Dragonflight by 2CGaming - The - Dragon Designer (Promo)
Dragonflight by 2CGaming - The - Dragon Designer (Promo)
Dragonflight by 2CGaming - The - Dragon Designer (Promo)
Dragonflight - Dragon Designer
Ryan Servis, Casey Machado, Joshua Mendenhall
2CGaming, LLC.
Matteo Marjoram, Juan Arabal, Ambrose Hoilman,
Damien Westenhofer, Daniel Kamarudin, Nolan Nasser
BNE Design
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Dragon Designer
©2CGaming, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Dragonflight - The Dragon Designer published digitally July 2020 by 2CGaming, LLC.
The 2CGaming logos and name, the Dragonflight Logos and name, the booklet name and contents (Dragonflight - The Dragon
Designer) are protected by copyright. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material herein is prohibited without the
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Dragon Designer
The hail of arrows clattered harmlessly off the blue dragon’s scales. She smiled, taking a moment to enjoy the fear and disbelief on
her enemies faces, before thundering forward in a fresh storm of teeth and claws. With half the First Legion engaged in a hopeless
battle and the other strewn bloody and broken across the field, few were in a position to notice the blur of bronze scales snatching
General Ethelric himself, horse and all, from behind his scattering lines. The second dragon relieved the Ethelric of his magical,
gem-encrusted spear and, with a low growl, crushed both the general and his black stallion in a single, snapping bite. High above,
a third dragon wheeled, shining crimson in the setting sun. He spoke words of power in the tongue of the first wyrms, and flaming
ruin fell from the skies on what remained of the general’s forces. As the lands burned, all three dragons took wing, greedy talons
clutching the latest addition to their ever-growing hoard. None that survived the destruction of the legion would never forget the
day the dragons came.
Disclaimer: This is Playtest Material, and not representative of the final product that is Dragonflight. The goal of this
material is to provide the community an opportunity to provide feedback and aid in the development of a well-balanced
and thoroughly tested system that delivers a high-quality dragon experience.
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Dragon Designer
You can choose your dragon species from the Dragon Species a 6, your breath weapon recharges. Your breath weapon also
section detailed later in this document. For the purposes of recharges when you finish a short or long rest.
this promo, only ten dragon species are represented: the most
iconic specimens from the 5th Edition core rules. When Energy Type. Certain features and attacks will do damage
complete, Dragonflight aims to develop a comprehensive list of your energy type, which is determined by your dragon
of dozens of species, along with guidelines for homebrewing species as detailed later in this section. If an effect deals mul-
your own or using those published in third-party material tiple types of damage, damage of your energy type is divided
unreferenced here. evenly between those damage types (rounded down).
Ability Score Increase. Two different ability scores of your Damage Immunities. You are immune to the damage(s) of
choice increase by 2. your energy type.
Breath Weapon. All true dragons have breath weapons. Alignment. Dragons are typically born with an alignment
You have a primary breath weapon option according to according to their species. You are free to choose any align-
your species and one secondary breath weapon option ment you wish, but know that choosing one atypical of your
chosen by you from the Secondary Breath Weapon table, species may bring harsh judgment from others of your kind.
each of which you can unleash as an action. The saving
throw DC of your breath weapons is equal to your dragon Size. Your size is based on your Constitution, as detailed in
save DC (see Draconic Nature below), and the type of sav- the Size by Constitution table.
ing throw an affected creature must attempt against your
breath weapon is determined by your species. The size and Speed. Your speed is based on your size, as detailed in Size by
damage of your breath weapon can be found in the Breath Constitution table.
Weapon Column of the Dragon table, while the type of
damage dealt by your breath weapon and its saving throw Languages. You can speak, read, and write Draconic.
type is determined by your species. On a successful saving
throw, a target takes half damage from your breath weapon.
Once you have used a breath weapon, you
cannot use this feature again until you re-
charge it. To recharge it, roll a d6 at the
end of each your turns. If you roll a 5 or
Starting Ability Scores Dragon Species
Now you need some ability scores! It is strongly recommend-
ed you generate your starting statistics using the “point buy” The following dragon species are presented below. Each
system provided in the 5th Edition core rules. You can use species details that dragon’s skill proficiencies, details on its
the standard array or roll for your ability scores if you wish. breath weapon (shape, and requisite saving throw), its en-
When assigning ability scores for your dragon you ergy type, and other traits. The details of the many species
should consider what kind of dragon you want to create. of dragon in worlds of fantasy could fill a dozen tomes, so
Unlike player character classes, dragons are extremely versa- Dragonflight will not recount them all here, and instead re-
tile and can benefit tremendously from every ability score. fers to the 5th Edition core rules for any details you wish to
While Strength and Dexterity offer their usual benefits, your explore about your dragon species beyond what is presented
Constitution score also determines your dragon’s size. Bigger here. Note that the normally polarized alignments and per-
dragons have stronger bite, claw, and tail attacks, as well as sonalities of these traditional dragons are more flexible when
improved movement speeds. Your breath weapon and oth- presented in Dragonflight, as restriction or encouragement of
er draconic abilities have their saving throw DC based on the expected alignments may limit roleplaying opportunities.
Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution, so one of those ability
scores should be high. Chromatic Dragons
When you reach 2nd level, you will choose your Dragon The following dragon species are from the chromatic family
Paradigm, moving down the path of the Arcanist, the Knight of dragons.
or the Imperator. Arcanist dragons rely on a high Charisma
for casting their spells, while Knight emphasize physical at- Black Dragon
tributes in their combat-focused approach, and Imperators Breath Weapon: Line, Dexterity saving throw
use their Intelligence to concoct masterful schemes. Wisdom, Energy Type: Acid
while not directly tied to a Dragon Paradigm, still determines Skills Proficiencies: Perception, Stealth
your resilience to spells and mental effects, as well as affecting Lineage: Black dragons are extremely prolific, measuring
important skills like Perception and Insight. the worthiness of their offspring on their ability to survive.
As a dragon you get many more opportunities to increase Hatchlings are left to fend for themselves in a cruel and dan-
your ability scores than typical player characters, so don’t gerous world. Those that survive past the wyrmling stage of
worry about getting it exactly right. life are then sought out by their parents and tested. These
Dragon Designer
trials are grueling, further thinning the heard leaving only the Green Dragon
strongest standing. For this reason, families of black dragons Breath Weapon: Cone, Constitution saving throw
are extremely competitive, but also horribly fractured. Any Energy Type: Poison
semblance of familial love is buried or destroyed by decades Skills Proficiencies: Deception, Perception
of neglect, though despite this, black dragons are still proud Lineage: Masters of secrets and intrigue, green dragons treat
of their lineage. Few black dragons can follow their lineage their lineage like a mystery for others to unravel. The less
back for more than a generation or two, with the oldest lin- other creatures know of their ancestry the better. It is not
eages considered to be the most powerful for surviving the uncommon for green dragons to be unaware of their parents,
brutality of black dragon society. let alone the rest of their entire family. Those that manage
to unravel the elaborate webs of intrigue spun around their
Blue Dragon lineage are deserving of its honors. While most green dragons
Breath Weapon: Line, Dexterity saving throw rise to this test, others seek to spin their own webs and found
Energy Type: Lightning new dynasties, ever complicating the scenario beyond what
Skills Proficiencies: Athletics, Perception many mortal minds can understand.
Lineage: Blue dragons respect power above all and form
lineages around personal achievement. Until a blue dragon Red Dragon
proves itself, it garners no respect from its peers. At best, a Breath Weapon: Cone, Dexterity saving throw
family of blue dragons will ensure its offspring all begin their Energy Type: Fire
journey through life on equal footing and nothing more. Skills Proficiencies: Intimidation, Perception
A lineage gains prestige and acclaim if its members achieve Lineage: The favored of the dark dragonqueen’s children,
extraordinary success and personal power. Blue dragons are red dragons hold their divine heritage in the highest regard.
expected to solve their own problems, and to ask for help is Dominion, triumph, and acquisition are the measure of a
to bring grave dishonor upon the lineage, one that often leads red dragon family’s success. The oldest of red dragon lineages
to violent retaliation. Honor is imperative to a blue dragon have pillaged the wealth of nations. While its members would
lineage. Those that employ underhanded tactics to achieve never share a single coin with its fellows, their combined
prestige are swiftly dealt with by their fellow family members, wealth brings coveted prestige. A red dragon brings honor to
regardless of the consequences to the lineage.
its heritage by acquiring all that they can. Those that follow every battle is worth fighting. Those dragons that serve in
less covetous paths bring not only disgrace, but the wrath of particularly bloody or destructive conflicts can be seen as
the family upon them, as such behavior lowers the collec- warmongers by their fellows, to be cast out before they visit
tive “value” of their lineage. Consequently, red dragons either further disgrace upon the lineage. Bronze dragons that break
hold strongly to their lineage or forsake it entirely. with their families are respected for such an act of indepen-
dence, particularly if they make a name for themselves upon
White Dragon as many battlefields as possible.
Breath Weapon: Cone, Constitution saving throw
Energy Type: Cold Copper Dragon
Skills Proficiencies: Perception, Survival Breath Weapon: Line, Dexterity saving throw
Lineage: White dragons are creatures of violence. The more Energy Type: Acid
they kill, no matter the reason or result, the better. Families Skills Proficiencies: Deception, Perception
of these dragons hold an extraordinary body count to their Lineage: A good comedian is a riot. A family of comedians
name. Each member is expected to make meaningful contri- is a menace. The combined force of a copper dragon lineage
butions to this grisly achievement. The more powerful the produces a tide of pranks and jokes that could fill a library
creature slain, the more prestige is brought to the lineage. As of comedic anthologies. However, to the lineage only joke
such, most white dragons do not survive to adulthood, let is worth speaking of - the cleverest, most devious, and most
alone to the ranks of venerable ancients. This brutal lifestyle entertaining act of comedy in their history. This legendary
is not for all white dragons. Many members who defect from feat is the bar all members aspire to surpass. Those in their
the lineage often become targets, as few things bring more lineages that rise to this standard are afforded great prestige,
acclaim to the family name than the death of traitorous off- while those that cannot meet the comedic challenges suffer
spring. Relationships within these groups are strained. The damage to their reputation. A lineage may regard one of its
rampant competitiveness and wanton violence rarely forges members wishing to free itself from such a burden as a cow-
meaningful bonds, though the consequences of betrayal keep ard, though competing families often celebrate this as an act
most white dragons loyal, to a point. of creative freedom and expression.
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Dragon Designer
lineage in turn, on a personal level. The values of each fam- abilities. Dragons are born with an innate ambition to be-
ily are unique, but generally shared amongst each member, come powerful and acquire treasure, but how they channel
and are always of a virtuous nature. Forming a new lineage those behaviors and to what end will be what makes your
involves creating a community, fostering both family and dragon unique. The abilities and features your dragon will
friendships that last dozens of mortal lifetimes. gain from the builder set it apart from others of its kind,
and its backstory should support the direction you want to
Secondary Breath Weapons initially take the character. Dragons are not humanoids. They
rarely have the same emotions and responses that one can ex-
The following breath weapon options are presented in alpha- pect from lesser creatures. Some are cold like reptiles. Others
betical order. passionate to the point of near insanity. While you don’t have
to make your dragon unrelatable, its personality, passions
Choosing a Backstory and moral choices will often play out on a very different scale
The next step in dragon character creation is developing a and may be difficult for non-dragons to fully understand.
backstory for your dragon, which is analogous to the back- Your backstory should cover your dragon’s basic personal-
ground of a normal character. Your dragon came from some- ity characteristics, as well as where its life began. Remember,
where, and its origins can shape its personality, behavior, and dragons have no period of infancy; they are born ready to
Dispelling You exhale a blast of antimagic in the shape of your breath weapon. Spell effects in the affected area immediately
Breath end if the 10 + the spell’s level is less than your dragon save DC.
You unleash a blast of hurricane force winds in the shape of your breath weapon, blasting your enemies off their
feet. Creatures in the affected area must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be thrown directly away from you
to the end of the breath weapon’s area or until they encounter a solid object, landing prone.
You exhale a cloud of necrotic gas in the shape of your breath weapon. Each creature in the affected area must
succeed on a Constitution saving throw or have its hit point maximum reduced to its current hit points. This
reduction lasts until an affected creature benefits from a greater restoration or heal spell, so similar magic.
You exhale a thick cloud charged with elemental energy in the shape of your breath weapon. The affected area is
covered in a thick cloud that heavily obscures the area for 1 minute. When a creature enters the area for the first
time on a turn or starts its turn there, it takes 2 (1d4) damage of your energy type for each level you have in this
class. This effect ends early if you use this breath weapon again, or until a wind of moderate or greater speed (at
least 10 miles per hour) disperses it.
You exhale a cloud of paralyzing gas in the shape of your breath weapon. Each creature in the affected area must
Paralyzing succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at
Breath the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Creatures that are immune to the dragon’s
energy type are immune to this effect.
You exhale sleeping gas in the shape of your breath weapon. Each creature in the affected area must succeed on a
Constitution saving throw or fall unconscious for 10 minutes. This effect ends for a creature if it takes damage or
someone uses an action to wake it.
You exhale a cloud of slowing gas in the shape of your breath weapon. Each creature in the affected area must
succeed on a Constitution saving throw or become slowed for 1 minute. While so slowed, a creature can’t use
Reactions, its speed is halved, and it can’t make more than one Attack on its turn. In addition, the creature can
use either an action or a Bonus Action on its turn, but not both. An affected creature can repeat the saving throw
at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.
You exhale a cloud of weakening gas in the shape of your breath weapon. Each creature in the affected area must
Weakening succeed on a Strength saving throw or have disadvantage on Strength-based Attack rolls, Strength Checks, and
Breath Strength Saving Throws for 1 minute. An affected creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
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face the world and strike out on their own. If you are playing Obsession. A dragon’s Obsession is an uncontrollable at-
a dragon, detail the backstory on your character sheet where traction to a certain kind of treasure. All true dragons value
you would ordinarily describe a character’s backstory and add treasure, but there is always something in their collections
a few key personality traits to the personality traits section that fills them with inhuman satisfaction. Your dragon’s
while you are at it. Obsession can be an affinity for mundane coins, rare and elu-
Each dragon has special aspects of its personality that sive languages, or even a menagerie of creatures. However, no
are uniquely draconic in nature: Ambition, Obsession, and dragon will ever willingly part with objects of its Obsession,
Lineage. A dragon’s Ambition replaces an ordinary character’s and the theft of such items is enough to send even the most
Ideals, its Obsession replaces Bonds, and its Lineage replaces well-tempered dragon on a rampage. You can roll on the ta-
Flaws, so you should adjust your character sheet accordingly ble below or design your own Obsession when determining
if you are playing a dragon character. your dragon’s Obsession.
Understanding. A dragon is a figure of supreme 13 Preserved foods and other delectable confectioneries.
significance, and I wish to understand my role in
Records of prophecies, some of which have
4 this material world. With every victory I attain, my 14
transpired, others that have not come to pass.
purpose becomes clearer. A journey of self-discovery is
my path, taking place over a hundred mortal lifetimes. Elaborate glassware that must be handled with
Prowess. I must be the best there is at what I do. So extreme care.
longer as there is doubt as to which dragon in this 16 Crowns, masks, and other humanoid headwear.
5 world is the greatest at my area of expertise, I am not
satisfied. Every battle is just another test to prove to Detailed and high-quality topographical maps
others what I already know: that I am the greatest. of various planes.
Soulmate. With such a long life and prodigious 18 Holy symbols of any faith.
mind, it is difficult to find another soul who
Cut gemstones, with a single type of gemstone
both understands me and is deserving of my 19
6 favored.
affection. Species and gender are far less important
characteristics than the capacity to understand the Textiles, fabrics, and embroidery. The more
kind of existence I lead. colorful, the better.
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Dragon Designer
Lineage. Dragon families are complex. While some drag- lineage can be found in the Dragon Species section of this
ons are born never knowing their parents, others are raised document.
in ancient dynasties with strict rules that govern behavior
and mating practices. A dragon’s relatives can be rivals, al- Size
lies, or friendly competitors, and its Lineage determines Your size is based on your Constitution score unaltered by
the relationship it has with them. Your dragon’s Lineage is magic or other outside influence. When your Constitution
its pedigree: determining how it is viewed by other drag- score reaches certain levels, you increase in size, gaining all
ons and sometimes even the world at large. You should the associated benefits as detailed in the Size by Constitution
think about where the dragon comes from. Is it part of table below. If your Constitution score is affected by magic
a legendary family, a noble bloodline, perhaps even roy- or outside influence, your size does not increase or decrease.
alty among dragonkind? Was the dragon raised by loving Your ability scores and racial features form the foundation
parents, or thrust into a cold and brutal world to fend for of your character, which begins as a 1st level dragon. The
itself? Because dragons are so long-lived, you may want to dragon class presented here is like a typical character class,
use the lineage as a plot point or adventure hook through- but with more depth of customization and raw power. The
out a campaign. The lineage of a dragon is often unique to “Estimated Challenge Rating” column is for DMs building a
its species, and the general parameters for describing your dragon NPC, so Players can safely ignore it.
Size by Constitution
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Class Features Age Category: Wyrmling
At 1st level, you are a wyrmling, a mere child to others of
As a dragon, you gain the following class features: your kind, though already more powerful than many lesser
creatures will ever be. As a wyrmling, you have the following
Hit Points features.
Hit Dice: 2d12 per dragon level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 24 + double your Ability Score Increase. You have four ability score increases,
Constitution modifier each of which can increase a single ability score by 1. The
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 2d12 (or 13) + double same ability score can be increased multiple times using this
your Constitution modifier per dragon level after 1st. feature.
The Dragon
Proficiency Breath Weapon
Level Features Estimated CR
Bonus Damage Range
Age Category: Wyrmling,
1st +2 2d10 15 ft. cone/40 ft. line 2
Draconic Instincts, Hoard
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Dragon Designer
You can choose to attack with one of your natural weapons Finally, your Dragon Save DC is calculated as follows:
each time you take the Attack action.
Dragon Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
Natural Armor. While you are not wearing armor, your AC your Constitution modifier
is equal to 17.
Power. You punch above your weight class. Your natural weap- Age Category: Young
on attacks deal damage as though you were one size category At 7th level, you have grown in size and power, becoming
larger than your normal size, according to Damage and Reach a young dragon. As a young dragon, you gain the following
by Size columns of the Size by Constitution table. features.
Additionally, you are proficient in Strength saving throws.
Finally, your Dragon Save DC is calculated as follows: Ability Score Increase. You can increase four different ability
scores of your choice by 2.
Dragon Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
your Strength modifier Ability Score Maximum. Your maximum for any ability
score is 25.
Survival. You endure brutal hardships and punishing envi- Natural Armor. While not wearing armor, your AC is equal
ronmental conditions with ease. Your hit point maximum to 18.
increases by two. Whenever you gain a level thereafter, you
hit point maximum increases by an additional 2 hit points. Senses. You have blindsight out to a range of 30 feet, and
Additionally, you recover all of your hit dice when you darkvision out to a range of 120 feet.
finish a long rest, instead of half your maximum hit dice.
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Age Restricted. While you may grow in power through so, each creature of your choice within 120 ft. of you that
experience and adventuring, you cannot advance to 13th you are aware of must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw
level until you also advance your age category, becoming an versus your dragon save DC or become frightened for 1
adult dragon. To become an adult dragon, you must be 12th minute. A creature can repeat this saving throw at the end
level and have a hoard of equivalent value to a monarch’s of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success. If a crea-
royal treasury. The DM determines exactly how much that is. ture’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the
When you have met these prerequisites, you must hibernate creature is immune to your Frightful Presence for the next
with your treasure hoard for a period of time determined by 24 hours.
the DM, rapidly maturing your body. At the end of your
hibernation you awaken as a young dragon of your species. Legendary Dragon (Solo PC or NPC Only). If you are the
only PC at your game table or are creating a dragon NPC,
Dragon Feat then you gain the following benefits:
When you reach 8th level, you can expand your draconic
abilities and traits in the form of dragon feats. You may select • Legendary Actions. You can take 3 legendary actions,
a single feat from the Dragon Feats option detailed later in choosing from your legendary action options. Only
this document. You must meet any prerequisites specified in one legendary action option can be used at a time and
a feat to take that feat. If you ever lose a feat’s prerequisite, only at the end of another creature’s turn. You regain
you can’t use that feat until you regain the prerequisite. spent legendary actions at the start of your turn.
At 12th, and 17th level, you may learn an additional feat for • Legendary Action Options. You learn 3 legendary
which you meet the prerequisites. action options, choosing from the selection detailed at
the end of the class description. When you gain levels
Age Category: Adult in this class, you can choose one legendary action you
At 13th level, you have attained the size and power of an know and replace it with another legendary action you
adult dragon. As an adult dragon of your species, you gain meet the necessary prerequisites for.
the following features. • Legendary Resistance (3/day). When you fail a
saving throw, you can choose to succeed instead.
Ability Score Increases. You have four ability score increases.
Each of which can increase a single ability score by 1. Age Restricted. While you may grow in power through ex-
perience and adventuring, you cannot advance to 19th level
Ability Score Maximum. Your maximum possible score for until you advance your age category, becoming an Ancient
any ability score is 27. dragon of your species. To advance your age category, you
must be 18th level and have a horde with a value equivalent
Natural Armor. While not wearing armor, your AC is equal to the combined wealth of a small nation, the exact quantity
to 19. of which is determined by the DM. When you have met both
prerequisites, you must hibernate with your treasure horde
Frightful Presence. When you take the attack action, you for a period of time determined by the DM, rapidly matur-
can forgo making one of those attacks to instead act in a ing your body. At the end of your hibernation you awaken as
fearsome manner that terrifies your enemies. When you do an Ancient dragon of your species.
Dragon Designer
Ability Score Maximum. Your maximum possible score for
any ability score is 30.
Why No Legendary Actions
for Dragonflights? Natural Armor. While not wearing armor, your AC is equal
A dragonflight is an adventuring part of 3 or to 21.
more dragons. Due to the mechanical nature of
legendary actions, several such creatures presented Expanded Legendary Actions. If you are the only PC at
on a single battlefield creates a logistical disaster your game table or are creating a dragon NPC, you learn two
of epic proportions. Players will spend too much legendary actions you meet the prerequisites for, choosing
time interrupting each other to use legendary from the legendary action options detailed at the end of the
actions, reducing gameplay to snail’s pace and class description.
ruining the fun. While this does make a draconic
PC less powerful, note this is only true for as long Dragon Paradigms
as they remain part of a dragonflight, where their
capacity to synergize with their fellow dragons As dragons focus their abilities into narrower paths, they
compensates for the loss of legendary actions. commonly exemplify one aspect of their draconic nature: ar-
Should that character strike out on their own or cane magic, physical prowess, or exemplary leadership. These
become an NPC, they can immediately gain access paradigms don’t detract from what makes a dragon powerful
to their legendary actions. but add to its array of already formidable abilities. Respected
and feared among their own kind, these dragons are paragons
of their species.
– 15 –
Spellcasting Whenever you gain a level in the dragon class, you can re-
When you reach 2nd level, you add the ability to cast spells place two of the arcanist spells you know with other spells of
to your already formidable draconic abilities. Your spellcast- your choice from the arcanist spell list. The new spells must
ing follows the standard 5th Edition rules, with a few excep- be of a level for which you have spell slots.
tions. You gain the following features:
Spellcasting Ability. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for
Draconic Magic. Spells you cast using this spellcasting feature your arcanist spells because your magic flows from within
can be cast without the need for somatic components or mate- your body, called forth by your force of personality. You use
rial components without a listed cost. Your maximum reach your Charisma modifier whenever a spell refers to your spell-
for touch spells is the same as your reach for your bite attack. casting ability. In addition, you use your Charisma modifier
You have an arcanist spell list2 from which you choose when setting the saving throw DC for an arcanist spell you
which spells you know, which is detailed below. cast and when making an attack roll with one.
Cantrips. You learn 3 cantrips of your choice from the arcan- Spell Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
ist spell list. your Charisma modifier
Spell Attack Modifier = your proficiency bonus +
Spell Slots. The Arcanist Spellcasting table shows how many your Charisma modifier
spell slots you have to cast your spells of 1st level and higher.
To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the
spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when Arcane Jaws
you finish a long rest. At 2nd level, when you score a hit with your bite attack,
you can expend one spell slot to deal bonus damage of your
Spells Known of 1st Level or Higher. At 2nd level, you energy type to the target, in addition to the attack’s normal
know three 1st-level arcanist spells of your choice. damage. The extra damage is 1d6 for a 1st level spell slot, plus
The Spells Known column of the Arcanist Spellcasting 1d6 for each spell level higher than 1st.
table shows when you learn more arcanist spells of 1st level
or higher.
Some spells on this list can be found in the official 5th Edition supplement, XGE
Arcanist Spells
control flames, dancing lights, firebolt, frostbite, mage hand, mending, minor illusion, message, resistance, shape water,
thunderclap, vicious mockery
alarm, animal friendship, charm person, comprehend languages, create or destroy water, detect magic, dissonant
1st Level whispers, earth tremor, entangle, fog cloud, magic missile, shield, silent image, sleep, speak with animals, hideous
laughter, thunderwave, unseen servant
alter self, crown of madness, darkness, detect thoughts, earthbind, hold person, invisibility, knock, lesser restoration,
2nd Level locate object, magic mouth, mind spike, pass without trace, phantasmal force, shatter, silence, snowball swarm,
suggestion, zone of truth
animate dead, bestow curse, call lightning, clairvoyance, counterspell, daylight, dispel magic, erupting earth, fireball, glyph
3rd Level
of warding, hypnotic pattern, major image, nondetection, plant growth, sending, speak with plants, slow, tidal wave
banishment, blight, charm monster, compulsion, confusion, conjure minor elementals, control water, freedom of
4th Level movement, greater invisibility, ice storm, locate creature, phantasmal killer, polymorph, storm sphere, vitriolic sphere,
wall of fire
cloudkill, cone of cold, conjure elemental, contact other plane, dominate person, destructive wave, dream, geas, hold
5th Level monster, immolation, legend lore, negative energy flood, modify memory, planar binding, scrying, synaptic static,
telekinesis, transmute rock, wall of force
eyebite, bones of the earth, chain lightning, create undead, contingency, globe of invulnerability, guards and wards,
6th Level
magic jar, mass suggestion, mental prison, freezing sphere, programmed illusion
7th Level firestorm, mirage arcane, plane shift, prismatic spray, power word pain, project image, symbol, teleport, whirlwind
antimagic field, antipathy/sympathy, control weather, dominate monster, earthquake, feeblemind, illusory dragon,
8th Level
maddening darkness, mind blank, power word stun, Telepathy,
9th Level foresight, invulnerability, mass polymorph, meteor swarm, power word kill, shapechange, storm of vengeance
– 16 –
Dragon Designer
Spellflurry replaced by those of the new form, except any class features
At 6th level, when you take the attack action, you may forgo or legendary actions of that form.
making one or more attacks from that action and instead cast Additionally, while you are in the form of a humanoid
an arcanist spell you know for each attack you forgo. Once you you retain your Spellcasting feature, regardless of the effect
cast a spell of 1st level or higher in this manner, you may not used to assume your new form.
cast spells of 1st level or higher for the remainder of your turn.
Beguiling Presence. Your every movement and spoken word
Mystical Heritage enthralls lesser creatures. Unless you choose otherwise, at
At 10th level, the latent magic within you becomes ever pres- the start of each of your turns, each creature within 30 ft.
ent, influencing creatures and the environment around you. of you with a Challenge Rating or character level equal to
You gain the Change Shape feature, and either the Beguiling half your character level (rounded down) must succeed on
Presence, Magical Senses, or Mysterious Stranger feature. a Wisdom saving throw against your Dragon Save DC or
become charmed by you for 8 hours. Once a creature has
Change Shape. As you action, you can magically polymorph been charmed by this feature or succeeded on a saving throw
into a humanoid or beast with a challenge rating no higher against it, it cannot become charmed by this feature again for
than your own, or back into your true form. You revert to your 24 hours. This effect ends early for a creature if you directly
true form if you die. Any equipment you are wearing or car- harm it.
rying is absorbed or borne by the new form (your choice). In
a new form, you retain your alignment, hit points, Hit Dice, Magical Senses. When you touch an object you instantly
ability to speak, proficiencies, Intelligence, Wisdom, and learn about its nature as though you had cast the spell identify
Charisma scores, and the Change Shape action. Additionally, and targeted the object. Additionally, you can smell the pres-
if you have them, you retain your Legendary Resistance, lair ence of magic within 60 ft. of you. If you smell magic in this
actions, Beguiling Presence, Magical Senses, and Mysterious way, you can use your action to learn the exact location of the
Stranger features. Your statistics and capabilities are otherwise source along with its school of magic, if any.
Arcanist Spellcasting
2nd 3 3 3 - - - - - - - -
3rd 3 4 4 2 - - - - - - -
4th 3 5 4 3 - - - - - - -
5th 3 6 4 3 2 - - - - - -
6th 3 7 4 3 3 - - - - - -
7th 3 8 5 4 3 2 - - - - -
8th 4 9 5 4 3 2 - - - - -
9th 4 10 5 4 3 2 2 - - - -
10th 4 11 5 4 3 2 2 - - - -
11th 4 12 5 4 3 2 2 1 - - -
12th 4 13 5 4 3 2 2 1 - - -
13th 4 14 6 5 4 3 3 2 2 - -
14th 5 15 6 5 4 3 3 2 2 - -
15th 5 16 6 5 4 3 3 2 2 1 -
16th 5 17 6 5 4 3 3 2 2 1 -
17th 5 18 6 5 4 3 3 2 2 1 1
18th 5 19 6 5 4 3 3 2 2 1 1
19th 5 20 7 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 2
20th 6 21 7 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 2
– 17 –
Mysterious Stranger. If a creature with a Challenge Rating (cone, cube, cylinder, line, or sphere) and a duration of in-
or character level equal half your character level spends 1 hour stantaneous. This spell’s area changes to become the area of
or less in your presence, you can attempt to erase all memory your breath weapon and you choose which effect (the breath
of the encounter. When the creature leaves your presence, weapon or the spell) occurs first. After using your breath
you can force it to succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or weapon in this manner, you cannot use your breath weapon
forget the events which transpired during its encounter with again until you finish a Short or Long rest.
you. This effect occurs over the course of 24 hours. The af-
fected creature’s mind fills in the gaps this may leave in its High Arcanist
memory with harmless mundane memories. At 19th level, your species’ magical heritage is in perfect sym-
biosis with your other abilities. When one of your features
Spellbreath Weapon would use your dragon save DC, you may instead use your
At 14th level, you can imbue your breath weapon with your spell save DC. Additionally, you have advantage on saving
magic. When you use your breath weapon, you may also cast throws against spells and magical effects and have resistance
a spell with a casting time of an action with an area of effect to damage from spells.
Dragon Designer
Knight At 10th level, you can use this ability twice between a
Scales as thick as shields, teeth as sharp as swords, and a tail short or long rest, instead of once.
like a battering ram. Some dragons are not satisfied with being
a living arsenal. The results are the knights, dragons of might Ways of the Destroyer
and uncontested physical prowess. These dragons are rightly Beginning at 2nd level, your training influences your body’s
feared by other of their kind for their love of battle, and every development, allowing you to perform acts of physical ability
knight wears their numerous battle scars with pride. well beyond those of normal dragons. You gain one of the
following features of your choice.
Primal Fury
At 2nd level, you can tap into the animalistic and predatory Controlled Breathing. Your breath weapon now recharges
instincts buried deep within all dragons. As a bonus action on a d6 roll of 4, 5, or 6.
on your turn, you can enter a blood frenzy which grants you
the following features for its duration. Snatch Prey. Once per turn, when you score a hit with your
bite or claw attack against a creature your size or smaller, the
• You have advantage on attacks with your natural weapons. attack deals an additional 1d6 damage and you may attempt
• Your natural weapons deal extra damage equal to to grapple your target.
your proficiency bonus. Additionally, if a creature you are grappling is at least one
• You have advantage on saving throws against any size category smaller than you are, your movement is not re-
effect that would cause you to be incapacitated, duced while grappling a creature.
stunned, paralyzed, petrified, or knocked unconscious.
• You cannot communicate verbally. Aerial Acrobatics. While you are moving using your fly
speed, creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls against you.
Your blood frenzy lasts for 1 minute and ends early if you are
knocked unconscious. If you are not in combat while still Battlefield Supremacy
in your blood frenzy, you attempt to consume the bodies of At 6th level, you further develop your physical skills as a
slain enemies as long as doing so would not harm you. If no dragon. You gain one of the following features of your choice.
corpses are available, you rampage through the environment,
smashing and destroying non-valuable objects around you. Savage Rending. When you take the attack action on your
Even in a blood frenzy, dragons love treasure. turn and make all of your attacks with that action against
Once you have used your blood frenzy, you must finish a the same target, the attacks score a critical hit on a roll of
short or long rest before you can use it again. 19 or 20.
– 19 –
Shape Breath. When you use your breath weapon, you can Maximize Breath. When you use your breath weapon, you
choose any number of creatures in the affected area to auto- can choose to deal maximum damage on the weapon’s dam-
matically succeed on their saving throw against your breath age dice. When you use your breath weapon in this manner,
weapon. you cannot use it again until you finish a Short or Long rest.
Thick Scales. You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, Power Dive. If you fly at least 60 ft. in a straight line and im-
and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks. mediately make an attack at the end of that movement, you
may take a -5 penalty to that attack roll. If that attack hits, it
Demolisher deals 20 additional damage.
At 10th level, your proficiency in combat and destruction
allows you to tear apart objects and structures with ease. On Sweeping Tail. When you hit a creature at least one size cate-
your turn, you can spend 20 ft. of movement (no action re- gory smaller than you with your tail attack, you can choose to
quired) to deal 20 points of bludgeoning damage to an object force it to attempt a Strength saving throw against your drag-
not being held or structure within 5 ft. of you. on save DC. On a failed saving throw, the target is thrown
up to 60 ft. away from you in a straight line in a direction of
Conquering Power your choice, landing prone.
At 14th level, your combat abilities are nearly at their peak.
You gain one of the following features of your choice.
Dragon Designer
Dragonaut Imperator
At 19th level, your physical abilities have no equal amongst The mind of a dragon is a fearsome thing. Imperators are
dragonkind. While you are in your blood frenzy, you deal strategists and leaders among dragon kind, wielding their
maximum damage on damage rolls made with your natural prodigious intellect in multilayered and complex schemes.
weapons. They view the entire world as a chessboard and its inhabitants
Additionally, you gain one of the following features of (even other dragons) as game pieces. Everything these drag-
your choice. ons do is in service of a master plan, and their schemes can
take centuries to come to fruition. On the battlefield, imper-
Apex Predator. When you hit a creature two size categories ators are always two steps ahead of their opponents, predict-
smaller than you with a bite attack, you can attempt to swal- ing and countering each effort with astonishing efficiency.
low it. The target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw
against your dragon save DC or be swallowed by you. A swal- Tactical Genius
lowed creature is blinded and restrained, it has total cover Beginning at 2nd level, you see the world as a game of strat-
against attacks and other effects outside you, and it takes 35 egy that can be mastered and beaten. When you would make
(10d6) damage of your energy type at the start of each of a Charisma (Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion) ability
your turns. check, you use your Intelligence modifier instead of your
If you take 30 damage or more on a single turn from a Charisma modifier when determining your ability score bo-
creature inside you, you must attempt a Constitution saving nus to the check.
throw at the end of that turn, with a DC equal to 10 + half Additionally, after you take your action on each of your
the damage taken or regurgitate all swallowed creatures. If you turns, you may immediately take the Disengage or Hide
die, a swallowed creature is no longer restrained and can escape action.
from your corpse by using 20 ft. of movement, exiting prone.
Plan of Attack
Apocalypse Breath. Creatures, objects, and structures re- At 2nd level, as a bonus action on each of your turns you
duced to zero hit points by your breath weapon’s damage are may examine a creature you can see within 120 ft. of you and
destroyed instantly, their forms reduced to irrecoverable ruin discover a flaw in its defenses. The next time before the start
by the breath weapon’s elemental energies. of your next turn, when you or one of your allies that can see
or hear you hits the target with a weapon attack, the attack
Indomitable Body. When you succeed on a Strength, deals an extra 2d12 damage.
Dexterity, or Constitution saving throw and would suffer an This damage increases to 4d12 at 6th level, 6d12 at 10th
effect on a success, you instead suffer no effect. level, 8d12 at 14th level, and 10d12 at 19th level.
– 21 –
Draconic Brilliance a creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for
At 6th level, your superior Intelligence gives you an edge it, the creature is immune to your Majestic Presence for the
against less brilliant foes. You are proficient in Intelligence sav- next 24 hours.
ing throws and have advantage on Intelligence ability checks.
Additionally, you become proficient in three skills of your
choice that are based on Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. Dragonsworn
If you would select a skill you are already proficient in, your Medium humanoid (race of your choice),
proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make (your alignment)
that uses the chosen skill(s).
Armor Class 20 (plate, shield)
Dragonsworn Servant Hit Points: 9 (2d8) + 10 for each level you have in a dragon class
At 10th level, you attract a humanoid follower enamored with Speed 30 ft., fly 60.
your draconic power and influence. Called a dragonsworn, STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
this humanoid is a bodyguard, agent, and adjutant wrapped 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 15 (+2) 19 (+4) 20 (+5)
into one and imbued with powerful draconic magic. Your Saving Throws (the dragonsworn is proficient in Strength,
dragonsworn has the same alignment as you, and prioritizes Constitution, and Charisma saving throws and uses your
your goals, interests, and motivations above all others. proficiency bonus to determine the bonus to its saving throws).
If your dragonsworn is slain, it can no longer be your Skills (the dragonsworn is proficient in Athletics, Insight, and
dragonsworn (even if restored to life), and you attract a new Perception and uses your proficiency bonus to determine the
bonus to its skills)
dragonsworn within 1 year. A dragonsworn has the following
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened
statistics. Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception (see Skills)
Languages (your languages)
Supernatural Presence
At 14th level, you have learned to use your very presence to TRAITS
bolster your allies or weaken your enemies. You select one
Bound. The dragonsworn is bound to serve you for its entire life.
of the following effects. When you would use your Frightful As long as the dragonsworn and you are on the same plane of
Presence feature, you may instead cause the effect you selected. existence, you can telepathically call the dragonsworn to you, and
the dragonsworn knows the exact distance and direction to you.
Challenging Presence. You provoke your enemies into chal- If the dragonsworn is within 120 ft. of you, half of any damage
lenging your might. Each enemy creature of your choice that you take (rounded up) is transferred to the dragonsworn.
is within 120 ft. of you and aware of you must succeed on a Dragon Strike. The dragonsworn’s attacks are magical. When
Wisdom saving throw against your Dragon Save DC or be the dragonsworn hits with any attack, it deals an extra 5
compelled to meet your challenge for 1 minute. An affected (1d10) of your energy’s damage (included in the attack). If
creature cannot willingly move away from you and cannot you are 14th level, this damage increases 11 (2d10), and 16
target its allies with spells, magical effects, or other features. (3d10) at 19th level.
An affected creature can repeat the saving throw at end of each Innate Spellcasting. The dragonsworn’s spellcasting ability is
of its turns, ending the effect on a success. If a creature’s sav- Charisma (Spell save DC 8 + 5 + your proficiency bonus). It
ing throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material
immune to your Challenging Presence for the next 24 hours. components.
• At will: create food and water, detect magic, prestidigitation
Inspiring Presence. Your visage fills your allies with confi- • 1/day each: heroes feast, greater restoration, locate creature
• 1/year: mighty fortress
dence, granting each creature of your choice within 120 ft. of
you that is aware of you the following benefits for 1 minute. Loyalty. The dragonsworn cannot be compelled to act in a
Once a creature has benefited from this feature, it cannot manner that is contrary to your interests.
benefit from it again until it finishes a long rest. Warmaster. The dragonsworn is proficient in light, medium,
heavy armor, and shields, as well as simple and martial weapons.
• When a target makes an attack roll or ability check
and rolls a 9 or lower, it instead rolls a 10. ACTIONS
• The target is immune to the frightened and Multiattack. The dragonsworn either makes three attacks, or
charmed conditions. makes one attack and takes one other action.
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: (5 + your proficiency
Majestic Presence. Each enemy creature of your choice that bonus) to hit, range 150 ft./600 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5)
is within 120 ft. of you and aware of you must succeed on a piercing damage and 5 (1d10) damage of your energy type.
Wisdom saving throw against your Dragon Save DC or fall Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: (5 + your proficiency
prone and be unable to stand up for 1 minute. An affected bonus) to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5)
creature cannot willingly look at you, and can repeat the sav- slashing damage and 5 (1d10) damage of your energy type.
ing throw at the end of each of its turns to end the effect. If
– 22 –
Dragon Designer
Superior Presence. You exude supernatural danger and mys-
tery, giving your enemies pause. Each enemy creature that is Overpowering Assault (Costs 2 Actions)
aware of your, within 120 ft. of you, and with an Intelligence Prerequisite: Knight Paradigm
score lower than yours has disadvantage on attack rolls and Until the end of your next turn, you gather your
ability checks against you for 1 minute, or until you deal strength into a single mighty blow. The next time you
damage to them (whichever comes first). If the effect ends make an attack with one of your natural weapons, it
for it, a creature is immune to your Superior Presence for the deals double damage on a successful hit.
next 24 hours.
Blessing of the Platinum King
Prerequisite: ability to cast cantrips
Prerequisite: 17th level
You cast a cantrip
You are blessed with the lineage of the platinum king of
good dragons. Your scales turn a burnished, iridescent
blue as you gain the following benefits.
Cast a Spell (Costs 2 Actions) • Any critical hit against you instead becomes a normal hit.
Prerequisite: spellcasting feature. • Your energy type changes to force.
You cast a spell. The level of the spell cannot be higher than • Your children are born with this feat, even if they
half your spellcasting ability modifier (rounded down). do not meet the necessary prerequisites.
– 23 –
Blood of the Dragonqueen (Continued) Dragon Armor (Continued)
using your other head as a part of that action, a specific dragon and size. Dragon mail can be worn
provided you have the necessary uses of your breath by other dragons of the same size as the original
weapon available. owner, but only if they pay half of the armor’s cost
• You can hold two conversations at once – one with to get it re-sized by an expert blacksmith. If you do
each head. not have the required Strength score as detailed in the
Required Strength column of the table, you gain no
benefit from wearing dragon mail and your speed is
Divine Attunement
Prerequisite: Arcanist Paradigm
The magic within you becomes infused with divine or
natural energy, granting you the following benefits. Dragonsong
• Your spellcasting ability becomes Wisdom. You are a student of the ancient and powerful magic of
• When your spellcasting feature lets you learn or dragonsong which commands terrific power over non
replace an arcanist cantrip or arcanist spell of 1st dragons, granting you the following benefits.
level or higher, you can choose the new spell from • You are proficient in Performance
the cleric or druid spell list. You must otherwise • As an action, you can begin singing in magical
obey all restrictions for the selecting the spell, and dragonsong. Every non dragon creature of your
it becomes an arcanist spell for you. choice within 300 ft. that can hear you must
• You know a number of spells from the class list succeed on a Charisma saving throw against your
you selected equal to your Wisdom modifier, dragon save DC or become cursed for as long as
which do not count against the number of spells you continue to sing and the creature can hear
you can have known and must be of a level you you. While cursed in this manner, a creature takes
can cast. When your Spellcasting feature lets you psychic damage equal to your character level
learn or replace spells you know, you may replace each time it makes an attack or casts a spell. On
spells you selected with this feature. each of your turns, you must use a bonus action
to continue singing. The song ends if you are
Draconic Wanderer
You have learned to move through air, earth, and water
with remarkable efficiency. You gain the following benefits. Heavy Hitter
• Your base walking speed increases to 10 ft. Perquisite: Strength of 25 or higher
• Your movement is unaffected by nonmagical difficult When you score a critical hit with one of your natural
terrain. weapons, you roll all of the attack’s dice three times
• You gain a burrow or swim speed (your choice) equal (instead of twice) and add them together.
to your base walking speed.
Keeled Scales
Dragon Armor Your scales are more pronounced and grow quickly,
You are proficient in special types of armor designed affording you an extra layer of protection. When you
for dragons, called dragon mail. Dragon mail comes in finish a long rest, you gain a number of temporary hit
four types, light, medium, and heavy, which are detailed points equal to your Constitution modifier multiplied
below. Each set of dragon mail is unique, tailored to fit by 10, which last until you finish a long rest.
Dragon Mail
Armor Cost Armor Class (AC) Required Strength Stealth Speed
Light 8,000 gp 20 18 - -
– 24 –
Dragon Designer