Components of Consumer Health
Components of Consumer Health
Components of Consumer Health
Health Professionals. These are individuals who are trained and licensed to practice medicine along with allied health
programs and work in the medical profession.
Examples: doctor, nurse, nutritionist, physician, etc.
There are different types of physicians based on their area of specialization.
a. Pediatrician – specializes in children’s health care and treatment of diseases.
b. Psychiatrist – specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders.
c. Obstetrician – specializes in the care of women during pregnancy and childbirth.
d. Ophthalmologist – specializes in diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases and disorders.
e. Anesthesiologist – specializes in administering various anesthetics to assure proper operative procedures.
f. Dermatologist – specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases.
g. cardiologist – specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of the heart and blood vessels.
h. Allergist – specializes in diagnosing and treating body reactions resulting from unusual sensitivity to food,
medicine, dust and other substances.
i. Pulmonologist - specializes in diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract.
j. Neurologist – specializes in providing diagnosis and surgical treatment of diseases of the nervous system.
k. Gastroenterologist – specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases in the gastrointestinal system.
l. Geriatrician – specializes in care of elderly and the diseases that affect them.
m. Surgeon – specializes in performing surgical operation in treating diseases, injuries and deformities.
n. Urologist – specializes in diseases and abnormalities of the gastro-urinary tract.
o. Gynecologist – specializes in diseases and care of the female reproductive organs.
6. Healthcare Facilities – These are places or institutions that offer healthcare services. There are different types of
healthcare facilities.
These are the following types of healthcare facilities:
a. Hospital - It is an institution where people undergo medical diagnosis, care and treatment. In the Philippines,
there are two classifications of hospitals: general and specialty. General hospitals have complete medical,
surgical, and maternal care facilities. On the other hand, specialty hospitals handle a particular disease or
condition or deal with only one type of patient.
b. Walk-In Surgery Center - It is a facility that offers surgery without the patient being admitted in the hospital.
c. Health Center - It is a facility that caters a specific population with various health needs
d. Extended Healthcare Facility - A facility that provides treatment, nursing care, and residential services to
patients, often the elderly.
7. Health Insurance - It is a financial agreement between an insurance company and an individual or group for the
payment of healthcare costs.
Example: PhilHealth, Private Healthcare Plans
Consumers received health information, products, and services from various sources, thus individuals may be prone to
frauds. An example of which is quackery.