Icserta 2020 Paper 18

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International Congress on Solar Energy Research, Technology and Applications (ICSERTA-2020)

March 17 – 19, 2020, OUARZAZATE, MOROCCO


A. Benahmida1,*, N. Maouhoub 2, H. Sahsah1
Laboratory of Metrology and Information Processing, Department of Physics,
Faculty of Sciences, Ibn Zohr University
B.P 8106, Agadir, Morocco
Laboratory of Electronics, Signal Processing and Physical Modeling, Department of Physics,
Faculty of Sciences, Ibn Zohr University
B.P 8106, Agadir, Morocco

* E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract : This work provides a reliable method for estimating the five physical parameters of photovoltaic (PV) modules
from their experimental current-voltage characteristics using an equivalent single-diode circuit model. This method is
based on the extraction of the shunt resistance Rp, the saturation current Is and the photocurrent Iph by solving a linear
system of three equations and then estimate numerically the series resistance Rs and the ideality factor n. The application
of the proposed method on the KC200GT module provide a good agreement with the experimental data under different
irradiation levels and temperature values.

Keywords : PV modules; Parameters estimation; Photovoltaic cells; PV optimization; Iterative method;.

Where Ns is the number of cells in series, Vth = kBT / q

1 INTRODUCTION is the thermal voltage, q is the electronic charge, kB is the
Boltzman's constant and T is the temperature in Kelvin.
Photovoltaic (PV) systems, which directly convert solar
irradiation into electricity, are used in a wide range of ap- 2.2 Proposed Five-Parameters Estimation Method
plications. The operating conditions depend on the loca-
tion of the system, which governs the solar irradiation re- 2.2.1 Analytical expressions of I0, Iph and Rp
ceived, ambient temperature, and other climate-related as-
pects that influence system performance [1]. These sys- According to [2], the equation (1) can be rewritten:
tems have unknown parameters to be identified in the pur-
pose to improve their accuracy. In this work, a method Ii  I ph - I0 .A i - G p .Bi (2)
based on an analytical and numerical approach is pro-
  Vi,m  R s Ii,m 
posed to extract the five physical parameters of photovol- Ai  exp   1
taic generators. Where   nNs Vth  (3)
B  V  R I
2 THEORY  i i,m s i,m

Vi,m is the measured voltage of the PV generator and N

2.1 Single Diode Model of a PV Panel is the number of measured points. In order to formulate
analytical expression of Iph, I0 and Rp, we use the linear
The output current of the single diode model (Fig. 1), least squares method based on minimizing the follow ob-
with five parameters, is a function of the output voltage : jective function:
N 2

S    Ii  Ii,m  (4)
i 1

Ii,m is the measured current of the PV generator and Ii is

the theoretical current given in the equation (1). After ap-
plication of this method, we formulate the follow linear
system of three equations [2]:

Fig. 1: Electrical circuit for single diode PV model

  V + R s .I   V + R s .I
I = I ph - I 0  exp   -1  - (1)

  n.N s .Vth   Rp
International Congress on Solar Energy Research, Technology and Applications (ICSERTA-2020)
March 17 – 19, 2020, OUARZAZATE, MOROCCO

 N N N To study the effect of temperature and irradiance level

I ph N  I0  A i  Gp  Bi   Ii,exp on the I = f (V) characteristic, we assume that the impact
 i 1 i 1 i 1
of the temperature and irradiation on n, Rs and Rp is neg-
 N N N N

I ph  A i  I0  A i Gp Bi A i   Ii,exp A i

(5) ligible. The other two parameters Iph and I0 are given by
 i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1 the following equations:
 G
I ph  T, G  
I ph  Bi  I0  Bi A i  Gp Bi   Ii,exp Bi .(I ph,STC  K i .(T  TSTC ))
 i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1
I ph  T, G   G p .Voc  T, G 
I0  T, G   (10)
Where Gp = 1 / Rp exp(Voc  T, G  / (N s .n.Vth  T ))  1
The solution of the previous system, give three analyti- Figure 2 shows the experimental characteristic I-V and
cal expression of Iph, I0 and Rp as function of the ideality the theoretical curve using the five estimated parameters,
factor n and the series resistance Rs. for KC200GT PV module. As it can be seen, the theoreti-
cal curves are in very agreement with the experimental
2.2.2 Extraction of n and Rs measurement extracted from datasheet at T = 25°C and
different irradiation levels.
In order to extract the series resistance Rs and the ideality
factor n, we use two equations as follow:
 Open circuit (0,Voc):

  Voc   Voc
0 = I ph (n, Rs) - I 0 (n, Rs)  exp   -1  - (6)

  n.N s .Vth   R p (n, Rs)
 Short circuit (Isc,0):

  R s Isc   R s Isc
Isc = I ph (n, Rs) - I0 (n, Rs)  exp   -1  - (7)

  n.N s .Vth   R p (n, Rs)
To solve the system of nonlinear equations (6) and (7),
we use the fsolve function in MATLAB environment.

3 RESULT AND DISCUSSION Fig. 2: I–V Characteristic for KC200GT module under
varying irradiance
In order to validate the proposed method, it is applied to
the KC200GT multi-crystal PV module operating under
standard test condition STC. To check the validity of our
method, the normalized root mean squares error NRMSE
is defined:
1 N 2 2
 N   Ii  Ii,m  
NRMSE   i 1 N  (8)
 i,m
N i 1

The values obtained compared to those of other authors

[2-9] are summarized in Table 1.
Method Parameters NRMSE
n I0[nA] I ph Rs Rp %
Villalva 1.3 85.2 8.193 0.138 466 3.02 Fig. 3: I–V Characteristic for KC200GT module under
Nayak 1.241 35.8 7
8.193 0.198 599.9 1.96 varying temperature
Mahmoud 1.412 367 8.193 0.131
4 ∞ 2.79
Accarino 1.079 2 8.193 0.236
4 204 1.49
Silva 1 0.3 8.193 0.271
3 171.2 2.54 Figure 3 show the experimental I-V characteristics and
Hejri 1.34 171 8.21 0.220 951.93 2.02 the theoretical curve at 1000W/m² and at different tem-
Hejri 1.34 150 8.16 0.180 951.9 1.51 peratures. It is clearly that the theoretical values of the
Stornelli 1.1 3.27 8.196 0.218 164.2 0.87 model are in harmony with the experimental measure-
Maouhoub 1.07 2.12 8.211 0.233
5 132.88 0.86 ments.
Proposed 1.08
58 2.56 8.225 0.229 128.96 0.70
Table 1. 9Comparison of the different methods for the
KC200GT module in STC
International Congress on Solar Energy Research, Technology and Applications (ICSERTA-2020)
March 17 – 19, 2020, OUARZAZATE, MOROCCO

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