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Approaches Strategies Features Activity Assessment

CONSTRUCTIVISM - Thinking Skills develop learner’s RMFD Outcome-based

learners make their ability to consider R-ecall (Past experience)  
own ideas M-odel (follow  
representation analyzes procedures)  
/students engage perspective F-amiliarize (Repeat  
in active solves problems Performance/Scaffolding
learning/students and make decision )
guide their own on their own D-ecide (form a
learning and   conclusion)
meaning -making
and share it with
Activity Based experimental 3 A's paper presentation
learning A-ct (coaching, giving power presentation
opportunities by simple workshop) project exhibits
groups A-nalyze (compare and activities demonstrating
(purposeful, abstract) multiple intelligences
conversation, A-pply (use and
project planning, implement)
hand-on inquiry  
analysis and
product creation.)
Direct guide/model the TGA Laboratory experiment
Instruction learning in T-ell (give guidance) Results
quickest way G-uide (facilitate the template completion
process) framework
A-ct (apply the concept) creation/interpretation
C0LLABORATIVE- Online Prepares the CPFM Project presentation
requires the Collaboration learners to C-reate transparency of paper presentation
learners to work Learning responsible expectations Formal Essay 
together towards individuals in a P-rovide clear instruction
common technologically F-orm a small group
goal/learners advanced society M-onitor and support
engage in a Projects and
common task in activities given by
which each teachers shall
individual depends reflect students
on and current and future
accountable to needs.
each other Jigsaw Method It can be used TDAR Group paper introspective
Collective learning, efficiently in T-hink (analysis of the experiences
learning developing problem) Product of the group
communities, peer listening, D-iscuss (share ideas on (Introspect with rubrics
teaching or team engagement and how to solve the provided by the teacher)
learning empathy skills problem)  
aside from A-ct (Act collaboratively)  
interaction and R-eflect (introspect on
working the results made by the
independently. group)
Think-Pair- Authentic Strategy 2D-2M Group power point
Share in which the D-ecide (upon the presentation
learners work problem to be solve) Paper reflection (Self-
together to solve a D-escribe (the purpose of assessment)
problem or the strategy and provide observation checklist to
answer a question guidelines for monitor the desirable
Pupil think discussions) attitudes of the learners
through questions M-odel (ensure that the during collaborative work.
using distinct students understand  
steps on TPS how to use the strategy)  
M-onitor (support  
students as they work)  

Classroom activities such

as: concept reviews,
discussion questions,
partner reading,
Brainstorming, quiz
reviews and topic
Peer Teaching learners taking on  AFA –
Strategy a teacher’s role A ssign and design the Group Reports, Paper
lesson Presentation, Paper
F acilitate the lesson Presentation
A ssess their peers

Integrated Highly Process Activity -  

Process Collaborative develop tailored exhibit, case studies,
Approach/ activity. Requires solutions debates,
Project the whole team to evaluates solutions Demonstrations,
Management think of the entire ensure requirements and collaborative writng
project. Improves goals are met  
communication emphasize the  
among students integrated process
and stakeholders  

INTEGRATIVE Scaffold makes thinking 4 A's Activity Group Work Presentation,

APPROACH - allows Knowledge visible. A-ctivity, Project Exhibit
learners to make Integration -Models scientific A nalysis,
connections across Strategy thinking A-bstraction,
curricula, making Helps students A-pplication
connections with a learn from others
major concept, -encourage
between listening to others
curriculum, co- -promotes
curriculum, or autonomy and
between academic lifelong learning
knowledge and Encourages
practice. monitoring

Thematic integrates basic AACE Activity Bulletin Board of Teachers

Teaching & discipline in all A pply (being creative), Culminating performance
Learning by subject A-nalyze (being critical)  
Design acquires C-onceptualized (Design  
  knowledge best Theory),  
  when learning in E-xperience (new  
the context of concept with  
coherent “whole” celebration)  
and when they  
can connect  
learning to real  
seeks to put the  
teaching of  
cognitive skills  
such as reading  
Math, Science and  
writing in the  
context of the real  
world to be  
practical and  
broad to be  
enough to allow  
Content -Based uses the subject Six T's Feature
Instruction matter's language T hemes central ideas
as a tool for that organize major
developing curricular unit,
knowledge, T opics sub units of
develop linguistic content which explore  
ability in the specific aspects of the  
target language theme,  
with the content T hreads linkages across  
of a particular themes which create  
a more natural greater curricular
way of developing coherence,
language ability T asks instructional
corresponds more activities and techniques
to the way we utilized,
originally learn T ransitions explicitly
our first language planned actions which
provide cohenrence
across topics in a theme
unit and across tasks
within topics
T ext content measure.

INQUIRY BASED Cyclic Inquiry Demonstrates an AICDR Activity Formal and Informal
APPROACH Model and activity or process A sk, Observation, Discussions/
acquiring Practical of a given topic I nvestigate, Conference, Task done in
information by Inquiry Model Post Topic as a C reate, groups, Demonstration/
investigation to statement D iscuss, Performance, Projects,
know the starter or a R eflect Portfolios, Peer and Self-
phenomenon in question on assessment, Self-
question. Learners   Reflection
are involved in  
their learning by
building their
understanding and
creating meaning
and new
knowledge on a
certain lesson.

  DCAP Activity  
Building -D eliberate
Community (Applicability of the
Level concept)
-C onceive (Idea/concept
-A ct (Application of the
-P erceive (Awareness on
the usability of the
A teaching EIBU Activity  
strategy that E xperience (setting up
collects/processes the concept)
results at the end -I nform (gather and
to use as data for analyze information)
later activities -B uild knowledge
based on the (Processing and
community of abstraction)
learner’s -U nderstand (Decision
participation. This making)
can be tweaked by
allowing them to
review these

Experiment Scientific Method A. State the problem  

doing B. Gather related
investigation information
-encourages C. Formulate hypothesis
learners to D. Test the hypothesis
manipulate E. Make a conclusion
objects, test F. Communicate the
hypothesis and result
work together
to solve or

Simulation learners are    

placed in a context
or situation made
by the teacher.
During simulation,
learners interact
in a way where
they themselves
are the subject in
the laboratory or
classrooms. role
plays, games, and
Demonstration lessens teachers’  
active role as a
prime source of
allowing learners
to respect
diversity and work
in the process. It is
an important
component of
overall teaching
strategy that
provides concrete
and visual way of
explaining the
Field Study Is a manner in    
experiments or
engaging activities
are undertaken in
a natural setting
rather than in
classrooms, or
other structured

Indirect is a teaching Case study

Instruction strategy in which Cloze procedure
Strategy the learner is an Concept formation
- active and not Inquiry, problem solving
methods are used
for concept
learning, inquiry
learning and

REFLECTIVE Self - collects TTRA Activity  

APPROACH - Evaluation and information about -T hink (Analyze patterns
means looking at Self Reflection what goes on occurring during the
what the teacher inside the teaching-learning
and learners do in classroom process)
classroom, thinking -analyzes/evaluat - T alk (Self-talk or group
about why they do es the obtained talk done by the teacher
it, and analyzing information by or learner)
about it if it works. teacher and -R ead (finding out or
This is a process of learner making affirmations
self-evaluation -solicits regarding behavioral
cum self- improvements in patterns)
observation. teaching towards -A sk (post questions to
effective teaching get ideas or
opportunities on an area
that interest you to

Multi-media the effective use    

Presentation of instructional
materials that
utilize a wide
range of electronic
media allowing
the learners to
reflect after the
teaching learning

Drill Practice Is a technique    

with emphasis on    
repetition after
the learners
reflect on their
skills or learning

Mental a strategy    
Modelling intended to
enhance learner’s
ability to direct
their own learning
after gaining an
insight in any
cognitive process
or activity.
Ebdayrit / Cagorobat 070618

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