ANSI ESD S20.20 The Next Generation
ANSI ESD S20.20 The Next Generation
ANSI ESD S20.20 The Next Generation
Kevin S. Duncan (1), Ronald J. Gibson (2), John T. Kinnear Jr. (3)
(1) Seagate Technology, 7801 Computer Avenue South, M/S NRW132, Bloomington, MN 55435 USA
tel.: 952-402-8058, fax: 952-402-8566, e-mail: [email protected]
(2) Advanced Static Control Consulting, Richmond Hill, ON, L4C5J4 Canada
(3) IBM Corporation, 2455 South Road, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
Abstract: As IC technologies evolve in favor of faster IO speeds and increased package sizes, challenging
constraints will be placed on future development of on chip ESD protection. Using ANSI/ESD S20.20 as a
baseline, this paper will outline critical elements that factories of the future must consider to be successful.
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place to focus, for the biggest return on investment IV. The Next Generation
and reduction of ESD related manufacturing issues,
lies with improvements in the management of the The following sections will discuss the critical aspects
Program. of the current ESD Control Program requirements of
ANSI/ESD S20.20-2014 and the necessary
II. ESD Control Program Manager considerations and improvement opportunities that
must be addressed for successful implementation of a
or Coordinator Program for the factories of the future.
For many organizations the person in charge of
controlling ESD in the manufacturing environment A. Administrative Requirements
typically has several job responsibilities. Their focus While it is quite reasonable to expect that the required
is not solely dedicated to ESD control. For Programs limits of many ESD control items used in an ESD
of the future, not only does the ESD Program Control Program will need to be adjusted, the
Manager or Coordinator’s role become more importance of the Administrative Requirements is
important, it becomes impossible for an organization many times overlooked. Below we will discuss each
to be successful without it. Emphasis will need to be of the administrative plans and offer some guidance
placed on importance not only of time available to on improvement options, as well as questions one
work on the Program but also on the individual’s should consider.
expertise. Basic ESD knowledge will no longer be 1. Training Plan
sufficient. Coordinators of the future must be ESD
experts. They will need to have high level, functional For most in the ESD community it is widely
knowledge, not only of the dynamic nature of the acknowledged that ESD training for personnel is
manufacturing process as it relates to ESD control, but necessary. When developing a training plan for
of every aspect of Program Management. Professional personnel with the safe handling of increasingly more
ESD Certification programs and technical trainings, sensitive ESD devices in mind, what changes does the
such as the ESDA’s Professional Program Manager organization need to make? In a well-designed
and TR53 Certification, will cease as being, “nice to Program, many aspects of the critical technical
have”, and become basic measures critical for success. elements (i.e., wrist strap systems, footwear/flooring
systems, grounding, etc.) are typically transparent to
the personnel handling the ESDS items. You may find
Inclusion of the Coordinator in the design for that as improvements are made to these physical
manufacturing (DFM) process becomes increasingly control elements, your current training plan may be
more important for avoiding ESD related failures acceptable.
during future production stages. An in depth
understanding of the manufacturing process and the
potential interactions with the ESD sensitive (ESDS) First, is your organization’s current training plan
items is valuable information when determining the sufficient? How do you know that it is effective? The
layout of sensitive traces, pad, pin and ball locations, measure of the successfulness can often be painfully
as well as potential insertion issues caused by charged obvious and easily verified. Are personnel following
ESDS items, where a ground first connection could Program requirements outlined in the training
reduce risks. provided? Are personnel wearing wrist straps when
they are handling ESDS items while seated? Does
III. ANSI/ESD S20.20-2014 your organization have failures that can be attributed
to lapses in ESD control practices? In general, when
The purpose of ANSI/ESD S20.20-2014 is to provide your organization performs audits (assessments) of
administrative and technical requirements for the Program, do you find issues that can be attributed
establishing, implementing and maintaining an ESD to training of personnel? If you answered yes, you
Control Program. It aims to provide requirements that have room for training plan improvements. While
allow you to manufacture, process, assemble, install, personnel may not always follow training
package, label, service, test, inspect, transport and requirements, and the lapses may not cause issues
handle ESDS items. The device sensitivity targets, or today, when an increased number of ESDS items are
withstand voltages, based on these requirements are introduced in the process, these lapses may cause
designed to safely protect devices from 100 volt failures in the future.
HBM, 200 volt CDM and 35 volt isolated conductor
discharges to the ESDS items.
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As your organization updates your training plan, not be the only approach. As with any improvements
modifications should be made to reinforce program in your Program, there should always be discussion on
requirements based on lessons-learned, changes to the cost of the improvements versus the return on
technologies and to correct deficiencies identified investment.
during evaluations, process reviews and compliance
verification audits. Careful examination of high risk items such as wrist
strap and footwear/flooring systems for HBM and
Several improvement options exist, which options you insulator control, ionization offsets and other dynamic
choose to implement depend on your unique training interactions for CDM, can reveal areas where
problem. Consider concepts like; specialized training increasing the verification frequency will provide the
for personnel handling devices with increased necessary improvements to ensure your reliability
sensitivities, increasing the training frequency, goals are met, without tightening the limits of your
modifying the type of instruction, (i.e., from computer ESD control items.
based to instructor led), and improvements in the
comprehension technique (e.g., exam) used. One needs to assess and fully understand the
2. Product Qualification Plan manufacturing environment and the likelihood of
While improved emphasis on the importance of the damage at each process step. For those process steps
product qualification plan has been addressed in the where the failure opportunities are heightened, the
most recent version of ANSI/ESD S20.20, the verification sample size and frequencies should
Coordinator must be much more diligent when increase accordingly.
dealing with product qualification of control items and
materials used for the safe handling of ESD items The frequency at which an ESD control item should
with increased sensitivities. As we will discuss later in be verified is dependent upon the rate at which the
greater detail, individual ESD control item limits will control item is likely to fail and the associated risk of
generally need to be tightened. In addition, it will be damage when it does. As we move forward with an
necessary to ensure that new ESD control items, increased in the number of ESDS items, the
introduced into the Program, are compatible with opportunity for damage and therefore our risk of
other ESD control items that they may come into damage increases. As it does, it is prudent to increase
contact with. Additional emphasis needs to be placed the rate at which the ESD control item is verified to
on the dynamic interaction of the ESD control items ensure it continues functioning as intended.
and ESDS items within the process.
One example that often comes to mind is that of the
The Coordinator will be tasked with ensuring only performance of a single conductor, non-monitored,
materials that are acceptable for these new limits are wrist strap system versus that of a dual wire,
procured. Additional emphasis will need to be placed continuously monitored wrist strap system. Which
on ensuring that the materials were indeed tested system “performs” better? Both systems limit body
according to standardized ESD test methods. As this voltage on personnel to the same low levels (sub 10
increased emphasis is realized, naturally the need for volts) when worn properly. The difference between
increased understanding of material test methods, as the “performances” lies in the rate of detection of
well as the test equipment and the actual failure. When one considers HBM events and
manufacturing process of the ESD control items controlling voltage on personnel, a decision between
become significant. A “trust but verify”, approach is lowering wrist strap system limits; currently 35
strongly recommended. megohms to a lower value, for example 10 megohms,
versus the rate of detection of failure; comparison of
3. Compliance Verification Plan
(non-monitored and continuously monitored systems)
Like both of the aforementioned administrative plans, needs to be taken into consideration.
compliance verification will also need to be addressed
with increased scrutiny. Many ESD professionals
Compliance verification plans should be ever
often discuss the challenges when dealing with lower
changing. Don’t assume that because a device is now
ESD withstand thresholds and high reliability devices.
more sensitive, you must sample more frequently. As
Often the conversation focuses on tightening of
with all verification plans you should have some
Program limits. While this is one approach, it should
method of tracking and trending your results. It is this
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data that determines whether or not your compliance isolated conductors, even though the conductors in
verification plan needs adjustment, not the sensitivity this case are “grounded”. Grounding for devices at the
of the devices. most sensitive level must take into consideration that
voltage on ground is never zero. There is always some
B. Technical Requirements constant AC/DC noise associated with the voltage
1. Grounding / Equipotential Bonding Systems flowing through the manufacturing equipment and
environment. As the voltage on ground is dynamic
Developing a grounding / equipotential bonding
and constantly changing, the voltages on the
system for sensitive devices requires a closer look at
“grounded” devices also become ever changing. On
your facilities grounding systems. Here correct wiring
the surface this would appear to be a non-issue. When
orientation is overall a higher concern, specifically in
you consider that even though these ESDS items are
cases where there is significant voltage on ground,
“bonded” to ground, there is some
typically a result of ground/neutral reversals where
impedance/resistance between the two bonded
ground loops are created.
objects. This opposition to the flow of current leads to
a difference in voltage potentials between the two
For example, during a review of the grounding system systems based on the differences in the time domain.
of a relatively large facility we found that the voltage The higher the impedance/resistance between the two
on AC equipment ground during normal operations bond points, the longer the delay propagation between
varied between 3 to 6 volts, fairly consistently. the two signals. This time delay leads to difference in
Further examination of the grounding system found potentials on devices that we would otherwise see as
that out of 23,299 outlets, 6,196 (82.39% of failures) safely grounded, the following example demonstrates
failed correct wiring orientation (i.e., Hot/Neutral and this principle.
Neutral/Ground failures), see Figure 3. After repairs
were implemented, the voltage on ground dropped to
On the left of Figure 4, is the voltage of a wire bond
an average of 2 to 3 volts.
head, which directly contacts the ESDS item leads,
the right captures the voltage on the grounded device,
It should be noted for clarity, that auxiliary ground located on the dock station. The actual voltage
failures were specified, in Figure 3, as having a differential in “real” time is greater than 2 volts during
resistance between the AC equipment grounding the bonding operation. For most devices this is not a
conductor and the auxiliary (ESD) ground of greater concern, however for ultra-sensitive devices with low
than 10 ohms. The current ANSI/ESD S20.20 limit is CDM withstand voltage (sub 5 volts) this is a
25 ohms. potential for ESD damage. While the damage may not
lead to catastrophic failure, it may result in latent
damage if the EOS applied is above the absolute
maximum rating (AMR) of the device.
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items, where direct contact to the sensitive leads is While Personnel grounding is easily identifiable as an
expected, such as electrical test operations. ESD control item associated with controlling HBM
events. Often overlooked is the dynamic interaction
While this discussion is specifically intended in cases that personnel grounding systems can play in respect
where the devices are connected to the AC equipment to an ESDS item’s CDM sensitivity.
grounding conductor, the same philosophy applies to
applications where auxiliary grounding is used. In Take for example, personnel using a footwear/flooring
general, the lower the resistance, impedance, system for controlling voltage on personnel. The
inductance and lead length, between the bonded current, ANSI/ESD S20.20, limits for peak voltage in
points, the lower the potential for voltage differences. combination with a person, per ANSI/ESD STM97.2
2. Personnel Grounding [8], is 100 volts. This limit is designed to ensure that
devices with sensitivities greater than 100 volt HBM
When evaluating a Program for ever increasing if contacted by a person using this system would not
sensitivities, personnel grounding considerations, damage the device.
regardless of system type (wrist strap,
footwear/flooring) need to be revisited. It is important
to understand that the voltage on personnel can be Now consider that same example where the person is
reduced by decreasing their system resistance to carrying the ESDS item in their hand or in
ground. Voltage on personnel is a function of the conductive/dissipative packaging. The person, item
propensity of the personnel to charge and the time it and packaging are electrically coupled. Voltage
takes for that charge to decay. Charge generation is generation on the person is now equally shared with
based on the interaction and subsequent tribocharging the ESDS item. Essentially, we now have a situation,
between the contact and separation points of the where the ESDS item is charged. This now potentially
surfaces involved. The decay rate is the system’s becomes a CDM risk for the device, or if the ESDS
ability to combat this charging. This is commonly item is a printed circuit board assembly (PCBA), a
referred to as the RC time constant, where tau ( ) potential charged board event (CBE).
equals a person’s system resistance to ground (R),
multiplied by their capacitance (C), ability to store When evaluating personnel grounding requirements,
that charge, multiplied with the natural logarithm (ln) one should consider the dynamic interaction between
of the ratio of the initial voltage (Vi) to the final the person and the ESDS items as they move through
voltage (Vf). the process by performing a detailed risk assessment.
One should infer that the peak body voltage of
f i → ln ln personnel grounding systems, can and will be passed
on the ESDS items. With the consideration that the
To reduce your HBM risk opportunities, one should ESDS items are now charged, the process step(s)
reduce the limits associated with personnel system immediately following this charge sharing become a
resistance to ground. The lower the system resistance, significant source for potential discharge paths and
the faster the body voltage is normalized with respect ESD damage. Armed with this information, the
to ground, see Figure 5. organization can now make an educated decision on
the directions moving forward. They can choose to
reduce the charging of ESDS items, by reducing the
overall system to ground resistance, or limit the
opportunities for discharging through other process
control measures.
i. Wrist Strap Systems
For controlling body voltage on personnel and
resultant HBM and potential dynamic CDM
interactions, the best ESD control is the wrist strap
system. There are many different systems choices
available on the market when it comes to selecting a
wrist strap system. For the purpose of this discussion
Figure 5 – Voltage on Personnel [1]
we will focus on resistance based systems, as this is
the basis for ANSI/ESD S20.20 requirements. Other
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systems may be used; it is left to the end user to This body voltage measurement (ANSI/ESD
demonstrate the effectiveness of those systems. STM97.2) needs to be conducted with several
Evaluation of the wrist strap system using ANSI/ESD different personnel to develop enough data where
STM97.2 is the suggested method. statistical significance regarding the peak voltages can
be determined. The following body voltage analysis
We have previously discussed the influence that test summary, see Figure 6, demonstrates the common
resistance to ground plays in the ability to control waveform one could expect. When the positive and
body voltage, as well as the performance differences negative peaks are analyzed, this information can be
in non-monitored and continuously monitored wrist used to establish the maximum body voltage range
strap systems. Based on these previous discussions it probability, see Figure 7. This measurement data and
is clear that the direction of goodness for wrist strap the statistical analysis gives the organization an
systems is two-fold. First the improvement to understanding (risk assessment) of the maximum peak
decrease the risk of failure to the system, by body voltage generated for that particular
increasing the rate of detecting failures, and thus the footwear/flooring system. This testing needs to be
move to continuously monitored wrist strap systems. repeated for all footwear and flooring combinations
Second, now that we have improved our capability to and at the worst case humidity conditions expected.
detect failures, the only remaining improvement we
can make is to reduce the system resistance limits, From an accuracy of measurement standpoint, it
from the current 35 megohms to other industry should be noted that peak body voltage detection
standard values, such as 10 megohms. values will generally be higher with increased
bandwidth and/or an increase in the sampling
For resistance based wrist strap systems, changing frequency of the measurement and recording device.
from non-monitored to continuously monitored This simple concept is often overlooked, but can be
systems or reducing the limits from 35 megohms to 10 important for performing an accurate risk assessment.
megohms, doesn’t actually lower the peak body Consider this as an example that demonstrates the
voltage on personnel. It simply increases the rate of improved equipment and measurement knowledge
detection of failure and effectively increases that will be needed for Coordinators in the future.
sensitivity of the measurement system’s failure
threshold. If you truly want to reduce the body voltage
on personnel, it is essential that you reduce the value
of the current limiting resistor, as this is the real
“limiting” factor.
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Once the body voltage generation of the between the ESDS item and ground? Is your ESDS
footwear/flooring system is acceptable, the floor item on a grounded surface relative that is large
resistance and the resistance of the person through the compared to the size of the item? Where is the
footwear must be recorded. These values should be insulator located? Does it have a direct line of site to
used as the upper compliance verification limits for the ESDS item? Unfortunately, there are many more.
the Program.
For devices with lower CDM thresholds, there are
As with our discussion on non-monitored versus really only two choices; reduce the allowable field
continuously monitored wrist strap systems, how from the insulator or increase the distance from the
often the footwear or flooring is verified, depends on insulator to the ESDS item. If possible, both should be
the likelihood of failure. Permanent footwear implemented. When doing so you need to consider
solutions, when worn properly, seldom change. how the insulator reacts to your process and
Testing once a day is common place. For non- ultimately to your ESDS items. Does the field actually
permanent selections, where the floor contacting affect your ESD item? The field measurement should
surface can move or where contact to the person’s be taken at the location of the ESDS items and not at
body can change, more frequent measurements are the surface of the insulator, as this is a better risk
recommend, typically upon every entry into the EPA. assessment method.
A similar approach needs to be taken with flooring. Some key things to consider. If the ESDS item is
The user needs to assess the risk of the flooring placed on a grounded surface much of the field will be
system failing. Compliance verification procedures attracted to the ground. Likewise the change in the
need to be adjusted based on this risk. Permanent device’s capacitance, while on the grounded surface,
solutions are typically tested less frequently than non- will cause the field to be suppressed. Electrostatic
permanent solutions. As data is collected, the field lines are perpendicular to the surface of the
frequency of testing should be adjusted accordingly. insulator, so for insulators without a direct line of site,
the risk of field induction is reduced. Field strength
When considering your needs for future ESD controls varies inversely with distance. Every time you double
as they relate to footwear/flooring systems, the the distance between the ESD item and the insulator
general direction of goodness is the lowest system you will get half of the voltage at the location of the
resistance to ground, with a system that provides the ESDS item. These are general statements that need to
lowest risk of failures. The total system resistance of be better understood and evaluated by the Coordinator
the footwear/flooring system in combination with a as part of the risk assessment process.
person is the sum of the resistance of the person, the
skin/contact resistance of the person, the resistance of In general, set your limits for field strength and
the footwear from personnel contact surface to distance as low as you can within your given process
flooring contact surface and the flooring system’s constraints. These are relatively easy requirements
resistance to ground. The two largest components are that can be verified during your compliance
typically the footwear and flooring, the person’s verification actions. If you find that required limits are
resistance has little influence. Selecting the lowest exceeded, contact voltage measurements should be
resistance, permanent footwear/flooring solutions will made on the sensitive pins of the ESDS item using a
provide the least body voltage generation with the high impedance, low capacitance contact voltmeter. If
lowest risk of system failure. the voltage measured exceeds your CDM withstand
3. Insulators voltage or your acceptable margins, then you need to
take further action. Replace the insulator with an ESD
Control of process required insulators requires that the safe version, install ionization to mitigate the
allowable electrostatic field strength along with the electrostatic field, apply an topical antistatic agent to
size of the insulator and distance to the ESDS items the surface of the insulator, insert a groundable object
be taken into further consideration. Insulators and the close to the surface of the insulator to suppress the
effects of electrostatic fields on ESDS items are one insulator’s field, etc.
of, if not the most misunderstood in the industry.
There are many factors to consider when selecting 4. Isolated Conductors
limits for insulator control. How big is the insulator? These are conductive items in your process, which for
How big is your ESDS item? What is the relation whatever reason, cannot be connected to ground, but
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come into contact with ESDS items. In order to greater than 1.0 × 106 ohms and less than 1.0 × 109
prevent machine model (MM) like discharges to ohms.
ESDS items it is important to ensure that the voltage
on these items is maintained to safe levels. The While these concepts are in the general direction of
current version of ANSI/ESD S20.20 requires less goodness, for extremely sensitive devices, it may be
than 35 volts between the ESDS item and the isolated misleading. It is possible given situations where the
conductor. Isolated conductors are typically found in voltage on the device is significantly high and the
electrical testing operations, such as in-circuit and contact resistance significantly low to cause ESD
functional test. damage even with a “dissipative” material.
In practice, this voltage differential should be as low The same principles that we have discussed
as possible. A recommended target voltage of less previously also are true for evaluating working
than 5 or even 10 volts is more realistic for future surfaces. A dynamic approach must be taken. One
device considerations. The greatest influence on where the validation is focused on the working
isolated conductors is their relationship to electrostatic surfaces ability to inhibit charging of the device as
fields and susceptibility to field induction from charge well as to reduce the charge on the ESDS items in a
sources, such as process required insulators and manner that does not cause damage.
ionization sources.
For mitigation of CDM or CBE events, a high
When considering future Program limits, the limits resistance ohmic contact to the ESDS item becomes
associated with insulators and ionization offset extremely important. Selection of the resistance value,
voltage will influence the voltage limits for isolated should be such that it is high enough to reduce the
conductors. voltage (charge) between the ESDS item and the
5. Worksurfaces contacted surface, in a manner that is slow enough
While this section is entitled worksurfaces, it is more where the current flow does not cause joule heating.
appropriate to think about worksurfaces as working 6. Ionization
surfaces. The concepts discussed below should be Ionization improvements for mitigation of field-
applied to any location where the ESDS items are induced CDM risks follow the same general
contacted, such as carts, shelves, drawers, etc. discussion as that of insulators. The lower the
ionization offset voltage (balance) the lower the field-
Worksurface selection for increasingly more ESD induced CDM threat. Ionization in some ways is
sensitive components has become somewhat of a hot unique; it can be used to reduce electrostatic fields on
topic. There are two general discussions that take insulators, but can also cause a charge/voltage on
place when discussing the overall future direction. isolated conductors. There are too many different
One is centered around controlling the charge on the technology types, e.g., AC, Steady State DC, Pulse
ESDS items, the second on controlling the discharge. DC, Hybrid, X-ray, Nuclear etc., to discuss all the
As we have already discussed the dynamic nature different pros and cons of each.
personnel grounding plays on controlling charge on
ESD items, we will focus on the controlling discharge When determining ionization Program limits with
discussion. respect to device sensitivities, offset voltage (balance)
and decay times are the typical values that can be
Many will refer to controlling discharges as avoiding adjusted. The general direction of goodness is to have
metal-to-metal contact, hard discharges or ensuring a low offset voltages and fast decay times.
the use of dissipative materials. It is should be noted,
that the term, “dissipative”, does not apply to Ionization like all of the other controls mentioned has
worksurfaces, but is rather adopted from the terms a dynamic aspect as well. The organization must
defined in the flooring standard test method [9] and determine the effect of ionization on the actual ESD
loosely from the packaging standard [10]. The intent items in the process. Ionization typically is qualified
however is generally understood to mean, that a and verified from a starting voltage of 1000 volts and
dissipative material is one with a resistance value of with a stop voltage of 100 volts. How does this testing
on a 6 inch × 6 inch (150 mm × 150 mm), conductive
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20 pf, metal plate, compare with the effect of the C. Dynamic Process Interactions
ionization on your ESDS items? The purpose of the
testing is to indicate whether or not the ionizer There has been significant discussion on the
performs or continues to perform as intended, it administrative and technical requirements and
provides no information about the effectiveness to considerations for the next generation of ESD
actually reduce or eliminate the electrostatic field controls. The general guidance has been to reduce the
threat. For that the user must be responsible in limits on the ESD controls as much as possible within
ensuring that the ionizer is solving the static problem. the realms of process and cost considerations.
What is the actual opportunity for the ions to get The most influential aspect for determining process
where they need to go? I.e., what is the size of the control limits for future S20.20 program requirements
ESDS item and its relationship to other objects in the is really the dynamic relationship between the ESD
surrounding area that will also attract the ions? control item and the organization’s process. There are
Consider a small charged device on a grounded many examples one could give.
surface, with its sensitive leads down, ionization
applied to the top surface will likely have little effect. The following example is a single practical one that
As with any ionization system, it is important to echoes the continual problems we see with handling
verify the voltage on the device, before and after of ESDS items. It is not that the control limits
ionization has been applied. necessarily need to be adjusted, but rather the process
needs to be examined dynamically based on how the
Low ionization offsets of less than 5 volts with decay ESD control items are used, then the required control
times from 1000 volts to 100 volts in less than 5 item limits need to be established. Blindly lowering
seconds are easily achievable today with current (tightening) the ESD control limits will have an effect,
equipment in the marketplace. It is possible to use but how much of an effect and at what cost is often
ionization solutions with a near zero offset voltage if unknown.
needed. As organizations consider ionization for their
future devices, they must consider the pros and cons Take a scenario where a process required insulator
of each ionization technology for their application. (press fit connector), with isolated conductors (surface
Realizing that the most important criterion for mount connector pins), see Figure 9, is shipped in an
selecting an ionizer for an ESD problem is whether or ESD safe dissipative container. A field measurement
not it solves your ESD issue. is taken on the plastic portion of the press fit
connector; it shows that it is not charged to unsafe
The Coordinator will need to understand how the levels while in the dissipative package, i.e., it is less
different technology types of ionization work and than 2000 volts/inch at 12 inches and less than 125
identify the critical factors for each. For example, an volts /inch at less than 1 inch. Additionally the voltage
AC ionizer needs to have “clean” incoming power. measured on the isolated conductors (surface mount
Any extraneous voltage on the AC signal will be connector pins) is less than 35 volts, using a contact
amplified by the ionizer circuitry, resulting in voltmeter. Net, the connector meets the requirements
potentially large offset voltages. A condition not that established in ANSI/ESD S20.20.
may not have been present during normal laboratory
qualification procedures, see Figure 8. Now enter an ESD “safe” glove, system resistance 1.0
× 109 ohms, per ANSI/ESD SP15.1 worn by a
grounded operator via a wrist strap system. The
operator then removes the connector from the ESD
safe packaging and inserts it into the ESDS item, in
this case the PCBA. The action of contact and
separation between the grounded operator’s gloved
hand and the previously safe press fit connector now
triboelectrically charges and creates an electrostatic
field on the insulative portion of the connector, which
in turns induces a voltage on to the isolated
Figure 8 – AC Ionization Offset Voltage w/Dirty Power
conductors of the connector. Now we have a charged
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isolated conductor, waiting to contact the sensitive management approach to ESD control becomes
leads of the PCBA. When the connector is inserted crucial. At the forefront of this battle lies the ESD
into the PCBA, “voila!” a CDM like event, see Figure Coordinator, who will be responsible for delicately
10. balancing the dynamic process interactions between
ESDS items and ESD control items at every critical
The solution, understanding the process interaction step of the manufacturing process. This balancing act
between the grounded personnel with the ESD safe must include process capability considerations based
glove and the interaction with the process required on tightening of required limits, increases in sample
insulator. One solution, selection of a glove with sizes and verification frequencies. The most
reduced charged generation when used in connection significant change will be the need to understand the
with the process connector. Similarly, the dynamic interactions (i.e., charging/discharging) the
organization could have chosen to change the manufacturing process has on the ESDS items.
connector material. The key regardless of the solution References
is that the dynamic interaction is the “real”, [1] EOS/ESD Association, Inc., “Electrostatic
determining factor. By the way, they changed gloves. Discharge (ESD) Technology Roadmap” –
Revised May 2016.
[2] Industry Council on ESD Target Levels, White
Paper 1: “A Case for Lowering Component Level
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Figure 9 – Press Fit, Surface Mount Connector
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increasingly sensitive, coupled with limitations in on
chip ESD protection, emphasis on a dynamic program
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