Sithccc-019 - ANSWERS
Sithccc-019 - ANSWERS
Sithccc-019 - ANSWERS
UNIT CODE AND DESCRIPTION SITHCCC019 - Produce Cakes, Pastries and Breads
1. This form must be stapled on top of the Assessment Workbook upon submission.
2. This Assessment Receipt Form must be dated and signed in.
1. I am aware that penalties exist for plagiarism and academic dishonesty.
2. I am aware of the requirements set by my Trainer/Assessor.
3. I have retained a copy of my Assessment.
This booklet might not be suitable for students taking other modes of study e.g., online or work based.
Please read all the information given to you when you receive this assessment booklet. If you do not
understand any part of this booklet, please inform your assessor/trainer.
PART 1: Assessment Information: This part contains information on assessments for this unit of
competency and how assessment will be conducted throughout unit to achieve the competency. It
PART 2: Assessment Tasks: This part contains the information to successfully undertake the
assessment task. In each assessment task, students will find the following information:
Task instructions.
Role play / Practical Demonstration information.
Information on resources required, where applicable.
Appendix 1- Assessment resource in Altec College Kitchen
PART 1: Assessment
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to produce cakes,
pastries and breads in a commercial kitchen following standard recipes. It requires the ability to
select, prepare and portion ingredients; and to use relevant equipment a range of cookery methods
to make and decorate cakes, pastries and breads, and food storage methods.
It does not cover the specialist skills used by patissiers to produce specialist patisserie products.
These are covered in the range of patisserie units coded ‘PAT’.The unit applies to hospitality and
catering organisations that produce and serve cakes, pastries and breads, including hotels,
restaurants and patisseries.
It applies to individuals who work under the guidance of more senior chefs. They demonstrate
autonomy and judgement to complete routine activities and take limited responsibility in known and
stable contexts within established parameters.
Purpose of assessment:
The purpose of assessment is to determine competency in the unit SITHCCC019 - Produce Cakes,
Pastries and Breads
1. Select ingredients.
Performance evidence:
Evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit
in the context of the job role, and:
follow standard recipes to produce and decorate four of each of the following:
cakes from the list in the knowledge evidence
pastries from the list in the knowledge evidence
breads from the list in the knowledge evidence
produce each of the above cakes, pastries and breads of the same type:
that are consistent in quality, size, shape and appearance
within commercial time constraints and deadlines
reflecting required quantities to be produced
following procedures for portion control and food safety practices when handling
and storing food
responding to special customer requests and dietary requirements.
Knowledge Evidence
Demonstrated knowledge required to complete the tasks outlined in elements and performance
criteria of this unit:
Resources Required:
The assessor will ensure that assessment is conducted in a safe environment and you have access to
the following resources for the unit.
Clustering/holistic assessment:
Competency Requirements:
To be judged competent in this unit, you will be required to demonstrate all indicators which are
shown in the Marking Guide (assessor’s document).
You must satisfactorily complete all assessment tasks to be Competent (C) in the unit. Students with
unsatisfactory completion of any of the assignment tasks will be deemed Not Yet Competent (NYC).
Assessors will ensure that the evidence collected meets the requirements of the Rules of Evidence
(authentic, current, sufficient and valid) prior to entering results into the competency record sheet.
Students unsuccessful at achieving “Satisfactory” for any assessment at the first attempt will be
given two opportunities for reassessment. If the student is still deemed Not Yet Competent (NYC)
after two reassessments in a unit of competency student will be required to repeat the unit as per
the scheduled delivery of the course. For further details, refer to Altec College Re-Assessment Policy
and Altec College Course Progress Policy.
Assessment Task:
To achieve competency in this unit, you must satisfactorily complete all the following assessment
tasks within the date and time specified in the session plan. This will demonstrate that you have all
the required skills and knowledge for this unit.
You must submit the following evidence to be marked competent for this unit. Your assessor will
ensure that the evidence submitted meets the Rules of Evidence which are valid, sufficient, current
and authentic.
Assessment Task 1 Completed knowledge test with questions answered and submit to
(AT1) – Knowledge your assessor electronically or paper-based.
Complete and sign the cover sheet for assessment task.
Assessment Task 2 Answer all questions correctly in the Written Knowledge Questions
(AT2) – Worksheets and submit to your assessor electronically or paper-based.
Complete and sign the cover sheet for assessment task.
Submission of assessment:
You must ensure that the completed assessment tasks are submitted along with the assessment
cover sheet:
Your assessor will mark the submitted assessment, provide feedback to you and complete
the comments section against each task, where applicable.
ALL tasks must be completed in legible English. It is preferred that the tasks submitted for
assessments are typed and that they are legible and clear, if handwritten.
You must submit all assessments on or before the due date specified by the assessor as per
the training plan.
Extensions for individual assessment tasks may be negotiated in specific circumstances with
your assessor/trainer. However, you need to provide genuine evidence documents when
seeking an extension to due date (e.g., extensions due to illness will require a medical
certificate). To arrange an extension, you must speak to your assessor prior to the due date.
Extensions must be confirmed by the trainer in writing.
You are permitted to use dictionaries and to seek support (as required) unless it puts in
jeopardy the integrity of the assessment, your assessor will let you know if this is the case.
Unless the assessment task specifically allows pair work or group activities such as
brainstorming, you must submit your own original work and must not copy the work of other
students. Plagiarism is unacceptable.
You can submit your assessment tasks through the hand in hard copies in the classroom.
Once the assessments have been completed, the assessor will record the assessment results on the
student assessment record sheets and all results will be approved by the course coordinator.
Assessors will check that you have completed the student declaration prior to filling out the
assessment sheet.
Retaining assessment records:
Altec College will securely retain all completed student assessment items for each student for a
period of 18 months from the date on which the judgement of competence for the student was
made. Altec College will also retain sufficient data to be able to reissue AQF certification
documentation for a period of 30 years.
All assessment records submitted to the assessor for marking will be stored and retained properly.
And a hard copy submitted to student administration for filing along with the evidence.
The assessor will ensure that the student records are securely retained in accordance with the Altec
College record control policy accessible by the Student Administration Officer.
Assessment outcomes:
For unit of competency:
There are two outcomes for assessments: C = Competent and NYC = Not Yet Competent (requires
more training and experience).
You will be awarded C = Competent on completion of the unit when the assessor is satisfied that you
have completed all assessments and have provided the appropriate evidence required to meet all
criteria in line with the Rules of Evidence. If you fail to meet this requirement, you will receive the
result NYC = Not Yet Competent and will be eligible to be re-assessed in accordance with the Altec
College Re-Assessment Policy and Altec College Course Progress Policy.
There are two assessment outcomes for tasks. S = Satisfactory and NS = Not Satisfactory.
On the individual assessment cover sheet for assessment tasks, you will be marked Satisfactory, if
you have completed the task successfully, submitted all evidence and satisfied the assessment
criteria and Not Satisfactory, if you have not completed the task, the evidence is not sufficient or
does not meet the requirements of the assessment criteria.
If you are unsuccessful at achieving competency at the first attempt, you will be given two further
opportunities for re-assessment at a mutually agreed time and date. For further details, refer to the
Altec College Re-Assessment Policy and Altec College Course Progress Policy. As this is a competency-
based program, the assessment continues throughout the program until you either achieve
Competency in the assessment tasks or a further training need is identified and addressed.
Student access to records:
You have the right to access current and accurate records of your participation and results at any
time. You can see your results or attendance progress by requesting a copy of your records by
contacting the student administration and the assessor.
You may seek clarification about the assessment information and the instructions and tasks at any
time from the assessor.
Altec College works to ensure that students with recognized disadvantages can access and
participate in education and training on the same basis as other students. Disadvantages may be
based, for example, upon age, cultural background, physical disability, limited or non-current
industry experience, language, numeracy or digital literacy issues.
Where pre-training interviews and assessments reveal that a student may require special support or
where, after enrolment, it is made apparent that the student requires special support, reasonable
adjustments will be made to the learning environment, training delivery, learning resources and/or
assessment tasks to accommodate the particular needs of the student. An adjustment is reasonable
if it can accommodate the student’s particular needs, while also taking into account factors such as
the student’s views, the potential efect of the adjustment on the student and others and the costs
and benefits of making the adjustment.
a. Providing additional time for students to complete learning and assessment tasks.
b. Presenting questions orally for students with literacy issues.
c. Asking questions in a relevant practical context.
d. Using large print material.
e. Extending the course duration.
f. Presenting work instructions in diagrammatic or pictorial form instead of words and sentences.
Complaints and appeals:
If you are dissatisfied with an assessment outcome, you may appeal the assessment decision. In the
first instance, you are encouraged to appeal informally by contacting the assessor and discussing the
matter with them. If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of such discussion, you may appeal
further to either the course coordinator and/or Head of Department. If you are still dissatisfied, you
may appeal formally and in writing to have the result reviewed. For more information, refer to the
Assessment Policy and the Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedures.
Assessor intervention:
Assessors will check if you are ready for the assessment, and defer the assessment if you are not.
Feedback will be given to you at the completion of the assessment. During role play, the assessor
may act as a client or employer, where required, but the assessor will not interfere with the
assessment. If the assessment activities might impact on your safety or that of others, the assessor
will stop the assessment immediately.
Altec College considers plagiarism and cheating as a serious misdemeanour. Evidence of plagiarism
and cheating is treated on a case-by-case basis and the consequences for students engaging in such
practices may include failure of the assessment or unit or exclusion from the course. For more
information, refer to Altec College’s Assessment Policy.
Assessor feedback:
Assessors will provide feedback on the assessment that you have submitted. This can identify your
strengths and weaknesses or be an overall comment on your submission. A copy of the feedback
along with your submission will be given to you and you must keep a copy of it throughout the
completion of the course.
Student Declaration:
RIVAS (Student Name) have read
and understand the information provided above and also understand and accept that any act of
plagiarism and academic dishonesty may have penalties including cancellation or suspension of my
enrolment with ALTEC College. I further declare that:
All assessment work submitted for this unit competency is my own original work and
plagiarism and collusion has not occurred.
Assessment work has not been copied or submitted for any other unit/course.
I have taken proper care and efort to ensure my work has not been copied by another person.
I have retained a copy of this assessment for my own records in the event I have to reproduce
my work.
I am aware that any assessment deemed unsatisfactory will require me to undergo
reassessment which may be diferent to the one originally submitted.
SIT30816| | SITHCCC019- Produce Cakes, Pastries and BreadsStudent Assessment Guide | Version 1.1
Pass Global Pty Ltd t/a ALTEC College |Provider Code: 22034 | CRICOS Code: 02926D
Approved by: CEO | Next Review: January 2023
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Student Plagiarism Declaration: By submitting this assessment to the college, I declare that this
assessment task is original and has not been copied or taken from another source except where
this work has been correctly acknowledged. I have made a photocopy or electronic copy or
photograph of my assessment task, which I can produce if the original is lost.
Assessor Student
SIT30816| | SITHCCC019- Produce Cakes, Pastries and BreadsStudent Assessment Guide | Version 1.1
Pass Global Pty Ltd t/a ALTEC College |Provider Code: 22034 | CRICOS Code: 02926D
Approved by: CEO | Next Review: January 2023
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This assessment will be conducted in the Altec College classroom with access to the resources listed
You must satisfactorily perform all tasks to be deemed satisfactory for the assessment.
Evidence specifications:
At the end of the assessment, you will be required to submit the following evidence before the due
date specified by the assessor:
You are required to submit a completed (ticked) multiple choice question listed in Knowledge
Completed and signed cover sheet for assessment
Evidence submission:
Documentation can be submitted electronically or paper-based.
Your assessor will record the assessment outcome on the assessment cover sheet.
Q2. What are two factors that determine the quantities of ingredients required to prepare a dish? a
(a) The standard recipe and number of portions required.
(b) The standard recipe and any dietary variations required.
(c) The number of portions and a list of menu items.
(d) The preparation list and ingredients list.
Q3. You’re making 104 servings of apple pie. Your recipe yields one pie of eight portions and each
pie requires 250 g sweet pastry. How much pastry do you need to make? b
(a) 3 kg.
(b) 3.25 kg.
(c) 3.125 kg.
(d) 4 kg.
Q4. What four things should you keep in mind when identifying and selecting ingredients for
cakes, pastries and breads? a
(a) Recipe, quality, freshness and stock rotation requirements.
(b) Cost, food production requirements, recipe and quality.
(c) Special customer requests, quantities to be produced, portion control, deadlines.
(d) How the ingredients look, feel, smell and taste.
Q5. Which of the following is a sign of poor quality when selecting ingredients. b
(a) Re-usable by-products that have been stored for later use.
(b) Unusual clumping or moisture in flour.
(c) Fruits that have a distinct aroma.
(d) Products selected on a first-in, first-out basis.
Q8. Why is it very important to make sure equipment is clean before preparing ingredients for
cakes, pastries and breads? c
(a) Many ingredients have a high-water content, which could cause the equipment to rust and
discolour the ingredients being prepared.
(b) Recipes require ingredients to be cut very finely so there is a greater risk of food becoming
stuck in the equipment.
(c) Many of the ingredients are high-risk foods that may not be processed further during
preparation, so the risk of cross-contamination is higher.
(d) The recipes usually combine ingredients from many diferent types of food groups together, so
the risk of cross-contamination is higher.
Q9. What safety procedures should you follow when using an electrical mixer? a
(a) Do not operate near the edge of the bench in case vibration during operation causes it to fall
(b) Avoid turning the mixer on and of during your shift.
(c) To minimise food contamination, rinse the attachments under water between tasks.
(d) Always wear protective gloves when adding food to a mixer that is switched on.
Q10. Why should you sort and assemble all your ingredients prior to starting to prepare them? c
(a) It allows you to check your portion sizes before you start preparation.
(b) It makes you read the recipe prior to commencing.
(c) It helps ensure you have all the required ingredients and speeds up the preparation process.
(d) It helps you get the meals out on time.
Q11. Weighing and measuring ingredients accurately is an important part of the preparation
process (mise en place). Why? b
(a) It ensures that the dish is presented the same way every time it’s made.
(b) It will help produce cakes, pastries and breads that look and taste appropriate and yield the
correct portions.
(c) Correctly calculating measurements increases yield and allows you to accurately portion food
(d) If ingredients are weighed and measured accurately, you will be able to make the dish faster.
Q13. You have some fresh strawberries lef over afer making a cheesecake. What should you do
with them to minimise waste and maximise profitability? d
(a) Dispose of them in the compost or other appropriate waste bin.
(b) Garnish the cheesecake with them, even though this isn’t on the standard recipe.
(c) Eat them at your break time.
(d) Store them at 6 to 10 °C so you can use them later for something else.
Q15. Why is it important to use cold butter and water when using the rubbing-in method to
prepare pastry? c
(a) It prevents the pastry proving too quickly.
(b) It’s fresher and less likely to contain harmful bacteria.
(c) It restricts the development of gluten so you get a crisper pastry when you cook it.
(d) Increase the cooking time and temperature.
Q16. Your cake sinks in the middle during baking. How would you prevent this happening in the
future? c
(a) Add more sugar to the mix.
(b) Let the batter rest before placing in the oven.
(c) Check you’ve used the correct flour and weighed ingredients accurately.
(d) It ensures your pastry dough is the right colour and texture.
Q19. Where is the best place to cool cakes, pastries and breads to retain optimum freshness and
product characteristics? c
(a) Leave them in their baking trays or tins and place them in the fridge.
(b) Leave them in their baking trays or tins and place them on the bench.
(c) Place them on a wire rack on the bench.
(d) Place them on a wire rack in the fridge.
Q20. What is the best way to enhance the appearance and taste of cakes, pastries and breads? c
(a) Use your best judgement to choose fillings, icings and decorations within the scope of your
(b) Use chocolate fillings and garnishes. They’re by far the most tasty and popular decorations.
(c) Use suitable fillings, icings and decorations according to standard recipes.
(d) Use your imagination and creative flair to invent fillings, icing and decorations to suit your
baked goods.
Q21. Your recipe requires a crème chantilly filling. How do you make it? d
(a) Add Italian meringue to warm crème pâtissière.
(b) Beat cream with a whisk for five to ten minutes.
(c) Slowly fold crème pâtissière together with soft whipped butter.
(d) Add icing sugar and vanilla to whipped cream.
Q22. How do you apply icing in a way that ensures a smooth, seamless finish? a
(a) Dip the palette knife in water to smooth the icing.
(b) Spread the icing towards the edges of the cake.
(c) Spread the icing away in sweeping motions while turning the turntable.
(d) Use a spoon instead of a palette knife to smooth the icing.
Q23. The rim of your cake is slightly over-coloured. How could you adjust the presentation before
displaying? c
(a) Dust the cake with icing sugar to disguise the over-coloured portions.
(b) An over-cooked cake cannot be adjusted. You’ll need to dispose of the cake and start again.
(c) Trim of over-coloured areas and decorate the trimmed areas with icing.
(d) Use a dark-coloured icing to cover the over-cooked sections of cake.
Q24. How would you attractively present an individual slice of orange and almond cake or a sweet
fruit tart? b
(a) On a small plate wrapped in a serviette to maintain freshness.
(b) On a small plate with a dessert fork or spoon.
(c) On a platter with a napkin and fork.
(d) In a bowl with a side of cream.
SIT30816| | SITHCCC019- Produce Cakes, Pastries and BreadsStudent Assessment Guide | Version 1.1
Pass Global Pty Ltd t/a ALTEC College |Provider Code: 22034 | CRICOS Code: 02926D
Approved by: CEO | Next Review: January 2023
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Q25. How should you safely display cream-filled cakes or pastries to retain optimum freshness and
product characteristics? b
(a) In the cool room below 7 °C.
(b) In a refrigerated display case below 5 °C.
(c) On a dessert trolley for guests to view throughout the establishment.
(d) On the counter top.
Q26. How should you safely store baked products such as fruitcake, bread and unfilled pastries
that will be used within 24 hours? a
(a) Cover with plastic cling wrap and store in a dark, cool place.
(b) In a refrigerator set at 4 °C and around 85% humidity.
(c) In the freezer at -18 °C.
(d) In a plastic food-grade container in refrigerated storage.
Q27. You’ve opened and used half a packet of caster sugar. How should you store the re-usable
portion of sugar? d
(a) Cover and place in the area of the kitchen where it’s likely to be needed by others.
(b) Any leftover ingredients should be disposed of according to your establishment’s waste
management policy.
(c) Put the opened packet near the door of the storage area so others can easily find it on the
next shift.
(d) Place in a clean container, cover and label with the storage date and contents. Store in the dry
storage area.
Q28. How can you reduce the number and type of cleaning tasks you have to complete at the end
of a service period? c
(a) Use the cleaning schedule to ensure everyone knows their responsibilities.
(b) Allocate cleaning tasks at the start of a shift amongst the team and monitor completion.
(c) Clean and tidy your work area as you complete each task during preparation and service.
(d) Train all staf in correct cleaning techniques, so equipment and work areas are cleaned
correctly, reducing repetition of tasks.
SIT30816| | SITHCCC019- Produce Cakes, Pastries and BreadsStudent Assessment Guide | Version 1.1
Pass Global Pty Ltd t/a ALTEC College |Provider Code: 22034 | CRICOS Code: 02926D
Approved by: CEO | Next Review: January 2023
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Student Detail
Student Id: 0006168
Group No (If Applicable):
Assessment Details
Unit of Competency SITHCCC019 - Produce Cakes, Pastries and Breads
Assessment Task Worksheets
Due Date
Date of Submission
Assessment Outcome Satisfactory □ Not Satisfactory □ Not completed □
Assessor name
Assessor Signature and Date
Student Plagiarism Declaration: By submitting this assessment to the college, I declare that this
assessment task is original and has not been copied or taken from another source except where
this work has been correctly acknowledged. I have made a photocopy or electronic copy or
photograph of my assessment task, which I can produce if the original is lost.
Assessor Student
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, I have received, discussed and accepted my
reliable and flexible assessment with this student, result as above for this task and I am aware
and I have provided appropriate feedback. I also of my appeal rights.
declare that I have undertaken the indicated
assessment integrity checks
Signature: Signature:
Date: Date:
SIT30816| | SITHCCC019- Produce Cakes, Pastries and BreadsStudent Assessment Guide | Version 1.1
Pass Global Pty Ltd t/a ALTEC College |Provider Code: 22034 | CRICOS Code: 02926D
Approved by: CEO | Next Review: January 2023
Page: 21 of
You must satisfactorily answer all Worksheet questions to be deemed Satisfactory for this
Evidence specifications:
At the end of the assessment, student will be required to submit the following evidence before the
due date specified by the assessor:
Evidence submission:
Documentation can be submitted electronically or paper-based.
Assessor will record the assessment outcome on the assessment cover sheet.
4. Quantities to be produced
Q2: You’re making 40 servings of English custard. Each serving is 250 ml. The following recipe
yields 2 L. Calculate how much of each ingredient you will need to make enough servings of the
Ingredients Yield 2 L Quantity (40 portions)
Milk 2L 10 L
Vanilla essence 4 ml 20 ml
Sugar 200g 1 Kg
Egg yolks 20 100
Q3: Provide three quality points for dairy and eggs which indicate quality and freshness.
3. Ensure to choose the fresh product, choose the used-by date with long shelf life. Then
make sure to use it within that date period
Q4: Provide three quality points for dry goods that indicate quality and freshness.
Color doesn’t change from its original condition.
Q5: Identify the type of flour(s) you would select for the following recipes.
Sweet pastry
Weak Flour
Puf pastry
Strong Flour
Sponge cake
Weak Flour
Q6: Identify three stock date codes and rotation labels you should read when selecting
ingredients from stores to ensure you’re rotating stock properly. Describe the contents of each
Use-by date. This means safety, you are able to eat food until and on use-by
Date, no later than that use-by date as this could lead to food poisoning
Best-before date is about quality of the food. The food will be safe to eat after
this date but may not be as its best in flavor and texture.
Q7: Describe five ways you could increase the nutritional value of classical and contemporary
cakes, pastries and breads or their fillings.
Q9: Briefly describe classical mille feuilles and how they’re made diferently today.
The main difference between the two desserts is that a Napoleon is layered with almond
paste instead of cream whereas Classical Millle Feuilles is made up of three layers of puff
pastry alternated with two layers of
pastry cream with icing sugar as coating
Q10: Briefly describe the following classical and contemporary yeast-raised pastries and breads
including their historical and cultural origins.
The Brioche appeared in the Middle Ages in Normandy (North-West of France) and would
be a derivative of a tighter bread made until then. It is a bread of French origin which is
high in butter and egg content. It can be served
either sweet or savory, has a light, soft and tender crumb texture.
Bath buns
The bun's creation is attributed to William Oliver in the 18th a sweet roll made
from a milk-based yeast dough with crushed sugar sprinkled on
top after baking.
The multi-layered crusty pastry became known as the ‘Danish’ as it first became famous in
Denmark. However, according to history, the first bakers who made it were from Austria.
When bakery workers in Denmark went on a strike in 1850, their employers hired pastry
workers from Vienna. Not familiar with the Danish recipes, the latter started making their
traditional goodies including what is today known as the ‘Danish’. It is a multilayered,
laminated sweet pastry in the viennoiserie tradition. Made from
flour, yeast, milk, eggs and butter. It is similar to croissants but have a cream or
cheese filling and topped with fruits or berries, or chocolate
Q11: A customer on a low-fat, high-fibre diet has asked you to recommend the healthiest option
for them on your menu. Which of the following has the highest nutritional value and is suitable for
your customer: apple pie, fruit danish pastry, banana bread, mixed grain bread?
Mixed grain bread
Hand-beating mousse
Balloon whisk
Saucing cake
Cutting cake
Bread knife
Q13: What are the essential features and functions of a palette knife?
- It is flexible blade and can plain edged or serrated
- We can use it to decorate cake
Q14: What are the essential features and functions of a bowl cutter?
- It is the commonly used meat chopping equipment designed to produce small or
very small lean meat and fat particles, can also chop nuts, praline, biscuit crumb etc.
- Can also use to combine soft items when making cheesecake.
Q15: Identify three visible signs of uncleanliness you should check for when assembling
1. Check if there are any leftover food particles or any other unidentified objects
Q16: To ensure utensils, tools and equipment are hygienically clean, you should wash them in
hot water and neutral detergent according to manufacturer’s instructions.
What temperature water should you use to rinse them to kill bacteria and remove any chemical
Water temperature should be at least 77 °C to kill both bacteria and chemical residue
Q17: List three things you should check for while assembling and disassembling equipment to
ensure it’s safe to use.
2. Ensure if blade is set up correctly and not loose, before using a meat slicer
Q18: When preparing dough, it’s important to keep it cool so it’s easier to knead, roll and cut.
List two ways to do this.
1. Work with a marble bench top as it will keep the dough chilled longer
2. Put the rolling pin in the cool room before using it, always start with a chilled dough
Q19: Explain five things you should keep in mind to safely use baking trays and pots.
Always use Hot pad or dry towels to touch hot tools, hot tray or hot pots
when you lift a cover off a boiling pot, pull the cover toward you so you don’t burn your
hand with steam.
Keep work area clear not too crowded, and keep things organized
Q21: List four ways you can manage your own speed, timing and productivity to produce cakes,
pastries and breads within commercial timeframes.
2. Prioritize and schedule the tasks according to the food production sequencing
4. Avoid distraction
SIT30816 | SITHCCC019- Produce Cakes, Pastries and BreadsStudent Assessment Guide | Version 1.1
Pass Global Pty Ltd t/a ALTEC College |Provider Code: 22034 | CRICOS Code: 02926D
Approved by: CEO | Next Review: January 2023
Page: 30 of
Q24: Your recipe calls for sugar, butter and flour in a ratio of 1:2:3 (that is: 1 part sugar to 2
parts butter to 3 parts flour). You have already accurately measured your 300 g of butter.
You have an accurate set of scales on which to weigh your flour and sugar. The bowls each weigh
40 g.
In one bowl what should the scales read to ensure you have the correct amount of sugar?
150gr sugar + 40gr bowl = 190gr
In another bowl what should the scales read to ensure you have the correct amount of flour?
450gr flour + 40gr bowl = 490gr
Q25: What three specific conditions does yeast require to become active?
1. Room-temperature
3. Moisture
Q26: There are ten basic steps to prepare yeast-based dough according to most standard
recipes. These steps ensure that the dough ferments/develops properly and is the correct
Q28: Identify three ways you can tell it’s time to stop kneading the dough.
1. The dough feels smooth, elastic, soft and keep its shape
3. When you push it down with your finger, the dough will rise back again quickly
Q29: Explain ‘proving’. What is it? What are the best conditions for it? What happens to dough
when you prove it?
Proving is a step in the preparation of yeast-based bread and other baked goods in which
the dough is allowed to rest and rise a final time before baking. The best temperature
between 20 to 37 degrees C. The dough will be double in volume
Q33: How long should you rest rolled out pastry before cutting out?
5 to 10 minutes
Q34: Give three reasons you should take the initiative to minimise waste.
2. Save Energy
3. Save Money
Q36: Name the type of pastry you would use to make each of the following baked products.
Choux pastry
Apple pie
Sweet pastry
Short crust
Mille feuilles
Puff pastry
Yeast-raised pastry
Q37: What aerating method would you use to aerate a madeira cake?
By using whisking method and using mechanical equipment such as KitchenAid
Folding is cooking technique used for combining two mixtures with different textures. For
example, when you mix a light, aerated mixture such as whipped cream with a heavier
one by using rubber spatula.
Q39: Give three reasons why it’s important to sif dry ingredients such as flour, baking powder,
cocoa, etc., when producing cakes, pastries and breads.
1. Removes impurities
3. To break up lumps
Q40: What is the most common way to incorporate fat when making short and sweet pastry?
By using rubbing in method.
it helps restrict the development of gluten and make it crispier.
Q41: You’re making three-quarter puf pastry. How much fat should you incorporate if your
recipe calls for 400 g flour?
Three-quarter puff has a fat to flour ratio of 3:4 then you need 300g butter.
Q42: You can make puf pastry using half turns or book-fold turns. In both cases, what should
you do afer every second turn?
Rest the dough for 20-30 minutes after every second turns.
3. Ensure the pastry is cold and has been resting well before you cuting it
Q44: Describe the method you would use to make crème chantilly, using 300 ml cream, 20 g
caster sugar and 2 drops vanilla.
Mix cream caster sugar and vanilla together by using electric mixer until it forms
soft, medium or hard peaks depending on how thick you want
Q45: Your cake mixture has curdled. State how you would make food quality adjustments
(within the scope of your responsibility) to address them and ensure a quality product.
By using bainmarie method, slowly add a little bit of flour that already been shifted, mix
it until it soothes out again
Q46: Your bread dough isn’t holding its shape. State how you would make food quality
adjustments (within the scope of your responsibility) to address them and ensure a quality
Using Cake tin or baking tin as a base
Q47: State how you would prevent these food quality problems from happening again.
Q48: Select the approximate cooking temperature for the following baked goods.
Q49: For what duration would you bake a cake in a round 15 cm diameter cake tin?
18-20 minutes
Q50: Where should you put cakes to cool them down completely?
On a cooling rack until it cools down
Q52: Why should you immediately turn out sponge cakes onto a wire rack to cool?
Preventing it from over baked and dried out from the oven
Fruit flan
Pastry cream, fruits with glaze such as apricot jam
Quiche lorraine
Savory filling and topping such as bacon, leek and mushroom
Mille feuilles
Pastry cream, raspberry cream
Q54: What covering or icing would you use on a carrot or orange cake?
Cream cheese frosting
Q55: You can use decorations and garnishes to enhance the appearance and taste of your baked
goods. Match the following baked goods to the most suitable decorations and garnishes.
Your options are: apple strudel, danish pastries, mocha torte, croquembouche.
Raspberry jelly
Danish pastries
Q56: List six actions you can take while applying and spreading icing to ensure your cakes have a
smooth, seamless finish.
5. With your spatula take the icing and hold it against the side on 90-degree angle
and spread it, covering the cake around smooth and even
6. Try not to lift the spatula too much so you won’t have any crumbs
Q57: List two actions you can take while piping icing trim to ensure your cake decorations are
visually appealing.
2. Piped butter cream in a decorating piping tip then finish off your cake decorations
with it
Q58: Identify five product characteristics you should evaluate prior to displaying your finished
1. Color
2. Appearance
3. Shape
4. Consistency
5. Texture
Q59: List three tips for selecting service ware to attractively present cakes and pastries.
1. Choose a contrast color between dish and service ware to stand out the visual
3. Choose visualized service ware depending on the type of cakes/pastries you are
Q60: Your madeira cake is lopsided or over-coloured. What adjustments would you make to
ensure a quality product prior to displaying?
Trimmed the area that over-colored and cover it with icing sugar, icing, or decorative
buttered cream
Q61: Your sponge cake has turned out dry and crumbly. What do you do with the sponge cake?
Turn crumbly cake into a trifle, place cake pieces in a large dish or individual champagne
glasses and top the cake pieces with fruit and whipped cream.
Q62: Identify three pre-bake finishes and/or decorations you can use to decorate baked goods.
Q63: You must display cakes, pastries and breads in appropriate conditions to optimise shelf
life, ensure food safety and retain optimum freshness/product characteristics.
1. Always keep display area and fridge clean, kneed and tidy
Q64: You must store cakes, pastries and breads and their re-usable by-products in
environmental conditions which optimise shelf life, ensure food safety and retain optimum
freshness/product characteristics.
Q65: How would you store cakes or pastries containing perishable ingredients such as fresh fruit
or cream?
Store in temperature between 1 - 4 degree C and 85% humidity
Q68: How do you correctly store re-usable dairy products to minimise waste, maximise
profitability, ensure food safety and optimise shelf life.
Put a label properly, dated properly and store between 1 - 4 degree C
Q69: What information should you put on a date label attached to surplus food being stored for
service at another time or day?
Product name
The used before date Best-
before date
Person who prepped it
Q70: What are three common tasks you complete when cleaning your work area at the end of
1. Clean bench and stove with hot soapy water, sanitize and dry it. Wash equipment and
utensils, then dry it. Clean the sink and make sure there is no rubbish at all. Soak the
rangehood in the Oxy tank for 30 minutes then take them out and clean it.
2. Dump all the rubbish, tied them up and throw into the bin
3. Sweep the floor properly make sure there is no rubbish at all on the floor, mop the floor
with floor cleaner and hot water.
Student Plagiarism Declaration: By submitting this assessment to the college, I declare that this
assessment task is original and has not been copied or taken from another source except where
this work has been correctly acknowledged. I have made a photocopy or electronic copy or
photograph of my assessment task, which I can produce if the original is lost.
Assessor Student
I have received, discussed and accepted my
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, result as above for this task and I am aware
reliable and flexible assessment with this student, of my appeal rights.
and I have provided appropriate feedback. I also
declare that I have undertaken the indicated
assessment integrity checks
Google check for plagiarism Yes No
Check for Copying/Collusion Yes No
Check for Authenticity (own work) Yes
Cheating or use of model answers Yes No
Altec College Commercial Kitchen with access to all the equipment and variety of ingredients
defined in Appendix 1 at the back of this tool.
Chef Uniform. (Students to organise themselves)
Knife Kit. (Students to organise themselves)
Chef Equipment and tool. (Altec College)
Recipes. (Student must print from learner guide)
Altec College shall make available the ingredients as per recipe.
Evidence specifications:
At the end of the assessment, students will be required to submit the following evidence before the
due date specified by the assessor:
Completed Production plan for each Practical Demonstration Session including recipe cards.
(Total 5)
Cook and present all the menu items for each session and present to assessor.
Portfolio photos for 5 sessions.
Completed and sign the cover sheet for assessment task.
Evidence submission:
Documentation can be submitted electronically or paper-based.
Assessor will record the assessment outcome on the assessment cover sheet.
You must produce each of the above cakes, pastries and breads of the same type:
Practical Demonstration 1
Follow standard recipes to prepare each of the following
basic aerated sponge
cold set cake and mousse cake
Practical Demonstration 2
Follow standard recipes to prepare each of the following
fruit cake
Genoise sponge
Madeira cake
Swiss roll
Practical Demonstration 3
Follow standard recipes to prepare each of the following
choux pastry
Danish pastry
puf pastry
Practical Demonstration 4
Follow standard recipes to prepare each of the following
short crust
sweet pastry
Follow standard recipes to prepare each of the following
sweet and savoury breads:
bath or fruit bun
Practical Demonstration 5
Follow standard recipes to prepare each of the following
sweet and savoury breads:
bread rolls
hot cross buns
unleavened breads
For Each Practical Demonstration session shown in menu table above you are required to
complete following tasks:
At the start of session your assessor will check if you are in full uniform and carrying your knife kit.
Assessors will be checking your uniform for cleanliness and that you have full uniform on prior to
allowing you to begin the session.
As per menu for defined in above Practical Demonstration session your assessor will provide you
standard recipe cards. Read carefully all the recipe information given to you when you receive it. If
you do not understand any part, please ask your assessor.
You will have four (4) hours to prepare and produce the food items for each Practical Demonstration
session and your Assessor will set commercial time constraints according to menu for each dish to
reflect industry environment.
Your Assessor will observe if you have selected right equipment for the job and will observe you
while assembling equipment and safety requirements as per operating manual. The assessor will
also check if the equipment you are using is clean as per standard.
Part C-Recipe card: Ingredients:
This part requires you to identify all the ingredients from standard recipes provided to you and
calculate ingredient amounts according to per number of serves you are preparing. Enter the
ingredients on production plan. This will require your numeracy skills to calculate the quantity and
number of serves and you must use standard trade names for ingredients and various products as
per recipe.
Part D-Workflow Plan:
You are required to list tasks for Mis-en-place and preparation which includes weighing,
measuring ingredients, creating portions, cutting and portioning as per recipe and write
measures to minimise the waste.
You are required to identify suitable cooking method for each dish and identify temperature.
You are required to write step by step plan for how you will produce items from menu using
logical flow to put the final dish.
Logical flow means for each dish you are required to follow steps in sequence as per
standard recipe to ensure final dish is cooked as per industry standards.
Identify any possible problem with cooking process and corrective action to be taken.
Tasks for colleagues if working in group.
Identify cutlery and crockery required for presentation and serving temperature for Dish.
You must read label, locate and read the date codes and rotation labels on food products.
You are required to prepare yeast-based dough to correct consistency and shape.
e.g., You are required to use diferent yeast- raised dough depending on whether you’re
making pastry or bread.
You are required to produce and decorate the following types of cakes, pastries, breads and
fillings (at least 4 of following)
o basic aerated sponge
o cold set cake and mousse cake
o friands
o fruit cake
o Genoise sponge
o Madeira cake
o meringues
o muffins
o Swiss roll
o choux pastry
o croissant
o Danish pastry
o puf pastry
o short crust
o sweet pastry
o strudel
sweet and savoury breads:
bath or fruit bun
bread rolls
hot cross buns
unleavened breads
Clean and cut other ingredients using basic cuts according to culinary standards e.g. right
shape and size for each cut. Make sure you use right knife for cuts and minimise waste to
maximise yield and profitability e.g., Calculate ingredients for cakes, pastries and breads
correctly or else you have to throw them out.
Complete mis-en -place and preparation.
You are required to take at least 2 photos during each Practical Demonstration and affix them
at the space provided in Portfolio Template provided.
You should write name of Dish for each photo and date when it was taken.
After you finish your presentation to your assessor, you must store the food items at the
appropriate temperature and under the correct storage conditions to maintain quality,
freshness and customer appeal, and to minimise wastage and spoilage. This will include
storing in appropriate environmental conditions Including:
use of containers
e.g., Decorated cakes containing cream, fruits etc. are required to be stored at a
constant temperature of anywhere between 1-4 degrees.
You must then clean the kitchen according to the cleaning schedule and dispose of or
store surplus and reusable by-products according to Altec College kitchen storage
requirements and procedures, environmental considerations defined above, and cost
reduction initiatives.
Ensure that all bins are taken out before you leave the kitchen.
End of service procedures Equipment
(Who, about what?)
10.30 am Dump the rubbish into the correct Rubbish bin, bin bag DEEPENDRA SHRESTHA, ask
bin about the ingredients to be
10.35 am Hot Soapy water,
Wash the equipment and utensils sponge, paper towel
and dry them properly
10.45 am Clean the bench and stove, sanitize, Hot soapy water,
then dry them. sponge, squeezy,
sanitizer, paper towel
10.55 am Clean the sink, ensure there is no Hot soapy water,
rubbish in the sink, dry them sponge, squeezy,
properly sanitizer, paper towel
11.05 am Put all the equipment away into its
11.20 am Sweep the floor, mop the floor, put Bucket, broom, mop,
wet floor sign floor cleaner, wet
floor sign
Check with chef about the consistency of the cake before DEEPENDRA SHRESTHA
putting it in the fridge
Clean as you go
Things to remember
Use logical sequence for the tasks in both mise en place and cooking Some recipes may require adjustment
Times are for guidance, may vary depending on the recipe/s “Clean as you go” will save you time
What are the criteria’s which needs to be considered when selecting the ingredients?
SIT30816 | SITHCCC019- Produce Cakes, Pastries and BreadsStudent Assessment Guide | Version 1.1
Pass Global Pty Ltd t/a ALTEC College |Provider Code: 22034 | CRICOS Code: 02926D
Approved by: CEO | Next Review: January 2023
Page: 58 of 92
Session No: 1
Learner name: Date:
Recipe name: No. of customers Identified
and Satisfactory Signature
Cakes Pastries Breads Preparation corrected
□ Basic aerated □ Choux pastry □ Baguette □ Consistent in quality, size, □ Yes □ Yes
sponge □ Croissant □ Bath or fruit bun shape and appearance □ No □ No
□ Cold-set cake and □ Danish pastry □ Bread rolls □ Prepared within commercial □ Not
mousse cake □ Puf pastry □ Hot cross buns time constraints and deadlines applicable
□ Friands □ Shortcrust □ Unleavened breads
□ Sweet pastry □ Reflected required
□ Fruitcake □ Strudel quantities to be produced
□ Responded to special
customer requests and dietary
Assessor feedback
Learner Feedback
Session No: 2
Learner name: Date:
Recipe name: No. of customers Identified
and Satisfactory Signature
Cakes Pastries Breads Preparation corrected
□ Basic aerated □ Choux pastry □ Baguette □ Consistent in quality, size, □ Yes □ Yes
sponge □ Croissant □ Bath or fruit bun shape and appearance □ No □ No
□ Cold-set cake and □ Danish pastry □ Bread rolls □ Prepared within commercial □ Not
mousse cake □ Puf pastry □ Hot cross buns time constraints and deadlines applicable
□ Friands □ Shortcrust □ Unleavened breads
□ Fruitcake □ Sweet pastry □ Reflected required
□ Génoise sponge □ Strudel quantities to be produced
□ Madeira cake
□ Followed
□ Meringues
□ Muffins procedures for
□ Swiss roll portion control
and food safety
practices when
handling and
storing diferent
food types
□ Responded to special
customer requests and dietary
Assessor feedback
Learner Feedback
Session No: 3
Learner name: Date:
Recipe name: No. of customers Identified
and Satisfactory Signature
Cakes Pastries Breads Preparation corrected
□ Basic aerated □ Choux pastry □ Baguette □ Consistent in quality, size, □ Yes □ Yes
sponge □ Croissant □ Bath or fruit bun shape and appearance □ No □ No
□ Cold-set cake and □ Danish pastry □ Bread rolls □ Prepared within commercial □ Not
mousse cake □ Puf pastry □ Hot cross buns time constraints and deadlines applicable
□ Friands □ Shortcrust □ Unleavened breads
□ Fruitcake □ Sweet pastry □ Reflected required
□ Génoise sponge □ Strudel quantities to be produced
□ Madeira cake
□ Followed
□ Meringues
procedures for
□ Muffins
□ Swiss roll portion control
and food safety
practices when
handling and
storing diferent
food types
□ Responded to special
customer requests and dietary
Assessor feedback
SIT30816 | SITHCCC019- Produce Cakes, Pastries and BreadsStudent Assessment
Guide | Version 1.1
Pass Global Pty Ltd t/a ALTEC College |Provider Code: 22034 | CRICOS Code: 02926D
Approved by: CEO | Next Review: January 2023 Page: 62 of
Learner Feedback
Session No: 4
Learner name: Date:
Recipe name: No. of customers Identified
and Satisfactory Signature
Cakes Pastries Breads Preparation corrected
□ Basic aerated □ Choux pastry □ Baguette □ Consistent in quality, size, □ Yes □ Yes
sponge □ Croissant □ Bath or fruit bun shape and appearance □ No □ No
□ Cold-set cake and □ Danish pastry □ Bread rolls □ Prepared within commercial □ Not
mousse cake □ Puf pastry □ Hot cross buns time constraints and deadlines applicable
□ Friands □ Shortcrust □ Unleavened breads
□ Fruitcake □ Sweet pastry □ Reflected required
□ Génoise sponge □ Strudel quantities to be produced
□ Madeira cake
□ Followed
□ Meringues
□ Muffins procedures for
□ Swiss roll portion control
and food safety
practices when
handling and
storing diferent
food types
□ Responded to special
customer requests and dietary
Assessor feedback
Learner Feedback
SIT30816 | SITHCCC019- Produce Cakes, Pastries and BreadsStudent Assessment
Guide | Version 1.1
Pass Global Pty Ltd t/a ALTEC College |Provider Code: 22034 | CRICOS Code: 02926D
Approved by: CEO | Next Review: January 2023 Page: 64 of
Session No: 5
Learner name: Date:
Recipe name: No. of customers
Cakes Pastries Breads Preparation Process and Satisfactory Signature
□ Basic aerated □ Choux pastry □ Baguette □ Consistent in quality, size, □ Yes □ Yes
sponge □ Croissant □ Bath or fruit bun shape and appearance □ No □ No
□ Cold-set cake and □ Danish pastry □ Bread rolls □ Prepared within □ Not
mousse cake □ Puf pastry □ Hot cross buns commercial time constraints applicable
□ Friands □ Shortcrust □ Unleavened breads and deadlines
□ Fruitcake □ Sweet pastry
□ Génoise sponge □ Strudel □ Reflected required
□ Madeira cake quantities to be produced
□ Meringues
□ Followed procedures for
□ Muffins
□ Swiss roll portion control and food
safety practices when
handling and storing
diferent food types
□ Responded to special
customer requests and
dietary requirements
Assessor feedback
Learner Feedback
SIT30816 | SITHCCC019- Produce Cakes, Pastries and BreadsStudent Assessment Guide | Version 1.1
Pass Global Pty Ltd t/a ALTEC College |Provider Code: 22034 | CRICOS Code: 02926D
Approved by: CEO | Next Review: January 2023
Page: 83 of
Portfolio Template:
Session 1
SIT30816 | SITHCCC019- Produce Cakes, Pastries and BreadsStudent Assessment Guide | Version 1.1
Pass Global Pty Ltd t/a ALTEC College |Provider Code: 22034 | CRICOS Code: 02926D
Approved by: CEO | Next Review: January 2023
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SIT30816 | SITHCCC019- Produce Cakes, Pastries and BreadsStudent Assessment Guide | Version 1.1
Pass Global Pty Ltd t/a ALTEC College |Provider Code: 22034 | CRICOS Code: 02926D
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SIT30816 | SITHCCC019- Produce Cakes, Pastries and BreadsStudent Assessment Guide | Version 1.1
Pass Global Pty Ltd t/a ALTEC College |Provider Code: 22034 | CRICOS Code: 02926D
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SIT30816 | SITHCCC019- Produce Cakes, Pastries and BreadsStudent Assessment Guide | Version 1.1
Pass Global Pty Ltd t/a ALTEC College |Provider Code: 22034 | CRICOS Code: 02926D
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SIT30816 | SITHCCC019- Produce Cakes, Pastries and BreadsStudent Assessment Guide | Version 1.1
Pass Global Pty Ltd t/a ALTEC College |Provider Code: 22034 | CRICOS Code: 02926D
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Pass Global Pty Ltd t/a ALTEC College |Provider Code: 22034 | CRICOS Code: 02926D
Approved by: CEO | Next Review: January 2023
Page: 89 of
o blenders and food mills
o food processors
o planetary mixers
commercial ovens with trays (one per two persons)
commercial refrigeration facilities:
o cool room
o fridge
o freezer
designated storage areas for dry goods and perishables
double sink
marble slab or bench
storage facilities
o shelving
o trays
small equipment:
baking sheets
cake tins and moulds:
o fixed base in a range of shapes
o loose bottom
o muffin tins
containers for hot and cold food
cutting boards
food handler gloves
o cake knife
pastry cutters and shapes
o metric calibrated measuring jugs
o measuring spoons
o portion control scoops
moulds, shapes and cutters
oven mitts
piping bags and attachments
range of saucepans and pots for small and large production
sets of stainless-steel bowls
SIT30816 | SITHCCC019- Produce Cakes, Pastries and BreadsStudent Assessment Guide | Version 1.1
Pass Global Pty Ltd t/a ALTEC College |Provider Code: 22034 | CRICOS Code: 02926D
Approved by: CEO | Next Review: January 2023
Page: 91 of
o cutlery and serving utensils
o platters, dishes, and bowls
o serving tongs and trowels
silicon mats
o ladles in a variety of sizes
o wooden spoons
o large plain and slotted metal spoons
o fine stainless-steel wire
o coarse stainless-steel wire
wire cooling racks
cleaning materials and equipment:
cleaning cloths
commercial cleaning and sanitising agents and chemicals for cleaning commercial kitchens,
equipment and food storage areas
dustpans and brooms
garbage bins and bags
hand towel dispenser and hand towels
mops and buckets
separate hand basin and antiseptic liquid soap dispenser for hand washing
sponges, brushes and scourers
tea towels
organisational specifications:
equipment manufacturer instructions
current commercial stock control procedures and documentation for ordering, monitoring
and maintaining stock
mise en place lists, menus, standard recipes, and recipes for special dietary requirements
ordering and docketing paperwork
food safety plan
guidelines relating to food disposal, storage and presentation requirements
safety data sheets (SDS) for cleaning agents and chemicals
diverse and comprehensive range of perishable food supplies for cakes, pastries and bread
industry-realistic ratios of kitchen staf to customers including Altec College staf, trainers and
students who are invited to participate as customer for assessment, in Altec College Kitchen.
Copyright: Instructions in this tool have been developed by NTA and Altec College for sole purpose of use by Pass Global Pty Ltd t/a ALTEC College.
Any part of these assessment instructions cannot be reproduced in full or part for without approval of Altec College and NTA which holds
authorship rights.