Iv. Procedure Teacher's Activity Students' Activity: Mathematics Science English Filipino Pencil

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Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Primary
activity 1. Greetings
“Good Afternoon Class”
“Welcome to our mathematics class.” “Good Afternoon Ma’am. It’s nice
“It’s nice to see you too!” to see you again.”

2. Prayer (Everyone will silently pray.)

Let us acknowledge the presence of God
through a prayer (played on air…)

3. Checking of Attendance
Let us check your attendance… Lance is absent ma’am

And before we start with our lesson for today,

may I remind everyone to please arrange your
chair properly and observe social distancing
even in our group activity for today. In the
lesson proper, passing of papers accordingly
will be observe as to raising of hands. And
remind to everyone to please wear properly
your face mask all the time and use your hand

In addition, you must respect each other when

it comes to your classmates’ different beliefs,
appearance and practices especially the way
they talk. Please appreciate them and don’t
laugh at them.

B. Presenting Answers may vary

the new Let start our class with individual activity,
lesson everyone is encouraged to cooperate in this
hands-on learning activity. Motivation
Below are some famous characters and
places. Which do you think does NOT
belong in each group? Why?


C. Establishing
a purpose
for the
lesson Ask the students to look at the objects below
and answer the ff. questions:

Answers may vary

a. Which objects belong together?

b. How many numbers/elements are there in
each set?
c. Is there an object that belongs to more than
one group? Which one?

 A set is a collection of objects, things or

symbols which are clearly defined. In the
objects above the sets are;
1. Set of school supplies 3. Set of things
worn by girls
2. Set of gadgets 4. Set of things
worn by boys
The groups are called sets for as long as the
D. Presenting objects in the group share a characteristics and
examples/ are thus, well defined. We have four well-
instances of defined sets in the objects above.
the lesson  The individual objects in a set are called the
members or elements of the set. Example:
three of the elements in set 1 belong to a set of
school supplies (ruler, ballpen, and notebook).
Can you name elements of other sets? The
symbol “∈ ” is used to indicate that an object
is an element or member of the set.
 When we define a set, if we take pieces of
that set, we can form what is called a
subset. For example, we have the set
A subset of this is {1,2,3,}, another subset
is {3,4}, {2,3,5} or even {1}. However,
{1,6} is not a subset, since 6 is not in the
parent set.
A symbol for subset is ⊆
 The universal set U is the set that contains
all objects under consideration. At the start,
“objects” is our universal set
 The null set is an empty set. Example: If H
is the set of boys in an exclusive school for
girls, then H is called empty set since there
were no boys in that school. The null set is
a subset of any set. The symbol ∅ or { }
will be used to refer to an empty set or null
 The cardinality of a set is the number of YES
elements contained in that set. Example: In
the objects given, the cardinality of set of
gadget is 3, set of things worn by boys is 2. Answers may vary
The cardinality of a set A is written as
n(A). Answers may vary
a. Did you group the objects correctly?
b. How many sets elements are there in
each set?
c. Can you give your own examples of 1. YES, because there is only
well-defined sets and null set? definite number of subjects
d. What is the importance of sets in daily in grade 7
life? 2. No, because there is a lot
popular actor today

Do what is asked:
A. Is the given set well-defined? Justify 1. Triangles has only three
your answer. sides
1. {subjects in Grade 7} Yes/No 2. Pandas can’t be seen in the
because __________________ Philippines
2. {popular actors} Yes/No 3. There’s a lot of actors who
because __________________ are politicians
E. Discussing
new B. Which of the following are empty sets
concepts and and why?
practicing 1. Triangles with four sides. It is an
new skills empty set because _______ Elements: 1,2,3,4,5
#1 2. Pandas in the Philippines. It is an Subsets: {1}, { 1,2},{3, 4},{4,5}
empty set because _______ Cardinality: n( C)= 5
3. Actors who are politicians. It is a set
because ________

C. Identify the elements, subsets and

cardinality of the given set
C= {first five counting number}
Elements: 1,2,3,__,__
Subsets: {1}, { 1,2},{ },{ }
Cardinality: n( C)=__

Identify the elements, subsets and cardinality of

the given set.
1. L = {letters of English alphabet up to h}
2. V = {all the vowels of English alphabet}
F. Discussing 3. A = {all even numbers less than 10}
new 4. B = {all odd numbers less than 10}
concepts and
new skills
#1 Complete the table by determining whether
the given set is well-defined,
not well-defined or null set. If well-defined,
give the elements, three subsets and its
G. Developing cardinality.

1.A= {schooldays}
2.B= {bald men with braided hair}
3.C= {whole numbers less than five}
4.D= {vowels in the alphabet}
5.E= {pretty girls}

Do the following exercises. Write your answers on

the spaces provided:
H. Finding 1. Give 3 examples of well-defined sets in real life
practical situations.
of concepts ______________________________________
and skills in ______________________________________
daily living _____
2. Name two subsets of the set of whole numbers.



Direction: Match the Greek prefix from

Column A to its meaning in Column B. Write
your answer on the space provided before each
(Indicator #3)
Use effective verbal and non-verbal classroom
communication strategies to support learner
understanding, participation, engagement and

Only 8 minutes will be given to each group to

finish the table shown.
(Indicator #7)
Apply a range of successful strategies that maintain
learning environments that motivate learners to work
productively by assuming responsibility for their own
______ 1. Hepta a. 3
Answers may vary
______ 2. Tri b. 5
______ 3. Penta c. 10
______ 4. Octa d. 8 Answers may vary
______ 5. Quad e. 4
______ 6. Hexa f. 9
______ 7. Nona g. 7
______ 8. Deca h. 6

A polygon with n sides has _n__

(POLYGON) number of vertices and __n__
The word “polygon” comes from the Greek number of
word’s “poly”, which means “many,” and interior angles.
“gon,” which means “angles.”
Polygons are classified as convex or
concave. A polygon is convex if all segments
joining any two points of the polygon lie
completely inside the polygon, otherwise the
polygon is concave
Convex Polygons

I. Making
n and
about the Concave Polygons

a) No, there is no triangle

which is equilateral but not
The different types of polygons in terms of equiangular.
congruency of parts are equilateral, b) No, all equilateral triangle
equiangular and regular. A polygon is must be equiangular.
equilateral if all its sides are equal;
c) Yes
equiangular if all its angles are equal; and
d) No, A quadrilateral can be
regular if it is both equilateral and equiangular.
equiangular but not
equilateral (a rectangle) or
Polygons are also classified according to the
equilateral but not
number of sides.
equiangular (a rhombus).
e) Yes
(INDICATOR #1) f) Yes
Apply knowledge of content within and across curriculum
J. Evaluating teaching areas
a) No, as it is an equilateral triangle
INTERIOR ANGLES OF A POLYGON b) Yes. All polygons are equilateral

Materials needed: match sticks, paste or glue, c) All regular polygons and edge-
paper transitive polygons are equilateral.
Consider each piece of matchstick as the side
of a polygon. When an equilateral polygon is
Instruction: Please follow me as I perform first non-crossing and cyclic (its vertices
the procedure in forming a polygon with are on a circle) it must be regular.
different sides using the match stick, glue and
d) Yes, all regular polygons are
(Indicator #3) equilateral ang equiangular.
Use effective verbal and non-verbal classroom
communication strategies to support learner e) All equilateral triangles are also
understanding, participation, engagement and
equiangular. Furthermore, all
(Recall: A polygon is equiangular triangles are also
___________________________.) equilateral.
Procedure: f) Mathematical background. In the
1) Using three pieces of matchsticks form a case of triangles, being equiangular
polygon. Paste it on a piece of paper.
a) How many sides does it have? _________ requires that the triangle also be
K. Additional b) How many vertices does it have? _______ equilateral. That is, every
activities for c) How many interior angles does it have?
application equiangular triangle is a regular
or triangle. However, this is not the
remediation 2) Using four pieces of match sticks form a case for all polygons.
polygon. Paste it on a piece of paper.
a) How many sides does it have? _________
b) How many vertices does it have? _______
c) How many interior angles does it have?

3) Using five pieces of matchsticks form a

V. REMARKS polygon. Paste it on a piece of paper.
a) How many sides does it have? _________
b) How many vertices does it have? _______
c) How many interior angles does it have?

4) Using six pieces of matchsticks form a

polygon. Paste it on a piece of paper.
a) How many sides does it have? _________
b) How many vertices does it have? _______
c) How many interior angles does it have?

*For those who can’t follow the procedure, I

will repeat the process and post the procedure
step by step.
(Indicator #5)
Maintain learning environments that promote fairness,
respect and care to encourage learning

Were you able to observe a pattern?

What pattern did you observe based on the


Why do we need to know the geometric

shapes? In what instances are these shapes 1.
(Indicator #6) a. 90
Maintain learning environments that nurture and inspire
learners to participate, cooperate and collaborate in b. 60
continued learning c. 40
Complete the sentence below: 2.

A polygon with n sides has ___ number of a. 540

vertices and ______ number of b. 900
interior angles. c. 1080

3. So there are 18 exterior angles.

Draw the following polygon in a white sheet of This also means that there are 18
paper. You only have 6 minutes to draw the vertices and 18 interior angles.
following figure below. Those who are not able Since each interior/exterior pair is
to finish the activity will only get 5 points out supplementary and since the
of 15 points. exterior angle is 20, the interior
(INDICATOR #7) angle is 180-20 = 160 degrees. for
Apply a range of successful strategies that maintain the sum of all the interior angles.
learning environments that motivate learners to work
productively by assuming responsibility for their own

1. regular polygon
2. concave polygon
3. dodecagon

Apply knowledge of content within and across curriculum
teaching areas

1. Determine if a figure can be constructed

using the given condition. If yes, sketch a
figure. If no, explain why it cannot be
a) A triangle which is equilateral but
not equiangular.

b) A triangle which is equiangular but

not equilateral

c) A triangle which is regular

d) A quadrilateral which is equilateral
but not equiangular.

e) A quadrilateral which is equiangular

but not equilateral
f) A quadrilateral which is regular.

2. In general,
a) Do all equilateral polygons
equiangular? If no, give a
c) Do all equiangular polygons
equilateral? If no, give a
d) Do all regular polygons equilateral?
If no, give a counterexample.

e) Do all regular polygons

equiangular? If no, give a

f) Do all equilateral triangles

g) Do all equiangular triangles

Note: In this activity, everyone is encouraged

to share their ideas and understanding on
equilateral and equiangular polygons.
Maintain learning environments that promote fairness,
respect and care to encourage learning

Polygons are closed figures made up of
three or more-line segments joined at their
A polygon is convex if all segments joining
any two points of the polygon lie completely
inside the polygon otherwise it is concave.
A polygon is regular if all the sides and all the
angles are congruent

Common names for polygons are listed:

Number of Sides No. of Sides Name of

3 Triangle
4 Quadrilateral
5 Pentagon
6 Hexagon
7 Heptagon
8 Octagon
9 Nonagon
10 Decagon
11 Undecagon
12 Dodecagon
n n-gon

EXERCISES. Answer the following in a clean

sheet of paper.
1. For each regular polygon, determine the
measure of an exterior angle.
a. quadrilateral
b. hexagon
c. nonagon

2. Determine the sum of the interior angles of

the following convex polygons:
a. pentagon
b. heptagon
c. octagon

3. Each exterior angle of a regular polygon

measures 20°.
Determine the sum of its interior angles.

Apply knowledge of content within and across curriculum
teaching areas
1. Cut and paste illustrations or pictures in
the real life where polygons can be
seen. Give at least 5.
2. Read about sum of the measures of the
interior and exterior angles of a convex


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