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3. ICSTM Allif dan Najiha 2021

Conference Paper · August 2022


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Allif Bania
Universitas Samudra


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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 576
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Science, Technology, and Modern Society (ICSTMS 2020)

Intralingual Translation Ability by Students of Sharia

Law-Economics Against Popular Scientific Words of
Sharia Economics
Allif Syahputra Bania* Najihatul Faridy
English Department Management Department
Universitas Samudra Universitas Samudra
Langsa, Indonesia Langsa, Indonesia
*[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract—Popular scientific words in Sharia economics must the terminology related to this problem [2]. The main challenge
be understood carefully so that the concept of learning can be to understanding Sharia in the West is its undefined nature.
absorbed by students as a determinant of the quality and ability This goes against the ease with which the term is used in public
of students in global competition. Therefore, students must and political discourse, but also in the legal domain, which
master the intralingual translation of popular scientific words prides itself on its accuracy in terminology [3]. There is no
that are served on campus. At this point, this study will discuss definite conclusion whether the Arabic term should be
the definition of sharia economics where the popular scientific preserved. Nonetheless, the Arabic terminology provides a kind
words of Islamic economics are examined to see the intralingual
of competitiveness for Islamic banks but at the same time
translation ability of students. This research uses a test method
suggests that an attractive Arabic name will make it difficult to
with a descriptive-quantitative approach based on google forms
which is sent via the Whatssp application because during this test
obtain information and a quick understanding of the product.
the Covid-nineteen outbreak is currently underway where it is Thus, this indicates the need from the Islamic banking side to
not possible to gather. From the explanation of the table above, it address this issue as non-Muslims constitute the majority of the
was found that the majority of students incorrectly answered test industry's customers [4]. There were no significant differences
number ten about muzara'ah where there were twelve students. between the perceptions of the baby boomers and millennials
Intralingual translation ability by students of sharia law- about sharia banks [5].
economics against popular scientific words of sharia economics
At this point, this study will discuss the definition of sharia
has a majority of participants with good abilities and very
economics where the popular scientific words of Sharia
economics are examined to see the intralingual translation
Keywords—intralingual translation, ability, popular scientific ability of students. Several experts on the definition of sharia
words, sharia, economics, students economics: according to M. A Manan, it is a social science that
studies people's economic problems which are inspired by
Islamic values, according to Dr. Mardani is a business carried
I. INTRODUCTION out by a person or group or business entity that is legal or not
The interest of Indonesian students to major in Islamic in order to meet commercial needs according to sharia
Economics and Business has skyrocketed in the last decade. principles and according to Prof. Zainuddin Ali is a collection
Meanwhile, Islamic finance uses a lot of terminology taken of legal norms derived from the Qur'an and hadiths that govern
from Arabic and English. Students must be able to understand the human economy [6].
the definition of popular scientific words from learning, which
they get in the course so that the meaning of education can be In general, translation is the process of transferring
applied in social life in society. Popular scientific words in messages or information from the source language to the target
Sharia economics must be understood carefully so that the language [7]. The starting point in translation is verbal signs
concept of learning can be absorbed by students as a because translation is closely related to the linguistic aspect.
determinant of the quality and ability of students in global Whereas more specifically, one type of translation is
competition. Therefore, students must master the intralingual intralingual translation. Continuous above, statement regarding
translation of popular scientific words that are served on verbal signs that intralingual translation (rewording) as the
campus [1]. The same goals and ethical values are shown in a interpretation of verbal signs by means of other signs in the
significant combination between the Islamic finance industry same language [8,9]. In addition, intralingual translation is a
and socially responsible investment which is a current trend linguistic phenomenon that we basically encounter in our daily
that is growing the impact of investment so that it is popular for activities such as consider for example subtitling of television
students who are involved in economic education to find out programmes for the hearing impaired, the translation of

Copyright © 2021 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.

This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license -http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/. 10
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 576

scientific literature into layman’s terms and the publication of parties that are binding between parties include sanctions in
new editions of classic literacy works [10]. Another example of case of default; Sharia Bank is Bank based on the principles of
the intralingual translation, he has researched is analyzing the sharia or Islamic law; Ghanimah is The booty of war; Ihtikar is
Italian dubbing of Big Night, to see how the dialogues have Stacking goods within a certain period with the aim of
been conveyed and especially how verbally expressed humor increasing the price and making a big profit; Ijab is The first
and streotypes from the Italian language and culture are party's statement indicating the intention to enter into the
transferred intralingually [11]. Then, intralingual translation is contract; Ijarah is The contract of transfer of use rights over
based from a person’s understanding within one language. goods or services through rental wages without being followed
There are four categories of disorder from intralingual by the transfer of ownership rights over the goods themselves;
translation, they are overgeneralitation, ignorance of rule Jizyah is Taxes paid by non-Muslims as compensation for
restriction, incomplete application of rules and false concept socio-economic conditions, welfare services and security
hypothesized [12]. Continuing the statement about the guarantees; Kharaj is Land tax is determined based on land
categories of disorder above that academics can solve these productivity; Qabul is accept; Muzara’ah is The cooperation
problems in the following way: giving the implicit and explicit agreement between the land owner and the cultivator is in
corrective feedback and remedial teaching programmed [13]. accordance with the production sharing system based on the
harvest [15].
After discussing the importance of understanding for
students related to intralingual translation, then this study will The sample in this study were 20 students majoring in
put forward the understanding of popular scientific words as a sharia law-economics semester 5 at UIN Ar-Raniry Banda
basic foundation for students to be able to know the meaning Aceh in 2020 who were randomly selected. The sample
contained therein as a level determinant in the arena of global students already have a basic knowledge regarding the tests
competition. Scientific word is a word that is commonly obtained in Islamic economics courses, muamalah-fiqh
translated from a foreign language into Indonesian, scientific in courses, and business ethics in Islam courses so that they are
nature according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary and is suitable to be the object of research.
commonly used by scholars in writing scientific papers, public
In order to collect data, this research will carry out giving
speeches, official meetings and special discussions while the
word popular is the largest vocabulary in the a separate tests and analyzing the test result data to find out intralingual
translation ability by students of sharia law-economics against
language that is commonly used by all levels of society and
popular scientific words of sharia economics. Tests that have
forms the backbone of every language and words used in daily
communication [14]. So, Popular scientific words are logical been given to students individually via google forms and sent
using the Whatssp application in the form of essay test
words that meet the rules of science and are usually translated
from foreign languages into Indonesian where the word is questions namely the tests given are a series of questions or
exercises used to measure individual skills, knowledge,
commonly used by all levels of society, both educated and
intelligence, abilities or talents as well as groups [16] and each
laypeople in their daily activities. Therefore, it is possible and
appropriate to know students' intralingual translation skills of item on the test must always be planned and have an answer or
popular scientific words, especially on sharia economics. something that is considered correct [17].
The data analysis technique in this research is descriptive
II. METHODS quantitative using three lines of research activities, namely data
reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing or
This research uses a test method with a descriptive- verification [18].
quantitative approach based on google forms which is sent via
the Whatssp application because during this test the Covid-19
outbreak is currently underway where it is not possible to III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
gather. This study aims to analyze and describe the facts in the The test was given on Tuesday, October 13, 2020 to 20
form of intralingual translation ability by students of sharia students majoring in sharia economic-law semester 5 who were
law-economics against popular scientific words of sharia randomized at UIN Ar-Raniry via online google forms with a
economics. The test method is used to collect data on students' deadline limit of 1 sks/credit or 40 minutes. Google Forms is a
intralingual translation skills in understanding popular service that allows you to collect information through simple
scientific terms in sharia economics. web forms. One useful feature is that forms will automatically
The test that is served is translating intralingually against 10 save your data to Google Sheets [19]. Several previous studies
on the use of google form in assigning assignments include
popular scientific words relating to Sharia economics. The ten
mentioning, it looks attractive so that it is easy to provide an
words are Akad, Sharia Bank, Ghanimah, Ihtikar, Ijab, Ijarah,
Jizyah, Kharaj, Qabul and Muzara'ah. The words in the test are assessment can increase student motivation and interest in
learning, besides that it is also environmentally friendly
taken in the subject of reference book entitled "An Introduction
to The Sharia Economic: Introduction to Sharia Economics" by because paperless, efficient and effective in use [20]. The
execution of giving web tests related to google forms can take
Hidayat. Based on the book above, intralingual translations of
popular scientific words that are tested on students have the the form of several stages starting with an outline of the web
following answer keys: Akad is Contracts between two or more

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 576

exercise, setting "think 'questions and management of learning analysis, it is found that students as objects of research are able
context [21]. to provide satisfying and optimal.
Following are the results of the analysis of intralingual
translation ability by students of sharia law-economics against TABLE II. STUDENT TEST RESULT
popular scientific words of sharia economics: Classification
of Number of
Students Classification Based on
Based on Number of Students
Correct Level of Score
Popular Scientific that are Tested
Number 100=7
Words Number of Wrong Answers
1 Akad 0 Students Very understand=11
9-10 90-100 90=4 Students
2 0 Students
3 Ghanimah 0
4 Ihtikar 1 Student
Students Understand=7 Students
5 Ijab 0 7-8 70-80
6 Ijarah 6 Students Students
7 Jizyah 2 Students 60=2
8 Kharaj 8 Students 5-6 50-60 Enough=2 Students
9 Qabul 1 Student 3-4 30-40 0 Student Lack of Understand=None
10 Muzara’ah 12 Students 0-2 0-20 0 Student No Understand=None

From the explanation of the table above, it was found that From the table above, it can be ascertained that the
the majority of students incorrectly answered test no.10 about intralingual translation ability by the sample regarding popular
muzara'ah where there were 12 students. The practice of scientific words relating to sharia economics is very good
cooperation with the muzara'ah scheme has actually existed because no student gets a score below 50. Intralingual
since the time of the Prophet Muhammad, which happened to translation can also be referred to as rewording which translates
the people of Khaibar by giving up land and date palms to be a word from the source language to the same language or can
maintained using their tools and funds, in exchange for a be explained as defining a word in that language as well, for
portion of the harvest [22]. Then continued with no. 8 about example from Aceh language to a broader definition in aceh
kharaj where 8 students answered wrong. Of the dozens, books language as well. Whereas the difference with interlingual
entitle al-kharāj which saved up to this day are the works of translation is translating a word in a source language such as
Abu Yusuf, Yahya ibn Adam, and Qudamah ibn Ja'far. The Indonesian to a different target language such as English [28-
word "kharāj" refers to a tax that is collected from the land 30].
owner. Initially, however, kharāj was intended for a tax levied
on land conquered by Muslims that was left in the possession This study led to the results that 11 people had a very
of the previous owner [23]. Continued with no. 6 regarding understanding classification where 7 students got a score of
ijarah where 6 students were not able to answer correctly. 100 and 4 students got a score of 90. This means that 55% of
Conceptually, Ijarah has the meaning of a contract of exchange students are very understanding, indicating that the test of
by one party which enjoys the benefits of the work of the other intralingual translation skills of popular scientific words from
party on the basis of compensation for services rendered and Sharia economics is given by the sample has been successful
from the use of assets [24]. After that, regarding jizyah on no. 7 because the number of students who get this classification is
that 2 students could not understand. In the context of sharia above 50% or above half of the total size. Then 7 students got
law, currently none of the non-Muslims in Muslim majority an understanding classification where 3 students got a score of
countries pay jizyah because of their involvement in 80 and 4 students got a score of 70. The remaining results, 2
maintaining security and order together with Muslims [25]. students were classified as enough because they had a score of
Finally, there is each 1 student who cannot translate 60. The results of this study show proud results on the quality
intralingually for no. 4 and no.9 concerning ihtikar and qabul. of the ability of students majoring in sharia law-economics in
Iḥtikār has long been a topic of discussion in Islamic semester 5 at UIN Ar-Arraniry, 2020.
economics. Among modern Islamic economists, some interpret
iḥtikār as monopoly, and some simply claim it as an act of IV. CONCLUSION
hoarding [26]. Meanwhile, with regard to the terminology of
Intralingual translation ability by students of sharia law-
the word "Kabul", it is a selling activity which is a process of
economics against popular scientific words of sharia economics
acceptance in transactions of goods or services [27]. The
has a majority of participants with good abilities and very
difficulties that students have in translating intralingually with
respect to terms from sharia in the scope of law and economics
are usually caused by a lack of learning or memorizing the
definitions of these terms by students, however, from the

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 576

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