Matrix Operations
Matrix Operations
Matrix Operations
• matrix inverse
Matrix transpose
A ij
= Aji
can add row or column vectors same way (but never to each other!)
1 6 0 6
matrix subtraction is similar: −I =
9 3 9 2
• commutative: A + B = B + A
• A + 0 = 0 + A = A; A − A = 0
• (A + B)T = AT + B T
(sometimes you see scalar multiplication with the scalar on the right)
• to find i, j entry of the product C = AB, you need the ith row of A
and the jth column of B
• form product of corresponding entries, e.g., third component of ith row
of A and third component of jth column of B
• add up all the products
0 −1 1 6 −9 −3
example 2: =
−1 2 9 3 17 0
• IA = A, AI = A
• (AB)T = B T AT
• A is an m × n matrix
• x is an n-vector
• y is an m-vector
yi = Ai1x1 + · · · + Ainxn, i = 1, . . . , m
can think of y = Ax as
vw = v1w1 + · · · + vnwn
Ak = A
| A {z
· · · A}
by convention we set A0 = I
we have Ak Al = Ak+l
1 −1
example 2: does not have an inverse; let’s see why:
−2 2
a b 1 −1 a − 2b −a + 2b 1 0
= =
c d −2 2 c − 2d −c + 2d 0 1
−1 −1
• A = A, i.e., inverse of inverse is original matrix
(assuming A is invertible)
• (AB)−1 = B −1A−1 (assuming A, B are invertible)
T −1
−1 T
• A = A (assuming A is invertible)
• I −1 = I
• (αA)−1 = (1/α)A−1 (assuming A invertible, α 6= 0)
• if y = Ax, where x ∈ Rn and A is invertible, then x = A−1y:
A−1y = A−1Ax = Ix = x
it’s useful to know the general formula for the inverse of a 2 × 2 matrix:
a b 1 d −b
c d ad − bc −c a
there are similar, but much more complicated, formulas for the inverse of
larger square matrices, but the formulas are rarely used
The characteristic equation is
We …nd eigenvalues
¸1 = 1; ¸2 = 2:
We next …nd eigenvectors associated with each eigenvalue. For ¸1 = 1;
· ¸· ¸ · ¸· ¸
~0 = (A ¡ ¸1 I) ~x = 3 ¡ 1 ¡2 x 1 2 ¡2 x1
= ;
1 ¡1 x2 1 ¡1 x2
x1 = x2 :
The parametric vector form of solution set for (A ¡ ¸1 I) ~x = ~0 :
· ¸ · ¸ · ¸
x1 x2 1
~x = = = x2 :
x2 x2 1
· ¸
basis of Null (A ¡ I) : :
This is only (linearly independent) eigenvector for ¸1 = 1:
The last step can be done slightly di¤erently as follows. From solutions (for (A ¡ ¸1 I) ~x =
~0 )
x1 = x2 ;
we know there is only one free variable x2 . Therefore, there is only one vector in any basis. To
…nd it, we take x2 to be any nonzero number, for instance, x2 = 1; and compute x1 = x2 = 1:
We obtain · ¸ · ¸
x 1
¸1 = 1; ~u1 = 1 = :
x2 1
For ¸2 = 2; we …nd
· ¸· ¸ · ¸· ¸
~0 = (A ¡ ¸2 I) ~x = 3 ¡ 2 ¡2 x1 = 1 ¡2 x1 ;
1 ¡2 x2 1 ¡2 x2
x1 = 2x2 :
To …nd a basis, we take x2 = 1: Then x1 = 2; and a pair of eigenvalue and eigenvector
· ¸
¸2 = 2; ~u2 = :
Example 11.2. Given that 2 is an eigenvalue for
2 3
4 ¡1 6
A= 2 1 65 :
2 ¡1 8
where we select x1 and x3 as free variables only to avoid fractions. Solution set in parametric
form is 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3
x1 x1 1 0
~x = 4x2 5 = 42x1 + 6x3 5 = x1 425 + x3 465 :
x3 x3 0 1
A basis for the eigenspace: 2 3 2 3
1 0
~ 1 = 2 and ~u2 = 65 :
u 4 5 4
0 1
Another way of …nding a basis for Null (A ¡ ¸I) = Null (A ¡ 2I) may be a little easier.
From Equ (4), we know that x1 an x3 are free variables. Choosing (x1 ; x3 ) = (1; 0) and
(0; 1) ; respectively, we …nd
2 3
x1 = 1; x3 = 0 =) x2 = 2 =) ~u1 = 25
2 3
x1 = 0; x3 = 1 =) x2 = 6 =) ~u2 = 65 :
Example 11.3. Find eigenvalues: (a)
2 3 2 3
3 ¡1 6 3 ¡ ¸ ¡1 6
A = 40 0 65 ; A ¡ ¸I = 4 0 ¡¸ 6 5:
0 0 2 0 0 2¡¸
The eigenvalues are 3; 0; 2; exactly the diagonal elements. (b)
2 3 2 3
4 0 0 4¡¸ 0 0
B = 42 1 05 ; B ¡ ¸I = 4 2 1¡¸ 0 5
1 0 4 1 0 4¡¸
is linearly independent.
Proof. (2) For simplicity, we assume p = 2 : ¸1 6= ¸2 are two di¤erent eigenvalues. Suppose
that ~u1 is an eigenvector of ¸1 and ~u2 is an eigenvector of ¸2 To show independence, we need
to show that the only solution to
x1 ~u1 + x2 ~u2 = ~0
is x1 = x2 = 0: Indeed, if x1 6= 0; then
~u1 = ~u2 : (5)
We now apply A to the above equation. It leads to
x2 x2
A~u1 = A~u2 =) ¸1 ~u1 = ¸2 ~u2 : (6)
x1 x1
Equ (5) and Equ (6) are contradictory to each other: by Equ (5),
Equ (5) =) ¸1 ~u1 = ¸1 ~u2
Equ (6) =) ¸1 ~u1 = ¸2 ~u2 ;
x2 x2
¸1 ~u2 = ¸1 ~u1 = ¸2~u2 :
x1 x1
Therefor ¸1 = ¸2 ; a contradiction to the assumption that they are di¤erent eigenvalues.
² Characteristic Polynomials
We know that the key to …nd eigenvalues and eigenvectors is to solve the Characteristic
Equation (3)
det (A ¡ ¸I) = 0:
For 2 £ 2 matrix, · ¸
a¡¸ b
A ¡ ¸I = :
c d¡¸
det (A ¡ ¸I) = (a ¡ ¸) (d ¡ ¸) ¡ bc
= ¸2 + (¡a ¡ d) ¸+ (ad ¡ bc)
is a quadratic function (i.e., a polynomial of degree 2): In general, for any n £ n matrix A;
2 3
a11 ¡ ¸ a12 ¢¢¢ a1n
6 a21 a22 ¡ ¸ ¢ ¢ ¢ a2n 7
A ¡ ¸I = 6 4 ¢¢¢
¢¢¢ ¢¢¢ ¢¢¢ 5
an1 an2 ¢ ¢ ¢ ann ¡ ¸
We may expand the determinant along the …rst row to get
2 3
a22 ¡ ¸ ¢¢¢ a2n
det (A ¡ ¸I) = (a11 ¡ ¸) det 4 ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢¢¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ 5 + :::
an2 ¢ ¢ ¢ ann ¡ ¸
By induction, we see that det (A ¡ ¸I) is a polynomial of degree n:We called this polynomial
the characteristic polynomial of A: Consequently, there are total of n (the number of rows
in the matrix A) eigenvalues (real or complex, after taking account for multiplicity). Finding
roots for higher order polynomials may be very challenging.
Example 11.4. Find all eigenvalues for
2 3
5 ¡2 6 ¡1
60 3 ¡8 0 7
A=6 40 0
5 45
0 0 1 1
Solution: 2 3
5 ¡ ¸ ¡2 6 ¡1
6 0 3 ¡ ¸ ¡8 0 7
A ¡ ¸I = 64 0
0 5¡¸ 4 5
0 0 1 1¡¸
2 3
3 ¡ ¸ ¡8 0
det (A ¡ ¸I) = (5 ¡ ¸) det 4 0 5¡¸ 4 5
0 1 1¡¸
· ¸
5¡¸ 4
= (5 ¡ ¸) (3 ¡ ¸) det
1 1¡¸
= (5 ¡ ¸) (3 ¡ ¸) [(5 ¡ ¸) (1 ¡ ¸) ¡ 4] = 0:
There are 4 roots:
(5 ¡ ¸) = 0 =) ¸ = 5
(3 ¡ ¸) = 0 =) ¸ = 3
(5 ¡ ¸) (1 ¡ ¸) ¡ 4 = 0 =) ¸2 ¡ 6¸+ 1 = 0
6 § 36 ¡ 4 p
=) ¸ = = 3 § 2 2:
We know that we can computer determinants using elementary row operations. One may
ask: Can we use elementary row operations to …nd eigenvalues? More speci…cally, we have
Question: Suppose that B is obtained from A by elementary row operations. Do A and
B has the same eigenvalues? (Ans: No)
Example 11.5. · ¸ · ¸
1 1 R2 +R1 !R2 1 1
A= ! =B
0 2 1 3
A has eigenvalues 1 and 2: For B; the characteristic equation is
· ¸
1¡¸ 1
det (B ¡ ¸I) =
1 3¡¸
= (1 ¡ ¸) (3 ¡ ¸) ¡ 1 = ¸2 ¡ 4¸+ 2:
Caution: If A » B; and if ¸0 is an eigenvalue for A and B, then an corresponding
eigenvector for A may not be an eigenvector for B: In other words, two similar matrices A
and B have the same eigenvalues but di¤erent eigenvectors.
Example 11.7. Though row operation alone will not preserve eigenvalues, a pair of
row and column operation do maintain similarity. We …rst observe that if P is a type 1
elementary matrix (row replacement) ,
· ¸ · ¸
1 0 aR1 +R2 !R2 1 0
P = á ;
a 1 0 1
then its inverse P ¡1 is a type 1 (column) elementary matrix obtained from the identity
matrix by an elementary column operation that is of the same kind with "opposite sign" to
the previous row operation, i.e.,
· ¸ · ¸
¡1 1 0 C1 ¡aC2 !C1 1 0
P = á :
¡a 1 0 1
We call the column operation
C1 ¡ aC2 ! C1
is "inverse" to the row operation
R1 + aR2 ! R2 :
Now we perform a row operation on A followed immediately by the column operation
inverse to the row operation
· ¸ · ¸
1 1 R1 +R2 !R2 1 1
A= ! (left multiply by P )
0 2 1 3
· ¸
C1 ¡C2 !C 1 0 1
! = B (right multiply by P ¡1 .)
¡2 3
We can verify that A and B are similar through P (with a = 1)
· ¸· ¸· ¸
¡1 1 0 1 1 1 0
P AP =
1 1 0 2 ¡1 1
· ¸· ¸ · ¸
1 1 1 0 0 1
= = :
1 3 ¡1 1 ¡2 3
Now, ¸1 = 1 is an eigenvalue. Then,
· ¸· ¸
1¡1 1 1
(A ¡ 1) ~u =
0 2¡1 0
· ¸· ¸ · ¸
0 1 1 0
= =
0 1 0 0
· ¸
=) ~u = is an eigenvector for A:
· ¸· ¸
0¡1 1 1
(B ¡ 1) ~u =
¡2 3 ¡ 1 0
· ¸· ¸ · ¸
¡1 1 1 ¡1
= =
¡2 2 0 ¡2
· ¸
=) ~u = is NOT an eigenvector for B:
In fact,
· ¸· ¸ · ¸
¡1 1 1 0
(B ¡ 1) ~v = = :
¡2 2 ¡1 0
· ¸
So, ~v = is an eigenvector for B:
This example shows that
2. Two similar matrices share the same characteristics polynomial and same eigenvalues.
But they have di¤erent eigenvectors.
² Homework #11.
1. Find eigenvalues if
2 3
¡1 2 8 ¡1
60 2 10 0 7
(a) A » 640 0
¡1 4 5
0 0 0 3
2 3
¡1 2 8 ¡1
61 2 10 0 7
(b) B » 640 0
1 45
0 0 0 2
3. Find a basis of the eigenspace associated with eigenvalue ¸= 1 for
2 3
1 2 4 ¡1
61 2 ¡3 0 7
A=6 40 0 1
0 0 0 1
Up to this point, almost everything was either motivated by or evolved from the
consideration of systems of linear algebraic equations. But we have come to a
turning point, and from now on the emphasis will be different. Rather than being
concerned with systems of algebraic equations, many topics will be motivated
or driven by applications involving systems of linear differential equations and
their discrete counterparts, difference equations.
For example, consider the problem of solving the system of two first-order
linear differential equations, du1 /dt = 7u1 − 4u2 and du2 /dt = 5u1 − 2u2 . In
matrix notation, this system is
u1 7 −4 u1
= or, equivalently, u′ = Au, (7.1.1)
u′2 5 −2 u2
u 7 −4 u
where u′ = u1′ , A = 5 −2 , and u = u1 . Because solutions of a single
2 2
equation u′ = λu have the form u = αeλt , we are motivated to seek solutions
of (7.1.1) that also have the form
Differentiating these two expressions and substituting the results in (7.1.1) yields
α1 λeλt = 7α1 eλt − 4α2 eλt α1 λ = 7α1 − 4α2 7 −4 α1 α1
λt λt λt
⇒ ⇒ =λ .
α2 λe = 5α1 e − 2α2 e α2 λ = 5α1 − 2α2 5 −2 α2 α2
490 Chapter 7 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
Figure 7.1.1
The words eigenvalue and eigenvector are derived from the German word eigen, which means
owned by or peculiar to. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors are sometimes called characteristic values
and characteristic vectors, proper values and proper vectors, or latent values and latent vectors.
7.1 Elementary Properties of Eigensystems 491
=⇒ N (A − 2I) = x x = α .
For λ = 3,
4 −4 −1 1 x1 = x2
A − 3I = −→ =⇒
5 −5 0 0 x2 is free
=⇒ N (A − 3I) = x x = β .
In other words, the eigenvectors of A associated with λ = 2 are all nonzero
multiples of x = ( 4/5 1 ) , and the eigenvectors associated with λ = 3 are
all nonzero multiples of y = ( 1 1 ) . Although there are an infinite number of
eigenvectors associated with each eigenvalue, each eigenspace is one dimensional,
so, for this example, there is only one independent eigenvector associated with
each eigenvalue.
Let’s complete the discussion concerning the system of differential equations
u′ = Au in (7.1.1). Coupling (7.1.2) with the eigenpairs (λ1 , x) and (λ2 , y) of
A computed above produces two solutions of u′ = Au, namely,
λ1 t 2t 4/5 λ2 t 3t 1
u1 = e x = e and u2 = e y = e .
1 1
It turns out that all other solutions are linear combinations of these two particular
solutions—more is said in §7.4 on p. 541.
Below is a summary of some general statements concerning features of the
characteristic polynomial and the characteristic equation.
492 Chapter 7 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
Proof. The fact that det (A − λI) is a polynomial of degree n whose leading
term is (−1)n λn follows from the definition of determinant given in (6.1.1). If
1 if i = j,
δij =
0 if i = j,
det (A − λI) = σ(p)(a1p1 − δ1p1 λ)(a2p2 − δ2p2 λ) · · · (anpn − δnpn λ)
Example 7.1.1
1 −1
Problem: Determine the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of A = 1 1
−i −1 1 −i i
A − λI = −→ =⇒ N (A − λI) = span .
1 −i 0 0 1
For λ = 1 − i,
i −1 1 i −i
A − λI = −→ =⇒ N (A − λI) = span .
1 i 0 0 1
For theoretical work, and for textbook-type problems, it’s helpful to express
the characteristic equation in terms of the principal minors. Recall that an r × r
principal submatrix of An×n is a submatrix that lies on the same set of r
rows and columns, and an r × r principal minor is the determinant of an r × r
principal submatrix. In other words, r × r principal minors are
obtained by
deleting the same set of n−r rows and columns, and there are nr = n!/r!(n−r)!
such minors. For example, the 1 × 1 principal minors of
−3 1 −3
A = 20 3 10 (7.1.4)
2 −2 4
are the diagonal entries −3, 3, and 4. The 2 × 2 principal minors are
−3 1
= −29, −3 −3 = −6, and 3 10 = 32,
20 3 2 4 −2 4
and the only 3 × 3 principal minor is det (A) = −18.
Related to the principal minors are the symmetric functions of the eigenval-
ues. The k th symmetric function of λ1 , λ2 , . . . , λn is defined to be the sum
of the product of the eigenvalues taken k at a time. That is,
sk = λi1 · · · λik .
1≤i1 <···<ik ≤n
Proof. At least two proofs of (7.1.5) are possible, and although they are concep-
tually straightforward, each is somewhat tedious. One approach is to successively
use the result of Exercise 6.1.14 to expand det (A − λI). Another proof rests on
the observation that if
p(λ) = det(A − λI) = (−1)n λn + a1 λn−1 + a2 λn−2 + · · · + an−1 λ + an
is the characteristic polynomial for A, then the characteristic equation is
λn + c1 λn−1 + c2 λn−2 + · · · + cn−1 λ + cn = 0, where ci = (−1)n ai .
Taking the rth derivative of p(λ) yields p(r) (0) = r!an−r , and hence
(−1)n (r)
cn−r = p (0). (7.1.9)
It’s now a matter of repeatedly applying the formula (6.1.19) for differentiating
a determinant to p(λ) = det (A − λI). After r applications of (6.1.19),
p(r) (λ) = Di1 ···ir (λ),
ij =ik
where Di1 ···ir (λ) is the determinant of the matrix identical to A − λI except
that rows i1 , i2 , . . . , ir have been replaced by −eTi1 , −eTi2 , . . . , −eTir , respectively.
It follows that Di1 ···ir (0) = (−1)r det (Ai1 ···ir ), where Ai1 i2 ···ir is identical to
A except that rows i1 , i2 , . . . , ir have been replaced by eTi1 , eTi2 , . . . , eTir , re-
spectively, and det (Ai1 ···ir ) is the n − r × n − r principal minor obtained by
deleting rows and columns i1 , i2 , . . . , ir from A. Consequently,
p(r) (0) = Di1 ···ir (0) = (−1)r det (Ai1 ···ir )
ij =ik ij =ik
= r! × (−1)r (all n − r × n − r principal minors).
Example 7.1.2
Problem: Determine the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of
−3 1 −3
A = 20 3 10 .
2 −2 4
Solution: Use the principal minors computed in (7.1.4) along with (7.1.5) to
obtain the characteristic equation
λ3 − 4λ2 − 3λ + 18 = 0.
λn + αn−1 λn−1 + · · · + α1 λ + α0 = 0
are integers, then every integer solution is a factor of α0 . For our problem, this
means that if there exist integer eigenvalues, then they must be contained in the
set S = {±1, ±2, ±3, ±6, ±9, ±18}. Evaluating p(λ) for each λ ∈ S reveals
that p(3) = 0 and p(−2) = 0, so λ = 3 and λ = −2 are eigenvalues for A.
To determine the other eigenvalue, deflate the problem by dividing
λ3 − 4λ2 − 3λ + 18
= λ2 − λ − 6 = (λ − 3)(λ + 2).
Thus the characteristic equation can be written in factored form as
(λ − 3)2 (λ + 2) = 0,
For λ = −2,
1 0 1 −1
A + 2I −→ 0 1 −2 =⇒ N (A + 2I) = span 2 .
0 0 0 1