The Effect Workplace Friendship Final Paper
The Effect Workplace Friendship Final Paper
The Effect Workplace Friendship Final Paper
January, 2019
Bahir Dar/Ethiopia
January, 2019
Bahir Dar/Ethiopia
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Name of the student
Date of submission
This is to certify that the thesis work entitled “The effect of workplace friendship on
Organization Employees’Commitment: in case of Tana Flora PLC” submitted in
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Masters
of Business Administration to the College of Business and Economics, Bahir Dar
University; through the Department of Management, done by Mr. Moges Alemu.
Advisor’s Approval
This thesis is submitted for examination with my Approval as a University Advisor.
The effect of Workplace Friendship on organization Employees Commitment MBA
This is to certify that this thesis prepared by Moges Alemu, entitled:―The effecct of Workplace
friendship on Organization Employees’Commitment, the case of Tana Flora Plc Submitted to
Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts in Business
Administration compiles the regulations of the University and meets the accepted standards with
respect to originality and quality.
As members of the Board of Examiners of the Final MA Thesis Open Defense Examination, we
certify that we have read and evaluated the Thesis prepared by the candidate Moges Alemu. We
have recommended that the Thesis is accepted as fulfilling the basic Thesis requirements for the
Degree of Master of Business Administration.
All praises to The God Almighty, who has created this world of knowledge for us. This work
comes in to end not only by the effort of the researcher, but also the support of many
individuals and organizations.
To begin with, I would like to thank Anteneh Eshetu (Ph.D), my advisor, for his
constructive suggestions throughout my work had it been without his support, this work
would not have been come into reality.
Moreover, my thanks extended to Ato Getachew Cherkose Vice manager Tana Flora PLC for
devoting his time to organize the employees to fill the questionnaires and in providing necessary
information for this research work.
Last but not least, I wish to thank my colleagues and friends specially Mastewal Bewket and
Mihirt Ayale for their Motivational aspiration while I faced challenges and finally my gratitude
goes to all my classmates in the department of Masters of Business Administration for sharing
my numerous coffees, lunches, and laugh at all times.
The aim of study is the effect of workplace friendship on organizational employee commitment
in selected company in Ethiopia. This study therefore identify the level of the relationship and
effect of“proximity”,“Missing role”,“Instrumentality”and “work safety” within organization
employees’ commitment in selected company. This study crossectional survey research design. In
pursuit of the objectives, a survey research was carried out in Tana flora Plc Bahir Dar Ethiopia.
A sample size of 274 was determined from a population of 876 using simplified formula in selected
company from total permanent and temporary staff. The sources of data for the study were
primary. The data collected were using questionnaire. The questionnaire was structured in Five-
point Likert scale in line with the objectives of the study. Content validity approach was used to
ensure that the variables measured. The instrument was checked for reliability showing Cronbach
alpha co-efficient value of more than 0.84 and thereafter tables, percentages and statistical tools
(one sample t test ,correlation, multiple regressions analysis) were used for presentation and
analysis respectively.Results indicated that both positive & negative relationship workplace
friendship dimensions were related increased& decrease Organization Employees’Commitment.
Partial Pearson correlation and Multiple Linear Regression were used to analyze the gathered
data. Based on the regression result, it can be concluded that 90.5 % of the change in OEC is
explained by workplace friendship dimensios in Tana Flora PLC employees in Bahir Dar City. It
was noted that workplace friendship has a positive effect on the Organization
Employees’Commitment. By emphasizing the effect of workplace friendship dimension on
Organization Employees’ Commitment this paper provides valuable insights on how the
company can increase Organization Employees’ Commitment by fostering workplace friendship
primary focus proximity by increase employees home living capacity in the compound of the
company. Overall, the research suggests that the presence of workplace friendships has a
significant effect on several workplace friendship variables, with the effect of friendships being
more for individuals in interdependent work roles.
Keywords: Workplace Friendship, Work safety, Missing Role, Instrumentality, Proximity,
Organization Employees’Commitment
Table Contents
List of Tables ....................................................................................................................................................... x
List of Figures..................................................................................................................................................... xi
Acronyms ........................................................................................................................................................... xii
CHAPTER ONE ................................................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1. Background of the Study ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.2. Statement of the Problem ...................................................................................................................... 2
1.3. Objectives of the Study ................................................................................................................................ 4
1.4 Hypotheses ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.5 Significance of the Study ............................................................................................................................. 5
1.6 Delimitation of the Study.............................................................................................................................. 5
1.7 Limitations of the Study .......................................................................................................................... 6
1.8 Operational Definitions of Terms ......................................................................................................... 7
1.9 Organization of the study......................................................................................................................... 8
CHAPTER TWO.................................................................................................................................................. 9
LITRATURE REVIEW ..................................................................................................................................... 9
2.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................................... 9
2.2 Theoretical Literature .................................................................................................................................. 9
2.2.1 Concepts of Friendship &Workplace Friendship ................................................................................... 9
2.2.2 Factors Influencing Workplace Friendships ......................................................................................... 13
2.2.3 Relationship between Workplace Friendship & Organization Employees’Commitment................. 14
2.2.4 Views & Functions of Workplace Friendship ....................................................................................... 20
2.2 .5 Organization Employees’Commitment and Its component ................................................................ 21
2.2.6 Measurement of Workplace Friendship on Organization Employees’Commitment ........................ 24
2.3 Empirical reviews of studies ...................................................................................................................... 24
2.4 Conceptual Framework .............................................................................................................................. 33
2.5 Summary ..................................................................................................................................................... 35
CHAPTER THREE ............................................................................................................................................ 36
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .................................................................................................................... 36
3.1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 36
3.2 Research Design and Approach ................................................................................................................ 36
List of Tables
Table2. 1: Some of Summary of Research finding ....................................................................... 31
Table 3. 1: Reliability measure of the Variables........................................................................... 41
Table.4 1:Background profile of the respondents ....................................................................... 42
Table.4 2: Mean Scores of the research variables ...................................................................... 44
Table.4 3: Partial Correlation between four Workplace Friendship dimension & OC ............. 46
Table.4 4: Multicolinearity Test of multiple linear regression analysis ....................................... 49
Table.4 5: Summary of One-Sample Test.................................................................................... 50
Table.4 6:Workplace friendship Organization Employees’Commitment Regression Model .... 50
Table.4 7: Hypothesis testing of the relationship between Independent &Dependent variable ... 51
List of Figures
Figure 2. 1: The effect of Workplace Friendship Organization Employee Commitment ............ 34
Figure.4 1: Organization Employees’Commitment Normal distribution ..................................... 47
Figure.4 2: Test of Linearity ......................................................................................................... 48
AC Affective Commitment
ADF Acquaintance Description Form
CC Continuance Commitment
NC Normative Commitment
TF Tana Flora
This chapter incorporates the fundamental aspects of the study such as the background of the study,
a statement of the problem, objectives, hypothesis, and significance of the study, the scope of the
study, limitations and operational definitions.
1.1. Background of the Study
A major part of man’s life is spent on work, which is a social reality, and social be expectation to
which human beings seem to confirm(Miller et al, 2008).Informal relationships among employees
within organizations in recent times have become a potential source of influence for job
performance and organization success as a consequence of Organization employees commitment.
Friendships evolve from existing formal line of operations in the workplace environment and
this is maintained for the advantage of the organization. Friendships are one of the essential human
values and these friendships influence individual attitudes and behaviors (Song 2006).
According Ellingwood (2001) asserts that positive interpersonal relationships at work have an
advantageous impact on both organizations and the employees. In the same manner, employees’
negative work attitudes can be mitigated when friends act as close confidants on bad and
unpleasant work experiences (Song, 2006; and .Dachner (2011) declares that encouraging
interpersonal relations among workers is important because valued work relationships
can influenceorganizational outcomes by increasing institutional participation, establishing
supportive and innovative climates, increasing organizational productivity.
Workplace friendship has been drawing the attention of and broadly discussed by many
scholars (Mao et al, 2012; Miller et al, 2008) Employees may need work-related knowledge,
information, and skills to accomplish their missions and goals or emotional support to relieve work
stress. Workplace friendship can provide both instrumental support (Berman et al., 2002).
Employees are human beings and income generating assets like fixed and non-fixed assets.
However, unlike all other assets, human assets have thousands of questions and grievances
whenever the organization failed to meet their complaints and expectation (Miller et al, 2008).
Constantly changing business environment, globalization, and intense competition and increasing
customers’ requirements caused that in recent year’s popularity of the issues related to the
Workplace friendship has been shared advantages could be experienced in most organizations
in the developed world.However the informal relationships in an organization in form of
friendships that exist at workplaces is not the case in developing economies in Africa
particularly in ethiopia ,where friendship at the workplace is even a forbiden associated with
certain negative rewards, blurring of organizational objectives, low productivity and the
development of romantic relationships which can be detrimental to work and the
organization. Tana Flora is a private limited company located in Bahir Dar Zuria Woreda of
Amhara National Regional State of Ethiopia. The company nature has labor intensive, and Export
international market, since to big issue management should be focused human resource
management to bit these competitions, which is the difficult task, need to alivate the problem of
well managed this human resource, by using design the management strategy for workplace
friendship development.
The basic resons researcher was selected this company than other company because of frsitly the
company nature has labour intasive secondly diversity working culture of the company, thridly,
the company export on international market with stiff competition so that the effect of workplace
friendship dimension on organizational employees’ commitment investigation better opportunity
than other company.
Therefore, this study is imperative to embark on study where an empirical analysis is carried out
on the effect of workplace friendship dimension on organization employee commitment the in
selected company Tana flora Plc.
Many Researches have shown that workplace friendships influence individual and organizational
outcomes (Gibbons & Olk, 2003; Lincoln & Miller, 1979; Riordan & Griffith, 1995). Workplace
Friendships in general bring positive impact with both the company’s point of view as well as the
employees’ side. Workplace friendship can enrich the environment, provide support and
Winstead et al, (1995) declare that since people spend so much time together at work, (i.e.
Approximately more than forty seven (47) hours per week), the effect of workers being dissatisfied
could be leveraged by employers encouraging interpersonal relationship at workplaces. Supporting
this notion, Kram et al. (1985), declares that encouraging interpersonal relations among workers
is important because valued work relationships can influence organizational outcomes by
increasing institutional participation, to establishing supportive, and innovative climates,
increasing organizational productivity.
Morrison & Nolan, (2007), the shared vision advantages could be experienced in most
organizations in the developed world. However, other contradtion ideas the variety of aspects of
the Workplace friendships that exist in workplaces, this is not the case in developing countries
where friendship in the workplace is even a forbidden associated with certain negative rewards
such as gossip, loss of focus on the task, distorting of organizational objectives, low productivity,
creation of conflict of interest and appearance of partiality detrimental to work and the
Dotan (2007), there are Six main individuals form friendships at work; namely: 1) Work Safety;
2) Missing Role; 3) Sanity Check; and 4) Work-values; 5) Proximity, and 6) Instrumentality.
Accordingly, her research finding result shown that Work Safety and Instrumented were positively
Based on Özlem Kunday (2014), the positive and strong relationship between workplace
friendship and Organization Employees’Commitment using two dimensions, namely opportunities
for Friendship (OFF) and prevalence of friendship (POF). The Workplace Friendship measures by
different dimensions while comparing the two option of workplace friendship is more using
antecedent formation explain better.
Based on the theoretical and empecical literature review within different study methods
comparison, this study contributed to the existing literature by studying the issue at hand,
particularly for selected company which is labor intensive, competent international market and a
diversity working culture company due to this human resource management is a difficult task &
big focused resource to win the international market rivalry the manager should be focused design
a strategy workplace friendship strategy development in organization for better organization
Hence, this study is set to find out, why employees could not be discouraged from forming a
friendship draws at the workplace, what could be responsible for the formation of friendship draws
at the workplace, and why an individual at the workplace would decide to become friends with a
co-worker and not with another.
Therefore, the purpose of this research was answered the basic question is related to the effect of
work safety, missing role, Instrumental and proximity on Organization Employees’Commitment
researcher's attempt to fill this gap and suggest that the antecedent process leading to the formation
of to measure workplace friendship can outbuilding this variability on organizational employees’
1.3. Objectives of the Study
1.3.1 General Objective of the Study
The general objective of the study is to investigate the effect of workplace friendship on
Organization Employees’Commitment in Tana flora PLC in Bahir Dar City.
effect’ Organization Employees’Commitment namely Work Safety, Missing Role, Proximity, and
Instrumentality on Organization Employees’Commitment focusing on affective commitment
The study also controlled for some selected demographic characteristics of employees of Tana
Flora such as gender, age, educational level, and tenure since these variables exhibited
significant effect workplace friendship and Organization Employees’Commitment of employees
in some of the reviewed studies.
This study was limited to employees who work in Tana Flora wonjeta farm and Head office Bahir
Dar City and the paper were covering an insight to the determinant employee’s effect of
workplace friendship on Organization Employees’Commitment. The conceptual boundary is
limited to the variables Work Safety, Missing Role, Proximity, and Instrumentality towards
Organization Employees’Commitment (Focusing on Affective Commitment).
1.7 Limitations of the Study
These study was to consider and attempt different things in order to maximize the worth of research
findings. But, it is not to mean that this study were free from limitations; lack of adequate literature
review in Ethiopia case to this limitation willbe minimized by use and subscribing of research
materials articles journals online from advanced countries like United Kingdom, Turksh,and the
researcher use other country experience acknowledged them well, The attitude of the respondents:
the survey research design has the limitation that some respondents are reluctant to give answers
to probes. The limitation will be minimized by persuading the respondents and by giving
covering letter written from university and show the purpose clearly.
2.1 Introduction
This study tries to use theoretical and, empirical reviews that relate to the research objectives and
mainly to support the independent and dependent variables that has been used in this study.
Friendship is defined as a close relationship among friends. People express their friendship through
emotion and behavior (Spencer andPahl, 2006). Friendship in the workplace refers to individuals’
friendship with their peers, subordinates, and superiors (Mao et al., 2012). Friendship in the
workplace has a positive impact on organizational productivity and employees’ work attitudes
towards their jobs (Song, 2006).
Positive friendship not only influences happiness of employees, but also affects productivity
(Badrley & Kunda, 2001). Friendship groups are more committed to their work and lead to higher
productivity (Dotan, 2007). Employees who have meaningful friendship are happier than those
who are alone (Snow, 2013). Consistently, Wright (2006) asserts that lonely people are less happy.
People who have significant friendships may be happy because good friends are wearing to behave
positively to each other (Simon et al., 2010). It should be highlighted that happy employees are
most sociable people who have more friends (Ganser, 2012).
According to Dotan (2007) identified six main reasons as to why individuals form friendships at
work; namely: 1) Work Safety, 2) Missing Role; 3) Sanity Check; 4) Work-values, 5) Proximity,
and 6) Instrumentality. There are a significant number of scholars who have provided
definitions for Organization Employees’Commitment. Mowday (1982). Definition of
Organization Employees’Commitment is “relative strength of an individual’s identification with
and involvement in a particular organization”. Allen & Meyer state (1993) that Organization
Employees’Commitment indicates a huge amount of involvement, and feeling as a part of
the organization.
In Addition, workplace friendships are defined as non-exclusive workplace relations that involve
mutual trust, commitment, reciprocal liking and shared interests or values (Blieszner and Adams
1992; Dobel, 2001). This study’s definition allows for a broad range of specific friendship
relationships. To Lee and Park (2006), the friendships that develop in the workplace are called
blended friendships. Despite the lack of consensus of the meaning of the term workplace
friendship, scholars have distinguished these unique relationships from other types of workplace
relationships as being voluntary and having a personality focus (Wright, 2006). Workplace friends
voluntarily spend more time with each other, share information and provide support beyond that
prescribed by formal organizational roles (Sias, 2009).
Workplace friendships often involve relations between people of unequal age, status, or gender,
thereby transcending traditional notions of friendship. For example, friendships between
supervisors and subordinates are frequently mentioned, as are friendships between younger and
older workers, including mentor/protégé relations. Workplace friendships are increasingly
common between men and women, too (Ingram and Zhou, 2008).
Moreover, these communal relationships (Spencer and Pahl, 2006) declared are also characterized
by the personal nature that transcends the function, development, deterioration and the
consequences of these friendships (Smith and Wilson, 2010). These relationships are
characteristically open, informal and demonstrate a level of inclusiveness (Berman et al., 2002).
Such characteristics are increasingly reflected in modern management strategies with WFs now
being considered as a reflection of how individuals operate in teams and organizations as a whole
(Dickie, 2009). These characteristics when deeply appreciated influence the contributions of the
friends towards the individuals and collective contributions to the success of the organizations’ set
objectives. Peer relationships at work are considered to be a primary means by which
organizational socialization transpires. The information disseminated from peers assists in
understanding the organizational environment and facilitates learning task and social information
(Kramer, 2010).
In affirmation, Lee and Parker (2006) declare that if the manager gives his employees a little
attention, they will equate that attention to “special” treatment that is different from the treatment
that others receive. The basic understanding of boss-subordinate relationships lies in the
foundation that the habits of the managers hold the power to create productive or counter-
productive environments (Kohn, 2005).
On the issue of trust, Davidson and Deberman (1982) disclosed that though women disclose more
of their friends, men equally have higher levels of trust for their best friends. In the case of
emotional management, Oliker (1989) explains that besides helping each other analyze their
friendships, friends can also help each other manage their feelings. Indifference, anger, hostility,
and jealousy are examples of negative or unpleasant emotions that friends may experience. The
various affective processes may or may not occur in a given relationship and, if they do, they can
vary in the frequency or strength of the feeling (Berscheid& Peplau, 1983).
Bleiszner and Adams, (1992), the premise of this theory is that relationships go through a series
of stages, and in order to study them, relationships must be examined overtime. Since
developmental theories are concerned with changes in relationships over time, they have the
potentials to answer questions such as: do the determinants of attraction or liking change over the
course of a friendship? In affirmation, Fehr, (1996) declares that workplace friendships are
dynamic and once formed, they develop, adapt, change, grow, deteriorate and some also terminate.
In effect, workplace friendships are phenomena in a state of flux.
Importantly, the developmental study of workplace friendship adopted by this study is based on
Dotan’s (2007) grounded theory of workplace friendship developmet. This study decides to adopt
this model because it provides a theoretical explanation of the evolutionary stages through which
workplace ties are progressively transformed into workplace friendships. In this model, Dotan
(2007) proposes four stages of development, namely: stage 0 (zero contact), stage 1 (unilateral
awareness), stage 2 (contact surface), and stage 3 (mutuality). These stages provide the model for
both evolution and devolution of the relationship as each stage has a unique level of emotional
intensity, level of communication, common knowledge, type of interaction, need for affiliation,
and organizational structure.
A. Situational Factors
A number of situational factors influence whether or not a friendship is likely to develop.
Frequency of exposure, outcome dependency and availability are such situational factors that could
influence the formation of friendship. Frequent exposure, which is seeing someone on a frequent
basis, causes them to regard them more positively (Zajonc, 1984). The term “outcome
dependency” refers to situations where another person is in a position to provide another with
rewards or punishment. Hence, (Berscheid and Peplau, 1983) declare that people are more
attracted to someone on whom they are dependent for various outcomes. Another situational factor
that comes into play as a necessary precondition for friendship is availability. Two people must be
available for a relationship to take place (Berg and Clark, 1986).
B. Individual Factors
According to Fehr (1996), the kinds of structural or external factors that were discussed above are
instrumental in bringing two people into contact with one another. Obviously, people do not pursue
a friendship with every person they meet. According to Rodin (1982), people may survey their
pool of potential friends and decide who seems more like by “writing off” people and then decide
whom they would like to include in their friendship network. Thus, exclusion and disregard criteria
of friendship set in.
Inclusion Criteria of Friendship; Inclusion criteria include physical attractiveness and value
similarities.) opines that physical appearance affects the development of friendships because it
may be more enjoyable to interact with good-looking people. In confirmation that physical
attractiveness was related to social success. The persons tend to form friendships with people who
are similar to them. Similar effects have been found for demographic characteristics such as age,
physical health, education, religion, family background (Patzer, 1985).
Morrison, & Nolan (2007), Safety training is defined as the knowledge of safety given to
employees in order for them to work safely and with no danger to their well-being. Earlier studies
indicated a link between safety training and increased safety performance consequently, effective
training assists workers to have a sense of belonging and thus, be more accountable for safety in
their workplace. It indicated that safety programs are crucial to all workers and an important aspect
of effective health and safety management (Riordan and Griffeth, 1995).
We try to and out whether peers support each other in an organized environment, where they have
work safety for each other. According to our knowledge, work safety studies that are conducted in
Business Company mostly concentrate on trust between supervisors and employees in inter
organizational level and there are no studies focused particularly on Interpersonal Trust and Peer
Support relation, so this study is distinctive as it reveals the relationship of interpersonal trust, peer
support and Organization Employees’Commitment (Kram and Isabella, 1985).
Cole (2002), posits that employees who are work safe at work are those who can fully invest their
capabilities and exploit the best of their potentials to work. Similarly, Explored the relationship
between employee workplace friendship with different workplace practices (i.e., Employee
involvement, growth and development, work life balance, recognition, work safety) and employee
outcomes are Organization Employees’Commitment, emotional exhaustion, and mental wellbeing
(Grawitch et al ,2007).
For example, that a sales person is hesitant about what executives, customers, and friends are
expecting from them is an example of Missing role (Riordan & Griffeth, 1995). Employees are
faced with Missing role when they do not have sufficient information about the roles expected of
them within or outside of an organization. Missing role in the working life is that 'expectations of
itself are not clear and not in his job' (Kram and Isabella, 1985).
In another definition of Missing role, Riordan & Griffeth (1995), it is expressed as the uncertainty
about what is expected in one’s job. An individual experiencing role ambiguity may not be able to
fully perceive their authority and responsibilities. Research has shown that a high level of missing
role increases stress, anxiety, fear and hostility, and burnout and self-confidence and increases the
tendency to alienate and lab work (Fatima' and Waliur Rehman; 2012).
When individuals understand their roles well, roles become meaningful and they can meet the
requirements of their roles, knowing the value of their role. These studied missing role manifests
itself in the issues. The effect of missing role increases further and this will affect workplace
friendship negatively (Ross, 2016).
In this case, it will bring about the tendency to leave work by causing individuals to become silent,
decrease their individual performance, and decrease their Organization Employees’Commitment
and sense of belonging. On the other hand, with the mediation effect of social friendship, it will
increase the level of workplace friendship perception and friendship opportunity. However,
workplace friendship is a fine line that needs to be carefully considered. Workplace friendship
brings support and sociality together (Kram and Isabella, 1985).
Friendship it might produce certain “handcuffs” for the individual that can further induce high
commitment and retaining membership in the organization. The instrumentality relationship of
friendship formation is based on social exchange theory. This suggests that individuals pursue a
friendship relationship with a work colleague with the hope that the friendship will be leveraging
some instrumental benefits such as career advancement, pay increase, and other rewards that they
may have not received without the friendship even if they were well-deserved (Hamilton, 2007).
As used social exchange theory as a rationale, Dotan (2007) declares that it can be predicted that
an individual who expects that his investment/effort will lead to a certain performance level and
the performance will lead to a desirable outcome (which he/she finds of importance) will be
motivated to exert effort with the anticipation of receiving his/her deserved rewards. Such an
individual is, therefore, also expected to be highly involved in his/her job. He/she has a sense of
purpose and expectation that his/her needs/outcomes which are central to his/her self-conception
will be met. Instrumentality is a factor of workplace friendshipformation which is inherently
instrumental in nature, (Dotan, 2007).
Instrumental friendship increases productivity and employee retention, Stage 1: Unilateral co-
worker awareness of the developmental theory states that a person who is motivated by
instrumental rewards (instrumentality) and perceives that the other person could leverage his/her
rewards such as promotion or a bonus, may be motivated to pursue the friendship and interaction
for this purpose. Workplace friendship has been considered valuable for both individuals and
organizations (Fine, 1986).
Similarly, researchers have consistently reported that workplace friendship positively and
negatively affect employees’ work related attitudes and behaviors which, in turn, influence
organizational outcomes (Hamilton, 2007). Research has also shown that workplace friendships
could influence individual and organizational outcomes (Lincoln and Miller, 1979; Riordan and
Griffeth, 1995; Gibbons and Olk, 2003). Specifically, the positive effects of workplace friendships
on Organization Employees’Commitment have been well documented (Kram and Isabella, 1985;
Krackhardt and Stern, 1988; Riordan and Griffeth, 1995).
Scholars have also identified the negative outcomes in workplace friendship such as loss of focus
on the task, creation of conflict of interest situations, the appearance of favoritism (Berman, et al.,
2002) and the development of romantic relationships which can be detrimental to work and the
organization (Quinn, 1977).
Based on the functional values of Workplace Friendships (WF), previous empirical researches in
psychology, sociology, and management commonly revealed that workplace friendships have
serious implications for managerial effectiveness. Workplace friendships were found to influence
employees’ work-related attitudes, intentions, and behaviors such as job involvement, and,
Organization Employees’Commitment (Riordan and Griffeth, 1995; Dotan, 2007).
This current study has chosen to study the relationship between the causes of Workplace friendship
and the above stated organizational outcomes because this outcome is effective in nature. From
past studies, it is discovered that employees with strong affective commitment are loyal, work
harder and perform better than those with weak affective commitment (Meyer and Allen, 1997).
These factors create rewarding situations, intrinsically conducive to the development of affective
commitment. This reason is in line with the focus of this study, which is set out to examine
workplace friendship causes of formation from the perspective of the individual factor.
Blauner (1964), hypothesizes that involvement in work may come from personal control,
association with others, and a sense of purpose. He reiterates that employees could be influenced
to be involved in their jobs as a result of such factor, Instrumental in WF formation. Various prior
studies have proved the numerous implications of WF to managerial effectiveness, but none has
filled the gap of assessing the relationship that exists between the effect of friendship at workplace
and organizational outcomes. Hence, this study is set out to investigate the relationship between
the effect of friendship formation and some of the organizational outcome identified by previous
studies namely: Organization Employees’Commitment.
Here, the relationship between proximity of WF formation and the organizational outcomes in this
present study were determined. This outcome is namely Organization Employees’Commitment.
Relationship between Proximity effect of Workplace Friendship and Organization
Employees’Commitment. Proximity is an environmental factor of friendship and the first step in
most friendship formations in which two individuals are brought into contact with one another
through physical propinquity (Griffin and Sparks, 1990), while Organization
Employees’Commitment is the attachment and loyalty an employee shows to the organization
(Mowday, et al., 1982).
Based on the above stated theory, Lee and Parker (2006) explain that proximity can significantly
influence Organization Employees’Commitment if the employees are given a little attention by
their boss. This attention, they equate to “special” treatment that is different from the treatment
that others receive. In affirmation, Armstrong (1999) reiterates that proximity could further
reinforce Organization Employees’Commitment based on paternalistic leadership where the
manager shows complete concern for his workers by creating commitment through adequate
communication, education, training programmed, adequate reward systems etc. Furthermore,
Erben et al.(2008) explain that the employees in return show complete trust, loyalty and
commitment to the leader and the organization.
At workplace, there is an opportunity for two types of proximity. Proximity could be physical
propinquity as in one employee merely observing the other on the work premises, in the cafeteria,
restroom, or at a staff meeting. The second type of proximity could be an exposure to the company
directory or reviewing one’s profile on the company’s internet or intranet page. Both types of
proximity, provide the opportunity for interaction (Lincoln and Miller, 1979; Brass, 1985).
Several decades ago, Festinger et al (1950) discovered that proximity leads to liking. To take such
effects into account, they coined the term “functional distance”, by which they meant that the
probability of two people interacting is a function of both the design of the environment as well as
the actual physical distance. Hays (1988) finds that the physical distance between the participants’
residences (ranging from dormitory roommates to living across town) was inversely related to
friendship development. In fact, Griffin and Sparks (1990) finds that at least among men, having
been roommates in college predicted friendship closeness four years later, when they were no
longer attending college. Thus, proximity is one of the standard predictors of friendship.
The workplace is an important locus of friendship formation. What is it about the workplace that
is conducive to friendship formation? Fine (1986) points out that in addition to opportunities for
contact (i.e. Proximity), certain features of the work environment can facilitate the formation of
friendships. Fine finds out that many tasks required (or at least allowed for) friendly, cooperative
behaviors’ between workers. Thus, Farrell (1985, 1986) affirms the extent to which work
environment fosters interaction, non- competitiveness, and interdependence between people.
Proximity – Proximity role relates to physical location of two people and spending lots of time
together or in direct proximity of each other. For example, co-workers working at the same
place might develop a friendship based on this reason.
encouragement, confidence, trust, respect, and critical feedback, which may increase enthusiasm
and a positive attitude.
The main forms of workplace friendship dimesios in this study consist of work safety, missing
role, Instrumentality and proximity are independent variables. The dependent variable in this study
is Organization Employees’Commitment. When employees have trustful friends at work, they can
get help or advice from their friend, co- workers and, therefore, gain feelings of security, and
comfort with their job at work. Also, employees in friendship tend to engage in altruistic behaviors
by providing co-workers with help, guide, advice, feedback, recommendation, or information on
various work-related matters (Hamilton, 2007).
Further research suggested that Workplace Friendship (WF) may enhance organizational
performance because employees in friendships like to help each other with tasks, communicate
with morale-building behaviors, have few communication difficulties and thus can increase their
effort and rate of production (Bandura, 1982). Additionally, research has shown that individuals
who have a close friend at work are less likely to be absent or leave the organization than
individuals who do not because they gain a sense of belongingness and obligation to the workplace
friends who have accepted, understood, and helped them at work (Morrison, 2004; Sias & Cahill,
2.2 .5 Organization Employees’Commitment and Its component
Organization Employees’Commitment is defined as the employee’s feelings of obligation to stay
with the organization: feelings resulting from the internalization of normative pressures exerted on
an individual prior to entry or following entry (Allen & Meyer, 1996). Buchanan (1974) believes
that Organization Employees’Commitment is bonded between the employee and the organization.
This is where it was linked and attach employees to the organization which is known as affective
behavior and attitudes.
A study conducted by Boles et al., (2007) showed that there is a positive relationship between
valuable organizational outcomes and affective Organization Employees’Commitment. Factor
such as benefits and compensation strongly affect an employee’s commitment in an organization
(Ferres, 2003).
According to Meyer and Allen (1997), Organization Employees’Commitment can take three
distinct forms. Affective commitment refers to identification with, involvement in, and emotional
attachment to the organization, in the sense that employees with a strong affective commitment
remain with the organization because they want to do so. Continuance commitment refers to
commitments based on employee recognition of the costs associated with leaving the organization.
Thus, employees with a strong continuing commitment remain with the organization because they
have to do so, either because of low perceived alternatives or because of high personal sacrifice
associated with leaving the organization. Normative commitment refers to commitments based on
a sense of obligation to the organization.
Miller et al, (2008) are the pioneers of multidimensional approach, their Three-dimensional model
of Organization Employees’Commitment, including affective, continuous and normative
dimension are as the three dimensions of Organization Employees’Commitment. Affective
Allen, N.J., and Meyer, J.P. (1996) believe that affective commitment is affective attachment to
the organization and being identified through it. If we define the Organization
Employees’Commitment in this way, affective commitment were being involved in three
Meyer and Allen (1996) found that the best forecaster of affective Organization
Employees’Commitment was work experience. Employees whose work knowledge are steady
with their expectations and whose basic needs within the organization are satisfied have a stronger
level of affective commitment to the organization. Employees with strong affective commitment
stay with the organization because they have no wish to leave. Affective commitment has been
found to associate with a wide range of proceeds, absenteeism, job performance, and
organizational nationality behavior. The cost of affective Organization Employees’Commitment
is lower earnings and turnover intentions, better on- the- job behavior, and better employee health
and well-being (Angel and Perry, 1981).
Meyer and Allen (1997) further indicate that affective commitment is influenced by factors such
as job challenge, role clarity, and goal clarity, and goal difficulty, receptiveness by management,
peer cohesion, equity, personal importance, feedback, participation, and dependability.They
further state that employees whose primary link to the organization is based on continued
commitment remain because they need to do so. Meyer et al. (1990) also maintain that accrued
investments and poor employment alternatives tend to force individual to maintain their line of
action and are responsible for these individuals being committed because they need to. Individuals
stay in the organization because of the investments they accumulate due to time spent in the
organization, not because they want to.
Normative Organization Employees’Commitment reflects an emotion of obligation to carry on
employment (Meyer and Allen, 1997). Internalized normative beliefs of duty and obligation make
individuals obliged to sustain membership in the organization (Meyer and Allen, 1990). The
normative component is viewed as the commitment employees consider morally right to stay in
the company, regardless of how much status enhancement or satisfaction the firm gives him or her
over the years.
Moreover, Meyer and Allen (1997) use the tri-dimensional model to conceptualize Organization
Employees’Commitment in three dimensions, namely, affective, continuance, and normative
commitments. Allen and Meyer (1996) urged researchers to investigate the dimensionality of
Organization Employees’Commitment across cultures to discern if multidimensional
conceptualizations developed in the US are applicable to other cultures or not.
According to Meyer and Allen (1997), the models of commitment have been developed and tested
in western countries. There is a need for more systematic research to determine whether this model
apply elsewhere. Therefore, the current study seeks to test this model in Ethiopia. These researches
focus the nature of the affective factor of workplace friendship formation effect on affective
Commitment. According Dotan, (2007)…“Affective factors of formation seem to be the most
influential factors in relation the job outcomes.’’
2.2.6 Measurement of Workplace Friendship on Organization Employees’Commitment
According to Dotan’s (2007),there are six different types of friendship pillars in different
friendship types based on one or more of these factors in affecting Organization
Employees’Commitment. These are proximity, instrumentality, sanity check, work value, work
safety, and missing role.
The major limitation of this scale is that it only measures the opportunities for friendships versus
the actual existence of them. This is a limitation because it is possible for an employee to have the
opportunity to make friends at work, but not take advantage of these opportunities. To measure
the quality of workplace friendships, Winstead et al. (1995) adapted items from Wright’s ( 1974).
Acquaintance Description Form (ADF). It was designed to measure several dimensions of
friendship such as the level of interdependence and difficulty of maintenance. The main limitation
of the ADF is that it was not specifically designed to assess the quality of workplace friendships;
rather, it was designed to assess the quality of friendships in general.
Therefore, Winstead et al. Had to adapt the items in the work domain. To measure friendship in
their study, Krackhardt and Stern (1988) simulated a workplace environment within a classroom
setting. Using an experiment called the Organization Game (Miles & Randolph, 1979),
undergraduate and graduate students were asked to rate every other person in the class as to how
close a friend he or she was to them. The major limitation of this method is that employees may
be uncomfortable with naming and rating specific individuals with whom they work. This
procedure would also be rather cumbersome if the number of employees in an organization was
Istanbul Turkey. The study investigated the workplace friendship, positive effect on the
Organization Employees’Commitment. These studies use only to the dimension of workplace
friendship opportunity of friendship and prevalence of friendship not include other antecedences.
Berman, (2002) who conducted a survey on workplace relations: friendship patterns and
consequences of senior managers in U.S. cities with populations of over 50,000. The study
examined the views of the managers on various issues on workplace friendship. However, this
study has some limitations. It does not observe actual workplace relations, but only the
perceptions of managers. Neither does it examine the views of respondent groups other than
managers, which might also be of interest. Furthermore, this study only examines attitudes of
managers toward workplace friendship in general, acknowledging that workplace friendships
have different features in different situations. Evidence is presented that managerial orientations
in favor of friendship are widespread and that they are associated with important organizational
Song (2006) also studied the impact of workplace friendship on employees’ productivity in Seoul
City Government, South Korea. Four departments from the Seoul City were chosen: the
Department of Treasury, the Department of Personnel, the Department of Environment and
Protection and the Department of Human Service. Full-time employees were the survey
population. A random sampling method was used to increase the degree of representativeness and
to decrease sampling errors. Direct distribution method was used.
The survey was conducted at the Seoul City government from July 20, 2004 to September 10;
2004. The song’s study was set out to determine whether workplace friendship is possible inside
bureaucracies. The findings indicated that workplace friendships can lead employees to have
positive work attitudes, but the quality of friendship has a stronger influence on positive work
attitudes of employees than friendship opportunity. Though this study is related to this current
research because it seeks to find out the quality and level of influence of friendship on bureaucratic
in organizations, the study only focused on the friendship between subordinate and immediate
superior but does not pay much attention to workplace friendship among peers.
Morrison and Nolan (2007) conducted a descriptive survey research on 445 individuals in New
Zealand to find out the difficulties that arise from having close friends in the workplace. The
findings came from a study in which over two hundred people outlined how workplace friendships
made their work more difficult. The results outlined the difficulties that arise from having close
friends in the workplace.
The results also indicated that, although friendships may be valuable both for employees and
organizations, some aspects of these relationships (such as the blurring of boundaries, having to
devote time to the friendship and distraction from work) mean that having friends within the
workplace can create numerous difficulties for employees. The secondary effects of these
difficulties are that employers may have reduced work outputs as a result of distraction or anxiety
caused by employees having to manage their workplace friendships. This study is related to this
current study by focusing on the friendship between subordinates and peers, but paid more
attention to the negative influence of workplace friendships on managerial effectiveness in
Dotan (2007) also conducted a survey of how workplace friendships influence individual and
organizational outcomes in the United States of America (USA). The participants for this study
include employees of a very diverse set of US business organizations ranging from department
stores to chemical organizations and financial firms, varying in size and industry. A private
professional company that specializes in online survey administration was utilized to distribute an
online survey to participants and randomly sampled 1057 participants from a population of 20,000
US adults who had previously expressed interest in participating in the company’s research
The results clearly demonstrated that the antecedents leading to the formation of a workplace
friendship can explain the different effects of workplace friendships on several job outcomes. This
study is therefore very significant to this current study because it did not only identify the
relationship of workplace formation at workplace that the current study aims to achieve but also
indicated their direct and indirect effects on organizational outcomes.
Riordan and Griffeth (1995 studied the relationships between key self-processes, specifically,
independent versus interdependent self-control and self-efficacy, with students' attitudes toward
group work with friends and acquaintances. The sample comprised 188 students from two
Independent high schools in metropolitan Sydney, Australia. Data were collected using a self-
report questionnaire, and analyzed using exploratory factor analysis and multiple regression
analysis. Of the two sets of self-beliefs, self-control and self-efficacy, the latter was more strongly
related to students' attitudes toward cooperation. This study is slightly related to this current study
because it investigated how these variables operating in the organization, may provide valuable
insights into the cognitive-motivational factors that have an impact on how employees approach
group work with friends and acquaintances.
Results from this study support the hypotheses that extroversion, agreeableness and emotional
stability are each positively related to forming valued interpersonal relationships at work. In
addition, interpersonal citizenship behavior is hypothesized and supported as an outcome of
positive interpersonal relationships at work. This study is closely relevant to this research because
it seeks to identify valuable interpersonal relationships as an intermediary variable of the
relationship between personality and interpersonal citizenship behavior.
In a related study, Ross (2016), examined the level of the relationship between workplace
friendship and Organization Employees’Commitment among employees of two Iranian
organizations (one Service Delivery and one Production Company). Using a questionnaire for the
survey, data were collected from 302 employees from these companies. The relationship between
two dimensions of workplace friendship (friendship prevalence and friendship opportunity) and
three components of Organization Employees’Commitment (affective, normative and
continuance) by Meyer and Allen (1997) were examined.
The study found that friendship opportunity is positively related to normative commitment (NC)
as well as continuance commitment (CC); the result also showed that the friendship prevalence
(FP) is related to affective commitment (AC), normative commitment (NC) and continuance
commitment (CC) significantly. Furthermore, the result showed that the relationship between
friendships dimensions and organizational normative commitment was higher than the continuous
commitment and affective commitment.
The result indicated that there is no significant relationship between friendship opportunity (FO)
and affective commitment (AC). This study is also closely related to this research because; it seeks
to find out the overall pattern on how friendship, relationships at workplace significantly
influences Organization Employees’Commitment in Organizations.
Lee and Park (2006) carried out a survey of approximately 1,200 employees in hotels in the U.S.
study. The 1,200 hotel employees were selected from various online hospitality-professional social
networking sites. The sample consisted only of line level employees and mid-level managers. Four
hundred responses were targeted for data analysis. An online survey questionnaire was used to
collect data necessary to meet the purpose of the study. The findings indicated that Workplace
friendship facilitates increased communication, respect, securities, and trust among employees.
These rewarding benefits have meaningful implications for the employees’ job-related outcomes
in the hospitality industry. This study is also closely related to this research because it revealed the
direct effect of workplace friendship on hotel employees’ attitude toward their job and its direct
and indirect effect on organizational citizenship behavior, turnover intention, absenteeism, and
task performance.
Riordan and Griffeth (1995) adapted six items from the Job Dimensions Instrument (JDI)
developed. The items on this scale were designed specifically to measure friendship opportunities,
or how many employees perceived that their jobs allowed them to talk with and establish informal
relations with other employees. The major limitation of this scale is that it only measures the
opportunities for friendships versus the actual existence of them. This is a limitation because it is
possible for an employee to have the opportunity to make friends at work but not take advantage
of these opportunities.
Ross (2016), states that workplace friendships significantly improve performance. Also,
according to Jehn and Shah (1997), found that friendship groups perform significantly better than
acquaintance groups on both decision making and motor tasks. They, found significant positive
relations (p <.05), between friendship and job satisfaction. Sufficient researches show the positive
impact of workplace friendships on individual and organizational outcomes (Gibbons & Olk, 2003;
Lincoln & Miller, 1979; Riordan & Griffith, 1995).
Though few studies identified the negative outcomes of workplace friendships as loss of focus on
the task grouping, conflict of interest situations, the appearance of favoritism (Berman et al., 2002)
but positive effects of workplace friendships are more e.g. Stress relief, creativity, motivation, job
involvement, job satisfaction, Organization Employees’Commitment, and turnover (Gibbons&
Olk, 2003; Krackhardt & Stern, 1988; Kram & Isabella, 1985; Morrison, 2004; Riordan & Griffith,
On the other hand measure the quality of workplace friendships, Winstead et al. (1995) adapted
items from Wright’s (1974), acquaintance Description Form (ADF). The ADF was designed to
measure several dimensions of friendship such as the level of interdependence and difficulty of
maintenance. The main limitation of the ADF is that it was not specifically designed to assess the
quality of workplace friendships; rather, it was designed to assess the quality of friendships in
general. Therefore, Winstead et al, had to adapt the items in the work domain.
In addition to measuring friendship in their study, Krackhardt and Stern (1988) simulated a
workplace environment within a classroom setting. Using an experiment called the Organization,
undergraduate and graduate students were asked to rate every other person in the class as to how
close a friend he or she was to them. The major limitation of this method is that employees may
be uncomfortable with naming and rating specific individuals with whom they work. This
procedure would also be rather cumbersome if the number of employees in an organization was
According to Dotan (2007), Work Safety and Instrumentality were positively significantly related
to Organization Employees’Commitment where as Missing role, work value, sanity check and
Proximity are not significantly related to Organization Employees’Commitment.Many researchers
have examined and established the importance of Organization Employees’Commitment in their
studies (Krackhardt and Stern, 1988). Hence, there is need to carry out a study designed to fill the
aforementioned research gaps. Based on these backdrops, this study aims at examining workplace
friendship formation from the perspective of the individual factors for the following reasons:
Firstly, it eliminates the need to speculate, guess, or hypothesize why the individual
believes his or her friendship was developed.
Secondly, external causes such as network centrality or where they meet provide important
insights into friendship development and help predict future friendships and structures by
identifying external features and characteristics of the friends.
Thirdly, individual level data provide insight into the internal motivations for pursuing the
friendship in the first place. Individuals may have different motivations which may be
affective or emotional, and possibly instrumental in nature. For example, a coworker may
choose to become friends with another worker who is highly knowledgeable about a
specific topic if he/she assumes the friendship will assist him/her in leveraging such
Lastly, if the different relationship of making friends produce different types of
friendships. Thus, to fill the aforementioned research gaps, this study will specifically look
at the following the effect of workplace friendship formation, namely: Proximity, Work
safety, missing role and Instrumentality because these factors are affective in nature.
Therefore, the present study is intended to test out the effect of workplace friendship
on Organization Employees’Commitment in Tana Flora Place at the wonjeta Keble farm
and head office of in Bahir Dar city and see two general concepts at all.
Workplace Friendships (WF) that exist in the workplace, this is not the case in developing
economies like ethiopia, where friendship in the workplace is even a forbidden associated with
certain negative rewards such as gossip, loss of focus on the task, blurring of organizational
objectives, low productivity, creation of conflict of interest situations, the appearance of
favoritism, and the development of romantic relationships which can be detrimental to work and
the organization.
Despite this discouragement, employees are still found indulging in friendship links at the
workplace. Hence, this study is set to find out, why employees could not be discouraged from
forming friendship draws at the workplace, what could be responsible for the formation of
friendship ties at the workplace, and why an individual at the workplace would decide to become
a friend with a co-worker and not with another. This study is equally set to add to the inadequate
knowledge on the effect of workplace friendship formation in the workplace; their effect on
2.5 Summary
Some of the effect of workplace friendship formation identified by various authors includes
proximity, work safety, Missing role and instrumentality (Fehr, 1996; Gibbons and Olk, 2003;
Dotan, 2007). Proximity is an environmental factor of friendship and the first step in the formation
of most friendships in which two individuals are brought into contact with one another through
physical proximity or propinquity (Griffin and Sparks, 1990).
The work safety effect of friendship formation states that people, form friendships and other
relationships with people who are similar to them in terms of social status, attitudes, physical
attractiveness, demographic characteristics such as age, physical health, education, religion, family
background, etc. (Aristotle, 1984; Sinha and Kumar, 1984).
In order to analyze the effect of workplace Friendship on Organization Employees’Commitment
in Tana Flora Plc, this study makes use of a research methodology. This section provides an
overview of the study’s research approach which lies within the quantitative methods strategies.
This chapter focuses on the research design, target population, sampling design and procedures,
research instruments for data collection, validity and reliability of the research instruments as well
as data processing and analysis techniques.
3.2 Research Design and Approach
The research design crossectional survey and Quantitative research. The researcher tried to
recognize and isolate specific variables contained within the study framework, seek level of
relationships and effect independent variables on Organization Employees’Commitment
especially focusing affective commitment. Generally, quantitative methods are designed to
provide summaries of data that support generalizations about the phenomenon under study.To
achieve the objectives, therefore the study methodology to provide a quantifiable statistical
analysis would be undertaken correlation and regression analysis assert that, correlation was used
for explaining a relationship among variables that the researcher multiple regerssion was
interested in determining whether one or more variable might effect another variable Creswell
The research approach for this study were being effect relationship method to assess the
relationship between the independent variables and Dependent Variables. The predictor variables
were working safety, Missing Role, Instrumentality, and proximity i.e. effect workplace friendship
antecedent process and the response variable where Organization Employees’Commitment. To
investigate the relationship between dependent and independent variables, correlation and factor
analysis design was used.
3.3 Data Types and Source of Data
The primary source of data was used to undertake the study. The information gathered through
questionnaires from the sample chosen respondents were used for primary data, which is the
information that the researcher finds out from him/herself regarding a specific topic. The main
advantage with this type of data collection is that it is collected with the research’s purpose in
mind. It implies that the information resulting from it is consistent with the research questions and
objectives. Therefore, the respondents’ response through questionnaire were used as a primary
source of data.
The Likert-type scale method use to range of responses: strongly disagree, disagree, Neutral,
Agree, and strongly agree, with a numeric value of 1-5, respectively. In total there are 34 items on
the questionnaire. The questionnaire was one of the main tools for collecting data from the
respondents. The types and designs of questionnaires that were being used depend on the studies
that shall be carried
In this study, researcher choice Simple random sampling techniques were used to get information
from selected company employees. This technique is preferred because the sampling frame can be
organized into relatively homogeneous groups of departments before selecting elements for the
sample.The simple random sampling method using the lottery method were being employed in
order to select sample unit.
3.7 Sample Size Determination
The sampling size of a research, for this study used a formula for determining the sample size is
found by Yamane (1967:886)).The study examines the effect of workplace friendship dimension
on Organization Employees’Commitment in Tana Flora PLC. This particular organization is
selected because as it is described previously, Tana Flora PLC International competent company,
especially their product sell directly middle east, and Competent auction market in Holand. A total
876 employees of Tana Flora PLC constituted the target population. A sample size of 274
employees were being selected using the formula from all permanent & temporary employees of
the Tana Flora PLC.
The researcher was used simple random sampling technique employees to collect the data
because the environment is similar and we can get homogeneous employee of company provides
a simplified formula to calculate sample sizes and the researcher assume a 95% confidence level
and e=0.05 were being assumed for the following equation:
n= ___N____
1+N (e) 2
Where; n is the sample size, N is the population size, and
e is the level of precision.
n= ___876____
1+876 (0.05) 2
Multiple regressions analysis were used to identify the dominant factor among the four factors of
Organization Employees’Commitment that have closer relationships with a stay in the
organization. The factors are considered dominant if the beta value is the largest among the
significant factors.
According to Gujarati (2003) theoretically the model for Ordinary Least Square (OLS) is given as:
Workplace friendship were measured using the Workplace Friendship Scale developed by Nielsen
et al. (2000) that has 5 items and consist of four dimensions, (Work safety, missing role, proximity
and Instrumental) with five items each and Organization Employees’Commitment considering
Affective, commitment) eight items. For measurement, a 5-point Likert-type scale ranging from
(1) strongly disagree to (5) strongly agree were used. Organization Employees’Commitment were
being measured by the scale developed by Allen and Meyer (1990) and measured using 5-point
Likert-type scale. In total there were 34 items on the questionnaire.
1. Validity
Validity refers to the extent of accuracy of the results of the study using the instrument
(questionnaires). Before collecting the necessary data, pilot-testing is done at relablity test step in
the research process because it reveals vague questions and unclear instructions. It also captures
important comments and suggestions from the respondents that enable the researcher to improve
efficiency of instruments, adjust strategies and approaches to maximize response rate.
Dana, (2007) views validity as the degree to which an observation or a measurement
corresponds to the construct that was supposed to be observed or measured. In measuring validity,
the researcher consider content validity.
This implies that the variables are actually set in such a way that it measured what it should
measure. More so, the correlation among the components of the Predictor Variables of Workplace
Friendship dimensions (WF) and the Organizational commitment (oc) is content validity
discussion selected group .The result show miner correction the translation and editing problem.
2. Reliability
The test of reliability is another important test of sound measurement. It is the degree to which
the measure of a construct is consistent or dependable. It is the extent to which a measure produced
consistent results. It is consistency in procedures and in reactions of participants. Before applying
statistical tools, the testing of the reliability of the scale is very important as it shows the extent to
which a scale produces consistent results if measurements are to make repeatedly. According to
Dana, (2007), the Crombach alpha result Coefficients from 0.70 to 0.90 acceptable, and
appropriate in some explanatory studies for some index.
Riordan et al.(1995) recommend Pre-testing of research instruments before use in research. In this
study to determine the reliability and insure validity of the instruments, it was pilot tested with a
small representative sample of 25 employees in the select organization.
Table 3. 1: Reliability measure of the Variables
Scale No of Items Alpha
Work safety 5 0.84
Missing Role 5 0.87
Instrumental 5 0.86
Proximity 5 0.88
Affective Commitment 8 0.88
As it is seen from table 4.2, 260 people responded to the questionnaire in this study. The majority
of the respondents are Female (61.2 %) 159 and the remaining (38.8 %) 101 are Male. This
indicated that more males are involved in this study. In other word the majority of the employees
currently working in the company is Female.
When we see the age distribution of the respondents. As the result the greatest number, 41.2 %(107) of
the respondents are in their 35 to 49 age group, followed by respondents aged 22 to 34 , 34.6%(90)
to 18- 21, 17.3%(45) and 50-64, 6.9%(18) respectively. There are no respondents to 65 and more than
this year old. Therefore, almost of the current sample employees of the Tana flora are majority young
less than age group of 49 years.
As table 4.2 Reveals majority of the respondents, 45 % (117) of the respondents currently working on
the Tana flora are single where as 38.8 %(101) of them are married. There are 33(12.7%) divorced and 9
(3.5%) widowed individuals in the respondents.
When we see the educational background, the respondents from the company the largest
numbers of the respondents are 37.7 % first Diploma holders followed by Degree holders 35.4%,
13.5% Certificate, 11.5 Less than certificate and second degree and above holders are 1.9%. Even
if, stiff international market competition in world market auction, and the company nature labor
Finally, when we the management levels of the respondents. As the table 4.2 Consequently, the
largest numbers of the respondents are 70% non manager followed by operational managers,
19.6%, 8.3 % Middle Level manager and Top level Manager are 2.3% the data collection
respondent represent all employee status.Therefore, the majority of the respondents have been
working on a Tana flora Plc more than 1 years and significant for the soundness of the data that
provided by the respondents for those who have more stay in the organization know more about
and assumed to be they can offer precise information.The working experience of the employees’
may need further analysis, it's shown that significant impact on the development of workplace
friendship this value also effect on organization employee commitment.
proximity and work safety ,Secondly the condition gaps quiet greater attention needed also missing
role problem between Organization Employees’Commitment and workplace friendship condition
4.3 Analysis
In this section the results of the inferential statistical techniques used in the study are presented.
In order to test the research hypothesis, the Pearson’s correlation coefficient was calculated as
well as multiple regression analysis. Based on the results obtained from the research, conclusions
are drawn with respect to each hypothesis generated from the research undertaken in the Tana
Flora at which the research was conducted.
1. Relationship of variables
The Preason’s correlation coefficient was computed for the purpose of determining the
relationships between the variables. Correlation refers to the relationship between variables. It
measures the degree to which two sets of data are related. The higher correlation value indicates
stronger relationship between both sets of data (Riordan et al.,1995).
When the correlation is 1 or -1, a perfectly linear positive or negative relationship exists;
when the correlation is 0, there is no relationship between the two sets of data. The standard
correlation coefficient is (Pearson's r) which applies primarily to variables distributed more or
less along interval or ratio scales of measurement.
As observed from the correlation matrix the table, 4.5 below the correlation analysis for Work
safety, (r=0.261) supports for hypothesis states that there is positive significant relationship
between work safety and Organization Employees’Commitment of employees in Tana flora due
to the correlation of, it revealed that work safety has a significant relationship with OC .
Instrumentality and OC (r=0.356,). Thus the resultant support for hypothesis states that there is a
significant relationship between the two variables. The correlation of is result indicate that
positive relationship between Instrumentality and OC Whereas Instrumentality positive
relationship with Organization Employees’Commitment.
Table.4 5: Partial Pearson Correlation between four Workplace Friendship dimension & OC
Partial Correlations
Control Variables Work Missing Instrumentality Proximit Organization
Safety Role y Employees’C
Work Safety Correlation 1
Workplace Friendship
Significance (2- .
Missing Role Correlation -.108 1
Significance (2- .082 .
Instrumentality Correlation .210 -.147 1
Significance (2- .001 .018 .
Proximity Correlation .080 -.322 .354 1
Significance (2- .197 .000 .000 .
Organization Correlation .261** -.152* .356** .647** 1
Employees’Co Significance (2- .000 .014 .000 .000 .
mmitment tailed)
df 257 257 257 257
**. Correlation is significant at 0.01 level
*. Correlation is significant at 0.05 level
Source: researcher‘s computation with SPSS ,2018
In similar fashion the correlation between proximity and Organization Employees’Commitment
is (being=0.647) which shown that a Strong & positive relationship between two variables were
in large effect. Missing role (r= -0.152) illustrates, there is a significant relationship between
Missing role and Organization Employees’Commitment of employees.
Therefore, the outcome does support the hypothesis states there is weak & negative
significaly relationship between Missing Role and OC of employees in TF The P-value (r =
- 0. 152) and. Organization commitment. The correlation result also shown that there is a
significant, relationship between missing role and Organization Employees’Commitment.
Thus, the hypothesis was supported, Work safety, proximity and Instrumentality where the majority
of Workplace friendship dimension those effects to help employees to be committed to the
organization's commitment in workplace friendship dimension. Therefore, this supports the finding
by ( Riordan & Griffith 1995, Dotan ,2009), that shown that work safety, instrumentality, and
on both sides. This is known as a normal distribution and is characterized by the bell-shaped
This shape basically implies that the majority of the scores lie around the center of the
distribution (so the largest bars on the histogram are all around the central value). Therefore, in
the population, the data on the dependent variable are normally distributed for each of the
possible combinations of the level of the independent variables; each of the variables is normally
The plots above figure 4.2 show that strong linear relationships. The points are evenly distributed
on either side of the regression line. Therefore, the probability for the test of linearity statistic is
greater than the level of significance of the problem, we accept the hypothesis and conclude that
we satisfy the assumption of linearity.
Test Value = 0
t df Sig. Mean 95% Confidence Interval of
(2tailed Difference the Difference
) Lower Upper
Work Safety 46.259 259 .000 2.56692 2.4577 2.6762
Missing Role 73.039 259 .000 3.04769 2.9655 3.1299
Instrumentality 44.933 259 .000 2.48462 2.3757 2.5935
Proximity 44.309 259 .000 2.60846 2.4925 2.7244
Source: researcher‘s computation with SPSS ,2011
v. Model fitting Information
Table.4.8:Workplace friendship Organization Employees’Commitment Regression Model
Model R R Adjusted Std. Error Change Statistics Durbin-
Square R Square of the R Square F df1 df2 Sig. F Watson
Estimate Change Change Change
.952a .907 .905 .22235 .907 619.867 4 255 .000 2.080
a. Predictors: (Constant), Proximity , Missing Role, Work Safety , Instrumentality
b. Dependent Variable: Organization Employees’Commitment
Source: researcher‘s computation with SPSS ,2018
For the selected both the two model to examine the individual coefficients, and over all , we
should look at an overall test of the alternative hypothesis that the location coefficients for all
of the variables in the model are zero. This value provides a measure of how well the model
fits the data in multiple regressions. As such, it is an indicator of how much explained
information remains after fitting the model.
The larger the value of the the more explained observations there is and a good fitting model.
Therefore, a good model means a larger value for i. e R sequre is 90.5% . The model summary
Durbin-watson statistic to test shown that residuals are independent uncorrelated i.e the value 2.08
which, is between “(2-3) accepting region”. The F-statistic to be significant F=619.867, p=0.000b,
since p-value < 0.001≤ 0.05, result shown that the model is a significantly better predictor of the
mean value organization employee commitment.
Adjusted R
R Square
F Change
R Square
Sig. F
Thus, hypothesis-1 was a strong supporter for the research model. It implies that Work safety
has a positive impact on organizational employees Commitment.
The results support also similar to that of this the finding by Riordan & Griffith (1995 and
Dotan 2007, Lin & Mills, 2001, and Cole, 2002 that shown that worker safety was significantly
affected Organization Employees’Commitment. The study conducted by those researchers
matches with the finding of these researches.
Missing Role has negatively significant effect of Organization Employees’Commitment a t the
level [α < 0.05] and coefficient of determination of. Since the standardized Beta coefficient was
(-0.056) this means that the increase in one unit of missing role will meet a decrease in the
Organization Employees’Commitment by the value of [619.867] at a significance level of [α <
0.01], which results showed that accepting the hypothesis.
Thus, hypothesis-2. The results are also opposite to that of the finding, Dotan (2007), missing
role was not significantly affected Organization Employees’Commitment. However, this was
supported for the research model conducted by those researchers (Madera et al., 2013, Fatima; 2014, and Kanbur, 2015). It implies that missing role has a significant negative impact on
organizational employees Commitment, match with the finding of this research which is missing
role negatively significant on Organization Employees’Commitment.
Instrumentality has a significant effect on Organization Employees’Commitment, from table, 4.7
we observe that there is a significant relationship between Instrumentality and Organization
Employees’Commitment at the level [α < 0.05]. Since the standardized Beta coefficient was
[0.126], this means that the increase in one unit of Instrumentality will meet an increase in the
Organization Employees’Commitment by the value of [0.156] as well. Additionally, assuring a
significant relationship through F calculated on the value of [619.867] at a significance level
of [α < 0.01], which results showed that accepting the hypothesis.
Thus, hypothesis-3 was a supporter for the research model. It implies that Instrumentality has
a positive impact on organizational employees Commitment. Thus, hypothesis-3. The results are
also similar to that of this supports the finding by Riordan & Griffith (1995) and Dotan (2007),
that shown that, instrumentality, was strong and positive significantly affected Organization
Employees’Commitment. The study conducted by those researchers matches with the finding of
these researches.
Proximity has a significant effect on Organization Employees’Commitment, from table 4.7 we
observe that there is a significant relationship between Proximity and Organization
Employees’Commitment a t the level [α < 0.01]. Since the standardized Beta coefficient was
[0.715], this means that the increase in one unit of proximity will meet an increase in the
Organization Employees’Commitment by the value of [0.715] as well.
Proximity is an environmental factor of friendship and the first step in most friendship formations
in which two individuals are brought into contact with one another through physical nearness,
while Organization Employees’Commitment is the attachment and loyalty an employee shown in
the organization. The study conducted by those researchers matches with the finding of these
researches. The proximity positively significant on Organization Employees’Commitment.
In, general from table 4.9, above results shown multiple Linear regression analysis, where
all independent variableWorkplace friendship individual latent variables, ( Work safety, Missing
role, instrumentality, and Proximity) against the dependent variable (Organization
Employees’Commitment). This analysis is conducted to predict the percentage of dependent
variable, where independent variables are entered simultaneously.
Therefore, T-value shows that how the regression model results as a good predictor of the
dependent variable. P-value explains the significance of all the coefficients. While, F-test
shown the total strength of the model.The dependent variable (Organization
Employees’Commitment) is explained (predicted) by the independent variable Workplace
Friendship dimension Latenet individual variables (Work safety, Missing role, instrumentality,
and Proximity) is 90.5% (R square =. 905). The remaining 9.5% of the variance is explained
by other variables not included in this study.
According to the result all the independent variables have significantly influenced Organization
Employees’ Commitment. Specially, Proximity (Beta = 0.715, t-value = 18.172) and Work safety
(Beta = 0.157, t-value =5.359) are highly influenced Organization Employees’Commitment.The
general significance of the model is that as p is less than 0.01, the model is significant. Thus, the
combination of the Independent variables significantly predicts the dependent variable
(Organization Employees’Commitment) (F=619.867; p < 0.01).
The standardized coefficients Beta that presents the contributions of each variable to the model.
Whereas, Instrumentality (Beta=0.126, t-value=3.126) and Missing role (Beta=-0.056, t-
value=2.927) are significant at significance of the model is that as p is less than 0.05.
The t and p values showed the impact of the independent variables on the dependent variable
(Angle et al.,1981). From this, it is clear that the organizational communication and training
have the highest factors that affect the organizational employees‘commitment by comparing
to work environment and motivation constructs.
Thus, the model for predicting Organizational employees‘ Commitment becomes: the
unstandardized coefficients Beta, gives us the coefficients of the independent variables in the
regression equation including all the predictor variables as indicated below.
The beta weight is the average amount the dependent variable increases when the independent
variable increases by one standard deviation (all other independent variables are held constant).
As these are standardized coefficients of Beta we can compare them. Thus, the largest influence
on the Organization Employees’Commitment is a proximity factor (0.715) and the next is
Work safety factor (0.157). On the other hand the coefficients of and Instrumentality (0.126)
and Missing role (-0.056) are less predictive of performance when it is compared with the other
explanatory variables under study.
The results support also similar to that of this the finding by (Riordan & Griffith, 1995) and Dotan
(2007), that shown that work safety, and instrumentality, however, opposite proximity & Missing
role variables were not significantly affected organization employees commitment and these
research finding show that proximity positive significant and Missing role also negatively
significantly affect organization employee commitment have shown a significant relationship
between workplace friendship and organization employee Commitment.
The latter two variables the study conducted by those researchers match with the Missing role
(Gibbons & Olk, 2003; Lincoln & Miller, 1979, and Kanbur, 2015) and Proximity (Fehr, 1996)
the finding of these researches.This study is an addition to earlier efforts of academicians in
understanding the causes of Organization Employees’Commitment as well as the results of
workplace friendship. By providing new directions to the research agenda of management, it
opens a new debate on the importance of workplace friendship. Statistically significant regression
results are indicatives of the positive impact of workplace friendship on Organization
Employees’Commitment. Workplace friendship added positively to the prediction of
Organization Employees’Commitment.
This empirical research has been carried out to examine the effect of workplace friendship on
Organization Employees’Commitment of employees in managerial positions in Tana flora Bhahir
Dar, Ethiopia. This study is new to efforts of academicians in understanding the effect of
Organization Employees’Commitment as well as the results of workplace friendship. By providing
new directions to the research agenda of management, it opens a new debate on the importance of
workplace friendship. Statistically significant regression results are indicatives of the positive
impact of workplace friendship on Organization Employees’Commitment. Workplacefriendship
added positively to the prediction of Organization Employees’Commitment.
This empirical research has been carried out to examine the effect of workplace friendship on
organizational employees' commitment in managerial positions in the Tana flora PLC. Although
there is a vast amount of academic research carried on in the field of Organization
Employees’Commitment, including workplace friendship as a direct influencing factor is what
makes this study unique and valuable. In conclusion, the importance and positive effects of
workplace friendship have been prevailed with the results of this study. Managers attempting to
increase Organization Employees’Commitment levels of their employees should not forget the
important role of workplace friendship. Organizational structures and cultures that support
workplace friendship were benefit from by having more committed employees.
1. The proximity effect of workplace friendship formation had a very strong and positive
relationship and significant effect with Organization Employees’Commitment in the selected
Tana flora PLC at significate level; α = 0.01).
2. Work safety effect of workplace friendship formation had a positive relationship & Sigificat
effect with Organization Employees’Commitment in the selected Tana flora PLC at
significate level; α = 0.01).
3. The instrumentality effect of workplace friendship formation had a positive relationship and
Significant effect with Organization Employees’Commitment in the selected Tana flora PLC
at significate level; α = 0.01).
4. Missing the real effect of workplace friendship formation had a weak and a negative
relationship and significant effect with Organization Employees’Commitment in the selected
Tana flora PLC at significate level; α = 0.01).
new directions to the research agenda of management, it opens a new debate on the importance of
workplace friendship. Statistically significant regression results are indicatives of the positive
impact of workplace friendship on Organization Employees’Commitment.
5.3 Conclusions
Achieving a high Workplace Friendship is an important purpose for many employees who
are working in industries and organizations. Business Company like Tana Flora employees
desire pleasant working conditions, participation in decision that affects their jobs, and
valuable support.
Thus, it can be concluded that different environmental setting and culture can influence the of
Organization Employees’Commitment Workplace friendship has a positive role in the affective
commitment. This reflects emotional ties that employees develop with their organizations,
primarily through positive work environment. This finding reveals that friendship at work is such
relationship at work, after work and live together, help each other. Organizations and more
specifically human resource departments that are searching for strategies to foster positive work
experiences should consider fostering friendship at work.
Workplace Friendship (WF) is one of the attitudinal variables which have a great impact on
Organization Employees’Commitment of employees. Therefore, the main objective of this study
is to find out the effect Workplace friendship based on its dimensions on Organization
Employees’Commitment of employees in the Tana Flora PLC in Bahir Dar Ethiopia. In
conclusion, the importance and positive effects of workplace friendship have been prevailed with
the results of this study. The importance and positive effects of workplace friendship have been
prevailed with the results of this study.
Managers attempting to increase Organization Employees’Commitment levels of their employees
should not forget the important role of workplace friendship. Organizational structures and cultures
that support workplace friendship will benefit from by having more committed employees.
Organizations and more specifically human resource departments that are searching for strategies
to foster positive work experiences should consider fostering friendship at work.
The correlation analysis result indicates that Workplace friendship its four dimensions i.e.
Proximity (0.647) Strong a n d positive relationship, while, Instrumentality (0.356) and Work
Safety (0.261), has positive relationships with Organization Employees’Commitment of
employees in Tana flora. Whereas, Missing Role (-0.152) weak and negative relationship with
Organization Employees’Commitment.
From the regression result, it is clearly observed that Work Safety, Instrumentality and Proximity
are significantly affecting Organization Employees’Commitment of employees. Missing Role has
negative significant effect on Organization Employees’Commitments of employees in Tana flora
Based on this regression it can be concluded that 90.5% of the change in Organization
Employees’Commitment is explained by Workplace Friendship. In general, based on the
discussion so far, it can be concluded that Workplace friendship plays an important role in
enhancing Organization Employees’Commitment of employees in Tana flora.
The research findings of the study by Riordan & Griffith, (1995) and Dotan (2007), carried out in
similar results with regard workplace friendship effect of Organization Employees’Commitment.
Thus, it can be concluded that different environmental setting and culture can influence the of
Organization Employees’Commitment Workplace friendship has a positive role in the affective
It is observed that there is a direct and positive relationship between Workplace Friendship (WF)
and organization employees Commitment (OC). It means that WF is directly proportion to OC.
The change in Workplace friendship experienced in an organization necessarily changes the
Organization employees commitment. This finding is also consistent with Berman et al. (2002)
found that positive relationship between Workplace friendship and Organization
Employees’Commitments. Furthermore, Song et al. (2006) indicates that different dimensions of
Workplace Friendship result in distinctive effects on organizational and career commitment as it
has been seen in this study.
5.4 Recommendations
This study provides valuable implications for the Tana Flora that have a growing interest in
ensuring Workplace Friendship for attracting and retaining human resources. In general profit
maker, private organizations rely on their employees in order to compete well & gain
competitive advantage. To be able to attain the intended objectives effectively, officials in
the company may engage in a practical means of retaining employees by fullfill workplace
frienship antecedent formation. Thus, based on the findings and the conclusions made before
the following recommendations are provided:
Firstly, Tana flora should, increase home capacity to improve proximity of employees can
strongly influence the employee workplace friendship which in turn enhances the
commitment of employees in an organization.
Secondly, The Company should solve missing role between employees, to maintain and
improve their workplace friendship become more conscious in ensuring adequate and
fairness in work safety and working instrument.
The Company will be able to increase its workplace friendship among the employees by
providing more flexibility in the work assignments, working hour, and balancing the work
As wide variations exist in the extent to which organizational culture respects
to high standards of equity in distributing rewards, and provides for due process
in entire work related matters. So, utilizing approaches that guarantee employee’s
rights are necessary.
In general, transforming the workplace pro-actively using a condition of well-designed
Workplace friendship initiatives for the employees will yield competitive advantage as it
will increase employee loyalty and commitment to the organization.
This in turn will motivate the employees to perform in a superior way, leading the
organization and their stakeholders to better future by yielding the expected outcome.
Apropriated strategies may be adopted with a view to ensuring the sustainability of the
economic contribution of the Tana flora PLC, while maintaining a committed work force.
Furthermore, studies in the country on the same variables would provide a culture based
understanding, increase number of companies of the dynamics of workplace friendship
dimension and Organization Employees’Commitment.
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Appendix. A English Questionnaires
Dear Respondets,
This questionnaire is intended to be used as primary data for master’s thesis of my MBA in
management at Bahir Dar University the effect of workplace friendship and Organization
Employees’Commitment of employees in Tana Flora Plc . As a member of the organization,
your participation in this study will be valuable and greatly appreciated. Information gathered
will be treated with utmost confidentiality and shall only be used for the purpose of this
acadamic research.
The questionnaires contain statements about effect of workplace friendship on employee
Organization Employees’Commitment. Please read each statement carefully and decide if you
ever felt this way about your profession and the effect o f workplace friendship on employee
Organization Employees’Commitment. Please be aware that there is no right or wrong answers.
You have to give your own opinion about each item. Please be check your response to each statement
according to the following five-point scale in terms of your own agreement and disagreement of the
Rule: Section one choice your answer and the rest sections if you strongly agree with any of the
statements given in the questionnaire, you should check on box and if you strongly disagree with
any statements please check the first box For the statement, where you cannot make a
decision,(neural) check on third box and rate others categories accordingly.
Section one: Demographic Information
1. Sex 1. Male 2. Female
2. Age 1. 18-21 2. 22-34 3.35-49 4. 50-64 5. 65 & above
3. Marital Status 1. Single 2. Married 3. Divorced 4. Widowed
4. Number of years of service at the present organization
1. Less than 1 year 2. 1-2 year 3. 3-4 year 4. 5 year and above
5. Levels of Education 1.Below Certificate 2.Certificate 3. Diploma
4.Degree 5. Master and above
6. Managemnet level 1.Top Level 2. Middle level 3. Operational level 4.None manager
II. Missing
I Role
Evaluation of formation that is also
affective in nature ‘role model in their
1 Communication among employees is not
encouraged by supervisors.
III. Instrumentality
Evaluation of instrumental motivations
such as a promotion, career advancement or
a bonus and pursue a friendship
1 The Company has well the monetary pay
and remuneration structure of the
2 Promotion in my organization is based on
job efficiency.
IV. Proximity
Evaluation physical location of two
people and spending lots of time
1 Employees can socialize with coworkers
outside the workplace
3 Matching of workplace
friendship & social life
ክፍል ሁለት፡- የስራ ቦታ መልካም ግንኙነት/ጓደኝነት/ የሚመለከቱ ዝርዝር ነጥቦች ከዚህ በታች
የተዘረዘሩ ጥያቄዎች ስለ ስራ ቦታ መልካም ግንኙነት /ጓደኝነት/ የሚገልፁ ናቸው ፡፡ ስለ ስራ ቦታ
መልካም ግንኙነት በትክክል ይገልፃሉ የምትሏቸውን አማራጮች ፡-ከ1 -5 ባሉ ምርጫዎች ቲክ
በማድረግ መልስ ስጡ
{1= በጣም አልስማማም 2= አልስማማም 3= ገለልተኛ 4= እስማማለሁ 5= በጣም እስማማለሁ}
ተ በጣም አልስማማም ገለልተኛ እስማማለሁ በጣም
አልስማማም እስማማለሁ
ጭብጥ የሆኑ መለኪያዎች
ሀ) የስራ ቦታ ደህንነት
1 በስራ ቦታ መልካም ግንኙነት
ለመመስረት ምቹ ሁኔታ አለ፡፡
2 በስራ ውጤታማ ለመሆን ያለው
ሁኔታ ምቹ ነው፡፡
3 ያለው የስራ ደህንነት፣
የደመወዝና ጥቅማጥቅም ጥሩ
4 ሰራተኞች በስራ ቦታ መልካም
ግንኙነት አላቸው፡፡
5 የስራ ላይ ደህንነት በስራ አመራሩ
ቅድሚያ የሚሰጠው ተግባር ነው፡፡
ለ) የተዛባ ግንኙነትና ጥሩ
ያልሆነ ተሞክሮ
1 የስራ ኃላፊዎች የርስበርስ ግንኙነት
2 በኩባንያው ስራ በሚሰጡ
ውሳኔዎች የሰራተኞች ተሳትፎ እና
ተደማጭነት አነስተኛ ነው፡፡
3 አንደንድ ሰራተኞች በስራ
ቦታቸው ጊዜ ትርጉም አልባ
ሲሆኑ ይታያሉ፡፡
4 ያለው ጥቅማጥቅም ባለው
የርስበርስ ግንኙነት መሰረት
በመሆኑ የሰራተኞች እርካታ
ቀንሷል ፡፡
5 የክፍል ኃላፊዎች ፍታዊነት
ክፍል ሶስት፡- በኩባንያው ሥራዎች ላይ ሰራተኖች ያላቸው የስራ ፍቅር ከዚህ በታች ያሉ
ጥያቄዎች ስለ ሥራዎት ያለዎትን የስራ ፍቅር እና ስለ ኩባንያ የሚገልፅበት አስተያየት
የሚገልፁ ናቸው ፡፡ ስለ ሥራዎት የስራ ፍቅርና ከልብ የመነጨ ቁርጠኝነት ያለወትን ፍላጐት
በትክክል ይገልጻል ብለው ያሰቡትን ከሚከተሉት ከ1-5 ካሉት አማራጮች ቲክ በማድረግ መልስ
ስጡ፡፡ (1= በጣም አልስማማም 2= አልስማማም 3= ገለልተኛ 4= እስማማለሁ 5= በጣም
ተ በጣም አልስማማም ገለልተኛ እስማማለሁ በጣም
አልስማማም እስማማለሁ