HW Chapter 2
HW Chapter 2
HW Chapter 2
Here’s the answer to the trick question on page warm because of power dissipation in the resistance.
117: Suppose that we open circuit the terminals. Then, The point of this question is that the circuits are
no current flows through the Thévenin equivalent, but equivalent in terms of their terminal voltage and
a current In circulates in the Norton equivalent. Thus, current, not in terms of their internal behavior.
the box containing the Norton equivalent will become
Section 2.1: Resistances in Series and Parallel
*P2.1. Reduce each of the networks shown in Figure 20 Æ 5Æ
P2.1 to a single equivalent resistance by
combining resistances in series and parallel. a b
10 Æ 10 Æ
10 Æ 10 Æ
Figure P2.3
50 Æ 60 Æ 20 Æ
50 Æ 20 Æ 20 Æ
10 Æ
20 Æ 10 Æ 5Æ 7Æ
5Æ a
Figure P2.1
20 Æ 10 Æ
*P2.2. A 5 Ω resistance is in series with the parallel
Figure P2.5
combination of a 25 Ω resistance and an
unknown resistance Rx. The equivalent
resistance for the network is 10 Ω.
Determine the value of Rx. P2.6. Find the equivalent resistance between
*P2.3. Find the equivalent resistance looking into terminals a and b for each of the networks
terminals a and b in Figure P2.3. shown in Figure P2.6.
* Denotes that answers are contained in the Student Solutions files. See Appendix E for more information about accessing the Student
132 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits
b 2Æ 2Æ 2Æ
6Æ 20 Æ
Req 4Æ 4Æ
Figure P2.6
a 2Æ
6Æ 20 Æ (b)
Figure P2.12
c d
5V i2
Rc vx 6Æ 6Æ
Rb -
b c
Figure P2.23
Figure P2.20
*P2.24. Find the voltages v1 and v2 for the circuit
P2.21. Often, we encounter delta-connected loads, shown in Figure P2.24 by combining
such as that illustrated in Figure P2.21, in resistances in series and parallel.
three-phase power distribution systems
(which are treated in Section 5.7). If we 3Æ 25 Æ
only have access to the three terminals, a
method for determining the resistances is + +
to repeatedly short two terminals together vs = 12 V
10 Æ v1 30 Æ v2 5Æ
and measure the resistance between the 3Æ
- -
shorted terminals and the third terminal.
Then, the resistances can be calculated from
Figure P2.24
the three measurements. Suppose that the
measurements are Ras = 12 Ω, Rbs = 20 Ω, *P2.25. Find the values of v and i in Figure P2.25.
and Rcs = 15 Ω. Where Ras is the resistance
between terminal a and the short between
5Æ 20 Æ 10 Æ
b and c, etc. Determine the values of Ra, Rb,
and Rc. (Hint: You may find the equations
easier to deal with if you work in terms of 20 Æ
8A v 25 Æ 10 Æ
conductances rather than resistances. Once
20 Æ 20 Æ
the conductances are known, you can easily -
invert their values to find the resistances.)
Figure P2.25
Section 2.2: Network Analysis by Using Series and
Parallel Equivalents i2
- v +
P2.22. What are the steps in solving a circuit
40 Æ i1 10 Æ 2Æ 6Æ
by network reduction (series/parallel
combinations)? Does this method always 4Æ
provide the solution? Explain.
*P2.23. Find the values of i1 and i2 in Figure P2.23. Figure P2.27
Problems 135
P2.28. Find the values of vs, v1, and i2 in Figure P2.32. The 10 V source in Figure P2.32 is delivering
P2.28. 30 mW of power. All four resistors have the
same value R. Find the value of R.
40 Æ 5Æ
+ - -
20 Æ v1 v2 20 Æ vs 4A i
- + + 12 V R R R
i1 -
Figure P2.28
Figure P2.32
P2.29. Find the values of i1 and i2 in Figure P2.29. P2.33. Refer to the circuit shown in Figure P2.33.
With the switch open, we have v2, = 5 V. On
10 V
the other hand, with the switch closed, we
5Æ have v2 = 3.33 V. Determine the values of
- +
R2 and RL.
2Æ i1 v2 12 Æ 1Æ
Figure P2.29 + R2 v2 RL
10 V -
P2.30. Consider the circuit shown in Figure P2.30.
Find the values of v1, v2, and vab. Figure P2.33
6Æ + i1 i2
Figure P2.30
20 A vx 2Æ 6Æ 10 A
P2.31. Solve for the values of i1, i2, and the powers -
for the sources in Figure P2.31. Is the current
Figure P2.34
source absorbing energy or delivering ene-
rgy? Is the voltage source absorbing energy
*P2.35. Find the values of i1 and i2 in Figure P2.35.
or delivering it?
5Æ i1 2Æ 6Æ
i2 i2
i1 +
15 V
+ -
5A - 40 V 15 Æ
2Æ 6Æ
Section2.3: Voltage-Divider and Current-Divider The current taken from the 10 V source is
Circuits 100 mA. a. Find the values of R1 and R2. b.
*P2.36. Use the voltage-division principle to calculate Now suppose that a load resistance of 100 Ω
v1, v2, and v3 in Figure P2.36. is connected across the output terminals (i.e.,
in parallel with R2). Find the value of vo.
R1 = 2 Æ
+ v1 -
+ +
10 V v2 R2 = 5 Æ
- +
- 10 V R2 vo
- v3 + -
R3 = 3 Æ
Figure P2.40
Figure P2.36
*P2.37. Use the current-division principle to calculate P2.41. A source supplies 100 V to the series
i1 and i2 in Figure P2.37. combination of a 5 Ω resistance, a 2.5 Ω
resistance, and an unknown resistance Rx. The
voltage across the 2.5 Ω resistance is 10 V.
i1 i2 Determine the value of the unknown resistance.
R1 = R2 = 8 Æ P2.42. We have a 6 Ω resistance, a 2 Ω resistance,
4Æ and an unknown resistance Rx in parallel with
a 10 mA current source. The current through
the unknown resistance is 5 mA. Determine
Figure P2.37
the value of Rx.
*P2.38. Use the voltage-division principle to calculate *P2.43. A worker is standing on a wet concrete floor,
v in Figure P2.38. holding an electric drill having a metallic case.
The metallic case is connected through the
R1 = 5 Æ
ground wire of a three-terminal power outlet
to power-system ground. The resistance of
+ the ground wire is Rg. The resistance of the
+ R2 = worker’s body is Rw = 100 Ω. Due to faulty
20 V v R3 = 5 Æ
- 5Æ insulation in the drill, a current of 4 A flows
- into its metallic case. The circuit diagram for
this situation is shown in Figure P2.43. Find
Figure P2.38 the maximum value of Rg so that the current
through the worker does not exceed 0.2 mA.
P2.39. Use the current-division principle to calculate
the value of i3 in Figure P2.39. i=4A Metallic case
R1 = 200 Æ +
v Rw = 500 Æ Rg
R2 =
10 mA 50 Æ R3 = 150 Æ -
P2.40. Suppose we need to design a voltage-divider P2.44. Suppose we have a load that absorbs power
circuit to provide an output voltage vo = 2.5 V and requires a current varying between 0
from a 10 V source as shown in Figure P2.40. and 50 mA. The voltage across the load must
Problems 137
R1 = 2 kÆ R3 = 2 kÆ R5 = 2 kÆ R7 = 2 kÆ
i1 i3 i5 i7
Figure P2.50
+ R2 i2 R4 i4 R6 i6 R8 …
16 V
- 4 kÆ 4 kÆ 4 kÆ 4 kÆ
P2.51. Given R1 = 4 Ω, R2 = 5 Ω, R3 = 8 Ω,
R4 = 10 Ω, R5 = 2 Ω, and Is = 2 A, solve
Figure P2.47 for the node voltages shown in Figure P2.51.
R4 Is R5
1A 20 Æ 5Æ 2A
Figure P2.51
Figure P2.48
P2.52. Determine the value of i1 in Figure P2.52 using
*P2.49. Solve for the node voltages shown in Figure node voltages to solve the circuit. Select the
P2.49. Then, find the value of is. location of the reference node to minimize
138 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits
15 V Req R4 R5
+ -
5Æ 20 Æ Figure P2.55
1A 2Æ 10 Æ 2A
P2.53. Given R1 = 15 Ω, R2 = 5 Ω, R3 = 20 Ω,
R4 = 10 Ω, R5 = 8 Ω, R6 = 4 Ω, an d v1 5Æ v2
Is = 5 A, solve for the node voltages shown
in Figure P2.53. ix
1A 10 Æ 0.5ix 20 Æ
Figure P2.56
R3 v1
*P2.57. Solve for the node voltages shown in Figure
R4 P2.57.
R5 R6
10 Æ
Figure P2.53
- vx +
v1 15 Æ 10 Æ v2
P2.54. In solving a network, what rule must you
observe when writing KCL equations? Why? +
1A 5Æ 2vx 5Æ 2A
P2.55. Use the symbolic features of MATLAB -
to find an expression for the equivalent
resistance for the network shown in Figure
P2.55. [Hint: First, connect a 1-A current
source across terminals a and b. Then, solve Figure P2.57
the network by the node-voltage technique.
The voltage across the current source is equal
in value to the equivalent resistance.] Finally,
use the subs command to evaluate for R1 = P2.58 Solve for the power delivered to the 8@Ω
15 Ω, R2 = 5 Ω, R3 = 20 Ω, R4 = 10 Ω, and resistance and for the node voltages shown
R5 = 8 Ω. in Figure P2.58.
Problems 139
8Æ a
v1 v2
+ -
9Æ 24 Æ 0.5ix
5A 10 Æ 20 Æ 3A
Figure P2.61
P2.62. Figure P2.62 shows an unusual voltage-
Figure P2.58
divider circuit. Use node-voltage analysis and
the symbolic math commands in MATLAB
P2.59. Solve for the node voltages shown in Figure to solve for the voltage division ratio Vout/Vin
P2.59. in terms of the resistances. Notice that the
node-voltage variables are V1, V2, and Vout.
R1 V1 R1
v1 +
5Æ 10 Æ R1 R1
Vin + Vout
+ R2
1A aix 10 Æ 3A - V2
Figure P2.59
Figure P2.62
v1 v2
P2.69. Use mesh-current analysis to find the value
of v in the circuit of Figure P2.38.
v3 v4
P2.70. Use mesh-current analysis to find the value
of i3 in the circuit of Figure P2.39.
P2.71. Use mesh-current analysis to find the values
v5 v6
of i1 and i2 in Figure P2.27. Select i1 clockwise
around the left-hand mesh, i2 clockwise
around the right-hand mesh, and i3 clockwise
around the center mesh.
P2.72. Find the power delivered by the source and
Figure P2.64 the values of i1 and i2 in the circuit of Figure
P2.23, using mesh-current analysis.
Section 2.5: Mesh-Current Analysis P2.73. Use mesh-current analysis to find the values
*P2.65. Solve for the power delivered to the 15@Ω of i1 and i2 in Figure P2.29. First, select iA
resistor and for the mesh currents shown in clockwise around the left-hand mesh and
Figure P2.65. iB clockwise around the right-hand mesh.
Problems 141
After solving for the mesh currents, iA and P2.77. Connect a 1-V voltage source across
iB, determine the values of i1 and i2. terminals a and b of the network shown in
P2.74. Use mesh-current analysis to find the values Figure P2.55. Then, solve the network by the
of i1 and i2 in Figure P2.28. First, select iA mesh-current technique to find the current
clockwise around the left-hand mesh and through the source. Finally, divide the
iB clockwise around the right-hand mesh. source voltage by the current to determine
After solving for the mesh currents, iA and the equivalent resistance looking into
iB, determine the values of i1 and i2. terminals a and b. The resistance values are
R1 = 6 Ω, R2 = 5 Ω, R3 = 4 Ω, R4 = 8 Ω,
P2.75. The circuit shown in Figure P2.75 is the dc
and R5 = 2 Ω.
equivalent of a simple residential power
distribution system. Each of the resistances P2.78. Connect a 1-V voltage source across the
labeled R1 and R2 represents various terminals of the network shown in Figure
parallel-connected loads, such as lights or P2.1(a). Then, solve the network by the mesh-
devices plugged into outlets that nominally current technique to find the current through
operate at 120 V, while R3 represents a load, the source. Finally, divide the source voltage
such as the heating element in an oven that by the current to determine the equivalent
nominally operates at 240 V. The resistances resistance looking into the terminals. Check
labeled Rw represent the resistances of wires. your answer by combining resistances in
Rn represents the “neutral” wire. a. Use series and parallel.
mesh-current analysis to determine the P2.79. Use MATLAB to solve for the mesh currents
voltage magnitude for each load. b. Now in Figure P2.63.
suppose that due to a fault in the wiring
at the distribution panel, the neutral wire
becomes an open circuit. Again compute the Section 2.6: Thévenin and Norton Equivalent
voltages across the loads and comment on Circuits
the probable outcome for a sensitive device *P2.80. Find the Thévenin and Norton equivalent
such as a computer or plasma television that circuits for the two-terminal circuit shown in
is part of the 15@Ω load Figure P2.80.
Rw = 0.1 Æ
10 Æ
120 V + R1 = 15 Æ
– +
10 V 5Æ 1A
Rn = 0.1 Æ
R3 = 8 Æ
Figure P2.80
120 V
– R2 = 5 Æ
Rw = 0.1 Æ
*P2.81. We can model a certain battery as a voltage
source in series with a resistance. The open-
Figure P2.75
circuit voltage of the battery is 9 V. When a
100@Ω resistor is placed across the terminals
P2.76. Use MATLAB and mesh-current analysis of the battery, the voltage drops to 6 V.
to determine the value of v3 in the circuit Determine the internal resistance (Thévenin
of Figure P2.51. The component values are resistance) of the battery.
R1 = 4 Ω, R2 = 5 Ω, R3 = 8 Ω, R4 = 10 Ω, P2.82. Find the Thévenin and Norton equivalent
R5 = 2 Ω, and Is = 2 A. circuits for the circuit shown in Figure P2.82.
142 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits
P2.92. Starting from the Norton equivalent circuit P2.97. Solve for i1 in Figure P2.34 by using
with a resistive load RL attached, find an superposition.
expression for the power delivered to the P2.98. Another method of solving the circuit of
load in terms of In, Rt, and RL. Assuming Figure P2.24 is to start by assuming that
that In and Rt are fixed values and that RL v2 = 1 V. Accordingly, we work backward
is variable, show that maximum power is toward the source, using Ohm’s law, KCL,
delivered for RL = Rt. Find an expression and KVL to find the value of vs. Since we
for maximum power delivered to the load in know that v2 is proportional to the value of
terms of In and Rt. vs, and since we have found the value of vs
P2.93. A battery can be modeled by a voltage source that produces v2 = 1 V, we can calculate the
Vt in series with a resistance Rt. Assuming that value of v2 that results when vs = 12 V. Solve
the load resistance is selected to maximize for v2 by using this method.
the power delivered, what percentage of the P2.99. Use the method of Problem P2.98 for the
power taken from the voltage source Vt is circuit of Figure P2.23, starting with the
actually delivered to the load? Suppose that assumption that i2 = 1 A.
RL = 4Rt; what percentage of the power
P2.100. Solve for the actual value of i6 for the circuit
taken from Vt is delivered to the load?
of Figure P2.100, starting with the assumption
Usually, we want to design battery-operated
that i6 = 1 A. Work back through the circuit
systems so that nearly all of the energy stored
to find the value of Is that results in i6 = 1 A.
in the battery is delivered to the load. Should
Then, use proportionality to determine the
we design for maximum power transfer?
value of i6 that results for Is = 10 A.
10 Æ
P2.101. Device A shown in Figure P2.101 has v = 3i 2
for i Ú 0 and v = 0 for i 6 0.
a. Solve for v with the 2-A source active and the
+ 5Æ 1-A source zeroed.
30 V 3A
i b. Solve for v with 1-A source active and the 2-A
source zeroed.
c. Solve for v with both sources active. Why
Figure P2.94 doesn’t superposition apply?
and R2 = 1 kΩ. Find Rx. b. Repeat if R2 is the remaining two-terminal circuit.) What is
100 kΩ and the other values are unchanged. the value of the Thévenin voltage when the
*P2.103. The Wheatstone bridge shown in Figure 2.66 bridge is balanced?
has vs = 10 V, R1 = 10 kΩ, R2 = 10 kΩ, P2.106. Derive Equation 2.93 for the bridge circuit
and Rx = 5932 Ω. The detector can be of Figure 2.67 on page 129.
modeled as a 5@kΩ resistance. a. What P2.107. Consider a strain gauge in the form of a
value of R3 is required to balance the long thin wire having a length L and a cross-
bridge? b. Suppose that R3 is 1 Ω higher sectional area A before strain is applied.
than the value found in part (a). Find the After the strain is applied, the length
current through the detector. [Hint: Find the increases slightly to L + ∆L and the area
Thévenin equivalent for the circuit with the is reduced so the volume occupied by the
detector removed. Then, place the detector wire is constant. Assume that ∆L/L V 1
across the Thévenin equivalent and solve for and that the resistivity r of the wire material
the current.] Comment. is constant. Determine the gauge factor
P2.104. In theory, any values can be used for R1
and R3 in the Wheatstone bridge of Figure G =
2.66. For the bridge to balance, it is only the ∆L/L
ratio R3/R1 that is important. What practical [Hint: Make use of Equation 1.10 on page 48.]
problems might occur if the values are very P2.108. Explain what would happen if, in wiring the
small? What practical problems might occur bridge circuit of Figure 2.67 on page 129, the
if the values are very large? gauges in tension (i.e., those labeled R + ∆R)
P2.105. Derive expressions for the Thévenin voltage were both placed on the top of the bridge
and resistance “seen” by the detector in the circuit diagram, shown in part (b) of the
Wheatstone bridge in Figure 2.66. (In other figure, and those in compression were both
words, remove the detector from the circuit placed at the bottom of the bridge circuit
and determine the Thévenin resistance for diagram.
Practice Test
Here is a practice test you can use to check See Appendix E for more information about
your comprehension of the most important the Student Solutions.
concepts in this chapter. Answers can be
found in Appendix D and complete solutions T2.1. Match each entry in Table T2.1(a) with
are included in the Student Solutions files. the best choice from the list given in Table
Table T2.1
Item Best Match
a. The equivalent resistance of parallel-connected resistances...
b. Resistances in parallel combine as do...
c. Loads in power distribution systems are most often connected...
d. Solving a circuit by series/parallel combinations applies to...
e. The voltage-division principle applies to...
f. The current-division principle applies to...
g. The superposition principle applies to...
Practice Test 145
1. conductances in parallel
2. in parallel
3. all circuits
4. resistances or conductances in parallel
5. is obtained by summing the resistances
6. is the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals of the resistances
7. some circuits
8. planar circuits
9. a current source in series with a resistance
10. conductances in series
11. circuits composed of linear elements
12. in series
13. resistances or conductances in series
14. a voltage source
15. the open-circuit voltage divided by the short-circuit current
16. a current source
17. the short-circuit current
T2.1(b) for circuits composed of sources and T2.3. Write MATLAB code to solve for the node
resistances. [Items in Table T2.1(b) may be voltages for the circuit of Figure T2.3.
used more than once or not at all.]
T2.2. Consider the circuit of Figure T2.2 with 2Æ
vs = 96 V, R1 = 6 Ω, R2 = 48 Ω, R3 = 16 Ω, 2A
and R4 = 60 Ω. Determine the values of is v1 v3
and i4. 5Æ
4Æ 10 Æ 1Æ
Figure T2.3
vs R2 R3 R4
- T2.4. Write a set of equations that can be used to
solve for the mesh currents of Figure T2.4. Be
sure to indicate which of the equations you
Figure T2.2 write form the set.
146 Chapter 2 Resistive Circuits
Vs 10 Æ 10 Æ
- +
+ +
5V - 5Æ - 15 V
Figure T2.6
T2.7. Determine the equivalent resistance between
R4 i2 i3 R5 terminals a and b in Figure T2.7.
R1 = 60 Æ
Figure T2.4
Figure T2.7
30 Æ
60 V - 2A 40 Æ T2.8. Transform the 2-A current source and 6@Ω
resistance in Figure T2.8 into an equivalent
b series combination. Then, combine the series
30 Æ voltage sources and resistances. Draw the
Figure T2.5 circuit after each step.