Bota 111 General Genetics Elearning Materials
Bota 111 General Genetics Elearning Materials
Bota 111 General Genetics Elearning Materials
June, 2020
of heredity. Thus at the end of this course, the student can confidently
undertake applied principles of genetics.
Course Content
This course comprises 10 topics. The theory part is supported by at least five
practical sessions. The topics are:
1. Describe how the science of heredity has developed since stone age to
the C20th, and define basic terms that came into use since the
discovery of Mendel9s laws of heredity in 1900.
2. Demonstrate the key roles of genes and chromosomes in heredity.
3. Explain the cytological basis of basis through the processes of mitosis,
meiosis and gametogenesis.
Your most significant considerations will be time and space, that is, the time
you dedicate to your learning and the environment in which you engage in
that learning.
We recommend that you take time now - before starting your self-study - to
familiarize yourself with these issues. There are a number of excellent
resources on the web. A few suggested links are:
The "How to study= web site is dedicated to study skills resources. You will
find links to study preparation (a list of nine essentials for a good study place),
taking notes, strategies for reading text books, using reference sources, test
This is the web site of the Virginia Tech, Division of Student Affairs. You will
find links to time scheduling (including a "where does time go?= link), a study
skill checklist, basic concentration techniques, control of the study
environment, note taking, how to read essays for analysis, and memory skills
This is another "How to study= web site with useful links to time management,
efficient reading, questioning/listening/observing skills, getting the most out
of doing ("hands-on= learning), memory building, tips for staying motivated,
developing a learning plan.
Need Help?
This course was developed in June 2019 by prof. Michael A. Okiror, Phone:
+254722280311; Email: [email protected]. Prof. Okiror is a Lecturer
of Genetics in the Department of Biological Sciences at Egerton University.
For technical support e.g. lost passwords, broken links etc. please contact
tech-support via e-mail [email protected]. You can also reach learner
support through [email protected].
As the first topic in this module, a basic outline is given of key concepts
of the science of genetics. Heredity being the key concept, an elaborate
explanation with examples is given. Key terms that will aid you in building
an understanding of this subject are defined; the historical development of
this science too is briefly discussed. Like all subjects, its intellectual value as
well as practical benefits to the reader and society at large are expounded.
Topic Time
Two lecture hours is estimated adequate for this topic. The field of
genetics is so complex that a gradual induction of the students into the
course is essential for them to learn and become interested in this subject.
This topic will for sure enhance your understanding and appreciation of
genetic principles in following topics. Some aspects maybe familiar but there
are also those you are encountering for the first time!
Learning Requirements
Learning Outcomes
Topic Content
2) Appreciate the place of genetics in our existence on this planet, e.g. food,
security, poverty alleviation, etc.
The science of genetics has been growing and expanding since the pre-
Mendelian concepts on heredity (i.e. BC) through Mendel9s experimentation
in the 1850s and the rediscovery of his principles of heredity in 1900 our
understanding of the molecular basis of heredity to date! It is an upheld fact
that the rate of doubling of genetic knowledge currently is less than two
years while it is about ten years for science generally.
1.2 Definitions
First, the discipline was called genetics, and Mendel9s hereditary units
became the genes. Terms such as allele, chromosome, locus, genotype,
phenotype, homozygous, heterozygous, filial generations, trait, hybrid, and
breeding came into usage. These and other terms are defined below.
On the other hand, variation refers to the differences between parents and
their offsprings and within the offsprings. Each individual has its unique
traits that identify it from others despite being related.
Gene: The hereditary units that are transmitted from one generation to the
next (i.e. inherited) were initially called <factors= by such biologists as Wolff
and Maupertuis in the C18th. Later, other scientists, among them Mendel
called them <particles=. However, in honor of G. Mendel, some scientists
called them <Mendelian factors=. It was the Danish botanist W. Johannsen
who in 1905 coined the term gene. So, what is a gene?
Homologous chromosomes: are those that pair during meiosis. They contain
the same linear sequence of genes and as a consequence each gene is
present in duplicate.
uniting gametes: A A
gamete A
egg sperm
uniting gametes: A a
zygote Aa
gametes: A a
Coupling (cis): occurs if two dominant alleles are on the same chromosome
and their recessive counterparts occur on the other chromosome (A B / a b).
Filial generations: the first filial generation (F1) results from the parental
(P) mating, i.e. P1 x P2. The F2 filial generation is the subsequent generation
produced by breeding together the F1 offspring. Inbreeding the offspring of
each subsequent generation results in F3, F4, F5, etc.
P generation: this is the parental generation. Usu. such parents are true
breeding or are homozygous.
Qualitative: have phenotypes that can be divided into discrete classes. One
or a few major genes control it and its expression is not influenced markedly
by environment. Resistance to some disease in plants is one such trait when
resistant or susceptible plants can be clearly distinguished.
This section takes you through the different eras genetics has traversed in
its growth and advancement to the present, beginning in the prehistoric or
the Neolithic times to the 21st century.
Prior to the C17th, there was little useful information that has contributed to
the science of genetics. Only since the 20th century has biology been able to
explain the mechanisms of inheritance. Today, scientists know that
characteristics are not the result of blood but of DNA in cells. Solving the
puzzle of heredity has been one of the great achievements of modern
Centrioles: found in pairs in animal cells and some simpler plants and
lie just outside the nucleus. Form poles for the divisional process and
are capable of replication.
From their observations, they came up with <the one gene- one enzyme
hypothesis= which has since been modified to < one gene- one
polypeptide hypothesis=.
(2) Medicine
The importance and place of genetics in medicine was recognised only from
the 1950s. By this time both medicine and genetics as two fundamental
sciences had become sophiscated and highly studied. For instance:
a) Numerous disorders in humans have been discovered to have a genetic
basis, e.g. sickle cell anaemia, haemophilia, Down9s syndrome, metabolic
disorders, etc. Recognition of the genetic basis of these disorders has provided
direction for the development of treatment and preventive measures, e.g.
controlling diet, adjusting to outside environmental conditions (e.g. albinos to
avoid direct sunlight), or intervening surgically (e.g. cleft palate) or with
hormone therapy.
b) Genetic counseling provides parents with objective information upon which
they can base rational decisions. Such counseling includes diagnosis of
parental genotypes, detailed pedigrees, and biochemical testing for many
biochemical disorders.
c) Knowledge in immunogenetics makes possible compatible blood transfusion
as well as organ transplant.
d) Through recombinant DNA technology, human genes that code for such
medically important molecules as insulin, and interferons have been cloned in
bacteria for the mass production of their end products.
e) Through human genetic engineering, it may be possible in the near future
to directly manipulate or alter the genetic makeup of an individual.
(3) Society
Knowledge of genetics has also been of assistance in:
(a) Disputed parentage (paternal) determination and/or mix up of babies.
Disputed parentage can often be resolved by a study of the inherited traits of
the parties involved. Initially this was through blood groups evaluation but
today this is by the non-ambiguous DNA profiles.
(b) Sex determination, forensic work, esp. in murders using blood groups
and/or DNA fingerprinting. DNA fingerprinting is now a very popular and
recommended technique in unambiguously ascertaining one9s identity based
on blood, semen, hair follicles, and etc. specimens. It has been used to
establish a family relationship, catch a serial murderer, catch bank robbers,
prove a case against a president, etc.
Topic Summary
In this introductory topic, we have defined genetics as a science that studies
heredity and variation in living things. The evolvement of this science has been
rapid and growth phenomenal leading to its fragmentation into specialisms.
However, this was possible in the post-Mendelian era. Key terms were defined
and are explained. Finally, the importance of genetics and its practical benefits
to humanity are also described
Further Reading
1. G.W. Burns: The Science of Genetics (5/e) – chapter 1.
1. Most of our ancestors did not receive formal education and yet routinely
and unconsciously applied genetics. Give an example in your community of
how this was undertaken.
3. Among the many branches of genetics, which one do you think best
recognized that heredity is attributed to instructions carried by a kind of
nuclear acid? How does this molecule do so?
This topic is a continuation of topic 1 especially on section that covered
definitions. In this topic detailed consideration is made of a subdiscipline,
and two terms briefly defined, genes and chromosomes. In this topic
therefore, a detailed review of these terms is made to emphasise their
centrality in heredity. You will recall also that chromosomes were reported
as found in the nucleus and therefore were believed important in the
passage of traits between generations.
Topic Time
As we progress into the course, our next consideration is an expended
review of three fundamental elements to heredity – gene and chromosomes,
and the merger of genetics and cell study. We should sufficiently cover this
topic in two lecture hours. Any other time availed is for self-study and
carrying out assignments.
Learning Requirements
As a rapidly evolving discipline, genetics and associated sub-disciplines
needs wider reading of current literature to appreciate its advancement. So,
this is strongly encouraged even in this topic.
Learning Outcomes
When you have completed this topic, you should be able to:
1) Explain the importance of genes and chromosomes in heredity,
2) Describe the composition of a chromosome,
3) List and explain features of a chromosome,
Topic Content
2.1 Cytogenetics
(1) Cytology
Is the study of the internal structures of cells and their function, e.g. of
chromosomes: behavior, number, structure, etc. and relating this to cell
The study of cells begun way back in the C17th. In 1665, Robert Hooke
made thin slices of solid cork and observed them under the microscope. He
saw what appeared like honeycombs. He later called them cells.
In the period 1838 –39, T. Schwann and M.W Schleiden advanced one of the
most important theories of biology. This is the 8cell theory9. It describes the
cell as <the basic organizational unit of life=. This theory was reinforced later
by subsequent studies, such as of Virchow (1859) stating that <cells
originate only from pre-existing cells (<omnis cellula e cellula=). Other
concepts followed related directly to the cell, that is that nuclei arise from
pre-existing nuclei; that chromosomes arise from pre-existing
chromosomes; and that genetic information arises from pre-existing genetic
(2) Genetics
2.2 Chromosomes
Thus, Chromosomes take their name from the fact they readily absorb dyes
and stand out in strong color when cells are stained. They are easily seen in
dividing cells. Generally, plants have bigger chromosomes than animals, and
among plants, monocotyledons have bigger chromosomes than dicotyledons.
1. Chromosome number
A diploid cell contains two sets of chromosomes, one inherited from the
maternal, and the other from the paternal parent. Each chromosome from
either parent is similar (but not identical) to a homologous chromosome
from the other parent.
Cat 38 Bean 22
Horse 64 Maize 20
2. Morphological features
(1) Size
(a) Viral chromosomes: occur singly and contain either DNA or RNA. The
DNA- containing kind are either linear (e.g. T-phages) or circular (animal
viruses), while the RNA-containing are composed of a linear, single
stranded molecule and occur in some animal viruses (e.g. poliomyelitis,
etc.), most plant viruses (e.g. TMV) and some phages. Usu. viral
chromosomes contain genetic material enough to encode 3 - 200
Group E = 16 - 18: short, but 16 has median centromere and 17 & 18, sub
(a) Culturing. A few drops of white cells from a blood specimen are placed
into a flask containing nutrient growth medium (salts, nutrients,
antibiotics) and phytohemagglutinin -a stimulant for cells to divide. Cells
are grown for 2-3 days in an incubator at 370C. This is meant to
multiply the cells.
(ii) Photography. This involves taking a picture of the slide, removing the
film, developing it and making a large printof it for a permanent record.
(e) Pasting and reporting. The individual chromosomes are cut from
photographs and pasted up for analysis and written report.
2.4 Genes
stands for tallness, then its allele t stands for shortness or dwarfness. Both
the gene and its allele occupy corresponding positions on a homologous pair
of chromosomes.
Usually every organism inherits half of its genes from each of its two
parents. The number of genes an organism has depends largely on its
phylogenetic complexity. For instance, a bacterium is less complex than a
human being. Logically, it has fewer genes than man. However, the number
of genes in an organism varies from a few hundreds to several thousands.
For instance, human cells carry between 25,000 to 100,000 genes dispersed
on the 23 chromosomes while a bacterial cell has about three hundred. In
humans only about 20,000 genes are protein-coding. The way in which any
one gene in a pair controls a particular trait may be the same (if
homozygous) or different (heterozygous) to its partner since genes exist in
different forms.
Cytology involves study of cells and their organelles while genetics is the
study of heredity. When the two subdisciplines were unified, it marked the
birth of understanding of heredity in the cell and organelles involved. The
key organelle was the nucleus and within the nucleus were the
Further Reading
1. From what you have learnt of genes and chromosomes, what relationship
do you make out between them?
2. Which is larger, a gene or a chromosome?
3. Give a characterization of chromosomes based on the centromere position
4. You have been presented a sample of amniotic fluid from a maternity
ward and asked to identify the sex (gender) of the fetus. Proceed.
Both multicellular and unicellular organisms begin life as single cells. Some
multicellular organisms end up with billions of cells. How does this occur? It
occurs because the single cell divides repeatedly. In organisms which have a
sexual mode of reproduction, reproductive cells also arise through cell
divisions. The journey from one cell division to the next is called the cell
cycle. Alongside this division is also the division of the genetic material,
DNA. All resultant cells carry their share of this material. Whichever mode of
cell division takes place determines whether there will be similarity or
variation in the organisms that arise! The two kinds of cell division are
mitosis and meiosis and are associated with genetic constancy and variation,
Topic Time
Learning Requirements
Learning Outcomes
iii. Name and explain briefly the two cellular division processes;
Topic Content
In both topics 1 and 2 a mention was made of the cell, the nucleus and
chromosomes. It was stated that in terms of heredity, the nucleus of the cell
is the control center. In the nucleus too is found chromosomes which we
have exhaustively discussed their role and importance. In this lecture we
examine chromosomal behavior in cell division and how this ties with
distribution of genetic material to daughter cells in somatic as well as
gamete producing cells.
Enzymes called DNA polymerases copy the DNA. This copying (replication)
occurs semi-conservatively. This means that each copied DNA molecule
contains one strand derived from the parent molecule and one newly
synthesized strand.
Many cells in the body alternate between states of division and no division.
The interval between divisions can vary from minutes in embryonic cells to
months or even years in some cells of adults. The sequence of events from
one division to another is called the cell cycle. A cell cycle comprises two
(a) Interphase, the period of cell growth, chromosome replication and
increased metabolic activity, and
(b) cell division (mitosis, meiosis) followed by cytokinesis and separation
of daughter cells.
Different eukaryotic cells grow and divide at quite different rates, e.g.
(a) yeast cells grow and double in number every two hours;
(b) most growing plant and animal cells double every 10 to 20 hours;
(c) other cells, e.g. nerve cells and striated muscle cells do not divide
at all. In these cells DNA does not replicate but RNA, protein and
membrane synthesis continues.
1. Interphase
During this period there is intensive metabolic activity, cell growth, and cell
differentiation. Usually divided into three gaps: G1, G2 and S (Fig. 3.1).
Usually the cell is in these intervals for the following approximate durations:
G1 =30%, S = 45%, G2 = 20% and Mitosis = 5%. Therefore, a mammalian
cell with a generation time of 16 hours will be in G1 for 4.8 hrs; S for 7.2
hrs; G2 for 3.2 hrs, and mitosis for 0.8 hrs.
a. G1 period (also called pre-DNA synthesis): (i) daughter cells grow most
rapidly to attain full size; (ii) Genes active for cytoplasm, RNA and protein
2. Cell division(s)
In most sexually reproducing organisms there are two different cell types:
the normal body or somatic cells and the gamete forming or germ cells. The
former undergo mitotic division while the latter undergo the meiosis.
(d) Renewal and repair. In your body, for example, millions of cells are
dividing every second just to take the place of those that die from normal
wear and tear or accidents.
3.5 Mitosis
Is a cellular event that results in the creation of two identical cells from an
original one. It is synonymous with asexual reproduction and genetic
(a) Prophase
ii. As prophase progresses, the centrioles (found in animal cells and lower
plants) begin moving towards opposite poles of the cells.
iv. Chromosomes are now distinct due to continued coiling and shortening.
Each is evidently composed of two chromatids held at the centromere.
v. The centrioles reach the poles and from them radiate spindle fibers that
meet and join at the equator of the cell.
vi. The nuclear membrane begins to disperse and disappear, and the
nucleolus is not visible.
(b) Metaphase
(ii) This is the stage when chromosomes are most contracted and
therefore best viewed.
(c) Anaphase
(ii) The chromatids then separate and led by a centromere, each begins to
move towards the pole.
(iii) At this stage the sister chromatids are called chromosomes. Thus each
cell has twice the chromosomes in either prophase or telophase cell.
(iv) Each set of chromosomes is nearing its pole, and cytokinesis begins,
as a cleavage furrow in animal cells and as a cell plate of pectin
material (from center laterally) in plants.
(d) Telophase
(ii) The chromosomes uncoil and become less distinct and the nucleolus
becomes visible again, i.e. reappears.
Significance of mitosis
3.6 Meiosis
1. Terminology
(a) Meiocyte (primary and secondary): are cells that undergo meiotic
division, the former M I, and the latter M II.
(b) Synapsis: the coming together of homologous chromosomes. It
leads to a tetrad (4 chromatids) or a bivalent (2 chromosomes)
(c) Dyad (Univalent): a partner of the bivalent that has separated at
anaphase - 1.
(d) Monad chromosome: each of the chromatids at anaphase –
2. Process
Meiosis is divided into two parts, meiosis I (M1), and meiosis II (M2). M1
separates maternal from paternal centromeres, while M2 separates sister
chromatids. Prior to M1, the cell is in interphase.
Very similar to that of mitosis in that during the S period, the chromosomes
are reduplicated. However, compared with the mitotic S period, the meiotic
S period is longer.
1. Meiosis 1
Also called the reduction part. This is so because it is at this stage that the
chromosome number in the cell is halved. It is divided into prophase,
metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. All these stages bear the prefix–1 to
distinguish them from those of M2.
1) Prophase 1
(a) Leptotene
(b) Zygotene
While the chromosomes are still very long and thin, each one makes contact
with its homologue (synapse), starting at the ends and then side by side.
(c) Pachytene
(d) Diplotene
ii) each bivalent at this stage has the shape of a cross (X-shaped
configurations) or a number of loops with the homologues clearly separate
most of their length, but held together at one or more points, chiasmata
(one = chiasma).
(e) diakinesis
iii) chiasmata move towards the ends of bivalents with some slipping off
completely (terminalization). The result is fewer chiasmata than at diplotene.
v) spindle is formed.
2) Metaphase 1
3) Anaphase 1
4) Telophase 1
iv. nucleolus and nuclear membrane reappear, cytokinesis could or could not
This is the interval between M1 and M2. It may or may not be there.
2. Meiosis 2
Closely similar to normal mitotic division except that here there are two
nuclei dividing synchronously side by side.
1) Prophase 2
A short stage and the chromosomes already visible due to contraction pass
into metaphase 2.
2) Metaphase 2
The univalents orient themselves on two newly formed spindles, one for
each group at right angles to the metaphase 1 spindle.
3) Anaphase 2
It is at this stage that the centromeres finally divide, an act that heralds
anaphase. The associated chromatids, which have been visible, separate
since diplotene finally separate. Each now is a chromosome.
Chromosomes are pulled towards the poles due to the shortening of the
spindle fibers.
4) Telophase 2
(iii) There are now four groups of chromosomes each of which takes on the
appearance of interphase nucleus.
(vi) Cytokinesis occurs and separates each nucleus from each other.
The four nuclei produced generally become the nuclei of four separate cells,
tetrad. In male animal reproductive organs, these four cells are the
spermatozoa. In the female animal, only one of them is functional as an
egg cell (ovum), the other three become polar bodies. In higher plants,
meiotic products are microspores and megaspores in the male and female
parts of the flower respectively.
Mitosis Meiosis
(a) occurs in somatic cells (a) occurs in cells in the sexual cycle;
(b) one cell division = 2 daughter cells (b) two cell divs = 4 meiotic products
3.8 Gametogenesis
Usually the immediate end products of meiosis are not fully developed
gametes or spores. A period of maturation commonly follows meiosis. In
plants, one or more mitotic divisions are required to produce reproductive
spores, whereas in animals the meiotic products develop directly into
gametes through growth and/or differentiation. Gametogenesis is the
entire process of producing mature gametes or spores, of which meiotic
division is the most important part.
spermatogonium oogonium
10 spermatocyte 10 oocyte
meiosis I
1st p.b.
20 spermatocyte 20 oocyte
meiosis II
2nd p.b.
spermatid ootid
spermatozoan ovum
(a) Spermatogenesis
(b) Oogenesis
(a) Microsporogenesis
This is the process of gametogenesis in the male part of the flower (anther)
resulting in reproductive spores called pollen grains.
Upon germination of the pollen tube, one of these nuclei (or haploid set of
chromosomes) becomes a generative nucleus and divides again by mitosis
without cytokinesis to form two sperm nuclei. The other nucleus that does
not divide becomes the tube nucleus.
(b) Megasporogenesis
(c) Fertilization
When a pollen grain lands on a stigma it germinates into a pollen tube which
grows down he style, presumably under the direction of the tube nucleus.
The pollen tube enters the ovary and makes its way thru9 the micropyle of
the ovule into the embryo sac.
Both sperm nuclei are released into the embryo sac. Having served their
function, both the pollen tube and the tube nucleus degenerate. One sperm
nucleus fuses with the egg nucleus and results in the embryo. The other
sperm nucleus unites with the fusion nuclei to form a triploid (3n) nucleus,
which by subsequent divisions forms a starchy nutritive tissue called
endosperm. The outermost layer of endosperm cells is called aleurone. The
embryo becomes the familiar seed. Since two sperm nuclei are involved, this
process is termed double fertilization. Double fertilization introduces genetic
material from the pollen parent into both the endosperm and the embryo.
The influence of the genes from the pollen parent on the endosperm is called
xenia and may affect characters such as endosperm color (e.g. yellow seed
on a white -seeded ear of corn).
In this topic we have learned that cells divide and for various reasons. This is
Further Reading
Topic Activities
These questions are provided for your revision and need no submission.
Topic Time
There are several aspects to be covered in this topic and thus six lecture
hours are allocated to it.
Some aspects of this topic, e.g. Mendelian genetics, are usually introduced
at high school level. Therefore, it is advised you review what you learned
Learning Outcomes
ii. State why Mendel unlike his contemporaries was able to concisely
iv. List those factors that can distort Mendel9s phenotypic ratios
vii. Show how gene interactions result into different phenotype ratios.
viii. Demonstrate how crossing over values can be used to place genes in
linkage groups and place them along the chromosomes
ix. Explain the chromosome theory of inheritance and thus show a link
between genes and cytology
Topic Content
4.1 Introduction
inheritance, for instance the fact that traits disappear in one generation and
reappear in another.
We can divide these concepts broadly into: vapors and fluids, pre-formation
and particulate inheritance.
(1) The vapors and fluids concept. This was advanced mostly by the early
Greek philosophers, notably Hippocrates, Pythagoras, and Aristotle.
(2) The pre-formation theory. This theory prevailed from the end of the
C17th to mid C18th. It was advanced when the sperm and egg, pollen and
ova had been discovered. Also, the light microscope had been invented and
the early microscopists claimed to have seen miniatures(homunculi) inside
human spermatozoa. Its key proponents were the Dutch naturalist Jan
Swammerdam (1637 - 1680) and a Swiss naturalist, Charles Bonnet.
Both Wolff and Maupertuis9 ideas were close to the truth as is known today!
By the end of the 18th century a number of important discoveries had been
made which fortunately set the stage for a precise material characterization
of the source of heredity. Many details of cell structures and cell division
were already known through the studies of several biologists. These
discoveries were vital in establishing a cellular link between parents and
offspring through the gametes.
By the C20th, these ideas were already being put forward to explain a link
between one generation and another. This was given much weight with the
rediscovery of Mendel9s work in 1900.
1. Mendel9s history
Through his brilliant experiments carried between 1856 and 968, he replaced
the <blending theory= with the <particulate inheritance theory=. He
discovered that inherited characters of an individual are distinct from one
another and are transmitted intact from parent to offspring. His experiments
were elegant and his conclusions constitute the foundation of the modern
science o genetics.
Mendel9s methods that he developed in the monastery garden are the ones
still used today and they form an integral part of genetic analysis. Mendel
realised that both the similarities and the differences among parents and
their offspring can be explained by a mechanical transmission.
Unfortunately, his ideas had little impact. Even when published, few read it
and worse still no one understood it.
(a) Choice of organism - the garden pea, an annual crop that had well
defined characteristics, largely self-fertilizing and could be grown and
crossed easily.
(b) Purity of material – Mendel chose varieties of plants whose purity was
certain, and which he had bred consistently from generation to generation
under very stringent conditions.
(c) Choice of traits studied – Mendel picked those traits that could be
distinguished <with sharp and certain separation= from each other. For
example, seed color (yellow vs green), seed shape (round vs wrinkled), etc.
In each experiment, he considered one trait at a time.
(f) Finally, and most important, he reached his conclusions with the aid of
rigorous mathematical analyses of large numbers of descendants of his
experimental crosses.
Table 4.1. The seven single crosses Mendel studied and their results
F2 (numbers) F2 (%)
Flowers Red vs white All red 705 224 929 75.9 24.1 3.15:1
Axial vs terminal All axial 651 207 858 75.9 24.1 3.14:1
Pods Inflated vs pinched All inflated 882 299 1181 74.7 25.3 2.95:1
Green vs yellow All green 428 152 580 73.8 26.2 2.82:1
Stem Tall vs short All tall 787 277 1064 74.0 26.0 2.98:1
Total or average 14949 5010 19959 74.9 25.1
* = the dominant trait is always written first
(i) One trait of the two parents is expressed is expressed in F1. Such a trait
he called Dominant.
(ii) The other trait that does not show in F1 generation but was in the other
parent he called Recessive. This is the alternative of dominant and is
expressed only in homozygous individuals.
(iii) When the F1 were selfed, the recessive form would appear in ¼ of the
plants in the F2.
A 3:1 phenotype ratio and a 1:2:1 genotype ratio are typical of the
inheritance of characters controlled by a single gene with one allele
dominant to the other.
From the results of all the single crosses, Mendel concluded that the two
units for a trait do not blend in the parental plants but remain discrete and
segregate in the formation of pollen and ovules (gametes). This conclusion
came to be called Mendel9s 1st law or principle, i.e. the law of segregation.
It states <the two factors for each trait do not blend in any way but remain
distinct throughout the life of the individual and segregate during gametes.=
Besides the single factor studies, Mendel also studied and analyzed the
inheritance pattern of traits observed two at a time. For instance, he crossed
a true breeding line of round, yellow seed with one that was green, wrinkled-
seeded. The F1 had round, yellow seed (a result that was in agreement with
the inference he had made in monohybrid crosses). These seed were grown
and the plants allowed to self-pollinate to give the F2 generation.
(i) that the traits derived from one parent are transmitted together
to the progeny; and
(ii) that they are transmitted independently of each other.
His expectations:
1. If (i) above were true, there would be only two kinds of seed in F2
(round, yellow, and wrinkled green) in the ratio 3:1 according to the
law of segregation.
32 wrinkled, green.
These results fitted into the second expectation and reduce to the ratio
9:3:3:1 or a combination of two monohybrid ratios, i.e. (3:1)2.
Female Male
gametes RY ry
RRYy 2
RrYY 2
Rryy 1
rrYY 1
This ratio (i.e. 9:3:3:1) comes about because the two traits behave
independently, i.e. there is random segregation of the parental units. This
observation led Mendel to propose his 2nd law, the law of independent
After the rediscovery of Mendel9s work, many scientists went about applying
Mendel9s ideas to their own studies. However, some of them observed that
their results were sometimes not in tandem with Mendel9s findings. Were
their procedures wrong or did Mendel forge results? It was therefore vital to
ascertain the source of such discrepancies. Such observations are
collectively called modifications of Mendel9s phenotypic ratios.
After Mendel, it was found that the 3:1 ratio could be modified. This was as
a result of: incomplete or partial dominance; co-dominance, lethal genes, or
multiple alleles.
(b) Co-dominance
This is a situation in which one pair of alleles is are both codominant, e.g.
the MN blood group in human beings.
These are genes that so lower viability that practically all individuals
expressing them die, e.g. the chlorophyll mutant gene in green plants.
Others are the vg gene in Drosophila for vestigial wings; many human
babies die shortly after birth because of lethal genes that prevent the normal
functioning of the lungs, heart or kidneys.
If one or both genes do not show complete dominance, both the 9:3:3:1
ratio and number of phenotypic classes are bound to change.
(i) A tomato variety with two traits - height (tall = T-; dwarf = tt) and stem
hairiness (hairless = h1h1; h1h2 = scattered, short hairs; h2h2 = very hairy
Note: Tall: dwarf gives a 3:1 ratio while the other trait shows gives a 1:2:1
ratio. Thus in the above cross there will be 2 x 3 phenotypic classes. In
complete dominance the number of phenotypic classes is 2n while in
incomplete dominance it is 3n.
(ii) Skin color and horning in cattle. A cross between red and white skinned
cattle gives roan skin and when these are intermated, we get a 1:2:1
segregation for red, roan and white respectively. This can be tested
alongside a trait such as horn production that shows complete dominance.
Hornless or polled is dominant to horned.
This occurs when one gene of two pairs modifies or masks the expression of
the other. It is manifested in numerous ways.
(c) Linkage
If the two genes lie close together on the same chromosome the four classes
of gamete are not produced at equal frequencies. This is the basis of gene
mapping studies and is examined in lecture five.
(a) In monohybrids
Cross: P x p cross: P p x p
Pp Pp pp
(b) In dihybrids
Most often this is done using the checkerboard or Punnett square method.
This method is easily applicable when the number of gene combinations is
small. Other less-time consuming methods are: the forked-line, and the
mathematical (probability) methods.
(i) put down the monohybrid ratio of one trait, and
(ii) connect this with forked lines to the monohybrid ratio of the
other trait 2.
With this understanding you can use this method to predict combinations
where two or more independent gene pairs are involved, thus: (i) Both
traits dominant = ¾ x ¾ = 9/16;
(i) Calculate the probabilities of the genotypes separately for each gene pair,
From all that you have learnt in this lecture so far, it is true that in crosses
involving two or more gene pairs, the determination of gametes, and
genotypic and phenotypic classes and ratios is quite complex. Formulae to
quickly work them out are presented in Table 4.2.
F1 F2 dom. no dominance
2 4 9 16 4 9
n 2n 3n 4n 2n 3n
In the introduction [4.4.2 (2)] it was pointed out that Mendel was careful
about the purity of his varieties and this he achieved through selfing his
breeding material for several generations. In fact, selfing is done to obtain
homozygous individuals from a population that initially could heterozygous.
If the starting population is all of genotype Tt, then this population is 100%
heterozygous. After the first selfing (S1) of this population, the proportion of
the different genotypes will be as follows: ¼ TT., ½ Tt and ¼ tt. In the
second selfing (S2), homozygous Plants (TT and tt) = continue to breed true;
heterozygous (Tt) plants continue to segregate as in the S1. By S3, only ¼ of
the plants are heterozygous while ¾ are homozygous (both TT and tt).
The genetic symbols used in genetic studies are two: The Mendelian and the
Drosophila symbolisms. In the Mendelian symbolism, the symbol used for a
dominant factor is written with an uppercase letter while the recessive factor
is symbolized with same letter but lowercase. For instance, in height, if tall is
dominant, its designated T while dwarf (or short) is written as t. In the case
of Drosophila symbolism, the symbol + indicates a wild-type (normal) allele
of a gene. A lowercase letter designates mutant alleles of a gene that are
recessive to the wild-type allele, and an uppercase letter is used for alleles
that are dominant to the wild-type allele. The letters are chosen on the basis
of the phenotype of the organism expressing the mutant allele. For instance,
a mutant fly with white eyes, the allele is designated as w and the normal as
w+ or +. The symbols are numbered sequentially when several genes control
the same trait in the organism. For instance, the trait male sterility in plants
has several genes, MS1, MS2, MS3, etc.
Some genes exist in more than two allelic forms. The grouping of all the
different possible alleles that may be present in a gene pair is called
multiple allelism. However, in diploid organisms where this condition may
exist, usually two alleles are expressed at any one time. Such genes may
not allow you to realize the Mendelian monohybrid phenotypic ratio of 3:1.
The first such a case demonstrated in man concerned the blood system, ABO
which had been discovered by Landsteiner and his students in the early
1900s. In 1925, he showed it to consist of a single gene (Isoagglutinnin, I)
with three alleles namely IA, IB and IO forming four different phenotypic
groups: A, B, AB and O. Alleles IA and IB are dominant over allele IO, but co-
dominant with each other. These three alleles give six different genotypes
Being an important aspect of human life, blood grouping and its genetic
basis is crucial to blood transfusion and its usage in forensic work. Table 4.3
below shows compatibility and incompatibilities of donor and recipients9
blood groups.
Recipient Donor
Serum from Antibodies present Reaction when red blood cells from
blood groups in serum below are added to serum
O anti-A NA Ag Ag Ag
A anti-B NA NA Ag Ag
B anti-A NA Ag NA Ag
The sera from each of the four blood groups are used as tester solutions.
When a drop of blood is mixed with the tester, the above reactions are
observed. If a drop of an O group individual is mixed with any of the four
antisera, no agglutination. But that of an A group individual is agglutinated
by antiserums O and B. Consequently, people of O group, because they do
not have any antigens on their red cells are called universal donors and
those of AB group, since they do not have any antibodies are called
universal recipients.
Blood groups are man9s useful stamp of identity. Since they are simply
inherited it is possible to predict parental genotypes from the children9s
blood groups and vice versa.
Besides this blood system, 13 other systems exist, e.g. Rh, MNSs, etc. Of
these more than half are multi-allelic.
The case of eye color gene best illustrates this condition in this organism.
Whereas normal flies have red eyes, Morgan noted a single fly with white
eyes in the population of flies he was breeding. This condition was recessive
to red eye. Morgan et al crossed an eosin-eyed male fly with a female with
white eyes. The result was all sons with white eyes and half the daughters
with white eyes and the other half with eosin eyes. The transmission of the
white eye color from mother to son, indicated that the gene is located in the
x chromosome. Breeding tests further showed that the genes of white and
eosin could not be recombined. Thus, Morgan postulated that the two genes
must be alleles to each other and must therefore reside in the same locus.
To date, 14 varieties of this gene have been identified and to categorize
them, a subscript is used as follows: red or wild (w+ or W) > coral (wco) >
blood (wbl) > eosin (we) > cherry (wch) > apricot (wa) > honey (wh) > buff
(wbf) > tinged (wt) > pearl (wp) > ivory (wi) > white (w).
(c) Rabbits
Fur or coat color in rabbits is controlled by a gene with more than two
alleles. This gene has four alleles and consequently gives four fur colors:
black (wild), chinchilla, himalayan and white (albino). The black allele, C, is
dominant over all the other alleles; and the chinchilla (Cch) > himalayan (Ch)
and the white allele, c, is recessive to all others.
(d) Plants
Several multiple allelic systems also occur in plants. A good case is the male
sterility condition. As a result, these alleles are symbolized as Ms1, Ms2, etc.
S1 S2 S3 FP (phenotype)
Step a step b step c
The Experiment:
Used pure lines (or breeds) of both parents
Parents: Rose comb x Pea comb
(Wyandotte) (Brahmas)
The F1 differed from both parents and two new phenotypes not seen in the
parents appeared in the F2.
Q: How can this result be explained?
A: The first clue is the F2 ratio. We have seen this ratio when the F1 from a
dihybrid is selfed. This observation suggests two genes may control the
phenotype of the comb.
From a series of experiments, they determined the genotypes controlling the
various phenotypes as follows:
Phenotypes Genotypes Frequencies
Walnut R-P- 9/16
Rose R-pp 3/16
Pea rrP- 3/16
Single rrpp 1/16
Thus, the genotypes of the initial parents were: Rose (RRpp) and Pea (rrPP).
Therefore, genotyphically, the cross was:
F1: RrPp
a) Use the familiar 16s to determine phenotypic ratios:
(i) white
x/16 = 43/96
x =7.2 (i.e. approx. 7)
(ii) purple:
x/16 = 53/96
x = 8.8 (i.e. approx. 9)
The ratio is 9: 7
P: aaBB x AAbb
white l white
F1: purple
= (7/16)
1. Linkage
When individuals heterozygous with respect to two genes are crossed with a
double recessive (a testcross), if the genes are independently assorted at
meiosis, four types of offspring will be produced in equal numbers. Soon
after the rediscovery of Mendel9s work, scientists began to observe non-
compliant results. Among them were T.H. Morgan, Bateson and Punnett.
In all organisms, there are usually more genes than chromosomes. If
according to Sutton and Boveri, chromosomes are the locations of genes,
then a chromosome carries many genes. Genes on a chromosome are said
to be linked and would be expected to be inherited as a single group. Thus,
a chromosome can rightly be called a linkage group. The number of linkage
groups (l) in a species is equal to its autosomal number in the gamete plus
sex chromosomes. For example, D. m. has 5 linkage groups, i.e. l = 3 + x +
The hypothesis that <linked genes tend to remain in their original
combination because of their residence in the same chromosome= was
advanced by T.H. Morgan in 1911. Further, he observed that <the degree or
strength of linkage depends upon the distance between the linked genes in
the chromosome=. His student, A. Sturtevant was to state that <the amount
of crossing over between genes can be used to determine the order and
distance between genes on a chromosome, producing a genetic map=.
In selfing the F1s of his dihybrid cross of round, yellow, he obtained 4
categories of seed: Round, yellow; round, green; wrinkled yellow; and
wrinkled, green. This was possible because the genes concerned assorted
independently. However, Mendel also had a second postulate that the F2
progeny could fall into two phenotypic classes resembling the parents. If the
results went according to the second possibility, this would have been a
premise for a possible linkage of the two genes (Table 4.3).
R-yy 25% 0%
RrY- 25% 0%
They could not explain their results but noted it as an exception the law of
independent assortment of gene pairs. However, several years later an
explanation came from T.H. Morgan following related studies, that is, <the
two genes are on the same chromosome and are usually inherited together=.
The relatively small number of plants with blue and round pollen or red and
long pollen results from crossing over.
The distance between any two genes is measured by how frequently
crossing over takes place between them. Linkage is best analyzed in a
testcross situation.
2. Crossing Over (Genetic Recombination)
The term crossing-over was introduced in 1912 by Morgan and E. Cattell to
describe the process of chromosomal interchange by which new
combinations of linked genes (recombinants) arise.
The degree of crossing over (c.o.) between any two loci on a single
chromosome is proportionate to the distance between them. Thus, the
percentage of recombinant gametes varies, depending on which loci are
being considered. This correlation serves as the basis for the construction of
chromosome maps.
Crossing over does not occur very often but the frequency can be arrived at
by observing how often recombinant offspring appear. For instance, if red
petals always appeared on a tall plant and white petals on short ones, one
may speculate that the genes for red and tall are on the same chromosome
and very close together. However, if these traits appeared together in 80%
of all the plants (progeny), it would suggest that although the two genes
were on the same chromosome, some crossing over took place between
these genes allowing tallness and white petals or shortness and red petals to
appear in 20% of the progeny. Since crossing over involves only 2 non-sister
chromatids, there were be new gamete combinations called recombinant or
cross over gametes.
Early last century, A.H. Sturtevant, working with Drosophila melanogaster
realised that the further apart two genes are on a chromosome, the greater
the chance that they will be separated by crossing over. He concluded that
the amount of crossing over between genes can be used to determine the
order and distance between genes on a chromosome, producing a genetic
map. Thus the distance between any 2 genes is measured by how frequently
crossing over takes place between them.
A measure of the ratio between the total of recombinant progeny over the
total progeny is called recombination frequency (rf, symbolized R).
In the data of Table 4.4, Mendelian testcrossing, gave R = 50/100 or 0.50.
This is the maximum recombination frequency that can be obtained between
any two genes, and genes that show this value are said to be unlinked.
Linked genes on the other hand have R less than 0.50, viz. 0.0 for Sutton
and Boveri (complete linkage), and 0.12 for Bateson and Punnett (partial
(cM) in memory of Thomas Hunt Morgan who was the first geneticist to
explain linkage. The additivity of map distances allows the placement of
genes in their proper linear order.
(a) Genes A and B crossed over 10% of the time during meiosis, genes A
and C crossed only 1%, This means that genes A and B are located 10 map
units apart and A and C only 1 map unit apart. In constructing a genetic
map of genes A, B and C, therefore, genes A and C would be placed 1 map
unit apart and genes A and B 10 map units apart.
(b) A dominant gene, F, causes the feathers of hens to be frizzled. Another
gene, I, inhibits the formation of color on feathers, causing them to be
white. Hutts crossed coloured, frizzled females with white, normal leghorn
males and testcrossed the F1 (as below).
P: iF/iF (colored, frizzled) x If/If (white, normal)
F1: all iF/If (white, frizzled)
Testcrossed with if/if (colored, normal)
IF/If = colored, frizzled = 63
If/if = white, normal = 63 parental types (77.8%)
IF/if = white, frizzled = 18
If/if = colored, normal = 18 recombinant types (22.2%)
The fact that 22.2% of the offspring are recombinant type gives proof that
the genes in question lie a considerable distance (i.e. 22.2. map units) apart
on the chromosome.
(c) If the genotype Ab/aB produces 8% each of the crossover gametes AB
and ab, then the distance between A and B is estimated to be 16 map units.
(d) If the map distance between B and C is 12 units, then 12% of the
gametes of genotype BC/bc should be c.o. types; i.e. 6% Bc and 6% bC.
The sequence of genes on a chromosome can be determined from either the
two-point or the three-point crossovers.
If there is a certain probability that a cross over will form between the A and
C loci and another independent probability of a cross over forming between
the C and B loci, then the probability of a dco is the product of the two
independent probabilities. For instance,
If a c.o. between the A and C loci occurs in 20% of the tetrads, and between
C and B loci in 10% of the tetrads in an individual of the genotype
ACB/acb, then 2% (i.e. 0.2 x 0.1) of all the gametes are expected to be
of dco types, AcB and aCb.
Note: As the separation becomes large, the probability that two or more
recombination events will occur between also increases, but is always less
than for one recombinant event. For example, if the probability of a single
c.o. is 0.2, then the probability of two independent c.os is (0.2)2 = 0.2 x 0.2
= 0.04.
Worked example
The following three recessive mutants in D. m. were observed to be linked,
dp (dumpy – wings reduced to 2/3 of normal length), bl (black – black body
color), and cn (cinnabar – orange colored eyes). A mutant fly was crossed
with the normal and the F1 female mated to a recessive male, as below:
P: dp bl cn / dp bl cn x +++/+++
F1: dp bl cn / + + +
F1 x tester = dp bl cn / + + + x dp bl cn / dp bl cn
(maternal chrom) Nos. dp-bl bl-cn dp-cn
+ + + 261 - - -
dp bl cn 277 - - -
+ bl cn 173 173 - 173
dp + + 182 182 - 182
+ + cn 44 - 44 44
dp bl + 51 - 51 51
+ bl + 5 5 5 -
Dp + cn 7 7 7 7
To determine the map distance between dp and bl:
Use the sum value under the column dp-bl, i.e. 367, and express as a % of
all progeny, i.e. (367/1000) x 100% = 36.7 mu
To determine the map distance between bl and cn:
Use the sum value under the column bl-cn, i.e. 107 and express as a % of
The only thing we are certain of from the data is the position of cn, which is
to the right of bl since the distance from bl to cn is 10.7.
(i) the distance from dp to cn as calculated above is shorter than the sum of
the distances between dp and bl, and between bl and cn.
(ii) this discrepancy is no accident but is due to the occurrence of dcos
(double chiasma) between dp and cn.
(iii) the effect of a dco is to make genes appear closer on the chromosome
than they really are.
Thus, in constructing gene maps, one always takes the sum of short
distances as the best estimate for those genes, which are widely separated
on the chromosome.
To show that dco actually make genes appear closer, take the frequency
of the flies that resulted from dcos, 1.2%, double this figure since each fly
represents two crossover events. Add the resultant value (i.e. 2.4%) to the
45.0 obtained as the apparent rf between the two outside genes. The sum of
47.4 represents the distance in map units between dp and cn.
Using the data above, S = (1.2%) / (3.9%) = 30.7%. This means that only
30.7% of all expected dcos actually occurred.
Coincidence is the complement of interference (I). S + I =1.0. Therefore,
when I is complete (i.e. = 1.0), no dcos will be observed and S = 0. When
we observe all the expected dcos, S = 1.0 and I = 0. Thus, I is said to
increase as the distance between loci decreases until a point when no dcos
are found. Under these conditions, S = 0. Conversely, above a certain
distance, the observed number of double recombinants equals the expected.
Then interference is non- existent and S = 1.0. Negative interference can
also occur, when S rises above 1.0.
The following solved examples are given for you to test your understanding
of the topic.
(1) You are given the map distances: A-B = 10, and B-C = 20.
(a) Determine the number of dcos if there is no I;
(b) Suppose you observe 1.6% dcos in a testcross, determine S and
therefore I.
a. Dcos expected = 0.1 x 0.2 = 0.02 x 100 = 2.0.
b. S = 1.6/2.0 = 0.8. That is, you observe only 80% of the dcos that
were expected on the basis of combining independent probabilities
(map distances). I = 1.0 – 0.8 = 0.2. Thus, 20% of the expected dcos
did not form due to I.
(2) The results below are of a testcross involving mutant and wild type
Drosophila melanogaster flies.
Sc ec cv = 417
+ + + = 430
sc + + = 25
+ sc cv = 29
sc ec + = 44
+ + cv = 37
sc + cv =5
+ ec + =3
Total = 990
(a) Determine the distances between the genes,
(b) Calculate S and I.
Due to absence of Mendelian ratios, we recognise linkage of the three gene
pairs, + + + and sc ec and cv. This cross has yielded two classes of
recombinant chromosomes, viz. single crossovers, and double crossovers.
a. Distances
(i) sc-ec = 6.26 mu;
(ii) ec-cv = 8.99 mu;
(iii) sc-cv = 13.64 mu
This shows that genes sc and cv are the furthest apart and that ec must be
between them.
sc ec cv
(6.26) (8.99)
(3) You know that the additivity of map distances allows placement of genes
in their proper linear order. Given the following information A-B = 12, B-C
= 7, and A-C = 5. Determine the correct gene order.
There are three possibilities, A in the middle, B in the middle and C in the
A case in which C is in the middle is the correct one.
The concept of heredity was understood clearly only after the rediscovery of
Mendel9s work. Prior to this, the Greek philosophers (thinkers), early
scientists understood and described heredity differently. Thus the work of
Mendel is critical in laying the modern science of genetics. Subsequent to
Mendel, exceptions to his principles arose and nearly cast doubt to his status
as the father of the modern science of genetics. However, scientists like
Punnett, Bateson and later Morgan and his students were to affirm that
Mendel9s observations were solid but other factors could distort his result.
Further Reading
(1) Genetics (3/e) by Peter J. Russell
(2) The Science of Genetics (5/e) b George W. Burns
(2) A strange pea plant variant is found that has orange flowers. A self-cross
of this plant yields the following phenotypes: red flowers = 30; orange
flowers = 62; yellow flowers = 33. What mode of inheritance can you
infer for color in this pea plant variant?
(3) A variety of maize has a gene for seed color and a gene for height with
the following phenotypes: CC, Cc = purple seed, cc =white; TT = tall
stem, Tt = medium height, and Tt = dwarf height. If a dihybrid plant is
selfed, give the resulting proportions of genotypes and phenotypes
(4) A woman has ptosis (a rare dominant genetic disorder of the eyelids).
Her father had ptosis but her mother was normal. Her father9s mother
had normal eyelids. (a) what are the probable genotypes of the woman,
her father and her mother? (b) what proportion of her children will be
expected to have ptosis if she marries a man with normal eyelids?
e. What is the map distance between the loci for ebony and spineless?
f. Calculate S.
This topic is therefore to introduce you to the basic principles and the more
elementary techniques of statistical reasoning relevant to the geneticist.
Topic Time
Two lecture hours is allocated to this topic and is estimated adequate for a
comprehensive understanding of the content therein.
Learning Outcomes
i. List and apply statistical functions for both quantitative and qualitative
iv. Design, carry out simple genetic experiments and analyze data thereof
with appropriate functions.
Topic Content
5.1 Introduction
A population refers to the entire group for which a study is intended, e.g. all
F2 plants in a breeding experiment. A sample on the other hand refers to a
subset of individuals of this population. Since populations are rarely, if ever
studied, our analyses are usually confined to samples, i.e. representative
group of individuals that are considered representative of the entire
population. For a sample to give us reliable information about the
population, it must be large enough so that chance differences between the
sample and the population are not misleading. The sample must also be a
random subset of the population. The values obtained from a sample are
called statistics while their counterparts in the population are parameters.
Statistical functions are symbolized with English (or Arabic) letters while
Greek letters for the same functions are used for parameters, viz.:
Sample Population
(iii) Variance S2 σ2
1. Distribution curve
The basic concept of describing biological data for a quantitative trait is the
frequency distribution curve (also called normal distribution curve). To
develop a distribution curve, the phenotypic classes are usually grouped into
a frequency distribution. If a curve is drawn tracing the outline of the
You will note that if the intervals are too small (short) they will each contain
so few observations that the histogram will appear very irregular. If they are
too large (long) only a very coarse presentation will be achieved. If the value
in each class is increased five-fold, the value will be 5 classes within each
former class and the values will even out to a smooth distribution curve
(Figure 2).
The study of quantitative traits in a large population usually reveals that few
individuals possess the extreme phenotypes and that progressively more
individuals are found near the average value for that population (Fig.2.)
a. Skewness
b. Bimodality
A bimodal curve is one with two means (or two mode). Its appearance may
indicate that the population being studied could be a mixture of 2 sub-
populations each with its own mode. Take 100 students. If they were
separated into girls and boys, the 2 groups would have different means.
Another trait whose expression could produce such a distribution is one with
both quantitative and qualitative inheritance, e.g. time of maturity in
(1) Mode
In most phenotypes, the mode refers to the most frequent class. It is usually
a class near the middle of the distribution.
(2) Median
(3) Mean
Often, when sample size (n) is large, grouping of data by classes becomes
necessary to give frequencies and the mid-class values as below.
96-100 98 1 98
91-95 93 4 372
86-90 88 8 704
81-85 83 12 996
76-80 78 18 1404
71-75 73 25 1825
66-70 68 17 1156
61-65 63 10 630
3. Measures of Variation
(1) Range
This is the difference between the largest and the smallest values. How this
value is divided determines the appearance of the histogram. If the
distribution is normal, then the expected range of results can be calculated
(see standard deviation).
Variance measures the extent to which each measurement in the data differs
from the mean value. It is defined as <the average squared deviation of
the observations from the mean=.Variance in the population is defined
as:σ2= (xi- x )2 / N, while that of the sample is: S2= Σ (xi – x)2 / n. Variance
is determined as follows:
Class value (Xi) Dev. from mean (Xi – �㕋) Squared devs ((xi – �㕥)2
3 (3-5) = -2 4
5 (5-5) = 0 0
7 (7-5) = 2 4
4 (4-5) = -1 1
5 (5-5) = 0 0
6 (6-5) = 1 1
�㕥= 30 /6 = 5.0
Σ(xi – x)2 = 10
If the data are grouped by classes, e.g. Johanssen9s data on bean weights,
this formula becomes:
S2 = ∑▒6Ā�㕖(�㕥�㕖 − �㕥)7
Variance has several interesting properties, e.g. being additive. For instance,
if we can determine how much a given variable contributes to the total
variance, we can subtract that amount of variance from the total and
whatever other causes the remainder. By analysis of variance (ANOVA), total
variance (Vp)can be fragmented into its components, viz.: VP = VG and VE
and due to G-E interaction (G.E). But variance is in squared units! This
limitation is however resolved by use of standard deviation (s).
= Σ(xi –�㕥 )2 / n- 1
∑ Ā�㕖�㕥�㕖
�㕥̅ =
(i) Approximately 2/3 (or 68%) of the measurements will lie within + or – 1
s.d. from the mean (i.e. m ± s.d);
(ii) 19/20 (or 95%) of the measurements will lie within 2 s.ds of the mean
(m ± 2s.d ).
In the data above, the mean = 52.75 cm, and s = 2.22. So, it is expected
(i) 2/3 (or 68%) of the plants (i.e. 136) will be have heights between
52.75+ or – 2.22, i.e. 50.53 to 54.97 cm;
(ii) about 2 ½ of all plants in the sample will measure smaller than 48.31 cm
[i.e. 52.75 – (2 x 2.22)] and 2 ½ will measure larger than 57.19 cm [i.e.
52.75 + (2 x 2.22)].
5.4 Probability
In fact, genetic counselors use these laws in their routine work of advising
couples of the likelihood of a given genetic problem in their families.
All probabilities lie between 0 and 1. A value of 1 indicates that the outcome
is certain to occur. An outcome is impossible if its P is 0. In a dice with 6
sides, 1 to 6, the P that it will fall 4 up = 1/6.
Outcomes that cannot occur together are said to be mutually exclusive and
the sum of their individual probabilities add to 1.
1. Laws of probability
These are: the product law, and the sum law. In illustrating these laws, it is
important we have before us the Mendelian dihybrid F2 results as below:
This states that <the probability of either one or two mutually exclusive
events occurring is the sum of their individual probabilities=.
If A and B are mutually exclusive outcomes, then the P that either of them
will occur is equal to the sum of their individual probabilities.
P [A or B] = P (A) + P (B)
Solved problem
What is the probability of Mendel obtaining an F2 plant with (a) green and/or
wrinkled seeds, b) yellow and/or round seeds.
(a) p (green and/or wrinkled seed) = p(Ry) + p(ry) + p(rY) =3/16 + 3/16
+ 1/16 = 7/16
(b) p(Yellow and/or round seeds) = p(RY) + p(rY) + p(Ry) = 9/16 + 3/16 +
3/16 = 15/16
A coin has two sides, tail and head. The P for tail = P for head = ½. Suppose
you toss two coins simultaneously, what is the likelihood that both will land,
say heads? It is ½ x ½ = ¼.
Consider the events, A and B again. The probability that they will both occur
together is the p(A) x p(B). Take a couple that hopes to have two children.
They contemplate on the fact that the two could be of one gender, e.g. all
girls. The probability of the first birth being a girl is ½. If the probability of
the second birth is also ½, then the probability that both will be girls is ½ x
3. Conditional probability
Again, let us consider two events A and B. Event A occurs with a certain
probability, but event B with a certain probability provided A has occurred,
i.e. p(A and B) = p(A) x p(B/A). p(A/B) is <the conditional p of B given A=.
We know male and female births occur with equal probabilities, i.e. 0.5.
Color-blindness has a frequency of 0.08 and 0.0064 in males and females,
respectively. We may ask: a) what is the p that any birth will be a color-
blind female? b) what is the p that any birth will be a male with normal color
This is a conditional probability in that the birth must be female who is also
color-blind. Thus, p (Female and colorblind) =p( F) x p(C/F)= 0.5 x 0.0064
= 0.0032;
The probability that a birth will be male = P(M) = 0.5. The conditional
probability of color-blindness given a male birth = P(C/M) = 0.08. It follows,
therefore that the conditional probability of normal color vision given a male
birth = PN/M) = 1-P(C/M) 0.92. So, the P that any birth will be a male with
normal color vision = P (M and N) = P(M) x P(N/M) = 0.5 x 0.92 = 0.46.
The p of obtaining a plant with both round and yellow is p (R and Y)= p(R) x
p (Y/R)= ¾ x p (Y/R). But, what is the conditional p of Y given R? In this
case, Y and R are said to be statistically independent because the p of
obtaining Y is ¾ whether it occurs with R or r. When this is so, the
conditional p is equal to the unconditional or absolute p of obtaining yellow.
Thus, p(R and Y) = p(R) x p(Y) = ¾ x ¾ = 9/16.
2N children = a x a = a2
2A children = b x b = b2
(ii) Its expansion will represent all possibilities and probabilities of the
simultaneous occurrence of two independent events. The binomial
expansion, unlike probability includes all possible combinations of alternative
The expansion of the binomial through any power to give the coefficients of
the terms can be facilitated by use of Pascal9s triangle.
Solved examples:
If the man is ptotic and yet his mother was normal, then his genotype is Pp.
The wife is normal, and so her genotype is pp.
Applying the binomial equation (a+b)4 where 8a9 represents normal child,
and 8b9 the ptotic child, the second term of the expansion, i.e. 4a3b will be
used to solve the problem.
a. 12/256
(i) Analyze the data obtained on the basis of the null hypothesis proposed. A
null hypothesis is one that assumes that there is no real difference between
the measured values and the predicted values. Alongside the O.Vs, insert
the values that were expected (E) on the basis of the hypothesis.
(iii) For each class, divide the squared value by its E value.
(iv) Sum all values obtained for all the classes to obtain the X2.
(v) The calculated value is then compared to the tabulated value based on
the X2 distribution (Table 6.1) with the appropriate degrees of freedom.
Recall the progeny counts Mendel obtained for his monohybrid crosses. The
ratios usually were never exact, i.e. were only approximate. Given this fact,
would Mendel9s results be valid? Stated differently, how much deviation from
the results he obtained can be accepted as likely to be due to purely chance?
In one of Mendel9s monohybrid crosses, 673 round peas and 117 wrinkled
peas were obtained. What is the probability of getting these results from a
Mendelian 3:1 distribution? The null hypothesis is that the observed data
does not deviate significantly from the hypothesized ratio.
X2 = 43.75
These are calculated as the number of classes whose value must be known
in order to determine the values of all classes (once we know the total).
Suppose we have three observations: x = 5; x1 – x = -3 and x2 –x = -1. X3
can easily be found given this information because S (xi – x) = 0. So x3 – x
= 4 giving x3 = 9.
As you realise, although the sample contains three observations only two are
independent. Once these are known, the third can be fixed. Thus, Degrees of
freedom are one less than the number of independent classes measured, i.e.
n – 1.
2. Level of significance
(i) The level of significance is the p below which we assume the data
observed does not fit expectations, and so reject the null hypothesis. This is
conventionally 0.05 (1/20).
(ii) When there is a p of less than 0.05 (5%) of getting a particular set of
data by chance if the null hypothesis is true, then it is conventional to reject
the hypothesis as probably being false and say the data does not fit. This
decision will be correct 19 times out of 20. One time in 20 a real fit will be
The X2 calculated above is 43.75 and df is 1. This value is very large and its
p is well below the 0.05 level. Hence the data does not agree with the
expectation and so the hypothesis is rejected.
Topic Summary
Further Reading
(a) P that neither child is affected = P (1u and 2u) = P (1u) x (2u) = ¾ x ¾ =
(b) The P that one child, but not the other child will be affected = 3/8. This
outcome can arise in two ways depending on whether the 1st or 2nd child is
affected. Thus we require P (1a and 2u)+ P (1u and 2a)= 3/16+ 3/16 =
6/16= 3/8.
(c) The P that both the 1st and 2nd children will be affected. By the law of
multiplication and because the two events are statistically independent, P(1a
and 2a) = P (1a) x P (2a) = ¼ x ¼ = 1/16.
2. suppose we cross red and white pea plants, self the F1 and get F2 of 63
red, 37 white. (a) Is 63:37 a good fit for a 3:1 ratio allowing chance error in
sampling? (b) Test this data also against a 9:7 ratio. What is your verdict?
So far we have only considered phenotypic traits (characters), which fall into
clearly distinguishable categories. Pea seed was round or wrinkled, you are
blood group O or blood group A, male or female. Such characteristics are
said to show discrete (individually distinct), or discontinuous or qualitative
variation. However, such characters only form a small fraction of naturally
occurring variation.
Consider now the heights of your friends. Do they fall into distinct
categories? Can you classify one group as short or tall? Variation of this sort,
without obvious categories is called continuous variation and traits exhibiting
it, e.g. height or weight in humans, are called quantitative or metric traits
because their study depends on measurement rather than on counting.
Topic Time
After you have successfully completed this topic, you should be able to do
the following:
Topic Content
Mendel while studying inheritance of flower color in beans noticed that it did
not fall into distinct classes as was in the garden peas (Figure 6.1)
P Purple x White
F1 Purple
F2 Purple White
He was unable to explain these results satisfactorily but recognized that they
were inconsistent with his data from peas (Fig. 6.1). Major differences
therefore emerged between qualitative and quantitative characters (Table
6.1 and Fig.6.2).
Qualitative Quantitative
(3) The environment has a small (3) The environment has a large effect
on the phenotype; effect on the phenotype;
(c) that the F2 shows more variability than the F1 with a mean close to
that of the F1 but with the extreme phenotypes extending well beyond
the F1 extremes.
(d) In F2 discrete classes are given for Mendel9s character and metric
classes for Nilsson-Ehle9s.
(e) There is no linkage among the polygenes involved and as such they
assort independently;
(f) Environmental effects are absent or are so controlled that they may be
Andalusian fowl are a variety of chicken that comes in three different colors:
black, white and blue (or grey). A cross between black and white produce
blue and when these are intermated the F2 comprises both black, blue and
white in the ratio of 1:2:1. If the genotype for black is BB and for white is
WW, then blue is Bw. Thus the F2 has BB, BW, and WW genotypes in the
ratio of 1:2:1. Assuming that the allele B codes for the production of 1 unit
of feather pigment, the units of feather pigment are BB (2), BW (1), and
WW (0). Thus the effects of the alleles are additive. Each allele makes a
specific measurable contribution to the phenotype. Such results if plotted on
a histogram will give a kind of bell shape. However, this is from one locus
and two alleles. If the number increases, a bell shaped curve will arise.
J.G Koelreuter undertook a similar study with two species of tobacco in the
late 19th century. The F1 were intermediate and the F2 had individuals with
variation from the dwarf to the tallest with majority intermediate. However,
it was Nilsson-Ehle9s work that laid the cornerstone for the understanding of
quantitative inheritance. His explanation came to be called the <hypothesis
for quantitative inheritance=. His studies centred on wheat kernel
heritability. Below (Fig. 6.3) is an illustration of one of his experiments
P Red-kernelled x White-kernelled
(i) 1/16 of the seed have 4 pigment producing alleles and hence
(ii) 4/16 have three alleles for pigmentation and are reddish;
(iii) 6/16 have 2 genes for pigmentation and are purple (like F1);
(iv) 4/16 have only one gene for pigmentation and are crimson, and
(v) 1/16 have no gene for pigmentation and are white.
genotype R1 R1 R2 R2 r1r1r2r2
F1 genotype R1r1R2r2
phenotype purple
F1 x F 1
R1 R1 R2 R2 1 red 4 1
R1R1R2r2 2
R1r1R2R2 2 reddish 3 4
R1r1R2r2 4
R1R1r2r2 1
r1r1R2R2 1 purple 2 6
R1r1r2r2 2
r1r1R2r2 2 crimson 1 4
r1r1r2r2 1 white 0 1
Thus, the inheritance of kernel color in wheat was confirmed an example of a
quantitative trait.
These results imply seed color is not affected by environment (i.e., the F2
occurring in distinct phenotypic classes). This of course is not true.
Quantitative traits are very much affected by environment causing these
classes to merge into a smooth distribution.
1 2 ¼ 3 3 (a + b) 2
2 4 1/16 9 5 (a + b) 4
3 6 1/64 27 7 (a + b)6
n 2n (¼)n 3n 2n + 1 (a + b) 2n
: Give the terms in the binomial expansion
So, if you wished to get the number of polygenes for a trait you use the
fraction (¼)n. However, to determine the number of alleles involved you
may use the fraction (½)n. The contribution of one allele to trait is the range
between the two parents divided by the number of alleles involved.
Below are some worked out examples to aid you in further understanding
the topic. Study them and look for related examples to further your
understanding of quantitative genetics.
Example 1.
(ii) From Table 7.2, we know that in a trait governed by a single gene pair,
¼ of the F2 individuals are like either parent.
Thus, (¼)n = 1/250. This fraction is close to 1/256 for 4 gene pairs.
(¼)n = 1/250
n = log 250/log 4
OR: n = 4 √250
The variety of 21-lb fruits has all the 8 contributing alleles, while the 5-lb
fruits has no contributing alleles.
The 5 lbs is called base weight, and suggests that of all the polygenes that
may be involved in fruit weight the two parents were homozygous for all but
the four pairs determined by these calculations.
Example 2.
(a) What are the heights expected in the F1 progeny of a cross between
homozygous, strains AABBCC (14cm) x aabbcc (2cm)? Answer = 8 cm
d. What proportion of the F2 will breed true for height shown by the F1?
Answer: none
Normally the range of variation in the F2 progeny remains well within the
limits defined by the parents. But sometimes the extremes of F2 exceed
those of the parents. Such a situation is called transgressive variation.
Punnett and Bailey (1914, 1923) illustrated this phenomenon in chicken.
They crossed a golden Hamburg hen (large) with Sebright Bantam cock
(small). The F1 were mid-size. Intermating the F1s produced F2s some of
which were smaller and some larger than the parental breeds.
Such results not uncommon and are because the parents do not represent
the extreme genotypes. Genetic analysis revealed that 4 gene pairs were
involved. In the golden Hamburg three pairs carried <dominant=
(contributing) alleles and the other pair <recessive= (non-contributing)
alleles. The reverse was the case in Sebright Bantam. The genotypes of
Hamburg and Bantam can be represented as follows: a+a+b+b+c+c+d d, and
Topic Summary
Further Reading
(1) The Science of Genetics (5/e), by G.W Burns, Chapter 9.
(2) Applied genetics (University of Bath), Science series, Chapter 3.
As part of your grasp of this topic, you are expected to do the following
questions. You may or may not submit your answers for marking.
(1) Two pairs of genes with 2 alleles each, A/a and B/b, determine plant
height additively in a population. The homozygote AABB is 50cm tall, the
homozygote aabb in 30cm tall.
(2) Two in bred varieties of oats yield about 4g and 10 g per plant,
respectively. The two are crossed and the F1 is selfed. About 1/64 of the F2
plants yield about 10g/plant. How many genes are likely to be responsible
for the difference in yield between the 2 varieties?
(a) List the phenotypes for different levels of lard thickness, if the genotypes
of the individuals considered are B1B1B2b2, B1b1B2b2 and B1b1b2b2b2.
(b) What will be the lard thickness in progeny derived by mating individuals
that have the genotype B1b1B2b2?
(c) What will be the result of mating individuals with the genotypes B1B1B2b2
x B1b1B2b2?
(4) Develop a genetic model to explain Nilsson-Ehle9s results for the cross
between dark-red and white wheat varieties.
(5) Assume that the difference between a corn plant with 6 cm long cobs
and one with 18 cm long cobs is due to:
Assume that in each case the genes have equal and additive effects on cob
length. The two plants are crossed and the F1 is backcrossed to the parent
with long cobs. What proportion of the progeny is expected to produce 18
cm long cobs in each case?
Topic Time
The areas to be covered in this topic are broad. Thus, it is envisaged that
three lecture hours will suffice to successfully cover it.
Like for some of the earlier topics, there is no special requirement to learn
this topic. However, pre-review of relevant and related content in both print
and electronic media is strongly advised.
Learning Outcomes
iii. Compare and explain the inheritance patterns between autosomal and
sex-linked traits;
iv. Name some sex-linked traits in human beings and explain their
Topic Content
(i) when eggs are exposed to temperatures <250C, they hatch as females;
(iii) between 250 and 300C, both females and males hatch.
(a) Two alleles of a single gene, e.g. in many dioecious plant species such as
Asparagus. In this species, genotypes MM and Mm express male
phenotypes, while mm is female phenotype.
(c) The transformer gene in Drosophila. A recessive gene, 8tra9, on the third
chromosome (an autosome), when homozygous, <transforms= normal diploid
females (AAXX) into sterile males. The XX tra tra have many male
characters but are sterile.
The only known organisms without sex chromosomes are members of the
Hymenopteran species (wasps, bees and ants). In these insects, sex is
determined on a haplo-diploid basis (i.e. by ploidy of the number of the sets
of chromosomes). Thus:
(i) the queen and workers are diploid, arising from fertilized eggs. However,
the queen is fertile while the workers are sterile.
(ii) drones are haploid and male. They arise from unfertilized eggs.
The sex ratio of the progeny is dependent upon the number of eggs the
queen chooses to fertilize or not.
Found in human beings and about all the mammals. The Y chromosome
denotes a tendency to maleness, that is males are XY and females are XX.
Thus, males produce two gamete types, X and Y and females one type X.
Females are therefore referred to as the homogametic sex and males the
heterogametic sex. Each generation is characterized by a 1:1 sex ratio.
There are few genes known to reside on the Y chromosome. In humans one
of the few documented Y-linked genes is for the trait hairy pinna of the ear.
This gene is transmitted from father to son and is called holandric gene.
Others are the H-Y gene (Histocompatibility gene on the Y) and the SRY
(sex-determination region on the Y chromosome).
(a) Cross I
(i) White eye male x pure breeding wild-type female (red eye phenotype).
The F1 (both male and female) was red-eyed.
F2 males had red and white eyes in the ratio of 1:1, while all F2 females had
red eyes.
(b) Cross II
(b) In humans there are up to 100 sex-linked hereditary traits. They include:
(i) Hemophilia (type A). This occurs due to defects in the mechanism of
blood clotting. It is due to a recessive mutant allele.
(vi) Hydrocephalus,
(1) Recessive
(2) Dominant
1. Sex-influenced traits
These are also called sex-conditioned traits. They appear in both sexes but
occur in one sex more than in the other. Examples are:
(1) Baldness in humans. Assume gene B is for baldness, and its allele h for
not bald. Both male and female are bald when they have the genotype BB.
However, the heterozygous become bald in males due to the presence of
male hormones, and females are not bald. If a heterozygous female
becomes bald then her ovary has developed a masculinizing tumor, viz:
BB bald bald
HH horned horned
hh hornless hornless
Hh horned hornless
2. Sex-limited traits
In all instances, the expression of the traits has a 100% penetrance in one
sex and 0% penetrance in the other sex.
Topic Summary
Further Reading
1. A color-blind boy has a mother with normal vision and a colorblind father.
(a) From whom did he inherit his color blindness? (b) Could he have a color
blind sister?
4. In Drosophila, white eyes are a sex-linked trait, with white eyes (w) being
recessive to red-eyes (w+). A white-eyed female is crossed with a red-eyed
male. An F1 female from this cross is mated with her father, and an F1 male
is mated with his mother. What will be the eye color of the progeny of these
two crosses?
(b) Sons will inherit the disease only if their mothers have the disease.
(c) Both affected males and affected females will pass the trait to half the
(d) daughters will inherit the disease only if their fathers have the disease.
Topic Time
Coverage of each section takes about two lecture hours. Thus, the topic
could be effectively covered in six hours.
iv. Demonstrate how such crops as bread wheat and triticale originated
Course Content
8.1.1 Introduction
Several criteria exist for classifying mutations depending on the basis for
study or investigation, viz:
1. Size
Mutations that occur at the gene level can involve one or a few bases.
(a) Point mutations. These involve alteration of a single base. They fall into a
number of categories, each with different consequences for the protein
encoded by the gene.
While 8a9 and 8b9 above are designated gene mutations, the term 8gross
mutations9 also refers to mutations affecting sections of or number of
2. Quality
Purine Purine
Pyrimidine Pyrimidine
Human hemoglobin (Hb-A) has about 140 amino acid residues in each of
its a and b chains.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(2) Rearrangements. These are mutations that involve changing the location
of a gene within the genome, often leading to position effects or structural
variants, e.g. inversions and translocations.
3. Origin
(1) Spontaneous
4. Direction
(1) Forward mutation. Is a mutation that changes the wild type allele of a
gene to a different allele. The resulting novel allele can be either dominant
or recessive to original wild type. This is usually diagrammed as A to a.
(2) Reverse (or backward) mutation. A mutation that causes a novel a novel
mutant allele to revert back to wild type, a to A.
5. Cell type
Mutations can occur in any living cell that contains genetic material,
either somatic or a reproductive cell.
(1) Somatic mutations are mutations that occur in body cells and therefore
are limited to the organisms in which they occur. They are perpetuated only
in cells descended from the one in which the mutation originally took place.
If the mutant trait is clearly detectable, it is expressed as a mosaic or
chimera. An example is the navel orange. It resulted from a spontaneous
mutation in single cells which constituted only a very small part of the body
of an orange tree. The cell carrying the mutant gene gave rise to more of its
kind, eventually producing an entire branch on its respective tree which had
the characteristics of the mutant type. Through vegetative propagation it
has been possible to propagate this variety.
The vast majority of mutations are not expressed in diploids in the first
generation, M1 (mutation generation 1) because they are recessive. They will
show up only when in a homozygous state, usually M2 or subsequent
generations (Fig. 8.2)
Parents: AA AA
Mutation during
A a A
1 2 1 = gtic ratio
7. Importance
This is subjective but it refers to how the researcher views the resultant
mutation, whether beneficial or harmful. Very few mutations are
documented as beneficial. However, the vast majority of mutations in fact
does not survive beyond the M1 and are therefore called lethal.
(1) Development of desirable traits in crop plants, e.g. barley, wheat, oats,
soybeans for higher yield, resistance to smuts in barley; absence of hull on
seeds, increased protein.
1. Introduction
2. Causes
3. Types
Two effects are recognized, one genetic and the other cytological. Both can
be used to detect the occurrence of a deletion.
(i) Cytological. This can be seen in cells in which a normal and a deletion
chromosome are synapsed (e.g. gonadal cells during meiosis). Since
chromosomes pair gene by gene during synapsis, a buckling (or looping) will
occur in the synapsed chromosomes at the point of the deletion (Fig. 8.5).
(i) Cri du chat (<cry of the cat=) syndrome, a condition first observed by
Lejeune et al (1963). It is due a deletion of most of the short arm of
chromosome 5. The affected baby cries like a suffering cat, has physical
(ii) Turner’s syndrome. One of the X-chromosomes has lost its small arm.
Most such fetuses are aborted, but if born are sterile with low hormonal
(2) Duplication
(a) Types
(i) Genetic
(ii) Cytological
(3) Inversion
Categorization of inversions
normal gene order and the other has an inverted B C D segment. Such an
inversion is:
Effects of inversions
The effects may be both cytological and genetic and differ between
paracentric and pericentric.
Paracentric inversions
(a) Cytological
Crossing over within the inverted region has the effect of connecting
homologous centromeres in a dicentric bridge as well as producing an
acentric piece of chromosome. At the end of anaphase-2, the meiotic
products are one each of:
Pericentric inversions
Its net effect is also that cross over products are not recovered. However,
since the centromeres are contained within the inverted region, disjunction
of cross over chromosomes is normal.
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 5 4 3 6
End-products of meiosis:
(i) Normal product;
(ii) Dupl. 6 arm, deletion 2, 1 arm;
(iii) Inversion product;
(iv) Dupl. 2, 1, deletion 6 arm.
Half of the products contain duplications and deletions and so do not
function (i.e. there is selective recovery of non-c.o. chromosomes as viable
progeny); the other half, all gametes are functional with half of them normal
and the other inverted.
4. Translocation
(1) Types
(b) Shift translocation. In this, the broken end of one chromosome gets
inserted interstitially in a nonhomologous chromosome. Therefore, such a
translocation involves breakage at three points and union at two points.
During meiosis, such homologues pair in a way that maximizes their contact.
This requires that the chromosomes form the typical cross-like figure at
pachytene with the pairing partners being changed at the point of the
translocation break (Fig. 8.8).
N1 N2
T2 T1
(2) Effects
(a) Genetic
(i) New linkage arrangements. The genes in the new setup behave as if they
were in the same linkage group since only gametes containing the parental
combinations of chromosomes can produce viable gametes.
1. Introduction
(a) Oats
Avena strigosa 7 7 2n = 2x = 14
A. barbata 14 7 2n = 4x = 28
A. sativa 21 7 2n = 6 x = 42
(b) Wheats
Triticum monococcum7 7 2n = 2x = 14
T. turgidum 14 7 2n = 4x = 28
T. aestivum 21 7 2n = 6x = 42
(c) Cottons
Gossypium arboreum 13 13 2n = 2x = 26
G. hirsutum 26 13 2n = 2x = 52
2. Haploidy (Monoploidy)
(1) Occurrence
(2) Advantages
(a) The haploid condition in microbes makes them useful genetic material.
(b) If the haploid condition can be developed easily in other organisms and
the setbacks of poor growth (frail, small leaves, low viability) and sterility
overcome, then it could be a breakthrough in plant breeding. This is so
because the problem of heterozygosity could be avoided. Then by doubling
of the chromosomes, a diploid would be generated that is homozygous for all
the traits and genes. This is routine in plants using haploid products of
meiosis in plant anthers.
(3) Development
Polyploidy is when a cell or organism has more than its normal number (i.e.
diploid number) of sets of chromosomes, viz. triploids (3 sets) and
tetraploids (4 sets), and so on.
(1) Origin
(c) Fusion of gametes, e.g. two diploid gametes = tetraploid; a diploid and a
haploid = triploid, etc.
(i) Mechanical injury: e.g. in tomato plants. Disorganized cell division occurs
at cut ends of stem and a callus tissue develops. Most cells in this tissue are
(iii) Chemical treatments, e.g. with indole acetic acid (IAA) and colchicine.
(2) Advantages
(a) Polyploids offer an opportunity for studying gene dosage effects, i.e. how
two or more alleles of one locus behave in the presence of a single dose of
an alternative allele. When one allele in the pollen is able to mask the effect
of a double dose of another allele in the resulting endosperm, the former is
said to exhibit xenia over the latter.
(c) polyploids have larger cells, leaves, flowers and fruits. Thus, polyploids
have a place among vegetatively grown crops and used as aesthetics, food
and feed.
(3) Disadvantages
(a) Cell or organisms are genetically imbalanced due to the extra genetic
material therein. For instance, a tetraploid human fetus has 1: 1,000,000
chances of survival.
(4) Types
Sterile F1 (2n = 5)
chromosome doubling
AUTOPLOID, 2n = 4x = 8 AUTOPLOID, 2n = 4x = 12
e.g. cotton
2n = 2x + 2x = 10
These usually,
(a) are larger and luster in growth than diploids, thus their benefit as
vegetative crops;
Genetic ratios for simply inherited traits are more complex than in diploids.
With alleles A and a, three genotypes – AA, Aa and aa – are possible in
diploids. In tetraploids, 5 genotypes AAAA, AAAa, AAaa, Aaaa, and aaaa are
True autoploids are less frequent in nature than alloploids. However, induced
autoploids have been produced in maize, rye, flax, soybeans, various spp of
forage grasses and legumes, fruits, vegetables and flowers. This is by use of
colchicine or by crossing different ploidy levels. For instance, the seedless
watermelon and apples are triploids. However, their use has been limited.
This is chiefly because of reduced seed production, e.g. red clover (an
autotetraploid) vs diploid.
Mating two closely related species with different genomes and doubling the
chromosome number of the complement results in an AMPHIDIPLOID.
Amphidiploids are a potential source of new crop species, e.g. the
commercially grown Triticale. This is from a cross between a wheat plant of
Triticum durum and rye (Secale cereal). The hybrid is usually sterile.
However, by doubling the chromosomes of the F1, a fertile hexaploid Triticale
was made!
F1 hybrid
Allodiploid (sterile)
n + n = 9 + 9 = 18
chrom. doubling
2n + 2n = 18 + 18 = 36
Many important crop species are alloploids, e.g. bread wheat, C. arabica, G.
hirsutum and peanuts. Banana is a triploid that vegetatively propagated and
shows high sterility. This sterile condition is commercially useful in this plant
because banana seed is hard and inedible.
4. Aneuploids
(1) Causes
(a) Nondisjunction at both mitosis and meiosis. Aneuploidy often arises from
nondisjunction of chromosomes at anaphase of mitosis or anaphase-1 or -2
of meiosis.
(b) It may also arise from chromosomal lagging whereby one chromosome
moving more slowly than the others during anaphase is excluded from the
telophase nucleus, and is then lost. The end result is a gamete with one
extra chromosome (n + 1) and a reciprocal gamete that is missing a
chromosome (n – 1).
(c) Gamete union. The n + 1 gamete causes trisomy (2n + 1) when it unites
with a normal haploid (n) gamete, while the n-1 gamete causes monosomy
(2n-1) when it unites with a normal haploid (n) gamete.
(2) Disadvantages
(a) Aneuploids are for the most part less vigorous than normal plants,
presumably because of the physiological disturbances that are associated
with unbalanced numbers of chromosomes.
(b) They tend to be irregular meiotically and as a result they are likely to be
partly or even highly sterile.
These two setbacks are the major drawbacks limiting their use in plant
breeding. However, certain types of aneuploids, particularly nullisomics (2n
– 2A), monosomics (2n – 1A) and trisomics (2n + 1A), are finding a place in
plant breeding because they are useful in locating genes on particular
Blakeslee first observed trisomy in the toxic weed, Datura stramonium (2n =
(3) Applications
gene for rolled leaves and glossy leaves are on chromosome A and B
Topic Summary
A gene mutation is defined as any change in the DNA that is not as a result
of recombination. It may affect either the coding or regulatory parts of a
gene. The effect varies from mild to lethal and are expressed in the
Further Reading
(2) Given these two sequences from the same section of DNA: normal DNA
= A A T C A G G T T A, and mutant DNA = A T A C C A G T T A.
(a) Name the two point mutations.
(b) If the mutant strand is transcribed, write the mRNA sequence produced.
(c) How would the polypeptide produced from this mRNA differ from the
normal polypeptide.
(d) usually but not always beneficial to the development of the organism in
which it occurs.
In 1902, Sutton and Boveri showed the link between genes and
chromosomes (recall the chromosome theory of heredity=). We also learned
that chromosomes comprise DNA and protein.
In this topic therefore, we shall learn how nucleic acids were identified and
confirmed as the molecules of heredity; how they replicate and shared
between daughter cells; and explore the path between the DNA and
phenotype (i.e. try to understand heredity at the molecular level).
Topic Time
ii. Name and describe the two types of nucleic acids; give both their
physical and chemical structures;
v. State what the Genetic code is, how it was developed and used to read
gene messages into amino acids sequences;
Topic Content
Later, other compounds particularly, nucleic acids were isolated. These were
examined and subsequently confirmed as the material of heredity.
Whereas DNA was isolated from pus cells (animal cells) and RNA from yeast
cells, it was for long erroneously held that DNA was the nucleic acid of
animals and RNA of plants. However, this mistaken belief was resolved by
Robert Feulgen. He found that both acids exist in animal and plant cells, DNA
in the nuclei and RNA in the cytoplasms. It was further established that
whereas DNA is associated directly with heredity, RNA plays an intermediate
role in protein synthesis. An exception exists though in some viruses like
TMV and a few other cancer -causing viruses where the hereditary material
is RNA.
The basic unit of nucleic acid structure is the nucleotide. The nucleotide
is composed of three chemical parts that are joined by covalent bonds: a
9.3 DNA
With only a few exceptions, e.g. the red cells of human, every living cell
contains DNA. In a human somatic cell there are 46 molecules of DNA. It is
this DNA that bears coded instructions for the kinds of instructions which will
be made by the cell.
1. Chemical structure
Initially scientists did not consider DNA structure to be very complex since it
was merely a repeat of four nucleotides (i.e. a tetra nucleotide).
these and other observations, Chargaff convinced the scientific world that
DNA had the chemical complexity necessary of genetic material.
2. Physical structure
Its study was not straightforward. The most important technique was x-ray
diffraction analysis (i.e., passing x-rays into a molecule). This provided
information about the arrangement and dimensions of various parts of the
molecule. This technique was used by Prof. M. Wilkins and others especially
his graduate student, Rosalind Franklin in 1940s.
Key observations:
(2) the bases of the nucleotides are stacked with their planes separated by a
spacing of 3.4 A (0.43nm)
(3) a complete turn which has 10 base pairs is 34A (3.4 nm)
For unraveling the structure of DNA, Watson, Crick and Wilkins jointly
received the Nobel Prize in physiology and medicine of 1962.
Using the UV microscope, it was found that during interphase, cells undergo
cyclic changes in respect of their nucleic acid content. This microscope
revealed that just before onset of mitosis the amount of DNA in the
prophase and metaphase chromosomes was twice the amount found
ordinarily. These findings indicated that during interphase prior to mitosis
not only do the chromosomes replicate but their genetic material, the DNA,
does likewise.
In fact, 5 years after the model of a DNA molecule had been proposed, two
Scientists Maurice Meselson and Frank Stahl showed that DNA replication is
semi- conservative. Each daughter DNA molecule will consist of one intact
(conserved) strand from the parental double-stranded helix and one newly
synthesised complementary strand. This occurs in a stepwise sequence:
b) then the single DNA strands with their nucleotides sticking out on the
S-P backbone serve as moulds or templates on which newly complementary
DNA strands are constructed, following the rule of base-pairing.
In replacing the other strand, the freely available nucleotides pair with those
of the parent.
9.4 RNA
Ribonucleic acid (RNA) is the other nucleic acid that was first isolated in
yeast cells. It9s the material of heredity in some viruses otherwise it acts as
an intermediate molecule in the process of gene expression in eukaryotes
and therefore as central to the growth and function of cells as DNA. Its
function is to translate the genetic information stored in DNA to amino acid
sequences of proteins. Characteristically it is single-stranded. It folds on
itself such that complementary bases occurring in the same strand but at
different places can pair by H-bonding, thus stabilising the folds of the
molecule. It is either genetic as in certain viruses, e.g. TMV, influenza and
poliomyelitis viruses, and phages or is non-genetic.
The two nucleic acids differ in several basic chemical and structural ways,
c) N-bases: RNA: has the pyrimidine U instead of T and this pairs with
d) Size: RNA molecules are generally much shorter than DNA molecules.
The genetic material of any organism is the substance that carries the
information determining the properties of the organism. Furthermore, it is
responsible for transferring the genetic information from parent to offspring.
In almost all organisms the genetic material is DNA.
The development of the current idea that DNA is the genetic material began
with an observation in 1928 by Fred Griffith on the transformation of R
(rough) cells of Streptococcus pneumoniae. It was followed 15 years later by
another study by Avery and colleagues. Further confirmation followed in
1952 by Hershey and Chase.
1. Transformation
Griffith used two strains of bacteria, one virulent and formed glistening
colonies on agar (called the S strain) and the other harmless and producing
rough colonies (R strain). Mixed dead S strain bacteria with live R strain
bacteria. Injected into mice, and the mice died. Autopsies showed that dead
mice were full of virulent living S strain bacteria. He concluded that living R
strain had been transformed by something from the dead S strain bacteria.
Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod, and Maclyn McCarty discovered that it was the
DNA from the S strain bacteria that transformed the R strain bacteria. Thus
was demonstrated that DNA had an important role in transmitting heredity.
The work of Tatum and Beadle (1941) with bread mould, N. Crassa further
reinforced Garrod9s earlier observations, and together formed the
cornerstone of biochemical genetics. Beadle and Tatum then proposed the
one gene-one enzyme hypothesis: each gene specifies the synthesis of one
enzyme. For this work, they jointly shared the 1958 Nobel Prize in
The genetic code is the way that mRNA specifies the amino acid
sequence of a protein. All work related to the genetic code was undertaken
by three scientists – H.G. Khorana, M. Nirenberg, and R. Holley.
(a) The number of nucleotides that code for an amino acid is termed a
(b) How many nucleotides would be required to position one amino acid into
(1) Codons
(a) The simplest possible code is a singlet code (one nucleotide base coding
for one amino acid). This is not possible as such a code could code only up
to four amino acids. This would entail a codon coding for several amino acids
and therefore being ambiguous. As we know, this is not true for the genetic
code is non-ambiguous.
(b) A doublet code: each base occupies either position of a codon. In this
case, only 16 codons (4)2 would be possible. So only 16 amino acids would
be coded for.
This will give (43 = 64) codons, more than needed to code for the 20 amino
With so many codons it is observed that several codons code the same
amino acid, i.e., the genetic code is degenerate.
The triplet code however includes also sense codons (i.e. those that specify
particular amino acids) and nonsense codons or terminators (those that do
not specify any amino. acids). Nonsense codons are: UAA, UAG and UGA
(stop) and AUG (start). Their inclusion in any mRNA results in the abrupt
termination of the message at the point of their location even though the
polypeptide chain has not been completed!
(a) the genetic code is triplet. So which codon codes for which amino acid?
In other words, what do the ATG or CAT codins in the DNA specify?
(b) the first codon was deciphered in 1961 and was for the amino acids
phenylalanine. The discovery was by two biochemists M.W. Nirenberg and
J.H. Matthaei in Washington. They discovered that the synthetic polyuridylic
mRNA U U U U …… coded for a protein that contained only the amino acid
phenylalanine. Here after, codes for the other amino acids were known, viz.
AAA = Lysine, CCC = proline, GGG = glycine.
Also discovered was the fact that more than one codon can code for an
amino acid, e.g. codons GUU, GUC, GUA and GUG code for Valine.
This achievement came to be called the <Cracking of the genetic code= and
was one of the most brilliant achievements in the science of molecular
biology. The genetic code is as given below.
These studies thus revealed the characteristics of the genetic code, namely:
(3) Degeneracy, i.e. more than one triplet can code for the same amino
(4) Universality, i.e. the same triplet codes for the same amino acids in
different organisms,
(6) Non- overlapping. Besides the evidence deduced from frame shifts, the
9.8.1 Transcription
8.9.2 Translation
The mRNA moves from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, specifically to the
ribosomes, on which amino acids are collected. The amino acids are
synthesized in the cytoplasm and transported there by tRNA.
According to the information of mRNA, the amino acids are selected and
linked together with peptide bonds forming a polypeptide chain, which is
then released into the cytoplasm. Usually several ribosomes run along the
mRNA, each contributing their amino acids for construction of a specific
protein molecule. If mRNA is very long, about 50 to 70 ribosomes can attach
and bind proteins at the same time. Polysomes provide a quick way of
making multiple copies of a given protein.
These can be divided into three or four depending on whether one considers
attachment of an amino acid to its tRNA as part of the process of protein
(1) Aminoacylation
In the meantime, the ribosome attaches itself to mRNA at the 5- end. The
charged tRNA or the amino acid - tRNA complex attaches itself to the
ribosomes according to the information contained in the mRNA and aligns
the amino acid in a proper sequence.
The ribosome progressively moves towards the 3- end of the mRNA and this
movement is accompanied by progressive peptide linking of the amino acids
and release of uncharged tRNAs. The elongating polypeptide chains remain
attached to the mRNA - ribosome- tRNA complex until its synthesis is
complete. Fresh amino acids are added to the carboxyl end of a growing
polypeptide chain. Thus the mRNA grows from 5- to 3- direction and the
polypeptide chain grows from its amino end to the carboxyl end. As the
ribosome moves towards the 3- end of mRNA, the 5- end is exposed for
attachment of a fresh ribosome. Therefore, a number of ribosomes may be
simultaneously attached at different points along the length of the same
mRNA molecule, thus forming a polyribosome. This will result into a number
of incomplete polypeptides of different lengths at different stages of
sequential polymerization, being attached to a mRNA - ribosome complex at
a given time.
(4) Termination
Stop codons do not code for amino acids, and there are no tRNA anticodons
for stop codons. Once encountered by the ribosome, polypeptide synthesis is
terminated, and the polypeptide, mRNA and tRNA are released from the
Topic Summary
For long since the acceptance of Mendel9s principles as the basis of heredity,
scientists believed proteins were the molecule of heredity. However, by 1952
the nucleic acid DNA had been confirmed as the right molecule. Also by
1953, the physical structure of a DNA molecule had been demonstrated as
double helical with each strand able to act as a template in production of
more DNA molecules. To understand how a gene expresses the trait it is
associated with, it is necessary to understand the mechanism of gene
expression (transcription and translation).
Further reading
(1) Mary Jones and Geoff Jones. Advanced Biology (/1e), Chap. 5.
(2) David T. Suzuki, Anthony J.F. Griffiths, Jeffrey H. Miller and Richard C.
Q1. List the experiments that led to identification of DNA as the material of
Q2. Name three differences between DNA and RNA nucleic acids
As indicated in the general introduction to this course, General Genetics
covers five key areas of genetics including population genetics. Thus, this is
the last topic of this course whose coverage will have inducted you wholly
into the science of genetics!
Topic Time
This topic involves a lot of formulae and calculations. Also, some aspects of
it are in direct contrast to Mendelian genetics. A slow, calculated approach is
advised and therefore, it may need at least four lecture hours.
Topic Content
10.3 Definitions
(1) Population: to a population geneticist, a population a group of
interbreeding individuals of the same species that inhabit the same space at
the same time;
(2) Gene pool: This is the sum total of all alleles carried in all members of a
(3) Phenotype frequency: This is the proportion of individuals in a given
population that are of a particular phenotype;
(4) Genotype frequency: This is the proportion of individuals in a population
that are of a particular genotype;
(5) Allele frequency: This is the proportion of all copies of a gene in a
population that are of a given allele type;
Table 10.1 Algebraic proof of genetic equilibrium in a randomly mating population for 2
alleles in a population in which (p + q)2 = p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1.00
Type of mating Mating Progeny frequencies
Male Female frequency AA Aa aa
p2 AA p2 AA p4 p4 - -
P2 AA 2pq Aa 4p3q 2p2q 2p2q -
2pq Aa p AA
P2 AA q2 aa 2p2q2 - 2p2q2 -
q2 aa p2 AA
2pq Aa 2pq Aa 4p2q2 p2q2 2p2q2 p2q2
2pq Aa q2 aa 4pq3 - 2pq3 2pq3
q2 aa 2pq Aa
q2 aa q2 aa q4 - - q4
Totals (p2 + 2pq + q2)2
Progeny totals AA = p2 (p2 + 2pq + q2)2 = p2
Aa = 2pq (p2 + 2pq + q2) = 2pq
aa = q2(p2 + 2pq + q2) = q2
Genotype frequencies = (p + q)2 = p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1.0 in each generation afterward
Gene (allele) frequencies = p (A) + q(a) = 1.0 in each generation afterward.
aa AA ¼x¼ - 1/16 -
aa Aa ¼x½ - 1/16 1/16
aa aa ¼x¼ - - 1/16
Total: 4/16 8/16 4/16
Example 1.
Consider, say the 8B9 locus for a population of 8 individuals (4 male, 4
female). Each individual is heterozygous. The population contains 2 allelic
forms of the gene (i.e. B and b). If the individuals pair randomly and mate,
each pair producing 100 living individuals, what will be the numbers of each
genotype in the population after reproduction?
Each pair (Bb x Bb) will produce 25 BB: 50 Bb: 25 bb. After reproduction
there will be a total of 100 BB: 208 Bb: 100 bb (including the parents).
In the original population there were 8 B alleles and 8 b alleles. Thus,
proportion of B alleles = (8/16) x 100% = 50%, and of b alleles = (8/16) x
100% = 50%.
In the next population, % B alleles = (408/816) x 100% = 50% and for b =
Example 2.
An isolated, interbreeding plant population comprised the following
individuals, 50TT, 40Tt and 10tt. What are its allelic frequencies now and in
the successive generations?
Freq. of p (i.e. T allele) = (2D + H)/2N = (100 + 40)/200 = 0.70;
Freq. of q (i.e. t allele) = (2R + H) / 2N = (20 + 40) /200 = 0.30
This observation means that 30% of all alleles in the population for the 8T9
locus is t and 70% is T.
After random mating, the first generation (i.e. F1) progeny of genotypes TT,
Tt and tt = 49: 42:9. These will arise as follows:
TT = p2 = (0.7)2 = 0.49
Tt = 2pq = 2(0.7 x 0.3) = 0.42, and
tt = q2 = (0.3)2 = 0.09
Total = 1.00
If this population (F1) still also comprised 100 plants, there will be:
TT = 0.49 x 100 = 49 plants,
Tt = 0.42 x 100 = 42 plants, and
tt = 0.09 x 100 = 9 plants
Thus the frequencies of various genotypes will be different in F1 compared to
parent population. However, there will be no change in the frequencies of
the different alleles.
In the F1 population, the allelic frequencies are: Allele T (p) = (49 x 2) +
42 / 200 = 140/200 = 0.7, and of t (q) = 1.0 – 0.7 = 0.3. Thus the allelic
frequencies remain constant generation after generation.
As for genotype frequencies, these will differ between the Parental and F1
generations but thereafter; there will be no change.
Such a population is therefore described as being at Hardy-Weinberg
Such a status quo holds under the following conditions:
(1) Mating occurs entirely at random, i.e. there is an equal probability
that any individual will mate with any other individual;
(2) The population includes a very large, virtually infinite, number of
(3) There are no genotype-dependent differences in the ability to
survive to reproductive age and transmit genes to the next generation.
(4) No mutation takes place. If it does, the mutation rate of the two
alleles is the same.
(5) There is no migration into or out of the population.
Example 3.
Can we turn the Hardy-Weinberg equation around and use it to predict allele
frequencies from genotype frequencies? For instance, in the USA, the
Yes. In the Hardy-Weinberg equation (p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1.0), q2 represents
the recessive genotype frequency. Thus, q2 = 1/10,000 = 0.0001.
Therefore, the frequency of the recessive allele, q = 0.0001 or 0.01, i.e.
1% of the alleles in the population are estimated to be mutant. The carriers
(2pq) = 2(0.99 x 0.1) = 0.019, i.e. about 2% of the population are predicted
as carriers of the mutant allele.
IBIo 2qr
To determine allelic frequencies of IA, IB, and IO, we need to know genotype
frequencies, i.e. the proportions of the different blood groups in a given
sample. These proportions are designated as fO, fA and fB for O, A and B
blood groups, respectively.
From such proportions, allelic frequencies are calculated thus:
r = f(IO) = fO,
p = f(IA) = 1- fB + fO,
q = f(IB) = 1- fA + fO
Start by determining the allelic frequency of IO, i.e. frequency of r.
Given r2 = 0.36,
r = 0.36
= 0.6
p = 1 – fB + fO
= 1- 0.13 + 0.36
= 1.0 – 0.7
= 0.3
Example 2
In a population of 2,000 Caucasians, the phenotypic blood type frequencies
are: type O, 49%; type A, 36%; type B, 12% and type AB, 3%. What are
the frequencies of the IA, IB, and IO alleles in this population? What
proportion of the A type are possibly homozygous?
(a) Allele frequencies
(i) Freq. of allele IO = fO = 0.49 = 0.7 --------------------- = r
(ii) Freq. of allele IB = 1 - fA + fO
= 1 - 0.36 + 0.49
= 0.08 ----------------------------------------- = q
(iii) Freq. of allele IA = 1 - fB + fO
= 1 - 0.12 + 0.49
= 0.22 ------------------------------------------- = p
(b) Group A has genotype frequencies p2 and 2pr
p2 = IAIA = (0.22)2 = 0.048
2pr = IAIO = 2(0.22 x 0.0.7) = 0.308
= 0.356
These results mean that the frequency of IA allele in the population, i.e. 712
people (or 356 x 2) carry the IA allele. Of them, 48 / 356 = 96 (or 13.5%)
are homozygous, IAIA.
Example 3
A population of 274 individuals comprises the following numbers of
genotypes: AA = 4; AB = 41; BB = 84; AC = 25; BC = 88; CC = 32.
Allele frequencies are determined as follows:
f (A) = p = [(2 x 4) + 41 + 25] / (2 x 274) = 0.135
f (B) = q = [(2 x 84) + 41 + 88] / (2 x 274) = 0.542
f (C) = r = [ (2 x 32) + 88 + 25] / (2 x 274) = 0.323
We can use the same procedure for calculating gene (or allele) frequencies
when four or more alleles are present.
Topic Summary
The behavior of genes at population level is different from the expectation of
that a single gene in two individuals. Thus population genetics describes the
variations that can occur to a gene frequency in a population and how this
can affect genotypes distribution in a population. However, populations are
not static and changes within them due to evolutionary factors can affect
both gene and genotypic frequencies.
Further Reading
(1) Genetics (3/e) by Peter J. Russell
(2) Science of Genetics (5/e) by George W. Burns
Attempt the following question to gauge your understanding of the topic.
Any challenge you may experience should be referred to course author.
(2) The following blood type data were collected in a sample of 700
Blood type # individuals.
A 326
B 20
AB 16
O 33
Estimate the frequencies of the IA, IB, and IO alleles from this sample.
(6) A sample of 208 Eskimos was tested for the MN blood types. The
following data was obtained: 119 group M, 76 MN and 13 N.
What are frequencies of the alleles LM and LN in this population?
What will be the genotype frequencies at equilibrium?
(8) Among 237 Indians, the gene frequencies of IO, IA and IB blood alleles
were 0.96; 0.03, and 0.01. Calculate the gene frequencies of individuals with
O, A, B and AB type blood.