Pop Culture and The Rise of Social Media in The Philippines: An Overview
Pop Culture and The Rise of Social Media in The Philippines: An Overview
Pop Culture and The Rise of Social Media in The Philippines: An Overview
Read the article attached here and in your own words briefly explain the following concepts and answer the question:
From what I've gathered, this term was first used by Michael Hauben; it's an adaptation of the term "Net
Citizen," which describes those who regularly utilize the internet. Netizen, a term Michael Hauben coined and
popularized, is a slang variation of "Net Citizen." An individual who behaves as a global citizen and helps to
further the development of the Internet is what Hauben calls a "Netizen." When it comes to issues or topics on a
worldwide scale, internet users may be a crucial source of knowledge. Hauben's pointed out that individuals can
be a source of knowledge in the age of the Internet, since their unique viewpoints help to determine what is
authentic and what is not.
Agenda Setting-Theory
As proposed by McCombs and Shaw, this means that the public has been swayed by the media to keep the
conversation centered on a certain issue, event, or narrative point. It's like they've set up an elaborate charade to
draw our attention. The "Agenda-setting theory" was created by McCombs and Shaw. The media, it is argued,
not only reflects a candidate's views during a campaign, but also shapes and determines the themes that will be
discussed. The tone of a political campaign may be set in part by this. People may be led astray into thinking
something is happening when in fact nothing is happening, or they may be given false hope by the media's
heightened focus on a select few subjects or topics. In addition, media outlets have an impact on political
discourse by selecting and stressing topics in news broadcasts. By its own terms, it establishes the media as the
principal arbiter of news coverage, selecting stories for coverage based on their own values and priorities.
To cross-promote is to promote the same overarching subject about your company or brand on many
social media sites in a way that is optimized for the specific audience and user experience of each platform.
Brand awareness is boosted together with product or service promotion, lead generation, increased sales, and
monetary gain. It is widely accepted that the "vulgarization of the arts" and the "rise of infotainment" both exist
to encourage advertisers to buy time during television and radio programs and online content that feature
commercials. If a person is watching a video on Facebook, YouTube, or any other social media network, an ad
will start playing and provide related content shortly after the video ends. Ads for unrelated goods and services
are integrated into other media, such as Facebook videos.