Before we will start, may I request everyone to please stand for a Prayer? (Prayer)
Thank you, you may take your seats.
Ok. Let me check first your attendance. This is the attendance sheet. Kindly affix your signature and pass it
to the other trainees.
Please submit the attendance sheet if you are done.
Alright everyone, kindly keep all your unnecessary things down except your ball pen and your notebook. I want
you to listen and write down the important lesson for this training session.
Start Presentation
I welcome you all to Sibugay Technical Institute, Incorporated. Thank you for choosing STII as your training
provider. You will now undergo training on Electronic Product Assembly and Servicing NCII. My name is
AIZA S. PUNO. I will be your trainer for this training.
(What is my Role?)
Again I am your trainer in Electronic Product Assembly and Servicing and as a trainer my role for this training
is a Facilitator, Stimulator, Nurturer, Manager and Evaluator.
Serves as a team member to determine what is to be learned – As your trainer, I will be the one to
identify your training needs which will be based on your Self-Assessment Checklist.
(Major Role)
The major role of a CBT trainer is to manage your learning activities. It will not be traditionally dispensing of
information or spoon-feeding.
(Roles of CBT Trainee)
I will now give an orientation for us to have a common understanding on this training particularly the CBT.
CBT stands for Competency Based Training. It is a training delivery approach that focuses on competency
development of the learner as a result of the training.
– In other words, the training delivery is based on the competency standard.
Electronic Product Assembly and Servicing is an accredited program. If you qualify in this program, you
will be Nationally Certified.
In traditional approach, instructor focuses on managing instructions while in CBT approach, trainers focuses on
managing learning. The Rating System in Traditional Approach is in Numerical such as 95 or 85 while in CBT
Approach, there are only Two Outcome: It is either you are Competent or Not Yet Competent.
(Core Competencies)
CBLM stands for Competency Based Learning Materials. It contains training materials and activities for you to
complete the training. CBLM consists of Task Sheet, Operational Sheet and Job Sheet.
(Evaluation System)
Written Test
Demonstration/Practical Exam
(Performance Evaluation)
(Monitoring Tools)
Achievement Chart
Progress Chart
Trainee’s Record Book/ TRB
(CBT Rating)
(Workshop Layout)
(9 CBT Area)
These are the 9 CBT Areas. After this orientation, I will tour you around the training facilities.
(End of Presentation)
Now, for you to familiarize the different training facilities or workstations, may I request everyone to stand and
follow me? Don’t forget to wear your face mask, face shield and observe social distancing.
Quality Control Area – This is the Quality Control Area where the Achievement and Progress Chart are
located to monitor the progress of your performance. Any question?
Trainer’s Resource Area - this area houses the learning materials, the training regulations and curriculum
exemplars and where instructor produces courseware of training materials. Any question?
Computer Laboratory Area - This area allows you to do online research that could help you in this training.
Computer units are available in this area with internet connection. Any question?
Learning Resource Area - This is where the CBLM and other module are available for you to acquire
knowledge and skills in this training. Do you have questions?
Contextual Learning Laboratory - This is where you can read textbooks, journals and magazines that are
related to your qualification. This serves as the mini library of the training venue. Do you have questions?
Support Service Area - this area provides value adding competencies. Cleaning Materials are located in this
area. Do you have questions?
Institutional Assessment Area - This is where the Institutional Assessments are conducted. This is also where
recognition of prior learning is assessed. Any question?
Distance Learning Area - this area enhance the accessibility of TVET to enable the learning provision outside
and away from the Training Institution in terms of print and non-print media. Any question?
Practical Work Area - This is where you can perform the task assigned to you, this area is for demonstration.
Any question?
Fire extinguisher is provided in the Trainer’s Resource Area to ensure safety in case of fire. First aid cabinet and
medicines are also provided in the Trainer’s Resource Area. You must also observe the Entrance and the
Emergency Exit of the training venue. You can find the emergency exit at the back of this building. If you need
to use the Comfort Room, you can find it at the end of the hall. Do you have questions? If none, please sit
(Self-Assessment Checklist)
Now, I will distribute the Self-Assessment Checklist. The purpose of this is to determine your characteristic, to
recognize your prior learning and to determine your training needs. Kindly read and fill up.
Post the Individual Tasks to the Quality Control Area
Prepare the tools, equipment and materials for Task Demonstration
In Electronic Product Assembly and Servicing you are going to perform the Three Core Competencies.
These are:
1. Assemble Electronic Products
2. Service Consumer Electronic Products and Systems
3. Service Industrial Electronic Modules, Products and Systems
I am going to show you how to Assemble a Power Supply. We have here the different tools, equipment and
materials. We have here the soldering iron, soldering lead, soldering pump and components for power
supply. First, we need to assemble the components.
Any volunteer to test the power supply? OK, Mr. ͟͟͟͟͟͟, please come forward and try testing the power
Very good. Thank you. You may take your seat. Do you have questions or clarifications? If none, let’s
Since I am done performing the Core Competencies, you may now get your Individual Task to the Quality
Control Area.
(Trainee #1) Mr.͟͟͟͟͟͟͟͟ kindly read your task. This is your specific instruction.
(Trainee #2) Mr.͟͟͟͟͟͟͟͟ kindly read your task. This is your specific instruction.
(Trainee #3) Mr.͟͟͟͟͟͟͟͟ kindly read your task. This is your specific instruction.
You already have your specific instructions with you, so kindly read and follow the step by step procedures
to guide you in your tasks.
Before you proceed to your different workstations, let me remind you a few things. Always wear your face
mask, face shield and observe social distancing. You can also wear your appropriate PPE if it is required in
performing your task. And don’t forget to bring with you your TRB. Your rate in every task to be
performed is rated in the TRB.
Do you have questions? If none, you may now proceed to your respective areas.
So, trainees based on my observation with my performance criteria checklist, all of you have different ideas in
your learning competency development, I suggest everyone to study in advance, we will continue your activity
next meeting.
But before we will dismiss may I ask everyone to evaluate my performance today as a trainer for further
enhancement on our next session?
Kindly submit the Trainer’s Evaluation Form if you are done. (Collect the form)
If there is none, thank you and you can go now. See you next meeting.