What is Reinsurance?
Reinsurance is a form of insurance. A reinsurance contract is
legally an insurance contract. The reinsurer agrees to indemnify
the cedant insurer for a specified share of specified types of in-
surance claims paid by the cedant for a single insurance policy
or for a specified set of policies. The terminology used is that
the reinsurer assumes the liability ceded on the subject policies.
The cession, or share of claims to be paid by the reinsurer, may
be defined on a proportional share basis (a specified percentage
of each claim) or on an excess basis (the part of each claim, or
aggregation of claims, above some specified dollar amount).
The nature and purpose of insurance is to reduce the finan-
cial cost to individuals, corporations, and other entities arising
from the potential occurrence of specified contingent events. An
insurance company sells insurance policies guarantying that the
insurer will indemnify the policyholders for part of the financial
losses stemming from these contingent events. The pooling of
liabilities by the insurer makes the total losses more predictable
than is the case for each individual insured, thereby reducing
the risk relative to the whole. Insurance enables individuals, cor-
porations and other entities to perform riskier operations. This
increases innovation, competition, and efficiency in a capitalistic
The nature and purpose of reinsurance is to reduce the fi-
nancial cost to insurance companies arising from the potential
occurrence of specified insurance claims, thus further enhancing
innovation, competition, and efficiency in the marketplace. The
cession of shares of liability spreads risk further throughout the
bad business good. But it does provide the following direct as-
sistance to the cedant.
Having reinsurance coverage, a cedant can write higher pol-
icy limits while maintaining a manageable risk level. By ceding
shares of all policies or just larger policies, the net retained loss
exposure per individual policy or in total can be kept in line with
the cedant’s surplus. Thus smaller insurers can compete with
larger insurers, and policies beyond the capacity of any single
insurer can be written.
The word “capacity” is sometimes also used in relation to ag-
gregate volume of business. This aspect of capacity is best con-
sidered below in the general category of financial results man-
Reinsurance can help stabilize the cedant’s underwriting and
financial results over time and help protect the cedant’s sur-
plus against shocks from large, unpredictable losses. Reinsur-
ance is usually written so that the cedant retains the smaller,
predictable claims, but shares the larger, infrequent claims. It
can also be written to provide protection against a larger than
predicted accumulation of claims, either from one catastrophic
event or from many. Thus the underwriting and financial effects
of large claims or large accumulations of claims can be spread
out over many years. This decreases the cedant’s probability of
financial ruin.
Management Advice
Many professional reinsurers have the knowledge and ability
to provide an informal consulting service for their cedants. This
service can include advice and assistance on underwriting, mar-
keting, pricing, loss prevention, claims handling, reserving, actu-
arial, investment, and personnel issues. Enlightened self-interest
induces the reinsurer to critically review the cedant’s operation,
and thus be in a position to offer advice. The reinsurer typically
has more experience in the pricing of high limits policies and
in the handling of large and rare claims. Also, through contact
with many similar cedant companies, the reinsurer may be able
to provide an overview of general issues and trends. Reinsurance
intermediaries may also provide some of these same services for
their clients.
A treaty reinsures a specified part of the loss exposure for
a set of insurance policies for a specified coverage period. For
ongoing treaty coverage, the claims covered may be either those
Catastrophe Covers
A catastrophe cover is a per-occurrence treaty used for prop-
erty exposure. It is used to protect the net position of the cedant
against the accumulation of claims arising from one or more large
events. It is usually stipulated that two or more insureds must be
involved before coverage attaches. The coverage is typically of
the form of a 90% or 95% share of one or more layers (separate
treaties) in excess of the maximum retention within which the
cedant can comfortably absorb a loss, or for which the cedant
can afford the reinsurance prices.
Brokerage Fee
A reinsurance broker charges a brokerage fee for placing the
reinsurance coverage and for any other services performed on
behalf of the cedant. This fee is incorporated into the reinsur-
In some cases, in order to cede reinsurance, the cedant may be
required to assume some reinsurance from the reinsurer, in this
case usually another primary company. If this reciprocal reinsur-
ance assumption is unprofitable, the loss should be considered
as part of the cost of reinsurance. Reciprocity is not prevalent in
the United States.
General Considerations
In general, reinsurance pricing is more uncertain than pri-
mary pricing. Coverage terms can be highly individualized, es-
pecially for treaties. These terms determine the coverage period,
RP =
(1 ! RCR ! RBF) " (1 ! RIXL) " (1 ! RTER)
RP = reinsurance premium
RELC = reinsurer’s estimate of the reinsurance expected
loss cost, E[RL]
RL = reinsurance loss
E[RL] = reinsurance aggregate loss expectation
RDF = reinsurance loss payment discount factor
RCR = reinsurance ceding commission rate
(as a percent of RP)
RBF = reinsurance brokerage fee
(as a percent of RP)
RIXL = reinsurer’s internal expense loading
(as a percent of RP net of RCR and RBF)
RTER = reinsurer’s target economic return
(as a percent of reinsurance pure premium,
RP net of RCR, RBF and RIXL)
1 Formulas traditionally used by reinsurance underwriters have more often been of the
form: undiscounted loss estimate divided by a judgmental loading factor such as 0.85.
Of course the problem with this type of formula is that all the information about the
expenses, discounting and profit loading are buried in one impenetrable number.
Example 7.4:
RPP = = $125,000
RP =
(1 ! :10) " (1 ! :25 ! :05)
= $198,413
Please note that the reinsurance premium less external ex-
penses is
RPP $125,000
1 ! RIXL 0:9
= $138, 889
= 0:7 " $198,413
= (1 ! RCR ! RBF) " RP
Also, the reinsurer’s desired margin for internal expenses and
profit is
$138,889 ! $100,000 = $38,889
= $13,889 + $25,000:
Very often the reinsurance premium is not a fixed dollar
amount, but is calculated as a rate times a rating basis, quite
often PCP, the primary company (subject) premium. In our ex-
ample, if PCP was expected to be $5,000,000, the reinsurance
rate would most likely be rounded to 0.04 or 4%. Then the
expected reinsurance premium would be $200,000 and the ex-
pected reinsurance premium less external expenses would be
0:7 " $200,000 = $140,000, and the expected reinsurance mar-
gin would be $140,000 ! $100,000 = $40,000, greater than the
desired margin. So, if the reinsurer’s internal expenses were still
$13,889, then the reinsurer’s expected economic return (profit)
would be $40,000 ! $13,889 = $26,111, greater than the target
of $25,000.
Facultative Certificates
Since a facultative certificate covers a share of a single in-
surance policy or set of policies covering a single insured, the
individual insured can be underwritten and priced. The exposure
of the individual insured can be evaluated and manual rates and
rating factors can be used to calculate an exposure rate. How-
ever, since most facultative certificates are written on larger or
more hazardous exposures, manual rates and rating factors may
not exist or must often be modified. Thus, the analysis of indi-
vidual exposure and loss experience, together with a great deal
of underwriting judgment, is important.
In contemplating any form of facultative coverage, the under-
writer first evaluates the exposure to decide if the risk is accept-
able, and may then evaluate the rate used by the cedant to esti-
mate its degree of adequacy. The underwriter also determines if
Property Certificates
The evaluation and pricing of property certificate coverage on
a proportional share basis usually needs little further actuarial
assistance. However, the actuary should be involved in the eval-
2 Some underwriters use so-called Lloyd’s Scales. Underwriters bring these tables with
them from job to job; the parentage of the Lloyd’s Scales floating around the industry
seems to be highly questionable. So, be careful.
Some underwriters also use tables of factors from a 1960 PCAS paper by Ruth Salz-
mann. But these factors were developed for homeowners business. So even if they were
adjusted for inflation over the last 40 years, they are of questionable use for the typical
commercial property facultative exposure. A paper by Stephen Ludwig [13] uses com-
mercial risk experience to estimate loss curves. ISO and various reinsurance companies
have been doing research and developing property loss curves. But so far there are no
published, actuarially sound claims severity curves or tables of factors for rating property
per-risk excess coverage.
the MPL is the total value; the definition of PML varies from
underwriter to underwriter, but is usually thought to be three
to five floors. The MPL and PML affect the shape of the loss
cost curve because you expect, for example, very different loss
severity distributions for an insured with a $100,000 MPL and
PML versus an insured with a $10,000,000 MPL and $5,000,000
This is illustrated by the accompanying Graph 7.5. An actu-
ary might think of the MPL as being essentially the 100th per-
centile of the probabilistic loss distribution, and the PML as be-
ing somewhere around the 95th to 99th percentiles. Note that the
$10,000,000 MPL property has a smaller probability of a total
loss. In fact, at every loss level, its graph lies above the graph for
the $100,000 MPL property, thus having a smaller probability of
exceeding each percentage loss level.
Appropriate RTER’s and RIXL’s could be incorporated into
the table or could be recommended as additional loading fac-
An appropriate pricing formula for an excess cover could use
Formula 7.2 with (dropping the PV for short-tailed property cov-
erage) RELC calculated as follows.
Examples of Property Claim Severity
Cumulative Distribution Functions
Example 7.7:
PCP = $100,000
PCPLR = 65%
RCF = 1:05 (estimated 5% inadequacy)
RCR = 30%
RBF = 0% (no broker)
RIXL = 15%
MPL = PML = $10,000,000:
Attpt = Attachment Point = $1,000,000:
RLim = Reinsurance Limit = $4,000,000
RTER = 10%
Thus the reinsurer believes the total expected loss cost is as
Formula 7.8: Total Expected Loss Cost
PCP " PCPLR " RCF = $100,000 " (:65) " (1:05)
= $68,250
Now assume that we believe that the claim severity, includ-
ing loss adjustment expense, for this class of business and this
MPL, is given by a censored (at MPL) Pareto distribution of the
following form.
Formula 7.9: Censored Pareto Model
" for x<1
1 ! F(x) = Prob[X > x] = (b + x)q
0 for x#1
where the claim size X is expressed as a percent of MPL.
(Properties of the Pareto distribution are outlined in Appen-
dix A.)
Casualty Certificates
The evaluation and pricing of facultative certificate casualty
coverage is even trickier than property coverage, due mainly to
the additional uncertainty arising from delayed claims report-
ing and settlement. Because of this increased uncertainty, the
actuary’s role can be more important in the pricing and in the
monitoring and interpretation of results.
As with property excess, a cover may be exposure rated via
manual rates and increased limits factors, together with exposure
evaluation and underwriting judgement. The same Formula 7.6
may be used to determine RELC, except that the ELCF will be
based upon increased limit loss cost tables, based upon claim
severity curves, and the RCF may be determined both by facts
and by judgments regarding the cedant’s basic limit rate level
and increased limit factors.
Since most companies use Insurance Services Office (ISO)
increased limit factors for third party liability pricing (especially
for commercial lines), it is very important that the actuaries very
closely monitor ISO factors and understand their meaning. Like-
wise, it is important to monitor and understand information from
the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) regard-
ing workers compensation claim severity. However, you should
not use the published excess loss factors (ELF’s) for pricing ex-
cess loss coverage, since they underestimate per-occurrence ex-
cess loss potential.
Pricing Methods
Since policies subject to facultative coverage are larger than
usual, experience rating often comes into play. One method is to
first experience rate a lower layer with more credible experience.
Then the experience-based loss cost on the lower layer may be
used together with the reinsurer’s ELCF table to extrapolate up
to the intended layer of coverage.
For a buffer layer of coverage where the likelihood of loss
penetration is significant, it might also be possible to obtain a
Example 7.19:
TABLE 7.20
(Fictitious) ISO Increased Limit Factors
RP =
(1 ! RCR ! RBF) " (1 ! RIXL) " (1 ! RTER)
(1 ! 0:25 ! 0:05) " (1 ! 0:15) " (1 ! 0:2)
(0:7) " (0:85) " (0:8)
= $134, 252
Please note that the assumption that ISO increased limit fac-
tors appropriately describe the claim severity potential for this
Example 7.24:
data for the past five to ten policy years, plus individual large
claims. We also want some history of claims values (an histori-
cal policy year/development year triangle) for step five. The data
should be adjusted so that they are approximately on the same
basis as our coverage with respect to any other inuring reinsur-
ance, that is, reinsurance that applies to the cedant’s loss before
our coverage.
Suppose we have net aggregate loss development triangles by
line for policy years 1995–2000 at evaluation dates 12/31/95,
12/31/96, : : : ,12/31/99, 6/30/00, plus concurrent evaluations by
line of all numbered catastrophes occurring during this time pe-
riod. These are the catastrophes designated by Property Claims
Service (PCS). Also suppose that there haven’t been significant
changes in da Ponte’s insurance portfolio or in their reinsurance
program during this time. So the data are consistent with the
expected 2001 loss exposure.
Step 4: Filter the major catastrophic claims out of the claims data.
This is straightforward. Subtract the numbered catastrophe
values by line at each evaluation from the loss development tri-
Step 10: Estimate a “credibility” loss cost or loss cost rate from
the exposure and experience loss costs or loss cost rates.
We must reconcile the experience rating estimate of a 60%
loss ratio with our exposure rating estimate of a 65% loss ratio.
Remember that the exposure estimate includes unlimited catas-
trophe losses. The reconciliation is a process of asking questions
and judging the relative credibility of the two loss ratio estimates.
In the later discussion of treaty working cover excess pricing, we
will list some of the questions we should ask.
Let us suppose that our “credibility” estimate of the 2001
expected loss ratio is 62%.
Steps 11–13 are very intertwined. Normally, we would want
to perform Step 11 before Step 12, since Step 11 helps us quan-
tify the risk transfer on the contract with respect to the particular
contract terms. But sometimes, we have preliminary estimates of
RCR, RIXL and RTER which may later be modified. The nego-
tiations with the cedant will often send us back to Step 11 or
12, or even to earlier steps. We will present Steps 11 and 12
Formula 7.27: First Two Central Moments of the Loss Ratio Dis-
= 62%
* + * + * +
Var = Var + Var
= $(6:1%)2 + (13:9%)2 % estimate
= 2:29%
where RLF = filtered reinsurance loss
RLC = catastrophic reinsurance loss
We thus have an estimate of the standard deviation, SD[RL=RP]
= 15:13%. We approximate the loss ratio distribution with a
Gamma distribution. This is described and justified in Appendix
C, and also in Papush, Patrik and Podgaits [17]. We will later dis-
cuss more sophisticated models for approximating the aggregate
loss or loss ratio distribution. In our simple case, it is enough
to assume that the distribution of L can be represented by a
Gamma distribution whose parameters can be estimated by the
Method of Moments. We can now evaluate the ceding commis-
sion terms with this distribution, and thus estimate the reinsurer’s
TABLE 7.29
Aggregate Loss Distribution and Calculation of
Reinsurer’s Profit
Example 7.30:
' For a policy with limit = $500,000, the reinsurer receives 60%
of the policy’s premium less ceding commission and brokerage
fee, and pays 60% of the policy’s losses.
' For a policy with limit = $1,000,000, the reinsurer receives
80% of the policy’s premium less ceding commission and bro-
kerage fee, and pays 80% of the policy’s losses.
' For a policy with limit = $2,000,000, the reinsurer receives
40% of the policy’s premium less ceding commission and bro-
kerage fee, and pays 40% of the policy’s losses.
It is easy to see that, given this complicated proportional struc-
ture depending upon the limit of each policy, the premium and
loss accounting for a surplus-share treaty is somewhat complex.
Despite this, surplus-share treaties are popular, because they pro-
vide more large loss protection than a quota-share, and are much
easier for the reinsurer to evaluate and price (usually only the
ceding commission and slide is the subject of negotiations) than
an excess treaty.
A surplus-share treaty is generally riskier relative to ceded
premium volume than is a simple quota-share. So the reinsurer
will charge a correspondingly higher margin for risk assumption.
the reinsurer’s RTER. But the final evaluation of risk and neces-
sary RTER also depends upon the relative catastrophe exposure.
Example 7.31:
TABLE 7.32
Casualty Exposure Categories
tables and policy limits for this type of company, that we have
estimated from general information.
We should want to start with the information listed in Step
1 for Example 7.24. In addition, we assume that our underwrit-
ers have visited da Ponte and have performed an underwriting
review. We want to know about deviations from bureau man-
ual rates and average schedule and experience credits. We want
historical premiums for at least the last five-and-one-half years
1995 through June 30, 2000 plus predictions for 2001–2003. We
also want the names of contact people at da Ponte to talk with,
in particular, their pricing actuary.
$ ' (%
ELCF(Lim) = (1 + ±) " (1 + °) " ILF(Lim) ! ILF
AP AP + RLim
if < Lim &
1+° 1+°
ELCF(Lim) = (1 + ±) " (1 + °)
$ ' ( ' (%
AP + RLim AP
1+° 1+°
AP + RLim
if < Lim
where AP = attachment point = $300,000
RLim = reinsurance limit = $700,000
± = clash loading = 5%
° = excess ALAE loading = 20%
Table 7.34 displays this simplistic method for a part of da
Ponte’s GL exposure using hypothetical increased limits factors
(excluding both ALAE and risk load) to calculate excess loss cost
factors. In Table 7.34, we see that policies with limits $300,000,
$500,000 and $1,000,000 and above expose the excess layer.
TABLE 7.34
Excess Loss Cost Factors with ALAE Added To
Indemnity Loss @ 20% Add-on and a Clash Loading
of 5%
$ 100,000 1.0000 0
250,000 1.2386 0
300,000 1.2842 0.0575
500,000 1.4084 0.2139
833,333 1.5271 0.3635
1,000,000 or more 1.5681 0.3635
TABLE 7.36
Excess Expected Loss, Claim Severity, and Count
4 One may argue that clash affects the excess claim frequency, not the excess claim
severity. The truth is that it affects both. Here, for simplicity, we only adjust the excess
claim severity.
Step 4: Filter the major catastrophic claims out of the claims data.
In our example, we want to identify clash claims, if possible,
and any significant mass tort claims. By separating out the clash
claims, we can estimate their frequency and size relative to non-
clash claims, and compare these statistics to values we know
from other cedants, thus enabling us to get a better estimate for
our ± loading. It should be obvious that the mass tort claims need
special treatment.
TABLE 7.37
Trending an Accident Year 1993 Claim
Note the use of a single trend factor. The reasoning here is that
the trend affects claim values according to accident date (or year),
not by evaluation date. Of course a more sophisticated model for
claims inflation could be used. A delicate issue is the trending
of policy limits. If a 1993 claim on a policy with limit less than
$250,000 inflates to above $300,000 (including ALAE), would
the policy limit sold in 2001 be greater than $250,000, so to
allow this excess claim (including ALAE @ 20%)? The da Ponte
underwriter and your own marketing people may argue that the
policy limit does not change. But, over long time periods, it
would appear that the answer is that policy limits do change with
inflation. If possible, information on the da Ponte’s policy limit
distributions over time should be obtained. If this is a real issue,
you can try some sensitivity testing on the extreme alternatives:
TABLE 7.38
Trended Historical Claims
in the Layer $700,000 Excess of $300,000
(in $1,000’s)
Development Year
Acc. Year Age 1 Age 2 Age 3 ::: Age 9 Age 10 Age 10.5
whatever mass tort exposure exists, and also loaded for clash
claims if we judge that we had insufficient information on clash
claims in the claims data. A more sophisticated approach would
add in the catastrophe loss exposure rate, like we did in Example
7.24 for the property catastrophe loss.
Step 10: Estimate a “credibility” loss cost or loss cost rate from
the exposure and experience loss costs or loss cost rates.
We must also weigh the experience loss cost rate against the
exposure loss cost rate we calculated. If we have more than one
answer, and the various answers differ but cannot be further rec-
onciled, final answers for $700,000 excess of $300,000 claim
count and severity can be based upon a credibility balancing of
the separate estimates. However, all the differences should not
be ignored, but should indeed be included in your estimates of
parameter (and model) uncertainty, thus giving rise to more re-
alistic measures of variances, etc., and of risk.
Suppose we are in the simple situation, where we are only
weighing together the exposure loss cost estimate and the expe-
rience loss cost estimate. In Table 7.41 we list six considerations
for deciding how much weight to give to the exposure loss cost
estimate. You can see that the credibility of the exposure loss
cost estimate is decreased if there are problems with any of the
six items.
Likewise, in Table 7.42 we list six considerations for deciding
how much weight to give to the experience loss cost estimate.
You can see that the credibility of the experience loss cost esti-
mate is lessened by problems with any of the six items.
Appendix F has a more detailed discussion of the items in
Tables 7.41 and 7.42.
Let us assume that our credibility loss cost rate is RELC=PCP
= 5:73%.
For each exposure category, we estimate a loss discount fac-
tor. This is based upon the expected loss payment pattern for the
TABLE 7.41
Items to Consider in Determining the Credibility of the
Exposure Loss Cost Estimate
' The accuracy of the estimate of RCF, the primary rate correction factor, and
thus the accuracy of the primary expected loss cost or loss ratio
' The accuracy of the predicted distribution of subject premium by line of
' For excess coverage, the accuracy of the predicted distribution of subject
premium by increased limits table for liability, by state for workers
compensation, or by type of insured for property, within a line of business
' For excess coverage, the accuracy of the predicted distribution of subject
premium by policy limit within increased limits table for liability, by hazard
group for workers compensation, by amount insured for property
' For excess coverage, the accuracy of the excess loss cost factors for coverage
above the attachment point
' For excess coverage, the degree of potential exposure not contemplated by the
excess loss cost factors
TABLE 7.42
Items to Consider in Determining the Credibility of the
Experience Loss Cost Estimate
RP = RC + LF " RL
Subject to min RP & RP & Max RP
where RP = final reinsurance premium
PRP = provisional reinsurance premium
= $4,000,000
RC = reinsurance charge = $500,000
LF = loss factor = 1:00
min RP = minimum reinsurance premium
= $2,000,000
Max RP = maximum reinsurance premium
= $8,000,000
RP, PRP, RC, min RP, and Max RP can also be stated as rates
with respect to PCP. Sometimes a loss factor of 1.05 or 1.10 is
used. You can see that these are all basic parameters you can
play with in order to structure a balanced rating plan.
If we use the Gamma distribution obtained from E[RL] and
Var[RL] in formula 7.45, then the expected reinsurance profit
becomes $745,075, as shown in Table 7.47. This is close enough
to the desired profit margin of $758,823 that any reinsurer will
accept these terms.
TABLE 7.47
Aggregate Loss Distribution and Calculation of
Reinsurer’s Profit
Clash Treaties
Since there is no policy limit exposure, the usual exposure
rating methodology does not work, except for evaluating workers
compensation exposure. Prices for clash covers are usually set by
market conditions. The actuarial prices are largely determined by
very high RTER’s, and may or may not be close to the market-
determined prices.
For clash layer pricing, the reinsurer should keep experience
statistics on clash covers to see, in general, how often and to
what degree these covers are penetrated, and to see if the histor-
ical market-determined rates have been reasonable overall, and
also the degree to which rating cycles exist. The rates for various
clash layers should bear reasonable relationships to one another,
depending both upon the underlying exposures and upon the
distances of the attachment points from the policy limits sold.
TABLE 7.50
Stop Loss Cover on da Ponte Property Exposure
E[RL] = $5,729,860
SD[RL] = $1,981,724
RDF = reinsurer’s loss payment discount
RIXL = 5% (or $266,254)
Reinsurer’s expected profit = $434,746
RTER = Reinsurer’s target economic
return (profit)
= 15%(or $758,823)
TABLE 7.53
Aggregate Excess Cover on the Layer $700,000 Excess
of $300,000 of da Ponte Insurance Company’s Casualty
TABLE 7.56
Cumulative Paid Loss as a Ratio
of Net GL Ultimate Loss: Mean Payment Distribution
1990 $0 $0 $0 ::: $0 $0 $0
1991 650 650 0 ::: 0 0 0
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
. . . . . . . .
1997 36,000 14,004 9,216 ::: 0 0 0
1998 46,750 16,409 11,828 ::: 982 0 0
1999 79,200 21,938 20,038 ::: 1,109 1,188 0
Total $202,548 $70,257 $51,666 ::: $2,091 $1,188 $0
5 The $50,000,000 surplus benefit to da Ponte induced by this treaty would be part of
surplus under statutory accounting, but would be designated “restricted surplus.”
General Considerations
For a reinsurance company, the loss reserve is usually the
largest uncertain number in the statement of the company’s fi-
nancial condition. To estimate a loss reserve properly, we must
study the run-off of the past business of the company. As a re-
sult of this process, we should not only be able to estimate a
loss reserve as of a certain point in time. We should also be able
to estimate historical loss ratios, loss reporting patterns, and loss
settlement patterns by year, by line, and by type of business in
enough detail to know whether or not a particular contract or
So What?
These seven problems imply that uncertainty in measurement
and its accompanying financial risk are large factors in reinsur-
ance loss reserving. This became even more important after the
U.S. Tax Reform Act of 1986 required the discounting of loss re-
serves for income tax purposes. This discounting eliminated the
implicit margin for adverse deviation that had been built into pre-
vious insurance loss reserves simply by not discounting. Insurers
lost this implicit risk buffer. Since this buffer then flowed into
profits and thus was taxed sooner, assets decreased. This clearly
increased insurance companies’ risk level. The effect upon rein-
surers was even greater.
A General Procedure
The four steps involved in a reinsurance loss reserving
methodology are as follows.
Step 1: Partition the reinsurance portfolio into reasonably homo-
geneous exposure groups that are relatively consistent over time
with respect to mix of business (exposures).
It is obviously important to segregate the contracts and loss
exposure into categories of business on the basis of loss devel-
opment potential. Combining loss data from nonhomogeneous
exposures whose mix has changed over time can increase mea-
surement error rather than decrease it.
Reasonably homogeneous exposure categories for reinsurance
loss reserving have been discussed in the actuarial literature and
follow closely the categories used for pricing. Table 7.57 lists
various important variables for partitioning a reinsurance port-
folio. All affect the pattern of claim report lags to the reinsurer
TABLE 7.57
Important Variables for Partitioning a Reinsurance
Portfolio into Reasonably Homogeneous Exposure
TABLE 7.58
Example of Major Exposure Categories for a
Reinsurance Company
GRAPH 7.59
Claim Report Lag Graph
ties are relatively small and run off very quickly. Thus, elaborate
loss development estimation machinery is unnecessary.
Reinsurance categories of business that are usually short-
tailed are listed in Table 7.60. But, as with any statement about
reinsurance, be careful of exceptions.
TABLE 7.60
Reinsurance Categories That Are Usually
Short-tailed (with Respect to Claim Reporting and
Category Comments,
Estimation Methods
Many reinsurers reserve property business by setting IBNR
equal to some percentage of the latest-year earned premium. This
is sometimes a reasonable method for non-major-catastrophe
“filtered” claims, as defined in the pricing section. It is a good
idea to consider major storms and other major catastrophes sep-
arately. A recent catastrophe will cause real IBNR liability to far
exceed the normal reserve. Claims from major catastrophes may
not be fully reported and finalized for years, even on proportional
Another simple method used for short-tailed exposure is to
reserve up to a selected loss ratio for new lines of business or for
other situations where the reinsurer has few or no loss statistics.
For short-tailed exposure, provided the selected loss ratio bears
TABLE 7.61
Reinsurance Categories That Are Usually
Medium-tailed (with Respect to Claim Reporting and
Category Comments
Estimation Methods
A useful IBNR estimation method for medium-tailed lines of
business is to use the standard American casualty actuarial Chain-
ladder (CL) Method of age-to-age factors calculated from cumu-
lative aggregate incurred loss triangles, with or without ACRs.
This is described fully in the chapter on loss reserving. If ac-
cident year data exist, this is good methodology. An advantage
of this method is that it strongly correlates future development
both with an overall lag pattern and with the claims reported
for each accident year. A major disadvantage is simply that the
IBNR is so heavily correlated with reported claims that, at least
for longer-tailed lines, the reported, very random nose wags the
extremely large tail estimate for recent, immature years.
It is sometimes true that paid loss development is more stable
than reported loss development. If so, then a chainladder estimate
of ultimate loss by accident year may be obtained using paid lags.
Of course, the problem is that the estimation error may be even
greater for immature, recent accident years than it is for reported
loss chainladder estimation.
TABLE 7.62
Reinsurance Categories That Are Usually Long-Tailed
(with Respect to Claim Reporting and Development)
Category Comments
Treaty casualty excess Includes the longest lags except for the
APH claims listed below
Treaty casualty proportional Some of this exposure may possibly be
Facultative casualty
Casualty aggregate excess Lags are longer than for the underlying
Asbestos, pollution and other health May be the longest of the long tails
hazard and mass tort claims
Estimation Methods
The standard CL Method is sometimes used for long-tail ex-
posures. But, the problem is that for very long-tailed lags, the
resulting IBNR estimate for recent, green years is extremely vari-
able, depending upon the few reported or paid claims to date.
An alternative estimation method is the Bornheutter–Ferguson
(BF) Method (Bornheutter and Ferguson [25]), which is dis-
cussed in the chapter on loss reserving. This method uses a se-
lected loss ratio for each coverage year and an aggregate dollar
report lag pattern specifying the percentage of ultimate aggre-
gate loss expected to be reported as of any evaluation date. An
advantage of this method is that it correlates future development
for each year with an exposure measure equal to the reinsurance
premium multiplied by a selected loss ratio. Disadvantages with
the BF IBNR estimate are:
ratios by year, and work with our underwriters to adjust these rate
relativities for our own reinsurance exposure categories. Let ELR
represent the unknown expected loss ratio to adjusted earned risk
pure premium.
Suppose that Table 7.63 displays the current experience for
this category. For clarity, to deal with an example with only five
years, we use a report lag that reaches 100% at the end of the
sixth year.
TABLE 7.63
Stanard–Bühlmann (Cape Cod) Method
Data as of 12/31/00 (in 1,000’s)
= §$SBELR " ARPP(k) " (1 ! Rlag(k))% by definition
= SBELR " §$ARPP(k) " (1 ! Rlag(k))%
= 0:866
Table 7.65 compares IBNR and estimated ultimate loss ratios
for the CL and SB Methods, using the information in Table 7.63
(remember to use the adjusted risk pure premium, ARPP, not
the original premium, in the SB calculation). The BF Method
cannot be compared, since the BF loss ratios are not estimated
by formula.
TABLE 7.65
Comparison of Chainladder and Stanard–Bühlmann
TABLE 7.67
Calculation of ‘‘Credibility’’ IBNR
For example, in Table 7.67, $356 = (0:5) " (0:95) " $368 +
(1 ! (0:5) " (0:95)) " $346.
accident and payment years to capture the long tail, and we be-
lieve the data to have a fairly consistent expected payment pattern
over the accident years, these data may exhibit more stability than
the reported claims data. Thus they may also be useful for es-
timating IBNR liabilities. The weighing can again be intuitively
simplistic. Perhaps we might decide to use the relative claim re-
port and payment lags for each year as weights.
Some reinsurance actuaries also want to use the information
inherent in the pricing of the exposure. If actuarial pricing tech-
niques similar to those discussed in the pricing section are used,
we automatically have estimates of ELR with respect to risk pure
premium for each contract. We may monitor their accuracy and
average them over suitable exposure categories. We may call
these average pricing ELR’s our a priori ELR estimates and use
them instead of or in conjunction with the SB ELR’s. We can use
them as our BF ELR estimates and calculate BF IBNR with them.
We can then weigh this a priori IBNR against the CL IBNR to
obtain our final “credibility” IBNR estimates. You will find an
interesting discussion of this credibility method in Benktander
[23] and Mack [30].
You can see there are many possibilities, and no single right
method. Any good actuary will want to use as many legiti-
mate methods for which reasonably good information and time
is available, and compare and contrast the estimates from these
methods. As with pricing, it is often informative to see the spread
of estimates derived from different approaches. This helps us un-
derstand better the range and distribution of possibilities, and
may give us some idea of the sensitivity of our answers to
varying assumptions and varying estimation methodologies. A
distribution-free method for calculating the variance of chain-
ladder loss reserve estimates is described in Mack [29].
1. Support: X > 0
3. C.d.f.:
' (q
F(x - b, q) = 1 !
4. P.d.f.:
qb q
f(x - b, q) =
(b + x)q+1
5. Moments:
k b k (k!)
E[X - b, q] = for k < q
(q ! 1)(q ! 2)(q ! k)
6. b
E[X - b, q] =
7. qb 2
Var[X - b, q] =
(q ! 2)(q ! 1)2
1. Support: X > 0
2. Parameters: ® > 0, ¯ > 0
3. P.d.f.:
' (
® !1 ®!1 !x
f(x - ®, ¯) = [¯ ¡ (®)] x exp
4 )
where ¡ (®) = x®!1 e!x dx = (® ! 1)¡ (® ! 1)
4. E[X - ®, ¯] = ®¯
5. Var[X - ®, ¯] = ®¯ 2
6. Mode = ¯(® ! 1) if ® # 1
7. If ® = 1, then Exponential distribution.
8. The Gamma distribution is used in the text to model
the distribution of aggregate claims. Recent research (Pa-
push, Patrik and Podgaits [17]) has shown that the sim-
ple 2-parameter Gamma distribution is a more accurate
representation of the aggregate claims distribution in-
duced by the standard risk theoretic model (Appendix
G) than is the more commonly used Lognormal distri-
bution. Also, see Venter [22].
' For excess coverage, the degree of potential exposure not con-
templated by the excess loss cost factors
Neither the excess exposure arising from the clash of separate
policies or coverages, nor from stacking of limits, are contem-
plated by bureau increased limits factors. Thus, some adjustment
must be made, by using a clash loading factor, to price these ad-
ditional exposures. Obviously, a great deal of judgment is used.
Another part of this problem is the pricing of excess exposure
for which there are no bureau increased limits factors, such as
umbrella liability, farm owner’s liability, or various professional
liability lines.
For property coverage, most excess loss cost factors are de-
rived from fire claims severity statistics. There is then the as-
sumption that roughly the same claim severity applies to other
If these other exposures are known to be a minor part of the
overall exposure, the same loss cost rates estimated for simi-
lar exposures may be used to estimate the loss costs for these
minor exposures. This is obviously subject to judgment and un-
TABLE 7.42
Items to Consider in Determining the Credibility of the
Experience Loss Cost Estimate
' The stability of the loss cost, or loss cost rate, over time
1. Aggregate loss: L = X1 + X2 + * * * + XN
= §N $pN (n) xk dFX,n (x)%
= §N $pN (n)E[(X1 + X2 + * * * + Xn )k ]%
5. So, in particular:
E[L] = §N pN (n)E[X1 + X2 + * * * + Xn ]
= §N pN (n)$nE[X]%
= E[X]$§N pN (n)n%
= E[N]E[X]
E[L2 ] = §N pN (n)$E[(X1 + X2 + * * * + Xn )2 ]%
= §N pN (n)$E[§i,j (Xi Xj )]%
= §N pN (n)$§i,j (E[Xi Xj ])%
= §N pN (n)$§i E[Xi2 ] + §i.=,j (E[Xi Xj ])%
= §N pN (n)$nE[X 2 ] + §i.=,j (E[Xi ]E[Xj ])%
= §N pN (n)$nE[X 2 ] + (n ! 1)nE[X]2 %
= $§N pN (n)n%E[X 2 ] + $§N pN (n)n2 %E[X]2
! $§N pN (n)n%E[X]2
= E[N]Var[X] + E[N 2 ]E[X]2
8. If N is Poisson, then:
Var[L] = E[N]E[X 2 ]
E[(L ! E[L])3 ] = E[N]E[X 3 ]
' ACR additional case reserve
' ALAE allocated loss adjustment expense
' BF Method Bornheutter–Ferguson method of loss
' CL Method chainladder method of loss development
' ELCF excess loss cost factor
' ELR expected loss ratio
' E[X;c] expected loss cost up to censor c
' IBNER incurred by not enough reserve
' L random variable for aggregate loss
' MPL maximum possible loss
' N random variable for number of claims
' PML probable maximum loss
' PCP primary company premium
' PCPLR primary company permissible loss ratio
' PV present value
' RBF reinsurance brokerage fee
' RCF rate correction factor
' RCR reinsurance ceding commission rate
' RDF reinsurer’s loss discount factor
' REP reinsurer earned premium
' RELC reinsurance expected loss cost
' RIXL reinsurer’s internal expense loading
' RLim reinsurance limit
' RP reinsurance premium
' SB Method Stanard–Bühlmann (Cape Cod) method of
loss development
' TER target economic return
' X random variable for size of claim
' X(d) random variable X excess of truncation
point d