The Application of Seq Strat To Exploration and Reservoir Development in The Cooper-Eromanga-Bowen-Surat Basin System, 2001
The Application of Seq Strat To Exploration and Reservoir Development in The Cooper-Eromanga-Bowen-Surat Basin System, 2001
The Application of Seq Strat To Exploration and Reservoir Development in The Cooper-Eromanga-Bowen-Surat Basin System, 2001
The use of modern sequence stratigraphic concepts to
analyse and interpret stratigraphic patterns has
revitalised stratigraphy in the last few decades, espe-
cially in marine siliciclastic and carbonate settings. Se-
quence stratigraphy should now be regarded as a set of
tools to interpret stratal geometries and facies in terms
of changes in sediment supply and sediment accommoda-
tion (Posamentier and Allen, 1999). Accommodation can
be viewed in terms of changes in relative sea-level (or
base level) produced by a combination of short-term sea
or lake level changes (eustacy or limnostacy) generally
superimposed over longer-term tectonic subsidence.
Many of the early approaches focussed on useful but
sometimes misleading model ‘templates’ that were com-
monly abused despite the caveat by Posamentier and Vail
(1988) that local conditions like tectonics, physiography,
and sediment flux must be taken into account before
applying sequence stratigraphic concepts. A common mis-
conception about sequence stratigraphy is that it involves
application of global eustatic sea-level curves as a template
to rationalise basin stratigraphy. However, this is an abuse
of sequence stratigraphy (Posamentier and Weimer, 1994
and Posamentier and James 1993) and will lead to erroneous
results in basins where tectonism or climatic fluctuation is
a greater influence than eustacy on depositional style
(especially active margins and interior basins).
Most of the attention in the last three decades has been
on passive margin and foreland basins to explain stratal
geometries and cyclic stacking patterns in terms of changes
in sediment supply versus accommodation (for example
Van Wagoner et al, 1990; Macdonald, 1991; Macqueen Figure 1. The Cooper-Eromanga-Bowen-Surat basin system and
and Leckie 1992; Posamentier et al, 1993; and Posamentier location of case studies 1–4.
and Weimer, 1994). In cratonic interior basins with no or
very distal marine connections, the influence of eustacy fundamental principles of sequence stratigraphy, and
is nil to limited, and this has led to a belief that sequence then to illustrate how these can be applied to the exten-
stratigraphy is not applicable to these settings. Conse- sive continental successions in Eastern Australia in the
quently, relatively little attention was given to predomi- Cooper-Eromanga-Bowen-Surat basin system (Fig.1). Al-
nantly alluvial basins and continental interior basins in though not studied by the authors, the ideas should be
particular (Allen et al, 1996; Shanley and McCabe, 1998; applicable to the Galilee and Carpentaria Basins as well
and Legarreta and Uliana, 1998 are exceptions). Funda- (Fig. 1), and potentially any alluvial basin.
mental sequence stratigraphic concepts have now em- Four case studies will be discussed to highlight potential
braced the controls of sediment supply, basin physiogra- value for exploration and development.
phy, and tectonism (Shanley and McCabe, 1994; Allen et Firstly, the coal-bearing Early Permian Epsilon Forma-
al, 1996; Gibling and Bird, 1997, Kennard et al, 1998, tion; secondly, the palaeosol-prone Triassic Rewan Group
Posamentier and Allen 1999). The recognition that cli- in the Bowen Basin; thirdly, the lacustrine-shoreface domi-
mate and autocyclic processes play a significant role in nated Cretaceous Murta Formation, and finally by way of
the development of stratal architecture is present in contrast, the Cretaceous Wyandra Sandstone Member of
recent literature, but the cause-and-effect nature of this the Cadna-Owie Formation, the oldest unit with defini-
relationship requires much more study (Blum, 1993; tive marine influence in the Eromanga Basin (Fig. 2).
Puigdefabregas, 1993; Shanley and McCabe, 1998; Blum
and Tornquist, 2000). These recent theoretical changes SEQUENCE STRATIGRAPHY
in sequence stratigraphy make the approach increas-
ingly useful in non-marine interior cratonic basins. The key controls on sediment patterns in both marine
The purpose of this paper is to firstly outline the and non-marine environments are changes in the space
Winton Fm
Mackunda Fm
Oodnadatta Allaru Mudstone
Toolebuc Fm
Wyandra Sandstone Member BUNGIL FM.
Cadna-owie Fm
Murta Fm
Namur McKinlay Member
Sandstone Westbourne Fm
Adori Sandstone
Birkhead Fm
Hutton Sandstone
Poolowanna Fm EVERGREEN
Tinchoo Fm
Paning ARCADIA *2
Member Arrabury
Callamburra SST SST
Toolachee Fm
Daralingie Fm
Epsilon Fm
Murteree Shale SST.
Patchawarra Fm
Merrimella Fm
Figure 2. Stratigraphic summary chart for the Cooper-Eromanga-Bowen-Surat basin system, showing the position of case studies 1–4.
Low accommodation
Rapid accommodation
Highest accommodation
Decreasing accommodation
Figure 3. Fluvial stratigraphic stacking patterns. a) Negligible accommodation relative to sediment supply, producing fluvial sand sheet with
high interconnectivity; b-c) Increasing accommodation relative to sediment supply and decreasing connectivity of fluvial channel bodies, with
coal and/or palaeosols developed on floodplains; d) Highest rate of accommodation relative to sediment supply and development of a
lacustrine maximum flooding surface; e) Decreasing accommodation relative to sediment supply showing increasing interconnectivity of
fluvial channel bodies (modified from Allen et al, 1996).
available for sedimentation (accommodation), the rate teristics within the lateral influence of the control on
of sediment influx, and the type of depositional environ- surface formation. For this reason, maximum flooding
ment; the latter affected to a large extent by the first two. surfaces are often very useful for regional correlation. In
In fluvial systems, the basic control which determines low gradient interior basins it is possible that during
changes in accommodation are modifications of the theo- periods of increased tectonic subsidence marine incur-
retical equilibrium profile (‘fluvial graded profile’ of sions may occur, as was the case in the Eromanga Basin
geomorphologists) in relation to the rate and type of during the Early Cretaceous (see Case Study 4, Wyandra
sediment influx (Posamentier and Allen, 1999). The main Sandstone Member).
factors that determine changes in the graded profile are A practical methodology outlined by Allen et al (1996)
tectonic tilting, modifications in fluvial discharge and and Posamentier and Allen (1999) involves recognising
changes in sediment supply (including both changes in stacking patterns based on identifying fining-upward
sediment volume and changes in sediment type). Al- versus coarsening-upward trends and then locating key
though climate and its influence on discharge variability surfaces that separate these trends. Key surfaces include
and sediment type (provenance influences) are impor- regional erosion surfaces (sequence boundaries), regional
tant (Ethridge et al, 1998), tectonic subsidence and tilt- coal markers, palaeosols, and lacustrine shale intervals,
ing of the fluvial profile are thought to have the greatest the latter indicating flooding and maximum flooding
influence on sediment packaging. It needs to be surfaces if extensive standing bodies of water actually
emphasised that it is the ratio between the rate of developed.
sediment supply (SS) and the rate of creation of Recognising these stacking patterns is critical to the
subsidence-controlled accommodation (A) that will alluvial sequence stratigraphic model (Fig. 4) in which
determine changes in the style of non-marine sediment alluvial ‘transgressive’ (TST) versus ‘highstand’ system
stacking patterns. Also, where sediment supply is tracts (HST) can be identified for fining-upward versus
restricted to a limited range of grain sizes, the range of coarsening-upward successions respectively (cf. Shanley
stratal stacking patterns may be considerably constrained. and McCabe, 1991; Wright and Marriott, 1993).
Aggradational intervals between regional MFS’s may
Non-marine sediment stacking patterns and represent ‘lowstand’ system tracts (LST) if predomi-
systems tracts nantly comprising clustered channels above a regional
erosion surface resulting from low accommodation.
It is useful to consider the influence of the value of the Aggradational intervals in fine-grained sediments can
ratio between sediment supply and accommodation span the late transgressive and early highstand systems
(SS/A) on a spectrum of sediment stacking pattern styles tracts if fine-grained sediment supply is matched to
(Figs 3a–e). At one extreme, if the ratio is high (i.e. little accommodation. With respect to the discussion that can
or nil subsidence, and therefore no significant increase follow about what a ‘highstand’ actually is in an alluvial
in fluvial accommodation), a lateral amalgamation of the succession, the meaning here should be viewed in terms
fluvial channels will result, generally forming a thin, of fluvial accommodation and not sea-level or even lake
laterally extensive sand sheet (Fig. 3a). As the rate of level. We use the same terminology which was developed
accommodation increases relative to sediment supply, for first generation sequence stratigraphic models to
increasing isolation of fluvial channels occurs on the avoid the proliferation of more jargon but it is important
floodplain (Figs 3b, c). In areas distal to the location of to note that systems tracts in alluvial strata are directly
the fluvial channel system, coals or palaeosols may related to changes in the fluvial equilibrium profile, and
develop depending on the climatic setting (e.g. contrast should not be confused with systems tracts interpreted
the cool-temperate humid coal-bearing Permian coals of directly in terms of changes in relative sea-level, except
the Cooper Basin versus the redbeds of the Triassic where there is a clear linkage to marine strata (see
Nappamerie Group or Rewan Group). As the rate of discussion by Dalrymple et al, 1998). In some basins it
accommodation increases, coals and palaeosols may may be possible to discriminate systems tracts devel-
become drowned by floodplain lakes or swamps. At oped exclusively due to syn- or post-tectonic subsidence
highest accommodation rates, extensive lakes may de- regimes, especially where there are thick asymmetric
velop (Fig. 3d) when the ratio is very low (i.e. very low clastic wedges of fine-grained sediment alternating with
sediment influx and relatively rapid subsidence). This coarse-grained alluvial facies (e.g. tectonic cyclothems,
situation is stratigraphically equivalent to transgression see Blair and Bilodeau, 1988; Lang, 1993). Mapping of
in a coastal setting in so far as the available these systems tracts bounded by key surfaces is, how-
accommodation increases faster than the sediment sup- ever, vital for identification of potential reservoir con-
ply can fill it. A rapid decrease in the ratio will result in nectivity (Figs 3 and 4), because they will approxi-
the development of a distinctive lacustrine flooding mate genetically meaningful, chronostratigraphically
surface overlying fluvial deposits, and when the ratio significant intervals (i.e. more meaningful than mapping
reaches its lowest value, a lacustrine maximum flooding lithostratigraphic units).
surface will result. Maximum flooding surfaces generally
form distinctive surfaces often displaying laterally
consistent sedimentological and petrophysical charac-
Aggradational LST
Figure 4. Alluvial sequence stratigraphic model, illustrating alluvial lowstand (LST), transgressive (TST) and highstand (HST) systems tracts,
modified after (Allen et al, 1996; Allen and Posamentier, 1999; Grech and Lemon, 2000; Legarreta and Uliana, 1998). Note the aggradational,
retrogradational then progradational stacking patterns, and position of the key surfaces (sequence boundary [SB], transgressive surface [TS]
and maximum flooding surface, [MFS]). Note that coals and paleosols may be interchangeable depending on climate and in some cases may
occur together, but in different positions on the floodplain. Mature palaeos may be present immediately below the SB. Although this is a
2D representation, it is a simplification because the relative proportions of the systems tracts and facies will vary along the length of the
basin depending on sediment flux and changing accommodation (e.g. in pull apart basins the asymmetry of the succession may alter along
strike [Gawthorpe et al, 1994]).
there is a link to the marine realm. It is not always clear aries, the development of flooding and maximum flood-
if flooding surfaces are entirely of autocyclic origin (i.e. ing surfaces is highly dependent on sediment supply in
via lobe switching of a lacustrine delta, or channel avul- addition to accommodation creation and destruction
sion) or of allocyclic origin (i.e. changes in local subsid- (Posamentier and Allen, 1999).
ence rate by faulting, or increased discharge rates and Maximum flooding surfaces and sequence boundaries
raised water tables induced by rapid climate change). surfaces provide a basis for genetic stratigraphy, with
Significant flooding surfaces that represent the first the surfaces acting as proxies for chronostratigraphic
landward migration of the shoreline (lacustrine or ma- correlation that presents a truer depiction of the sub-
rine) are termed ‘transgressive surfaces’. These may surface lithologic distribution, and improves our inter-
have a regional extent and will separate progrational and pretation of the processes that contributed to this
aggradational alluvial stacking patterns from retro- distribution. Therefore, key surfaces in sequence
grataional stacking patterns. A pragmatic approach is stratigraphy can be thought of as temporal boundaries
generally required when mapping these surfaces, and for geologic events rather than physical boundaries of
it is recommended that multiple surfaces be used to different rock types. A time-based geologic framework
test if they are truly regional or merely local (i.e. has an implicit emphasis on processes and the rates at
hundreds of metres to several kms vs tens to hundreds which they occur that facilitates prediction of stratal
of kms). architecture in related regions; this is particularly the
case with the recognition of a systematic cyclicity in
SEQUENCE BOUNDARIES sediment stacking patterns at varying scales.
The formation of a stratigraphic unconformity (i.e. an Lacustrine shoreline response to relative lake
alluvial sequence boundary [SB]) results from rejuvena- level rise and fall
tion of the fluvial network, including the development of
incised valleys produced by fluvial incision. The forma- In continental basins, during periods of high subsid-
tion of an unconformable sequence boundary is always ence relative to sediment input, significant lakes may
associated with negative accommodation that often develop. Depending on the climatic regime, and in some
results when tectonic tilting oversteepens a segment of cases local hydrological conditions, these lakes may be
the fluvial profile. Several stacked, coarse-grained chan- underfilled at one extreme (e.g. playa lakes in a state of
nel fills, deeply eroding into underlying lacustrine or lowstand), through to overfilled (deep and anoxic during
floodplain dominant shale-prone successions, generally lacustrine highstand). Some lakes are perennial with a
denote incised valleys. On the interfluves of incised fluvial system that enters at one or many locations and
valleys, the unconformity may be recognised by a region- may exit at periods of intermediate to highstand. Others
ally extensive mature palaeosol. The relative maturity of are part of an internal drainage system (e.g. Lake Eyre,
the palaeosols will give an indication of the length of South Australia) and are subject to extreme changes in
exposure. The unconformity is a key surface marked by lake level. It is recognised that lakes are capable of very
erosion, and will have a correlative conformity that may large fluctuations in water level and therefore, substan-
lie downstream within a lacustrine prone succession, or tial shifts in the position of the shoreline over very short
an aggrading fluvial succession downstream from the periods of time. Particularly low depositional slopes
tectonic hinge line (Allen et al, 1996). An alluvial se- indicated by the very subtle thickness changes and very
quence in this paper is, therefore, defined as a ‘relatively gradual lateral facies changes, suggest that small changes
conformable succession of genetically related alluvial in the rate of subsidence, or sediment flux will result in
and lacustrine strata bounded by regionally significant significant lateral translation of the shoreline.
unconformities’ (Posamentier and Allen, 1999). In the vast Cooper-Eromanga-Bowen-Surat basin sys-
The key surfaces in an alluvial basin can be seen as tem, large lakes were common at various stages in the
analogous to the key surfaces recognised in a shelfal Permian (e.g. Epsilon-Murteree formations, upper
setting (Posamentier and Allen, 1999). The development Toolachee Formation, Black Alley Shale), and from the
of a regional sequence boundary should be independent Triassic to the late Jurassic (e.g. Murta Member of Mooga
of sediment supply, and a function only of negative Formation, and Evergreen Formation). Some of these
accommodation (i.e. changes in the equilibrium profile). lakes were very large (e.g. Lake Murta was at least
However, it must be emphasised that this is a simplifica- 300 km x 300 km, Campbell and O’Driscoll, 1989; and
tion. For example, Blum and Price (1998) and Blum Lake Evergreen at least comparable, Fielding et al,
(1993) have demonstrated that erosion surfaces may be 1993). It was not until the sustained and large global sea-
developed in alluvial strata caused by climate changes, level rise in the Early Cretaceous (Veevers, 1984) that
independently of changes in relative sea-level. This high- restricted marine conditions returned to this vast basin
lights the complexity that can be involved in analysing from the north in the form of an inland sea (e.g.
alluvial successions, and particularly, the complexity Wallumbilla Formation/Bulldog Shale). Sedimentation
associated with delineating specific controls on alluvial in the linked alluvial plain and lake systems, as well as
stacking patterns and alluvial sequence stratigraphic the marginal marine settings, would have been sensitive
surface formation. In contrast with sequence bound- to local variations in sediment flux, variations in dis-
charge, and water tables. However, the widespread ex- the rate of relative rise. It is likely, however, that in many
tent of genetic intervals (1,000s sq kms), established over places, these will merge into one surface, overlain by a
long periods of time and punctuated by clastic events reworked sheet of relatively clean shoreface sand, usu-
correlatable over 100s kms (Allen et al, 1996), indicates ally associated with a lag of slightly coarser sand, or even
that regional scale basin subsidence and tilting of the gravel, and commonly enriched with heavy minerals (e.g.
basin margins probably had the most significant role in zircon, rutile, ilmenite etc.). Depending on the degree of
modifying sedimentation patterns. wave reworking this can lead to thin, extensive and
potentially high permeability reservoirs. Furthermore,
STRATAL GEOMETRIES OF TRANSGRESSIVE as with any shoreline system, there may be a preferential
side of the basin that receives more wave energy, leading
to an asymmetric distribution of high quality reservoir
During rising relative lake level, transgressive shore- above this transgressive surface.
lines will step backwards (retrogradation), staggered or
continuously, leaving behind a trailing sheet of trans- STRATAL GEOMETRIES OF FORCED REGRESSIVE
gressive sand immediately above a transgressive sur- LACUSTRINE SHORELINES
face, sometimes termed a wave ravinement surface (WRS,
Nummedal and Swift, 1987, Posamentier and Allen, 1999; During forced regressions produced by falling lake
Figure 5a). A series of these wave ravinement surfaces levels, or by basinward tilting of the fluvial profile, a
may be produced depending on the number of series of downstepping lowstand shorelines may be de-
backstepping episodes. The vertical separation between veloped, either attached or detached to each other de-
these surfaces is a function of the depositional slope and pending on the depositional slope as well as the rate and
(WRS 3)
(WRS 2)
WRS Transgressive sand sheet
Wave ravinement surface
(WRS 1)
Figure 5. Two models for transgressive and forced regressive shoreline lacustrine lowstand deposits (modified from Nummedal and Swift,
1987; Posamentier and Allen, 1999). a. Shows rising relative lake level, forming backstepping transgressive shorelines (retrogradation),
staggered or continuously, leaving behind a trailing sheet of transgressive sand immediately above a transgressive surface termed a wave
ravinement surface (WRS). Cores from the WRS from Maxwell Field (Case Study 3) are shown in their approximate position. b. Shows a
forced regressive event produced by falling lake levels, or by tilting of the fluvial profile into the lake, forming downstepping lowstand
shorelines (attached or detached). These shoreline deposits cut down into the previous shoreface deposits, either by a staggered or
continuous process, leaving behind a series of erosion surfaces that downstep in a basinward direction, and may amalgamate to form a master
sequence boundary located beneath the whole set of deposits (see Posamentier and Morris, 2000).
Interval Gross
deposits, either by a staggered or continuous process,
leaving behind a series of erosion surfaces that downstep
in a basinward direction, and may amalgamate to form a
master sequence boundary (Fig. 5b). Basinward, these
erosion surfaces will pass into their correlative conform- Nett/Gross
able surfaces in distal regions of the lake or shallow
marine basin. During a forced regression, it is possible b) AXIAL OR TRANSVERSE DRAINAGE
that incised valleys will be cut and, consequently, these
will supply sediment to the lowstand shoreline (e.g. the
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Interval Gross
Neales River and associated lowstand delta in Lang et al,
2000). If the slope of the fluvial profile is maintained (i.e. +ve
no change in slope) then it is possible that little or no
incision may take place (Posamentier and Allen, 1999). A
key feature of forced regressions is that they represent a Nett/Gross
means by which fluvial sediments can be distributed out
into the lake or shelf, and assuming these deposits do not
get completely reworked by the next transgression, they c) TRANSVERSE DRAINAGE
may be preserved as a stratigraphic trap.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Interval Gross
Importance of structural control on sediment -ve
stacking patterns
In passive margins, and some foreland basins, se- Nett/Gross
quence boundaries are related to high frequency eustatic
cycles which create unconformities and accommodation
that is filled by onlapping sediments (Van Wagoner et al,
1990; Macqueen and Leckie, 1992; Posamentier et al, Figure 6 a–c. Illustrating a practical methodology to determine
1993). In interior cratonic alluvial basins, accommoda- subsidence control on alluvial stacking patterns and nett to gross
tion is largely controlled by subsidence rate. Subsidence trends modified from Musakti (1997). For a given structural domain
is driven by tectonic downwarping or tilting, and in some (use the basement structure maps as a guide), select well correla-
cases, controlled directly by faults with active surface tion sections across the structural grain, and plot the gross genetic
expression. Additionally, the effect of basement tecton- interval thickness between key surfaces (e.g. SB to MFS, or MFS to
ics on subsidence patterns through differential compac- SB) versus the nett to gross for that interval. a) If the plot is a scatter
tion in basin cover units may persist even during periods then no relationship can be proven (i.e. basement structure was not
of tectonic quiescence (Le Roux, 1994). For un- an influence on nett to gross distribution); b) A positive relationship
conformities produced by falling relative sea-level, the (the thicker the genetic interval, the higher the nett to gross)
fluvial erosion and incision of the nick points propagates represents either an axial transport system oriented parallel to the
landward from the coast and the effects rapidly diminish structural grain (perpendicular to the correlation section), with the
upstream (Ethridge et al, 1998). In contrast, tectonic slightly elevated margins dominated by distal facies (e.g. floodplain
tilting causes an instantaneous effect over the entire interfluves or raised mires) or a transverse system, oriented across
profile (Posamentier and Allen, 1999). One result of this the structural grain, flowing from the footwall block, with thicker,
is to bring about very rapid local changes in sediment proximal sediment accumulating in the back tilted, hanging wall; c)
patterns throughout the basin. The careful correlation of If the plot is negative, (thicker sections are more shale-prone), and
the key surfaces often reveals the geometry of gross the flow orientation is across the structural grain, then a transverse
sequence stacking patterns that may enable the effects system is indicated (eg. similar to typical delta successions on
of tectonism to be identified. passive margins).
Correlation of key surfaces over palaeo-highs can
demonstrate that structural growth has occurred for a
given interval, leading to a thinner package over the the regional structural grain), the thicker genetic inter-
palaeo-high, sometimes bounded by intervals of constant vals may be more sand-prone when compared with the
thickness. Consideration should be given to proximal- palaeo-highs, which may be predominantly coal-prone or
distal relationships, fluvial flow directions relative to represent an interfluve with palaeosols. Alternatively,
structural grain, and provenance data to determine the where flow directions are transverse to the orientation of
influence of structure on sedimentation. For example, it structural grain, it may be shown that the sand-prone
can be shown that in some areas of a basin where axial intervals are preferentially confined to the thinner ge-
(longitudinal) sedimentation is dominant (i.e. parallel to netic intervals over the palaeo-highs. The significance of
Epsilon Formation
The Early Permian Epsilon Formation of the Cooper
Basin (Fig. 2) in the Moomba-Big Lake Field area consists
of an aggradational lacustrine delta sequence over 80 m MFS
thick in the Daralingie Shelf, deposited in response to
differential subsidence along the trend of the Big Lake-
Moomba Fault complex (Taylor et al, 1991, Fairburn,
1992; Lang et al, 2000). The Epsilon Formation has been
divided into at least eleven deltaic cycles based on log
signatures (Fig. 8, modified from Lang et al, 2000), and
these can be correlated around large areas of the Cooper
Coal Prone
Basin where the Epsilon has not been removed by erosion
at the base of the Toolachee or higher formations. The TST
successions comprise up to 10 m of fine-to-medium sand-
stone above the top of the Murteree Shale; in places this
is absent, and the lower third of the Epsilon grades into
an overall retrogradational succession of shales and thin
sandstones capped by coals. Generally this is overlain by
a distinctive shale prone succession encompassing most
of the middle of the Epsilon, below the upper
progadational succession of shales to sandstones, with
occasional coal, up to 45 m thick. The intracratonic 80
lacustrine delta setting of the Epsilon Formation within
the Big Lake-Moomba Field is interpreted as a relatively LST
shallow, mixed-load, fluvially-dominated system with
variable flow regime which formed a complex of highly-
constructive, lobate deltas developed at the terminus of
Murteree Shale
a fluvial channel belt (Lang et al, 2000).
Key surfaces and stacking patterns Figure 8. Typical example of a well log through the Epsilon
Formation showing systems tracts and key surfaces in the Moomba-
The base of the Epsilon Formation is represented by a Big Lake area (after Lang et al, 2000). The progradational unit at the
range of log motifs, from sharp-based to progradational base represents the LST above the sequence boundary (UC00, a
in character. Where a basal sandstone unit is developed correlative conformity at the base of the Epsilon Formation). The
above the Murteree Shale, a mappable sequence bound- TC50 is the maximum flooding surface (MFS) separating the coal-
ary can be recognised (UC00, Fig. 8). This boundary can prone TST from the HST. Higher frequency flooding surfaces can
be traced across the Cooper Basin with some confidence, also be delineated in the upper Epsilon Formation.
but in some places it is difficult to pick where it is a mouth bar complexes may produce extensive sheet sands
correlative conformity. with width/thickness ratios >1000:1. Wave reworking of
Overlying the basal sandstones, a shale interval below some of the deltas may be a key factor in improved
a retrogradational set comprising at least three individu- reservoir performance, and this would be expected to
ally progradational lacustrine deltaic cycles of shale and occur in both the TST and the HST, ideally on the
fine sandstone is recognised. Each progradational cycle opposite side of the lake from the main wind direction,
is capped by coals that indicate emergent delta plain and ideally alongshore from major loci of deltas into the
surfaces (Fig. 8). A lacustrine flooding surface can gener- lake. The location of these deltas may be structurally
ally be recognised on gamma logs at the base of this set, controlled, possibly focussed along fault relay systems.
the top marked by a major lacustrine maximum flooding The LST is likely to have potential for producing
surface (the TC50 MFS marker) that divides the Epsilon stratigraphic traps because of the transgressive shales
Formation into Lower and Upper units based on log and coal-prone interval resting above, and these reser-
signatures (Lang et al, 2000; Fig. 8). voirs may be confined more to palaeo-low areas during
Above the MFS, approximately five progradational Epsilon time, including areas off the structural closure
cycles of shale and fine sandstone can be mapped, but (Nakanishi and Lang, this volume).
coal is much less common in the Moomba-Big Lake area,
though extensive coals are developed within the Early CASE STUDY 2: PALAEOSOL-PRONE
Permian Epsilon Formation on the Daralingie Shelf (Lang TRIASSIC REWAN GROUP, BOWEN BASIN
et al, 2000). This succession is capped by another exten-
sive shale marker interval at the base of the Roseneath
Shale, representing a regionally significant transgres-
sive flooding surface (TC00), though commonly this oc- The Early Triassic Rewan Group forms a succession of
curs above a significant sandstone reservoir, and a case predominantly volcanolithic sediments over 4,000 m thick
could be made for a sequence boundary below the TC00 on the eastern margin of the Bowen Basin (Queensland),
flooding surface. and wedges out onto the stable craton in the west. It is
generally identified by its ubiquitous red mottled colora-
Systems tracts tion in fine-grained fluvial sediments, unconformably
overlying the Permian coal measures. The Rewan Group
The Epsilon Formation comprises one major succes- is regarded as having low exploration significance, with
sion, bounded by a sequence boundary at the base, and a the exception of the western margin of the Taroom
major flooding surface at the top, possibly with a se- Trough and the Denison Trough where some reservoir
quence boundary within the upper part of the Epsilon quality sandstones occur. The Rewan Group is made up
Formation. A lowstand systems tract (LST) is recognised of two distinct formations, the lower Sagittarius Sand-
at the base, characterised by the blocky, sharp based, or stone and the upper Arcadia Formation, bound at the
progradational log motif typical of many forced regres- base and top by unconformities and correlative confor-
sive lowstand deposits (Posamentier and Allen, 1999). mities (Fig. 2; Grech and Lemon, 2000). An intra-Rewan
This will not be present everywhere in the basin, and its Group unconformity is interpreted at the base of the
areal extent should mark the extent of the lowstand Arcadia Formation. Cored intervals and outcrop inter-
Epsilon palaeo-lake system. secting the Sagittarius Sandstone indicate that redbed
A thick coal-prone transgressive systems tract (TST) is development is rare within this formation and deposition
recognised, characterised by backstepping deltaic was dominantly fluvio-lacustrine. However, in the domi-
progrades during lacustrine transgression. Each deltaic nantly fluvial Arcadia Formation redbeds are abundant,
lobe is topped by an emergent coal. The maximum flood- and although these may represent a range of deposi-
ing surface (TC50) marks the top of the TST. This repre- tional environments (Turner, 1980), several key horizons
sents a significant sealing interval within the Epsilon are palaeosols in a floodplain environment. The Brumby
succession. Sandstone Member forms the predominantly sandy in-
The highstand systems tract (HST) is sand-prone in terval at the base of the Arcadia Formation.
the Moomba-Big Lake area, and represents the infilling The sandstone intervals within the Sagittarius Sand-
of the expanded Epsilon lake system. In some areas of the stone are predominantly volcanolithic, but can contain a
Cooper Basin (e.g. Munkarie) this is wave-ripple lami- variable quartz grain content. These sands are generally
nated, and relatively clean, indicative of wave rework- tabular cross-bedded, fine to coarse-grained, sub-angu-
ing. lar to sub-rounded and poorly to moderately-sorted. The
Brumby Sandstone Member is predominantly made up of
Reservoirs cross-bedded, medium to coarse-grained, moderately to
well-sorted, sub-angular sandstone beds forming fining-
The main reservoirs in the Epsilon Formation are and coarsening-upward cycles interbedded with fine-
distributary channel sands and mouth bar sands associ- grained sandstone and laminated siltstone. The quartz
ated with the outbuilding of the lacustrine delta. As content varies from 10–80% and generally makes up the
indicated by Lang et al (2000), the amalgamation of coarser fraction of the sediments. In the Arcadia Forma-
0 cm
710 b. Base
10 cm Top
0 cm
a. Base
Figure 9. Palaeosol horizons in the Arcadia Formation. a) Varicoloured siltstone horizons are interpreted as palaeosols (GSQ Baralaba #1;
786.20m - 791.85m); b) Rootlet fibre structures preserved in a mottled palaeosol horizon (GSQ Baralaba #1; 692.35m).
KINKABILLA #1 metres
Clematis SB
2600 2900
2000 2300 Formation
Rewan 3000 SB
Sagittarius HST
2100 2400
3000 Sandstone
2800 3100
2900 3100
Permian sediments
3000 3300
Figure 10. Correlation of wireline logs from wells on the western margin of the Taroom Trough, Bowen Basin. The palaeosol dividing the
Sagittarius Sandstone from the Arcadia Formation is interpreted as a sequence boundary. Lower gamma ray and sonic readings at the base
of the first depositional cycle (basal Sagittarius Sandstone), are clean sands deposited during low accommodation relative to sediment supply
in an alluvial LST.
tion the sandstone intervals are dominantly made up of tures. In this case all original structures are preserved
fine to medium-grained, generally poorly-sorted and the red colouring is a homogenous staining that is
volcanolithic sands, and quartz content is reduced to interpreted as post-depositional and of no palaeo-envi-
3–5%, with rare beds containing 10–20%. Sand bodies ronmental significance.
are generally fining-upward, wavy-laminated, ripple The palaeosols within the Arcadia Formation can be of
marked or structureless and contain rare cross-bedding. both regional and local significance. The exposed flood-
These sands commonly grade upward into very fine- plains in the Bowen Basin would have formed a palaeosol
grained, ripple and wavy-laminated, muddy sands that horizon throughout the basin with the exception of the
grade upward into siltstone beds that are generally red areas that were fluvially active. In some cases, the period
and mottled. of exposure was long enough to allow deep weathering
and palaeosol development, such as at the surface that
Key surfaces and stacking patterns divides the Arcadia Formation from the Sagittarius Sand-
stone, a sequence boundary (SB) (Fig. 10). This surface
The redbeds of the Arcadia Formation can be used as forms a distinctly thick palaeosol horizon that is easily
significant intervals that can be correlated regionally. identified throughout the basin. Other surfaces are less
Two main categories of redbeds have been interpreted distinct due to the shorter period of exposure, restricting
for the Arcadia Formation. One category consists of beds full maturity of the palaeosol and, therefore, its distinc-
that are varicoloured with a number of different coloured tive properties. However, these surfaces are easily cor-
bands of variable thicknesses. Generally these relatable and are extremely useful local chrono-
varicoloured sediments are associated with mottling and stratigraphic surfaces.
the boundaries of these bands are diffuse. Occasionally, The key surface used to subdivide the Arcadia Forma-
root structures are preserved (Fig. 9). These sediments tion from the Sagittarius Sandstone is a distinctly regional
are interpreted as palaeosols. The other category of surface. The thickness of the palaeosol indicates that it is
redbed is made up of sediments that are red coloured either made up of a series of stacked palaeosols or is a
with no other associated colouring, mottling, or struc- single thick (mature?) palaeosol, or may represent
metres metres metres
TS (Coal)
2875 3050
SB4t h
3125 TST
Figure 11. Possible high order SB within the HST of the Sagittarius Sandstone. An interfluve palaeosol truncated by a channel approximately
15m deep with well-sorted sands is interpreted as evidence of subaerial exposure and channel incision associated with an alluvial LST. The
TS is marked by a coal.
grades in between. Whichever the case may be, the The base and top of the Brumby Sandstone Member
horizon indicates a period of exposure during which are easily recognisable key surfaces (Fig. 13). The high
deposition was minimal, allowing the palaeosols to quartz content of the member contrasts markedly to
develop. the underlying and overlying lithologies. Although
On the eastern margin of the Taroom Trough, a fourth this interval is spread over a large part of the basin, it
order sequence boundary is interpreted from wells that does not cover the whole basin. The major source area
are close together (Cabawin wells; Fig. 11). This se- was the western craton, and, therefore, the unit does
quence boundary is taken at the top of a palaeosol and is not extend all the way across to the eastern margin. The
laterally correlated to channel incision that was pen- lower surface of the Brumby Sandstone Member is inter-
etrated in Cabawin–2. The incised channel in Cabawin–2 is preted to be a sequence boundary, whereas the top
estimated to be ~15 m deep with the palaeosol forming in surface is interpreted as a transgressive surface.
interfluve highs. The basal intervals immediately overlying both lower
It has to be emphasised that palaeosols can only be sequence boundaries of the Sagittarius Sandstone and
identified as possible sequence boundaries when they Arcadia Formation are dominantly sandy and made up of
are correlated laterally to incised valleys, clearly identi- amalgamated channel sandstone deposits. Palaeosols
fying them as interfluvial deposits (Aitken and Flint, are rarely preserved due to erosion by reworking. How-
1996). This is even more important when they are bound ever, in the deeper part of the basin, where accommoda-
on either side by terrestrial sediments. tion is generally greater, the chance of palaeosol preser-
The key surface identified as the sequence boundary vation is greater.
between the Sagittarius Sandstone and the Arcadia For- The overall sequence in both formations is dominated
mation, was also interpreted on the seismic record (Fig. by sandstone beds embedded within fine sediments, the
12). The palaeosol interpreted from well data was corre- ratio of sandstone to siltstone increasing towards the
lated to seismic sections, and valley incisions were sequence boundaries.
identified truncating the palaeosol(s).
S.C. Lang, P. Grech, R. Root, A. Hill and D. Harrison
South North
0 1.0 2.0 1.1
kilometres 1.2
TWT (sec.)
27 00' 00" S
150o 00' 00" E
Systems tracts
TEY #1
N The amalgamated sandstone bodies of the Brumby
Sandstone Member and at the base of the Sagittarius
#3 #2
LEICHHARDT #1 LORRAINE #1 Sandstone are interpreted as the LST facies of the two
sequences (Fig. 11). The low accommodation prevents the
preservation of most of the fine-grained floodplain sedi-
ment, while sediment reworking enhances sandstone sort-
Within the TST and the early HST, the sandstone bodies
#3 #4
27 30' 00" S
become isolated as accommodation is continuously cre-
TOOMBILLA #1 ated. Palaeosols have a higher preservation potential be-
cause floodplain erosion is minimised. If the floodplain is
continually flooded with fresh sediment, palaeosols do
MIDDLE CREEK #1 not have sufficient time to form. This situation is repre-
0 kilometres 25
MOONIE NORTH #1 sented stratigraphically near the MFS; a higher water
table, together with possible associated lake formation/
expansion would prevent the formation of palaeosols
Figure 12. Seismic section 79-H-5 illustrating valley incision along
(Ashley and Driese, 2000), and increase the possibility of
the basal SB of the Arcadia Formation (blue) on the eastern margin
peat mire development.
of the Taroom Trough, with truncation of interpreted palaeosols
The best developed palaeosols, with the greatest chance
(strong reflection beneath the SB). The top of the Permian coal
of preservation, are likely to be associated with the early
measures is shown in red.
TST and midway through the HST. At the time of the MFS,
palaeosols have less time to form and, therefore, are
progressively less mature. Within the LST and late HST,
erosion often destroys the palaeosols formed, unless
preserved as terraces in incised valleys (Shanley and
McCabe, 1991).
mud sand g.
DEPTH LOG (3.5 & 3.6)
mud sand g.
mud sand g. 80 MOUNT BRUMBY
DEPTH LOG (3.9) n=116 DEPTH LOG (3.7)
mud sand g. n=29 metres mud sand g. GR
50 n=11
20 20 60
n=28 n=51 20
0 n=123
APT2.2 -
100 60
25o 30'
0 kilometres 10
149o 00'
Figure 13. Stratigraphic logs from outcrop in the western Taroom Trough, Bowen Basin (Mount Brumby and top of Taroom–10), core
(Taroom–10) and wireline logs (Taroom–10 and Basin Creek–1) of the Brumby Sandstone Member. The erosive lower surface of the Brumby
Sandstone Member can be easily picked at the base of the coarse-grained sandstones cutting down into the HST of the Sagittarius Sandstone.
The higher nett to gross in the BSM when compared to the HST of the Sagittarius Sandstone is the result of low accommodation resulting
in the SB at the base of the Brumby Sandstone Member.
Importance of palaeosols for lateral (vertical and work of the basin. The identification of sequence bound-
aries and their lateral correlation is useful in unravelling
horizontal) prediction of facies stratal stacking patterns, changes in reservoir connectiv-
The maturity of palaeosols has implications for pre- ity and to some extent, predicting the stratigraphic posi-
dicting channel facies distribution both vertically and tion of reservoir intervals. Locally significant palaeosols
horizontally (Kraus, 1987). In positions laterally proxi- are important for the chronostratigraphic correlation of
mal to active fluvial channels, regular sandy sediment smaller areas and can be very important in interpreting
influx will inhibit the development of mature palaeosols. reservoir continuity at a field scale.
In contrast, the development of mature palaeosols is Identifying the MFS is also important in the explora-
promoted with progressive distance from the channel tion of isolated good quality stratigraphic traps formed
because of a larger time-lapse between episodes of suc- at lacustrine margins, with the lacustrine fine-grained
cessive clastic sediment deposition in these distal posi- sediments providing the source for hydrocarbon genera-
tions. This pattern of palaeosol maturity relative to their tion.
position in the floodplain is reflected as channels later- The recognition of palaeosols and their integration
ally accrete. Consequently, immature palaeosols are more with the sequence stratigraphic framework is an impor-
likely to indicate vertical proximity to channelised de- tant step in the interpretation of alluvial stratigraphy.
posits whereas mature palaeosols indicate a greater This is particularly true for the Triassic redbeds of the
vertical distance to channelised deposits. Cooper and Bowen basins (Nappamerie and Rewan
Groups), and possibly the Permian coal measures where
Exploration significance palaeosols are known to occur, but are rare, and their
stratigraphic position is laterally represented by coal.
The identification of regionally significant palaeosols The identification of palaeosols is also helpful in the
in basins with continental sediments is valuable when stratigraphic analysis of the Cadna-Owie Formation (see
trying to interpret the sequence stratigraphic frame- Case 4).
basin. The middle and upper interval reflects an increasing WRS 900
nett to gross, although on gamma logs this is poorly shown 4
due to thin radioactive sandstones beneath the upper
mudstone-dominated interval. The Murta Member records
a period of increased accommodation during the Early S S
very extensive (the length of the palaeo-lake and the shoreface
zone perhaps several kilometres wide), and also offers the
possibility of stratigraphic trapping outside the structural
closure. This sandstone is well sealed by the overlying lacus-
trine mudstones deposited during the transgression to MFS2.
The Wyandra Sandstone Member of the Cadna-Owie
Formation is a thin (10–20 m thick) sandstone sheet
constituting the uppermost oil reservoir of the Eromanga
Basin (Fig. 2). Despite its relative lithologic homogene-
ity, severe lateral and vertical permeability variation SB
exist in the Wyandra Sandstone Member. Complex pat-
terns of diagenetic reservoir enhancement/degradation,
dominantly influenced by grain size partitioning, exert
the main control on reservoir heterogeneity.
The base of the Wyandra Sandstone Member is de-
fined by a regional unconformity dominantly overlain by
amalgamated fluvial distributary channel fills. Individual
channel-fill deposits are fining- and shoaling-upward
successions 1–2 m in thickness (Fig.16). The lower sec-
tions of channel fill successions are characterised by
parallel-stratified, medium- to very coarse-grained sand-
stone often associated with multiple intraformational KEY :
conglomerate lags. These lower sections are typically PARALLEL STARVED
overlain by trough and planar tabular cross-bedded sand- STRATIFICATION RIPPLES
stone that gives way up-section to very fine- to medium- TROUGH COAL
grained, ripple cross-laminated, and flaser bedded sand- PLANAR-TABULAR PEBBLE
stone. The uppermost sections of fluvial distributary CROSSBEDDING LAG
Figure 17. Typical well correlation of key surfaces in the Wyandra Sandstone Member at Tarbut-Ipundu Field. Note the minor incision
associated with the sequence boundary (SB), and sheet-like character of the lowstand sandstones and the lower part of the sandy
transgressive systems tract (TST).
this section of the Wyandra Sandstone Member are inter- reflecting the landward migration of the central estuarine
preted as tidal channel bars and intertidal and supratidal- zone where the destructive interference of fluvial and tidal
flat deposits. currents and the flocculation of suspended sediment both
The uppermost unit of the Wyandra Sandstone Mem- promote fine-grained deposition. Regardless of its charac-
ber (Fig. 17) is a thin, laterally extensive heterolithic ter, the transgressive surface separates strata of the lowstand
unit. Evidence of primary bedding is generally destroyed systems tract (below) deposited under fluvial influences
by intense Skolithos bioturbation. Where primary bed- from the transgressive systems tract (above) deposited
ding is apparent, ripple cross-lamination, lenticular bed- under fluvial and tidal influences.
ding, starved ripples, and rarely, wave ripples are iden- In the upper sections of the Wyandra Sandstone Mem-
tified in very thin sandstone beds (a few centimetres in ber, two higher-order flooding surfaces reflect sudden
thickness). Reduced siderite nodules commonly exist in palaeobathymetric increases. These flooding surfaces
these sections. The strata of the uppermost Wyandra bound the upper heterolithic unit of the Wyandra Sand-
Sandstone Member unit are interpreted as prodelta and stone Member and denote deposition in increasingly
distal tidal-flat deposits. Very finely laminated marine distal sections of the depositional system.
shale of the Walumbilla Formation exists above the
Wyandra Sandstone Member. Systems tracts
Key surfaces and stacking patterns The sequence stratigraphic framework for the Wyandra
Sandstone Member represents a fourth-order regressive-
The basal unconformity denoting the lower limit of transgressive cycle interpreted as a response to glacio-
the Wyandra Sandstone Member is interpreted as a eustatic sea-level fluctuation and changes in the rate of
sequence bounding unconformity (Fig. 17). This surface regional subsidence during the Early Cretaceous. This is
has a regional lateral extent, and represents a the first major marine transgression in the Eromanga
palaeontologically resolvable depositional hiatus. Addi- Basin, and marks the end of predominantly continental
tionally, a basinward shift in facies tracts, an increase in sedimentation. Strata bound by the sequence boundary
grain size, and a change in palaeo-current directions and transgressive surface represent the lowstand sys-
occur over the surface. All of these characteristics are tems tract. The amalgamation and preferential preserva-
accepted criteria for the identification of sequence bound- tion of channelised fluvial distributary deposits in the
aries (Van Wagoner et al, 1990, Posamentier and Allen lowstand systems tract occurs as a response to very low
1999, Aitken and Flint 1995). values in the ratio of accommodation to sediment supply
Tidal influence in the upper sections of the Wyandra immediately following the formation of the sequence
Sandstone Member necessitates the existence of a trans- boundary. Seventy-six percent of the lowstand systems
gressive surface representing the first incidence of land- tract consists of stacked fluvial distributary channels
ward migration of the shoreline. The characteristics of the (Fig. 18a).
transgressive surface are variable; it occurs as an erosive The strata of the Wyandra Sandstone Member overly-
quartz/chert pebble lag or as a decimetre thick, finely ing the transgressive surface are part of the transgres-
laminated, mudstone deposit. The former is interpreted as sive systems tract (Figs 16, 17). These strata represent a
a surface of tidal ravinement. The latter is interpreted as period when the rate of accommodation creation ex-
(right). The latter percentages are derived by using total facies MIDDLE TRANSGRESSIVE SYSTEMS TRACT
association thickness divided by the thickness of a single deposit. ? ? FS
The lowstand systems tract is composed predominantly of stacked 100% LOWER TRANSGRESSIVE SYSTEMS TRACT
fluvial distributary deposits forming a laterally extensive sandstone 50%
available data. 50%
ar n
e l ar y
Fl s
M pe
th l
ou ia
C istr ial
y/ se
n n ut
M uv
ceeded the rate at which sediment was supplied. This
D luv
la as
ha ib
Sp rev
change in depositional control results in punctuated
transgression controlled primarily by an increase in the
Facies thickness
rate of glacio-eustatic sea-level rise accentuated by a as a percentage of
concurrent increase in the rate of regional subsidence. total genetic unit
Together, these controls result in marine inundation of Facies occurrence as
a percentage of all
the Eromanga Basin during the Early Cretaceous. The facies occurrences.
landward migration of the shoreline causes the superpo-
sition of increasingly distal facies tracts, as reflected in
the generalised vertical section through the Wyandra
The sequence stratigraphic framework for the
Wyandra Sandstone Member at Tarbat-Ipundu Field N
reflects medium-scale (10-1–10 m) reservoir compart- 45
mentalisation. Seventy-three percent of the total n=
1000 meters
2 meters
2 meters
2 meters
and very coarse-grained sediment within the Wyandra stone exist only within channelised facies (fluvial-dis-
Sandstone Member is central to unravelling reservoir tributary channel fills and subtidal channel fills) and
heterogeneity. does not occur in inter-distributary, lower deltaic plain,
At a finer scale of analysis (≈ 10-2–10-1 m) reservoir prodelta or shelf environments. Although sequence strati-
heterogeneity within the lowstand systems tract is again graphic analysis cannot resolve individual depositional
controlled by the partitioning of coarse- and very coarse- systems in the Cadna-Owie Formation, it does delineate
grained sediment. Facies mapping suggests that east- groups of similar depositional systems representing spe-
west oriented, elongate pockets of diagenetically en- cific ranges of values in the ratio of accommodation to
hanced reservoir quality are composed of stacked, high- sediment supply. Systems tracts are most fundamentally
energy fluvial distributary channel fills of a transverse ‘linkages of contemporaneous depositional systems’
system oriented across the main structural grain of the (Brown and Fisher 1977). The utility of this concept for
basin. These areas are not incised valleys; the reservoir the Cadna-Owie Formation is two fold: first, sequence
facies are time-equivalent with, and stratigraphically stratigraphic surfaces represent changes in the primary
adjacent to non-reservoir facies. Instead, pockets of res- processes that control sandstone texture and flow prop-
ervoir are interpreted to represent the axes of fluvial erties. Consequently, sequence stratigraphic surfaces
channel fairways. Relative to the surrounding areas, delineate reservoir intervals in the Cadna-Owie Forma-
marginally higher rates of subsidence occur, resulting in tion at some scales of analysis. Second, the prediction of
the amalgamation of channelised deposits (Fig. 18b). At sand body geometry and distribution using the sequence
the time of deposition, these areas are likely to have stratigraphic units (rather than lithologic units or units
provided a more efficient depositional slope for fluvial defined by rock flow properties alone) is promoted be-
channels relative to surrounding areas characterised by cause genetically related stratigraphic units are far more
lower subsidence rates. Like axial drainage systems, low likely to be comparable to pre-existing depositional mod-
nett to gross, lower energy facies of the lowstand systems els constructed from modern and outcrop analogues.
tract are more likely to occur over palaeo-highs (Fig. 7b).
Within the context of a low overall subsidence rate CONCLUSIONS
(characteristic of the lowstand systems tract), areas of
marginally higher subsidence may promote thicker 1. The application of sequence stratigraphy to non-
accumulations of channelised, coarse-grained facies marine strata in continental successions, and intra-
provided the ratio of sediment supply to accommodation cratonic basins in particular, is still in its infancy.
creation does not fall below a threshold value, below Although much remains to be done to discriminate
which standing bodies of water result and lower energy, the effects of tectonics, physiography, climate,
overbank facies are preserved. This threshold value sediment supply, and the influence of sea and lake
exists where the rate of bedload sediment supplied is level, the predominantly non-marine Cooper-
equal to the rate at which accommodation is created Eromanga-Surat-Bowen basin system of Eastern Aus-
(SS/A = 1); where SS/A <1 (i.e. the transgressive and tralia provides an excellent opportunity to demon-
highstand systems tracts) nett to gross and reservoir strate the fundamental principles of the sequence
connectivity will decrease. stratigraphic approach.
Palaeotopographic influences which control the posi- 2. Understanding the role of alluvial sediment accom-
tion and occurrence of major fluvial fairways in the modation relative to sediment supply is the key to
Cadna-Owie Formation are not well understood. How- applying sequence stratigraphic concepts in non-
ever, facies distributions, palaeo-current interpretation marine basins. Accommodation is created by a com-
and thickness variations with respect to the basins struc- bination of tectonic subsidence, compaction and
tural regimes suggest that differential subsidence changing water tables in floodplain lakes, marsh-
(Lonergan et al 1996) and the style of basement faulting lands and peat mires. If the alluvial basin is directly
exerted a sufficient influence on the relief of the deposi- connected to the marine system, then eustacy may
tional surface (approximated by the SB during the depo- influence base level in the lower reaches of the
sition of the lowstand systems tract) to control the posi- alluvial network, but its effect will significantly di-
tion and occurrence of major fluvial fairways. An minish upstream, depending on the slope gradient.
autocorrelation between differential subsidence and the 3. Climate change will have an impact on fluvial dis-
style of basement faulting is likely to exist (Le Roux charge, rising water tables, floodplain lake levels,
1994). Both represent subtle controls on the palaeo- and sediment flux, and it will also play a role in
topography of depositional surfaces, and unless associ- determining whether the succession will be coal
ated with tectonic tilting of the fluvial profile, may not prone or dominated by palaeosols (i.e. Permian coal
result in the formation of resolvable sequence strati- measures vs Triassic redbeds).
graphic surfaces. 4. For sediments to accumulate, accommodation must
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