Nuclear Power Plant-1
Nuclear Power Plant-1
Nuclear Power Plant-1
Nuclear Fission
The breaking up of nuclei of
heavy atoms into two nearly
equal parts with release of
huge amount of energy is
known as nuclear fission.
Nuclear Fission
• The release of huge amount of energy during fission is due to mass
• defect i.e. the mass of the final product comes out to be less than the
initial product.
• This mass defect is converted into heat energy according to Einstein’s
relation, E = mc2.
Chain reaction
• Nuclear fission is done by bombarding Uranium nuclei with slow
moving neutrons.
• This splits the Uranium nuclei with the release of huge amount of
energy and emission of neutrons (called fission neutrons).
• These fission neutrons cause further fission. If this process continues,
then in a very short time huge amount of energy will be released
which may cause explosion.
• This is known as explosive chain reaction.
Nuclear Power Station
• A generating station in which nuclear energy is converted into
electrical energy is known as a Nuclear Power Station.
• The most important Feature of a Nuclear Power Station is that Huge
Amount of Electrical Energy can be produced from a Relatively Small
Amount of Nuclear Fuel as compared to other Conventional Types of
Power Stations.
• It has been found that complete Fission of 1 kg of Uranium (U235) can
produce Energy that can be produced by the burning of 4,500 tons of
high grade coal.
• Although, The recovery of principal Nuclear Fuels (i.e., Uranium and
Thorium) is difficult and expensive, yet the Total Energy content of
the estimated world reserves of these Fuels are considerably Higher
than those of Conventional Fuels i.e. coal, oil and gas.
(i) The amount of fuel required is quite small. Therefore, there is a
considerable saving in the cost of fuel transportation.
(ii) A nuclear power plant requires less space as compared to an other
type of the same size.
(iii) It has low running charges as a small amount of fuel is used for
producing bulk electrical energy.
(iv) This type of plant is very economical for producing bulk electric
(v) It can be located near the load centres because it does not require
large quantities of water and need not be near coal mines. Therefore,
the cost of primary distribution is reduced.
(vi) There are large deposits of nuclear fuels available all over the world.
Therefore, such plants can ensure continued supply of electrical energy
for thousands of years.
(vii) It ensures reliability of operation.
(i) The fuel used is expensive and is difficult to recover.
(ii) The capital cost on a nuclear plant is very high as compared to other
types of plants.
(iii) The erection and commissioning of the plant requires greater
technical know-how.
(iv) The fission by-products are generally radioactive and may cause a
dangerous amount of radioactive pollution.
(v) Maintenance charges are high due to radio active control. Moreover,
high salaries of specially trained personnel employed to handle the
plant further raise the cost.
(vi) Nuclear power plants are not well suited for varying loads as the
reactor does not respond to the load fluctuations efficiently.
(vii) The disposal of the by-products, which are radioactive, is a big
problem. They have either to be disposed off in a deep trench or in a
sea away from sea-shore.
(i) Availability of Water.
As sufficient water is required for cooling purposes, therefore, the plant
site should be located where ample quantity of water is available, e.g.,
across a river or by sea-side.
(ii) Disposal of waste.
• The waste produced by fission in a nuclear power station is generally
radioactive which must be disposed off properly to avoid health
• The waste should either be buried in a deep trench or disposed off in
sea quite away from the sea shore.
• Therefore, the site selected for such a plant should have adequate
arrangement for the disposal of radioactive waste.
(iii) Distance from populated areas.
• The site selected for a nuclear power station should be quite away
from the populated areas as there is a danger of presence of
radioactivity in the atmosphere near the plant.
• However, as a precautionary measure, a dome is used in the plant
which does not allow the radioactivity to spread by wind or
underground waterways.
(iv) Transportation facilities.
• The site selected for a nuclear power station should have adequate
facilities in order to transport the heavy equipment during erection
and to facilitate the movement of the workers employed in the plant.
• From the above mentioned factors it becomes apparent that ideal
choice for a nuclear power station would be near sea or river and
away from thickly populated areas.
• Radiations might raise the temperature of the surroundings.
• Radiations can damage cells, DNA, materials.
• Nuclear Reactor, if not properly controlled can cause catastrophic
disaster in the nearby population.
• Radiations are severely dangerous for all the human being, animals
and plants in the nearby vicinity.
• Even Nuclear waster have the ability to emit sever radiations to cause
significant damages.
• In Nuclear Power Stations, it is very important to take care of the
disposal of the waste which is likely to have radioactivity.
• The main sources of gaseous discharge and any liquid waste are
sampled and recorded in order to keep a detail inventory.
• Waste from nuclear power station arise in three states.
1. Gaseous Waste
2. Liquid Waste
3. Solid Waste
1. Gaseous waste
• Gaseous waste require no treatment other than filtration before
being discharged.
• In the extremely unlikely event of a fire in a reactor fuel channel, the
gaseous fission products would be released.
• The gas should be passed through a clean up plant to remove
radioactive iodine which constitute major gaseous hazards.
• The loss of carbon dioxide from a reactor is monitored and should not
exceed 1 or 1.5 kg a day.
2. Liquid Waste
• At several nuclear stations, liquid waste can be discharged following
filtration, by adjustment of pH value and by diluting and mixing with
the station cooling water discharge.
• All potentially radioactive liquids discharged from stations are
monitored and the quantities discharged are noted in a register for
the record.
• Special care must be taken to prevent leakage of liquids containing
radioactive substance into ground in the area around power plant.
• This is facilitated by designing a special concrete tank as water
retaining structure.
• 3. Solid wastes
• Solid wastes arise from discarded control rods and pieces of fuel cans
of uranium.
• These wastes are to be kept in shielded concrete vaults. Care is taken
to isolated materials which are chemically combustible.
• These expired fuel elements comprise the most highly radioactive
• That is why they are stored in a water or air cooled shielded area to
allow them to decay with the passage of time.
• Then returned to atomic energy authority for processing.
• Uranium produce highly Radioactive by products Strontium-90,
iodine-131 and caesium-137 which are severely dangerous for the
environment surrounding the plant.
• These by products need to be handled very carefully, otherwise they
might cause harmful impact.
• Numerous studies have been done on possible effect of nuclear
power in causing cancer.
• Such studies have looked for excess cancers in both plant workers and
surrounding populations due to releases during normal operations of
nuclear plants and other parts of the nuclear power industry, as well
as excess cancers in workers and the public due to accidental releases.
• One of the most negative impact of nuclear power generation is in
the terms of radiations.
• Radiation emitted by the plant have a significant effect on the wildlife
surrounding the areas and specially lake/river associated with the
nuclear power plant.
• Nuclear power plant generate more heat waste in the air as
compared to coal fired power plant.
• This is one the most important factor in evaluation of the
environmental assessment of the power plant in comparison with
steam power station.