Icserta 2020 Paper 18
Icserta 2020 Paper 18
Icserta 2020 Paper 18
* E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract : This work provides a reliable method for estimating the five physical parameters of photovoltaic (PV) modules
from their experimental current-voltage characteristics using an equivalent single-diode circuit model. This method is
based on the extraction of the shunt resistance Rp, the saturation current Is and the photocurrent Iph by solving a linear
system of three equations and then estimate numerically the series resistance Rs and the ideality factor n. The application
of the proposed method on the KC200GT module provide a good agreement with the experimental data under different
irradiation levels and temperature values.
S Ii Ii,m (4)
i 1
Voc Voc
0 = I ph (n, Rs) - I 0 (n, Rs) exp -1 - (6)
n.N s .Vth R p (n, Rs)
Short circuit (Isc,0):
R s Isc R s Isc
Isc = I ph (n, Rs) - I0 (n, Rs) exp -1 - (7)
n.N s .Vth R p (n, Rs)
To solve the system of nonlinear equations (6) and (7),
we use the fsolve function in MATLAB environment.
3 RESULT AND DISCUSSION Fig. 2: I–V Characteristic for KC200GT module under
varying irradiance
In order to validate the proposed method, it is applied to
the KC200GT multi-crystal PV module operating under
standard test condition STC. To check the validity of our
method, the normalized root mean squares error NRMSE
is defined:
1 N 2 2
N Ii Ii,m
NRMSE i 1 N (8)
N i 1
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