Gym Aop
Gym Aop
Gym Aop
Whereas for diverse and other reasons it was thought fit to put into
writing the purposes / objects of the Association and the manner in which
the AOP to be managed and administrated, being orally agreed and decided
on the 01st of DECEMBER 2022, and hence put into writing this 01st of
Whereas all the members of this AOP at the meeting held at LUCKNOW on
01st of DECEMBER 2022 has authorized the
President…………………………………………………………………. to draft and execute
a suitable agreement and have authorized him along with the members of
the head Chapter being mentioned herein above in this document.
H. Membership of Clients -
I. Opening Hours-
The Gym shall be open from …….AM till …….PM
throughout Monday till Saturday. On Sunday, it shall
be open from ……..AM till ……PM. The members shall
need to book slots for Gym via call before coming to
the premises.
N. Termination of Clients
4 - The Gym is committed to the safety, health and welfare of each of its
members and shall not endure unreasonable, indecent, threatening,
harassing or illegal behavior of any form. Any member who is found
to misuse and/or abuse any equipment in a manner not acceptable as
per the rules, the Gym holds the right to permanently terminate the
membership of such member without any refund.
Further, this clause should also list down clearly the use of the
member’s information and for what reasons it is been collected. The
gym’s website should also have a mandatory privacy policy and the
gym authorities should be extremely careful while drafting this
6 - The financial year of the AOP shall be from 1st April to 31st March
every year.
9 - The AOP may collect funds from each Chapter member based on its