BRC0202 012038M
BRC0202 012038M
BRC0202 012038M
Approx = Approximately RS = Right side
Beg = Beginning Sc = Single crochet
Ch = Chain(s) Sc2tog = Draw up a loop in
Dc = Double crochet each of next 2 sc. Yoh and draw
Hdc = Half double crochet through all 3 loops on hook
Hdc2tog = (Yoh and draw up a Sl st = Slip stitch
loop in next stitch) twice. Yoh and Sp(s) = Space(s)
draw through all loops on hook St(s) = Stitch(es)
Pat = Pattern Tog = Together
PM = Place marker Tr = Treble crochet
Rem = Remaining WS = Wrong side
Rep = Repeat Yoh = Yarn over hook
Rnd(s) = Round(s)
X | KNIT 1 of X
Rep last 2 rows for pat until work 2nd and 3rd rows: Ch 1. 1 sc in 2nd row: Ch 1. 1 sc in each of first Rep from * to last 2 sc. 1 tr in next
from beg measures approx 16" each sc to end of row. Turn. 2 sts. Pat to last 2 sts. 1 sc in each sc. 1 sc in last sc, pushing tr to front
[40.5 cm], ending on a 4th row. 4th row: Ch 1. 1 sc in each of first of last 2 sts. Turn. of work to form bobble. Turn.
PM at each end of last row.** 3 sc. *2 sc in next sc. 1 sc in each Rep last 2 rows 14 times more. Rep last 2 rows for pat until work
of next 5 sc. Rep from * to end of 15 sts rem. Fasten off. from beg measures approx 6"
Shape raglans: 1st row: (RS).
row. 45 sc. Fasten off. [15 cm], ending on a 3rd row.
Ch 1. 1 sc in first sc. Sc2tog. Pat to
last 4 sts. 1 sc in next tr. Sc2tog. With RS facing, join MC with sl st Shape Back: 1st row: Pat across
Note: Ch 3 at beg of row counts
1 sc in last sc. Turn. 55 sts. to first sc. Proceed in pat as 47 sts. Turn. Leave rem 24 sts
as dc.
2nd row: Ch 1. 1 sc in each of first follows: unworked.
With A, ch 63.
2 sts. Pat to last 2 sts. 1 sc in each 1st row: (RS). Ch 1. 1 sc in first 2nd row: Pat across 23 sts. Turn.
1st row: (RS). 1 dc in 4th ch from
of last 2 sts. Turn. sc. *1 tr in next sc. 1 sc in next sc, Leave rem 24 sts unworked.
hook (counts as 2 dc) and each ch
Rep last 2 rows 14 times more. pushing tr-post to front of work. Cont working in pat over 23 sts
to end of chain. Turn. 61 dc.
27 sts rem. Fasten off. Rep from * to end of row. Turn. for approx 6” [15 cm], ending on
2nd row: Ch 3. 1 dc in each dc to
2nd row: Ch 1. 1 sc in first sc. 1 sc a WS row. Fasten off.
Front end of row. Turn.
in next tr. *1 tr in next sc. 1 sc in Following diagram, sew back
With MC, ch 53. 3rd row: Ch 1. 1 sc in first dc.
next tr, pushing tr-post to back of seams to form Hood.
Rep from ** to ** as given for *2 sc in next dc. 1 sc in each of next
work. Rep from * to last sc. 1 sc in
Back. 51 dc at end of 1st row. 5 dc. Rep from * to end of row. Ears (Make 2 Outer Ears with MC
last sc. Turn.
Turn. 71 sc. Break A. Join MC. and 2 Inner Ears with B).
Shape raglans: 1st row: (RS). 3rd row: Ch 1. 1 sc in first sc. *1 tr Note: Ch 2 at beg of row does not
Ch 1. 1
MATERIALS sc in first sc. Sc2tog. Pat in next sc. 1 sc in next tr, pushing Proceed in pat as follows: count as hdc.
toX®last 3 sts. Sc2tog. 1
X™ (X oz/X g; X yds/X m)sc in last sc. tr-post to back of work. Rep from * 1st row: (WS). Ch 1. 1 sc in first Ch 12.
Turn. 49 sts.
Color (00000) to lastX2ball(s)
sc. 1 tr in next sc. 1 sc in sc. *1 tr in next sc. 1 sc in next sc, 1st row: (RS). 1 hdc in 3rd ch from
2nd row: Ch 1. 1 sc in each of first last sc, pushing tr-post to back of pushing tr to front of work to form
hook orwork.
size needed hook. 1 hdc in each ch to end of
sts. U.S. X/Xlast
Pat to (X 2mm)sts. crochet
1 sc in each Turn. to obtain gauge. bobble. Rep from * to last sc. 1 sc chain. Turn. 10 hdc.
of last 2 sts. Turn. Rep last 2 rows for pat until work in last sc. Turn. 2nd row: Ch 2. 1 hdc in each hdc
Rep last 2 rows 14 times more. from beg measures approx 5" 2nd row: Ch 1. 1 sc in first sc. 1 sc to end of row. Turn.
21 sts rem. Fasten off. [12.5 cm], ending on a 3rd row. in next tr. *1 tr in next sc. 1 sc in
ABBREVIATIONS 3rd row: Ch 2. 1 hdc in first hdc.
SLEEVES PM at each end of last row. next tr, pushing tr to RS of work to 2 hdc in next hdc. 1 hdc in each
With A, ch 40. form bobble. Rep from * to last sc.
Shape raglans: 1st row: (RS). hdc to last 2 hdc. 2 hdc in next
1st row: 1 sc in 2nd ch from hook. 1 sc in last sc. Turn.
Ch 1. 1 sc in first sc. Sc2tog. Pat hdc. 1 hdc in last hdc. Turn. 12 hdc.
1 sc in each ch to end of chain. 3rd row: Ch 1. 1 sc in first sc. *1 tr
to last 3 sts. Sc2tog. 1 sc in last sc. Rep last 2 rows twice more.
Turn. 39 sc. in next sc. 1 sc in next tr, pushing
Turn. 43 sts. 16 hdc at end of last row.
tr to front of work to form bobble.
X | KNIT 12 of X
Next 3 rows: As 2nd row. 5th rnd: Ch 1. *2 sc in next sc. last sc, pushing tr-post to back of 3rd row: Ch 1. 1 sc in each of first
Next row: Ch 2. 1 hdc in first hdc. 1 sc in each of next 3 sc. Rep from work. Turn. 40 sc. *Ch 2. Skip next 2 sc. 1 sc
Hdc2tog. 1 hdc in each hdc to last * around. Join with sl st to first sc. Rep last 2 rows for pat until in each of next 10 sc. Rep from *
3 sts. Hdc2tog. 1 hdc in last hdc. 30 sc. work from marked rnd measures to last 5 sc. Ch 2. Skip next 2 sc. 1
Turn. 6th rnd: Ch 1. *2 sc in next sc. approx 2” [5 cm], ending on a WS sc in each sc to end of row. Turn.
Rep last row until there are 6 sts. 1 sc in each of next 4 sc. Rep from row. Fasten off. 5 buttonholes.
Next row: Ch 2. 1 hdc in first hdc. * around. Join with sl st to first sc. 4th row: Ch 1. 1 sc in each sc and
(Hdc2tog) twice. 1 hdc in last hdc. 36 sc. FINISHING 2 sc in every ch-2 sp to end of row.
Fasten off. 7th rnd: Ch 1. *2 sc in next sc. Sew back raglan seams. Sew Turn.
1 sc in each of next 5 sc. Rep from sleeve seams between markers. 5th row: Ch 1. 1 sc in each sc to
With WS of inner Ear and outer Ear
* around. Join with sl st to first sc. end of row. Fasten off.
tog, join MC with sl st at bottom Front Raglan Button edging:
42 sc. With RS facing, join A with sl st to
corner of ears. Ch 1. Working
8th to 10th rnds: Ch 1. 1 sc in Buttonhole edge of Front (Left
through both thicknesses, work top corner of raglan front edge
each sc around. Join MC with sl st side): With RS facing, join A with
in sc evenly around edge of ears. of Right Sleeve. Ch 1. Work 30 sc
to first sc. Break A. sl st to top left corner of left
Fold foundation chains in half evenly down to marker. Turn.
11th rnd: With MC, ch 1. *2 sc in side of Front. Ch 1. Work 30
and secure. Sew Ears to Hood in 2nd to 5th rows: Ch 1. 1 sc in
next sc. 1 sc in each of next 13 sc. sc evenly down raglan to
position (as shown). each sc to end of row. Turn.
Rep from * around. Join with sl st marker. 2 sc in marked sp. PM
Fasten off at end of 5th row.
Legs to first sc. 45 sc. PM at end of rnd. on second sc of 2 sc-group. Work
With A, ch
MATERIALS 2. Note: Work in rows. Rep for Front Raglan of Left 60 sc down side edge of Front
1st rnd: 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook. 1st row: (RS). Ch 1. 1 sc in first Sleeve. to bottom edge Turn. 92 sc.
X® X™ (X oz/X g; X yds/X m)
Join with sl st to first sc. 6 sc. sc. *1 X
tr ball(s)
in next sc. 1 sc in next sc, Buttonhole edge of Front 2nd row: Ch 1. 1 sc in each sc to
Color (00000)
2nd rnd: Ch 1. 2 sc in each sc pushing tr-post to front of work. (Right side): With RS facing, end of row, having 2 sc in marked
Size U.S.Join
around. X/X with
(X mm) crochet
sl st sc. orRep
to firsthook sizefrom
needed to obtain
* to end of row.gauge.
Turn. join A with sl st to bottom sc. Turn. 93 sc.
12 sc. 2nd row: Ch 1. 1 sc in first sc. 1 sc right corner of right side of Front. 3rd row: Ch 1. 1 sc in each of first
3rd rnd: Ch 1. *2 sc in next sc. 1 sc in next tr. *1 tr in next sc. 1 sc in Ch 1. Work 60 sc evenly up to 3 sc. *Ch 2. Skip next 2 sc. 1 sc in
in next sc. Rep from * around. Join next tr, pushing tr-post to back of marker. 2 sc in marked sp. PM on each of next 10 sc. Rep from * to
with sl st to first sc.18 sc. work. Rep from * to last sc. 1 sc in first sc of 2 sc-group. Work 30 sc last 42 sc. Ch 2. Skip next 2 sc. 1 sc
4th rnd: Ch 1. *2 sc in next sc. last sc. Turn. evenly up raglan to top edge. in each sc to end of row. Turn.
1 sc in each of next 2 sc. Rep from 3rd row: Ch 1. 1 sc in first sc. *1 tr Turn. 92 sc. 5 buttonholes.
* around. Join with sl st to first sc. in next sc. 1 sc in next tr, pushing 4th row: Ch 1. 1 sc in each sc and
24 sc. tr-post to back of work. Rep from 2nd row: Ch 1. 1 sc in each sc 2 sc in every ch-2 sp to end of row.
* to last 2 sc. 1 tr in next sc. 1 sc in to end of row, having 2 sc in Turn.
marked sc. Turn. 93 sc.
X | KNIT 13 of X
X | KNIT 14 of X