Iv. Procedure Teacher's Activity Students' Activity: Mathematics Science English Filipino Pencil
Iv. Procedure Teacher's Activity Students' Activity: Mathematics Science English Filipino Pencil
Iv. Procedure Teacher's Activity Students' Activity: Mathematics Science English Filipino Pencil
3. Checking of Attendance
Let us check your attendance… Lance is absent ma’am
C. Establishing
a purpose
for the
lesson Ask the students to look at the objects below
and answer the ff. questions:
Do what is asked:
A. Is the given set well-defined? Justify 1. Triangles has only three
your answer. sides
1. {subjects in Grade 7} Yes/No 2. Pandas can’t be seen in the
because __________________ Philippines
2. {popular actors} Yes/No 3. There’s a lot of actors who
because __________________ are politicians
E. Discussing
new B. Which of the following are empty sets
concepts and and why?
practicing 1. Triangles with four sides. It is an
new skills empty set because _______ Elements: 1,2,3,4,5
#1 2. Pandas in the Philippines. It is an Subsets: {1}, { 1,2},{3, 4},{4,5}
empty set because _______ Cardinality: n( C)= 5
3. Actors who are politicians. It is a set
because ________
1.A= {schooldays}
2.B= {bald men with braided hair}
3.C= {whole numbers less than five}
4.D= {vowels in the alphabet}
5.E= {pretty girls}
I. Making
n and
about the Concave Polygons
Materials needed: match sticks, paste or glue, c) All regular polygons and edge-
paper transitive polygons are equilateral.
Consider each piece of matchstick as the side
of a polygon. When an equilateral polygon is
Instruction: Please follow me as I perform first non-crossing and cyclic (its vertices
the procedure in forming a polygon with are on a circle) it must be regular.
different sides using the match stick, glue and
d) Yes, all regular polygons are
(Indicator #3) equilateral ang equiangular.
Use effective verbal and non-verbal classroom
communication strategies to support learner e) All equilateral triangles are also
understanding, participation, engagement and
equiangular. Furthermore, all
(Recall: A polygon is equiangular triangles are also
___________________________.) equilateral.
Procedure: f) Mathematical background. In the
1) Using three pieces of matchsticks form a case of triangles, being equiangular
polygon. Paste it on a piece of paper.
a) How many sides does it have? _________ requires that the triangle also be
K. Additional b) How many vertices does it have? _______ equilateral. That is, every
activities for c) How many interior angles does it have?
application equiangular triangle is a regular
or triangle. However, this is not the
remediation 2) Using four pieces of match sticks form a case for all polygons.
polygon. Paste it on a piece of paper.
a) How many sides does it have? _________
b) How many vertices does it have? _______
c) How many interior angles does it have?
Were you able to observe a pattern?
1. regular polygon
2. concave polygon
3. dodecagon
Apply knowledge of content within and across curriculum
teaching areas
2. In general,
a) Do all equilateral polygons
equiangular? If no, give a
c) Do all equiangular polygons
equilateral? If no, give a
d) Do all regular polygons equilateral?
If no, give a counterexample.
Polygons are closed figures made up of
three or more-line segments joined at their
A polygon is convex if all segments joining
any two points of the polygon lie completely
inside the polygon otherwise it is concave.
A polygon is regular if all the sides and all the
angles are congruent
Apply knowledge of content within and across curriculum
teaching areas
1. Cut and paste illustrations or pictures in
the real life where polygons can be
seen. Give at least 5.
2. Read about sum of the measures of the
interior and exterior angles of a convex