Service Costing

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 Discuss the cost accounting method for service sectors.

 State the units used in different service sectors.
 Calculate the costs for different service industries.

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Application of Service

Service Costing vs
Product Costing
Composite Unit
Methods of Ascertaining
Service cost unit
Equivalent Unit

Service Cost Statement

Service Costing

Costing of Services:
(ii) Hotels & Lodges
(iii) Hospitals
(iv) IT & ITES
(v) Toll Roads
(vi) Educational Institutes
(vii) Insurance
viii) Financial Institutes
(ix) Others

Service sector, being a fastest growing sector and having a significant contribution
towards the GDP in India, is a very important sector where the role of the cost and
management accounting is inevitable. The competitiveness of a service entity is
very much dependent on a robust cost and management accounting system for

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competitive pricing and identification of value adding activities. Providers of

services like transportation, hotels, financial services & banking, insurance,
electricity generation, transmission and distribution etc. are very much cost
conscious and thrive to provide services in a cost-effective manner. Irrespective of
regulatory requirements to maintain cost records and get the records audited,
service costing becomes integral and inseparable part of each service entity. In this
chapter we will be discussing how costing is done in service sectors like
Transportation, Toll roads, Electricity generation, transmission and distribution,
Hospitals, Canteen & Restaurants, Hotels & Lodges, Educational institutes, Financial
institutions, Insurance, Information Technology (IT) & Information Technology
Enabled Services (ITES) etc.
Service costing is also known as operating costing.
12.1.1 Application of Service Costing:
Internal: The service costing is required for in-house services provided by a service
cost centre to other responsibility centres as support services. Examples of support
services are Canteen and hospital for staff, Boiler house for supplying steam to
production departments, Captive Power generation unit, operation of fleet of
vehicles for transport of raw material to factory or distribution of finished goods to
the market outlets, IT department services used by other departments, research &
development, quality assurance, laboratory etc.
External: When services are offered to outside customers as a profit centre in
consonance with organisational objectives as an output like goods or passenger
transport service provided by a transporter, hospitality services provided by a hotel,
provision of services by financial institutions, insurance and IT companies etc.
In both the situation, all costs incurred are collected, accumulated for a certain
period or volume, recorded in the cost accounting system and then expressed in
terms of a cost unit of service.
12.1.2 Service Costing versus Product Costing:
Service costing differs from product costing (such as job or process costing) in the
following ways due to some basic and peculiar nature.
(i) Unlike products, services are intangible and cannot be stored, hence, there is
no inventory for the services.
(ii) Use of Composite cost units for cost measurement and to express the volume
of outputs.

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(iii) Unlike a product manufacturing, employee (labour) cost constitutes a major

cost element than material cost.
(iv) Indirect costs like administration overheads are generally have a significant
proportion in total cost of a service as unlike manufacturing sector, service
sector heavily depends on support services and traceability of costs to a
service may not economically feasible.


To compute the Service cost, it is necessary to understand the unit for which the
cost is to be computed. All the costs incurred during a period are collected and
analyzed and then expressed in terms of a cost per unit of service.
One specific issue with service costing is the difficulty in defining a realistic cost
unit that represents a suitable measure of the service provided. The cost unit to be
applied needs to be defined carefully and frequently, a composite cost unit may be
deemed more appropriate.
For example, Hotels may use the ‘Occupied Room Days’ as an appropriate unit for
cost ascertainment and control.
Other typical cost unit that may be used include:

Service industry Unit of cost (examples)

Transport Services Passenger- km., (In public transportation)
Quintal- km., or Ton- km. (In goods carriage)
Electricity Supply service Kilowatt- hour (kWh)
Hospital Patient per day, room per day or per bed, per
operation etc.
Canteen Per item, per meal etc.
Cinema Per ticket.
Hotels Guest Days or Room Days
Bank or Financial Per transaction, per services (e.g. per letter of credit,
Institutions per application, per project etc.)
Educational Institutes Per course, per student, per batch, per lecture etc.
IT & ITES Cost per project, per module etc.
Insurance Per policy, Per claim, Per TPA etc.

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The costing should be comprehensive enough to show the effects like off-season
and peak-season demand, full time, part time, etc.
12.2.1 Methods for ascertaining Service Cost Unit:
Composite Cost Unit:
Sometime two measurement units are combined together to know the cost of
service or operation. These are called composite cost units. For example, a public
transportation undertaking would measure the operating cost per passenger per
Examples of Composite units are Ton- km., Quintal- km, Passenger-km., Patient-
day etc. Composite unit may be computed in two ways.
(i) Absolute (Weighted Average) basis.
(ii) Commercial (Simple Average) basis.
In both bases of computation of service cost unit, weightage is also given to
qualitative factors rather quantitative (which are directly related with variable cost
elements) factors alone.
(i) Weighted Average or Absolute basis –It is summation of the products of
qualitative and quantitative factors. For example, to calculate absolute Ton-Km for
a goods transport is calculated as follows.:

∑(Weight Carried × Distance)1 + (Weight Carried × Distance)2 +….+(Weight

Carried × Distance)n

Similarly, in case of Cinema theatres, price for various classes of seats are fixed
differently. For example–
First class seat may be provided with higher quality service and hence charged at a
higher rate, whereas Second Class seat may be priced less. In this case, appropriate
weight to be given effect for First Class seat and Second Class seat – to ensure
proper cost per composite unit.
(ii) Simple Average or Commercial basis – It is the product of average
qualitative and total quantitative factors. For example, in case of goods transport,
Commercial Ton-Km is arrived at by multiplying total distance km., by average load

 W1+ W2 +....+ Wn 
∑(Distance1 + Distance2 + …………...…+ Distancen) ×  
 n 

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In both the example, variable cost is dependent of distance and is a quantitative

factor. Since, the weight carried does not affect the variable cost hence and is a
qualitative factor.
To understand the concept of absolute ton-km., and commercial ton-km., the
following illustration may be referred.
A Lorry starts with a load of 20 MT of Goods from Station ‘A’. It unloads 8 MT in
Station ‘B’ and balance goods in Station ‘C’. On return trip, it reaches Station ‘A’ with
a load of 16 MT, loaded at Station ‘C’. The distance between A to B, B to C and C to
A are 80 Kms, 120 Kms and 160 Kms, respectively. COMPUTE “Absolute MT-
Kilometer” and “Commercial MT – Kilometer”.
(MT = Metric Ton or Ton).

Weighted Average or Absolute basis – MT – Kilometer:
= (20 MT × 80 Kms) + (12 MT × 120 Kms) + (16 MT × 160 Kms)
= 1,600 + 1,440 + 2,560 = 5,600 MT - Kilometer
Simple Average or Commercial basis – MT – Kilometer:
= [{(20+12+16) / 3} MT × {(80+120+160) Kms]
= 16 MT × 360 Kms = 5,760 MT – Kilometer
Equivalent Cost Unit/ Equivalent service Unit:
To calculate cost or pricing of two more different grade of services which uses
common resources, each grade of service is assigned a weight and converted
into equivalent units. Converting services into equivalent units make different
grade of services equivalent and comparable.
For Example:
A hotel has three types of suites for its customers, viz., Standard, Deluxe and
Following information is given:
Type of suite Number of rooms Room Tariff
Standard 100 --
Deluxe 50 2.5 times of the Standard suits
Luxurious 30 Twice of the Deluxe suits

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The rent of Deluxe suite is to be fixed at 2.5 times of the Standard suite and that of
Luxurious suite as twice of the Deluxe suite.
Since, all three types of suits use same amount of overheads but to attach
qualitative weight, these rooms are required to be converted into equivalent units.
This can be done in two ways
(i) Making all suits equivalent to Standard suits:

Nature of suite Occupancy (Room-days) Equivalent single room

suites (Room-days)
Standard 36,000 36,000
(100 rooms × 360 days) (36,000 × 1)
Deluxe 18,000 45,000
(50 rooms × 360 days) (18,000 × 2.5)
Luxurious 10,800 54,000
(30 rooms × 360 days) (10,800 × 5)

(ii) Making all suits equivalent to Luxurious suits:

Nature of suite Occupancy (Room-days) Equivalent Luxurious

suites (Room-days)
Standard 36,000 7,200
(100 rooms × 360 days) (36,000 × 1/5)
Deluxe 18,000 9,000
(50 rooms × 360 days) (18,000 × ½)
Luxurious 10,800 10,800
(30 rooms × 360 days) (10,800 × 1)

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For preparing a statement of cost or a cost sheet for service sector, costs are usually
collected and accumulated for a specified period viz. A month, quarter or a year,
The cost statement for services may be prepared either on the basis of functional
classification as done for product costing or on the basis of variability. Cost sheet on
the basis of variability is prepared classifying all the costs into three different heads:
1. Fixed costs or Standing charges
2. Variable costs or Operating expenses
3. Semi-variable costs or Maintenance expenses
Note: In the absence of information about semi-variable costs, the costs would be
shown under fixed and variable heads only.
Treatment of Depreciation- fixed or variable?
If related to effluxion of time or calculated on time basis, will be treated as fixed.
However, if the depreciation is calculated on the basis of activity level or usage, it
will be treated as variable cost.
Treatment of Interest:
Interest and finance charges shall be presented in the cost statement as a separate
item of cost of sales. In general, interest is treated as fixed cost, unless otherwise


Transport organizations can be divided into two categories viz. Goods transport
and Passenger transport.
The cost unit for Goods transport organization is Ton– Kilometer – that means cost
of carrying one Ton of goods over a distance of one kilometer.
Cost unit for Passenger transport organization is Passenger– Kilometer – that
means cost of carrying one Passenger over a distance of one kilometer.

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The costs are shown under the suggestive following heads:

(i) Standing Charges or Fixed costs: These are the fixed costs that remain
constant irrespective of the distance travelled. These costs include the
• Insurance
• License fees
• Salary to Driver, Conductor, Cleaners, etc if paid on monthly basis
• Garage costs, including garage rent
• Depreciation (if related to efflux of time)
• Taxes
• Administration expenses, etc.
(ii) Variable costs or Running costs: These costs are generally associated with
the distance travelled. These costs include the following:
• Petrol and Diesel
• Lubricant oils,
• Wages to Driver, Conductor, Cleaners, etc. if it is related to operations
• Depreciation (if related to activity)
• Any other variable costs identified.
(iii) Semi-variable costs or Maintenance costs: These costs include the
• Repairs and maintenance
• Tyres
• Spares, etc.
The heads for a cost may change as per the situation or condition. For an example
salary of driver may be treated as standing charges or running cost depending on
the situation and nature of his employment.
AXA Passenger Transport Company is running 5 buses between two towns, which are
40 kms apart. Seating capacity of each bus is 40 passengers. Following details are
available from their books, for the month of April:

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Particulars Amount (`)

Salary of Drivers, Cleaners and Conductors 24,000
Salary to Supervisor 10,000
Diesel and other Oil 40,000
Repairs and Maintenance 8,000
Tax and Insurance 16,000
Depreciation 26,000
Interest 20,000
Actual passengers carried were 75% of the seating capacity. All the five buses run on
all days for the month. Each bus made one round trip per day. CALCULATE cost per
passenger – Kilometer.
Working Note:
Total Passenger Kilometres =
Number of Buses × Distance × Seating Capacity × Used Capacity × Number of days
in the month × Number of trips
= 5 Buses × 40 kms. × 40 Seats × 75% × 30 Days × 2 Single trips (1 Round Trip)
= 3,60,000 Passenger-Kms.
Cost per Passenger-Km = Total costs ÷ Total Passenger Kilometers
Statement of Cost per Passenger – Km

Particulars Cost Per Cost per

Month Passenger –
A. Standing Charges:
Wages of Drivers, Cleaners and Conductors 24,000
Salary to Supervisor 10,000
Tax and Insurance 16,000
Depreciation 26,000
Interest 20,000
Total Standing Charges 96,000 0.267

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B. Running Charges
Diesel and other Oil 40,000 0.111
C. Maintenance Charges
Repairs and Maintenance 8,000 0.022
Total 1,44,000 0.400

Cost per Passenger-Km = ` 0.40

ABC Transport Company has given a route 40 kilometers long to run bus.
(a) The bus costs the company a sum of ` 10,00,000
(b) It has been insured at 3% p.a. and
(c) The annual tax will amount to ` 20,000
(d) Garage rent is ` 20,000 per month.
(e) Annual repairs will be ` 2,04,000
(f) The bus is likely to last for 2.5 years
(g) The driver’s salary will be ` 30,000 per month and the conductor’s salary will
be ` 25,000 per month in addition to 10% of takings as commission [To be
shared by the driver and conductor equally].
(h) Cost of stationery will be ` 1,000 per month.
(i) Manager-cum-accountant’s salary is ` 17,000 per month.
(j) Petrol and oil will be ` 500 per 100 kilometers.
(k) The bus will make 3 up and down trips carrying on an average 40 passengers
on each trip.
(l) The bus will run on an average 25 days in a month.
Assuming 15% profit on takings, CALCULATE the bus fare to be charged from each
Working Note:
(1) Total Kilometres run per annum:
= Number of Buses × Distance × Number of days in the Month × Number of
trips × 12 months

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= 1 Bus × 40 kms × 25 Days × 6 Single trips (3 Round Trips) × 12 months =

72,000 kms.
(2) Total Passenger Kilometres per annum:
Total Kilometres run per annum × Seating Capacity
= 72,000 Kms × 40 Seats = 28,80,000 Passenger-Kms.
(3) Petrol & oil Consumption per annum:
Total Kilometres run per annum × Petrol Consumption per KM
= 72,000 Kms × (`500 / 100 Kms) = ` 3,60,000
Statement of Cost per Passenger – Km

Particulars Per Annum Per Passenger -

A. Standing Charges:
Insurance @ 3% on `10,00,000 30,000
Annual Tax 20,000
Garage rent (`20,000 × 12) 2,40,000
Depreciation 4,00,000
Salary of Driver (fixed part) 3,60,000
Salary of Conductor (fixed part) 3,00,000
Stationary 12,000
Manager-cum-accountant’s salary 2,04,000
Total Standing Charges 15,66,000 0.5438
B. Running Charges:
Diesel and other Oil (WN-3) 3,60,000
Commission to Driver* 1,42,000
Commission to Conductor* 1,42,000
Total Running Charges 6,44,000 0.2236

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C. Maintenance Charges:
Repairs 2,04,000 0.0708
Grand Total (A+B+C) 24,14,000 0.8382
Profit (15%×`28,40,000) 4,26,000 0.1479
Fare per Passenger Kilometer 0.9861

*Total takings = Standing Charges + (Running cost + Commission on takings)

+ Maintenance cost + Profit
Let Takings = X
Or, X = 15,66,000 + (3,60,000 + 0.1X) + 2,04,000 + 0.15X
Or, X – 0.25X = 21,30,000
Or, X = 28,40,000
SMC is a public school having five buses each plying in different directions for the
transport of its school students. In view of a larger number of students availing of the
bus service the buses work two shifts daily both in the morning and in the afternoon.
The buses are garaged in the school. The work-load of the students has been so
arranged that in the morning the first trip picks up senior students and the second
trip plying an hour later picks up the junior students. Similarly, in the afternoon the
first trip takes the junior students and an hour later the second trip takes the senior
students home.
The distance travelled by each bus one way is 8 km. The school works 25 days in a
month and remains closed for vacation in May, June and December. Bus fee, however,
is payable by the students for all 12 months in a year.
The details of expenses for a year are as under:

Driver’s salary ` 4,500 per month per driver

Cleaner’s salary ` 3,500 per month
(Salary payable for all 12 months)
(one cleaner employed for all the five buses)
Licence fee, taxes, etc. ` 8,600 per bus per annum
Insurance ` 10,000 per bus per annum
Repairs & maintenance ` 35,000 per bus per annum

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Purchase price of the bus ` 15,00,000 each

Life of each bus 12 years
Scrap value of buses at the end of life ` 3,00,000
Diesel cost ` 45.00 per litre
Each bus gives an average mileage of 4 km. per litre of diesel.
Seating capacity of each bus is 50 students.
The seating capacity is fully occupied during the whole year.
Students picked up and dropped within a range up to 4 km. of distance from the
school are charged half fare and fifty per cent of the students travelling in each trip
are in this category. Ignore interest. Since the charges are to be based on average
cost you are required to:
(i) PREPARE a statement showing the expenses of operating a single bus and the
fleet of five buses for a year.
(ii) WORK OUT the average cost per student per month in respect of –
(A) students coming from a distance of upto 4 km. from the school and
(B) students coming from a distance beyond 4 km. from the school.
(i) Statement of Expenses of operating bus/ buses for a year

Per Bus Fleet of 5

Particulars Rate (`) per buses p.a.
annum (`) (`)
(i) Standing Charges:
Driver’s salary 4,500 p.m 54,000 2,70,000
Cleaner’s salary 3,500 p.m 8,400 42,000
Licence fee, taxes etc. 8,600 p.a. 8,600 43,000
Insurance 10,000 p.a. 10,000 50,000
Depreciation (15,00,000 – 1,00,000 p.a. 1,00,000 5,00,000
3,00,000) ÷ 12 yrs
(ii) Maintenance Charges:
Repairs & maintenance 35,000 p.a. 35,000 1,75,000
(iii) Operating Charges:
Diesel (Working Note 1) 1,62,000 8,10,000

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Total Cost [(i) + (ii) + (iii)] 3,78,000 18,90,000

Cost per month 31,500 1,57,500
Total no. of equivalent 150 750
Total Cost per half fare ` 210 ` 210
equivalent student

(ii) Average cost per student per month:

A. Students coming from distance of upto 4 km. from school
Total cost per month ` 31,500
= = = ` 210
Total no.of equivalent students 150 students
B. Students coming from a distance beyond 4 km. from school
= Cost of per half fare student × 2 = ` 210 × 2 = ` 420
Working Notes:
1. Calculation of Diesel cost per bus :
Distance travelled in a year:
(8 round trip × 8 km. × 25 days × 9 months)
Distance travelled p.a.: 14,400 km.
14, 400km.
Cost of diesel (per bus p.a.): ×` 45 = `1,62,000

2. Calculation of equivalent number of students per bus :

Seating capacity of a bus 50 students

Half fare students (50% of 50 students) 25 students
Full fare students (50% of 50 students) 25 students
Total number of students equivalent to half fare
Full fare students (25 students × 2) 50 students
Add: Half fare students 25 students
Total Equivalent number of students in a trip 75 students
Total number of equivalent students in two trips 150 students
(Senior + Junior)

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GTC has a lorry of 6-ton carrying capacity. It operates lorry service from city A to city
B for a particular vendor. It charges ` 2,400 per ton from city ‘A’ to city ‘B’ and ` 2,200
per ton for the return journey from city ‘B’ to city ‘A’. Goods are also delivered to an
intermediate city ‘C’ but no extra charges are billed for unloading goods in-between
destination city and no concession in rates is given for reduced load after unloading
at intermediate city. Distance between the city ‘A’ to ‘B’ is 300 km and distance from
city ‘A’ to ‘C’ is 140 km.
In the month of January, the truck made 12 journeys between city ‘A’ and city ‘B’. The
details of journeys are as follows:

Outward journey No. of journeys Load (in ton)

‘A’ to ‘B’ 10 6
‘A’ to ‘C’ 2 6
‘C’ to ‘B’ 2 4
Return journey No. of journeys Load (in ton)
‘B’ to ‘A’ 5 8
‘B’ to ‘A’ 6 6
‘B’ to ‘C’ 1 6
‘C’ to ‘A’ 1 0

Annual fixed costs and maintenance charges are ` 6,00,000 and ` 1,20,000
respectively. Running charges spent during the month of January are ` 2,94,400
(includes ` 12,400 paid as penalty for overloading).
You are required to:
(i) CALCULATE the cost as per (a) Commercial ton-kilometre. (b) Absolute ton-
(ii) CALCULATE Net Profit/ loss for the month of January.

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(i) Calculation of total monthly cost for running truck:

Particulars Amount per Amount per

annum (`) month (`)
(i) Standing Charges:
Annual fixed costs 6,00,000 50,000
(ii) Maintenance Charges: 1,20,000 10,000
(iii) Running Cost:
Running charges 2,94,400
Less: Penalty paid for
overloading (12,400) 2,82,000
Total monthly cost 3,42,000

`3, 42,000
(a) Cost per commercial ton-km. = = ` 7.62

(Refer to working note-1)

`3, 42,000
(b) Cost per absolute ton-km. = = ` 7.65

(Refer to working note-2)

(ii) Calculation of Net Profit/Loss for the month of January:

Particulars (`) (`)

Truck hire charges received during the month:
From Outward journey [(10 + 2) trips × 6 ton × ` 1,72,800
From return journey
{(5 trips × 8 ton × ` 2,200) + [(6 + 1) trips × 6 ton
× ` 2,200]} 1,80,400 3,53,200
Less: Monthly running cost {as per (i) above} (3,42,000)
Operating profit 11,200

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Less: Penalty paid for overloading (12,400)

Net Loss for the month (1,200)
Working Notes:
1. Calculation of Commercial Ton-km:

Particulars Ton-km.
A. Total Distance travelled
To and fro (300 km × 2× 12 trips) (in km) 7,200
B. Average weight carried:
Outward (12 journeys × 6 ton + 2 journeys × 4 ton) 80
Return (5 journeys × 8 ton + 6 journeys × 6 ton + 1 82
journey × 6 ton)
Total weight 162
No. of journeys 26
Average weight (in ton) (162÷26) 6.23
Total Commercial Ton-km (A×B) 44,856

2. Calculation of Absolute Ton-km:

Particulars Ton-km. Ton-km.

Outward journeys:
From city A to city B (10 journey × 300 km. × 6 18,000
From city A to city C (2 journeys × 140 km. × 6 1,680
From city C to city B (2 journeys × 160 km. × 4 1,280 20,960
Return journeys:
From city B to city A (5 journeys × 300 km. × 8 22,800
ton) + (6 journeys × 300 km. × 6 ton)
From city B to city C (1 journey × 160 km. × 6 ton) 960 23,760
Total Absolute Ton-km 44,720

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Note: (i) While calculating absolute/commercial ton-km., actual load carried are
considered irrespective of the fact it attracts fines or penalty. (ii) Penalty paid for
overloading is an abnormal expenditure and is not included in the operating
cost of the bus. This amount will be debited to Costing Profit and Loss A/c and
hence deducted from operating profit to arrive at net profit/loss.


Service costing is an effective tool in respect if hotel industry. Hotels are run on
commercial basis. Hence it is necessary to compute the cost - to fix the price of
various services provided by the hotel and to find out the profit or loss at the end
of a particular period.
In this case, the costs associated with different services offered should be identified
and cost per unit should be worked out. The cost unit may be Guest-day or Room
day. For calculation of cost per Guest day or Room day, estimated occupancy rate
– at different point of time, for example – Peak season or lien season, are taken in
to account.
A company runs a holiday home. For this purpose, it has hired a building at a rent of
` 10,000 per month along with 5% of total taking. It has three types of suites for its
customers, viz., single room, double rooms and triple rooms.
Following information is given:

Type of suite Number Occupancy percentage

Single room 100 100%
Double rooms 50 80%
Triple rooms 30 60%

The rent of double rooms suite is to be fixed at 2.5 times of the single room suite and
that of triple rooms suite as twice of the double rooms suite.
The other expenses for the year 2020-21 are as follows:
Staff salaries 14,25,000
Room attendants’ wages 4,50,000
Lighting, heating and power 2,15,000

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Repairs and renovation 1,23,500

Laundry charges 80,500
Interior decoration 74,000
Sundries 1,53,000

Provide profit @ 20% on total taking and assume 360 days in a year.
You are required to CALCULATE the rent to be charged for each type of suite.
Working Notes:
(i) Total equivalent single room suites

Nature of suite Occupancy (Room-days) Equivalent single

room suites
Single room suites 36,000 36,000
(100 rooms × 360 days × (36,000 × 1)
Double rooms suites 14,400 36,000
(50 rooms × 360 days × 80%) (14,400 × 2.5)
Triple rooms suites 6,480 32,400
(30 rooms × 360 days × 60%) (6,480 × 5)

(ii) Statement of total cost:

Staff salaries 14,25,000
Room attendant’s wages 4,50,000
Lighting, heating and power 2,15,000
Repairs and renovation 1,23,500
Laundry charges 80,500
Interior decoration 74,000
Sundries 1,53,000

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Building rent {(`10,000 × 12 months) + 5% 1,20,000+ 5% on total takings

on total taking}
Total cost 26,41,000 + 5% on total takings
Profit is 20% of total takings
∴ Total takings = ` 26,41,000 + 25% (5% +20%) of total takings
Let R be rent for single room suite
Then 1,04,400 R = 26,41,000 + (0.25 × 1,04,400 R)
Or, 1,04,400 R = 26,41,000 + 26,100 R
Or, 78,300 R = 26,41,000
Or, R = `33.73
Let total takings be x
∴ X= 26,41,000 + .25X ( 5% + 20% )
∴ X = 35,21,333
Let the rent of single room be R
Then 1,04,400 R = 35,21,333
Or, R = `33.73
Rent to be charged:
Rent to be charged for single room suite = `33.73
Rent for double rooms suites ` 33.73 × 2.5 = `84.33
Rent for triple rooms suites `33.73 × 5 = `168.65
A lodging home is being run in a small hill station with 100 single rooms. The
home offers concessional rates during six off- season (Winter) months in a year
when numbers of visitor are limited. During this period, half of the full room
rent is charged. The management’s profit margin is targeted at 20% of the room
rent. The following are the cost estimates and other details for the year ending on
31st March. [Assume a month to be of 30 days].
(i) Occupancy during the season is 80% while in the off- season it is 40% only.

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(ii) Total investment in the home is ` 200 lakhs of which 80% relate to buildings
and balance for furniture and equipment.
(iii) Expenses:
o Staff salary [Excluding room attendants] : ` 5,50,000
o Repairs to building : ` 2,61,000
o Laundry charges : ` 80, 000
o Interior : ` 1,75,000
o Miscellaneous expenses : ` 1,90,800
(iv) Annual depreciation is to be provided for buildings @ 5% and on furniture and
equipment @ 15% on straight-line basis.
(v) Room attendants are paid ` 10 per room day on the basis of occupancy of the
rooms in a month.
(vi) Monthly lighting charges are ` 120 per room, except in four months in winter
when it is ` 30 per room.
You are required to WORK OUT the room rent chargeable per day both during the
season and the off-season months on the basis of the foregoing information.
Working Notes:
(i) Total Room days in a year

Season Occupancy (Room-days) Equivalent Full Room

charge days
Season – 80% 100 Rooms × 80% × 6 months 14,400 Room Days ×
Occupancy × 30 days in a month = 14,400 100% = 14,400
Room Days
Off-season – 40% 100 Rooms × 40% × 6 months 7,200 Room Days ×
Occupancy × 30 days in a month = 7,200 50% = 3,600
Room Days
Total Room Days 14,400 + 7,200 = 21,600 Room 18,000 Full Room days

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(ii) Lighting Charges:

It is given in the question that lighting charges for 8 months is `120 per
month and during winter season of 4 months it is `30 per month. Further it
is also given that peak season is 6 months and off season is 6 months.
It should be noted that – being Hill station, winter season is to be considered
as part of Off season. Hence, the non-winter season of 8 months include –
Peak season of 6 months and Off season of 2 months.
Accordingly, the lighting charges are calculated as follows:

Season Occupancy (Room-days)

Season & Non-winter – 80% 100 Rooms × 80% × 6 months × `120 per
Occupancy month = ` 57,600
Off- season & Non-winter – 100 Rooms × 40% × 2 months × `120 per
40% Occupancy (8 – 6 months) month = ` 9,600
Off- season & -winter – 40% 100 Rooms × 40% × 4 months × ` 30 per
Occupancy months) month = ` 4,800
Total Lighting charges ` 57,600+ 9,600 + 4,800 = ` 72,000

Statement of total cost:

Staff salary 5,50,000
Repairs to building 2,61,000
Laundry & Linen 80,000
Interior 1,75,000
Sundries Expenses 1,90,800
Depreciation on Building (` 200 Lakhs × 80% × 5%) 8,00,000
Depreciation on Furniture & Equipment (` 200 Lakhs × 20% × 15%) 6,00,000
Room attendant’s wages (` 10 per Room Day for 21,600 Room Days) 2,16,000
Lighting charges 72,000
Total cost 29,44,800
Add: Profit Margin (20% on Room rent or 25% on Cost) 7,36,200
Total Rent to be charged 36,81,000

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Calculation of Room Rent per day:

Total Cost / Equivalent Full Room days = ` 36,81,000/ 18,000 = `204.50
Room Rent during Season – `204.50
Room Rent during Off season = `204.50 × 50% = ` 102.25


A Hospital is providing various types of medical services to the patients. Hospital
costing is applied to decide the cost of these services.
A hospital may have different departments catering to varied services to the
patients – such as
• Out-Patient
• In Patient
• Medical services like X-Ray, Scanning, etc.
• General services like Catering, Laundry, Power house, etc.
• Miscellaneous services like Transport, Dispensary, etc.
12.6.1 Unit of Cost
Common unit of costs of various departments are as follows:
• Out Patient – Per Out-patient
• In Patient – Per Room Day
• Scanning – Per Case
• Laundry – Per 100 items laundered
12.6.2 Cost segregation
The cost of hospital can be divided in to fixed costs and variable costs
Fixed costs are based on timelines and irrespective of services provided. For
example, Staff salaries, Depreciation on Building and Equipment, etc.
Variable costs vary with the level of services rendered. For example, Laundry
charges, Cost of food supplied to patients, Power, etc.

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ABC Hospital runs a Critical Care Unit (CCU) in a hired building. CCU consists of 35
beds and 5 more beds can be added, if required.
Rent per month - ` 75,000
Supervisors – 2 persons – ` 25,000 Per month – each
Nurses – 4 persons – ` 20,000 per month – each
Ward Boys – 4 persons – ` 5,000 per month – each
Doctors paid ` 2,50,000 per month – paid on the basis of number of patients attended
and the time spent by them
Other expenses for the year are as follows:
Repairs (Fixed) – ` 81,000
Food to Patients (Variable) – ` 8,80,000
Other services to patients (Variable) – ` 3,00,000
Laundry charges (Variable) – ` 6,00,000
Medicines (Variable) – ` 7,50,000
Other fixed expenses – ` 10,80,000
Administration expenses allocated – ` 10,00,000
It was estimated that for 150 days in a year 35 beds are occupied and for 80 days
only 25 beds are occupied.
The hospital hired 750 beds at a charge of ` 100 per bed per day, to accommodate
the flow of patients. However, this does not exceed more than 5 extra beds over and
above the normal capacity of 35 beds on any day.
You are required to –
(1) CALCULATE contribution per Patient day, if the hospital recovers on an average
` 2,000 per day from each patient
(2) FIND OUT Breakeven point for the hospital.

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Working Notes:
(1) Calculation of number of Patient days
35 Beds × 150 days = 5,250
25 Beds × 80 days = 2,000
Extra beds = 750
Total = 8,000
Statement of Profitability

Particulars Amount Amount

Income for the year (` 2,000 per patient per 1,60,00,000
day × 8,000 patient days)
Variable Costs:
Doctor Fees (` 2,50,000 per month × 12) 30,00,000
Food to Patients (Variable) 8,80,000
Other services to patients (Variable) 3,00,000
Laundry charges (Variable) – (`) 6,00,000
Medicines (Variable) – (`) 7,50,000
Bed Hire Charges (`100 × 750 Beds) 75,000
Total Variable costs 56,05,000
Contribution 1,03,95,000
Fixed Costs:
Rent (` 75,000 per month × 12) 9,00,000
Supervisor (2 persons × `25,000 × 12) 6,00,000
Nurses (4 persons × ` 20,000 × 12) 9,60,000
Ward Boys (4 persons × ` 5,000 × 12) 2,40,000
Repairs (Fixed) 81,000
Other fixed expenses – (`) 10,80,000
Administration expenses allocated – (`) 10,00,000
Total Fixed Costs 48,61,000
Profit 55,34,000

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(1) Calculation of Contribution per Patient day

Total Contribution – ` 1,03,95,000
Total Patient days – 8,000
Contribution per Patient day – ` 1,03,95,000 / 8,000 = ` 1,299.375
(2) Breakeven Point = Fixed Cost / Contribution per Patient day
= ` 48,61,000 / `1,299.375
= 3,741 patient days


Information Technology (IT) and Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES)
organizations provide their customers with services or intangible products. These
organizations are highly labour intensive.
The services of IT and ITES organizations may be used for – provision of services to
outside customers or provision of services internally (captive consumption)
In this sector employee (labour) cost constitutes a significant portion of the total
operating costs. The direct employee cost is traceable to services rendered.
In addition to employee cost, significant overhead costs for offering the services
are incurred and are classified as service overhead. To arrive at the cost incurred
for rendering the services, it is necessary to allocate / apportion such overheads to
cost units.
12.7.1 Concept of Project
In general – IT & ITES industries, the jobs undertaken are considered as Project.
Each project is unique in nature and varies in size, functionality requirements,
duration and staffing requirements.
When a project is taken up, a detailed planning is done – by breaking down the
project into number of activities and their dependencies. Based on the above,
project scheduling are developed.
Then the skill level requirement for carrying out each of the activities is identified
and the duration of each and every activity would be ascertained. This process is
known as effort estimation.
Once the skill level and duration is identified, then required man-power is identified
for carrying out the activities.

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Normally, project scheduling and effort estimation is carried out together. The costs
of development are primarily the costs of the effort involved, so the effort
computation is used in both the cost and the schedule estimate
12.7.2 Effort involved
Direct Manpower
In a typical software implementation project, three to four levels of man-power
would be directly engaged, as mentioned below: -
- Software Engineers / Functional Consultants / Business Analysts
- Project Leaders
- Project Manager
- Program Manager, etc
Depending on the nature and complexities of the projects being implemented, the
number of persons engaged, their levels and duration of the engagement varies.
For example, in a multi-continental, multi-time zone software implementation
projects, in addition to the above man-power, Customer Account Manager,
Portfolio Manager, etc may be involved.
The costs incurred on the above listed man-power are traceable with a project and
hence forming part of direct costs of the project.
Support Man-power
In addition to the above persons, who are directly engaged in project, there could
be support persons or indirect manpower, who are indirectly involved in the
For example, Quality Assurance Team, Testing team, Version Control team, Staffing
Manager, etc who are indirectly support the projects by providing required level of
support services over the life of the projects.
It is possible that the indirect manpower may be involved in more than one project,
simultaneously. Their time spent, may or may not be traced on any particular
project and will be used across multiple projects.
If their time can be identified with a project, they will be treated as direct
manpower. Accordingly, the cost incurred on them will be treated as direct cost.
However, if their time is not traceable with a single project, then it may either be
allocated or apportioned to various projects on some suitable basis. Accordingly,

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the cost incurred on them will be treated as overhead and the same will be
apportioned to various projects on some suitable basis.
Effort Cost in these types of organizations are calculated on the basis of cost per
Person day or cost per Person week or cost per Person month. That means cost
incurred for a person for rendering services per day or per week or per month.
Depending on the requirement of the customer, the periodicity will be defined. For
example, implementation of new software may require eight to twelve person
months. In such a case, the cost will be calculated on Per Person month basis. On
the other hand, implementation of one or two new functionality in already
implemented (existing) software may require one or two week’s efforts. In such a
case, the cost will be calculated on per Person week basis.
12.7.3 Parameters in computation of total cost
A. Hardware and software costs involved
- If they are identifiable with a project, then they are directly allocated
to the project
- If they are not directly identifiable with a project or not fully allocable
to a project, then they are treated as service overhead
B. Travel and training costs
- If they are incurred for a project, then they are directly allocated to
the project
- If they are not directly identifiable with a project or allocable over a
number of projects, then they are treated as service overhead. For
example, Java (software language) training provided to the software
engineers, may useful in multiple Java based projects. Hence treated
as overhead costs
C. Effort costs
- Effort costs are basically identified with a project. They can be
classified as direct cost, unless otherwise specified.
- Effort costs are not just the salaries of the software engineers or
programmers who are involved in the project. Organisations
compute effort costs in terms of overhead costs where they take the
total cost of running the organisation and divide this by the number
of productive staff. Therefore, the following costs are all part of the
total effort cost:

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1. Costs of providing, heating and lighting office space

2. Costs of support staff such as accountants, administrators, system
managers, cleaners and technicians
3. Costs of networking and communications
4. Costs of central facilities such as a library or recreational facilities
5. Costs of Social Security and employee benefits such as pensions
and health insurance, etc.
In short, effort cost includes Salary of the staff concerned and part
of common overhead.
Following are the data pertaining to Infotech Pvt. Ltd, for the year 2020-21:

Amount (`)
Salary to Software Engineers (5 persons) 15,00,000
Salary to Project Leaders (2 persons) 9,00,000
Salary to Project Manager 6,00,000
Repairs & maintenance 3,00,000
Administration overheads 12,00,000

The company executes a Project XYZ, the details of the same as are as follows:
Project duration – 6 months
One Project Leader and three Software Engineers were involved for the entire
duration of the project, whereas Project Manager spends 2 months’ efforts, during the
execution of the project.
Travel expenses incurred for the project – ` 1,87,500
Two Laptops were purchased at a cost of ` 50,000 each, for use in the project and the
life of the same is estimated to be 2 years
PREPARE Project cost sheet considering overheads are absorbed on the basis of

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Working Notes:
(1) Calculation of Cost per month and Overhead absorption rate

Particulars Total Per Per Person Per Person

Annum Per Annum Per Month
Salary to Software Engineer `15,00,000 ` 3,00,000 `25,000
(5 Persons)
Salary to Project Leaders ` 9,00,000 ` 4,50,000 ` 37,500
(2 persons)
Salary to Project Manager ` 6,00,000 ` 6,00,000 ` 50,000
Total ` 30,00,000 ` 1,12,500
(2) Total Overhead = Repairs & maintenance + Administration overheads
= ` 3,00,000 + `12,00,000 = `15,00,000
(3) Calculation of Overhead absorption rate
= Total Overhead / Total Salary = `15,00,000 / `30,00,000 = 50%
Project Cost Sheet

Salary Cost:
Salary of Software Engineers (3 × ` 25,000 × 6 months) 4,50,000
Salary of Project Leader (` 37,500 × 6 months) 2,25,000
Salary of Project Manager (` 50,000 × 2 months) 1,00,000
Total Salary 7,75,000
Overheads (50% of Salary) 3,87,500
Travel Expenses 1,87,500
Depreciation on Laptops (`1,00,000 / 2 years) × (6 25,000
months/12 months)
Total Project Cost 13,75,000


The Construction of roads brings about a variety of benefits that are enjoyed
practically by all sectors of the economy. Highway economic analysis is a technique

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whereby the cost and benefit from a scheme are quantified over a selected time
horizon and evaluated by a common yardstick.
The economic analysis involves comparison of project costs and benefits under the
"with" and "without" project conditions.
The project is further subjected to sensitivity analysis by assessing the effects of
adverse changes in the key variables. In addition, the combined effect of these
changes is also assessed. This helps to gauge the economic strength of the project
to withstand future risks and uncertainties.
12.8.1 Cost Involved
The project cost consists of following two main components: Capital Costs
The capital cost consists of cost incurred during the construction period. Generally,
this sort of road construction projects run across multiple financial years. The total
expenditure to be incurred during the construction period is termed as capital cost.
The total cost includes the cost of construction of road and other structures and
consultancy charges. In addition to this cost, it also includes the cost of
construction of tollbooths.
Construction expenses can be broadly classified as follows:
• Preliminary and pre-operative expenses
• Land Acquisition
• Materials
• Labour
• Overheads incurred in the course of actual construction
• Contingency allowance
• Interest during construction period Operating and Maintenance Costs
Routine maintenance cost would be incurred once the Toll road is operational.
Routine maintenance involves Patching of potholes, sealing of cracks, Edge Repair,
Surface Renewal, Periodic maintenance for new highways would be met with in
accordance with the analysis of the life cycle model carried out for the project.

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Annual operating cost includes the cost of operating tollbooths, administrative

expenses, emergency services, communications and security services and other
costs of operation.
Maintenance cost includes the cost of annual maintenance (routine) and periodic
• Annual maintenance cost includes primary maintenance of wearing surface,
railings, roadside furniture, etc.
• Periodic maintenance cost includes the cost of overlays (wearing coats),
painting of railings, etc.
Operating and Maintenance expenses can be broadly classified as follows:
• Toll collection expenses
• Administrative expenses for day-to-day operation.
• Maintenance expenses, which include routing and periodic maintenance.
• Interest expenses incurred for servicing term loans.
12.8.2 Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) Approach
In recent years a growing trend emerged among Governments in many countries to
solicit investments for public projects from the private sector under BOT scheme. BOT
is an option for the Government to outsource public projects to the private sector.
With BOT, the private sector designs, finances, constructs and operate the facility
and eventually, after specified concession period, the ownership is transferred to
the Government. Therefore, BOT can be seen as a developing technique for
infrastructure projects by making them amenable to private sector participation.
The fundamental principle in determining user levy is, 'if the price for a transport facility
is set at a level that reflects the benefit, each user gains from improvements in the
facility, it will result in traffic flow levels that equate social costs with user benefits.'
12.8.3 Toll Rate
In general, the toll rate should have a direct relation with the benefits that the road
users would gain from its improvements. The benefits to road users are likely to be
in terms of fuel savings, improvement in travel time and good riding quality.
To compute the toll rate, following formula may be used:
Total Cost + Profit
Number of Vehicles

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To compute the user fee, following formula with rounding off to nearest multiple
of five may be adopted:
User Fee = Total Distance × Toll Rate per km
BHG Toll Plaza Ltd built a 60 km. long highway and now operates a toll plaza to
collect tolls from passing vehicles using the highway. The company has estimated
that a total of 12 crore vehicles (only single type of vehicle) will be using the highway
during the 10 years toll collection tenure.
Toll Operating and Maintenance cost for the month of April are as follows:
(i) Salary to –
 Collection Personnel (3 Shifts and 4 persons per shift) - ` 550 per day
per person
 Supervisor (2 Shifts and 1 person per shift) - ` 750 per day per person
 Security Personnel (3 Shifts and 6 persons per shift) - ` 450 per day
per person
 Toll Booth Manager (2 Shifts and 1 person per shift) - ` 900 per day
per person
(ii) Electricity – ` 8,00,000
(iii) Telephone – ` 1,40,000
(iv) Maintenance cost – ` 30 Lakh
Monthly depreciation and amortisation expenses will be ` 1.50 crore. Further, the
company needs 25% profit over total cost to cover interest and other costs.
(i) CALCULATE cost per kilometer per month.
(ii) CALCULATE the toll rate per vehicle.
Calculation of cost for the month of April

Particulars (`)

Salary to Collection (3 Shifts × 4 persons per shift × 1,98,000

Personnel 30 days × ` 550 per day)

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Salary to Supervisor (2 Shifts × 1 persons per shift × 45,000

30 days × ` 750 per day)
Salary to Security (3 Shifts × 6 persons per shift × 2,43,000
Personnel 30 days × ` 450 per day)
Salary to Toll Booth (2 Shifts × 1 persons per shift × 54,000
Manager 30 days × ` 900 per day)
Electricity 8,00,000
Telephone 1,40,000
Maintenance cost 30,00,000
Total operating cost (A) 44,80,000
Depreciation and amortisation expenses (B) 1,50,00,000
Total Cost (A + B) 1,94,80,000

(i) Calculation of cost per kilometer per month:

Total Cost ` 1,94,80,000
= = = ` 3,24,666.67
Total km. 60 km.

(ii) Calculation of toll rate per vehicle:

Total Cost+25% profit ` 1,94,80,000 + ` 48,70,000
= = = ` 24.35
Vehicles per month 10,00,000 vehicles

No. of vehicles using the highway per month
Total estimated vehicles 1 month 12 crore 1 month
× = × = 10 lakhs
10 years 12 months 10 years 12 months


Educational institutions like schools, colleges, technical institutes for education and
training, are run to impart education and training to students. The objective of
running these institutions may be ‘Not-for profit’ or ‘For profit’. Like other business
entities, cost and management accounting is also inevitable for this sector. The
Government, Local body of any other organisation which provides education and
training to students with an objective to benefit and upliftment of the society, are

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also need cost and management accounting system for cost-social benefit analysis,
allocation of funds and budgeting (zero-based budgeting), performance
measurement and evaluation etc.
12.9.1 Income of the Educational Institutions
The source of income of an institute may be classified on the basis of recurrence as
One-time fees: These are the fees which are collected once in a course period or
for a definite period like Admission fee, Development fee, Annual fee etc.
Recurring fees: Tuition fee, laboratory, computer and internet fee, library fee,
training fee, amenities fee, sports fee, extracurricular activities fee etc.
The Government and other aided institutes may not be permitted to collect various
fees like capitation fee and development fees etc. Further, unlike the trading and
manufacturing organizations, these are not free to determine fees beyond a
prescribed limit.
Other incomes: The indirect income like transport, hostel, mess and canteen for
the students and staff are provided by the educational institutions normally on no
profit no loss basis.
12.9.2 Expenditure of the Educational Institutions
(i) Operational Cost:
Following are the major operational costs incurred by an educational institution:
• The salary of the teaching and non-teaching staff
• Laboratory maintenance charges
• Computer maintenance and internet charges,
• Building maintenance,
• Repairs and maintenance of equipment,
• Administrative expenses,
• Finance charges etc.
Cost Centres and basis of cost allocation
Cost centres in educational institutions are classified as follows:
• Primary or Direct cost centres (like Civil Engineering department, Mechanical
Engineering department, etc.)

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• Service cost centres (like Laboratory, Library, Sports, etc.)

• Student’s Self-Supporting Services (like Transport, Hostel & Mess, etc.)
• Administration Cost centres (like Research & Improvement, Examination)
Costs incurred are allocated to the respective cost centres, if they are identifiable
with a cost centre and apportioned to service and administration cost centres on
suitable basis.
(ii) Research and Development Cost
Educational institutions undertake academic research on various fields of
specialisations. The costs of such research including personal costs, books etc. are
to be collected through a cost centre approach. All costs incurred in that cost centre
are collected and set off against the revenue generated from such research
If any balance is left out as undistributed, then such balance costs can be
collectively distributed to all other course cost centre as a separate cost element
namely “Research costs“.
(iii) Cost of Publication of research and other materials
In an educational institution, there will be a separate department for conducting
research publication related exercise. The cost incurred would be directly allocated
to that department.
AD Higher Secondary School (AHSS) offers courses for 11 th & 12th standard in three
streams i.e. Arts, Commerce and Science. AHSS runs higher secondary classes along
with primary and secondary classes, but for accounting purpose it treats higher
secondary as a separate responsibility centre. The Managing committee of the school
wants to revise its fee structure for higher secondary students. The accountant of the
school has provided the following details for a year:

Amount (`)
Teachers’ salary (25 teachers × ` 35,000 × 12 months) 1,05,00,000
Principal’s salary 14,40,000
Lab attendants’ salary (2 attendants × ` 15,000 × 12 months) 3,60,000
Salary to library staff 1,44,000
Salary to peons (4 peons × ` 10,000 × 12 months) 4,80,000

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Salary to other staffs 4,80,000

Examinations expenditure 10,80,000
Office & Administration cost 15,20,000
Annual day expenses 4,50,000
Sports expenses 1,20,000

Other information:
Standard 11 & 12 Primary &
Arts Commerce Science Secondary

No. of students 120 360 180 840

Lab classes in a year 0 0 144 156
No. of examinations 2 2 2 2
in a year
Time spent at library 180 hours 120 hours 240 hours 60 hours
by students per year
Time spent by 208 hours 312 hours 480 hours 1,400 hours
principal for
Teachers for 11 & 12 4 5 6 10

(ii) One teacher who teaches economics for Arts stream students also teaches
commerce stream students. The teacher takes 1,040 classes in a year, it includes
208 classes for commerce students.
(iii) There is another teacher who teaches mathematics for Science stream students
also teaches business mathematics to commerce stream students. She takes
1,100 classes a year, it includes 160 classes for commerce students.
(iv) One peon is fully dedicated for higher secondary section. Other peons dedicate
their 15% time for higher secondary section.
(v) All school students irrespective of section and age participates in annual
functions and sports activities.
(a) CALCULATE cost per student per annum for all three streams.

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(b) If the management decides to take uniform fee of ` 1,000 per month from all
higher secondary students, CALCULATE stream wise profitability.
(c) If management decides to take 10% profit on cost, COMPUTE fee to be charged
from the students of all three streams respectively.
Calculation of Cost per annum
Particulars Arts (`) Commerce Science Total (`)
(`) (`)
Teachers’ salary (W.N-1) 16,80,000 21,00,000 25,20,000 63,00,000
Re-apportionment of (84,000) 1,45,091 (61,091) -
Economics & Mathematics
teachers’ salary (W.N- 2)
Principal’s salary (W.N-3) 1,24,800 1,87,200 2,88,000 6,00,000
Lab assistants’ salary (W.N-4) - - 1,72,800 1,72,800
Salary to library staff (W.N-5) 43,200 28,800 57,600 1,29,600
Salary to peons (W.N-6) 31,636 94,909 47,455 1,74,000
Salary to other staffs (W.N-7) 38,400 1,15,200 57,600 2,11,200
Examination expenses (W.N- 8) 86,400 2,59,200 1,29,600 4,75,200
Office & Administration 1,21,600 3,64,800 1,82,400 6,68,800
expenses (W.N- 7)
Annual Day expenses (W.N-7) 36,000 1,08,000 54,000 1,98,000
Sports expenses (W.N- 7) 9,600 28,800 14,400 52,800
Total Cost per annum 20,87,636 34,32,000 34,62,764 89,82,400

(i) Calculation of cost per student per annum

Particulars Arts (`) Commerce Science Total (`)

(`) (`)
Total Cost per annum 20,87,636 34,32,000 34,62,764 89,82,400
No. of students 120 360 180 660
Cost per student per 17,397 9,533 19,238 13,610

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(ii) Calculation of profitability

Particulars Arts Commer Science Total
(`) ce (`) (`) (`)
Total Fees per annum 12,000 12,000 12,000
Cost per student per 17,397 9,533 19,238
Profit/ (Loss) per (5,397) 2,467 (7,238)
student per annum
No. of students 120 360 180
Total Profit/ (Loss) (6,47,640) 8,88,120 (13,02,840) (10,62,360)
(iii) Computation of fees to be charged to earn a 10% profit on cost
Particulars Arts Commerce Science
(`) (`) (`)
Cost per student per annum 17,397 9,533 19,238
Add: Profit @10% 1,740 953 1,924
Fees per annum 19,137 10,486 21,162
Fees per month 1,595 874 1,764
Working Notes:
(1) Teachers’ salary
Particulars Arts Commerce Science
No. of teachers 4 5 6
Salary per annum (`) 4,20,000 4,20,000 4,20,000
(` 35,000 x 12)
Total salary 16,80,000 21,00,000 25,20,000

(2) Re-apportionment of Economics and Mathematics teachers’ salary

Economics Mathematics
Particulars Arts Commerce Science Commerce
No. of classes 832 208 940 160
Salary re- (84,000) 84,000 (61,091) 61,091
apportionment (`)
 `4,20,000   `4,20,000 
 ×208   ×160 
 1,040   1,100 

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(3) Principal’s salary has been apportioned on the basis of time spent by
him for administration of classes.
(4) Lab attendants’ salary has been apportioned on the basis of lab
classes attended by the students.
(5) Salary of library staffs are apportioned on the basis of time spent by
the students in library.
(6) Salary of Peons are apportioned on the basis of number of students.
The peons’ salary allocable to higher secondary classes is calculated
as below:
Amount (`)
Peon dedicated for higher secondary 1,20,000
(1 peon × `10,000 × 12 months)
Add: 15% of other peons’ salary 54,000
{15% of (3 peons × `10,000 × 12 months)}

(7) Salary to other staffs, office & administration cost, Annual day
expenses and sports expenses are apportioned on the basis of
number of students.
(8) Examination expenditure has been apportioned taking number of
students into account (It may also be apportioned on the basis of
number of examinations).


Insurance or assurance industry operates in providing social security to the persons
who subscribe for the policy. The Insurance companies are broadly classified as Life
insurer and Non-Life Insurer (General Insurance providers). Life insurers provide
assurance to the policy holders’ life for the insured value. The Non-life insurers are
providing insurance to the policyholder for actual loss upto insured value for the
The insurance companies are need to analyse it various insurance product for
profitability. The product offered by insurance companies may include:
(i) Life Insurance policies- with or without maturity benefits
(ii) General insurance- Health, Fire, Property, Travel Insurance etc.

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(iii) Others services- Re-insurance, Fund management- Pension, Gratuity and

other etc.
12.10.1 Income of Insurance companies
Income of insurance companies may include
(i) Premium on policy (periodic or onetime)
(ii) Commission on re-insurance
(iii) Fund administration fee and return on investment of funds etc.
12.10.2 Expenditure of Insurance companies
The Expenditure of an insurance company can be classified as direct and indirect
to a policy or product.
Direct- Commission paid to agents, claim settlement, cost of valuation, premium
for re-insurance, legal and other costs etc.
Indirect Cost- Actuarial fees, market and product development costs,
administration cost, asset management cost etc.
12.10.3 Method of Costing in an Insurance Company
The cost object in an insurance company may be a product, a policy, a department
or region, an agent etc.
Activity Based Costing in Insurance Companies
Activity based costing (ABC) is used for analysis of cost-benefit of a product (Direct
Product Profitability), policy profitability (Customer Profitability Analysis) etc.
Costs that occur in insurance companies are to be identified with appropriate
activities that have caused its occurrence. Then costs must be reassigned from
activities to cost objects (insurance contracts and policies, customers, delivery
channels) based on identified cost drivers.
Identification of activities and assignment of costs are the most critical for the
implementation of activity based costing. The activities can be divided into two part
i.e. (i) Pre-product development activities and (ii) Post product development
(i) Pre-product development activities: These are the activities which are
carried out before a product is made. It includes market research, product
development like specification of coverage, conditions, amount of premium,
insurance contract, policy forms and provision for sales channel etc.

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(ii) Post product development activities: This activity is further divided into
parts i.e. (a) Selling of policy and (b) Processing of claims. (a) Selling of policy refers
to appointment of distribution of sales channel (direct selling or through agencies),
soliciting for policy, processing of applications etc. (b) Processing of claim includes
claim inception, claim estimation, claim settlement and legal actions.
The activities costs are assigned to the products on the basis of appropriate cost
drivers. The cost drivers may include no. of hours spent on processing of an
application and claim processing, no. of application, no. of policy, no. of claim etc.
Sanziet Lifecare Ltd. operates in life insurance business. Last year it launched a new
term insurance policy for practicing professionals ‘Professionals Protection Plus’. The
company has incurred the following expenditures during the last year for the policy:
Policy development cost 11,25,000
Cost of marketing of the policy 45,20,000
Sales support expenses 11,45,000
Policy issuance cost 10,05,900
Policy servicing cost 35,20,700
Claims management cost 1,25,600
IT cost 74,32,000
Postage and logistics 10,25,000
Facilities cost 15,24,000
Employees cost 5,60,000
Office administration cost 16,20,400

Number of policy sold- 528

Total insured value of policies- ` 1,320 crore
(i) CALCULATE total cost for Professionals Protection Plus’ policy segregating the
costs into four main activities namely (a) Product development, Marketing and
Sales support, (b) Operations, (c) IT and (d) Support functions.
(ii) CALCULATE cost per policy.

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(iii) CALCULATE cost per rupee of insured value.

(i) Calculation of total cost for ‘Professionals Protection Plus’ policy

Particulars Amount (`) Amount (`)

1. Product Development, Marketing
and Sales Support:
- Policy development cost 11,25,000
- Cost of marketing 45,20,000
- Sales support expenses 11,45,000 67,90,000
2. Operations:
- Policy issuance cost 10,05,900
- Policy servicing cost 35,20,700
- Claims management cost 1,25,600 46,52,200
3. IT Cost 74,32,000
4. Support functions
- Postage and logistics 10,25,000
- Facilities cost 15,24,000
- Employees cost 5,60,000
- Office administration cost 16,20,400 47,29,400
Total Cost 2,36,03,600

Total cost `2,36,03,600

(ii) Calculation of cost per policy = =
No.of policies 528

= ` 44,703.79
Total cost ` 2.36 crore
(iii) Cost per rupee of insured value = =
Total insured value ` 1,320 crore

= ` 0.0018


In the past two decade financial institutions have undergone major changes – in
terms to increased regulations, competition from new entrants from both locally

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and globally, innovation of new products and services, technological advancement

and increased expectations of new generation customers, etc.
Over and above the challenges posed by the prevailing environment as described
above, financial institutions underwent considerable changes in terms of its high
quality, sensitive staffing requirements and its productivity.
Manpower cost, other than interest cost and finance charges, is one of the largest
single cost components in financial institutions. Hence, it is needless to say, that
financial institutions are more interested in understanding and discovering the
ways to more accurately allocate such costs to various product ranges offered by
them and its customers.
If the financial institution is to survive under the present challenging economic
conditions, it will have to add value to its products and services. It is imperative to
note that the financial institution needs to know the contribution of its products,
services and customers to value creation.
12.11.1 Cost measurement in financial institutions
The objectives of cost measurement includes –
- Understand the profitability by products offered and by customers
- Establishing a mechanism for pricing the products, by identifying the product
level and activity level unit costs
- Understanding productivity issues and their relationship with strategic goals
of the organization
In nutshell, financial institutions need to understand their position in various product
lines and to find out how they can stay in competing edge or becomes a leader.
12.11.2 Activity Based Costing in Financial Institutions
Activity based costing can be a useful tool in allocating the cost elements to various
products offered and the customers being serviced.
Activity based costing can help financial institutions to –
• Identify and analyze the profitability by product
• Analyze the profitability by customer
• Identify the activity level unit costs and build up product level costs, which in
turn forms basis for product level pricing / customer level pricing

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Financial institutions can improve their profitability by –

• Concentrating on products that are more profitable
• Focus on high margin customers
Costs that occur in financial institutions are to be identified with appropriate
activities that have caused its occurrence. Then costs must be reassigned from
activities to cost objects (various loan products offered by the organization,
customers, etc.) based on identified cost drivers.
The concepts on activity based costing as discussed under Costing of Insurance
Companies also applicable to financial institutions. Please refer the same.
The loan department of a bank performs several functions in addition to home loan
application processing task. It is estimated that 25% of the overhead costs of loan
department are applicable to the processing of home-loan application. The following
information is given concerning the processing of a loan application:
Direct professional labor:
Home Loan processor monthly salary: 2,40,000
(4 employees @ ` 60,000 each)
Loan department overhead costs (monthly)
Chief loan officer’s salary 75,000
Telephone expenses 7,500
Depreciation Building 28,000
Legal advice 24,000
Advertising 40,000
Miscellaneous 6,500
Total overhead costs 1,81,000

You are required to COMPUTE the cost of processing home loan application on the
assumption that five hundred home loan applications are processed each month.

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Statement showing computation of the cost of processing
a typical home loan application
Direct professional labour cost 2,40,000
(4 employees @ ` 60,000 each)
Service overhead cost (25% of ` 1,81,000) 45,250
Total processing cost per month 2,85,250
No. of applications processed per month 500
Total processing cost per home loan application 570.5


Power houses are engaged either in electricity generation or steam generation use
the concepts of service costing i.e. ‘Power House Costing.’ Service cost statement
can be prepared by identifying the costs associated with the power generation or
steam generation.
Cost unit is different for electricity generation and steam generation.
The cost unit for electricity generation organization is cost per kilowatt-hour (kWh)
– that means cost of generating one kilowatt of power per hour. Please note that
kWh is commonly known as a “Unit”.
The costs are shown under the following heads:
(i) Standing Charges or Fixed costs: These are the fixed costs that remain
constant irrespective of the power or stream generated. These costs include
the following:
 Rent, Rates & Taxes
 Insurance
 Depreciation
 Salaries, if paid on Time (Monthly) basis
 Administration expenses, etc.

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(ii) Variable costs or Running costs: These costs are generally associated with
the power or stream generated. These costs include the following:
 Fuel Charges
 Water Charges
 Wages / Labour charges, if paid on the basis of production
 Any other variable costs identified.
(iii) Semi-variable costs or Maintenance costs: These costs include the
 Meters
 Furnaces
 Service materials
 Tools, etc.
PREPARE the cost statement of Ignus Thermal Power Station showing the cost of electricity
generated per kWh, from the data provided below pertaining to the year 2020-21.
Total units generated 20,00,000 kWh

Amount (`)
Operating labour 30,00,000
Repairs & maintenance 10,00,000
Lubricants, spares and stores 8,00,000
Plant supervision 6,00,000
Administration overheads 40,00,000
5 kWh. of electricity generated per kg of coal consumed @ ` 4.25 per kg. Depreciation
charges @ 5% on capital cost of ` 5,00,00,000.
Cost Statement of Ignus Thermal Power Station

Total units generated 20,00,000 kwh.

Per annum (`) Per kWh (`)
Fixed costs:
Plant supervision 6,00,000

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Administration overheads 40,00,000

Depreciation (5% of ` 5,00,00,000 p.a.) 25,00,000
Total fixed cost: (A) 71,00,000 3.55
Variable costs:
Operating labour 30,00,000
Lubricants, spares and stores 8,00,000
Repairs & maintenance 10,00,000
Coal cost (Refer to working note) 17,00,000
Total variable cost: (B) 65,00,000 3.25
Total cost [(A) + (B)] 1,36,00,000 6.80

Working Note:
Coal cost (20,00,000 kwh. ÷ 5 kwh) × ` 4.25 per kg. = ` 17,00,000

♦ Service Costing: - It is application of cost concepts in ascertainment of cost
or providing services. It is also known as operating costing as relates to
operating of a service.
♦ Composite Cost Unit: Unit of service cost consists of two different units.
♦ Equivalent Service unit: To calculate cost or pricing of two more different grade
of services which uses common resources, each grade of service is assigned a
weight and converted into equivalent units. Converting services into equivalent
units make different grade of services equivalent and comparable.
♦ Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT): With BOT, the private sector designs,
finances, constructs and operate the facility and eventually, after specified
concession period, the ownership is transferred to the Government.
Therefore, BOT can be seen as a developing technique for infrastructure
projects by making them amenable to private sector participation.


MCQs based Questions
1. Composite cost unit for a hospital is:
(a) Per patient

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(b) Per patient-day

(c) Per day
(d) Per bed
2. Cost of diesel and lubricant is an example of:
(a) Operating cost
(b) Fixed charges
(c) Semi-variable cost
(d) None of the above
3. Cost units used in power sector is:
(a) Kilo meter (K.M)
(b) Kilowatt-hour (kWh)
(c) Number of electric points
(d) Number of hours
4. Absolute Tonne-km. is an example of:
(a) Composite units in power sector
(b) Composite unit of transport sector
(c) Composite unit for bus operation
(d) Composite unit for oil and natural gas
5. Depreciation is treated as fixed cost if it is related to:
(a) Activity level
(b) Related with machine hours
(c) Efflux of time
(d) None of the above
6. Jobs undertaken by IT & ITES organizations are considered as:
(a) Project
(b) Batch work
(c) Contract
(d) All the above

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7. In Toll Road costing, the repetitive costs includes:

(a) Maintenance cost
(b) Annual operating costs
(c) None of the above
(d) Both (a) and (b)
8. BOT approach means:
(a) Build, Operate and Transfer
(b) Buy, Operate and Transfer
(c) Build, Operate and Trash
(d) Build, Own and Trash
9. Pre-product development activities in insurance companies, include:
(a) Processing of Claim
(b) Selling of policy
(c) Provision of conditions
(d) Policy application processing
10. Which of the following costing method is not appropriate for costing of
educational institutes:
(a) Batch Costing
(b) Activity Based Costing
(c) Absorption Costing
(d) Process Costing
Theoretical Questions
1. EXPLAIN briefly, what do you understand by Service Costing.
2. STATE how are composite units is computed?
3. STATE the features of service costing?

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Practical Questions
1. SLS Infrastructure built and operates 110 k.m. highway on the basis of Built-
Operate-Transfer (BOT) for a period of 25 years. A traffic assessment carried
out to estimate the traffic flow per day shows the following figures:
Sl. No. Type of vehicle Daily traffic volume
1. Two wheelers 44,500
2. Car and SUVs 3,450
3. Bus and LCV 1,800
4. Heavy commercial vehicles 816

The following is the estimated cost of the project:

Sl. Amount
No. Activities (` in lakh)
1 Site clearance 170.70
2 Land development and filling work 9,080.35
3 Sub base and base courses 10,260.70
4 Bituminous work 35,070.80
Bridge, flyovers, underpasses, Pedestrian subway,
5 footbridge, etc 29,055.60
6 Drainage and protection work 9,040.50
7 Traffic sign, marking and road appurtenance 8,405.00
8 Maintenance, repairing and rehabilitation 12,429.60
9 Environmental management 982.00
Total Project cost 114,495.25

An estimated cost of ` 1,120 lakh has to be incurred on administration and

toll plaza operation.
On the basis of the vehicle specifications (i.e. weight, size, time saving etc.),
the following weights has been assigned to the passing vehicles:

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Sl. No. Type of vehicle

1. Two wheelers 5%
2. Car and SUVs 20%
3. Bus and LCV 30%
4. Heavy commercial vehicles 45%

(i) CACULATE the total project cost per day of concession period.
(ii) COMPUTE toll fee to be charged for per vehicle of each type, if the
company wants to earn a profit of 15% on total cost.
[Note: Concession period is a period for which an infrastructure is allowed to
operate and recovers its investment]
2. Mr. X owns a bus which runs according to the following schedule:
(i) Delhi to Chandigarh and back, the same day.
Distance covered: 250 km. one way.
Number of days run each month : 8
Seating capacity occupied 90%.
(ii) Delhi to Agra and back, the same day.
Distance covered: 210 km. one way
Number of days run each month : 10
Seating capacity occupied 85%
(iii) Delhi to Jaipur and back, the same day.
Distance covered: 270 km. one way
Number of days run each month : 6
Seating capacity occupied 100%
(iv) Following are the other details:
Cost of the bus ` 12,00,000
Salary of the Driver ` 24,000 p.m.
Salary of the Conductor ` 21,000 p.m.
Salary of the part-time Accountant ` 5,000 p.m.
Insurance of the bus ` 4,800 p.a.
Diesel consumption 4 km. per litre at ` 56 per litre
Road tax ` 15,915 p.a.

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Lubricant oil ` 10 per 100 km.

Permit fee ` 315 p.m.
Repairs and maintenance ` 1,000 p.m.
Depreciation of the bus @ 20% p.a.
Seating capacity of the bus 50 persons.
Passenger tax is 20% of the total takings. CALCULATE the bus fare to be
charged from each passenger to earn a profit of 30% on total takings. The
fares are to be indicated per passenger for the journeys:
(i) Delhi to Chandigarh (ii) Delhi to Agra and (iii) Delhi to Jaipur.
3. A company is considering three alternative proposals for conveyance facilities
for its sales personnel who has to do considerable traveling, approximately
20,000 kilometres every year. The proposals are as follows:
(i) Purchase and maintain its own fleet of cars. The average cost of a
car is ` 6,00,000.
(ii) Allow the Executive use his own car and reimburse expenses at the
rate of ` 10 per kilometer and also bear insurance costs.
(iii) Hire cars from an agency at ` 1,80,000 per year per car. The company
will have to bear costs of petrol, taxes and tyres.
The following further details are available:

Petrol ` 6 per km. Repairs and maintenance ` 0.20 per km.

Tyre ` 0.12 per km. Insurance ` 1,200 per car per annum
Taxes ` 800 per car per Life of the car: 5 years with annual mileage
annum of 20,000 km.
Resale value: ` 80,000 at the end of the fifth year.
WORK OUT the relative costs of three proposals and rank them.
4. From the following data pertaining to the year 2020-21 PREPARE a cost
statement showing the cost of electricity generated per kwh by Chambal
Thermal Power Station.
Total units generated 10,00,000 kWh
Operating labour 15,00,000
Repairs & maintenance 5,00,000

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Lubricants, spares and stores 4,00,000

Plant supervision 3,00,000
Administration overheads 20,00,000
5 kWh. of electricity generated per kg. of coal consumed @ ` 4.25 per kg.
Depreciation charges @ 5% on capital cost of ` 2,00,00,000.

Answers to the MCQs based Questions
1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (b) 5. (c) 6. (a)
7. (a) 8. (a) 9. (c) 10. (d)
Answers to the Theoretical Questions
1. Please refer paragraph 12.1
2. Please refer paragraph 12.2
3. Please refer paragraph 12.1
Answer to the Practical Questions
1. (i) Calculation of total project cost per day of concession period:

(` in lakh)
Site clearance 170.70
Land development and filling work 9,080.35
Sub base and base courses 10,260.70
Bituminous work 35,070.80
Bridge, flyovers, underpasses, Pedestrian subway,
footbridge, etc. 29,055.60
Drainage and protection work 9,040.50
Traffic sign, marking and road appurtenance 8,405.00
Maintenance, repairing and rehabilitation 12,429.60
Environmental management 982.00
Total Project cost 114,495.25

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Administration and toll plaza operation cost 1,120.00

Total Cost 115,615.25
Concession period in days (25 years × 365 days) 9,125
Cost per day of concession period (` in lakh) 12.67

(ii) Computation of toll fee:

Cost to be recovered per day = Cost per day of concession period +
15% profit on cost
= `12,67,000 + `1,90,050 = `14,57,050

Cost per equivalent vehicle = `14,57,050

76, 444units(Refer workingnote)

= `19.06 per equivalent vehicle

Vehicle type-wise toll fee:
Sl. Type of vehicle Equivalent Weight Toll fee per
No. cost [B] vehicle
[A] [A×B]
1. Two wheelers ` 19.06 1 19.06
2. Car and SUVs ` 19.06 4 76.24
3. Bus and LCV ` 19.06 6 114.36
4. Heavy commercial vehicles ` 19.06 9 171.54

Working Note:
The cost per day has to be recovered from the daily traffic. The each
type of vehicle is to be converted into equivalent unit. Let’s convert
all vehicle types equivalent to Two-wheelers..
Sl. Type of vehicle Daily Weight Ratio Equivalent
No. traffic [B] Two-
volume wheeler
[A] [A×B]
1. Two wheelers 44,500 0.05 1 44,500
2. Car and SUVs 3,450 0.20 4 13,800
3. Bus and LCV 1,800 0.30 6 10,800
4. Heavy commercial vehicles 816 0.45 9 7,344
Total 76,444

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2. Working Notes:
Total Distance (in km.) covered per month
Bus route Km. per Trips per Days per Km. per
trip day month month
Delhi to Chandigarh 250 2 8 4,000
Delhi to Agra 210 2 10 4,200
Delhi to Jaipur 270 2 6 3,240
Passenger- km. per month
Total seats Capacity Km. Passenger-
available per utilised per Km. per
month trip month
(at 100%
(%) Seats
Delhi to 800 90 720 250 1,80,000
Chandigarh & (50 seats × 2 (720 seats ×
Back trips × 8 days) 250 km.)
Delhi to Agra & 1,000 85 850 210 1,78,500
Back (50 seats × 2 (850 seats ×
trips × 10 days) 210 km.)
Delhi to Jaipur & 600 100 600 270 1,62,000
Back (50 seats × 2 (600 seats ×
trips × 6 days) 270 km.)
Total 5,20,500
Monthly Operating Cost Statement

(`) (`)
(i) Running Costs
Diesel {(11,440 km ÷ 4 km) × ` 56} 1,60,160
Lubricant oil {(11,440 km ÷ 100) × ` 10} 1,144 1,61,304
(ii) Maintenance Costs
Repairs & Maintenance 1,000

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(iii) Standing charges

Salary to driver 24,000
Salary to conductor 21,000
Salary of part-time accountant 5,000
Insurance (` 4,800 ÷12) 400
Road tax (` 15,915 ÷12) 1,326.25
Permit fee 315
Depreciation {(` 12,00,000 × 20%) ÷ 12} 20,000 72,041.25
Total costs per month before Passenger Tax 2,34,345.25
Passenger Tax* 93,738.10
Total Cost 3,28,083.35
Add: Profit* 1,40,607.15
Total takings per month 4,68,690.50

*Let, total takings be X then

X = Total costs per month before passenger tax + 0.2 X (passenger tax) +
0.3 X (profit)
X = ` 2,34,345.25 + 0.2 X + 0.3 X
0.5 X = ` 2,34,345.25 or, X = `4,68,690.50
Passenger Tax = 20% of `4,68,690.50 = ` 93,738.10
Profit = 30% of `4,68,690.50 = ` 1,40,607.15
Calculation of Rate per passenger km. and fares to be charged for
different routes

Rate per Passenger-Km. = Total takings per month

Total Passenger -Km. per month

= ` 4,68,690.50 = ` 0.90
5,20,500 Passenger -Km.

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Bus fare to be charged per passenger.

Delhi to Chandigarh = ` 0.90 × 250 km = ` 225.00

Delhi to Agra = ` 0.90 × 210 km = ` 189.00
Delhi to Jaipur = ` 0.90 × 270 km = ` 243.00

3. Calculation of relative costs of three proposals and their ranking

Use of Use of Use of
company’s own car hired
car car
per annum per km. per km. per km.
(`) (`) (`) (`)
Reimbursement -- 10.00 9.00*
Fixed cost:
Insurance 1,200 0.06 0.06 --
Taxes 800 0.04 -- 0.04
Depreciation 1,04,000 5.20 -- --
(` 6,00,000 - `80,000) ÷ 5
Running and
Maintenance Cost:
Petrol -- 6.00 -- 6.00
Repairs and Maintenance -- 0.20 -- --
Tyre -- 0.12 -- 0.12
Total cost per km. -- 11.62 10.06 15.16
Cost for 20,000 km. 2,32,400 2,01,200 3,03,200
Ranking of proposals II I III

* (` 1,80,000 ÷ 20,000 km.)

The Second alternative i.e., use of own car by the executive and
reimbursement of expenses by the company is the best alternative from
company’s point of view.

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4. Cost Statement of Chambal Thermal Power Station

Total units generated 10,00,000 kWh.
Per annum Per kWh.
(`) (`)
Fixed costs:
Plant supervision 3,00,000
Administration overheads 20,00,000
Depreciation (5% of ` 2,00,00,000 p.a.) 10,00,000
Total fixed cost: (A) 33,00,000 3.30
Variable costs:
Operating labour 15,00,000
Lubricants, spares and stores 4,00,000
Repairs & maintenance 5,00,000
Coal cost (Refer to working note) 8,50,000
Total variable cost: (B) 32,50,000 3.25
Total cost [(A) + (B)] 65,50,000 6.55

Working Note:
Coal cost (10,00,000 kWh. ÷ 5 kWh) × ` 4.25 per kg. = ` 8,50,000

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