Parent Letter

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I am Cody Hemmerling, your child's science 9 teacher at LCI this semester. I am sending you
this email to introduce myself, let you know about the course, and touch on some other
important information, including important dates coming up.

I am a student at the University of Lethbridge currently completing my final teaching practicum.

During this time I will be teaching two science 9 classes with 30 students each, and head
coaching the grade 9 girls volleyball team. I will be teaching your child the entirety of the science
9 curriculum before the holiday break before returning back to the U of L in January to complete
the final required courses for my degree. Once I return to being a student myself, my teacher
mentor Dustin McCubbing will take over the remainder of the semester which will involve
reviewing for the PAT.

I have attached the science 9 course outline to this email. On the course outline you can find
information on what your child will be learning, and how they will be assessed in this course (all
students received a paper copy of this as well). Science 9 moves fast; we are already well
underway the space exploration unit, with our first quiz occurring next week.

Throughout the semester I will be sending out weekly emails giving you a look at the week
ahead. These emails will include what your child will be learning and the dates of upcoming
quizzes and exams. These schedules are tentative and subject to change, depending on events
at the school and if some lessons take shorter or longer than anticipated. The upcoming week
(September 12-16) looks like the following:

Monday, Sept 12 Tuesday, Sept 13 Wednesday, Sept 14 Thursday, Sept 15 Friday, Sept 16

Space Topic 3 - Space Topic 5 - Space Topic 4 - Quiz: Topics 1-5 Space Topic 7 -
Spectroscopy Radio Triangulation The Solar
Telescopes and System

The date of the space unit exam will be on Thursday, September 22nd. After the space unit we
will be beginning the biology unit.

Important Dates
● LCI is hosting a “Meet the Teacher Night” Thursday, September 22nd at 7:00pm - ? in
the large gym. I will be there and would love to connect with you if you are able to make
● Parent-teacher interviews will take place October 20-21. Information on how to sign up
will be sent to you at a later date

I am ecstatic to be teaching your child this semester. If you have any questions or concerns
throughout the semester please do not hesitate to reach out.
Cody Hemmerling

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