Design and Analysis of A New Outer Rotor
Design and Analysis of A New Outer Rotor
Design and Analysis of A New Outer Rotor
f = NrF (2)
By virtue of peculiar structure and zero resultant
radial stress of the machine, both Nr and Ns
should be even numbers. For instance, Figure 1
(a) presents a 3-phase machine with q=3, Ns=12,
Nr=22, and n=1. Figure 3: Four typical rotor positions of 12/22-pole
three-phase outer-rotor PMFS machine with open-
B Operation principle circuit field distributions, (a) θr=0o, (b) θr=4.09o, (c)
θr=8.18o, (d) θr=12.27o.
The concept of PMFS machine was firstly
introduced and investigated in [1]. The
operation principle of the outer-rotor PMFS to the respective stator teeth belonging to Phase-
machine is illustrated as Figure 2. The PM- A. In accordance with the polarity of the magnet
excited flux always exists and has a constant inset, the fluxes go into the corresponding stator
direction in the magnets. In Figure 2 (a), the teeth. Thus, the PM flux-linkage of Phase-A
rotor pole aligns with one of two stator teeth reaches the positive maximum when the flux
which are embraced by a concentrated winding going into the stator teeth is defined as positive.
coil and the PM flux which is linked in the coil When the machine keeps rotating to θr=4.09o
goes out of the coil and into the rotor pole. anti-clockwise, Figure 3 (b), two of the rotor
When the rotor moves to the left, the rotor pole poles leave the corresponding stator poles
leaves the current stator pole and aligns with the belonging to Phase-A, and other two of them
next stator tooth which belongs to the same coil, align with the magnets in the rest of Phase-A
as shown in Figure 2 (b), thus, the PM flux stator poles. Therefore, the PM flux-linkage of
linked goes out of the rotor pole and into the Phase-A reduces to zero. Likewise, as depicted
stator coil. As a result, both magnitudes and in Figure 3 (c), the PM flux-linkage of Phase-A
polarities of the flux-linkage in the windings increases to the maximum again when rotor
will vary periodically along with the rotor reaches θr=8.18o. However, the polarity changes
moves. to negative since the fluxes go out of the stator
Figure 3 shows four typical rotor position of the teeth. Similar to Figure 3 (b), in the case of
12/22-pole outer-rotor PMFS machine (shown θr=12.27o shown as Figure 3 (d), the PM flux-
as Figure 1 (a)) with open-circuit flux linkage of Phase-A reduces to zero again. If the
distribution. θr=0o is defined at the position in machine keeps rotating 4.09o forward, the rotor
Figure 3 (a) where rotor poles are fully opposite will return to the initial position as illustrated in
Figure 3 (a) to accomplish one electric cycle, or, Machines with 5kW output at 1000rpm rated
1/22 mechanical cycle. It can be noticed from speed, which are especially suitable for urban
the foregoing analysis that the phase PM flux- vehicle propulsion, have been attracting
linkage in the outer-rotor PMFS machine is tremendous attentions from both academics and
bipolar, which brings the machine outstanding industry. Since the machine is designed with
performance. three phases, the most common stator pole
number 12 can be used. Higher stator pole
numbers, which are not considered in this paper,
3. Machine Modelling and Design
are usually accompanied by higher rotor pole
A Analytical Sizing Equations number that can cause higher eddy current
losses and increase the assembly complexity. In
Analytical sizing equations are usually helpful this paper, a 3-phase 12/22-pole structure
and necessary during the preliminary stage of machine is designed and optimized for certain
machine design, which can significantly application. The basic machine dimensions,
improve the machine design efficiency so as to which is demonstrated in Table 1, can be
gain the valuable competition time which is conveniently derived from equations (3) to (6)
exceptionally important in industry. For outer- by substituting Tem=50N.m, Nr=22, Ns=10,
rotor PMFS machine, the sizing equations can Kd=0.75, Kp=50%, Bg=2.0T, Jpeak=7.5A/mm2,
be derived as follows. When the stator outer l=50mm, and g=0.6mm into the equations.
radius Rso is given, the stator tooth width βs,
stator magnet thickness hpm, backiron thickness
hb and slot opening width hslot can be given as Table 1: machine parameters.
follows: Symbol Machine Parameter Value Unit
h π R so (3) Number of Stator
β s = h pm = hb = slot = Ns 12
5 4Ns Poles
Then, the area of one stator slot would be Nr Number of Rotor
5π π Poles
As = R so2 sin 2 tan (4) Number of Phases
8Ns Ns q 3
Number of Winding
The electromagnetic torque Tem can be obtained as Ncoil 7
Turns per Coil
π 5π PM PM Material
N r K d K p B g J peak R so3 l sin 2 B35
16 8N s (5) Kp Winding Packing 50%
Tem =
π Factor
Ns Rsi Stator Inner Radius 22.9 mm
where Kd and Kp are the leakage and winding Rso Stator Outer Radius 75 mm
packing factors respectively, Bg is the peak Ro Rotor Outer Radius 94.8 mm
airgap flux density at no load condition, Jpeak is g Air Gag 0.6 mm
the peak current density of the coils, and l is the hpr Rotor Pole Height 9.4 mm
active length of the machine. The leakage factor βs Stator Tooth Width 3.8 deg
in outer-rotor machine is far bigger compared hpm PM Width 3.8 deg
with the one in conventional inner-rotor βr Rotor tooth Width 4.9 deg
hps Stator Tooth Width 47.2 mm
machine due to its large slot opening. Inspecting
Machine Active
equation (5), the machine torque output is l
Axial Length
50 mm
proportional to Rso3. Rso and l can be analytically Rated Peak Current A/
gained from equation (5) during the preliminary Jpeak 7.5
Density mm2
design stage. In addition, the rotor pole height Udc DC-Link Voltage 42 V
hpr is chosen as 1/8 stator outer radius Rso and n Rated Speed 1000 rpm
rotor yoke thickness hyr is designed as twice the Pem Rated Output Power 5.2 kW
stator back iron thickness hb for the sake of Tem Rated Output Torque 50 Nm
vibration alleviation. Hence, the machine radial Rated Peak Phase
Ipeak 152 A
dimension can be expressed as Current
9 R so π R so (6) Phase PM Flux
Ro = +g+ Ψpm Linkage
10.2 mWb
8 2Ns
Ld d-axis Inductance 62.7 µH
where Ro is the rotor outer radius, and g is the
machine airgap. Lq q-axis Inductance 72.0 µH
Phase Resistance
Rph 11.1 mΩ
B Machine Optimization (100 oC)
Comprehensive FEA are employed to validate From the FEA results as shown in Figure 4, the
the analytical sizing equations, determine the discrepancy between dq- axes permeance
rest machine parameters, and optimize the declines while the rotor pole width increases, as
machine performance. It can be facilely noticed a result of machine saliency attenuation. And,
from the FEA results that the back-EMFs of the the phase PM flux reaches its maximum when
proposed machine are essentially sinusoidal, the rotor pole width approaches 1.4. The
which implies that the presented machine is maximum electromagnetic torque and
congenitally suitable for BLAC operation. corresponding reluctance component at certain
Consequently, the machine performance can be current density can be deduced from equations
analyzed based on dq-coordinates, and the (7) and (8). Figure 5 shows the variations of
machine electromagnetic torque can be electromagnetic and reluctance torque with
expressed as rotor pole width at rated current density, which
qN r K p2 As2 are calculated based on the FEA results in
Tem =
(φ pm )
+ (Λ d − Λ q ) J d J q (7)
Figure 4. Compared to the total electromagnetic
where φpm is the phase PM flux per turn, Λd and torque, the reluctance component is exiguous
Λq are the dq- axes permeance per turn, and Jd even negligible, and meanwhile it diminishes
and Jq are the dq-axes current density, along with the machine rotor pole width
respectively, which are restricted by escalation and saliency lessening. Furthermore,
(8) the electromagnetic torque which the machine
J d2 + J q2 = J peak
could generate at rated current density,
Machines with various rotor pole width βr are resembling the phase PM flux, achieves the
studied to optimize the machine back-EMF maximum with the rotor pole width 1.4.
waveform [11]. In this paper, the rotor pole Sequentially, the induced voltage (phase back-
width is also employed to optimize the machine EMF) obtained for each particular rotor pole
performance. It should be perceived that the width is analyzed and the belt (nontriplen)
rotor pole width after-mentioned is the harmonic distortion (BHD%) in the phase back-
normalized value βr/βs. Based on FEA, the EMF is determined. There are only belt
phase PM flux per turn can be directly derived harmonics existing in the line-line back-EMF
from open circuit field analysis and the dq-axes since the triplen harmonics are eradicated
permeance per turn can be calculated by the internally in the 3-phase machine, and the belt
simplified two position method [13]. harmonics bring the machine torque ripple that
49 0.8
Electromagnetic Torque
46 Reluctance Torque 0.4
copper loss under the rated load condition.
Reducing eddy current losses in PM is
Back-EMF (V)
0 important, not only because the magnets have
-5 0 4.09 8.18 12.27 16.36 a low maximum working temperature, but also
50N.m the eddy current losses in permanent magnets
750 25N.m
0N.m as well as the copper loss in winding coils will
be investigated in future works.
This work was supported by National Natural
0 250 500 750 1000 Science Foundation of China (NSFC, 50677061) and
Rotor Speed (rpm) Qianjiang Professionals Program of Zhejiang
Figure 10: Eddy current losses in permanent Province (2006R10014). The work was also carried
magnets. out under the collaboration MOU between Zhejiang
University and Cranfield University.
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