Sujok Global Magazine
Sujok Global Magazine
Sujok Global Magazine
Western medicine & Eastern (Oriental) medicine VS
Sujok....................................................................SJ T. Anamika Malpani, Nagpur..09
Top 10 Doctors, Who are changing the Face of Healthcare in
India..................................................................................SJ T Monisha Rawat............16
India Today Publication Coverage..........................SJ T Monisha Rawat.............17
Arogy Ratna Award.....................................................SJ T Reshma Suryavansh....19
International Woman's Day Awards.....................SJ T. Reshma Suryavanshi..21
Baroda Ratna Award..................................................SJ T. Reshma Suryavanshi..23
SMILE BIRTHDAYS.......................................................................................................41
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VOLUME - 2 | ISSUE - 3, 4, & 5 | 28- AUGUST-2022, NAGPUR.
Sujok World
Meaning Of Symbol
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VOLUME - 2 | ISSUE - 3, 4, & 5 | 28- AUGUST-2022, NAGPUR.
Sujok World
Dhawal Pathak
We had a successful Meeting with Dr. ISA UTTRAKHAND TEAM headed by Dr.
Pankaj Pandey (IAS) Secretary of Ayush, Subhash Choudhary, Brigadier Subhash ji
Govt of Uttarakhand. We gave him a Pawar, Col. Arun Mamgen,
presentation on Importance of Sujok Dr. M C Khanduri & SJ T. Gurmeet Singh
therapy for the welfare of the citizens of had joined the meeting for a successful
Uttrakhand and requested him to endeavour.
consider our proposal to recognize Sujok
Therapy as an independent system of Smile Thanks & Regards,
therapy in Uttarakhand. He very
SJ T. Dhaval Pathak
passionately listened to us and promised
Organizing Secretary | International Sujok
to do needful action in this matter.
Association - India.
During the meeting we also gave him a
Joint Secretary | International Sujok
Demo of Sujok therapy for his stiffed
Association - Global
neck. Quick result of Sujok has amazed | (+91) 955 88 00 161 |
[email protected]
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VOLUME - 2 | ISSUE - 3, 4, & 5 | 28- AUGUST-2022, NAGPUR.
Sujok World
The president of the Uttarakhand chapter She also briefed the honorable Governor
of the International Sujok Association Dr. about the ongoing procedures for formal
Subhash Choudhary and Gurmeet Singh recognition of Sujok therapy as an
Chauhan were called on by his Excellency Independent system of medicine as well
Lt. Gen. Gurmit Singh, PVSM, UYSM, as about the establishment of a State-
AVSM, VSM(Retd.) GOVERNOR OF Level Council of Sujok therapy in the state
UTTARAKHAND on Friday, 20th may of Uttarakhand under the guidance of the
2022. During the meeting, Mrs. Honorable Chief Minister Pushkar Singh
Choudhary apprised about the social Dhami ji and also threw light on how all of
welfare service in the form of providing this will benefit each and every citizen of
Sujok therapy treatment to the needy, the state.
conducting free awareness camps, free
Sujok treatment camps; being carried out The first lady Mrs. Gurmeet Kaur was also
by the Smile Sujok Foundation, Dehradun present on the occasion and she took Sujok
under the aegis of the International Sujok treatment and expressed her interest in
Association in various localities including learning more about the miraculous
Dehradun and numerous villages and treatment method.
towns around Uttarakhand.
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Sujok World
The ISA team further presented respected governor with Sujok literature, a self-
help Sujok kit, and an oil painting of him & a memento on this occasion.
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VOLUME - 2 | ISSUE - 3, 4, & 5 | 28- AUGUST-2022, NAGPUR.
Sujok World
Views expressed in the article are solely of the Author. Publisher & International Sujok Association
does not authenticate and take responsibility for any misinformation expressed their in.
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VOLUME - 2 | ISSUE - 3, 4, & 5 | 28- AUGUST-2022, NAGPUR.
Sujok World
Views expressed in the article are solely of the Author. Publisher & International Sujok Association
does not authenticate and take responsibility for any misinformation expressed their in.
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VOLUME - 2 | ISSUE - 3, 4, & 5 | 28- AUGUST-2022, NAGPUR.
Sujok World
Western medicine &
Eastern (Oriental)
medicine Vs Sujok
1) Western Medicine:
Western medicine is practised globally which
tends to focus on diagnosing and treating a
disease or illness based on patient’s
symptoms with various drugs and chemical
formulae prescribed for treatment. Western
medicine practitioners often recommend
various investigations, pharmaceuticals,
physical exercises (physiotherapy), surgery, SJ T. Anamika Malpani, Nagpur.
psychological counselling etc.
3). Sujok therapy :
2) Oriental Medicine: Sujok Therapy diagnosis and treatment
Mostly practiced in Eastern, most central methods has all the branches of Eastern
and south east Asia which is also therapy except herbal or allopathic
categorized as Mongoloids. Eastern medications. Sujok Therapy has all the
medicine takes into account patients diagnosis & treatment on correspondence
symptoms, appearance & an in Hand & Foot including Mini and Micro
individualized diagnosis of a patient’s Qi- level procedures like (Rhythmic Physical +
(or chi) meaning energy, based on various Energy Flow) as Sam Won Dong & Sam
diagnostic procedures like checking the Won Gong, Smile Meditation on
pulse and tongue. This aims to restore the Metaphysical level, Smile Tai Chi, Pulse
body’s balance and harmony between the Diagnosis, Smile Yoga, Smile Breathing,
natural opposing forces of Yin and Yang Emotional Healing, Time Acupuncture,
which can block Qi (Energy ) and cause Twist Therapy, Moxibustion, Micro
diseases. Holistically assessing physical Needling, Magnets, Seeds, Colours and
and emotional imbalances of internal many more therapies.
organs and restoring patient’s energy
level, thereby encouraging health and Thus a Sujok Therapist most essentially
healing. Oriental medicine practice performs the role of a Healer, a counselor
includes acupuncture, acupressure, diet, and forming an emotional bond with the
herbal therapy, Nutrition, Mind/Body patient for long period of interaction
exercises ( Tai Chi , Yoga), meditation, concerning health problems. Additionally
physical exercises and massage which is Smile and Breathing technics are our
also called Traditional Chinese Medicines strong tools thus realizing HIS wish of a
(TCM). Smile Civilization.
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Sujok World
A Positive Approach :
Combining various types of care-healing systems, being different yet they
have a place in today’s current health care scenario. Many practitioners are
finding ways that their treatments can complement each other.
Views expressed in the article are solely of the Author. Publisher & International Sujok Association
does not authenticate and take responsibility for any misinformation expressed their in.
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Sujok World
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Sujok World
Efficacy of Sujok
Therapy In Fungal
Infection of Nail
By Dr. Ajay Singh (PT)
Specialist in Sujok Therapy &
Functional Medicine
2. ETIOLOGY Onychomycosis can be caused by
dermatophytes (tinea unguium), non-
Background : Onychomycosis is a dermatophyte molds and yeasts.
common fungal infection of the nail
unit. Clinical manifestations include
discoloration of the nail, subungual
hyperkeratosis, onycholysis, and Onychomycosis is acquired through
onychauxis direct contact of the nail with
dermatophytes, non-dermatophyte
Objectives : The study aimed to provide molds, or yeasts. Because the nail unit
an update on the evaluation, diagnosis, does not have effective cell-mediated
and treatment of onychomycosis in Sujok immunity, it is susceptible to fungal
Therapy. infection. Fungal production of enzymes
that have proteolytic, keratinolytic, and
Methods : The patient was treated by lipolytic activities help to degrade the
correspondence system, six-ki keratin in the nail plate and facilitate
(constitution Treatment, branch and sub- fungal invasion of the nail.
branch treatments) and triorigin.
Onychomycosis is an infection of the nail
unit caused by fungi (dermatophytes, Typically, onychomycosis presents as a
non-dermatophyte molds, and yeasts), white or yellow-brown discoloration of
presenting with discoloration of the nail, the nail. Violaceous, green, and black
onycholysis, and nail plate thickening . discoloration of the nail plate have also
Any component of the nail unit, including been observed. Other clinical
the nail plate, nail matrix, and nail bed manifestations include subungual
can be affected . Onychomycosis is the hyperkeratosis, detachment of the nail
most common disorder affecting the nail from the nail bed (onycholysis) and
unit and accounts for at least 50% of all thickening of the nail plate (onychauxis).
nail diseases.
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Sujok World
1. Um - I ↑ A ↑ *Um- I ↑
2. Um-IV ↓ D ↓ *Um-IV ↓
3. Um- VI ↑ L ↑ *Um- VI ↑
4. Command I ↑ on I I ↑ on Um Ajna
Testimonials :
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Sujok World
Patient details
A patient named Ms. S, aged 50 years visited my Su Jok clinic with a chief
complaint of fungal infection in right hand middle finger.
Treatment :
Constitution treatment : In the first session, a detailed history of the patient
was taken. The patient was asked questions about her emotions , reason
,symptoms, hobbies, appetite, history of fever, urine holding capacity etc. to
predict her constitution. She was found to have Ah wind constitution type
2(Functional type of circulation).
Six Ki treatment was initiated first with only the meridians, and after 4
sessions the Chakra harmonization was added.
1. Ah- VI ↓ K ↓ *Ah- VI ↓
2. Ah-IV ↑ C ↑ *Ah-IV ↑
3. Ah- I ↓ B ↓ *Ah- I ↓
4. Command VI ↓ on J VI ↓ on Ah Ajna
Views expressed in the article are solely of the Author. Publisher & International Sujok Association
does not authenticate and take responsibility for any misinformation expressed their in.
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Sujok World
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Sujok World
On National Doctors` Day 2022, SJ T. Monisha Rawat has been featured as TOP
10 Doctors in leading Magazine - India Today, Outlook, India Mirror, Jio News,
Asia News and 6 more publications.
She has been acknowledged and appreciated for her unparallel commitment
towards her patient`s wellbeing and her dedication & contribution to the
society and community in healthcare sector, along with spreading Sujok
Therapy in India and across the globe through the Workshops, Awareness
Programs and Seminars
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Sujok World
Publication Coverage
Interestingly different nations celebrate The specialist has extensively studied the
Doctor's Day on other dates of the year. human body's reaction to drugs & food
However, in India, the day falls on the 1st intake, and that helped her to understand
of July. The Government of India and master Cellular and Nutritional
instituted this day in 1991 to mark the Healing.
birth and death anniversary of Dr Bidhan
Chandra Roy, who made significant In 2003, she conceived the holistic
contributions to the Indian medical wellness institution Monisha's Mantra
system. The eminent physician was also Mulund; to cure a wide range of acute
the second Chief Minister of West Bengal. and chronic disorders without Medicines
Today we are recognising medical and positively transform the lives of
professionals' selfless and incomparable individuals into a more youthful version.
hard work. India Mirror, a prominent She also excels in Mind Programming,
digital portal in India for news and Relationship Healing, & Inspirational
marketing, honours the top ten doctors of Lectures. She has conducted 1000+
the year who have become the result-oriented workshops across
fundamental cornerstone of India's Corporate houses, Educational institutes
healthcare system by showcasing their and Community groups in India and
ability to persevere and survive in the abroad.
face of tremendous odds.
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Sujok World
Views expressed in the article are solely of the Author. Publisher & International Sujok Association
does not authenticate and take responsibility for any misinformation expressed their in.
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Sujok World
SJ T. Reshma Suryavanshi-
International Woman's Day Awards
On the occasion of International Women’s Day SJ T. Reshma Suryawanshi was
honored with various achievement awards at Baroda. She was praised for her
work in the society caring for health through Sujok Therapy treatments and
allied therapies in which she has expertise.
Following organizations enthusiastically presented her mementos and
# Vishwa Samvad Parishad, Gujarat
Awarded her with “ The most inspiring woman of the Earth
Award, 2022 “
# Chalk and Duster
Awarded her with “ Woman of Excellence Award-2022 “
# MTTV India
Awarded her with “ Mahila Shakti Samman -2021 “
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Sujok World
SJ T. Reshma Suryavanshi-
International Woman's Day Awards
Views expressed in the article are solely of the Author. Publisher & International Sujok Association
does not authenticate and take responsibility for any misinformation expressed their in.
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VOLUME - 2 | ISSUE - 3, 4, & 5 | 28- AUGUST-2022, NAGPUR.
Sujok World
Views expressed in the article are solely of the Author. Publisher & International Sujok Association
does not authenticate and take responsibility for any misinformation expressed their in.
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Sujok World
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Sujok World
Views expressed in the article are solely of the Author. Publisher & International Sujok Association
does not authenticate and take responsibility for any misinformation expressed their in.
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VOLUME - 2 | ISSUE - 3, 4, & 5 | 28- AUGUST-2022, NAGPUR.
Sujok World
Views expressed in the article are solely of the Author. Publisher & International Sujok Association
does not authenticate and take responsibility for any misinformation expressed their in.
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Sujok World
Views expressed in the article are solely of the Author. Publisher & International Sujok Association
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Sujok World
How Sujok can help for the mental & emotional level health issues also
presented to them. We also informed them of the importance of Sujok as a
Earlier the treatment camp was also held at the same place during the Covid
pandemic for the patients with the same issues that arose from the pandemic.
Professors of deptt. Counseled them and we treated them through Sujok.
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Sujok World
Smile Morning Madam And ISA Team Manisha ma’am, Gratitude and Smile
thanks for your dedication to teach like
The Anatomy Class, which began in the me Non medical background terminology
month of March, has come to an end is too hard to understand but hearing
today. Lot smiles and thanks for ISA team, your explanations deeply for all small
Dhavalji and Dr Minchul sir. We know it small points really appreciated after
was a great effort from ISA for preparing retirement of government job @ 66 age
such a study class for us , I think this class this opportunity from ISA to learn
is definitely an inspiration for the Sujok Anotomy & Physiology. I availed this I
students who are still studying sujok and couldn't not study in science due to
practicing sujok, because from the time circumstances but now I am happy and
sujok class started It was necessary for all still learning. Smile thanks to all staff
students to learn anatomy, it has been a R&D Nagpur for hard support behind for
challenge for us to find out the cause of managing online classes for long
disease in human body and even the duration-
structural, functional, emotional, mental
and physical problems the patients are -Rajula Desai
facing. I think this class should have
started earlier. If ISA makes anatomy
class mandatory for all sujokians which Thank you is such a small word ma'am for
can mould to become good practitioners. the knowledge you shared with us, for the
patience you taught us with, for the time
Now my words about Dr. Manisha who you spent on us and for all your positive
took the wonderful anatomy class for us energy.
and made us aware of the subjects in a
limited period of time. We all know These three months were amazing. Wish
human anatomy is a huge subject. But the you all the happiness with the hope to see
way she cared about the students in you soon.
studies by giving exercises and home
work was excellent. Hats of mam for that Thank you to rest of the team members
great quality of a lecturer! God bless you and all other participants for making
and have a wonderful smile life and these three months possible and this
expecting future co operation with us. amazing. –
-Rajeswari C R
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Sujok World
Mam, you have taught me ABCD of Smile Greetings Ma'am, Dhawal Sir and
anatomy which is the base/foundation. ISA team...I am truly blessed by Prof. Park
My perspective of treatment has changed Jae Woo...He always inspire me to do the
entirely.... Especially my aversion to study course and I join the course.. wonderful
about skeleton (anatomy) has completely Journey ...I learnt so many new ways to
changed.... During school days when we see the person, their perspective, their
were taken to biology lab....I was afraid to reports now I can understand ...and the
see the skeleton but during our sessions good part is searching site where I can
whenever I saw skeleton with lipstick.... get good material for home work .. my
Saw its own beauty and miracle of Gods' confidence level increases I am
creation. Thanks for guiding me in this able to see the report and give treatment
wonderful journey.... Highly appreciate can trust easily when he
your patience to teach lay students like cure fast..My aim is to give drugless life to
me with little or no exposure to the everyone .. because drugs are life support
subject. medicine but it's side-effects damage
other organs too, this is a great
FRIENDS Thank you so much for your channel going on after treating one
notes and sharing. disease Dr refers to other Dr. So, patient
till alive just go round and round... Thank
Awaiting the upcoming classes. you Prof . For your blessings that's why .I
GRATITUDE TO THE WHOLE TEAM AND joined this course..Manisha Ma'am Your
ISA GROUP – smile is so beautiful .. keep this smile
forever with you...You are a beautiful and
-Sumathi Pillai Devine Soul... your teaching ability is
perfect .. God bless you and all...
Gratitude –
-Nandini Kewalramani
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Sujok World
Lecture: - BASIC Lecture:- BASIC, MSK
Sujok Qualification : BASIC(L-1)/MSK Sujok Qualification: BASIC(L-1)/MSK(L-2),
(L-2), SIX KI(1), SIX KI(2) SIX KI(1), SIX KI(2)
Ph.No.: 9884310006, Date of Birth: April 1. Ph.No.: 9422858558, Date of Birth: April 9.
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Sujok World
Next issue of the Sujok Global Newsletter will be published in the last week of November
2022 for which artciles received upto 20 October 2022 will be taken up for consideration.
International Sujok Association
C/o, Sujok Clinic & Research Centre, Near Sharda Ispat Ltd.,
Automotive Square, Kamptee Road, Nagpur - 440026.
Maharashtra , Bharat |
[email protected] | [email protected]
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