Error Detection Assignment - 221208 - 160356 - 221208 - 160425

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1. Define the terms the types of errors. (1M)

-For Single-Bit Error, only 1 bit in the data unit has changed from 1 to 0 or from 0 while for
burst error, 2 or more bits in the data unit have changed from 1 to 0 or from 0.

2. Define the concept of CRC. (1M)

-The CRC is a network method designed to detect errors in the data and information transmitted
over the network. This is performed by performing a binary solution on the transmitted data at the
sender's side and verifying the same at the receiver's side.

3. Explain how CRC checker works. (1M)

4. List the steps followed in checksum generator (3M)

5. Sort these Checksum steps into order (5M)

• The two checksum values are compared by the receiving computer
• The receiving computer uses the data it receives to also calculate what it believes
should be the checksum, using the same mathematical algorithm
• The sending computer uses the block of data to be sent, and a predefined
mathematical algorithm, to calculate a checksum value
•If the checksum values don’t match, the receiving computer requests that the data is
transmitted again
• The sending computer sends the data, plus the checksum value

6. The final number in a code of numbers. It is calculated from all the other numbers in the
code. Its purpose is to spot errors on data entry. From the explanation, what is the
detection method referring to? (1M)

7. The receiving computer sends a copy of the data immediately back to the sending
computer for comparison. From the explanation, what is the detection method referring to?

8. Sort these Parity Check steps into order (5M)

•The sending computer adds the correct parity bit to the binary data (either an extra 1
or 0)
•The receiving computer checks to make sure the overall parity of the data received is
as agreed (an even or odd number of 1 bits)
•The sending and receiving computers agree the protocol to be used (even or odd)
•If the parity of the data is incorrect, the receiving computer will request that the data
is transmitted again
•The sending computer sends the binary data, including the parity bit

9. A block of data is sent alongside a calculated value. The receiving computer also
calculates what it believes should be the value. The values are then compared to see if an
error has occurred during transmission. From the explanation, what is the detection
method referring to? (1M)

10. An extra bit added to a string of binary code to ensure the number of 1-bits are either
even or odd, depending upon the system used. From the explanation, what is the
detection method referring to? (1M)
11 .How can the simple party bit detect a damaged data unit? (3M)

12. What is the difference between even party and odd party? (4M)

13. Discuss the two-dimensional parity check and the types of errors it can and cannot
detect. (5M)

14. Discuss the concept of redundancy in error detection. (4M)

15. How is the check sum method of error detection take place? (4M)

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