult Circumstances.
4. Motivational tips for LDCs.
5. SWLD care (Students with Learning Disabilities): The teacher gives
proper care/ attention for the identified SWLD

A. Establishing a purpose for the

lesson Stating the lesson’s objectives.
The learners are expected to:
 familiarize themselves with the types and characteristics of a
qualitative research design;
 identify the strengths and weaknesses of the types of research
designs; and
 choose appropriate research design.

B. Reviewing yesterday’s Activity 1: Puzzle Buzz

lesson or Presenting the
new lesson
Directions: Solve the anagrams to reveal the letters for the final message
Solve the anagrams in the top part of the puzzle. Use the circled letters
from the words in the top part to complete the final word or phrase at
the bottom. Each circled letter is used just once. After solving the
puzzle, volunteer learners will be called to give their sample sentences
using any of the featured word in their own sentence.


Activity 2 Activating Schema
Have the learners complete the graphic organizer by giving any concept or
idea that they can associate with the given big idea based on their previous

C. Presenting examples/
instances of the new lesson

Discuss the following points:


1. What is research design?

2. What are the types of qualitative research design?

a. Narrative Research
b. Phenomenology
c. Grounded Theory
d. Ethnography
e. Case Study

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each research design?

4. How do each research design differ from one another?
Source: Dela Vega, J (2020)


The teacher shall enable Self-directed Learning thru the different post-discussion activities: Activity 3- If I Could-I would, Activity 4-
Classifying research designs, Activity 5- Strengths and Weaknesses, and Activity 6- Think it Over.

Self-directed learning is a type of learning in which decisions around what to learn, how to learn it, and how to decide if one has
learned something well enough are all in the hands of learners” (Brookfield, 2013, p. 90)

Activity 3: Classifying Topic’s Research Design

Instruct the learners to classify the following research topics according to
the types of research design.

1. Perception of Filipino Women and Men on Intimate Partner

2. Social Responsibility: Perceived Successful Student Leadership
3. Study of Experiences of Helping Professionals With Learning
4. Research among Drinking Youth Cultures: Reflections From
Observing Participants
5. Gender and Climate Change Finance
6. Being There: Study of Student Perceptions of Instructor
Presence in Online Classes
7. Leadership Journeys: Research Study exploring women school
D. Discussing new concepts
superintendent’s meaning-making of Leadership
and practicing new skills #1
8. Child Protection and Maltreatment in the Philippines: A
Systematic Review of the Literature
9. The Kinship of Everyday Need: Relatedness and Survival in a
Philippine Fishing Community
10. Biographical Research of Teacher’s Experiences of Supportive
Relationships with Colleagues

Activity 4: If I could-I would

Have the leaners answer the following questions by completing each

1. If I could discover the reason behind a school experience with

organizational development, I would ask _________________
(Case Study)
2. If I could discover the shared lived experiences of one quality or
phenomenon in others, I would want to know about
3. If I could experience a different culture by living/ observing it, I
would choose to experience _________________
4. If I could discover what actually occurred and was experienced
in a single lived event, that event would be _________________
(Narrative inquiry)
5. If I could discover a theory for a single phenomenon of living as
shared by others, I would choose to discover the theory of
_________________ (Grounded Theory)
Activity 5: Strengths and Weaknesses
Have the leaners enumerate the strengths and weakness of the types of
research designs.

E. Discussing new concepts and

practicing new skills #2

Activity 6- Think it Over

Read the following scenarios and try to identify which approach in research
design is appropriate to use.

F. Developing mastery

Activity 6: Choose any of the following activities that match your area of
interest/ talent.

A. Let’s get Loud (Video Clip)

G. Finding Practical applications
of concepts and skills Write your own poem about the similarities and differences of qualitative
research designs and have it recorded. Send your short video clip based
on the given rubric.

B. Vlog-out!
Create a five-minute vlog of the given topic and send your video clip
based on the given rubric.


C. Creative Presentation (Freestyle)

Depending on your personal talent/ interest, compose your own output
(creative adaptation with ICT on the topic based on the given rubric.


Lead the learners into deducing the key takeaways from the lesson taught.
 Qualitative research designs include case study, phenomenology,
H. Making generalizations and
narrative inquiry, etnography, and grounded theory.
abstractions about the lesson

I. Evaluating Learning Evaluation: Kahoot Quiz

Using Kahoot application. Have the learners engage in the 10-item quiz
below using their mobile phone or laptop.
1. Norma went to T’boli community for immersion. She stayed there for
thirty (30) days to study the culture and norms of T’boli people. Norma
certainly used the type of qualitative research.
A. Case Study C. Ethnography
B. Phenomenology D. Grounded Theory

2. Wanting to increase your understanding of the burial practices of the

Mangyans, which qualitative research design would you choose?
A. Phenomenology C. Grounded theory
B. Ethnography D. Narrative inquiry

3. In which research design does a great degree of man’s emotionality

A. Case study C. Historical
B. Ethnography D. Phenomenology

4. Determining what makes an individual distinct from others is the goal of

which research design?
A. Case study C. Phenomenology
B. Historical D. Ethnography

5. This cliché – When you are in Rome, do what the Romans do – is true
A. Case study C. Phenomenology
B. Grounded theory D. Ethnography

6. The who, what, why and how of your research study are determined by
your research ______________.
A. data C. question
B. title D. design

7. A researcher’s personal participation in people’s activities is necessary

in _________.
A. ethnography C. phenomenology
B. case study D. narrative inquiry

8. Which of the following research studies most likely falls under

phenomenological research design?
A. Lived Experiences of Persons with Disability (PWDs) Workers in
Makati City
B. Child Protection and Maltreatment in the Philippines: A Systematic
Review of the Literature
C. Gender and Climate Change Finance
D. Problems Encountered by Learners during Online Class: The Case
of Mahabang Parang Elementary School

Items 9-10

This qualitative study examines the lived-experiences of

eight elementary principals from the east district who were
involved in dual-career relationships with children under the
age of 18. The primary data collection method was in-depth
interviews. The data were coded and analyzed according to
the research questions. The research resulted in three
major themes which emerged out of the experiences shared
by the elementary principals: 1) there exists a gap between
actual and perceived values; 2) stress develops from a high
number of work tasks; 3) coping strategies are utilized to
manage daily stressors.

Source: Qualitative Research. (2018). Retrieved on June 10, 2020,


9. Based on the research abstract above, what type of qualitative

research is being used?
A. Grounded Theory C. Phenomenology
B. Case Study D. Ethnography

10. What type of data collection method is being followed by the

A. Focused Group Discussion (FGD) C. In-depth Interview
B. Structured Observation D. Survey

J. Additional activities for

application or remediation
V. REMARKS Teachers may do follow ups with identified learners in difficult


Prepared by: Noted:


SHS Teacher II Subject Group Head, ABM

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