2023 Gartner Top Strategic Technology Trends Ebook
2023 Gartner Top Strategic Technology Trends Ebook
2023 Gartner Top Strategic Technology Trends Ebook
Technology Trends
Intro page
1 2 3 AIandTrust,
Many business leaders expected by now to be focused squarely on
Digital Applied Risk
postpandemic growth. Instead, most are now eyeing the threat of recession
Immune Observability Security
and managing the impact of persistent inflation, as well as dealing with crises
System Management
in supply chain, energy sourcing and digital skills.
While the future is uncertain, your enterprise must still identify and commit Scale
to strategic outcomes and initiatives. Is your goal to save costs? Improve
margins? Grow? Pivot to a reinvented business model?
Whatever it is, technology is key, but you have to know when and where
4 Industry
Cloud 5 Platform
Engineering 6 Wireless-Value
technology trends will potentially have an impact. To help, Gartner provides Platforms
an annual list of key technology trends that both business leaders and
technologists should leverage in the next 36 months, whatever their Pioneer
business needs.
This eBook provides an overview of the trends and their opportunities,
benefits and use cases — and some key actions for implementation.
7 Superapps
8 Adaptive AI 9 Metaverse
David Groombridge
10 Sustainable Technology
Distinguished VP Analyst, Gartner
Viewing Technologies
Through Strategic Goals
To clarify how these trends can drive value for you, start from the strategic objectives
of your enterprise.
For example, Gartner research shows that 94% of CEOs want to maintain or accelerate
pandemic-driven digital transformation. Consider, then, which technologies will be
most relevant, while realizing that they don’t all need to be implemented at once.
This view forms the beginnings of your strategic technology roadmapping process.
Top Strategic Technology Trends 2023 Gartner for Information Technology Executives Follow Us on LinkedIn Become a Client 3
Technology Trends Relate to a Range of Enterprise Strategies
Create secure
Maximize value
from data
Protect and
grow your brand
Attract and
retain talent
Grow revenue
Top Strategic Technology Trends 2023 Gartner for Information Technology Executives Follow Us on LinkedIn Become a Client 4
Technologies Drive Much-Needed Business Outcomes
Sustainable Technology
Optimize Scale Pioneer
Sustainable Technology
Digital Business value Use cases
A digital immune system (DIS) combines American Airlines uses site reliability engineering,
practices and technologies from observability, chaos engineering practices and a “test-first”
approach to better deal with increased system
artificial intelligence (AI)-augmented testing,
chaos engineering, autoremediation, site complexity and address unknown vulnerabilities
reliability engineering and software supply and weaknesses. This has increased its system
chain security to increase the resilience of understanding and knowledge and revealed one
products, services and systems. large resilience vulnerability.
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Source: Gartner
Top Strategic Technology Trends 2023 Gartner for Information Technology Executives Follow Us on LinkedIn Become a Client 8
Applied Business value Use cases
Applied observability is the applied use of Tesla is an example of an organization using targeted
observable data in a highly orchestrated and elements of applied observability. It offers vehicle
integrated approach across business functions, insurance in several U.S. states to Tesla owners based
applications and infrastructure and operations solely on their “observable” real-time driving behavior.
(I&O) teams to enable the shortest latency from Tesla vehicles “observe” and measure driving
action to reaction and proactive planning of behavior using sensors and Autopilot software to
business decisions. produce a monthly Safety Score. Tesla says that those
By 2026, 70% of organizations that deemed “average” drivers based on their Safety Score
successfully applied observability will could save 20% to 40% on their premium, and those
How applied observability
achieve shorter latency for decision optimizes operations with the safest scores could save 40% to 60%.
making, enabling competitive Klaveness Ship Management (Klaveness) is a
Applied observability allows enterprises to
advantage for target business or dry bulk operator that operates approximately 135
make faster, more accurate future decisions.
IT processes. By applying this systematically, we can reduce vessels. Klaveness collected operational and engine
Source: Gartner
the latency for response and optimize business data. The data was secured, stored, contextualized
operations in real time. and combined with other ecosystem data sources
into a visual dashboard for business decisions.
Sample business strategies The results were reduced fuel consumption and
supported operational costs.
• Create secure foundations
• Accelerate digital
Top Strategic Technology Trends for 2023 Gartner for Information Technology Executives Follow Us on LinkedIn Become a Client 9
2 Applied Observability
Technical profile and value Key actions
Applied observability is the applied use of observable context, which results in both active and passive • Treat your observable data as your most precious
data in a highly orchestrated and integrated approach metadata. The architected use of this metadata monetizable asset. Focus on identifying business
across business functions, applications and I&O drives better, faster and more consistent and capabilities and use cases from active and passive
teams. The observable data is cataloged, engineered effective business and IT decisions. metadata for competitive advantage. This will form
and layered with semantic understanding for business the early foundation for strategically orchestrating
multiple concurrent observability initiatives.
• Drive proactive decision making with the shortest
Applied Observability: Optimize Operations
AI analyzes data from, and the context of, prior decision making to drive faster and more accurate future decisions. possible latency by reframing the focus of the
organization from monitoring and reacting to
applying observability.
Decisions • Pave the way for organizational adoption of applied
Proactively Drive Business Value
observability. Do so by focusing on the spectrum
of business, application and infrastructure layers.
User Journeys, Industry Knowledge
Source: Gartner
Top Strategic Technology Trends 2023 Gartner for Information Technology Executives Follow Us on LinkedIn Become a Client 10
AI Trust, Risk Business value Use cases
and Security
AI requires new forms of trust, risk and The Danish Business Authority (DBA) has
security management that conventional developed a method for applying high-level
controls don’t provide. New AI TRiSM ethical principles to its AI models. DBA ties its
Top Strategic Technology Trends for 2023 Gartner for Information Technology Executives Follow Us on LinkedIn Become a Client 11
Technical profile and value Key actions
AI TRiSM supports AI model governance, trustworthiness, fairness, reliability, robustness, efficacy • Set up an organizational task force or dedicated
and privacy. It includes solutions, techniques and processes for model interpretability and explainability, unit to manage your AI TRiSM efforts.
AI privacy, model operations and adversarial attack resistance. • Implement collective AI privacy, security and risk
management for improved AI business outcomes,
rather than just for the sake of compliance.
AI TRiSM: Optimize Trust in AI
Four pillars of AI trust, risk and security management • Work across your organization to effectively
manage best-of-breed toolsets as part of a
comprehensive AI TRiSM program.
! • Make your AI models explainable or interpretable
by using open-source tools or vendor solutions
Unmanaged Managed
Risks Risks that add value.
AI TRiSM • Implement solutions that protect data used by
AI models, and prepare to use different data
protection methods for different use cases and
Explainability/Model AI Application
ModelOps Privacy
Monitoring Security their components.
• Incorporate risk management into model
operations by using solutions that assure both
model and data integrity, and constantly validate
Source: Gartner
that they’re operating reliably.
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Optimize Scale Pioneer
Sustainable Technology
Industry Business value Use cases
Industry clouds create value for organizations Intermountain Healthcare selected a platform
by incorporating cloud services traditionally from a hyperscale provider to help it support
purchased separately into preintegrated positive end-user experiences, while innovating
Top Strategic Technology Trends for 2023 Gartner for Information Technology Executives Follow Us on LinkedIn Become a Client 14
PBCs/APIs Marketplaces Compliance Composable Data Fabric Intelligence Fusion Teams Sustainable Infrastructure Anywhere
Source: Gartner
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Platform Business value Use cases
To help developers, data scientists and end Nike has built “composable platforms” that unite
users, and reduce friction for the valuable work “strategically related global business capabilities
they do, forward-thinking companies have begun that are implemented by modular and composable
to build operating platforms that sit between the technologies exposed through APIs.” Nike finds the
user and the backing services on which they rely. platform allows it to respond more quickly to change,
drive faster time to market, increase scalability and
decrease operating costs.
By 2026, 80% of software How platform engineering
scales delivery Politiet, Norway’s police, replaced legacy middleware
engineering organizations will
with a self-service developer platform. This increased
establish platform teams as Platform engineering optimizes developer
developer autonomy and enabled rapid product
experience and accelerates digital delivery.
internal providers of reusable innovation while maintaining stability. Politiet also
services, components and tools Sample business strategies created a team with the required skills to build and
for application delivery. supported maintain the platform.
Source: Gartner
• Create secure foundations
• Accelerate digital
• Attract and retain talent
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5 Platform Engineering
Technical profile and value Key actions
Platforms provide a curated set of tools, capabilities work with as little overhead as possible, increasing • Start with internal developer portals (IDPs). Aim your
and processes selected by subject matter experts and end users’ productivity and reducing their cognitive early platform-building efforts at IDPs, since they
packaged for easy consumption by end users. The burden. The platform should include everything the are the most mature and well-understood species
goal is a frictionless self-service experience that offers user team needs, presented in whatever manner best of platform. Your experiences will be extensible to
the right capabilities to enable users to do valuable fits best with their preferred workflow. other platforms in the future.
• Embed security into platforms. Platforms must
embed security into user workflows. Security
Platform Engineering: Scale Delivery
Conceptual outline of an example platform and its principal components teams need to “shift left,” embedding security
controls into the production workflow as early as
Development Team possible. Platform engineers should incorporate
comprehensive, automated security and
Consumption compliance checks as part of their test suites.
Engineering Platform
• Don’t expect to buy a turnkey platform.
Platform Though some vendors may claim otherwise,
Engineering any commercially available tool is unlikely to
Reusable Developer Self-Service provide the entirety of the platform you need.
Components Tools Developer Portal
A substantial amount of time and effort will be
Automation required to customize a platform to your needs.
Complex Infrastructure
Source: Gartner
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Wireless- Business value Use cases
The integration of multiple wireless technologies Shufersal, an Israeli retailer, is using power
will provide a more cost-efficient, reliable and harvested from the network to tag goods with low-
scalable technical foundation that reduces energy Internet of Things (IoT) chips. It uses these to
Realization capital expenditure. track vegetables directly from the farm to the store
shelves, providing supply chain visibility, inventory
management and provenance information.
How wireless-value realization
drives scale Bosch-Siemens uses ultrasonic sensors to slow
It promotes the future of greater wireless down forklifts in real time. In addition to eliminating
usage, more wireless protocols and a wider forklift accidents, there was a 98% reduction in
By 2025, 50% of enterprise near misses and a 10% increase in productivity.
range of wireless capabilities being used to
wireless endpoints will use The technology is being implemented in 2.5 million
support digital business.
networking services that deliver square feet of production and warehouse areas
additional capabilities beyond Sample business strategies with readers on 250 forklifts and 500 pedestrians.
communication, up from less supported
than 15%. • Create secure foundations to track location
Source: Gartner
• Maximize value from data
• Accelerate digital transformation
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6 Wireless-Value Realization
Technical profile and value Key actions
Wireless-value realization covers everything from environments. Networks will go well beyond • Design an intelligent infrastructure strategy, starting
traditional end-user computing, through support pure connectivity to become a source of direct with selecting the right technologies and vendors
for edge devices, to digital tagging solutions. All of business value. Wireless is moving from a that understand solutions that can accommodate,
which will need connectivity to operate and require communications technology to become a secure and manage five or more diverse wireless
a spectrum of wireless solutions to cater to all broader digital innovation platform. systems of the future.
• Educate business peers on the new potential use
cases for wireless technology, such as location
Wireless-Value Realization: Scale Everywhere
Different devices utilizing different technology create value beyond communication. and sensing. Collaborate with them to identify
innovation opportunities to drive new digital
products and services.
People-Focused Things-Focused
• Drive standardization of connectivity and security
elements that, as interoperable components,
create a solid, secure, resilient core foundation
for wireless devices and applications.
End-User Devices Edge Devices RFID
Network Demand
Wi-Fi5, Wi-Fi6, Wi-Fi7 4G, LTE, 5G BLE, Zigbee, EnOcean HF, UHF, VHF
Source: Gartner
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Optimize Scale Pioneer
Sustainable Technology
Superapps Business value
A superapp is an app that provides end users
Use cases
Revolut is a U.K.-based fintech superapp disrupting
(e.g., customers, partners or employees) with traditional financial services. It offers digital banking
a set of core features, along with access to services for consumers and has expanded its ecosystem
independently created miniapps. The superapp into businesses, where small and midsize businesses
is built as a platform to deliver consistent and and freelancers can offer services in the superapp.
By 2027, more than 50% of the
personalized app experiences. PayPay is a Japanese payment provider, with almost
global population will be daily
50 million users. A key part of its growth strategy is to
active users of multiple superapps.
Source: Gartner
How superapps pioneer integrate the purchasing of third-party products and
engagement services within its superapp, and it already provides
Users can discover and activate their own third-party miniapps for buying cinema tickets, ordering
set of apps, providing a highly personalized food deliveries and bicycle sharing, alongside its own
and contextualized digital experience inside apps for financial management services and retail
a single app. shopping, among others.
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7 Superapps
Technical profile and value Key actions
A superapp is more than a composite application or portal that aggregates services, features and functions • Increase superapp delivery model effectiveness by
into a single user interface. A superapp represents the ultimate manifestation of a composable application designing for people-centric products, processes
and architecture. and services.
• Identify core, high-engagement features in your
superapps that will drive a critical mass of end users.
Superapps: Pioneer Engagement
Five characteristics of a superapp • To attract and support development partners,
1 User discovery and ensure a mutually beneficial business model
activation of miniapps and dedicated organizational enablement and
Apps success resources.
5 User discovery and 2 Design and development • Offer an easy developer experience and convenient
activation of miniapps framework for miniapps
developer tools for partners to build, test, register
and submit miniapps for potential monetization.
• Define security and data protection requirements
for miniapps by establishing ecosystem governance
4 Data-sharing between 3 Publication mechanism reinforced with shared platform capabilities.
Source: Gartner
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Adaptive AI Business value
The value of operationalized AI lies in the
Use cases
Dow, the U.S. chemical and materials manufacturer,
ability to rapidly develop, deploy, adapt and deploys adaptive AI systems that use feedback on
maintain AI across different environments in the usage patterns and business value optimization to
enterprise. Given the engineering complexity enhance enterprise analytics. It has resulted in a 320%
and the demand for faster time to market, it increase in value generated by the analytics platform.
By 2026, enterprises that have
is critical to develop less rigid AI engineering Cerego, AI-based training software used by the U.S.
adopted AI engineering practices pipelines or build AI models that can self-adapt Army, enables adaptive learning. The solution knows
to build and manage adaptive AI in production. what to teach, how to measure progress and when to
systems will outperform their peers
test, adapting its lessons to each individual’s learning
in the operationalizing AI models by How adaptive AI pioneers progress.
at least 25%. acceleration The Danish Safety Technology Authority (DSTA)
Source: Gartner
Adaptive AI accelerates value and continuously has to monitor the safety of products sold in
keeps AI aligned to enterprise goals in real time. Denmark, regardless of where they come from. Its
AI tool rapidly learns to identify products and their
Sample business strategies manufacturers, speeding up identification of product
supported issues. DSTA has now created a spin-off product that
• Create secure foundations is being deployed in 19 other European countries.
• Maximize value from data
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8 Adaptive AI
Technical profile and value Key actions
Adaptive AI systems allow for model behavior AI engineering provides the foundational • Create the foundations of adaptive AI systems by
change postdeployment by learning behavioral components of implementation, operationalization complementing current AI implementations with
patterns from past human and machine experience and change management at the process level that continuous intelligence design patterns and event
and within runtime environments to adapt more enable adaptive AI systems. stream capabilities, eventually moving toward
quickly to changing real-world circumstances. agent-based methods, giving more autonomy to
systems components.
• Make it easier for business users to adopt AI and
Adaptive AI: Pioneer Acceleration
Adaptive AI systems use real-time feedback to learn dynamically and adjust, even for unforeseen real-world changes. contribute toward managing adaptive AI systems
by incorporating explicit and measurable business
indicators through operationalized systems and
Responds to
Rea changing environments incorporating trust within the decisioning framework.
l -Ti
ed m • Maximize business value from ongoing AI initiatives
Goal O
Adds to
limited training data pipelines to standardize AI delivery processes.
Adaptive AI
Ad g
in generalized results
ap t a b l e Le arn
Source: Gartner
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Metaverse Business value
Metaverse is a combinatorial innovation made
Use cases
OneRare, an Indian virtual reality startup, is creating
up of multiple technology themes and trends. an immersive and gamified experience for lovers
Individually, these trends are projected to of food, allowing food brands access to a global
provide new opportunities, and challenges, market, attracting gamers through food offerings and
to organizations across a wide spectrum of leveraging Web3 across virtual and physical outlets.
By 2027, over 40% of large
industries and use cases. JPMorgan Chase, the U.S. investment bank, bets
organizations worldwide will be
metaverse is a $1 trillion per year opportunity as it
using a combination of Web3,
spatial computing and digital How metaverse pioneers new becomes the first bank to open in Decentraland —
opportunities one of the world’s most popular metaverse platforms.
twins in metaverse-based projects
Organizations are developing ways to Siemens has partnered with NVIDIA to create an
aimed at increasing revenue.
provide better engagement, collaboration industrial metaverse. Clients will be able to use the
Source: Gartner
and connection to their employees through immersive environment to collaborate in creating
virtual workspaces and the use of internal innovative engineering solutions and solving real-
metaverse experiences called intraverses. world problems involving digital twins, IoT and real-
time analytics.
Sample business strategies
• Protect and grow your brand
• Attract and retain talent
• Grow revenue
Top Strategic Technology Trends for 2023 Gartner for Information Technology Executives Follow Us on LinkedIn Become a Client 25
9 Metaverse
Technical profile and value Key actions
Metaverse technologies allow people to replicate or Think of metaverses as a combinatorial innovation • Explore opportunities where metaverse
enhance their physical activities. This could happen and not a single technology. Implications of emerging technologies could optimize digital business
by transporting or extending physical activities to a metaverse technologies will vary across industries. or create new products and services.
virtual world or by transforming the physical one. • Build metaverse products and solutions through
a pipeline of innovation.
Source: Gartner
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Optimize Scale Pioneer
Digital Immune System Industry Cloud Platforms Superapps
Applied Observability Platform Engineering Adaptive AI
AI TRiSM Wireless-Value Realization Metaverse
Sustainable Technology
Sustainable Business value Use cases
Smart solutions drive efficiencies and
Sustainable technology is a framework of
solutions that increases the energy and protect resources.
material efficiency of IT services; enables • Mitsui O.S.K. Lines uses AI-powered models
enterprise sustainability through technologies to improve shipping efficiencies within the
like traceability, analytics, renewable energy maritime industry.
and others; and helps customers become • Utilities, such as Dubai Electricity & Water Authority
more sustainable through apps, software, (DEWA), use IoT and digital twins to create smart
By 2025, 50% of CIOs will have marketplaces and more. building management solutions that use 50% less
performance metrics tied to the water.
Investments in sustainable technology also
sustainability of the IT organization. have the potential to create greater operational Circular economy initiatives reduce waste.
Source: Gartner
resiliency and financial performance, while • Apple uses robots for recycling.
providing new avenues of growth. • IKEA publicly shares a circular product design
guide to assist others in promoting circularity.
Sample business strategies Tech-enabled products support customers’
supported sustainability goals.
• Protect and grow your brand • BBVA’s tech-enabled financial services products
• Attract and retain talent include carbon tracking and green finance tools.
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10 Sustainable Technology
Technical profile and value Key actions
Sustainable technology is a framework of digital solutions that can be used to enable ESG outcomes. • Increase the energy and material efficiency
of IT infrastructure and workplace services
• Environmental technologies: Prevent, mitigate and adapt to risks in the natural world. (“sustainable IT”).
• Social technologies: Improve human rights outcomes, well-being and prosperity. • Prioritize technology investments based on
• Governance technologies: Strengthen business conduct and capacity building. the sustainability issues most material to your
enterprise strategy. Examples might include:
Sustainable Technology: Do It All Sustainably – Cloud services to raise utilization rates of shared
High-level architecture of sustainable technology resources and reduce environmental impacts.
Technology Enablement – Enterprise greenhouse gas emissions
management software to facilitate collection,
analytics and reporting of past, present and
Governance future emissions data.
Enterprise Customer and Society
Sustainability Identity Privacy Sustainability – Supplier sustainability applications to track
Compliance Risk
ESG performance of third parties.
Source: Gartner
Sustainable IT
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How does Gartner select the
top strategic technology trends?
Each year, Gartner selects top trends that are important strategically because
they are expected to:
Require a response from C-suite executives responsible for digital and/or IT strategy
Demand a response (either a decision to act or action itself) in the next 0-36 months
Gartner expects these trends to create an imperative to act among at least 20% of our
IT clients, making them broadly applicable to digital, IT and technology leaders and the
strategic ambitions of many CEOs.
Different trends will impact different organizations in different ways, so first evaluate which
of these trends present opportunities and risks to your organization’s strategic direction.
This will help you develop relevant roadmaps to enable reliable and sustainable business
growth and outperform the competition.
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Actionable, objective insight
Explore these additional complimentary resources
and tools for IT leaders:
2023 CIO Agenda The IT Roadmap for Digital IT Strategic Planning Guide Gartner BuySmart™
Business Transformation Turn strategy into action with this one- Confidently manage the technology
Discover the top priorities CIOs must
address in 2023. Avoid pitfalls and lead smart, effective page IT strategic planning template. life cycle.
digital transformations.
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decisions — fueled by industry-leading Gartner experts
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