Iso Dis 16232-5 2005-08 en
Iso Dis 16232-5 2005-08 en
Iso Dis 16232-5 2005-08 en
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ISO/TC 22/SC 5 Secretariat: AFNOR
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Contents Page
Foreword ............................................................................................................................................................iv
Introduction .........................................................................................................................................................v
1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................................1
2 Normative references ............................................................................................................................ 1
3 Terms and definitions ........................................................................................................................... 1
4 Principle .................................................................................................................................................2
5 Equipment ..............................................................................................................................................2
5.1 General ...................................................................................................................................................2
5.2 Test liquid ...............................................................................................................................................2
5.3 Test component container ....................................................................................................................2
5.4 Test set up ..............................................................................................................................................2
5.5 Pressure rinsing liquid dispenser ..................................................................•.................................... 2
5.6 Collection equipment ............................................................................................................................3
5.7 Sampling containers .............................................................................................................................3
5.8 Environmental conditions ....................................................................................................................3
5.9 Health and safety ...................................................................................................................................3
6 Procedure ...............................................................................................................................................3
6.1 Handling and storage ............................................................................................................................3
6.2 Extraction procedure set up and validation ....................................................................................... 3
6.3 Blank test ...............................................................................................................................................6
6.4 Component routine test .........................................................................................•..............................8
7 Analysis of the extraction liquid .......................................................................................................... 8
8 Presentation of results ..........................................................................................................................9
Annex A (informative) Typical test stands and operating protocol for extraction by end-use
simulation .............................................................................................................................................10
A.1 Typical test stand schematic .............................................................................................................1O
A.2 Operating protocol ..............................................................................................................................11
Annex B (informative) Synopsis of the extraction procedure set up and validation ................................. 13
B.1 Synopsis of the extraction procedure set up and validation .......................................................... 13
Annex C (informative) Example of data sheet for the extraction procedure on functional test
bench ....................................................................................................................................................15
C.1 Identification of procedure ................................................................................................................. 15
C.2 Identification of component under test ............................................................................................. 15
C.3 Identification of the test bench .......................................................................................................... 15
C.4 Test fluid ...............................................................................................................................................15
C.5 Test conditions ....................................................................................................................................16
C.6 Extraction data and validation ........................................................................................................... 16
C.7 Illustrations (pictures or drawings) ................................................................................................... 17
C.8 Detailed description of the extraction protocol ............................................................................... 17
Annex D (informative) Synopsis of the routine test procedure .................................................................... 18
Bibliography ......................................................................................................................................................19
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 16232-5 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 22, Road vehicles, Subcommittee SC 5, Engine
ISO 16232 consists of the following parts, under the general title Road vehicles - Cleanliness of components
of fluid circuits:
Part 1: Vocabulary
Part 9: Particle sizing and counting by automatic light extinction particle counter
The presence of particulate contamination in a liquid system is acknowledged to be a major factor governing
the life and reliability of that system. The presence of particles residual from the manufacturing and assembly
processes will cause a substantial increase in the wear rates to the system during the initial run-up and early
life, and may even cause catastrophic failures.
In order to achieve reliable performance of components and systems, control over the amount of particles
introduced during the build phase is necessary, and measurement of particulate contaminants is the basis of
This standard defines procedures for the removal and collection of contaminants from components using a
circulation of test liquid in conditions as close as possible to the ones components are actually used in so that
their cleanliness can be evaluated.
The cleanliness level of a component, as determined according to this method, depends to a large extent on
the parameters of the test such as the capacity of the test bench to reproduce the operating conditions and
the requirements of the component, (e.g. flow conditions, duration of circulation, etc). All parameters shall be
included in the cleanliness specification and in the inspection document and should be rigorously followed by
the test staff.
1 Scope
This standard describes the principles of extraction of contaminants by test on a laboratory functional test
bench with the test fluid circulating under pressure or under vacuum. It is applicable to both active and passive
components easily flowed through by the fluid.
Unless otherwise specified, this document deals with particulate contamination only. It does not therefore
cover appearance defects or contamination by liquid or gaseous materials. It covers the amount and the
nature of residual particles resulting from manufacturing processes and from the environment.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 16232-1, Road vehicles - Cleanliness of components of fluid circuits - Part 1: Vocabulary
ISO 16232-3, Road vehicles - Cleanliness of components of fluid circuits - Part 3: Method of extraction of
contaminants pressure rinsing
ISO 16232-6, Road vehicles - Cleanliness of components of fluid circuits - Part 6: Particle mass
determination by gravimetric analysis
ISO 16232-7, Road vehicles - Cleanliness of components of fluid circuits - Part 7: Particle sizing and counting
by microscopic analysis
ISO 16232-8, Road vehicles - Cleanliness of components of fluid circuits - Part B: Particle nature
determination by microscopic analysis
ISO 16232-9, Road vehicles - Cleanliness of components of fluid circuits - Part 9: Particle sizing and counting
by automatic light extinction particle counter
ISO 16232-10, Road vehicles - Cleanliness of components of fluid circuits - Part 10: Expression of results
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 16232-1 apply.
4 Principle
The component shall be installed on a validated test bench which simulates the component's functional
operation. The circulation of the liquid under known conditions detaches the contaminants from the controlled
surfaces and transfers them to the extraction liquid, for subsequent analysis. The circulation of the test liquid
is achieved either by pressure or by vacuum. In the case of an active component, depending on the function
principle, the component shall be actuated either by an external device or by the traversing liquid.
5 Equipment
5.1 General
The equipment used shall not alter or modify the size distribution of the extracted particles
The test liquid shall be compatible with all the materials in the component, with the liquid used in the final
system and with the test equipment, including seals and membrane filters and clean up filters. A test liquid of
low viscosity(~ 5 mm 2/s) and having the capability of removing (or dissolving) oil and grease is recommended.
It should be filtered to attain the requirements of 6.3.3.
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS - In case a tested component will be reclaimed for final use, application of
incompatible test fluid may ·cause hazardous damage
A closed container should be used for the transfer of the component from the place of sampling to the place of
particle extraction. This container shall be appropriate to the shape of the component and made of material
compatible with the test liquid. Its degree of cleanliness shall comply with the blank requirements specified in
Use a test set-up that enables the component to operate at its acceptable flow rate, temperature and pressure
as agreed between parties. A typical test set-up diagram is shown in Annex A.
In Annex A, all circuit components shown are given as examples. The extraction circuit shall be designed so
as to fulfil the requirements of the extraction procedure.
The design of the test set-up and the components selected is critical to the accuracy, repeatability and
reproducibility of measurements, and the basic rules are:
the components shall nor alter or modify the size distribution of the particles
the components shall not encourage the settlement of particles during its operation and be so designed to
quickly and effectively cause the particles to be re-entrained after periods of stoppage
The pressure liquid is a device providing a clean liquid at a pressure and flow rate capable, in an effective
manner, to rinse residual particles of sampling equipment, collection container and analysis apparatus.
The collection equipment shall allow effective draining of particles. A conical base is preferred. Its shall be
cleaned to achieve the requirements of 6.3.3
It is possible for contaminants remaining on the apparatus to be transferred to the sample and thus
erroneously included as part of the contaminants removed from the component. All collection equipment shall
be cleaned and covered before use in order to limit contamination from the environment
The sampling containers (glassware, ... ) required for transferring the extraction liquid from the collection
equipment to the analysis apparatus shall be cleaned to achieve the requirements of 6.3.3
The cleanliness of the environment of the place where the extraction is performed shall be consistent with the
presumed cleanliness of the component to test. This requirement may result in the test being carried out in a
laboratory or controlled workplace. The suitability of the environment is validated when performing the blank
5.9.1 Local Health and Safety procedures shall be followed at all times, any equipment shall be operated in
accordance with the manufacturer's instruction, and personal protection equipment used where appropriate.
5.9.2 Chemicals used in the procedures can be harmful, toxic or flammable. Good laboratory practices shall
be observed in the preparation and use of these chemicals. Care shall be taken to ensure compatibility of the
chemicals with the materials used (refer to each Material Safety Data Sheet [MSDS]). Follow the precautions
for safe handling and usage as described in the MSDS available from the supplier.
5.9.3 Volatile liquids; care shall be taken with flammable liquids to ensure that they are used in accordance
with the MSDS, at temperatures below the stated flash point and away from potential sources of ignition.
Appropriate precautions should be taken to avoid inhalation of fumes from these solvents. Always use suitable
protective equipment.
5.9.4 Electrical; appropriate care should be applied in the use of electrical power.
5.9.5 Disposal; all liquids and substances shall be disposed of in accordance with local environmental
procedures. In the event of spillage it shall be cleaned-up in the manner detailed in the MSDS.
6 Procedure
During handling and storage of test components it shall be safeguarded that no contaminants are deposited
on or removed from controlled surfaces.
To prevent loss of particles during transport it can be necessary to seal openings of the test components; e.g.
with suitable plugs.
6.2.2 If the break-in of the component is part of its manufacturing process, the extraction procedure should
be agreed between parties and included in the inspection document because break-in may alter its initial
cleanliness level.
6.2.3 If the particles detached during transportation of the test component and particles from the packaging
have to be included in the cleanliness test they shall be collected using the appropriate extraction method (e.g.
low pressure rinsing) as agreed upon between parties.
6.2.4 For active components, it may be necessary to operate them in order to pass the test liquid through
during the extraction procedure. In this case, the initial contamination level may be altered. The extraction
conditions should be agreed upon between parties.
6.2.5 The effectiveness of the contaminant extraction on a functional test stand depends of the following,
non exhaustive list of parameters: flow conditions, duration of circulation, fluid viscosity, .... A synopsis of the
operations to perform is given in Annex B. The detailed description of operating conditions and equipment
used in application of this standard to flow the test liquid through the component constitutes the extraction
procedure. This procedure shall be established for each component and communicated (for an example of
extraction procedure data sheet see Annex C). An example of operating protocol is given in Annex A.
6.2.6 If needed for reporting results and if not specified determine the controlled volume (see Annex B of
ISO 16232-10) and/or controlled surface area of the component under examination. Report and/or specify
their values in the inspection document.
Performing a first blank test is necessary to check the cleanliness of the equipment. Conditioning and cleaning
serves the purpose of obtaining a suitable cleanliness level of the inspection set-up. It is recommended that a
basic procedure for conditioning the inspection set up be defined. For example, by performing a cleanliness
analysis of a defined volume of liquid after the cleaning procedure of the set up, it can be determined whether
the inspection environment is in suitable conditions and acceptable for carrying out a validation procedure.
6.2.8 When agreed between parties, the particles from the packaging of the component shall be included
in cleanliness test and collected as contaminants of the component using the appropriate extraction method
(e.g. low pressure rinsing).
6.2.9 If necessary, demagnetise the component. Clean those external surfaces of the component, which
are not involved in the cleanliness measurement. The external surface shall be cleaned at a place different of
the one where the extraction is to be carried out. Ensure that no contaminants are deposited on or removed
from the controlled surfaces.
6.2.10 If necessary, remove all covers and other plugs fitted for transport of the component. If the component
contains a shipment liquid, empty it out, measure its volume and analyse its contaminants according to 7.
NOTE Removal of plugs might generate particles to unavoidably contribute to the original contamination.
6.2.11 If dismantling is necessary to obtain access to all the surface to be inspected, do so with care.
NOTE Any operation of dismantling might generate particles which could be added to or lost from the original amount
of particles.
6.2.12 Clean the test liquid so that it complies with 6.3.3, in the following manner.
a) using suitable piping, connect together the ports of the component so that there is an unrestricted
passage. Bring in the clean-up filter.
b) for pressure flushing, circulate the extraction liquid through the clean-up filter until the required blank
value (6.3.3) is obtained.
c) for vacuum flushing either connect a secondary pump to circulate the extraction liquid around the circuit
or clean in patches by drawing volumes through the clean-up filter into a suitable clean container.
Continue until the required cleanliness value (6.3.3) is obtained
Care in fitting and removing both the pipe and component for test shall be undertaken so not to contribute
significant particles
6.2.13 Extract the contaminants using an appropriate operating protocol (e.g. as described in Annex A.2.).
NOTE 1 As a function of the level of contamination observed in the extraction liquid, it may be necessary to divide the
total volume among several sampling containers to facilitate their subsequent analysis, to avoid clogging of a membrane
filter during filtration, the saturation of an APC or overlapping of particles in the case of microscopic counting.
NOTE 2 Instead of collecting the extraction liquid in a container, it may pass through a membrane filter directly
connected to the outlet of the test bench.
6.2.15 Analyse the extraction liquid as specified in clause 7 and label the result obtained as S1 .
6.2.16 Repeat operations 6.2.12 to 6.2.15 twice more on the same component, using a different clean
container for collecting each extraction liquid volume and label the results obtained as S2 and S3 .
6.2.17 Validate the contaminant extraction procedure to ensure its efficacy as follows:
a) for each of the three samples taken in 6.2.15 and 6.2.16, establish the total mass of contaminants and/or
the total number of particles. For the particle count, this is applicable to the total number of particles larger
than the smallest particle size specified in the inspection document. This particle size shall be chosen to
enable counting of a significant number of particles.
b) divide the result of the last sample by the sum of all the results obtained;
c) if the value obtained is less than 10% of this sum the end point is reached and the extraction is
NOTE 1 This procedure enables the extraction curve to be drawn and the end-point (S 0.1) to be demonstrated, (see
Figure 1).
NOTE3 In some cases (for example very low contamination level, difficulties in extracting particles, inappropriate blank
level. .. ) the extraction curve may not be of the form seen in Figure 1. If this is the case, ensure that all extraction
parameters have been properly investigated.
d) If the value obtained is> 0,10 a further extraction is necessary. Repeat stages 6.2.12 to 6.2.15 until the
1Q n
last sample (Sn) produces a result:::; 0, 10 of the total of the samples ( Sn ~--IS; ).
100 i=I
6.2.18 If six extractions have been performed without reaching a value :::; 0, 10, then the extraction
parameters are not suitable and shall be modified. Repeat operations 6.2.4 to 6.2.13 with new parameters on
a new component.
6.2.19 If this criterion is not fulfilled set up a new extraction protocol and validate it according to 6.2 or apply
another extraction method as defined in ISO 16232-2, ISO 16232-3 or ISO 16232-4.
2 3 4 5 6 2
1 Cleanliness level S
2 Extraction samples
3 Blank level The overall blank value accounts for contamination resulting from handling and testing the
component, beginning when it is unpacked and ending during analysis procedure. Main sources of blank
contamination are:
test liquid;
all non-component surfaces that come into contact with the extraction liquid such as containers and
equipment for collecting and sampling the extraction liquid;
The blank value results from the combination and interaction of the above factors being applied for a specific
test task. The cleanliness of the environment where the cleanliness inspection is performed should be
known and be consistent with the presumed cleanliness of the component to be tested. This is validated when
performing the blank test. :
If the stable blank value level shifts towards higher values, the sources of blank contamination shall be investigated in
order to avoid cross contamination. A blank test is performed to verify that the operating conditions, equipment and products used in
the extraction procedure do not contribute a significant amount of contamination to the component analysed.
To ensure process consistency, a blank test should be performed at regular intervals using identical test
parameters. For the determination of system blank values, identical conditions as the one applied during
testing of the component shall be applied but with the component omitted.
The blank value shall be determined and fulfilled for each analysis method specified in the inspection
document. Proceed as specified in 6.2.4 to 6.2.14 with the same equipment and total volume of extraction
fluid as required for analysis of the component, but without the component.
The acceptable blank value depends on the component presumed or specified cleanliness level and,
depending on the analysis method, is as follows:
Less than 10 % of the presumed gravimetric cleanliness level and greater than or equal to 0,3 mg
NOTE Using a 4-digit balance under non controlled environmental conditions (no controlled humidity and
temperature) the minimum measurable blank value is 0,3 mg. Thus at least 3 mg should be collected during
the component test in order to meet the 10 % criterion.
a) particle counts: less than 10 % of the presumed or specified numbers at the relevant sizes, each
calculated number being rounded down.
For one particle size, specified number is 16,
16 X 10 % = 1,6
rounded value = 1
Conclusion: 1 particle is accepted in the blank value
NOTE the relevant sizes should be as close as possible to the maximum particle size acceptable for the component
and chosen to allow counting significant numbers of particles.
b) maximum particle size: no particle at the ISO 16232-10 size range next lower to the half on the maximum
particle size presumed or specified
c) if the component cleanliness level is neither presumed nor specified, the blank shall exhibit:
less than 4 000 particles greater than 5µm and less than 500 particles greater than 15 µm per 100 ml of
extraction liquid. If the blank level exceeds 10 %, it is possible to increase the number of test components
analyzed in order to collect more particles and thus fulfil the 10 % limit.
6.4.1 Apply the extraction procedure described in 6.2.1 to 6.2.13 to the test item. It may be possible to use
combined extraction method by using the same overall test liquid volume used to validate the extraction
procedure. In this case the resulting cleanliness level may differ. This simplified method shall be validated and
shall be agreed between parties.
If the particles detached during transportation of the test component and particles from the packaging have to
be included in the cleanliness test they shall be collected using the appropriate extraction method (e.g. low
pressure rinsing) as agreed upon between parties.
6.4.2 When several identical components are measured by a validated method, the cleanliness level of
each extraction liquid needs not be measured. All the liquids collected in 6.2.14 can then be mixed and
analysed as specified in clause 7.
NOTE When the extraction method is applied to several components due to their too low contamination level
(requirement on the blank level ... ), it is not necessary to measure the contamination level of each extraction fluid. All the
liquids collected in 6.2.14 are then mixed and analyzed as specified in 7.
particle sizing and counting by particle sizing and counting by microscopic analysis in accordance with
ISO 16232-7;
particle nature analysis by scanning electron microscopy and EDX in accordance with ISO 16232-8;
7.2 The analysis shall relate to the total volume of liquid used. The following liquid samples have to be
analyzed together provided that the liquids are completely miscible:
those containing all liquid drained from the test item prior to the extraction process.
If the samples contain immiscible liquids then they shall be analysed separately, unless it can be verified that
it will not interfere with the analysis method chosen.
8 Presentation of results
Annex A
Figure A.1 - Schematic of the various options of a test stand for pressure flushing
1 air filter
2 test fluid tank
3 clean up filter
4 flow regulating valve
5 flowmeter
6 test component
7 vacuum gauge
8 extraction fluid collection vacuum tank
9 vacuum regulation valve
10 vacuum pump
Figure A.2 - Schematic of the various options of a test stand for vacuum flushing
A.2.1.1 Install on the test stand the component to test (8) and by-pass it.
A.2.1.2 Fill in the test reservoir and system with the test fluid.
A.2.1.3 Turn on the clean up filter (6) and the three-ways ball valve (9) in the recycle position.
A.2.1.4 Start the pump (3) and set the flow rate to the specified value using valve (4 ).
A.2.1.5 Operate the system until the fluid cleanliness level (measured by sampling valve if any (10)
reaches the specified value. In the absence of such a specification, clean-up until ISO 4406 code -/12/9 is
A.2.1.6 Turn the three-way ball valve to the extraction position (9) to put test component (8) on line : the
clean-up filter (6) still being in operation, start pump (3) and if necessary adjust test flowrate using valve (4).
When specified, bypass the pump (3) to allow test fluid to flow through the test component (8) by pressurising
the test reservoir (2) with compressed air (1 ).
A.2.2.1 Install on the test stand the component to test (6). For the blank test by pass it.
A.2.2.2 Fill in the test reservoir (2) with the test fluid and close the flow regulation valve (4).
A.2.2.3 Start the vacuum pump (10) and set the vacuum to the specified value using valve (9).
A.2.2.4 Set the extraction flowrate to the specified value using the flow regulation valve (4).
A.2.2.5 Wait for the whole test fluid volume be transferred from the test reservoir (2) to the collection
vacuum tank (8).
Annex B
Extraction of
S1 6.2.15
I -N· - . I
of test
contaminants . o .
6.2.11to ... [ - ············· ~~tpone z
··············· < ···········-...
n- 6 ::..,.·------, ~C
Analysis of
6.2.16 (6.2.11
Yes ·:·-.,,y_"__./ i :J
S2 6.2.16 6.2.14) I z
...............½............... C.
Extraction of Analysis of 1 Extraction of 1 w
contaminants contaminants j contaminants j en
6.2.16(6.2.11 to S36.2.16 t 6.2.16 E cc
6.2.14) ..............;.. ····:···· ... ::::,
...............t ............... ! 0
1 Analysis of 1 i cc
1 contaminants S; 1 z
: 6.2.16 :
. 0
Blank (total
volume but with cc
no component) ::-············: ~
: No :························' w
6.3.2 No
Annex C
Date: I
Author: I Company:
Prior external rinse: DYES ONO Filling orifice(s): ref.: DYES ONO
Procedure ref. :
Extraction n° (i) 1 2 3 4 5 6
Cumulative volume
Gravimetry (mg)
Particle count
% extraction
NOTE Extraction is validated when an analysis result is less than or equal to 10% of the sum of all the results
10 n
(Sn ~-LS;
lQQ i=I
Annex D
: no ,.:
Test item and if necessary container of the
component, shipment liquid (6.4.1)
[1] ISO 3722, Hydraulic fluid power -- Fluid sample containers -- Qualifying and controlling cleaning
[2] ISO 4021, Hydraulic fluid power -- Particulate contamination analysis -- Extraction of fluid samples
from lines of an operating system
[3] ISO 4405, Hydraulic fluid power -- Fluid contamination -- Determination of particulate contamination by
the gravimetric method ·
[4] ISO 4406, Hydraulic fluid power -- Fluids -- Method for coding the level of contamination by solid
[5] ISO 4407, Hydraulic fluid power -- Fluid contamination -- Determination of particulate contamination by
the counting method using an optical microscope
[7] ISO 12345, Diesel engines -- Cleanliness assessment of fuel injection equipment (available in English
[8] ISO 18413, Hydraulic fluid power -- Cleanliness of parts and components -- Inspection document and
principles related to contaminant collection, analysis and data reporting
[9] NF E 48660, Hydraulic fluid systems - Fluids - Determination of solid particulate contamination by
optical microscope and image analysis