Disk Electrostatic Automatic Coating System - OTSON - DM - OTS - 5000!3!0
Disk Electrostatic Automatic Coating System - OTSON - DM - OTS - 5000!3!0
Disk Electrostatic Automatic Coating System - OTSON - DM - OTS - 5000!3!0
Innovative Technologies of
Liquid Electrostatic Coating Solutions
I n using the OTSON DISK electrostatic spray equipment, the high revolution of DISK tends to
t h ro w t h e p a i n t aw ay w h e n the pa i nt passes thr ough the live DISK. In this c as e, the ex p e lli n g e ff e c t app e a rs b e tw ee n the paint car r ying electr ostatic and the live par ti c l es as t o c a u s e f u r t her ato mi za ti on o f p aint and thus, for m ing m uch finer thin fog. D ue to t h e o cc l u s i o n o f e l ectrosta ti c, the l ost paints ar e sucked back to the wor k pl ac e i n ge n e ra t i n g a k i n d o f su rro u n d i ng e l ectr ostatic effect and the over spr aying phen om enon is t h u s m i n i m i z e d. In th i s w a y, the m achine has achieved the pur pose of elec tr os tati c sp ra y.
Spray Booth
Air & Oil Filter Insulating Table Microcomputer Control Panel
Dual Coating- Solvent and Waterborne Paint Improving Coating Quality- Uniform Film Thickness Good Edge Cover- High quality atomisation and coating finish Reducing Coatings Cost- High Transfer Efficiency Good Wraparound- Very little over spray and no bounce back Low VOC
(volatile organic compounds )
Reducing Water Pollutions High Production Rates. Long Life Operation Low Failure Rate Easy Maintenance
T h e OT SO N D I S K e l ectrosta ti c sp ray system can significantly im pr ove the s pr ay i ng q u a li t y a n d p r od u cti on w hi l e red u cing the paint consum ption, the waste dis c har ge a n d th e m a i n t en a n ce cost. B eca u se of the highly atom ized live paint gr ai ns , the f ilm i s u n i f o r m l y a n d smo o th l y co ated on the wor kplace which has r educ ed the o ra n ge t i s s u e effe ct a n d i mp rove d the coating layer quality.
Coating Savings
Paint Tank 1
The Spray Direction of OTSON Twin-Turbine Rotary Atomizer The OTSON Twin-Turbine Rotary Atomizer can rotate at speeds from 1,000 to 60,000 RPM which is capable of atomizing even the toughes coatings into extremely fine particles to produce a high-quality finish. The Turbine Atomizers fine atomization can provides uniform coating thickness on all surfaces, and relatively reduce over spray and pain waste. The quick-disconnect features of the turbine atomizer and the disks allow for easy maintenance and reduced downtime. The whole coating machine is fully automated which provides high production rates and reduces labor cost.
Spray Booth
4250 mm
3100 mm
Pre Touch Up
DISK Coating
Post Touch Up
Curing Oven
4250 mm
2470 mm
To Oven
Post Touch up
Post Touch up
Post Touch up
Pre Touch up
Post Touch up
Post Touch up
Pre Touch up
Post Touch up
Application - Bicycle
Primer Coating
Final Coating
Application - Industry
Small parts Bicycle Application Small parts Bicycle Computer Housing Stationeries Wooden Furniture Hardware Lockers Freezers Iron Railing Display Cases
Office Partitions Medical Equipment Restroom Partitions Roller Bars Metal Doors Decorative Lamps Electrical Home Appliances Car Accessories, Teflon Pot Sports Equipment Handcraft Files Desks
Sports Equipment Handcraft Computer Housing Stationeries Wooden Furniture Hardware Lockers Freezers Iron Railing Display Cases Refrigerators Heavy Machinery Office Equipment
Application - Industry
OTS - 5300
Disk Electrostatic Automatic Coating System
OTS - 5300
Disk Electrostatic Automatic Coating System
S p ec ific atio n
OTS-5300 Microcomputer Control Panel ( Man-Machine Interface )
Input Voltage: AC 200V ~ 415V 50hz / 60hz (3 phase ) 5% Power Consumption : 2.5 KVA Dimension : 420 (L) x 730 (w) x 1710 (H) mm Weight : 110 kg Servo Motor controlled reciprocator. Touch Panel interface by using 7.7 colour screen. Memory capacity up to 200 sets of operation. Door-in-Door design to achieve efficient anti-dust effect. Coatings:Solvent-base & Waterborne Coatings OTS-5300
S p e cific atio n
Twin-Turbine Rotary Atomizer
Air Pressure : 1.0 ~7.0 kg/cm2 . Air Consumption : 68 m3/Hr. ( 40 SCFM) Speed : 60000 RPM (no-load) Twin-Turbine design in providing high torque and atomization effect.
Length: 1200mm~ 3000mm. Single travel, multi-speed shifting. Control Method: 1. Frequency Converter for speed control. 2. Man-machine interface control panel is controlled by servo motor for regulating the travel speed.
S p ecific at i o n
OTS-5000 & OTS-5100 Liquid Electrostatic Power Supply
Out Voltage Out Current Intercepting Current Input Voltage Weight Dimensions Coatings 0~100 KV DC(-) 50 microamperes 20~150 microampere 220V AC (50Hz) 12 kg 300(L)x120(W)x350(H) mm Solvent-base Coatings
Gear Pump
Gear Pump
Input Voltage : AC 220 V ~ 380 V 10% 3 Phase Horsepower : 1/4 HP Dimension : 130 (L) x 600 (w) x 30 (H) mm Weight : 13 kg Output : 3cc / rev 200 cc ~ 1500 cc / min (digital control) Pump Material : Hardened Steel CMoWCrVCo HRC = over 63) Titanium plated for durable use and wearing resistance.
Air Heater
Dimension : 410 (L) x 170 (w) x 150 (H) mm Weight : 5 kg Input Voltage : AC220V , 500W Temperature : 30C ~ 110C
Ordering Information
Disk Electrostatic Automatic Coating System Disk Electrostatic Automatic Coating System a.Microcomputer Control Subsystem Microcomputer Control Panel (MAN MACHINE INTERFACE) x 1set b.Spray Subsystem Twin-Turbine High Rotary Atomizer x 1 set High Atomization Spray Disk (170 mm) x 1 set H.V cable (11m) x 2 set Teflon Spraying tube (13m) x 2 set PU Air tube (15m) x 2 set c.High Voltage Electrostatic Power Subsystem OTS-3000 Electrostatic Power Supply x 1 set d.Reciprocator Subsystem Reciprocator (Stroke Length 1.6M) x 1 set e.Paint Supply Subsystem Gear Pump x 2 set Air Heater x 1 set Air Filter ( screening oil and water ) x 1 set
Disk Electrostatic Automatic Coating System Disk Electrostatic Automatic Coating System a.Microcomputer Control Subsystem Microcomputer Control Panel (MAN MACHINE INTERFACE) x 1set b.Spray Subsystem Twin-Turbine High Rotary Atomizer x 1 set High Atomization Spray Disk (170 mm) x 1 set H.V cable (11m) x 2 set Teflon Spraying tube (13m) x 2 set PU Air tube (15m) x 2 set c.High Voltage Electrostatic Power Subsystem OTS-3000 Electrostatic Power Supply x 1 set d.Reciprocator Subsystem Reciprocator (Stroke Length 1.6M) x 1 set e.Paint Supply Subsystem Gear Pump x 2 set Air Heater x 1 set Air Filter ( screening oil and water ) x 1 set
*The appearance of all products, detail, figure and specification are subject to change at any time without notice. Copyright OTSON is a registered trademark of OTSON Technologies Corp. All other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.