L1 - W1 - TPS211 - Introduction To Survey Research
L1 - W1 - TPS211 - Introduction To Survey Research
L1 - W1 - TPS211 - Introduction To Survey Research
1 Definition 5 Types of Research
Characteristics of
3 Research Goal 7 Research
Descriptive Exploratory
Research Research
Historical Experimental
Research Research
The historical method is done by studying some aspects of the past,
either by perusing documents of the past.
To reconstruct the past systematically by collecting, evaluating,
verifying and synthesizing evidence to reach defensible conclusions
Eg : A study of the origination of the Islam religion in Malaysia
• Its depends upon data observed by others (2nd Sources)
• It must rigorous, systematic and exhaustive
• Its depends upon another kind of data, called primary
sources where the author is a direct observer of the
recorded event. Primary sources take priority over
secondary sources in data collection.
Focuses on certain case of interest. The object under study would
be described on any aspects that the researcher is interested in.
The information may be acquired through interviews,
questionnaires, observation or a combination of all three.
To describe systematically and accurately of a given population or
area of interest.
Eg : A study and definition of all personal positions in the JPA
: A study of farmers in Malaysia
• Literal sense of describing situations or events
• Accumulation of data base that is solely descriptive
To develop new approaches and to solve problems with direct
application to the working world setting
• Directly relevant to actual situations and organization
• Provides an orderly frameworks for problem solving
• Flexible and adaptive
• Structural reorganization in insurance
To study a problem, phenomena or new area of interest in order to
know, analysis or appreciate the problem, phenomenon or the
area being studied. It is carried out the enable a more detailed
study to be carried or implemented later
• Exploratory research attempts to answer the following
1. Whether the problem actually exists?
2. What is the type of the problem?
3. How serious is the problem?
4. Should we invest the related subject or issues?
5. It depends on coverage of the study
6. Involved multi-discipline
7. It depends on objective of the study
8. Feasibilities studies
To prove or confirm a particular result through testing which is
carried out according to certain set procedure and methods
before any conclusion can been drawn.
• It is depends on technique of the experiment
• It is depends on experimental units have been used
• It is depends on internal and external validity of data
• The statement of the problems
• Literature review
• Methodology and data collection
• Results and findings
• Drawing legitimate conclusions
• Writing the research report
1. Its begins with a questions in the mind of a
2. It requires a plan.
3. Its demands a clear statement of the problem.
4. It deals with main problem through sub problem.
5. It seeks direction through appropriate hypothesis.
6. It deals with facts and their meaning.
7. It is circular.
Knowledge in research helps to take calculated risks in decision making,
knowing full well the probabilities attached to different and possible
1. Broad area of research 2. Preliminary Data
interest identified Gathering (Interview,
(Observation) Literature Survey)
3. Problem Definition
4. Theoretical Framework
Deduction (hypothesis
(variables clearly
No Substantiated?
identified, labeled &
Research questions
Relationship explained)
5. Generation of Hypothesis
6.Choosing the appropriate
research design
Report Writing
7. Data Collection analysis
& Interpretation
Report Presentation
1. Defining the problem
4. Gathering data
5. Processing and analyzing
the data
6. Report Writing
Setting out general statement of research
problems/topic or question of interest
Scrutinizing the literature, consulting, discussing
with colleagues, clarifying key concepts
• Formulation of the research questions
• Identifying the key elements of the research (variable) and intended outcomes
• Indentifying the general research strategy for data collection
• Selecting or constructing the appropriate techniques/tools/instruments etc. for data
• Undertaking pilot survey/work
• Time and scheduling the research
Collecting and Analyzing data
Interpreting and Reporting the results