Important Questions For CBSE Class 10 Science Chapter 4

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Important Questions for Class 10

Chapter 4 - Carbon & Its Compounds

Very Short Answer Questions 1 Mark

1. Soaps are formed by the saponification of

a. Alcohols
b. Simple ester
c. carboxylic acids
d. glycerides
Ans: d. glycerides

2. The functional group of butanone is

a. Carboxyl
b. Ketonic
c. Aldehydic
d. Alcoholic
Ans: b. ketonic

3. Enzyme which converts starch into glucose is

a. Zymase
b. Maltase
c. Diastase
d. Invertase
Ans: a. Zymase

4. The first compound to be prepared in the laboratory was

a. Methane
b. Ethyl alcohol
c. Acetic acid
d. Urea
Ans: d. Urea

5. The IUPAC name of CH3CHO is

a. Acetaldehyde

Class X Science 1

b. Formaldehyde
c. Methyl formaldehyde
d. Ethanol
Ans: d.Ethanol

6. Rectified spirit is
a. 50% ethanol
b. 80% ethanol
c. 95% ethanol
d. 40%to50% ethanol
Ans: c. 95% ethanol

7. Dilute alkaline solution KMnO4 is

a. an oxidizing agent
b. a reducing agent
c. a bleaching agent
d. none of these
Ans: a. an oxidizing agent

8. The by product in soap industry is

a. Isoprene
b. Ethylene glycol
c. Glycerol
d. Butane
Ans : c. Glycerol

9. An example of soap is
a. C15H31COONa
c. C6H5COONa
d. C17 H35OSO3Na
Ans: a. C15H31COONa

10. The number of C  H bonds in ethane C2H6 molecule are

a. 4
b. 6
c. 8

Class X Science 2

d. 10
Ans: b. 6

11. The odor of acetic acid resembles that of

a. Rose
b. Burning Plastic
c. Vinegar
d. Kerosene
Ans: kerosene

12. Diamond is not a good conductor of electricity because

a. It is very hard
b. Its structure is very compact
c. It is not soluble in water
d. It has no free electrons to conduct electric current.
Ans: d. It has no free electrons to conduct electric current.

13. Alcohols can be produced by the hydration of

a. Alkenes
b. Alkynes
c. Alkynes
d. Acids
Ans: a. Alkenes

14. The IUPAC name of CH3CHO is

a. Acetaldehyde
b. Formaldehyde
c. Methyl formaldehyde
d. Ethanol
Ans: d. Ethanol

15. IUPAC name of first member of homologous series of ketones is

a. Ethanone
b. Methanone
c. Propanone
d. Butanone
Ans: c. Propanone

Class X Science 3

16. An unknown compound has the smell of vinegar. Identify it
Ans: Acetic acid or Ethanoic acid that comprises 3  9% of the vinegar.

17. Out of butter and groundnut oil which is unsaturated in nature?

Ans: Groundnut oil

18. Which has triple bond, C2H4 ,C3H4 ,C3H6

Ans: C3H 4

19. Which substance is added for the denaturation of ethyl alcohol

Ans: Methyl Alcohol

20. Which ions are responsible for making water hard?

Ans: Ca 2 and Mg 2

21. Ethane, with the molecular formula has

a. 6 covalent bonds
b. 7 covalent bonds
c. 8 covalent bonds
d. 9 covalent bonds
Ans: b. 7 covalent bonds

22. Butanone is a four carbon compound with the functional group

a. Carboxylic acid
b. aldehyde
c. ketone
d. alcohol
Ans: c. Ketone

23. While cooking, if the bottom of the vessels is getting blackened on the outside,
it means that
a. The fuel is not cooked completely
b. The fuel is not burning completely
c. The fuel is wet
d. The is burning completely
Ans: b. the fuel is not burning completely.

Class X Science 4

24. Which of the following hydrocarbons undergo addition reactions?
C2H6 ,C3H8 ,C3H6 ,C2H2andCH4
Ans: C3H6andC2H2 will undergo addition reactions.

Short Answer Questions 2 Marks

1. Name the following compounds


Ans: Methanol

b) CH3  CH2  Cl
Ans: Chloroethane

2. Define Soaps?
Ans: A substance used with water for washing and cleaning, made of a compound of
natural oils or fats with sodium hydroxide or another strong alkali. These are
represented by RCOONa or RCOOR .

3. Name the second member of alkynes family Give its structure?

Ans: The second member of the alkyne family is propyne. The structural formula is
CH3  C  CH .

4. Give a chemical test to distinguish between Ethane and Ethene .

Ans: Take ethane and ethene in two separate test tubes and dissolve them in carbon
tetrachloride solution. Pass bromine gas into the two test tubes. If the color of bromine
gas is discharged, and decolorizes the yellow color then that gas is ethene and if the
color of gas remains the same, then that test tube contains ethane gas.

5. Write the structures of

i. Ethanoic acid

Class X Science 5

ii. Hexanal

6. Name the following compounds

a) CH 3  C  0
Ans: Ethanal

b) CH3  CH2  OH
Ans: Ethanol

7. Which organic compound is added to make ethanol unfit for drinking

purposes? What is the name of the mixture formed?
Ans: Methanol is highly poisonous and is added in small amount to ethanol in order to
make it unfit for drinking purposes. This mixture is called methylated spirit or
denatured alcohol.

8. Write a test to identify the presence of Ethanoic acid?

Ans: Dip a strip of blue litmus paper in the solution of Ethanoic acid. Its color changes
to red and Ethanoic acid gives a sweet-smelling compound called ester when treated
with Ethanol

9. What are the properties of carbon which lead to huge number of carbon
compounds we see around us?
Ans: The two properties of carbon which lead to the huge number of carbon
compounds we see around us are Catenation and Tetravalence . The self-linking
property called catenation. As Carbon is tetravalent it can readily unite with atoms like
hydrogen, oxygen etc by sharing electrons.

10. Name the following compound.

a) CH3  CH2  Br
Ans: Bromoethane

Class X Science 6

b) CH3  CH2  CH2  C  CH
Ans: Hex -1- yne

11. Why conversion of ethanol into ethanoic acid is an oxidation reaction?

Ans: Ethanoic acid has one or more O2 atom and two hydrogen atoms less than
ethanol. Loss of hydrogen is known as oxidation and gain of oxygen is known as
reduction. Therefore it is an oxidation reaction.

12. A mixture of ethyne and oxygen is used for welding. Can you justify why a
mixture of ethyne and air is not used?
Ans: When ethyne is burnt in oxygen, it gives a clean flame with high temperature
because of the complete combustion of ethyne. Hence, this oxyacetylene flame is used
for welding, and it is not possible to attain a high temperature with air. Air contains
mixture of nitrogen and oxygen. As nitrogen is more in amount it does not support
combustion. Because of this mixture of ethyne and air is not used for welding.

13. Why carbon and its compounds are used as fuels in most cases?
Ans: Carbon compounds are used as fuel because they burn with a clean flame and no
smoke is produced which is highly exothermic . Carbon compounds have higher
maximum ignition temperature and their combustion can be restrained. Hence, carbon
and its compounds are a great source of fuel.

14. A compound X has the molecular formula C3H6O with structural formula
CH3CH2CHO .Give its IUPAC name. Can another compound have the same
molecular formula? Give the structure and IUPAC name of that compound
Ans: The IUPAC name of X is propanol.
Another similar compound is Y is.

X and Y are related to each other as functional isomers.

15. Why CHO group cannot be present in the middle of the carbon atom chain?
Ans: The terminal functional group is CHO group and as three valencies of the C-atom
is already satisfied; this group cannot be present in the middle of the chain.

Class X Science 7

16. Two carbon atoms cannot be linked to each other by more than three covalent
bonds. Why?
Ans: There is a single bond between the two carbon atoms and both share their one
atom therefore for completing its shell it need to combine with three atoms of carbon
or other element. Therefore it cannot be linked to more than three covalent bonds since
its shell will be completed to become stable

17. What would be the electron dot structure of carbon dioxide which has the
formula of?
Ans: O  C  O

18. What would be the electron dot structure of a molecule of sulphur which is
made up of eight atoms of sulphur?
Ans: Sulphur is a chemical element with the symbol S

19. How would you name the following compounds?

i. CH3  CH2  Br
Ans: Bromomethane
ii. H  C  O

Class X Science 8

| | | |
iii. H  C C C C C  C  H
| | | |

Ans: Hexyne

i. What are two properties of carbon which lead to the huge number of carbon
compounds we see around us?
Ans: The two properties are:
(a) catenation: The ability to form a covalent bond by combining with other carbon
(b) Tetravalancy of carbon.

ii. Would you be able to check if water is hard by using a detergent?

Ans:No, we would not be able to check if water is hard by using a detergent.

iii. People use a variety of methods to wash clothes. Usually after adding the soap,
they beat the clothes on stone, or beat it with paddle, scrub with a brush or the
mixture is agitated in a washing machine. Why is agitation necessary to get
clean clothes?
Ans: Soap lowers the surface tension of water. The long chain non-ionic hydrocarbon
group in soap gets attached to the oil or grease droplets and loosens them from the
fibres of cloth along with the dirt. However this loosening is insufficient to remove the
grease with dirt completely. Hence the clothes are agitated to remove the grease
droplets completely.

iv. Explain the nature of the covalent bond using the bond formation in CH3Cl .
Ans: Covalent bond is formed by sharing of electrons between two atoms. It is non-
ionic in nature.
 H
 |
H  CCl  H  C Cl
 |
 H

v. Give a test that can be used to differentiate chemically between butter and
cooking oil?

Class X Science 9

Ans: Butter and cooking oil can be differentiated using bromine water test. Cooking
oil will decolorize the red color of bromine water on shaking and butter will not

vi. A compound ‘X’ has molecular formula . It undergoes substitution

reaction readily than addition reaction. It burns with blue flame and is present
in LPG. Identify ‘X’ and give the balanced equation for its combustion and
substitution reaction with in presence of sunlight.
Ans: C4 H10  O2  4CO2  5H 2O
C4H10  Cl2  C4H9Cl  HCl

vii. ‘A’ compound works well with hard water. It is used for making
shampoos & products for cleaning clothes. A is not 100% biodegradable and
causes water pollution. ‘B’ does not work well with hard water. It is 100%
biodegradable and does not create water pollution. Identify A & B.
Ans:A is the detergent & B is the soap.

viii. An organic compound P with molecular formula C2H6O is an active

ingredient of all alcoholic drinks. It is also used in medicines such as tincture
iodine, cough syrups. Identify ‘P’. Drop small piece sodium into the test
tube containing ‘P’. A new compound ‘Q’ is formed with the evaluation of
colorless and odorless gas Name the gas evolved and compound ‘Q’ write the
chemical reaction.
Ans: 2Na  2CH3CH 2OH  2CH3CH 2O  Na   H 2

Short Answer Questions 3 Marks

1. Complete the following reaction

i. H 2C  CH 2  H 2OH 2SO4
Ans: H 2C  CH 2  H 2OH 2SO4CH3  CH 2  OH

ii. HC  CH  Br2 

Class X Science 10

Br Br
| |
Ans: HC  CH  Br2  H  C C H
| |
Br Br

iii. C2H5OH  Na 
Ans: 2C2H5OH  Na  2C2H5ONa  H2

2. What is the role of concentrated sulphuric acid in the esterification reaction?

Ans: In esterification reaction carboxylic acid reacts with alcohol to form ester and
water reacts in the presence of concentrated sulphuric acid. Concentrated sulphuric acid
is used as a catalyst. This reaction is reversible and this reverse reaction is called ester
hydrolysis. Concentrated sulphuric acid removes water from the reaction mixture as it
is strong dehydrating agent. As a result, the reaction takes place only in the forward
direction to form ester.


Acid Alcohol Ester

3. What will be the formula and electron dot structure of cyclopentane ?

Ans: Cyclopentane is a cyclic compound with a formula C5H12 . The structure of the
compound is represented as

4. Draw the structures of the following compounds

a) Ethanoic acid
b) Bromopentane
c) Butanone
a) Ethanoic acid
H ||
H  C C OH Ethanoicacid

Class X Science 11

b) Bromopentane
CH3  CH 2  CH 2  CH 2  CH 2  Br Bromopen tan e

c) Butanone
H3C  C CH 2  CH3Bu tan one

5. Give names of the following

a) An aldehyde derived from ethane

b) Ketone derived from butane

Ans: Butanone

c) Compound obtained by the oxidation of ethanol by chromic anhydride

Ans: Ethanol

6. What is meant by denatured alcohol? What is the need to denature alcohol?

Ans: The Ethyl alcohol which contains small amount of methyl alcohol or copper
sulphate is called as denatured alcohol. The purpose of denaturing the alcohol is to
make it unfit for drinking purposes. Denatured alcohol is also used for industrial

7. Write chemical equations of the reactions of ethanoic acid with

a) Sodium
2CH3COOH  2Na  2CH3COONa  H 2

b) Sodium carbonate
2CH3COOH  Na 2CO3  2CH3COONa  CO2  H 2O

Class X Science 12

c) Ethanol in the presence of conc. H2So4
CH 3COOH  C2 H5OHconc.H 2So 4CH 3COOC 2 H 5

8. Complete the reaction and names of the products formed

i. CH 3COOH  NaOH(Heat)

ii. C2H5OH  O2
C2 H5OH  O2 CH3COOH  H 2

iii. CH 3COOH  C2H 5OH(Conc.H 2Sol)

CH 3COOH  C2 H 5OH(Conc.H 2Sol)CH 3COOC 2H 5  H 2O

9. What is a homologous series? State any two characteristics of homologous

Ans: A homologous series is a series of hydrocarbons which have similar chemical
properties and they share the same general formula. They are organic compounds
having similar structure and functional groups. A particular series differ in their
molecular formula by group. Characteristics of homologous series are: Same functional
group and same chemical properties.

10. Give the structural formulas for

i. Methyl Ethanoate
ii. Ethyl Ethanoate

Class X Science 13

Write two uses of Ester?
i. H  C OCH3
ii. CH3COOC2H5
Uses of esters:
a) Esters that have fragrant odors are used as a constituent of perfumes, essential oils,
food flavorings, cosmetics, etc.
b) It is used as an organic solvent.
c) Esters of glycerol known as triglycerides are used in the manufacture of soaps.
d) Natural esters are found in pheromones.

11. What are enzymes? Name the enzymes required for the fermentation of
sugarcane to ethanol?
Ans: An enzyme is a protein molecule in cells which works as a biological catalyst. In
the process of fermentation of sugar into ethanol, two enzymes are used.
C12 H 22O11  H 2O(Invertase)C6H12O6  C6H12O6
Sugar glucose fructose
C6 H12O6 (Zymase)2C2H5OH  2CO 2
Glucose and Fructose

12. The formula of an ester is C3H7COOC2H5 .Write the formulae of the acid
and alcohol from which the ester is prepared.
Ans: The molecular formula of acid is C3H7COOH (Butanoic acid) and for alcohol is
C2H5OH (Ethyl alcohol)

13. Write three difference between ethanol and ethanoic acid on the basis of
chemical properties?
i.Add a small amount of NaHCO3 to ethanoic acid CO2 gas is evolved with brisk
effervescence and such reaction doesn’t takes place in case of ethanol
ii.Ethanol is neutral so does not bring any change in the color of litmus paper but
ethanoic acid is acidic and changes the color of a blue litmus strip to red when dipped
in it.

Class X Science 14

iii.Ethanoic acid reacts with NaOH and KOH to form salt and water whereas ethanol
does not react.

14. Given a chemical test to distinguish between

i. Ethene and ethane
Ans: Ethene decolorizes the yellow color of bromine while ethane does not.

ii. Ethanol and ethanoic acid

Ans: Ethanoic acid gives a brisk effervescence with sodium hydrogen carbonate while
ethanol does not.

iii. Soaps and Detergents

Ans: Soaps form curdy white precipitate or scum with hard water while detergents do
not form any precipitate.

15. Name the functional groups present in the following compounds?

i. CH3  CH2  CH2  OH
Ans: OH(ol)

ii. CH3  CH2  CH2  COOH

Ans: COOH(oic _ acid)

iii. CH3  CH2  CHO

Ans: CHO(al)

16. What are esters? Write an equation to show the formation of ester?
Ans: Esters any of a class of organic compounds that react with water to produce
alcohols and organic or inorganic acids. They are pleasant smelling compounds and
they are commonly used as flavoring agents. Monocarboxylic acids react with alcohol
to form esters and water. This reaction is called as esterification
Methyl Ethanoate (Ester)
Ethyl Ethanoate (Ester)
CH3COOH  C2H5OH(Conc.H 2SO4 )CH3COOC2H5  H 2O

Class X Science 15

17. What will be the formula and electron dot structure for cyclopentane?
Ans: Formula of cyclopentane is C5H10 . The electron dot structure cyclopentane is :

18. How many structural isomers can you draw for pentane?
Ans: The isomers are as under :
| | | | |
| | | | |

i. n - pentane

ii. iso-pentane

Class X Science 16

iii. neo-pentane

19. What is a homologous series? Explain with an example.

Ans: A sequence of compounds with the same functional group substitutes for
hydrogen in a carbon chain is called homologous series. The difference between the
formulae of any two successive members is CH 2 and difference between the
molecular formula is14 u .

20. How can ethanol and Ethanoic acid are differentiated on the basis of their
physical and chemical properties?
⮚ On the basis of physical properties:
● Melting and boiling points of ethanol is 156K and 351K
● Melting and boiling point of Ethanoic acid is 290K and 391K .
⮚ On the chemical properties:
● Ethanoic acid reacts with sodium hydrogen carbonate liberating carbon dioxide
● ethanol does not react with sodium hydrogen carbonate liberating carbon dioxide.

21. Why are carbon and its compounds used as fuels for most applications?
Ans: Carbon burns with clean flame and no smoke is produced on combustion it gives
carbon dioxide and water. This reaction involves evolution of heat and light. The same
takes place for compounds of carbon. That is the reason why carbon and its compounds
are used as fuel for most applications.

22. Explain the formation of scum when hard water is treated with soap.

Class X Science 17

Ans: When soap is dissolved in hard water it reacts with calcium and magnesium ions
that are present there and forms calcium and magnesium salt of fatty acid which reacts
with soap to form scum. For example, calcium chloride reacts with soap to form scum.
Sodium stearate  Calcium chloride  sodium chloride  Calcium stearate  scum 

23. What change will you observe if you test soap with litmus paper (red and
Ans: Soap is a sodium or potassium salt of fatty acid. Soap molecules have two ends.
Soap is obtained when caustic soda is treated with oil. Sodium stearate is thus a salt of
weak acid and strong base. As its water solution is slightly alkaline it will turn red
litmus red.

24. What is hydrogenation? What is its industrial application?

Ans: The process of adding unsaturated hydrocarbons and hydrogen in presence of
catalysts such as palladium or nickel to give saturated hydrocarbons is called
hydrogenation. It is commercially used for converting vegetable oils to vanaspati ghee
in presence of nickel as catalyst.

25. Explain mechanism of the cleaning action of soap.

Ans: Soaps are sodium or potassium salt of fatty acids. Soap molecules have two ends.
One end is hydrophilic and another end is hydrophobic. Two molecular ends behave
differently. This ionic end is hydrophilic and it is oriented towards water. The other
hydrocarbon end is hydrophobic and it is oriented towards dirt which is oily in nature.
A micelle formation around the oily dirt takes place. The cleaning of clothes etc takes
place when flushed with excess of water; the micelle containing the dirt is removed.

26. An organic compound X with a molecular formula C undergoes oxidation with

in presence of alkaline KMnO4 to form a compound I X on heating in presence
of Cone. 11 At 443 K gives Z. which on reaction with 112 cm presence of 11
gives back ‘X‘‘Z’ reacts with Br (aq) and decolorizes it. Identify X, Y, & Z and
write the reactions involved.

Ans: CH 3  CH 2OH 

AlkalineKMnO 4  Heat
K 2Cr2 O 4  Heat
CH 3  CH 2OH 
H 2SO 4
 CH 2  CH 2  H 2O

Class X Science 18

27. ‘A’ compound works well with hard water. It is used for making shampoos &
products for cleaning clothes. A is not 100% biodegradable and causes water
pollution. ‘B’ does not work well with hard water. It is 100%
biodegradable and does not create water pollution. Identify A & B.
Ans: ‘Y’ will burn with a sooty flame. So it is an unsaturated hydrocarbon.

Propane (X)

Propene (Y)

28. A cyclic compound ‘X’ has molecular formula. It is unsaturated and burns
with sooty flame. Identify ‘X’ and write its structural formula. Will it
decolorize bromine water or not and why?

It does not decolorize bromine water because it does not undergo addition reaction.

29. An organic compound ‘A’ is a constituent of antifreeze and has the

molecular formula C2H6O . Upon reaction with alkaline KMnO4 the
compound ‘A’ is oxidized to another ‘B’ with formula C Identify the
compound A’ and ‘B’. Write the chemical equation for the reaction which
leads to the formulation of ‘B’

Class X Science 19

AlkalineKMnO 4  Heat
Ans: CH 3  CH 2OH 
KCr2O7  Heat
‘A’ ‘B’

30. Two compounds ‘X’ and ‘Y’ have the same formula C One of them reacts
with sodium metal to liberate 112 and CO with NaHCO Second one does not
reacts with Na metal and NaHCO but undergo hydrolysis with NaOH to form
salt of carboxylic acid and compound ‘Z’ which is called wood
spirit. Identify ‘X’, ‘Y’, and ‘Z’ and write chemical equation for the reaction
Ans: CH3COOH  NaHCO3  CH3COONa  H2O  CO2
CH3COOH  Na  CH3COONa  H2
‘Y’ ‘Z’

31. A compound ‘X’ with molecular formula C burns with a sooty flame. It
decolorizes bromine water. Identify ‘X’ Will it dissolve in water or not? Will
it conduct electricity in aq. Solution? Will it have high melting point or low
melting point?
Ans: As ‘X’ ethane is a covalent compound it will neither dissolve in water nor conduct
electricity and it has low melting point.

Long Answer Questions 5 Marks

1. Define fermentation. Name the enzyme which converts

a) Milk into curd (yogurt)
b) Cane sugar into glucose and fructose
c) Glucose into ethanol
Ans: The chemical process of preparation of ethyl alcohol from sugar is known as
a) Milk into curd (yogurt) : Lactase
b) Cane sugar into glucose and fructose : Invertase
c) Glucose into ethanol : Zymase

a) Name the gas evolved during fermentation process?
Ans: CO2 Gas is evolved and accompanied by the brisk effervescence.

Class X Science 20

b) What role is played by yeast in the conversion of cane sugar to ethanol?
Ans: Yeast is the source of enzymes invertase and zymase needed for fermentation.

c) How may the following be obtained from pure ethanol? Express (C12H22O11 )
chemical reactions by the chemical equations.
i. Sodium ethoxide
Ans: 2C2H5OH  2Na  2C2H5ONa  H2

ii.Ethyl ethanoate
2C2 H 5OH  CH 3COOH 
H 2SO 4
 CH 3COOC 2H 5  H 2O

Ans: C2 H5OH  O2 
 CH3CHO  H 2O

3. An organic compound A is widely used as a preservative in pickles and has a

molecular formula. This compound reacts with ethanol to form a sweet
smelling compound B.
a) Identify the compound A.
Ans: Compound A is ethanoic acid (CH3COOH)

b) Write the chemical equation for its reaction with ethanol to form compound B.
Ans: CH3COOH  C2H5OH  CH3COOC2H5  H2O

c) How can we get compound A back from B.

Ans: Ethanoic acid Ethyl Ethanoate (Ester)
CH3COOC2H5  H2O   CH3COOH  C2H5OH
Ethanoic acid

d) Name the process and write the corresponding chemical equation.

Ans: The process is known as ester hydrolysis.

e) Which gas is produced when compound A reacts with washing soda? Write the
chemical equation?

Class X Science 21

Ans: CO2 is produced with effervescence when compound A reacts with washing soda
which is chemically Na 2CO3
2CH3COOH  Na 2CO3  2CH3COONa  H2O  CO2

a) Why does carbon form largest number of compounds?
Ans: Carbon forms strong bonds with another carbon due to the overlapping of orbitals.
Carbon forms large number of compounds called organic compounds due to which the
self-linking property is called catenation.

b) Why some of these are called saturated and other unsaturated compounds?
Ans: Compounds which has only C  C (single bond) present are saturated compounds
whose as those compounds which has C  C (double bond) or C  C (triple) bond
is present are called unsaturated compounds.

c) Which of these two is more reactive?

Ans: Saturated compounds are less reactive than unsaturated compounds

d) Write the names of the following compounds

i. CH2  CH2  Br
Ans: Bromoethane

ii. CH3  CH  CH  CH  C  C  H
Ans: Hex-1-yne

5. Draw the structure for the following compounds:

i. Ethanoic acid


Class X Science 22

iii. Butanone
| | || |
H  C C C C H
| | |

iv. Hexanal
| | | | |
H  C C C C C  O
| | | |

6. Draw the electron dot structure for

a) Ethanoic acid

b) H 2S

Class X Science 23

c) Propanone

d) F2

7. Why does micelle formation take place when soap is added to water? Will a
micelle be formed in other solvents such as ethanol also?
Ans: Soap molecules have two ends. One end is hydrophilic and another end is
hydrophobic and the ionic end is hydrophilic. Soaps dissolve in water while the
hydrogen chain is hydrophobic, it dissolves in hydrocarbon. The hydrocarbon chains
are oriented towards the oil droplet and the ionic ends are oriented towards water. In
ethanol Micelles formation will not take place.s

8. An organic compound ‘A’ is widely used as a preservative in pickles and has a

molecular formula C. This compound reacts with ethanol to form a sweet
smelling compound ‘B’.
i. Identify the compound ‘A’
Ans: Ethanoic acid, CH3COOH

Class X Science 24

ii.Write the chemical equation for its reaction with ethanol to form compound

iii.How can we get compound ‘A’ back from ‘B’?

Ans: Esters react with the acid or a base to give back the alcohol and carboxylic acid.

iv.Name the process and write corresponding chemical equation.

Ans: Saponification
CH3COOC2 H5  NaOH

v.Which gas is produced when compound ‘A’ reacts with washing soda? Write
the chemical equation.
Ans: CO2 gas is evolved
2CH3COOH  Na 2CO3  2CH3COONa  H2O  CO2

Class X Science 25

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