TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III
Page No.
This Qualification is packaged from the competency map of the Information and
Communication Technology Industry (Service sector) as shown in Annex A.
A person who has achieved this Qualification can be employed in any or more of
the following:
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
This section gives the details of the contents of the basic, common and core units
of competency required in VISUAL GRAPHIC DESIGN NC III.
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated
in the Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
3. Identify and 3.1 Issues and problems 3.1 Types of issues 3.1 Identifying
communicate are identified as they and problems cause of
issues arise in the problems
arising in the 3.2 Information regarding workplace 3.2 Identifying
workplace problems and issues are 3.2 Written and problems
organized coherently to electronic and issues
ensure clear and communication 3.3 Organizing
effective communication methods information
3.3 Dialogue is initiated 3.3 Communication on problems
with appropriate barriers and issues
personnel affecting 3.4 Relating
3.4 Communication workplace problems and
problems and issues are discussions issues in the
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
1. Methods of 1.1. Non-verbal gestures
communication 1.2. Verbal
1.3. Face to face
1.4. Two-way radio
1.5. Speaking to groups
1.6. Using telephone
1.7. Written
1.8. Internet
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
Responsible to Others)
UNIT CODE : 500311110
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes to
lead small teams including setting and maintaining team
and individual performance standards.
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range of KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
3.3 Performance
are discussed
disseminated to
individual team
4. Supervise 4.1. members
Monitoring of 4.1. Understanding 4.1. Monitoring skills
team performance takes monitoring of 4.2. Setting priorities
performance place against defined work 4.3. Evaluating
performance criteria 4.2. How to performance
and/or assignment undertake 4.4. Informal/ formal
instructions and corrective action counseling
corrective action taken 4.3. Understanding skills
if required feedback and
4.2. Team members are procedure
provided with 4.4. Feedback
feedback, positive reporting
support and advice on procedure
strategies to overcome 4.5. Methods of
any deficiencies monitoring
4.3. Performance issues performance
which cannot be 4.6. Team member’s
rectified or addressed duties and
within the team are responsibilities
referenced to 4.7. Monitoring team
appropriate personnel operation to ensure
according to employer client needs and
policy satisfaction
4.4. Team members are kept
informed of any
changes in the priority
allocated to
assignments or tasks
which might impact on
client/customer needs
and satisfaction
4.5. Team operations are
monitored to ensure
that employer/client
and requirements are
4.6. Follow-up
communication is
provided on all issues
affecting the team
4.7. All relevant
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
5.5 Safety
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
UNIT CODE : 500311111
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes
required to collect information in order to negotiate to a
desired outcome and participate in the negotiation.
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
1. Preparing for 1.1. Background information on other parties to the negotiation
negotiation 1.2. Good understanding of topic to be negotiated
1.3. Clear understanding of desired outcome/s
1.4. Personal attributes
1.4.1. self awareness
1.4.2. self esteem
1.4.3. objectivity
1.4.4. empathy
1.4.5. respect for others
1.5. Interpersonal skills
1.5.1. listening/reflecting
1.5.2. non- verbal communication
1.5.3. assertiveness
1.5.4. behavior labeling
1.5.5. testing understanding
1.5.6. seeking information
1.5.7. self-disclosing
1.6. Analytic skills
1.6.1. observing differences between content and process
1.6.2. identifying bargaining information
1.6.3. applying strategies to manage process
1.6.4. applying steps in negotiating process
1.6.5. strategies to manage conflict
1.6.6. steps in negotiating process
1.6.7. options within organization and externally for
resolving conflict
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
UNIT CODE : 500311112
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit of covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to solve problems in the workplace including the
application of problem solving techniques and to
determine and resolve the root cause of problems.
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range of KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
3. 3.1 All possible options 3.1 Understanding the 3.1 Identifying
Determin are considered for procedure in and clarifying
e resolution of the undertaking corrective the nature of
corrective problem action the problem
action 3.2 Strengths and 3.2 Principles of decision 3.2 Devising the
weaknesses of making strategies best
possible options are and techniques solution
considered 3.3 Enterprise information 3.3 Evaluating
3.3 Corrective actions are systems and data the solution
determined to resolve collation 3.4 Implementing
the problem and 3.4 Action planning developed
possible future plan to rectify
causes the problem
3.4 Action plans are 3.5 Implementing
developed identifying corrective
measurable objectives, and
resource needs and preventive
timelines in actions based
accordance with safety on root cause
4. Provide 4.1 and operating
Report on 4.1 Competence includes a 4.1 Using range of
recommenda- recommendations thorough knowledge and formal
tion/s to are prepared understanding of the problem
manager according to process, normal solving
procedures. operating parameters, techniques
4.2 Recommendations are and product quality to 4.2 Identifying
presented to recognize non- standard and clarifying
appropriate personnel. situation the nature of
4.3 Recommendations 4.2 How to make a report the problem
are followed-up, if and recommendation 4.3 Devising the
required best
4.4 Evaluating
the solution
4.5 Implementation
of a developed
plan to rectify
the problem
4.6 Writing report
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
3.3. Portfolio
4. Context for 4.1. In all workplace, it may be appropriate to assess this unit
Assessment concurrently with relevant teamwork or operation units.
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
UNIT CODE : 500311113
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required in application of mathematical concepts and
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
ELEMENTS Italicized terms are elaborated
in the Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
3.5 Steps in
3.6 Standard formulas
3.7 Conversion
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
1. Mathematical May include:
techniques 1.1 Four fundamental operations
1.2 Measurements
1.3 Use/Conversion of units of measurements
1.4 Use of standard formulas
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
(Apply technology effectively)
UNIT CODE : 500311114
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit of competency covers the knowledge, skills, and
attitude required in selecting, sourcing and applying
appropriate and affordable technologies in the workplace.
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
ELEMENT Italicized terms are
elaborated in the Range of KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
and occupational 3.3 Health and safety 3.4 Applying
health and safety procedure corrective and
procedure to ensure 3.4 Company policy in preventive
its operative ability relation to relevant maintenance
3.2. Updating of technology
technology is 3.6 Upgrading of
maintained through technology
continuing education 3.7 Organizational set-
or training in up/work flow
accordance with job
3.3. Technology failure/
defect is immediately
reported to the
person or section for
appropriate action
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
1. Technology May include but are not limited to:
1.1. Office technology
1.2. Industrial technology
1.3. System technology
1.4. Information technology
1.5. Training technology
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
UNIT CODE : 500311142
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit of covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to solve problems in the workplace including the
application of problem solving techniques and to determine
and resolve the root cause of problems.
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE
in the Range of Variables SKILLS
2.2.2. Enterprise goals,
targets and measures
2.2.3. Enterprise quality,
OHS and
2.2.4. Enterprise
information systems
and data collation
2.2.5. Industry codes
3. 3.1. All possible options are and standards
3.1. Competence includes a 3.1. Using range of
Determin considered for thorough knowledge and formal
e resolution of the understanding of the problem
corrective problem process, normal operating solving
action 3.2. Strengths and parameters, and product techniques
weaknesses of quality to recognize 3.2. Identifying
possible options are nonstandard situations and clarifying
considered 3.2. Competence to include the the nature of
3.3. Corrective actions are ability to apply and explain, the problem
determined to resolve sufficient for the 3.3. Devising the
the problem and identification of fundamental best
possible future causes cause, determining the solution
3.4. Action plans are corrective action and 3.4. Evaluating
developed identifying provision of the solution
measurable objectives, recommendations 3.5. Implementation
resource needs and 3.2.1. Relevant equipment of a developed
timelines in accordance and operational plan to rectify
with safety and processes the problem
operating procedures 3.2.2. Enterprise goals,
targets and measures
3.2.3. Enterprise quality,
OHS and
3.2.4. Principles of decision
making strategies
and techniques
3.2.5. Enterprise
information systems
4. Provide 4.1. Report on and dataincludes
4.1. Competence collationa 4.1. Using range of
recommend recommendations thorough knowledge and formal
ation/s to are prepared understanding of the problem
manager 4.2. Recommendations are process, normal operating solving
presented to parameters, and product techniques
appropriate personnel. quality to recognize 4.2. Identifying
4.3. Recommendations nonstandard situations and clarifying
are followed-up, if 4.2. Competence to include the the nature of
required ability to apply and explain, the problem
sufficient for the 4.3. Devising the
identification of fundamental best
cause, determining the solution
corrective action and 4.4. Evaluating
provision of the solution
recommendations 4.5. Implementation
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE
in the Range of Variables SKILLS
4.1.1. Relevant equipment plan to
and operational rectify the
processes problem
4.1.2. Enterprise goals,
targets and measures
4.1.3. Enterprise quality,
OHS and
4.1.4. Principles of decision
making strategies
and techniques
4.1.5. Enterprise
information systems
and data collation
. 4.1.6. Industry codes
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
1. Analytical techniques May include:
1.1. Brainstorming
1.2. Intuitions/Logic
1.3. Cause and effect diagrams
1.4. Pareto analysis
1.5. SWOT analysis
1.6. Gant chart, Pert CPM and graphs
1.7. Scattergrams
2. Problem May include:
2.1. Non – routine process and quality problems
2.2. Equipment selection, availability and failure
2.3. Teamwork and work allocation problem
2.4. Safety and emergency situations and incidents
3. Action plans May include:
3.1. Priority requirements
3.2. Measurable objectives
3.3. Resource requirements
3.4. Timelines
3.5. Co-ordination and feedback requirements
3.6. Safety requirements
3.7. Risk assessment
3.8. Environmental requirements
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
UNIT CODE : 500311144
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to
use technical information system and information technology,
and apply information technology (IT).
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
UNIT CODE : 500311145
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit of covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to work effectively in a workplace characterized by
diversity in terms of religions, beliefs, races, ethnicities and
other differences.
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated REQUIRED SKILLS
in the Range of Variables
1. Develop an 1.1. Individual differences 1.1. Understanding 1.1. Cross-cultural
individual’s with clients, customers cultural diversity communication skills
cultural and fellow workers are in the workplace (i.e. different
awareness recognized and 1.2. Awareness of business customs,
and respected in individual beliefs,
sensitivity accordance with cultures and communication
enterprise policies and world geography strategies)
core values. 1.3. Norms of behavior 1.2. Communication skills
1.2. Differences are for interacting and – reading, writing,
responded to in a dialogue with conversational
sensitive and specific groups skills
considerate manner (e.g., Muslims and 1.3. Affective skills –
1.3. Diversity is other non- establishing
accommodated using Christians, non- rapport and
appropriate verbal Catholics, empathy,
and nonverbal tribes/ethnic understanding, etc.
communication. groups, 1.4. Active Listening
1.4. Actions/decisions are foreigners) 1.5. Openness and
maintained 1.4. Different methods flexibility in
consistent with of verbal and non- communication
legislative verbal 1.6. Giving/receiving
requirements and communication in feedback
enterprise guidelines. a multicultural 1.7. Identifying/
setting Recognizing diverse
1.5. Enterprise groups in the
policies on workplace and
workplace community as
2. Work 2.1. Knowledge, skills and 2.1. diversity
Recognizing and 2.1. defined by divergent
effectively in experiences of others explaining the communication
an are recognized and value of diversity in skills
environment documented in relation the economy and 2.2. Communication skills
that to team objectives. society in terms of – reading, writing,
acknowledges 2.2. Fellow workers are Workforce conversational
and values encouraged to utilize development skills
cultural and share their specific 2.2. The country’s 2.3. Affective skills –
diversity qualities, skills or place in the global establishing
backgrounds with other economy rapport and
team members and 2.3. Innovation empathy,
clients to enhance work 2.4. Social justice understanding, etc.
outcomes. 2.5. Recognizing the 2.4. Active Listening
2.3. Relations with importance of 2.5. Openness and
customers and clients inclusiveness in flexibility in
are maintained to show a diverse communication
that diversity is valued environment 2.6. Giving/receiving
by the business. 2.6. Developing a feedback
2.7. Identifying/
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated REQUIRED SKILLS
in the Range of Variables
shared vision and workplace and
understanding of community as
and commitment to defined by divergent
team, culture, religion,
departmental, and traditions and
organizational practices
goals and 2.8. Teamwork and
objectives collaboration
2.7. Strategies for skills
customer 2.9. Intercultural
service relations and mutual
excellence acceptance
3. Identify 3.1. Diversity-related conflicts 3.1. Understanding, 2.10. Customer
3.1. Cross-cultural
common within the workplace are valuing, and communication
issues in a effectively addressed leveraging skills
multicultural and resolved. cultural diversity 3.2. Communication skills
and diverse 3.2. Discriminatory behavior 3.2. Promoting – reading, writing,
environment towards customers/ inclusivity and conversational
stakeholders are conflict skills
minimized and resolution 3.3. Affective skills –
addressed accordingly. 3.3. Addressing establishing
3.3. Change management workplace rapport and
policies are in place harassment empathy,
within the 3.4. Managing understanding, etc.
organization. change and 3.4. Active Listening
overcoming 3.5. Openness and
resistance to flexibility in
change communication
3.5. Advanced 3.6. Giving/receiving
strategies for feedback
customer 3.7. Teamwork and
service collaboration
excellence skills
3.6. Enterprise 3.8. Intercultural
policies on relations and mutual
workplace acceptance
diversity 3.9. Advanced
(Workplace customer service
Diversity Policy) excellence skills
3.10. Conflict
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
1. Diversity This refers to diversity in both the workplace and the
community and may include divergence in –
1.1 Religion
1.2 Ethnicity, race or nationality
1.3 Culture
1.4 Gender, age or personality
1.5 Educational background
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values
needed to apply quality standards in the workplace. The
unit also includes the application of relevant safety
procedures and regulations, organization procedures and
customer requirements.
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated
in the Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
the workplace’ s
standards operating
3. Engage in 3.1. procedures.
Process improvement 3.1 Quality 3.1 Solution
quality procedures are improvement providing and
improvement participated in relative to processes decision-making
workplace assignment. 3.2 Company 3.2 Practice
3.2. Work is carried out in customers company
accordance with process defined process
improvement improvement
procedures. procedure
3.3. Performance of operation
or quality of product of
service to ensure
customer satisfaction is
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills, (and) attitudes and
values needed to perform computer operations which include
inputting, accessing, producing and transferring data using
the appropriate hardware and software
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated REQUIRED SKILLS
in the Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE
3.4. Keyboard techniques
are carried out in line
with OH&S
requirements for safe
4. Produce/ use of keyboards
4.1. Entered data are 4.1 Computer 4.1 Computer data
output processed using application in processing
data using appropriate software printing,
computer commands 4.2 Printing of data
scanning and
system 4.2. Data printed out as sending facsimile 4.3 Transferring files
required using computer and data
hardware/peripheral 4.2 Types and
devices in accordance function of
with standard operating computer
procedures peripheral devices
4.3. Files, data are
transferred between
compatible systems
using computer software,
hardware/ peripheral
devices in accordance
5. Maintain 5.1. with standard
Systems operating
for cleaning, 5.1 Computer 5.1 Removing computer
computer minor maintenance and equipment/system viruses from
equipment replacement of basic infected machines
and consumables are maintenance 5.2 Making backup files
systems implemented
5.2 Viruses
5.2. Procedures for ensuring 5.3 OH&S principles
security of data, including and responsibilities
regular back-ups and 5.4 Calculating
virus checks are computer capacity
implemented in 5.5 System Software
accordance with standard 5.6 Basic file
operating procedures maintenance
5.3. Basic file maintenance procedures
procedures are
implemented in line with
the standard operating
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
1. Hardware and 1.1. Personal computers
peripheral devices 1.2. Networked systems
1.3. Communication equipment
1.4. Printers
1.5. Scanners
1.6. Keyboard
1.7. Mouse
4. Storage media Storage media include the following but not limited to:
4.1. diskettes
4.2. CD and DVDs
4.3. zip disks
4.4. hard disk drives, local and remote
6. Desktop icons Icons include the following but not limited to:
6.1. directories/folders
6.2. files
6.3. network devices
6.4. recycle bin
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
2. Method of assessment 2.1. The assessor may select two of the following
assessment methods to objectively assess the
2.1.1. Observation
2.1.2. Questioning
2.1.3. Practical demonstration
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated REQUIRED SKILLS
in the Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE
3. Develop 3.1. Ideas for design concept 3.1. Verbal 3.1. Artistic and
logo of the logo are generated communication creative skills
design through research. 3.2. Written 3.2. Design and
concepts 3.2. Different sketches and communication drawing skills
design style 3.3. Intellectual property 3.3. Visual
experimentation are 3.4. Behavioral Science communication
explored in 3.5. Human and skills
accordance with logo Animal Anatomy 3.4. Computer
design instructions 3.6. Principles of design application skills
3.3. Initial design concepts 3.7. Elements of design 3.5. Computer/
developed are toned 3.8. Typography application
down to align with design 3.9. Physics troubleshooting
brief parameters 3.10. Visual Design skills
3.4. Appropriate font is used & 3.6. Critical thinking
or designed should this be communication & analytical skills
a part of the logo design techniques 3.7. Researching
specifications. 3.11. Computer skills
3.5. Color combinations are knowledge 3.8. Communication
experimented to 3.12. Familiarity in skills
compliment concept different 3.9. Reporting skills
designs or to follow color graphic 3.10. Software
specifications of the software usage skills
design brief applications 3.11. Documentation
3.6. Visual design and 3.13. internet & organizational
communication browsing/ skills
elements are research 3.12. Practicing
incorporated to the 3.14. Practicing 3Rs – OSHS,
concepts in line with the Reduce, Re-use, EHSM, 3RS
direction of the design Recycle/recover
brief. and
3.7. Best design sketch environmental
options are selected policies.
based on design brief 3.15. Trends
requirements. 3.16. Geometry
3.8. Final rough designs in the 3.17. Basic Math
format required are 3.18. Algebra
prepared and submitted to
4. Edit / Revise 4.1. client
Commentsand /or supervisor
received 4.1. Verbal 4.1. Artistic and
logo design from client and / or communication creative
supervisor are analyzed 4.2. Written skills
to revise initial logo communication 4.2. Design and
concepts, designs and 4.3. Intellectual property drawing
sketches. 4.4. Behavioral Science skills
4.2. Adjustments are made to 4.5. Human and 4.3. Visual
produce final Animal Anatomy communication
specifications as required 4.6. Principles of design skills
by client and/ or 4.7. Elements of design 4.4. Computer
supervisor 4.8. Physics application skills
4.3. Colors are enhanced & 4.9. Computer 4.5. Computer/
technically identified as knowledge application
per specified design 4.10. Familiarity in troubleshooting
directives. skills
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated REQUIRED SKILLS
in the Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE
in places to fit the different analytical skills
overall look of the logo graphic 4.7. Researching skills
design software 4.8. Communication
4.5. Revised draft logo design applications skills
in the format required is 4.11. Practicing 3Rs – 4.9. Reporting skills
prepared and submitted Reduce, Re-use, 4.10. Software
to client and/or supervisor Recycle/recover usage skills
for final comments and 4.11. Documentation
environmental &
policies. Organizational
4.12. Trends skills
4.13. Geometry 4.12. Practicing
4.14. Basic Math OSHS, EHSM,
5. Finalize logo 5.1. Client and/ or supervisor 4.15.Verbal
5.1. Algebra 3Rs and
5.1. Artistic
design final feedback are communication creative
collected and analyzed. 5.2. Written skills
5.2. Final revisions of the communication 5.2. Design and
logo design are adjusted 5.3. Intellectual property drawing
according to design 5.4. Behavioral Science skills
specifications 5.5. Human and 5.3. Visual
5.3. Chosen or designed font Animal Anatomy communication
and layout are adjusted 5.6. Principles of design skills
to fit final logo design. 5.7. Elements of design 5.4. Computer
5.4. Final colors are applied 5.8. Computer knowledge application skills
to logo design as 5.9. Familiarity in 5.5. Computer/
required in the feedback different graphic application
and design specifications applications troubleshooting
5.5. Final measurements, 5.10. Printing Knowledge skills
color codes and 5.11. Geometry 5.6. Critical thinking
technicalities of the logo 5.12. Algebra & analytical skills
design are finalized and 5.13. Practicing 3Rs – 5.7. Communication
documented for Reduce, Re-use, skills
appropriate usage. Recycle/recover 5.8. Reporting skills
5.6. Final logo design with and 5.9. Software
proper documentation of environmental usage skills
design details are policies. 5.10. Documentation
prepared and submitted 5.14. Trends &
to client and/or supervisor 5.15. Geometry organizational
for final approval. 5.16. Basic Math skills
5.17. Algebra 5.11. Practicing
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
1. design brief May include the following :
1.1. Project Statement
1.2. Project Objectives
1.3. Variables
1.4. Statistical Interpretation
1.5. Conclusions and Recommendations
1.6. Bibliography / References
2. Desired outcome May include the following logo design outcome :
2.1. Branding for a company
2.2. Branding for a product
2.3. Branding for a person/ Group
2.4. Branding for an ad campaign
2.5. Branding for a service
3. Resources May include :
3.1. Books / magazines
3.2. Internet
3.3. DVDs / Videos
3.4. Photographs
3.5. Images
4. Steps of May include the following steps:
submission 4.1. Submit sketches in paper/ scanned format
4.2. Submit sketches in digital format
4.3. Submit sketches first, color suggestions after
4.4. Submit in full color
4.5. Submit with specific number of sketches & designs
4.6. Submit with certain deadlines indicated
5. Relevant May include the following:
personnel 5.1. Creative/art director
5.2. Client
5.3. Head of department
5.4. Supervisor
6. Materials May include :
6.1. Paper / sketchpad / tracing paper
6.2. Lead & colored pencils
6.3. Colored pens / sign pen
6.4. Markers
6.5. USB / flash drive
6.6. Watercolor / poster color
6.7. Ruler
6.8. Compass
6.9. Scissors
6.10. Glue / tape
6.11. Paper clips
6.12. Design books / magazines
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
7. Equipment May include :
7.1. Drawing table
7.2. Computer with peripherals
7.3. Removable hard drive
7.4. Chair
7.5. Internet
7.6. Drawing tablet
7.7. Mobile phone
7.8. Camera
7.9. Laptop
8. Software May include:
8.1. Adobe Photoshop
8.2. CorelDraw
8.3. Adobe InDesign
8.4. Adobe Illustrator
8.5. Paint tools SAI
8.6. Gimp / Krita ( open source )
8.7. MS Paint
9. Appropriate May include :
personnel 9.1. Technical person
9.2. IT person
9.3. Department Head
9.4. Administration Head
9.5. Supervisor
9.6. Production Manager
10. Design Style May include :
10.1. Minimalist
10.2. Goth
10.3. Classic
10.4. modern
10.5. Western
10.6. Asian etc.
11. Font May include the following :
11.1. Arial
11.2. Times Roman
11.3. Comic sans
11.4. Impact
11.5. Century Gothic
11.6. script
11.7. Courier
11.8. Lithos
11.9. Myriad etc.
12. Color codes May include :
12.1. HTML color codes
12.2. Hex color code
12.3. RGB color code
12.4. CMYK code
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
12.5. Pantone colors
13. Documentation May include the following :
13.1. Design Brief
13.2. Design measurements
13.3. Design layout
13.4. Color combination & codes
14. Visual Design & May include the following:
Communication 14.1. Colors
Elements 14.2. Composition
14.3. Proportion
14.4. Balance
14.5. Framing
14.6. Line
14.7. Texture
14.8. Shape
14.9. Form
14.10. Tone
14.11. Scale
14.12. Movement or animation
14.13. Fonts/typography:
14.13.1. Typeface
14.13.2. Type style
14.13.3. Point / font size
14.13.4. Tracking
14.13.5. Leading
14.13.6. Kerning
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
UNIT DESCRIPTOR: This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to
conceptualize and design for posters, tarpaulin, magazine,
brochures, invitation and other kinds of design intended for
printed material output or format for personal, industrial and
commercial use.
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in
the Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
of final design output. Recycle/recover
2.5. Page size, orientation, and
appropriate resolution are environmental
selected based on the policies.
design brief specifications 2.10. Trends
2.6. Non-functioning and 2.11. Basic Math
missing materials and
equipment are reported to
appropriate personnel
3. Develop 3.1. Ideas for design concepts of 3.1. Verbal 3.1. Artistic and
designs for the specified print output are communication creative
the specific generated through research 3.2. Written skills
print media and sketches communication 3.2. Communication
output experimentation. 3.3. Intellectual skills
3.2. Appropriate Document / property 3.3. Computer
page set up is applied based 3.4. Behavioral Science operation skills
on 3.5. Human and 3.4. Reporting skills
the design brief requirements Animal Anatomy 3.5. Analytical and
3.3. Different print or graphic 3.6. Principles of design comprehension
design style options are 3.7. Elements of design skills
explored and sketched 3.8. Graphic 3.6. Software
basing on the design design styles usage skills
parameters. 3.9. Philosophy 3.7. Holistic
3.4. Required text copy, words, 3.10. Computer design skills
tagline or message for print knowledge 3.8. Organizational
is prepared and analyzed for 3.11. Familiarity in skills
appropriate layout different 3.9. Practicing
placement. graphic OSHS, EHSM,
3.5. Font style, color and size are applications 3Rs
carefully selected and placed 3.12. Printing
in a proper layout to fit Knowledge
overall design output 3.13. internet
3.6. All Elements created are browsing/
organized on different research
comprehensive layout/ 3.14. Practicing 3Rs –
compre to experiment on Reduce, Re-use,
the best arrangements for Recycle/recover
design presentation. and
3.7. Graphic images, product environmental
shots, photographs and policies.
other elements can be 3.15. Trends
imported from other 3.16. Basic Math
applications and added to 3.17. Geometry
the comprehensive layout.
3.8. Color combinations are
experimented to
compliment concept
3.9. Final rough comprehensive
layout designs in the format
required are prepared and
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in
the Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
4. Finalize print 4.1. Comments and feedback 4.1. Verbal 4.1. Artistic and
media from client and/ or supervisor communication creative
design are analyzed to revise the 4.2. Written skills
layout elements of the proposed communication 4.2. Communication
comprehensive layouts 4.3. Intellectual skills
4.2. Combined elements in property 4.3. Computer
the comprehensive 4.4. Principles of design operation skills
layout/ 4.5. Elements of design 4.4. Reporting skills
compre are imposed 4.6. Philosophy 4.5. Analytical and
correctly to suit specified 4.7. Computer comprehension
sheet size. knowledge skills
4.3. Numerical sequence and lay 4.8. Familiarity in 4.6. Software
down of the product or different usage skills
mock- up is correctly graphic 4.7. Holistic
identified to meet binding applications design skills
and finishing requirements. 4.9. Printing 4.8. Organizational
4.4. Bleed allowance is Knowledge skills
incorporated in margins 4.10. Internet 4.9. Practicing
and borders. browsing/ OSHS, EHSM,
4.5. Text copy is reviewed for research 3Rs
possible errors and 4.11. Practicing 3Rs –
omissions and are discussed Reduce, Re-use,
with client and/ or supervisor. Recycle/recover
4.6. Alignment of the basic and
elements are maintained environmental
based on the overall balance policies.
of the layout and correct 4.12. Trends
color blends and gradients. 4.13. Basic Math
4.7. Hard copy / progressive 4.14. Geometry
proof is printed and
rechecked for errors,
omissions to fit the overall
balance of the layout.
4.8. Necessary changes are
made, reviewed and proof
read as required while
comprehensive layout/
compre is still on screen.
4.9. The project and/or work is
saved according to
4.10. A digital proof or file format
5. Prepare final is createdfinal
5.1. Approved to present to
layout design 5.1. Verbal 5.1. Artistic and
print output & and /or project is prepared communication creative
documentation for printing. 5.2. Written skills
5.2. Correct Color profile are communication 5.2. Communication
selected carefully for 5.3. Intellectual skills
standard print output option property 5.3. Computer
5.3. File formats are chosen to 5.4. Physics operation skills
best represent artwork 5.5. Elements of 5.4. Reporting skills
styles. 5.5. Analytical and
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in
the Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
5.4. Compression options are Design comprehension
selected that keep the 5.6. Principles skills
image quality high and the of design 5.6. Printing skills
file size low. 5.7. Typography 5.7. Software
5.5. Export options of file are set 5.8. Computer usage skills
and saved to the best knowledge 5.8. Holistic
settings for the final print 5.9. Familiarity in design skills
output. different 5.9. Organizational
5.6. The appropriate format for graphic skills
saving the images/ artworks/ applications 5.10. Practicing
objects and layout are used 5.10. Printing OSHS, EHSM,
as required in the Knowledge 3Rs
specifications 5.11. internet
of the design brief. browsing/
5.7. The resolution for effects research
and any filters are set based 5.12. Practicing 3Rs –
on image quality. Reduce, Re-use,
5.8. Document / page set up Recycle/recover
is checked to ensure and
correct layout file has no environmental
non- printable elements. policies.
5.9. Final high-resolution file is 5.13. Trends
checked for final approval of 5.14. Basic Math
6. Color 6.1. client and/or
The final supervisor
and approved print 5.15.
6.1. Algebra
Verbal 6.1. Artistic and
separate media artwork file is communication creative
artwork file for prepared for final printing 6.2. Written skills
final printing 6.2. The correct format for the communication 6.2. Communication
color separation is 6.3. Intellectual property skills
determined and checked 6.4. Principles of design 6.3. Computer
based on the final 6.5. Elements of design operation skills
specifications on the 6.6. Color Theory 6.4. Reporting skills
design brief. 6.7. Typography 6.5. Analytical and
6.3. Command preferences 6.8. Physics comprehension
are correctly set for print 6.9. Computer skills
quality and process. knowledge 6.6. Printing skills
6.4. The color separation 6.10. Familiarity in 6.7. Software
options are set according different usage skills
to print requirements of the graphic 6.8. Holistic
design brief. applications design skills
6.5. Correct Color profile is 6.11. Printing Knowledge 6.9. Organizational
selected for the final 6.12. Internet skills
output, based on client reseach/ 6.10. Practicing
specifications. browsing OSHS, EHSM,
6.6. Screen frequency with value 6.13. Basic Math 3Rs
& color preferences is 6.14. Geometry
selected and saved which 6.15. Practicing 3Rs –
is appropriate for the print Reduce, Re-use,
quality Recycle/recover
6.7. Spreads and choke traps and
are created to avoid environmental
misregistration. policies.
6.16. Trends
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in
the Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
6.8. Overprint of objects are
checked and defined to
avoid ink trap.
6.9. A final proof is created,
separations checked
and completed based on
the approved final
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
1. Print media May include the following :
1.1. Print ads
1.2. Poster
1.3. Banners
1.4. Billboards
1.5. Brochures
1.6. Invitation
1.7. Annual reports
1.8. Flyers / pamphlets
1.9. Menu
1.10. Book / book covers
1.11. Comics
1.12. Magazines
1.13. Callcards etc.
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
7. Materials May include the following :
7.1. Paper / sketchpad / tracing paper
7.2. Lead & colored pencils
7.3. Colored pens / sign pen
7.4. Markers color palettes
7.5. Paper grade palette
7.6. USB / flash drive
7.7. Watercolor / poster color
7.8. Ruler
7.9. Scissors
7.10. Glue / tape
7.11. Post it
7.12. Design books / magazines
10. Color scheme May include the following color scheme tools :
10.1. Color wheel
10.2. Adobe Kuler
10.3. Color Munki
10.4. Colorotate
10.5. Color Calculator
10.6. Copaso : Color Palette software
10.7. Mudcube Color sphere
11. Print palette May include the following print palette color combinations :
11.1. Cool Color scheme palette
11.2. Warm color scheme palette
11.3. Sweet color scheme palette
11.4. Exotic color scheme palette
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
12. Appropriate May include :
personnel 12.1. Production Manager
12.2. IT/ software/ network person
12.3. Art / Creative Director
12.4. Supervisor
12.5. Department Head
12.6. Client
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
18. Organizational May include the following:
procedures 18.1. Organizational procedures for saving a document can
include the preferred format, naming preferences and the
location of file is saved to.
19. File format May include:
19.1. PDF
19.2. jpeg
19.3. tiff
20. Correct Color May include the following:
profile 20.1. CMYK color
20.2. Spot colors
20.3. Registration colors
20.4. Pantone color
21. Compression May include :
options 21.1. Lossless
21.2. Lossy
22. Command May include:
preferences 22.1. RGB
22.2. CMYK
22.3. Color management
22.4. Proof options
22.5. Document Information subjects
23. Color separation May include the following:
options 23.1. Process color
23.2. Spot color
23.3. Halftone
23.4. Resolution
23.5. Bleed
23.6. printer marks
24. Screen may include the following:
Frequency 24.1. Common - Mesh counts between 195 and 355
24.2. Halftone – dot frequencies are between 40 and 65 lpi.
24.3. Underbase – use a 195 mesh with a 45 to 50 lpi
24.4. Black and Highlight – Use 305 to 355 Mesh with 50 to
65 lpi.
24.5. Colors – Use 230 to 305 mesh with 50 to 55 lpi.
25. Overprint To prevent final print out to come off the printing press with
misregistration, the following steps can be used:
25.1. Avoid Touching or Almost Touching Colors
25.2. Use Common Process Colors to Close Gaps
25.3. Overprint Black to Prevent Gaps
25.4. Use Chokes and Spreads to Fill the Gaps
25.5. Overprinting / Surprinting Avoids Need to Trap
25.6. Manual and Automatic Trapping
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
2. Method of The assessor must assess the candidate through the ff:
2.1. Demonstration with oral questioning
2.2. Interview
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
UNIT DESCRIPTOR: This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to
incorporate the principles of visual design and communication into
the development of designs for user experience.
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in
the Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
2.8. Familiarity in
2.9. Geometry
2.10. Algebra
2.11. Practicing 3Rs
–Reduce, Re-
use, Recycle/
recover and
3. Produce 3.1. A flow chart is created based 2.12.Verbal
3.1. Trends 3.1. Artistic and
wireflow on the findings of the research communication creative skills
designs in relation with the design 3.2. Written 3.2. Computer
requirements communication application
3.2. Clickable links are 3.3. Intellectual skills
identified based on the property 3.3. Computer/
flowchart 3.4. Behavioral application
3.3. Wireflow designs of the Science troubleshooting
selected user experience 3.5. Human and skills
media are presented to Animal 3.4. Critical thinking
relevant personnel Anatomy 3.5. Analytical skills
3.6. Elements
of design
3.7. Principles
of design
3.8. Computer
3.9. Familiarity in
3.10. Geometry
3.11. Algebra
3.12. Practicing 3Rs
–Reduce, Re-
use, Recycle/
recover and
4. Create page 4.1. Comments/feedbacks are policies.
4.1. Verbal 4.1. Artistic and
template/ applied to selected communication creative skills
user wireflow design 4.2. Written 4.2. Computer
experience 4.2. Page template grid is set communication application
wireframing based on the delivery 4.3. Intellectual skills
platform. property 4.3. Computer/
4.3. Layout is determined 4.4. Behavioral application
using boxes and lines Science troubleshooting
using appropriate 4.5. Elements skills
software. of design 4.4. Critical thinking
4.4. Information hierarchy is 4.6. Principles of 4.5. Analytical skills
defined using typography.
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in
the Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
using grayscale tonal values. design
4.6. Page template design is 4.7. Typography
evaluated for feedback based 4.8. Computer
on user experience usability, knowledge
functionality and errors 4.9. Familiarity in
4.10. Geometry
4.11. Algebra
4.12. Practicing 3Rs
–Reduce, Re-
use, Recycle/
recover and
4.13. Trends
5. Finalize 5.1. Feedbacks and comments are 5.1. Verbal 5.1. Artistic and
wireframe applied to final user communication creative skills
and experience wireframe and 5.2. Written 5.2. Computer
design design flow communication application
flow of the 5.2. When necessary, animation 5.3. Intellectual skills
selected or effects are simulated using property 5.3. Computer/
user motion graphic software and 5.4. Behavioral application
experience submitted for evaluation Science troubleshooting
media 5.3. When necessary, 5.5. Elements skills
approved design flow is of design 5.4. Critical thinking
tested using simple coding 5.6. Principles 5.5. Analytical skills
tools and submitted for of design
evaluation 5.7. Typography
5.4. Generated designs are 5.8. Computer
organized and submitted to knowledge
client and /or Supervisor for 5.9. Familiarity in
final approval. different
5.10. Geometry
5.11. Algebra
5.12. Practicing 3Rs
–Reduce, Re-
use, Recycle/
recover and
5.13. Trends
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
1. Visual elements May include the following:
1.1. Colors
1.2. Composition
1.3. Proportion
1.4. Balance
1.5. Framing
1.6. Line
1.7. Texture
1.8. Shape
1.9. Form
1.10. Tone
1.11. Scale
1.12. Movement or animation
1.13. Fonts/typography:
1.13.1. Typeface
1.13.2. Type style
1.13.3. Point/ font size
1.13.4. Tracking
1.13.5. Leading
1.13.6. Kerning
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
5.5. Mobile or hand-held
5.5.1. Smart phones
5.5.2. Digital Media Players
5.5.3. Tablets
5.5.4. Mobile apps
5.5.5. Smart watches
5.6. Smart TV
5.7. Automotive interfaces
5.8. Visual Presentations (Powerpoint)
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
2. Method of The assessor must assess the candidate through the ff:
2.1. Demonstration with oral questioning
2.2. Interview
4. Context of 4.1. Competency may be assessed on the job, off the job or a
assessment combination of these. Off the job assessment must be
undertaken in a closely simulated workplace environment.
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to
incorporate the principles of visual design and communication
into the development of designs for USER INTERFACE.
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in
the Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
2.8 Computer
2.9 Familiarity in
2.10 Geometry
2.11 Algebra
2.12 Practicing 3Rs –
Reduce, Re-
use, Recycle/
recover and
3. Generate and 3.1. Range of feasible design 2.13Verbal
3.1. Trends 3.1. Artistic and
develop ideas and creative solutions communication creative
designs for are generated in response 3.2. Written skills
user to the design brief. communication 3.2. Computer
interface 3.2. Design ideas are discussed 3.3. Intellectual application
and collaborated with property skills computer/
relevant personnel. 3.4. Behavioral application
3.3. Brand guidelines specified Science troubleshooting
in the design brief are applied 3.5. Human and skills
to the rough design outputs. Animal 3.3. Critical thinking
3.4. Creative ideas and solutions Anatomy 3.4. Analytical skills
are reflected and assessed 3.6. Elements
based on constraints to of design
meet the design brief. 3.7. Principles
3.5. User interface design of design
studies in the format 3.8. Computer
required are prepared and knowledge
submitted to client and /or 3.9. Familiarity in
supervisor for comments different
and revisions. graphic
3.10. Geometry
3.11. Algebra
3.12. Practicing 3Rs –
Reduce, Re-
use, Recycle/
recover and
4. Finalize user 4.1. Comments and feedback policies.
4.1. Verbal 4.1. Artistic and
interface from client and/ or supervisor communication creative
design are analyzed to revise the 4.2. Written skills
elements of the proposed communication 4.2. Computer
user interface design. 4.3. Intellectual application
4.2. Gathered media and property skills computer/
content is assembled based 4.4. Behavioral application
on the technical Science troubleshooting
specifications 4.5. Human and skills
4.3. Accurate dimensions are 4.3. Critical thinking
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in
the Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
considered appropriate Animal Anatomy 4.4. Analytical Skills
to design brief 4.6. Elements
requirements of design
4.4. Media file size must be 4.7. Principles
considered for of design
accessibility and 4.8. Computer
compatibility knowledge
4.5. Media are placed in web- 4.9. Familiarity in
based locations and different
external links are generated graphic
for fast accessibility applications
4.6. Web safe colors are 4.10. Geometry
selected based on the media 4.11. Pixels conversion
requirements 4.12. Practicing 3Rs –
4.7. Standard web fonts are Reduce, Re-
considered based on use,
delivery platform Recycle/recover
requirements and
4.8. Selected design environmental
techniques and tools are policies.
applied in developing the 4.13. Trends
4.9. Relevant personnel are
consulted to ensure
harmony and compatibility
of the design with the
technical requirements.
4.10. Responsive design is
considered based on
media output
4.11. Final UI design is
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
1. User interface 1.1. Web page
1.2. CD or DVD menu
1.3. Mobile or hand-held
1.3.1. Cellular and Smart phones
1.3.2. Media Players
1.3.3. Tablets
1.3.4. Mobile apps
1.4. TV (traditional and Smart)
2. Relevant personnel May include the following:
2.1. Creative/art director
2.2. Technical director
2.3. Designers
2.4. Developers/programmers
2.5. Copywriters/editors
2.6. Heads of department
2.7. User/audience
2.8. Other specialist creative and technical staff
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
5. Tools May include design tools such as:
5.1. Adobe Photoshop
5.2. Adobe Illustrator
5.3. Adobe Flash/Animate
5.4. CorelDraw
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
2. Method of The assessor must assess the candidate through the ff:
2.1. Demonstration with oral questioning
2.2. Interview
4. Context of 4.1. Competency may be assessed on the job, off the job or a
assessment combination of these. Off the job assessment must be
undertaken in a closely simulated workplace environment.
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to
incorporate the principles of visual design and communication
into the development of designs for product packaging.
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
Italicized terms are elaborated in KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
the Range of Variables
materials to be used are function 2.5. Analytical skills
properly considered based 2.9. Computer
OSHS and EHSM knowledge
standard. 2.10. Familiarity in
2.5. Designs developed are different
organized and submitted in graphic
the format required to the applications
client and/or supervisor. 2.11. Printing
2.12. Product
2.13. Crafting
2.14. Geometry
2.15. Economics
2.16. Practicing 3Rs –
Reduce, Re-use,
3. Create 3.1. Selected design from initial environmental
3.1. Verbal 3.1. Artistic and
specific ideas is developed based on communication creative
product production and design 3.2. Written skills
packaging factors. communication 3.2. Computer
mockup 3.2. Selected design is created 3.3. Intellectual property application
into a mockup using specified 3.4. Behavioral Science skills
measurements and 3.5. Spatial Reasoning 3.3. Computer/
temporary package 3.6. Elements of design application
materials based on the 3.7. Principles of design troubleshooting
product. 3.8. Form skills
3.3. Package design functionality follows 3.4. Critical thinking
is tested with collaboration function 3.5. Analytical skills
and refinement from relevant 3.9. Basic
personnel. drafting/Technical
3.4. Final mockup selected drawing
and approved by client 3.10. Computer
and/or supervisor is knowledge
submitted for approval. 3.11. Familiarity in
3.12. Printing
3.13. Geometry
3.14. Algebra
3.15. Trigonometry
3.16. Practicing 3Rs –
Reduce, Re-use,
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
Italicized terms are elaborated in KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
the Range of Variables
4. Finalize 4.1. Modifications and 4.1. Verbal 4.1. Artistic and
design for amendments are applied to communication creative
specific the final product package 4.2. Written skills
product design. communication 4.2. Computer
packaging 4.2. Accurate measurements 4.3. Intellectual property application
and die line are developed 4.4. Behavioral Science skills
to support product 4.5. Spatial Reasoning computer/
packaging design 4.6. Elements of design application
4.3. Final design, mockup, die 4.7. Principles of design troubleshooting
line template and 4.8. Form skills
documentation are follows 4.3. Critical thinking
presented for approval to function 4.4. Analytical skills
relevant personnel. 4.9. Computer
4.10. Familiarity in
4.11. Printing Knowledge
4.12. Geometry
4.13. Algebra
4.14. Trigonometry
4.15. Practicing 3Rs –
Reduce, Re-use,
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
1. Design brief May include the following :
1.1. Project Statement
1.2. Project Objectives
1.3. Variables
1.4. Statistical Interpretation
1.5. Conclusions and Recommendations
1.6. Bibliography / References
2. Relevant May include the following:
personnel 2.1. creative/art director
2.2. technical director
2.3. designers
2.4. developers/programmers
2.5. copywriters/editors
2.6. heads of department
2.7. client
2.8. buyers/customers
2.9. printers
2.10. other specialist creative and technical staff
3. Temporary May include:
package materials 3.1. Paper
3.2. Plastic
3.3. Cardboard
3.4. Cloth/Canvas
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
4. Context of 4.1. Competency may be assessed on the job, off the job or a
assessment combination of these. Off the job assessment must be
undertaken in a closely simulated workplace environment.
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
UNIT DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to
incorporate the principles of visual design and communication into
the design and production of booth and product window displays.
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in
the Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
applied to the rough 2.12. Basic
design outputs. Carpentry and
2.6. Location or space Electrical
guidelines of the product Installation
window / display is noted 2.13. Trends
and measured to the 2.14. Geometry
design specifications. 2.15. Algebra
2.7. Final rough designs in the 2.16. Trigonometry
format required are
prepared and submitted to
relevant personnel for
comments and revisions.
3. Finalize 3.1. Comments and feedback 3.1. Verbal 3.1. Artistic and
selected from client and/ or communication creative skills
design using supervisor are collected & 3.2. Written 3.2. Computer
precise analyzed to revise and edit communication application
specifications the chosen design concept. 3.3. Intellectual skills
provided 3.2. Multi-view Orthographic property 3.3. Computer
drawings of the selected 3.4. Elements application
design are provided for of design troubleshooting
arrangement & 3.5. Principles skills
construction reference. of design 3.4. Critical thinking
3.3. Booth or product window/ 3.6. Anthropometrics 3.5. Analytical skills
display size and 3.7. Ergonomics 3.6. Holistic skills
dimensions are accurately 3.8. Form
indicated on the final follows
design. function
3.4. Materials & specifications 3.9. Computer
and construction items to knowledge
be used on the final output 3.10. Familiarity in
are identified and indicated different
over the design parts. graphic
3.5. Brand guidelines should be applications
clearly seen on the final 3.11. Architecture
booth design, as required and Interior
in the design brief. Design
3.6. A plan of the utilities 3.12. Basic
location and installation Carpentry and
should be clearly indicated Electrical
in the final booth & product Installation
window/ display design, in 3.13. Geometry
coordination with relevant 3.14. Algebra
personnel. 3.15. Trigonometry
3.7. Final design with proper
documentation of the
design details are prepared
and submitted to client
and/or supervisor for final
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
ELEMENT Italicized terms are elaborated in
the Range of Variables KNOWLEDGE SKILLS
4. Produce 3D 4.1. Approved final booth 4.1. Verbal 4.1. Artistic and
Model design is created into a communication creative
images/ precise colored 3D model 4.2. Written skills
view of the images based on the communication 4.2. Computer
approved multi-view orthographic 4.3. Intellectual property application skills
booth or drawings. 4.4. Elements of design 4.3. Computer/
product/ 4.2. Brand, logo, color of overall 4.5. Principles of design application
window 3D model images are fully 4.6. Anthropometrics troubleshooting
display seen and reflected based 4.7. Ergonomics skills
design on the approved final 4.8. Form 4.4. Critical thinking
design & requirements. follows 4.5. Analytical skills
4.3. Structure and functionality function 4.6. Holistic skills
are indicated with 4.9. Computer
collaboration and knowledge
refinement with relevant 4.10. Familiarity in
personnel. different
4.4. Required materials graphic
needed for the design are applications
researched and indicated 4.11. Architecture
based on approved design and Interior
documentation & structure Design
plan. 4.12. Basic
4.5. Any electrical, lighting and Carpentry and
other important utilities Electrical
are indicated, and/or Installation
consulted with relevant 4.13. Geometry
personnel 4.14. Algebra
4.6. Final design, colored 4.15. Trigonometry
images of 3D model and
documentation are
presented for approval
by relevant personnel.
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
1. Design brief May include the following :
1.1. Project Statement
1.2. Project Objectives
1.3. Variables
1.4. Statistical Interpretation
1.5. Conclusions and Recommendations
1.6. Bibliography / References
2. Relevant personnel May include the following:
2.1. Creative/art director
2.2. Technical director
2.3. Head designer
2.4. Carpenters
2.5. Architect
2.6. Department head
2.7. Client
2.8. Utility Head
2.9. Location / Venue Manager
3. Brand guidelines May include:
3.1. Standards
3.2. Signage
3.3. Brand identifier
3.4. Logo colors
4. Location or space May include:
guidelines 4.1. Space dimensions
4.2. Obstacles
4.3. Location of electrical outlet
4.4. Design style
4.5. Design constraints
4.6. Material constraints
4.7. Utilities constraints
5. Multi-view Orthographic May include :
drawings 5.1. Top view
5.2. Front view
5.3. Back view
5.4. Left side view
5.5. Right side view
6. Materials & May include the following:
specifications 6.1. Styrofoam
6.2. Tarpaulin
6.3. Electrical gadgets
6.4. Neon lights
6.5. Digital displays
6.6. Metallic materials
6.7. Wood materials
6.8. Plastic materials
6.9. Glass materials
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
6.10. Actual product being displayed
6.11. Mannequins
6.12. Papers/cardboards
6.13. Textiles
6.14. Organic materials
6.15. Panel systems
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
2. Method of The assessor must assess the candidate through the ff:
2.1. Demonstration with oral questioning
2.2. Interview
4. Context of 4.1. Competency may be assessed on the job, off the job or a
assessment combination of these. Off the job assessment must be
undertaken in a closely simulated workplace environment.
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
These standards are set to provide the technical and vocational education and
training (TVET) providers with information and other important requirements to consider
when designing training programs for Visual Graphic Design NC III.
Delivery of knowledge requirements for the basic, common and core units
of competency specifically in the areas of mathematics, science/technology,
communication/language and other academic subjects shall be contextualized. To
this end, TVET providers shall develop a Contextual Learning Matrix (CLM) to
include green technology, issues on health and drugs and catering to persons
with disabilities (PWD’s) to accompany in their curricula.
Course Description:
This course is designed to develop & enhance the knowledge, skills, &
attitudes of a Visual Graphic Design Provider in accordance with industry
standards. It covers the basic & common competencies in addition to the core
competencies such as to develop designs for logo, develop designs for print
media, develop designs for user interface and user experience as well as develop
designs for product packaging and booth & product window display.
The nominal duration of 501 hours covers the required units at Visual
Graphic Design NC III. TVET providers can however, offer a longer, ladderized
course covering the NC III basic, common and core units.
To obtain this, all units prescribed for this qualification must be achieved:
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
(68 hrs)
Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
1. Lead 1.1. Communicate Lecture and discussion on: Lecture Written Test 2 Hours
workplace information o Effective verbal communication methods Demonstration Observation
communication about o Sources of information Practical
workplace Practice organizing information exercises
processes Identify organization requirements for written Demonstration
and electronic communication methods Role Play
Follow organization requirements for the use
of written and electronic communication
Perform exercises on understanding and
1.2. Lead conveying
Lecture and intended meaning
discussion on: scenario Group Oral 2 Hours
workplace o Organizational policy on production, quality discussion evaluation
discussions and safety Lecture Written Test
o Goals/ objectives and action plan setting Demonstration Observation
Read effective verbal communication methods
Prepare/set action plans based on
organizational goals and objectives
1.3. Identify and Lecture and discussion on: Group Oral 2 Hours
communicate o Organizational policy in dealing with issues discussion evaluation
issues arising and problems Lecture Written Test
in the Read effective verbal communication methods Demonstration Observation
workplace Practice organizing information Role Play
Perform exercises on understanding and
conveying intended meaning scenario
2. Lead 2.1. Provide Lecture and discussion on: Group Oral 2 Hours
small team o Company policies and procedures discussion evaluation
team leadership Identify client expectations Lecture Written
Practice team building skills Demonstration examination
Perform exercises on communication skills Role Play Observation
required for leading teams
2.2. Assign Lecture and discussion on: Group Oral 2 Hours
responsibilities o Team member’s duties and responsibilities discussion evaluation
Identify client expectations Lecture Written
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
Practice negotiating skills Demonstration examination
Perform group exercises showing the skills Role Play Observation
and techniques in promoting team building
2.3. Set Lecture and discussion on: Group Oral 2 Hours
performance o Team member’s duties and responsibilities discussion evaluation
expectations for o How performance expectations are set Lecture Observation
team members Identify client expectations Demonstration Written
Perform group exercises in setting individual Role Play examination
target/ expectation
Read instruction and requirements in up to
date dissemination to members
2.4. Supervise Discuss listening and treating individual Group Oral 2 Hours
team team members concern discussion evaluation
performance Identify methods of Monitoring Performance Lecture Written
Perform group exercises showing the skills Demonstration examination
in monitoring team performance Observation
3. Develop 3.1. Plan Lecture and discussion on: Group Oral 4 hours
and practice negotiations o codes of practice and guidelines for Discussion evaluation
negotiation the organization Lecture Written
skills o differences between content and process Demonstration examination
Read: Observation
o Organizations policy and procedures
for negotiations
o Decision making and conflict resolution
strategies procedures
o Strategies to manage conflict
o Steps in negotiating process
Identify bargaining information
Apply strategies to manage process
Apply steps in negotiating process
3.2. Participate Discuss/Describe the following strategies Group Oral 4 Hours
in during negotiation: Discussion evaluation
negotiations o Decision making and conflict resolution Case studies Observation
strategies procedures Demonstration
o Problem solving strategies on how to deal with Simulation/ Role
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
unexpected questions and attitudes play
during negotiation
Practice the following scenarios in a group activity:
o Perform interpersonal skills to develop rapport
with other parties
o Perform verbal communication and listening skill
o observation skills
o negotiation skills
Describe the Procedure in documenting negotiations
Apply a filing system in managing information
Demonstrate filing of documents
4. Solve 4.1. Identify Discussion on Normal operating parameters Group Oral 2 Hours
workplace the & product quality discussion evaluation
problems problem Identify & clarify the nature of problem Lecture Written
related to work Read: Demonstration examination
activities o Brainstorming Observation
o Cause and effect diagrams
o PARETO analysis
o SWOT analysis
o GANT chart
o PERT CPM & graph
Apply observation, investigation and
analytical techniques in solving problem in the
4.2. Determine workplace on Teamwork and work allocation problem
Discussion Group Oral 2 Hour
fundamental Read: discussion evaluation
cause of o Using range of formal problem solving techniques Lecture Written
the problem o Enterprise goals, targets and measures Demonstration examination
o Enterprise quality, OHS and Role Play Observation
environmental requirement
o Non-routine process and quality problems
Perform group exercises showing safety
in emergency situations and incidents
Identify & clarify the nature of problem
Select relevant equipment and operational processes
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
4.3. Discussion on principles of decision making Group Oral 2 Hour
Determin strategies and techniques Discussion evaluation
e correct / Read: Lecture Written
preventive o Evaluating the solution Demonstration examination
action o Devising the best solution Role Play Observation
Perform group exercise how to implement
the developed plan to rectify a problem
4.4. Provide Discuss industry codes and standards Group Oral 2 Hour
recommendation Apply enterprise information systems and Discussion evaluation
to manager data collation Demonstration Observation
Prepare recommendation letter
5. Use 5.1. Identify Discussion on the four fundamental Group Oral 2 Hour
mathematical mathematical operation (addition, subtraction, division, Discussion evaluation
concepts tools and multiplication) Lecture Written
and techniques to Read: Demonstration examination
techniques solve o Measurement system Observation
problems o Precision and accuracy
o Basic measuring tools/devices
Apply mathematical computations
Demonstrate activities on:
o Use of calculator
5.2. Apply o Use of
Lecture different
and measuring
discussion on: tools Lecture Written 4 Hours
mathematical o Estimation Demonstration examination
procedures / o Problem-based questions Observation
solution Simulation/
o Mathematical techniques
Role play
Apply mathematical computations
Demonstrate activities on:
o Use of calculator
o Use of different measuring tools
o Use of mathematical tools and standard formulas
5.3. Analyze results Discussion on the four fundamental Group Oral 2 Hours
operation (addition, subtraction, division, Discussion evaluation
multiplication) Lecture Written
Read: Demonstration examination
o Measurement system Observation
o Precision and accuracy
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
o Basic measuring tools/devices
Apply mathematical computations
Demonstrate activities on:
o Use of calculator
o Use of different measuring tools
6. Use 6.1. Identify Discussion on company policy in relation to Group Oral 2 Hour
relevant appropriate relevant technology Discussion evaluation
technologies technology Read: Lecture Written
o Awareness on technology and its function Demonstration examination
o Relevant technology application/ implementation Observation
o Operating instructions
Role Play
Practice basic communication skill in a group activity
6.2. Apply Discussion on different management concepts Group Oral 4 Hours
relevant Read: Discussion evaluation
technology o Relevant technology application/ implementation Lecture Written
o Technology adaptability Demonstration examination
o Different management concepts Observation
o Health and safety procedure
Role Play
o Communication techniques
o Apply software applications skills
Practice drills on installing application software
Practice basic communication skill in a group activity
6.3. Maintain/ Lecture and discussion on: Lecture Written 2 Hours
enhance o Repair and maintenance procedure Demonstration examination
relevant o Operating instructions Observation
technology Simulation/
Practice drills:
Role Play
o Installing application software
o Basic troubleshooting skills
7. Apply critical 7.1. Identify Lecture and discussion on Lecture Oral 2 Hours
thinking and the o Processes, normal operating parameters, and Group evaluation
problem problem product quality to recognize nonstandard Discussion Written
solving situations Examination
techniques in o Enterprise goals, targets and measures
the workplace o Analytical techniques
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
o Types of problems
7.4. Provide Using range of formal problem solving techniques Lecture Oral 2 Hours
recommendatio Preparation and presentation of Group evaluation
n/s to manager sample recommendation report Discussion Written
8. Use 8.1. Use Lecture and discussion on: Lecture Oral 4 Hours
information technical o Application in collating information Group evaluation
creatively and information o Procedures for inputting, maintaining and Discussion Written
critically systems and archiving information Hands on Examination
information o Guidance to people who need to find and Demonstration Presentation
technology use information
Organizing information into a suitable form
for reference and use
Classify stored information for identification
and retrieval
Operate the technical information system by
using agreed procedures
8.2. Apply Lecture and discussion on: Lecture Oral 2 Hours
information o Attributes and limitations of available software tool Group evaluation
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
technology (IT) o Procedures and work instructions for the use of IT Discussion Written
o Operational requirements for IT systems Self-paced Examination
o Sources and flow paths of data handout/ Presentation
o Security systems and measures that can be used module
o Methods of entering and processing information Hands on
Use procedures and work instructions for the use of IT Demonstration
Extract data and format reports
Use WWW applications
8.3. Edit, format Lecture and discussion on: Lecture Oral 2 Hours
and check o Basic file-handling techniques Group evaluation
information o Techniques in checking documents Discussion Written
o Techniques in editing and Self-paced Examination
formatting o Proof reading techniques handout/ Presentation
Use different techniques in checking documents module
Edit and format information applying Hands on
different techniques Demonstration
Proof read information applying different techniques
9. Work in a 9.1. Develop an Lecture and discussion on: Lecture Oral 2 Hours
diverse individual’s o Enterprise policies and core values Group evaluation
environment cultural o Awareness on individual cultures and Discussion Written
awareness world geography Examination
and sensitivity o Different methods of verbal and non- Presentation
verbal communication in a multicultural
9.2. Work o Workplace
Lecture Diversity on:
and discussion Policy Lecture Oral 2 Hours
effectively in an o The value of diversity in the economy and Group evaluation
environment society in terms of Workforce development Discussion Written
that o Innovation Examination
acknowledges o Social justice Presentation
and values o Customer service excellence
cultural diversity o Teamwork and collaboration
Applying strategies for customer service excellence
9.3. Identify Lecture and discussion on: Lecture Oral 2 Hours
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
Unit of Learning Assessment Nominal
Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Outcomes Approach Duration
common issues o Diversity-related conflicts within the workplace Group evaluation
in a o Change management policies Discussion Written
multicultural o Advance strategies for customer service excellence Examination
and diverse Identifying and addressing workplace harassment Presentation
environment Applying advance strategies for customer
service excellence
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
28 hrs
1.2. Assess own work Perform workplace procedure in Field trip Demonstration 3 hours
documenting completed work Symposium & questioning
Perform fault identification and reporting Simulation Observation
Observe safety and environmental aspects On the job training & questioning
of production processes
Utilize workplace quality indicators
Document and report deviations from
specified quality standards
1.3. Engage in Participate in quality improvement processes Field trip Demonstration 2 hours
quality a. IEC/ISO standards Symposium & questioning
improvement b. Environmental and safety standards Simulation Observation
Carry out work as per process On the job training & questioning
improvement procedures
Monitor operation performance
Implement continuous improvement
2. Perform 2.1. Plan and Plan and prepare computer operation activity Lecture Written/Oral 4 hours
Computer prepare for task Determine task requirements based on Modular examination
to be
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
Unit of Assessment Nominal
Learning Outcomes Learning Activities Methodology
Competency Approach Duration
Operations undertaken required output Computer based Practical
Determine appropriate hardware and software training (e- demonstration
Identify/Select types of computers and learning)
basic features of different operating Project method
systems On the job training
Interpret and follow client-specific guidelines
& procedures
2.2. Input data Plan
Applytask asergonomics
basic per data security guidelines
of keyboard Lecture Written/Oral 4 hour
into computer and computer user Modular examination
Enter/Encode data using appropriate Group discussion Practical
computer programs/applications Project method demonstration
Check accuracy of encoded On the job training
data/information per SOP
Save and store inputted data in storage media
Discuss storage devices and basic
categories of memory
Identify and define relevant types of software
2.3. Access Select correct program/ application based Lecture Written/Oral 5 hours
information using on job requirements Computer based examination
computer Access computer data/files training (e- Practical
Interpret general security, privacy legislation learning) demonstration
& copyright On the job training
Use Productivity Application
o Microsoft office applications
Learn Business Application
o Introduction to Basic
Programming software
Apply basic ergonomics of keyboard
and computer user
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
Unit of Learning Activities Assessment Nominal
Learning Outcome Methodology
Competency Approach Duration
1. Develop 1.1. Receive and Discuss the elements of a Design Brief Lecture Written exam 4 hours
designs for interpret the Interpret and determine the project Discussion Interviews /
a logo logo design brief requirements based on the design Viewing Multimedia Questioning
brief Actual
56 hrs
Conduct research on client/company demonstration
culture, people, target audience and
Discuss working against the mood
1.2. Select materials Identify/Select
Plan tasks following designhardware
appropriate Lecture/ Discussion Written exam 4 hours
& equipment and software needed to accomplish the Actual Practical Exam
to develop tasks demonstration Interviews /
logo design Discuss the different industry Questioning
standard vector software
Discuss different types of media applications 16 hours
1.3. Develop logo Discuss: Lecture/ Discussion Observation
design o Elements of design Practical exercises Practical
concepts o Principles of design Simulation demonstration
Perform initial drawings/sketches for Demonstration Oral questioning
the logo
Select the best design among the sketches
1.4. Edit / Revise Discuss: Practical exercises Observation 24 hours
logo design o Tools and techniques using an Simulation Practical
industry standard vector software Demonstration demonstration
o Difference between Vector and Oral questioning
Raster images
Revise logo design based on the
logo concepts and client feedback
1.5. Finalize logo Discuss: Practical exercises Observation 8 hours
design o Different logo applications Simulation Practical
o Different file format requirements Demonstration demonstration
Finalize logo design and test on different Oral questioning
media applications
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
Unit of Learning Activities Assessment Nominal
Learning Outcome Methodology
Competency Approach Duration
2. Develop 2.1. Interpret and Discuss: Lecture Written exam 8 hours
designs analyze the o Different types of print media Discussion Interviews /
for print print media o Relevance of schedule and milestones Viewing Multimedia Questioning
media design brief o Different type of print formats Actual
Conduct research appropriate to demonstration
design specifications of the brief
72 hrs 2.2. Prepare Discuss: Lecture/ Discussion Written exam 16 hours
equipment o Different Industry standard Actual demonstration Practical Exam
& materials Raster software Interviews /
for print o Monitor calibration Questioning
media o Different color palettes
design o Tools and techniques used in
raster software
o Importance of Shortcut keys
Identify and select appropriate
hardware and software needed to
perform task
Perform Monitor calibration and
organizing color palettes
Select appropriate page settings based
on the brief
2.3. Develop designs Conduct planning and research Lecture/ Discussion Observation 16 hours
for the specific Apply appropriate page set up based Practical exercises Practical
print media on brief requirements Simulation demonstration
output Discuss: Demonstration Oral questioning
o Graphic design styles
o Importing and exporting from
other software
o RGB and CMYK
Perform design concepts by
arranging elements using software
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
Unit of Learning Activities Assessment Nominal
Learning Outcome Methodology
Competency Approach Duration
2.4. Finalize print Discuss and perform: Lecture/ Discussion Observation 16 hours
media o Producing a print mockup Practical exercises Practical
design o Bleeding Simulation demonstration
layout o Printing settings and techniques Demonstration Oral questioning
Apply final revisions based on
client feedback
2.5. Prepare final Discuss and perform: Lecture/ Discussion Observation 8 hours
print output & o Color processing Practical exercises Practical
documentation o Different file formats Simulation demonstration
o Compression options Demonstration Oral questioning
o Different print effects and filters
Save and export final design
for presentation
2.6. Color separate Discuss and perform: Lecture/ Discussion Observation 8 hours
artwork file for o Color separation Practical exercises Practical
final printing o Process and spot colors Simulation demonstration
o Screen frequency Demonstration Oral questioning
o Spread and choke traps
o Overprints
Create proof of final approved design
3. Develop 3.1. Receive and Identify design brief, and creative and Lecture Written exam 4 hours
designs for interpret the technical requirements including product Discussion Interviews /
user client brief specifications and references with Viewing Multimedia Questioning
interface relevant personnel. Actual
Identify and prepare all necessary demonstration
equipment and required peripherals to
60 hrs be used according to task to be
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
Unit of Learning Activities Assessment Nominal
Learning Outcome Methodology
Competency Approach Duration
3.2. Select tools, Discuss: Lecture/ Discussion Written exam 16 hours
delivery o Types of User Interface Actual Practical Exam
platform and o Different Software for User demonstration Interviews /
appropriate Interface design Questioning
software Identify and select appropriate hardware
and software needed to perform task
Select appropriate page settings based
on the brief
4. Develop 4.1. Receive and Identify design brief, and creative and Lecture Written exam 4 hours
designs for interpret the technical requirements including product Discussion Interviews /
user client brief specifications and references with Viewing Multimedia Questioning
experience relevant personnel. Actual
Identify and prepare all necessary demonstration
79 hrs equipment and required peripherals to
be used according to task to be
4.2. Select media/ undertaken.
Discuss: Lecture/ Discussion Written exam 16 hours
materials for o Importance of User behavior, Actual demonstration Practical Exam
user goals, motivation and needs Interviews /
experience o Difference of UI and UX design Questioning
design o Different software for UX design
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
Unit of Learning Activities Assessment Nominal
Learning Outcome Methodology
Competency Approach Duration
4.3. Produce Discuss: Lecture/ Discussion Observation 15 hours
mockup of o Design flow Practical exercises Practical
screen o Clickable links Simulation demonstration
flow o Testing interactivity Demonstration Oral questioning
4.4. Create Page Discuss: Lecture/ Discussion Observation 16 hours
template o Grid specifications Practical exercises Practical
(wireframing) o Wireframing techniques Simulation demonstration
o Media testing Demonstration Oral questioning
4.5. Create page Discuss: Lecture/ Discussion Observation 20 hours
template/ o Presenting UX with motion Practical exercises Practical
user graphic software Simulation demonstration
experience o Presenting UX using code Demonstration Oral questioning
wireframing Refine the interactive and
presentation media based on client
Identify clearly and store securely all
designs and applications in accordance
with company procedures.
4.6. Finalize Discuss: Lecture/ Discussion Observation 8hours
wireframe and o Using After Effects for Practical exercises Practical
design flow of presenting animation Simulation demonstration
the selected o Simple coding for web and apps Demonstration Oral questioning
user Submit final design flow
media Identify design brief, and creative and Lecture Written exam 4 hours
5. Develop 5.1. Receive and
designs interpret the technical requirements including product Discussion Interviews /
for product brief specifications and references with Viewing Multimedia Questioning
packaging relevant personnel. Actual demonstration
Identify and prepare all necessary
equipment and required peripherals to
be used according to task to be
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
Unit of Learning Activities Assessment Nominal
Learning Outcome Methodology
Competency Approach Duration
68 hrs 5.2. Develop design Identify client’s/company’s logo Lecture/ Discussion Observation 24 hours
concepts for brand specifications Practical exercises Practical
specific Identify Simulation demonstration
product o Discuss: Demonstration Oral questioning
packaging o Form follows function
o Spatial Reasoning
o Types of
packaging o
5.3. Create specific Identify and select appropriate industry Lecture/ Discussion Observation 24 hours
product standard vector or raster software Practical exercises Practical
packaging including computer-assisted techniques Simulation demonstration
mockup for sustainability. Demonstration Oral questioning
o Form follows function
o Spatial Reasoning
o Types of packaging
o Packaging Printing specifications
o What is a die line?
Create package design based on the
design brief, product specifications and
company brand specification, within the die
Arrange the layout of the design within
the boundaries of the die line.
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
Unit of Learning Activities Assessment Nominal
Learning Outcome Methodology
Competency Approach Duration
5.4. Finalize design Identify and select appropriate industry Lecture/ Discussion Observation 16 hours
for specific standard 3Dsoftware including Practical exercises Practical
product computer- assisted techniques for Simulation demonstration
packaging sustainability. Demonstration Oral questioning
o 3D software tools and techniques
o Create a die line of the package
Create 3D model using industry standard
software based on the prototype and
brief requirements.
Place layout design on to the 3D model.
File save and export
Print and cut the layout design with die line.
Assemble the final package design.
6. Design booth 6.1. Receive and Identify design brief, and creative and Lecture Written exam 4 hours
and product/ interpret the technical requirements including product Discussion Interviews /
window brief specifications and references with Viewing Multimedia Questioning
display relevant personnel. Actual
Identify and prepare all necessary demonstration
equipment and required peripherals to
70 hrs be used according to task to be
6.2. Develop design Discuss: Lecture/ Discussion Observation 24 hours
concepts for Anthrometrics and Ergonomics Practical exercises Practical
specific booth Design styles Simulation demonstration
and product Space guidelines Demonstration Oral questioning
window / Form follows functions
display Architecture
Interior design
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
Unit of Learning Activities Assessment Nominal
Learning Outcome Methodology
Competency Approach Duration
6.3. Finalize selected Discuss: Lecture/ Discussion Observation 24 hours
design using o Drafting Practical exercises Practical
precise o Materials Simulation demonstration
specifications o Utilities for booths Demonstration Oral questioning
provided Identify range of materials needed in
the construction of the booth
Identify lighting and electrical wiring of
the booth.
Identify dimensions of the booth
create Multi-view Orthographic drawings
of the selected design for arrangement &
construction reference.
6.4. Produce colored Discuss: Lecture/ Discussion Observation 18 hours
3D model o Scale modelling Practical exercises Practical
images & views Identify and select appropriate Simulation demonstration
of the approved industry standard software including Demonstration Oral questioning
booth or computer- assisted techniques for
product/ sustainability.
window display Create a precise colored 3D model
design images.using industry standard software
based on the based on the approved multi-
view orthographic drawings
File save and export
Identify and select materials that is
appropriate for the design of the
Create a layout of each section scaled
down to appropriate size based on the
design specifications.
Print each view of the colored 3D
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
1. The delivery of training shall adhere to the design of the curriculum. Delivery
shall be guided by the principles of competency-based TVET.
TR-ICT (Visual Graphic Design NC III) (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
2.2 Enterprise-Based:
2.3 Community-Based:
TR-ICT (Visual Graphic Design NC III) (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
In cases where there are specialized tools, equipment and facilities that are
not generally considered standard requirements or not absolute requisites for training,
the industry working group or TESDA may provide guidelines or specific advice on such
TR-ICT (Visual Graphic Design NC III) (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
TR-ICT (Visual Graphic Design NC III) (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
4.1.1 To attain the National Qualification of Visual Graphic Design NC III, the
candidate must demonstrate competency in all the units listed in Section 1.
Successful candidates shall be awarded a National Certificate III level
signed by the TESDA Director General.
4.1.2 The qualification of Visual Graphic Design NC III may be attained through:
4.1.3 Upon accumulation and submission of all COCs acquired for all the relevant
units of competency comprising this qualification, an individual shall be
issued the corresponding National Certificate.
4.1.4 Assessment shall cover all competencies, with basic and common integrated
or assessed concurrently with the core units of competency.
TR-ICT (Visual Graphic Design NC III) (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
4.1.5 Any of the following are qualified to apply for assessment and certification:
4.1.7 The guidelines on assessment and certification are discussed in detail in the
"Operating Procedures on Assessment and Certification" and "Guidelines on
the Implementation of the Philippine TVET Competency Assessment and
Certification System (PTCACS)".
TR-ICT (Visual Graphic Design NC III) (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
Apply Quality Standards Operate a Personal Computer
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
26. Images or picture - is an artifact, usually two-dimensional, that has a similar
appearance to some subject—usually a physical object or a person. Images may be
two-dimensional, such as a photograph, screen display, and as well as a three-
dimensional, such as a statue. They may be captured by optical devices—such as
cameras, mirrors, lenses, telescopes, microscopes, etc. and natural objects and
phenomena, such as the human eye or water surfaces.
27. Indexed Color - Indexed formats are formats which are mapped to a smaller color
palette - 256-colours or less. All GIF images - whose bit depths can range from 1 to 8
- are, by definition, indexed images. In an indexed image, colors are stored in a
palette, which is sometimes referred to as a color lookup table. The indexed image's
palette contains all of the colors that are available for the image.
28. Interaction design - is when we create engaging web interfaces with logical
behaviors and actions.
29. Layout - A sample of the original providing (showing) position of printed work
(direction, instructions) needed and desired.
30. Layered - In Photoshop, a layer is a section of information within a file. For example,
a RGB file consists of at least four layers: the combined RGB layer, a Red layer, a
Green layer, and a Blue.
31. Leading - Amount of space between lines of type.
32. Logo (Logotype) - A company, partnership or corporate creation (design) that
denotes a unique entity. A possible combination of letters and art work to create a
"sole" entity symbol of that specific unit.
33. Lossless Compression - The process of compressing a file such that, after being
compressed and decompressed, it matches its original format bit for bit.
34. Multichannel - Color mode in which each multiple channel in Photoshop uses 256
levels of gray.
35. Mockup - or mock-up, is a scale or full-size model of a design or device, used for
teaching, demonstration, design evaluation, promotion, and other purposes.
36. Objects – refers to the vector shapes, e.g rectangle, rounded shapes, ellipse and
other irregular shapes.
37. Page layout - is the part of graphic design that deals in the arrangement and style
treatment of elements (content) on a page.
38. Path - consists of the general outline of an object. Paths can be open or closed and
can be made up of a combination of straight and curved segments. Open paths are
straight or curved lines which can have varying thickness by stroking the path. Closed
paths are shapes which can have a stroked outline and a filled interior. Paths can also
be used to mask out or clip away portions of another image. These paths are referred
to as clipping paths. Paths in graphics software are generally creating using a pen
tool, Bézier curve tool, or less commonly, a spline or b-spline curve tool.
39. Printmaking is the process of making artworks by printing, normally on paper.
40. Process color - is a subtractive color model, used in color printing, also used to
describe the printing process itself. Though it varies by print house, press operator,
press manufacturer and press run, ink is typically applied in the order of the acronym.
41. Prototype - is an early sample, model, or release of a product built to test a concept
or process or to act as a thing to be replicated or learned from.
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
42. Proof - Test sheet made to reveal errors or flaws, predict results on press and record
how a printing job is intended to appear when finished.
43. Raster graphics – see Bitmap definition.
44. Resolution - Sharpness of an image on film, paper, computer screen, disc, tape or
other medium.
45. Responsive Design - aims to build websites which provide an optimal viewing and
interaction experience.
46. RGB - Acronym for red-green-blue. The three colors of light which can be mixed to
produce any other color. Colored images are often stored as a sequence of RGB
triplets or as separate red, green, and blue overlays though this is not the only
possible representation (see CMYK).
47. Scale - To enlarge or reduce a graphic display, such as a drawing or a photographic
image, by adjusting its size proportionally.
48. Sharpening - In Photoshop, a variation of a traditional compositing technique used to
sharpen edges in an image. It is useful for images intended both for print and online.
49. Software – computer programs and procedures concerned with the operation of an
information system
50. Spot color – In offset printing, a spot color is any color generated by an ink (pure or
mixed) that is printed using a single run. The widely-spread offset printing process is
composed of four spot colors: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key (black) commonly
referred to as CMYK. More advanced processes involve the use of six spot colors
(hexa-chromatic process), which add Orange and Green to the process (termed
CMYKOG). The two additional spot colors are added to compensate for the inefficient
reproduction of faint tints using CMYK colors only. However, offset technicians around
the world use the term spot color to mean any color generated by a non-standard
offset ink; such as metallic, fluorescent, spot varnish, or custom hand-mixed inks.
51. Stroke – refers to outline of an object.
52. Subtractive Color - Color produced by light reflected from a surface, as compared to
additive color. Subtractive color includes hues in color photos and colors created by
inks on paper.
53. Tint - Screening or adding white to a solid color for results of lightening that specific
54. Trapping is a method of adjusting areas where two distinct, adjacent colors meet so
that press misregistration won't cause white spaces. Two kinds of trap process
include : a) spread - a lighter object overlaps a darker background and seems to
expand into the background and b) choke - a lighter background overlaps a darker
object that falls within the background and seems to squeeze or reduce the object.
55. UI (User Interface) Design – is the process of designing the look and feel of an
56. UX (User Experience) Design - is the process of enhancing user satisfaction by
improving the usability, accessibility, and pleasure provided in the interaction between
the user and the product.
57. Vector image - is one of the two major graphic types (the other being bitmap). Vector
graphics are made up of many individual objects. Each of these objects can be
defined by mathematical statements and has individual properties assigned to it such
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
as color, fill, and outline. Vector graphics are resolution independent because they
can be output to the highest quality at any scale.
58. Visual arts - are art forms that focus on the creation of works which are primarily
visual in nature, such as painting, photography, printmaking, and filmmaking. Those
that involve three-dimensional objects, such as sculpture and architecture, are called
plastic arts.
59. Wireflow - are a design-specification format that combines wireframe-style page
layout designs with a simplified flowchart-like way of representing interactions
60. Wireframe - also known as a page schematic or screen blueprint, is a visual guide
that represents the skeletal framework of a website.
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018
TR - Visual Graphic Design NC III (Version 01) Amended February 27, 2018