Blood Slime Model

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Blood Slime Model

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er Wh Is M
at Your Blood
You will need:
• a sachet of red-coloured jelly
powder - for example, strawberry
or cherry flavour

• 125g cornflour

• warm water (the amount

will depend on your desired

• red-coloured sweets, or small,

red, round fruits, such as
raspberries, grapes or cherries - to
1. Add the cornflour and jelly powder into a
be our red blood cells
large measuring jug and mix them together
• white-coloured sweets, such as using a large wooden spoon.
marshmallows or bonbons - to
2. Slowly, stir in the warm water until you
be white blood cells which are
have a thin, slimy, watery consistency. This
bigger than red
represents the blood plasma. When you reach
• cake sprinkles - representing your desired consistency, measure how much
the platelets slime you have. Plasma makes up about 55%
of the volume of blood, so the slime needs to
make up just over half of the final mixture.

3. Add the red-coloured sweets. About 45% of

the volume of blood is red blood cells, so the
amount of red-coloured sweets needs to be a
little less than the amount of plasma slime
you have made.

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Blood Slime Model

4. Add the white-coloured sweets.

White blood cells make up less
than 1% of the volume of blood,
unless you are fighting an
infection, so you will only need
to add a few white sweets to
represent the white blood cells.

5. Add the cake sprinkles to the

mixture. Platelets make up less
than 1% of the volume of blood, so
you need to add approximately the
same volume as you added of the
white-coloured sweets.

6. Mix all the ingredients together

to make sure that they are all
equally distributed throughout the
blood mixture.

7. Have fun playing with your

blood slime!

We hope you find this resource useful. This recipe is intended as a general guide only and involves the use of hot water and kitchen
appliances which use considerable heat. It is your responsibility to assess risks and ensure the activity is safe for those participating.
We will not be held responsible for the health and safety of those participating and cannot accept any liability. It is also your respon-
sibility to ensure you are fully aware of the allergies and health conditions of anyone making or consuming these products – noting
potential allergens included in the ingredients.

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