Module I Unit 2 EXPLAIN
Module I Unit 2 EXPLAIN
Module I Unit 2 EXPLAIN
In order to understand the succeeding theories, let us look into the different
sociological perspectives.
Now, let’s look into the different sociological perspectives of the self.
Another example of social fact can be exemplified in this instance: When you fulfill
your obligation as a son/daughter, student, brother/sister, or citizen, you perform duties
which are defined, externally to yourself and your actions, in law and in custom. This means
that even if you “do these things” (do your tasks in school, do your duties as a son or
daughter) because it conforms to your sentiments and feel their reality subjectively, such
reality is still objective. We did not create these realities (duties and responsibilities of a child
or citizen); we merely inherited them through our education (formal and informal). That, or
rather, these realities, are social facts.
Moral Individualism – the doctrine that rationality leaves room for the individualities
of personalities of subjects to express themselves in the moral realm in an autonomous
choice between idealism and fulfilment-maximization. It involves a morality of
cooperation and a profound respect for humanity. It is not the glorification of the self, “but
of the individual in general” (Durkheim, 1898).
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expression in the unique respect granted to him and in the protection of his rights. But there
is no such thing as inherent rights and liberties. Modern society has “consecrated,” him,
granted him rights, and made him “worthy of respect” ([1906]1953b:72, [1906]1953a:58).
Each individual embodies the universal values of humanity, each individual consciousness
carries “something divine” and it is “marked with a character which renders it sacred and
inviolable to others” ([1898]1973:52). Durkheim is optimistic that moral individualism will
become the “moral catechism” and the source of a new morality. He claims that the “cult
of the individual” has become one of the most distinctive characteristic of modernity, and
that it is replacing all other religions.
The foregoing, illustrates how such concepts as simple as norms, roles and culture
in the society in which one belongs determines to a great and profound extent to which
the self is embedded in the society – that the self is not just a construct accorded with an
identity all its own. To be, the self has to be defined also in its social dimension. Think for
example how such concepts profoundly affect gender norms, family dynamics, religion
and politics and our day-to-day interactions. Even the field of psychology acknowledges
that in solitude or amongst others, an individual’s thoughts, behaviors, perceptions and
emotions are affected by his imagined or real influence coming from other people.
The next sociological theories define the self along the symbolic interactionism
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The process:
1. We imagine how we present ourselves to others
2. We imagine how others evaluate us
3. Finally develop some sort of feeling about ourselves such as respect or shame
as a result of these impressions
Critical Evaluation:
What if we imagine wrongly? What if there are
varied and contradictory mirror reflections?
This occurs when we are repeatedly labeled and evaluated by others, and we
adopt other’s labels explicitly into our self-concept
This may lead to internalized prejudice, when individuals turn prejudice directed
toward them by others onto themselves. They may tend to view themselves more
negatively, thus, also affecting their self-esteem.
On the other hand, positive reclaiming may also take place when labels are used
by society to describe people negatively. Those who are negatively labeled may claim
these labels more positively to feel better about themselves. To illustrate: After labeling,
minority group members evaluated the labels (e.g. “queer”, “torpe”, “lost”) less negatively,
and reported feeling more powerful.
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2. “I” - subjective element; the response to the “me”or the person’s individuality,
e.g., The “I” can decide to cross the street on a red light as he sees that there is
no approaching car or a traffic police
The stream of thought between the knower (“I”) and the known (“Me”) is the
essence of the development of identity as influenced by the social context.
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