ME438 Cement
ME438 Cement
ME438 Cement
Department as in Mechanical Engineering
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected]
This paper presents the necessity of decarbonizing the cement sector since it is critical for future international policies
aimed at low-carbon industrial activity. With 8% of CO2 emissions from the business sector, the cement industry plays a
significant role in this decarbonization phase. The importance of decarbonizing the cement sector is also something
Turkey should think about. As a result, the essential processes and approaches, as well as their assessments from Turkey's
standpoint, are discussed. As a result, the key sources of carbon emissions are identified and investigated. The article is
organized into sections based on the CO2 emissions that occur during the cement manufacturing process.
1. Introduction
Greenhouse gas emissions and global warming are
increasingly growing problems in the World. Because of
humankind and its needs, the planet is suffering. This highly
affects the geology of the world; therefore, flora and fauna on
almost everywhere in the world is changing even if some of
the species are extinct.
As can seen on Figure 1, main greenhouse gas emission is Figure 1. Total greenhouse gas emissions by Economic Sector in
caused by energy use and it corresponds to 73.2% of the total 2016
emission. After Energy, Agriculture, Forestry and Land use
total emission comes with 18.4%, Industry 5.2% and waste
3.2%. Figure 1 shows greenhouse gas emissions in 2016 with
details but also the 24% of the industrial CO2 emission is given
as energy use in industry. To sum up and specialize this pic
chart, Figure 2 is given below.
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All of these percentages are high enough to harm the 3. How is cement produced?
environment. The lowest carbon emission belongs to concrete
with 8%. Concrete is the most widely used artificial material Limestone, clay, and marn are the most common raw
in existence. 2.5% of this is contributed by dwarfing the materials used in cement production. Iron ore may be used to
aviation industry’s. Cement, which is produced by grinding satisfy iron needs, while bauxite can be used to meet aluminum
limestone and clay and adding iron ore or ash, is the most needs as a raw material. At the quarry, raw materials are loaded
important component of concrete. The mixture is heated to onto transport vehicles. The jaw crusher equipped with a
almost 2,600 degrees Fahrenheit in a kiln, a procedure that dedusting device reduces the size of the raw materials brought
requires a lot of fossil fuel. When calcium carbonate in in from the quarry to 25x25 millimeters. Crushed raw
limestone is heated, it decomposes into calcium oxide and materials are separated and stored according to their
carbon dioxide, which are emitted into the atmosphere. categories. Bag filters are used to recover dust at the transfer
Cement is made by grinding calcium oxide with limestone and points. The treadmill is used to grind raw materials into raw
gypsum. The process that breaks down the calcium carbonate meal. The major components of raw meal, which is a blend of
produces half of the CO2 emissions, while the other half comes perfectly balanced cement raw materials, are calcium oxide
from the fossil fuels used to heat the kilns and transport the and silicon dioxide resources.
Calcium oxide is formed in the environment by rocks that are
2. History of Cement mostly composed of calcium carbonate, such as limestone or
Cement has been used by humans for thousands of years, with marn. Clay is the primary source of silicon dioxide. Aluminum
the first archeological finding of a solidified whitewashed and iron oxide, which are also raw meal components, come
floor built from burnt limestone and clay in modern-day next. Other substances, such as magnesium and alkaline
Turkey dating back to 12,000 years ago. The Romans invented oxides, are present in the structure even in minute amounts.
new construction techniques that allowed them to construct
massive structures with solid foundations. One such Vertical mills or ball mills are used to grind raw meal. Raw
innovation was "opus caementitium," a lime-based concrete meal is supplied to a preheater tower made composed of
with sand and crushed rock particles. This was usually utilized cyclones after being weighed at a raw meal silo. In the
as formwork between masonry stones or bricks. Crushed brick, cyclones, heated gas circulates in the opposite direction of the
tiles, and ceramic pots were utilized as aggregates in other material flow. The raw mixture is preheated thanks to this gas
cements. Marcus Vitruvius Polllio, a Roman architect and channel. As a result, less fuel is utilized to heat the kiln. With
engineer, wrote a detailed description of the time's knowledge the pre-calcination method, raw meal is heated from 30°C to
and construction skills, which served as the foundation of 1000°C and calcined 90% of the time. Calcination is the
construction procedures for hundreds of years [3]. process of breaking down carbonate and hydrates under the
influence of heat to produce oxide components. Limestone's
Although masons are known to have used hydraulic cements calcite mineral transforms into free lime mineral.
to create structures such as fortresses and canals, the Middle
Ages were a peaceful period in the history of cement. The The oxides in the raw material get liberated initially when raw
1800s European Industrial Revolution saw a flurry of new meal is burned in the kiln. As the temperature rises, more
developments in cement and concrete, with major crystals develop. The pre-raw meal heater is burned at 1450C
contributions from John Smeaton, who discovered that the in the revolving kiln, resulting in granular clinker as a by-
hydraulicity of lime was directly related to the clay content of product. Clinker is cooled and its temperature is decreased to
the limestone, James Parker, Louis Vicat, and Egor Cheliev. 100C after it exits the kiln at 1300C. Clinker granules are
crushed with limestone in this mill, which is typically
Joseph Aspdin, a British bricklayer and builder, found the equipped with balls. Gypsum is required to prevent excessive
precursor to modern-day cement in 1824 when he solidification (extension of setting time) during the cement-
experimented with heating limestone and clay until the water interaction. Steel crusher balls fill up to one third of the
mixture calcined, grinding it, and then combining it with volumes in the mills in the shape of steel cylinders with a
water. Portland cement was named after the pretty tough diameter of roughly 3 m. As the cylinder rotates, balls collide
construction stone from the Isle of Portland in Dorset, UK, by with the clinker particles, shattering them into smaller
Aspdin. William Aspdin, his son, invented the first alite fragments. Between the dividers, the material is transported.
cement. In 1878, Germany established the first cement The necessary fineness is achieved in the final division. Giving
standard for Portland cement, setting the initial test techniques pressurized water into the cement mill during grinding
and minimum qualities, and many other nations followed suit. prevents the temperature in the mill from rising.
Rotary kilns have been used to replace vertical shaft kilns since
the 1900s because they employ radiative heat transfer, which 4. Importance of cement
is more effective at higher temperatures. Establishing a
consistent clinkering temperature and resulting in a stronger Cement is one of the core instruments of humanity and there
cement. are various use areas of it. Some of them are, [4]
Other developments in the last century include the use of ● Cement Mortar
calcium aluminate cements for better sulfate resistance, the
Cement mortar is a paste produced by adding a certain amount
blending of Rosendale and Portland cements in the United
of water to a sand - cement mixture. In this scenario, cement is
States to create a durable and fast-setting cement, and the
referred to as matrix, whereas sand is referred to as adulterant.
increased use of cementitious materials to store nuclear waste.
While different binding materials are available, we know that
cement has strong binding capabilities. Cement is commonly
Figure 3. Summary of the decarbonization options [10]“ metric ton, whereas Thai cement was sold for $34. Both
Japanese and Korean cement are marketed in the same price
Half of those countries aren't top producers. Exporting nations range, with the former costing $27 and the latter costing $34.
have profits, but these profits aren't indexed by their In comparison, German cement costs $71 per ton, while
proportional magnitude in domestic output. This might be Canadian cement costs $66. Cement prices may be divided
because they have a comparative advantage in cement into two geographic groups based on a regional pricing
production due to cheaper raw material extraction costs. structure: Asian cement and European and North American
(EU/NA) cement. Such information simply serves to confirm
Table 3. The Top 10 Cement Importing Countries the importance of cement, as well as the high demand relative
to supply that allows the industry to weather global economic
depressions. It also demonstrates cement pricing's resistance to
external shocks. [6]
Carbon capture: CO2 may be captured from exhaust gases Figure 4 shows that, electrification of heat and hydrogen as
produced by industrial processes and kept from entering the fuel stock or feedstock applied in research phase, biomass as
atmosphere using carbon-capture equipment. The CO2 can be fuel or feedstock applied in industry and Carbon Capture and
stored underground (CCS) or used as a feedstock in other storage (CCS) applied for pilot sites to develop the technology
processes through carbon capture and usage (CCU)., [10].
● Waste Recovery
● Utilization of Kilns
Solid fuels Petroleum coke (petcoke), paper waste, rubber • It also contributes in reducing the emissions such as
residues, pulp sludge, sewage sludge, used tyres, greenhouse gasses by replacing the fossil fuels with materials
battery cases, plastics residues, wood waste, that would otherwise have to be incinerated with their
domestic refuse, rice husks, refuse derived fuel, corresponding emissions and final residues or shapes.
nut shells, oil-bearing soils, diapers, etc.
(Cembureau, 1997)
Based on the raw materials that are used and the process that
is occuring for clinker formation, a cement plant consumes
fuel amounting to about 3200 to 5500 MJ/tonnes clinker.
Figure 8. Co-combustion Process
Electrical energy consumption is changing from 90 to 120
kWh/tonnes cement produced. Historically, the primary fuel
There are also some disadvantages of the alternative fuels used
used in manufacturing is coal. (Cembureau, 1997)
in the combustion process of the cement production:
A wide range of other primary fuels are also used, including
The alternatively used fuels that are used in cement production
petroleum coke, natural gas and oil. The average European
have various properties than the conventional ones. Burning
energy requirement to produce one tonne of cement is
alternative fuels rather than conventional fuels leads to several
equivalent to the combustion of approximately 120 kg of coal.
difficulties that must be addressed in order to say the research
(Cembureau, 1997)
and development part is successfully exerted to real life.
Poorly distributed heat in the kiln, unstable operation of the
In addition to mathematical results and expressions, there are
precalciner, blockages should be overcome in the preheater
also lots of CFD simulations and analysis done covering the
cyclones, higher SO2, NOx, and CO emissions, and dusty kilns
calcination and combustion processes through the rotary kiln.
are some of the major challenges. (Cembureau, 1997)
Here are some example articles including the mathematical
explanation and theory behind it.
The chemical composition of the primary components of the
raw material has an impact on the correct functioning of the
A mathematical model for cement kilns (1970)
cement kiln, as does combustion and the fuel consumed. The
type of fuel utilized may introduce various material
In this article, the researchers predicate on 2 types of rotary
components that may alter the chemistry of the cement
kilns that work differently in terms of the type of fuel that is
ingredients as well as the system's functioning. As a result, any
used. The second kiln that is used includes used tyres as a
negative impact on cement quality, refractory life, gas and
supplemental fuel. They are plugging the chemical properties
material flow, or possible emissions to the atmosphere
and flow properties and energy equations into a CFD solver.
constrains the usage of a particular fuel. Therefore, since these
Then, they calculated the real life case with the CFD
are usually problems faced, in order to get government
simulations.(Darabi, 1970)
approval, these problems should be eliminated (Cembureau,
Modeling of Pulverized Coal Combustion in Cement
Rotary Kiln (2006)
The incomplete combustion, poor heat distribution and
unstable precalciner operation are problems associated with
In this article, again a rotary kiln is used for the analyzed
switching from conventional fuel to alternative fuels
geometry. The simulation includes discrete phases and
(Cembureau, 1997)
combustion is defined to the solver. They added a comment
about the combustion process they defined. “Mathematical
● Numerical simulation and Mathematical Expressions of
models of coal combustion have made better progress in other
combustion in Cement kilns
fields. However, modeling of coal combustion for a cement
The process of the calcination is to produce lime from the rotary kiln was mostly carried out in the burning zone close to
limestone. The most basic demonstration of the chemical the burner.” (Wang et al., 2006)
reaction is as follows.
The main reactions are added to the solver as belows.
[1] In general, in manufacturing of cement, it is about 0.9
pounds of CO2 produced per pound of cement manufactured.
Manufacturing a cubic yard of concrete (about 3900 lbs) is
responsible for emitting about 400 lbs of CO2 since the cement
Figure 9 Electrical and Thermal Energy Flow in a Cement Table 8 Specific Thermal energy consumption by Rotary Kiln
Production Process (Madlool,2011) (Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2011)
Kiln exhaust streams, such as from the clinker cooler and the
kiln preheater system, contain useful thermal energy that may
be transformed into power. Although most of the energy is
used in rotary kiln operations and overall kiln efficiency is
critical to reducing energy consumption and emission of CO 2,
it is also necessary to recover remaining waste heat from the
preheater exhaust and clinker cooler. Clinker coolers typically Figure 11 Schematic of an Organic Rankine Cycle Used in WHR
discharge enormous volumes of hot air at temperatures ranging Systems (Hedman, 2019)
from 250 to 340 ᵒC straight into the environment. The 300 to
450 ᵒC kiln gas coming from the preheaters is often utilized to The organic Rankine cycle operates on the same principles as
dry material in the raw mill and/or the coal mill on the kiln the Rankine cycle: the working fluid is pumped to a boiler
charging side. The aim is to provide low temperature heating where it is evaporated, then transferred through an expansion
or generate electricity to compensate for a portion of grid device, and finally through a condenser heat exchanger where
electricity purchased or power generated by fuel consumption it is condensed. The difference is that the usage of an organic
at the cement manufacturing plant. Since cement facilities molecule such as butane or pentane having a lower boiling
often do not require large low-temperature heating, most waste point, higher vapor pressure, higher molecular mass, and
heat recovery projects have been developed for power higher mass flow compared to water. ORC systems may be
generation. Waste heat recovery may contribute up to 30% of used for waste heat sources as low as 150ᵒC, whereas steam
a cement plant's overall electricity demand and has several systems can only be used for heat sources over 260ᵒC. ORC
advantages. (Hedman,2014) systems are generally built with two heat transfer stages. The
first stage allows the exchange of heat from waste gasses to an
The amount of waste heat that can be recovered is affected by intermediate heat transfer fluid (for example, thermal transfer
the structure of the kiln system, the moisture content of the raw oil). The heat is transferred from the intermediate heat transfer
materials, and the amount of heat required for drying in the raw fluid to the organic working fluid in the second step.
mill system, solid fuel system, cement mill, and waste heat
recovery system. Kalina Cycle
The Kalina cycle was invented in the 1980s and has since been
researched for a variety of power production applications from
various thermal sources, including the energy recovery of
exhaust gasses. The fluid used in the Kalina cycle is a mixture
of water and ammonia. The Kalina cycle shows high efficiency
results in the cement industry (Amiri Rad & Mohammadi,
2018). The findings of WHR with Kalina cycle in the cement
sector showed that the thermal and exergetic efficiencies
Figure 10 Schematic of a Steam Rankine Cycle Used in WHR ranged from 7-10% and 15-18%, respectively. Research
Systems (Hedman 2019) including heat recovery in different temperatures found that at
temperatures above 180°C, the Kalina Cycle exceeded the
In the waste heat steam generator, exhaust gas from the ORC (Y. Wang, Tang, Wang, & Feng, 2017). For thermal
preheater and clinker cooler is directed to boilers of the steam source temperatures ranging from 135 to 200°C, the Kalina
Rankine cycle. Heat is transferred from the hot gasses to the cycle outperforms the Rankine cycle in terms of thermal
water in the cycle and steam is produced to drive the turbine efficiency (Lin, Zhu, & Li, 2015). The thermal efficiency of
and produce electricity. the Kalina cycle for WHR at temperatures up to 473 K was
26.32 percent (Sadeghi, Saffari, & Bahadormanesh, 2015).
Wang studied the energy analyses and parametric