Lec 05 (Atomic Structure V)
Lec 05 (Atomic Structure V)
Lec 05 (Atomic Structure V)
Atomic Structure-(v)
Topics: [Electronic Configuration of atoms, Auf-bau Principle /(n+l) rule, Pauli’s Exclusion
Principle, Hund’s Rule of Maximum Multiplicity.]
At normal state , generally atoms are nutral in state because of having equal no.
of positive(+) proton and negative(─) electrons.
This rule is called (n + l) rule. According to this rule, the orbital having the
lowest value of (n+l) has the lowest energy and hence is filled up first with
(ii). When two/more orbitals have the same value of (n+l) ,the orbital with
lower value of “n” is lower in energy and hence is filled up first with electrons.
Thus the order of energies of,for example, 3d, 4pand 5s orbitals for all of which
(n + l) = 5is as-
3d (n =3) < 4p (n=4) < 5s (n=5)
Since, “n” for these orbitals are 3,4 and 5 respectively. Thus, orbitals will be
flled up with electrons in the following sequence:
Similarly, 4f → 5d → 6p →7s
Ques(). For the 1st and last electron of Na-atom , explain the Pauli’s
exclusion principle.
Ques(). For the 1st two electrons or last two electrons of K-atom , explain
the Pauli’s exclusion principle.
In the same orbital of an atom two electron can have 3 quantum identical at the
most, but the fourth quantum numbers identical at the most .
Let us consider helium(He) atom which has 2 electrons (atomic number = 2) is
“1s” orbital for which –
n=1 , l=0 and m=0. The fourth quantum number for the two electrons in
1st orbital are as follows:
Actually, 2p orbital have 3 equal energetic orbitals, which are denoted as Px, Py,
So, in case of “N” above 3 electrons are occupied separately and their spins
will be in equidirections.
Ques(). For the 1st two electrons or last two electrons or 1st and last
electrons or 1st and 5th electrons or 10th and 15th electrons of Na-atom /K-
atom /Ca-atom , explain the Pauli’s Exclusion principle.