Complex Compounds
Complex Compounds
Complex Compounds
Jr Chemistry E/M
Secondary valency (Non-Ionisable valency)
i) It is satisfied by anions or neutral molecules
Co-ordination Compounds or rarely with cations. The groups satisfying
Double Salt : secondary valencies are called ligands.
1) Double salts exist only in solid state and ii) The number of secondary valencies is equal
dissociate into ions in water to coordination number.
2) They lose their identity in solution. iii) It is represented by thick lines while writing
3) The properties of double salt are essentially the structure of the complex.
the same as those of the constituent compounds In some complexes the same groups satisfies
4) In double salts, metal ion exhibit their normal both primary and secondary valencies.
valency. The ligands are directed in space around the
5) Double salts contain ionic bonds central metal atom in different ways. This leads
to a definite geometry to the molecule.
Ex: i) KCl . MgCl2 .6 H 2O (Carnallite)
ii) K 2 SO4 . Al2 ( SO4 )3 .24 H 2O (Potash alum) Colour Formula
No. of ions
in solution
iii)FeSO4 . (NH4)2 SO4 . 6H2O (Mohr’s salt)
Coordination compound : Yellow CO NH 3 6 3Cl
4 ions
1) They exist in the solid state as well as in
solution. Purple COCl NH 3 5 2Cl
3 ions
2) They donot completely lose their identity in
solution. COCl2 NH 3 4 Cl
Green 2 ions
3) The properties of coordinate compounds are
different from the constituent compounds.
Violet COCl2 NH 3 4 Cl 2 ions
4) In coordination compound, metal ion is
surrounded by a number of anions or neutral
molecules. The metal ion exhibits more than Complex
No. of
6 Werner structure
its normal valency. Octahedral
5) Coordinate comounds may have ionic as well –
1. Three Cl ions satisfy primary valency NH3 NH3 NH3
2. Six NH3 species satisfy secondary valency
as coordinate bonds. COCl36NH3 6
3. Ions in solution = 4 Cl– CO
Ex: K 4 Fe CN 6 , K 3 CoCl6
Hexadentate ligand: contains six donor
Based on ligands types of complexes: atoms. (EDTA)-4 (ethylene diamine tetra acetate)
Homoleptic complex: The complex in which
the central metal atom (or) ion bound with only
one kind of ligand.
4 3
Ex: Fe CN 6 , Co H 2 O 6
Heteroleptic complex: The complex in which Ambidentate Ligand: It contains two donor
the central metal atom (or) ion bound with more atoms but both atoms can’t form dative bond in
than one kind of ligand. single compound.
Ex: CO NH 3 5 Cl O
Ligand: An ion or a molecule which can donate M N M O N O
a pair of electrons to a metal atom or a metal O
ion and can form dative bond is called ligand. nitrito-N nitrito-C
They are Lewis acids.
Ligands are three types M NCS
Negative ligands Eg: Cl-, SO4-2, CN-, C2O4-2; etc., thiocyanato isothiocyanato
Neutral ligands Eg: H2O, NH3 etc., EDTA can acts a penta and hexa dentate ligand.
Positive ligands Eg : NO+, NO2+ So., it is called felxi dentate ligand.
Jr Chemistry E/M
Chelating ligands: A multi dentate ligand No characteristics suffix for neutral
simultaneously coordinate to metal ion through ligands.
more than one sigma bond, a ring like structure Ex: NH CH CH NH - Ethylene diammine
2 2 2 2
obtained. which is called Chelate and ligand is
called Chelating ligand. C6 H 5 N - Pyridine
Chelating effect: Due to this stability of PH 3 - Phosphine
C6 H 5 3 P
complex increases.
- Triphenylphosphine
Ex : Cu en 2 is less stable because it forms H 2O - aqua (or) aquo
only two rings. Fe EDTA is more stable
NO - Nitrosyl
NH 3 - ammine
because it forms five rings.
CS - Thiocarbonyl
Chelate contains 6 donor atoms are less stable
due to steric hinderance. CO - Carbonyl
NS - Thionitrosyl
Importance of Chelates: Chelates used in Suffix for negative ligand is ‘o’.
(i) softening of hard water
Ex: Cl - Chloro, OH - hydroxo
(ii) separation of lanthanides and actinides.
(iii) estimation of Ni +2 , Mg +2 , Cu +2 ions NO2 - Nitrito, CO32 - Carbonato
C2O42 - Oxalato, C6 H 5COO - Benzoato
Central atom/ion: In a coordination entity, the
Br - Bromo, I - Iodo, F - Flouro
atom/ion to which a fixed number of ions/groups
are bound in a definite geometrical arrangement SO42 - Sulphato, O22 - Peroxo,
around it, is called the central atom or ion.
H - Hydrido, NH 2 - amido,
For example, the central atom/ion in the
coordination entities: [NiCl 2(H 2 O) 4 ], NH 2 - Imido C2O42 - Oxalato etc..
[CoCl(NH 3 ) 5 ] 2+ and [Fe(CN)6 ] 3– are Ni2+ , Suffix for positive ligand is ‘ium’.
Co3+ and Fe3+, respectively. These central atoms/
ions are Lewis acids. Ex: NO2 - Nitronium, Cl - Chloronium
IUPAC nomenclature NO - Nitrosonium, N 2 H 5 - Hydrazinium
Order of Naming of Ions: The positive ion Order of Naming Ligands:If more than one
is named first followed by the negative ion. different kinds of ligands are present in a
compound, their names should be written in
Ex: K 4 Fe CN 6 4 K Fe CN 6 alphabetical order.
Potassium hexacyano Ferrate (II) Ex : Pt Br Cl NO2 NH 3 is named
Name of the non ionic (or) neutral complex must as ammine bromo chloro nitro platinate (II) ion.
be written in one word. Numerical prefixes to indicate number of
Ex : Ni CO 4 - tetra carbonyl nickel (O). ligands: If more than one same kind of ligands
are present they are labled as di, tri, tetra, penta
Naming the Co-ordination Entity: In
etc. Ex : Cr NH 3 6 Cl3 -
naming the coordination entity, the ligands are
named first and then central metal ion. Hexaamminechromium(III) chloride.
Naming of ligands : ligands are 3 types Ni CN 4 - Tetracyanonickelate(II)ion.
Jr Chemistry E/M
If the same ligand can donate lone pairs from Point of Attachment: When a ligand can
more than one centre, they are named as coordinate through more than one atom, then
bidentate, tridentate etc, depending on the the point of attachment of the ligand is indicated
number of lone pairs donated. by putting the symbol of the atom through which
Ex: NH 2CH 2CH 2 NH 2 . coordination occurs, after the name of the ligand.
The number of bidentate, tridentate etc ligands Sometimes, different names are used for
is mentioned with bis, tris, tetrakis, etc. If they alternative modes of attachment.
already contain di, tri, tetra etc. in their names. Ex: NO2 can co-ordinate through -N (or) -O.
Ex: Pt Br2 NH 2 CH 2 CH 2 NH 2 2 Cl2 is If it co-ordinates through N, it is called nitrito
-N (or simply as nitro). On the other hand, if
named as dibromobis (1, 2-ethane diamine) it co-ordinates through -O, (-ONO-), it is called
Platinum(IV) chloride. nitrito-O.
Ending Names: When the complex is anionic,
the name of the central metal atom ends with - NO2 (through N) ONO (through -O)
ate. For cationic and neutral complexes the Nitrito -N (or) Nitrito-O (or)
name of the metal is written without any Simply nitro Simply nitrito
characteristic ending. SCN (through -S) NCS - (through -N)
Ex: Cationic complex : thio cyanato (or) isothio cyanato (or)
Co NH 3 6 Cl3 -Hexamminecobalt(III) thio cyanato-S thio cyanato-N
chloride Cationic Complexes
Ex :Neutral complex : Co NH 3 6 Cl3
Ni CO 4 - Tetracarbonylnickel(0) Hexamminecobalt (III) chloride
Ex :Anionic complex :
Pt Cl NH Cl
K Pt Cl5 NH 3 -
3 5
Pentaamminechloroplatinum (IV) chloride
Potassium amminepentachloroplatinate(IV)
If the complex is anion, the name of the metal CrCl NO2 NH 3 4 NO3
should be taken from latin language. Tetraamminechloronitrochromium(III) nitrate
Ex : Cu - Cuprum – Cuprate
Pt NH 3 6 Cl4
Sn - Stannum – Stannate
Fe - Ferrum – Ferrate Hexammineplatinum(IV) chloride.
Pb - Plumbum – Plumbate
Co NH3 H 2O Cl Cl2
Ag - Argentum – Argentate 4
Au - Aurum – Aurate Tetraammineaquachlorocobalt(III) chloride.
Cr - Chromium – Chromate
Cr H 2O 4 Cl2
Ni - Nickel – Nickelate
Oxidation State of Central Metal ion:
The oxidation state of the central metal ion is Ag NH 3 2 Cl Diamminesilver(I) chloride.
designated by a Roman numerical (such as II,
III, IV) in the brackets at the end of the name of Ti H 2O 6 Cl3
the metal of the complex. Hexaaquotitanium(III) chloride.
Ex : CoCl NH 3 5 Cl2 - Cr NH 3 6 Cl3
Pentaamminechlorocobalt(III) chloride. Hexaamminechromium(III) chloride.
Jr Chemistry E/M
Cu en 2 SO4 Neutral Complex
Co NH 3 3 Cl3
Bis(ethylenediamine)copper(II) sulphate.
Cu NH 3 4 SO4 Triamminetrichlorocobalt(III)
Pt NH 3 Br2Cl2
Tetraamminecopper(II) sulphate 2
Fe H 2O 4 C2O4 SO4
Cr H 2O 3 Cl3 .3H 2O
Tetraaquaoxalatoiron(III) sulphate.
Fe H 2O NO SO4
5 Fe CO 5 Pentacarbonyliron(O)
Pentaaquanitrasonium(I) sulphate
Co NH 3 3 NO2 3
Anionic Complexes
Triamminetrinitrocobalt (III)
K 4 Fe CN 6
Isomerism in Complexes: Substances
Potassium hexacyanoferrate(II) having the same molecular formula but have
Na2 Zn Cl4 Sodium tetrachlorozincate(II) different structures (or) properties are known as
isomers. The phenomenon of the existence of
K 3 Fe CN 5 NO isomers is known as isomerism. It is two types
1) Structural isomerism 2) Stereo isomerism
Potassium pentacyanonitrosylferrate(II)
Structural Isomerism: This isomerism arises
K 3 Fe CN 6 due to the difference in the structures of
Potassium hexacyanoferrate(III)
Ionisation Isomerism: Complexes which
K 3 Cr C2O4 3 have the same molecular formula but gives
different ions in solution are called Ionisation
Potassium trioxalatochromate(III)
isomers and the phenomenon is called ionisation
K 3 CoCl2 C2O4 2 isomerism.
Potassium dichlorodioxalatocobaltate(III) Ex: Co NH 3 5 SO4 Br and Co NH 3 5 Br SO4
K2 HgI4 Potassium tetraIodomercurate(II). Ionisation isomers are formed by the interchange
K 2 Pt Cl6
of the position of ligands inside (or) out side
the coordination sphere.
Potassium hexachloroplatinate(IV) Ionisation isomerism arises, when the counter
Na Ag CN 2 ions in a complex compound can also function
as ligands.
Sodium dicyanoargentate(I) In the ionic complex compounds, the ion having
2 an opposite charge to that of the complex ion is
Ni CN 4 called counter ion.
Tetracyanonickelate(II) ion. i) K in K 4 Fe CN 6
K 3 Cr CN 6
ii) Cl ions in Co NH 3 6 Cl3
Potassium hexacyanochromate(III)
The following pairs of compounds give different
K 3 Co CN 6 ions in solutions.
Potassium hexacyanocobaltate(III) Co NO3 NH 3 5 SO4 gives sulphate ions
Na3 Ag S 2O3 2 while Co SO4 NH 3 5 NO3 gives nitrate
Sodium bis(thio sulphato)argentate(I) ions.
Jr Chemistry E/M
Linkage Isomerism: Complex with
Co NO3 NH 3 5 SO4 gives white
ambidentate ligands shows this type of
precipitate with BaCl2 solution. isomerism. A mono dentate ligand with two (or)
more donar atoms is called ambidentate ligand.
Co SO4 NH 3 5 NO3 cannot give white Ex: Co( NO )( NH ) 2 &
Co(ONO)( NH 3 )5
2 3 5
precipitate with BaCl2 solution.
Co-ordination Isomerism: It arises due to
Pt Cl2 NH 3 4 Br2 gives Br ions. So it
the mutual exchange of ligands between anionic
and cationic spheres.
can give light yellow precipitate with aqueous
AgNO3 solution. Ex: Co( NH 3 )6 Cr (CN )6 &
Ex : Pt NH 3 2 Cl2
C – NH2 NH2– C
Cl Cl C – NH2 NH2– C
C – NH2 NH2– C
Cl Cl
Octahedral complexes
L5 L2
L4 L1
L4 L3
L3 L2
Cis Positions : 1,2; 2,3; 3,4; 1.4 Cis Positions : 1,2; 1,3; 1,4; 1,5; 2,3; 2,5;
Trans Positions : 1,3; 2,4 3,4; 4,5; 2,6; 3,6; 4,6; 5,6
Trans Positions: 1,6; 2,4; 3,5
Mabcd type of complexes will have 3
geometrical isomers i.e. 2cis and 1 trans isomer octahedral complexes of the type Ma6 , Ma5b ,
Square planer complex having unsymmetrical Mab5 do not exhibit geometrical isomerism.
bidentate chelating ligands with general Octahedral complexes of the type
formula M AB 2 exhibit geometrical Ma4b2 , Ma4bc and Ma3b3 complexes exhibit
isomerism geometrical isomerism.
Ex : CoCl2 NH 3 4
NH3 Cl–
CO3+ CO3+
Ex: Pt II NH 2 CH CH 3 CH CH 3 NH 2 2
Ma3b3 type of complexes exhibits maridian and
facial type of isomers
Jr Chemistry E/M
a b
Pt Pt
a Cl Cl
d-form Mirror l-form
a A pair of optical isomers which are non super
facial imposable mirror images are called enantiomers
or enantiomorphs.
b An equimolar mixture of d-forms and l-forms
is called racemic mixture. Racemic mixtures
a a are optically inactive.
Optical Isomers have almost identical physical
M and chemical properties.
The optical isomers can be distinguished only
a b by their rotation of the plane polarised light.
Optical isomers are also generally provided by
the octahedral coordination compounds having
b bidentate (or) polydentate ligands.
Octahedral complexes with general formula 3
n n Ex: CoCl2 en 2 , Cr C2O4 3 ,
M AA 2 a2 , M AA 2 ab ,
M AA a2b2 can exhibit geometrical Cr NH 3 Cl2en ; Pt Cl2 en
2 2
optical isomerism.
4s 4 p 3
Zn NH 3 4
Cis M AA a2b2 , and X Cl , Br , I
Cis M AA BB a2
are optically active. dsp 2 Square planar Ni CN 4
compound is CN 5
CN 5
VBT of Co-ordination Compounds: d 2 sp 3 Inner orbital Cr NH 3 6
The central metal atom or ion makes available
a number of empty s, p and d atomic orbitals 3d x2 y 2
3d z 2 4s 4 p 3 octahedral Mn CN 6
equal to its coordination number. These vacant CN 6 Fe CN 6 etc
orbitals hybridise together to form hybrid
orbitals. These hybrid orbitals are vacant, sp 3d 2 Outer orbital
equivalent in energy and have definite geometry.
The most common hybridizations in complex 4 s 4 p 4d 3
x2 y 2
4d z 2 octahedral Co H 2O 6
are given. 2
CN 6 Ni NH 3 6
Jr Chemistry E/M
Each ligands have atleast one sigma orbital Examples of Complexes
containing alone pair of electrons. 4
1. Mn CN 6
Vacant hybrid orbitals of the central metal atom
C o m p l e x / i o n :
or ion overlap with the filled (containing lone Electronic configuration and hybridisation of Mn 2 :
pair of electrons) sigma orbitals of the ligands
to form metal-ligand sigma bond. This bond is 3d5 4s 4p
coordinate bond. ×× ×× ×× ×× ×× ××
If d orbitals are involved in the hybridisation
than that may be either inner (i.e., (n-1) d-orbital) d2sp3-hybridisation
or the outer (i.e., nd-orbital). Geometry : Octahedral
If (n - 1)d orbitals are used for hybridization No.of unpaired electrons/paramagnetic
along with ns and np orbitals, such complex is character: 1-Paramagnetic. 1.76BM
called inner orbital complex. If nd orbitals are
used for hybridisation along with ns and np 2. Complex/ion : Fe CN Fe3
orbitals then it is called outer orbital complex.
Electronic configuration and hybridisation:
Some times the unpaired (n-1) d-electrons
undergoes rearrangement and provides more 3d5
number empty orbitals, which is possible in ×× ×× ×× ×× ×× ××
presence of strong ligands such as
CO, CN , NO2 , en, NH 3 , Py and EDTA. d2sp3-hybridisation
The non-bonding electrons of central metal atom Geometry : Octahedral
or ion remain unaffected and do not take part in No. of unpaired electrons/paramagnetic
chemical bonding. character: 1-Paramagnetic. 1.76BM
During complex formation, the Hund’s rule of 3
3 2
sp d -hybridisation
Complex/ion : Co NH 3 6
3 10. Complex/ion : Ni CN 4 Ni 2
6. Co
Electronic configuration and hybridisation:
Electronic configuration and hybridisation:
3d6 4s 4p
×× ×× ×× ×× ×× ××
Geometry : Square Planar
Geometry : Octahedral No. of unpaired electrons/paramagnetic
No. of unpaired electrons/paramagnetic character: 0-Diamagnetic
character: 0-Diamagnetic
11. Complex/ion : NiCl4 Ni 2
3 2
sp d -hybridisation
Geometry : Tetrahedral
Geometry : Octahedral No.of unpaired electrons/paramagnetic
No. of unpaired electrons/paramagnetic character:
character: 4-Paramagnetic. 4.85BM 2-Paramagnetic
8. Complex/ion: CuCl4 Cu 2
12. Complex/ion : Ni CO 4 Ni 0
Electronic configuration and hybridisation:
Electronic configuration and hybridisation:
Geometry : Tetrahedral
Geometry : Tetrahedral
No. of unpaired electrons/paramagnetic
No. of unpaired electrons/paramagnetic
character:1-Paramagnetic. 1.75BM character: 0-Diamagnetic
Jr Chemistry E/M
13. Complex/ion : Pt CN 4 Pt 2 Hence hybridisation is dsp 2 (square planar). But
Electronic configuration and hybridisation: Cl is weak field ligand. So, rearrangement of
d-electrons is not possible. Hence the
configuration of Ni 2 is
then hybridisation is sp3 (tetrahedral).
Geometry : Square Planar Effective atomic number (EAN)
No. of unpaired electrons/paramagnetic
Effective atomic number (EAN) concept was
character: 0-Diamagnetic
introduced by Sidgwick to explain the stability
Limitations of VBT of complexes.
It gives only the qualitative explanations for The resultant number of electrons with the metal
complexes. atom or ion after gaining electrons from the
It does not explain the detailed magnetic donar atoms of the ligands in a complex is called
properties of complexes. effective atomic number (OR)
This thoery does not explain the spectral The total number of electrons present around
properties of coordination compounds. central metal ion in a complex is called effective
It does not explain the thermodynamic and atomic number.
kinetic stabilities of different coordination Sidgwick proposed that complex ion is stable.
If EAN is equal to the atomic number of the
It does not distinguish between weak and strong
nearest noble gas element.
EAN of a central metal can be calculated by the
It does not make exact predictions regarding
terahedral or square planar coordinations entities following formula.
with co-ordination number is 4. EAN Z x n y
x = charge of metal ions
W.E-3: The spin only magnetic moment of n = co-ordination number ; y =2
is 5.92 BM. Predict the geometry of Ex. (1)In K Fe CN complex
4 6
complex ion.
EAN of Fe 26 2 6 2 36 .
Sol. Secondary valence of Fe 3 ion is 4. So,
complex is square planer dsp or tetrahedral
2 2)In Co NH 3 6 complex ion
sp .
Br is weak field ligand so,
EAN of Co 27 3 2 6 36
rearrangement of d-electrons is not possible. 3)In Ni CO 4 complex
Hence complex is tetrahedral ( sp -3
EAN of Ni 28 0 2 4 36
hybridization). 2
4)In Ni CN 4 complex ion
W.E-4: Ni CN 4 is inner complex but
EAN of Ni 28 2 2 4 34
is outer complex. Give the reason. 3
5)In Fe CN 6 complex ion
Sol. CN is strong field ligand. So. in Ni CN 4 EAN of Fe 26 3 2 6 35
6)In K 2 Pt Cl6 complex
ion Ni 2 configuration is
EAN of Pt 78 4 2 6 86 Rn
Jr Chemistry E/M
In some complexes, the EAN is not equal to the In a free metal atom, all five orbitals of d-sub
atomic number of the nearest inert gas. Yet they shell have same energy. They are called
are stable. degenerated orbitals.
2 When ligands approach the central metal atoms,
Ex: K 3 Fe CN 6 , Ni CN 4 . the electrons of d-orbitals of metal suffer
repulsions by lp of ligands as a result digeneracy
W.E-5: If AuCl6
follows EAN rule, then the
is broken and d-orbitals are split into two sets
oxidation state of Au is (At. no. of Au =79 of orbitals.
and At. no. of Rn =86). a) Three of d-orbitals i.e., d xy , d yz and d zx which
Sol. EAN = Z - x + n x y are oriented in between the co-ordinate axes are
86 = 79 - x + 6 x 2 ; x = +5
called t2 g -orbitals.
W.E-6: If Ni CO x follows EAN rule, then x - b) The other two d-orbitals i.e., d x2 y 2 and d z 2
value is which are oriented along the axes are called
Sol. EAN = Z - x + n x y
eg -orbitals.
36 = 28 - 0 + n x 2 ; n = 4.
This spliting of d-orbitals of metal ion under
Formula of compound is Ni CO 4 . the influence of approaching ligands is called
crystal field spliting. It is designated by and
Crystal Field Theory (CFT) is called crystal field splitting energy.
This theory is based on theoretical work of Bethe The decreasing order of field strength among
& Van Vleck on interaction of ionic crystals. some of the ligands are
Ligands are either anion or neutral molecule Weak field ligand
containing atleast one lone pair of electron. The
anions are regarded as negative point charges. I Br SCN Cl S 2 NO3
The neutral ligands are regarded as point dipoles. F OH ox 2 O 2 H 2O
The neutral ligands are polarised by positive
charges of metal ion. Strong Field ligands
NCS Edta 4 py NH 3 en
dipy o phen NO2 CN CO
Central metal ion is surrounded by anions or
neutral ligands. For d 4 ions, two possible patterns of electron
+ 1) If 0 p, the fourth electron enters one of
– – –
the eg orbital giving the configuration t2g
3 1
eg .
– M
– M
– Ligands for which 0 p are known as weak
– – + field ligands and form high spin complexes.
+ –
2) If 0 p , it becomes more energetically
favourable for fourth electron to occupy a t2 g
The electrostatic attraction between nucleus of
orbital with configuration t2g
4 0
eg . Ligands which
cation and negative charge of ligands.
Repulsive forces arise between lp of ligands, produce this effect are known as strong field
ligands and form low spin complex.
electrons of d-orbitals of central metal atom.
Jr Chemistry E/M
Crystal Field Splitting in octahedral In this situation, the t2 g set of orbital lie
and tetrahedral complexes relatively nearer to the approaching ligands and
In octahedral complexes, the six ligands therefore t2 g set of d-orbitals have higher energy
approach the central metal ion along the co-
than eg set of orbitals.
ordinate axes i.e., the axes of d x2 y 2 and d z 2
Relationship between t and 0 is given as ;
orbitals. Consequently, the eg set of orbitals has
higher energy than t2 g orbitals. t
In tetrahedral complex, four ligands may be
imagined to occupy the alternate corners of the While entering electrons into d-orbitals after
cube and the metal ion at the centre of the cube. splitting in ligand field, Hunds and pauli’s
principle to be followed.
Nature of the metal ion:
For the analogous entities within a group,
d x2 y 2
or d z 2 orbital by absorbing light equal
Zn NH 3 2 2 NH 3 K 2 1.5 103
Find out the instability constant ? Ex : Fe 6CN
2. Co NH 3 6 Cl3 gives more number ions. d 9 t26g eg3 , so one unpaired electron
7. 2, 1 d 7 t26g e1g , so one unpaired electron
8. In any complex central metal ion acts as Lewis
acid {electron pair acceptor) and Ligands acts d 5 t25g eg0 , so one unpaired electron
as Lewis base {electron pair donar)
9. NH 3 acts as ligand. 37. t 0
12. In metal carbonyl compounds the oxidation
number of metal is zero because CO is neutral. 40. Formula of Nessler’s reagent is K 2 HgI 4 .
3 41. As increase of electron density back bonding
13. K 3 Fe CN 6 3K Fe CN 6 tendence of bond increases, so C-O bond
= 4 moles order decreases.
O)5 SO4]Cl gives
s o l u t i o n o f [ C o ( H
ISOMERISM 3) V C O 6 4) Cr CO 6
9. Which of the following does not exhibit 16. The number of ions formed when
optical isomer ? cupraammonium sulphate is dissolved in
1) Co NH 3 3 Cl3 2) Co en 3 Cl3
1) 1 2) 2 3) 4 4) zero
3) Co en 2 Cl2 Cl 4) Co en NH 3 2 Cl2 Cl
10. Co-ordination compounds Pt NH 3 3 NCS 17. Which of the following is correct
arrangement of ligands in terms of field
and Pt NH 3 3 SCN are example of -- strength
1) Cl F NCS NH 3 CN
1) Co-ordination 2) Ionization
3) Linkage 4) Optical 2) NH 3 F Cl NCS CN
11. Geometrical isomerism is observed in
1) Tetrahedral complex 3) Cl F NCS CN NH 3
2) Square planar complex 4) NH 3 CN NCS Cl F
3) Tined complexes 18. In which of the following octahedral
4) Planar triangle complexes complexes of cobalt (atomic number = 27) will
EFFECTIVE ATOMIC NUMBER the magnitude of 0 be the highest ?
12. Stable complex based on EAN rule
3 3
1) Co C2O4 3 2) Co H 2O 6
1) K 4 Fe CN 6 2) Co NH 3 5 Cl Cl2
3 3
3) Co NH 3 6 4) Co CN 6
3) Ni CO 4 4) all the above
Jr Chemistry E/M
19. If 0 P , the correct electronic 8. IUPAC name of complex Cu NH 3 4 SO4 is
configuration for d 4 system will be tetraamminecopper(II) sulphate.
( P =pairing energy)
12. EAN of Ni CO 4 = 28 - 0 + 2 x 4 = 36, So it
1) t24g eg0 2) t23g e1g 3) t20g eg4 4) t22g eg2
is stable
APPLICATION OF COMPLEXES IN 13. It is outer orbital complex. Coordination
QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS AND METAL number is 4. Shape is tetrahedral.
20. Ammonium ions are detected with
1) Nessler’s reagent 2) Borsch reagent 19. Weak field ligand
3) Tollen’s reagent 4) Fehling’s solution 23. K K1.K 2 .
21. Ph3 P 3 RhCl is a familiar catalyst used in
1) hydrogenation of oils LEVEL-I (H.W)
2) hydrogenation of alkenes
3) dehydration of alcohols WERNERS THEORY
4) dehydration of aldehydes 1. The complex formed by the combination of
22. Metals those can be extracted with aqueous calcium ions and ethylene di amine tetra
solution of sodium cyanide as complexes are
acetate. EDTA Number of moles of
1) Au and Ag 2) Fe and Ag
3) Au and Hg 4) Hg and Fe calcium ions produced by disulving of one
23. Ag NH 3 Ag NH 3 ; K1 3.5 10 3
mole of that complex in excess of water is
1) one 2) two 3) four 4) five
A g N H 3 N H 3 A g N H 3 2 ; K 2 1 .7 1 0 3
D) Mn(CN )6 4
s) Four Reason (R) : Hybridisation of Co NH 3 6 is
t) Five sp 3d 2 where as hybridisation of Co in
is d 2 sp 3 .
1) s t q p 2) q r s t
3) t q s p 4) p q r s 10. Assertion (|A) : The complex ion
7. COLUMN-I COLUMN-II cis Co en 2 Cl2 is optically active
(Complex) (O.N. of Co)
Reason (R) : It is an octahedral complex
A) Co( NCS )( NH 3 )5 (SO3 ) p) -1
11. Assertion (A) : Ni CO 4 is diamagnetic and
B) Na Co(CO)4 q) 0
tetrahedral in shape
C) Na4 Co( S2O3 )3 r) 1 Reason (R) : Hybridisation of the complex is
D) Co2 (CO)8 s) 2 dsp 2 .
t) 3
1) 3 2) 1 3) 3 4) 1 5) 1 6) 1 7) 1
1) t p s q 2) q t s p
3) p t s q 4) q r s t 8) 1 9) 3 10) 2 11) 3
Jr Chemistry E/M
7. The complexes Co ( NH 3 )6 Cr (C2O4 )3
DEFINITION OF and Cr ( NH 3 )6 Co (C2O4 )3
CO-ORDINATION COMPOUND 1) Geometrical isomerism
2) Ionization energy
1. Oxidation number of cobalt in K Co (CO )4 3) Co-ordination isomerism
is 4) Linkage isomerism
1) +1 2) +3 3) -1 4) -3 8. Which of the following complex or the
complex ion will show geometrical
2. is a isomerism?
1) Monodentate ligand 2) Bidentate ligand 1) Pt ( NH 3 )2 Cl2 2) Pt ( NH 3 ) Cl5
3) Quadridentate ligand 4) Hexadentate ligand
3. ‘en’ is an example of a 3) Pt ( NH 3 )5 Cl 4) Co ( NH 3 )6 Cl3
1) Monodentate ligand 2) Bidentate ligand 9. Which isomerism is exhibited by
3) Tridentate ligand 4) Hexadentate ligand Co ( NH 3 )3 ( H 2O )3 Cl3
NOMENCLATURE 1) Geometrical isomerism
2) Linkage isomerism
4. IUPAC name of K 2 [ PtCl6 ] is 3) Coordination isomerism
1) Potassiumhexachloroplatinum 4) Ionization isomerism
2) Potassiumhexachloroplatinum(IV) 10. Co ( NH 3 )4 ( NO2 )2 Cl exhibits
3) Potassium hexachloroplatinate(IV) 1) Linkage isomerism, ionization isomerism and
4) Dipotassium hexa chloro platinum geometrical isomerism
5. IUPAC name of 2) Ionisation isomerism, geometrical isomerism
and optical isomerism
Pt ( NH 3 )3 Br ( NO2 ) Cl Cl is 3) Linkage isomerism, geometrical isomerism
1) Triamminechlorobromonitroplatinum (IV) and optical isomerism
chloride 4) Linkage isomerism, ionization isomerism and
optical isomerism.
2) Triamminebromonitrochloroplatinum (IV)
11. Which one of the following is an example of
coordination isomerism?
3) Triamminebromochloronitroplatinum (IV)
chloride 1) Co ( NH 3 )5 Br SO4 and
4) Triamminenitrochlorobromoplatinum (IV) Co ( NH 3 )5 SO4 Br
6. Tetrammine diaqua copper (II) hydrox 2) Co ( NH 3 )5 NO2 Cl2 and
ide is given by the formula
Co ( NH 3 )5 ONO Cl2
1) Cu ( NH 3 )4 (OH )2 .2 H 2O
3) Cr ( H 2O )6 Cl3 and
2) Cu ( NH 3 )4 (OH )2 .2 H 2 O
Cr ( H 2O )5 Cl Cl2 .H 2O
3) Cu ( NH 3 )4 ( H 2O )2 (OH )2
4) Cr ( NH 3 )6 Co (CN )6 and
4) Cu ( NH 3 )4 ( H 2O )(OH )2 Co ( NH 3 )6 Cr (CN )6
Jr Chemistry E/M
20. For an octahedral complex, which of the
[ FeF6 ]
12. has Fe atom .... hybridized with following d electron configuration will give
unpaired ........ electrons. maximum crystal - field stabilisation energy
1) d 2 sp 3 , 4 2) d 2 sp 3 ,5 1) High spin d 6 2) Low - spin d 4
3) sp 3 d 2 ,5 4) sp 3 d 2 ,3 3) Low spin d 5 4) High - spin d 7
13. How many EDTA molecules are required to APPLICATION OF COMPLEXES IN
make an octahedral complex with a Ca +2 QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS AND METAL
1) two 2) six 3) three 4) one OF CO-ORDINATION COMPOUNDS
14. Which of the complexes will exhibit the 21. Chromium compound widely used in tanning
minimum paramagnetic behaviour of leather is
+2 +2 1) Cr2O3 2) Cr2O2Cl2 3) Cr2O3
1) Fe ( H 2O )6 2) Mn ( H 2O )6
4) K2 SO4Cr2 ( SO4 )3 24H 2O
+2 +2
3) Cr ( H 2O )6 4) Ni ( H 2O )6
22. Wilkinsons catalyst, Rh ( Ph3 P )3 Cl is used
15. The expected spin only magnetic moments for for
Fe (CN )6 and [ FeF6 ] are
3− 1) Hydrogenation of oils
2) Hydrogenation of alkynes
1) 1.73and1.73 B.M 2) 1.73and 5.93 B.M 3) Hydrogenation of alkenes
3) 0.0 and1.73 B.M 4) 0.0 and 5.92 B.M 4) Polymerisation of alkenes
23. Coordination compounds have great
16. The volume (in mL) of 0.1M AgNO3 required importance in biological systems. In this
for complete precipitation of chloride ions context which of the following statements is
present in 30 mL of 0.01M solution of incorrect?
1) Chlorophylls are green pigments in plants and
Cr ( H 2O )5 Cl Cl2 as silver chloride is close contain calcium.
to 2) Haemoglobin is the red pigment of blood and
1) 3 2) 4 3) 5 4) 6 contains iron.
17. Among the following ions which one has the 3) Cyanocobalamin is B12 and contains cobalt.
highest paramagnetism: 4) Carboxypeptidase-A is an enzyme and
3+ 2+
1) Cr ( H 2O )6 2) Fe ( H 2O )6 contains zinc.
Co ( NH 3 )5 Cl3 gives 3 moles of ions on 1) (a) and (b) 2) (c) and (d)
dissolution in water. One mole of the same 3) (a) and (f) 4) (a) and (e)
complex reacts with two moles of AgNO3 7. The number of donor sites in dimethyl
glyoxime, glycinato, diethylene triamine and
solution to yield two moles of AgCl ( s ) . The EDTA are respectively
structure of complex is 1)2,2,3 and 6 2) 2,2,3 and 4
1) Co ( NH 3 )4 Cl Cl2 .NH 3 3) 2,2,2 and 6 4) 2,3,3 and 6
2) Co ( NH 3 )5 Cl Cl2
8. The IUPAC name of the coordination
3) Co ( NH 3 )3 Cl3 2.NH 3
compound K 3 Fe (CN )6 is
4) Co ( NH 3 )4 Cl2 Cl.NH 3 1) potassium hexacyanoferrate (II)
2. The primary and secondary valencies of 2) potassium hexacyanoferrate (III)
chromium in the complex ion, 3) potassium hexacyanoiron (II)
dichlorodioxalatochromium (III), are 4) tripotassium hexacyanoiron(II)
1) 3,4 2) 4,3 3) 3,6 4) 6,3 ISOMERISM
3. In the complex with formula MCl3 .4 H 2O the 9. Which one of the following has largest
co-ordination number of the metal M is six number of isomers?
and there is no molecule of hydration in it. + 2+
1) Ru ( NH 3 )4 Cl2 2) Co ( NH 3 )5 Cl
The volume of 0.1M AgNO3 solution needed
2+ +
to precipitate the free chloride ions in 200ml 3) Ir ( Ph3 )2 H (CO ) 4) Co (en )2 Cl2
of 0.01M soltuion of the complex is
1) 40ml 2) 20 ml 3) 60 ml 4) 80 ml (R=alkyl group, en=ethylenediamine)
4. The molar ionic conductances of octahedral 10. Which of the following compounds shows
complexes. optical isomerism?
I) PtCl4 .5 NH 3 II) PtCl4 .4 NH 3 3− 3−
1) Cr (C2O4 )3 2) Co (CN )6
III) PtCl4 .3 NH 3 IV) PtCl4 .2 NH 3
3) Cu ( NH 3 )4 4) [ZnCl4 ]
11. In which of the following pairs both the
DEFINITION OF complexes do not show optical isomerism?
5. The coordination number of a central metal 1) cis − Cr (C2O4 )2 Cl2 ,
atom in a complex is determined by
1) the number of ligands around a metal ion trans − Co ( NH 3 )4 Cl2
bonded by sigma bonds
2) the number of ligands around a metal ion 2) Co (en )3 Cl3 , Cis − Co (en )2 Cl2 Cl
bonded by π -bonds
3) PtCl2 ( en ) , [ NiCl2 Br2 ]
3) the number of ligands around a metal ion
bounded by sigma and pi bonds both.
4) the number of only anionic ligands bonded 4) Co ( NO3 )3 ( NH 3 )3 , cis − Pt (en )2 Cl2
to the metal ion.
Jr Chemistry E/M
12. Of the following configurations, the optical 17. The correct order of magnetic moments (spin
isomers are only values in bohr magneton) among is
1) [MnCl4 ] > [CoCl4 ] > Fe (CN )6
2− 2−
2) [MnCl4 ] > Fe (CN )6 > [CoCl4 ]
2− 2−
3) Fe (CN )6 > [MnCl4 ] > [CoCl4 ]
2− 2−
4) Fe (CN )6 > [CoCl4 ] > [MnCl4 ]
2− 2−
15. The complex K 3 Fe (CN )6 should have a hybridisation and magnetic moment of the
ions respectively are
spin only magnetic moment of
1) Tetrahedral ,square planar, octahedral :
1) 48BM 2) 2 5BM 3) 35BM 4) 6BM
sp3 , dsp 2 , sp3d 2 :5.9,0,4.9
16. Which one of the following complexes is an
outer orbital complex? 2) Tetrahedral ,square planar, octahedral :
4− 4− dsp 2 , sp3 , sp3d 2 :0,5.9,4.9
1) Fe (CN )6 2) Mn (CN )6
3) Square planar, tetrahedral ,octahedral :
3+ 2+
3) Co ( NH 3 )6 4) Ni ( NH 3 )6 dsp 2 , sp3 , d 2 sp 3 :5.9,4.9,0
4) Square planar, tetrahedral ,octahedral :
[Atomic numbers: Mn = 25, Fe = 26, Co = 27,
Ni = 28] dsp 2 , sp3 , sp3d 2 :0,5.9,4.9
Jr Chemistry E/M
CFT 27. In Fe (CO )5 the Fe − C bond possess
22. Cr ( H 2O )6 Cl3 has a magnetic moment of 1) π − character only
3.83BM. The correct distribution of 3d 2) σ character only
electrons in chromium present in the complex 3) ionic character only
is 4) Both σ and π character
1) 3 d xy , 3 d 1yz , 3 d zx1 2) 3 d xy , 3 d 1yz , 3 d z12
1 1 1 1 1 1
3) 3d ( x2 − y 2 ) ,3d ,3d
4) 3d ,3d ( x2 − y 2 ) ,3d
z2 xz xy yz 1) 2 2) 3 3) 2 4) 2 5) 1 6) 4 7) 1
23. In which of the following octahedral 8) 2 9) 4 10) 1 11) 3 12) 3 13) 3 14) 2
complexes will the magnitude of ∆ 0 be the 15) 3 16) 4 17) 2 18) 3 19) 4 20) 4 21) 4
highest 22) 1 23) 1 24) 1 25) 1 26) 1 27) 4
3− 3−
1) Co (CN )6 2) Co (C2O4 )3
3+ 2. 3+ Primary valecy corresponds to oxidation
3) Co ( H 2O )6 4) Co ( NH 3 )6
state and secondary valecy corresponds to
24. Which of the following is a correct Irving- coordination number primary=3, secondary=6.
Williams order? (Tendency of complex
formation) 3. Formula of complex is MCl2 ( H 2O )4 Cl .
1) Mn 2 + < Fe 2 + < Co 2 + < Ni 2 + Ionisable Cl − atoms are only one.
2) Ni 2 + < Co 2 + < Fe 2 + < Mn 2 + M1V1 = M 2V2
3) Fe 2 + < Mn 2 + < Ni 2 + < Co 2 + 4. IV of four complexes
4) Co < Mn < Fe < Ni 2+ 2+ 2+
(1) is 3, (2) is 2, (3) is 1, (4) is 0
25. Which order is correct in spectrochemical 6. are ambidentate ligands which
− NO2 − and − SCN
series of ligands? have two donor atoms.
1) Cl − < F − < C2O42− < NO2− < CN −
The complex [Co(en) 2 Cl2 ] shows geometrical
2) CN − < C2O42− < Cl − < NO2− < F − as well as optical isomerism.
1. Which one of the following has an optical and its magnetic moment is 2.83 B.M. when
isomer [AIEEE-2010] ammonia is added in it, the predicted change
2+ 2+ in the magnetic moment of solution is :
1) Zn (en )2
2) Zn en ( NH 3 ) )2 1) It will remain same
3+ 3+
2) It increases from 2.83 B.M.
3) Co (en )3 4) Co ( H 2O )4 en 3) It decreases from 2.83 B.M.
4) It can not be predicted theoretically.
2. Which of the following facts about the 3. Which of the following complexes is a
complex Cr ( NH 3 )6 Cl3 is wrong. paramagnetic complex ?
[AIEEE-2011] 1) K 2 Ni (CN )4 2) Ni ( H 2 O )6 ( NO3 ) 2
4) positive test for Fe 2+ , NH 4+ and SO42 − and magnetic moment is equal to n(n + 2) .
14. Complex compound is made up of 9. II and IV contain unpaired electrons.
1) simple cation and complex anion 10. The number of unpaired electrons in I, II, III &
2) complex cation and simple anion IV are 0, 1, 3 and 4 respectively.
3) complex cation and complex anion 11. The hybridisation is dsp 2 with one unpaired
4) all of these electron.