Learning Switched Mode Power Supply Design Using MATLAB SIMULINK
Learning Switched Mode Power Supply Design Using MATLAB SIMULINK
Learning Switched Mode Power Supply Design Using MATLAB SIMULINK
Wei-Hsin Liao* Shun-Chung Wang** Yi-Hua Liu*
*Department of Electrical Engineering **Department of Electrical Engineering
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Lunghwa University of Science and Technology
Taipei, Taiwan Taoyuan, Taiwan
Abstract—Switched Mode Power Supplies (SMPS) have Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC). Among them, the
become an indispensable part of modem electronic systems. In magnetic and EMC design depend on the real-world design,
this paper, a generalized MATLAB/SIMULINK modeling therefore is often not taken into account in simulation level. In
techniques is presented. The proposed techniques have been this paper, a description of the modeling techniques for power
successfully integrated into SMPS design course at Lunghua
converter and control ICs along with their use in SMPS
University, Taiwan. The main objective of the course is to teach
final year undergraduate students and first year Master’s courses will be presented. The various types of converters are
students how to design an SMP in real life. Positive response considered to be examples to clearly show the validity of the
from students indicates that the proposed technique is useful for proposed technique, and will be described in detail in the
SMPS design courses. following sections.
Fig. 1 Typical SMPS block diagram
As to today more than 75% of all generated power was
processed by power electronics. The extensive usage of II. SIMULINK MODEL OF SWITCHED MODE POWER
switching converter circuits in electronic products and systems
makes the fundamental understanding of power electronics a
necessity for students and electronic engineers. This trend has In this section, the generalized construction method of
resulted in an increasing interest in providing power electronic SMPS SIMULINK model will be presented. In this paper, the
courses at the senior undergraduate and the graduate levels in behavior model technique as presented in [4] is adopted. Take
various institutions [1-3]. Traditionally, SMPS are taught as the flyback power converter shown in Fig. 2 as an example. In
part of a typical introductory undergraduate elective course in a flyback converter, the switch Q is continuously switching on
power electronics. However, the practical design of SMPS and off with high frequency in order to provide the transfer of
calls for design expertise which can only be gained with years electric power via energy storage components. Assuming the
of experience. Fig. 1 shows the block diagram of a typical flyback converter operates in continuous conduction mode
SMPS, the AC input voltage is rectified by a full-wave bridge (CCM), the state equation of the power circuit when Q is on
rectifier. The rectified input voltage is next applied to power can be written as
factor correction (PFC) pre-regulator followed by output DC- diL 1
= (vg − iL rL ) (1)
DC converter(s). Downstream DC-DC converter generates a dt L
set of DC voltages required for the load, and normally also dvC 1 vO
provides input-to-output isolation. There are a number of =− (2)
topologies utilized in a DC-DC converter, and a large variety dt C RO
of regulator ICs suitable for each of these topologies. The and the relationship between the transformer voltage on the
selection of right topology and controller depends on specific primary side v1 and secondary side v2 can be shown as
requirements for the power supply and personal experience of v1 = vg (3)
the designer.
In this paper, a generalized MATLAB/SIMULINK n2 n
v2 = − v1 = − 2 vg (4)
modeling techniques for SMPS is presented. The objective of n1 n1
the proposed technique is to assist the learning of SMPS where n1 is the number of turns of primary side, and n2 is
through simulation. A practical SMPS design consists of the number of turns of secondary side.
several parts: power converter topology selection, controller When the switch Q turned off, the state equation of the
(compensation circuit) design, magnetic design and power circuit can be written as
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diL 1 ⎛ n1 ⎞ the PFC is to control input AC current so that it is in phase
= ⎜ − vO − iL rL ⎟ (5) with mains AC voltage and its waveform repeats the input
dt L ⎝ n2 ⎠ voltage waveform. The objective of the DC-DC converter is
dvC 1 n1 v to maintain a constant voltage across the load given a variable
= iL − O (6) input voltage and load current. There are three major types of
dt C n2 RO
power supply control ICs: voltage mode control IC and current
The relationship between v1 and v2 is
mode control IC for DC-DC converter control and the power
n1 n factor correction ICs for PFC control. The modeling
v1 = v2 = − 1 vO (7)
n2 n2 techniques of these three types of ICs will be presented as
v2 = −vO (8)
the output voltage vO for switch on and off is the same
vO = iC rC + vC (9) A. Voltage mode control IC for DC-DC converter
Taking Eq. (1)~(9) into account, the corresponding behavior For DC-DC converter, a negative feedback loop is utilized
model can then be implemented in SIMULINK environment. to maintain a constant value for the output voltage(s). To
It can be noted that the constructed model can be masked into accomplish this, an error amplifier (EA) is used, which
a subsystem in SIMULINK, the users can then uses a dialog attempts to minimize the error between the output voltage and
window to change the circuit parameters during simulations an ideal reference voltage. Deficiencies in gain and phase
easily. margins must be compensated for using an appropriate
compensation network. Fig. 4 shows the general form and the
n1 : n2
equivalent circuit of a feedback controller. From Fig. 4(b),
iL D iC assuming the input impedance of the EA is infinite, the output
L + - C voltage of the EA can be calculated as
+ v2 +
v1 + RO vO Z2 Z1
vg + - + rC vC - v1 = vO′ + vC (10)
- rL vL - Z1 + Z 2 Z1 + Z 2
vC = A ( s ) vref − v1 ) (11)
Q where the transfer function of the open loop gain A(s) can
be represented as
Fig. 2 Flyback switching power converter p
A( s) = K (12)
s+ p
where K is the DC gain and p is the pole. Using Eq.
(10)~(12), the SIMULINK model for OP AMP with
compensation network can be obtained, as shown in Fig. 5.
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similar. In this paper, UC3525 from Texas Instrument is taken the current threshold is raised to allow more energy to reach
as an example to show the validity of the proposed method. the load. The converse is true too.
Fig. 6 shows the block diagram of the UC3525. From Fig. 6, Similarly, there are many commercially available current
UC3525 comprises an error amplifier, a PWM comparator and mode ICs. In this paper, UC3842 from Texas Instrument is
an S-R flip-flop. The EA with a compensation network can be taken as an example. Fig. 8 shows the block diagram of the
constructed using Eq. (10), and the error voltage is derived in UC3842. From Fig. 8, UC3842 also consists of an error
the feedback system from the EA that amplifies the difference amplifier, a PWM comparator and an S-R flip-flop. The only
between the output voltage and the reference voltage. The difference between current mode control and voltage mode
generated error voltage is then compared to a sawtooth ramp control is that current mode control uses the oscillator only as
to control the duty cycle of the power switch. A flip-flop is a fixed-frequency clock and the ramp waveform in voltage
used in UC3525 to assure that only one output pulse is mode control is replaced with a signal derived from output
generated for each clock period. The SIMULINK model of inductor current. Using similar techniques describe in section
UC3525 is shown in Fig. 7. It should also be noted that the III (a), the SIMULINK model of UC3842 can be obtained as
model shown in Fig. 7 can also be integrated into a subsystem, shown in Fig. 9.
and a dialog window can be used to enter the parameters of the
compensation network.
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is a scaled version of the rectified input ac line voltage. The compensation circuits. The procedures of a typical
multiplier output is the product of the near dc signal from the compensation circuit design can be summarized as follows:
error amplifier and the rectified sine waveform at the ac input. 1. Obtain the transfer function of the power stage, and
The signal out of the multiplier is then used as the reference then plot the bode plot using the sistool in MATLAB.
for the input voltage. This amplitude of this signal is adjusted 2. Select the poles and zeros of a compensation circuit so
to maintain the output voltage to remain at its regulated value. that a cascade transfer function of the power stage and
The SIMULINK model of L6561 can be obtained as shown in compensation circuit exhibits desired frequency
Fig. 11. characteristics and does not violate stability conditions.
3. Verify the result using simulation and experiments.
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Two additional examples are also presented to validate the
proposed technique. The design techniques are similar to that
presented in section IV.a, and will be neglected due to limited
space. The block diagram and obtained waveforms for these
two examples will be provided in the following subsections.
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Taiwan, under research grant NSC 97-2622-E-262-006-CC3.
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This work was supported by National Science Council,
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