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GE – G60

Training Manual

Anis Al-Habib Ben HAMMOUDA


Shams Ullah Dilawar Shah

G60 protection relay testing guide


S.NO Description Page

01 Introduction 02
02 Necessary Equipment’s 04
04 G60 Protection Function Test 09
05 G60 Test: voltage &current input metering 10
06 CT/VT settings 10
07 Power system 10
08 Signal sources 11
09 Metering 12
10 Protection Functions 12
11 Distance-21 12
12 Power Swing 16
13 Stator differential protection-87G 18
14 Phase current-51V 21
15 Generator unbalance protection-46 22
16 Over/Under voltage protection 23
17 Volts per hertz/Over Excitation protection-24 25
18 Loss of excitation-40 26
19 Accidental /Inadvertent Energization protection function-20/27 27
20 Sensitive directional Power-32 28
21 3rd Harmonic/100% Stator earth fault Protection 29
22 Over/Under Frequency-81 30
23 VT Fuse failure 31

Prepared by: Engr. Anis ALHABIB BEN HAMMOUDA -QPP & Engr.Shams Ullah Dilawar Shah-GTSD 1
G60 protection relay testing guide

1. Introduction

GENERATORS are the one of the most expensive components of the power system, as well as,
important components for stable and reliable operation of a power system. Functionality, settings and
equipment defects undetected by protective relays may lead to outages of generators that impose
unnecessary costs to power utilities, and stress the power system network for no reason.

Modern, microprocessor-based generator protection relays integrate many functions into a single
package. Each protection element is designed to detect a specific abnormal condition in the system
and to initiate a particular tripping sequence.

Therefore, the generator protection system needs to be tested carefully considering dependability,
reliability (operate reliably and fast during internal faults) and security (does not mis-operate for
external faults) aspects of the protective relaying system.

Periodic relay testing is, first and foremost, preventive maintenance. Thus, procedures and records
should be designed with preventive maintenance as the guide. The frequency of testing is subject to
many variables, including type of relay, environment, and of course, history and experience (every 3
years for digital relays and every year for static and electro mechanical relays). However, an annual
schedule of maintenance is a good starting point.

This policy describe the necessary steps to check the G60 protection relay. This type of protection is
mainly user for GE units. An interactive test sheet give the possibility to record all the test result and
existing setting.

This guide give the user all necessary steps to check the following function:

 Digital Output Test

 Digital Input Test
 AC System Input Test
 Generator Differential, 87G
 Current Unbalance , 46
 Loss of Excitation, 40

Prepared by: Engr. Anis ALHABIB BEN HAMMOUDA -QPP & Engr.Shams Ullah Dilawar Shah-GTSD 2
G60 protection relay testing guide

 Anti-Motoring with Accidental Energization and Sequential Trip Supervision, 32

 Time Overcurrent with Voltage Restraint, 51V
 Stator Ground , 64G
 Over-excitation (Volts/Hz), 24
 Overvoltage, 59
 Under-frequency, 81-U
 Over-frequency, 81-O
 Voltage Transformer Fuse Failure, VTFF
 Under-voltage, 27

Figure 1. G60 connection diagram

Part of the thesis is to create a user manual, which will guide the user in how to set up the test and in
how to test the G60 protective relay protective functions in a reliable and safe approach. The newly
developed procedure should result in optimization of time and in obtaining a test result, a test
document, which can guarantee the customer that their system is equipped with a safe and working
protection system

Prepared by: Engr. Anis ALHABIB BEN HAMMOUDA -QPP & Engr.Shams Ullah Dilawar Shah-GTSD 3
G60 protection relay testing guide

Figure 2. Redundancy scheme for Protection relays

2. Necessary test equipment’s

 Three-phase source of voltage and current operating from 30 to 80 Hz, with capability to
add 3rd harmonic voltage to the fundamental (Omicron 356 for this guide).
 Single line diagram & protection panel drawing.
 DC voltage source (Power supply).
 A continuity tester or Ohmmeter.
 A PC compatible computer with a serial and mouse port.
 An RS232 null modem cable to connect the PC to the DGP system.
 A test plug if required

The three-phase AC sinusoidal voltage must be balanced and undistorted. Similarly, the DC power
should come from a good source with less than 5% ripple.

Prepared by: Engr. Anis ALHABIB BEN HAMMOUDA -QPP & Engr.Shams Ullah Dilawar Shah-GTSD 4
G60 protection relay testing guide


All equipment used in testing the G60 relay should be connected to a common grounding point to
provide noise immunity. This includes the voltage and current sources, as well as the G60 system


This chapter deals with Omicron as a software program and its hardware. An example is given of how
to set up the hardware to a relay and what kind of possibilities the user is offered, mostly in matters of
relay testing. The most essential outputs and inputs for the CMC hardware module will be clarified.

In this thesis work, Omicron CMC 256, 256 plus and 356 are used. The hardware is connected to a
computer with an Ethernet or USB connection cable. To control the hardware, the Omicron Test
Universe needs to be installed.

 To start testing, the CMC must be correctly connected to the relay. The CMC’s voltage output
looks as follows:

Figure 3. OMICRON Voltage output

There are three voltage outputs for phase one to three and a neutral point output. The fourth
voltage output, with a neutral output, is used as an output for injecting zero-sequence voltage

 The currents can be injected from two separate three-phase current outputs, as seen in the
following figure:

Prepared by: Engr. Anis ALHABIB BEN HAMMOUDA -QPP & Engr.Shams Ullah Dilawar Shah-GTSD 5
G60 protection relay testing guide

Figure 4. OMICRON Current outputs

The current outputs are separated, as mentioned, into two different channels, channels A and B.
Channel A is used as three-phase nominal currents. Channel B’s current outputs are used for
earth-fault current injections and as the differential currents at the neutral side of the generator.
These outputs can be configured for other tasks also and they do not have to serve as

 The binary outputs, digital outputs, are potential-free outputs and only connect the output
above with the output below when a binary signal is high. An external voltage source is needed
to give the outputs potential

Figure 5. OMICRON Binary outputs

 The binary/analog inputs are connected to the relay’s trip and start outputs, which lets the
software program know when the relay is tripping and starting

Prepared by: Engr. Anis ALHABIB BEN HAMMOUDA -QPP & Engr.Shams Ullah Dilawar Shah-GTSD 6
G60 protection relay testing guide

Figure 6. OMICRON Binary/analog inputs

Omicron as software

Omicron Test Universe is a software program designed to control the CMC test sets from a computer.
The software program offers the following features:

 computer-controlled manual testing

 optimized software modules for specific testing
 generic testing for special requirements
 combination of all three above

The QuickCMC test module is, as the name says, a quick way to use the test module CMC. The
QuickCMC directly controls voltages, currents, frequencies and angles. It also monitors digital inputs
and outputs, which gives the user a good overview of what is happening in the relay. Testing with
QuickCMC is done manually.

For automatic testing, manual testing also if the user wants to, it is recommended to create an
Omicron Control Center (OCC) test document in which the user can implement different kinds of
multifunctional tests. This is built up by test modules, which contain specific tests for e.g. over-current,
differential current, state sequencer for operation time testing, ramp testing to ramp magnitudes and
many more.

Prepared by: Engr. Anis ALHABIB BEN HAMMOUDA -QPP & Engr.Shams Ullah Dilawar Shah-GTSD 7
G60 protection relay testing guide

Figure 7. Quick CMC Test Universe start page

Prepared by: Engr. Anis ALHABIB BEN HAMMOUDA -QPP & Engr.Shams Ullah Dilawar Shah-GTSD 8
G60 protection relay testing guide

4. G60 protection functions test

 Status check: Apply rated DC power and wait for initialization to complete, as indicated
by the healthy LED
 Save the existing setting: Before beginning the test, the relay settings should be saved
for reference and verification.
 Set output contact for time: select one free output G60 contact and every time assign
it to the protection function tested
 Configure LED: if not programmed assign one led to the protection function tested
 Functions test: We have reached the part that most people call relay testing.
Respecting drawing and connected your injection box to adequate terminal. Start the
test and try to group similar functions together that will require the minimum number
of connection and test-set configuration changes.

Prepared by: Engr. Anis ALHABIB BEN HAMMOUDA -QPP & Engr.Shams Ullah Dilawar Shah-GTSD 9
G60 protection relay testing guide

5. G60 test: voltage & current input metering

5.1. CT/VT setting:

CT Setting
Parameter CT F1 CT M1
Phase CT primary
Phase CT secondary
Ground CT primary
Ground CT secondary
VT Setting
Parameter VT F1 VT M1
Phase VT primary
Phase VT secondary
Phase VT ratio
Ground VT primary
Ground VT secondary
Ground VT ratio

5.2. Power System.

Figure 8. Power system Components

Prepared by: Engr. Anis ALHABIB BEN HAMMOUDA -QPP & Engr.Shams Ullah Dilawar Shah-GTSD 10
G60 protection relay testing guide

5.3. Signal sources:

Signal sources
Parameter SRC1 SRC2 SRC3 SRC4
Phase CT
Ground CT
Phase VT
Aux VT

Figure 9. Power system signal sources

Prepared by: Engr. Anis ALHABIB BEN HAMMOUDA -QPP & Engr.Shams Ullah Dilawar Shah-GTSD 11
G60 protection relay testing guide

5.4. Metering:

Figure 10. Metering Components

6. G60: Protection functions

6.1. Distance-21

Distance relays are usually connected to receive currents from CTs in the neutral ends of the generator
phase windings and potential from PTs at the terminals of the generator. If there is a delta-grounded wye
step-up transformer between the generator and the system, the phase angle of the voltages applied may
have to be shifted so that they are in phase with the system voltage in order for the relay to see system
faults correctly. This relay provides backup for system fault as well as some backup protection for phase
fault in the generator zone before and after the generator is synchronized to the system.

Another scheme provides distance relay looking towards the system and receiving both current and
potential from the terminal of the generator. An offset mho characteristic is used to provide backup
protection for system fault and for some generator or generator zone fault when the generator is
connected to the system. However this connection will not provide backup of generator or generator
zone fault when the generator is disconnected from the system.

Prepared by: Engr. Anis ALHABIB BEN HAMMOUDA -QPP & Engr.Shams Ullah Dilawar Shah-GTSD 12
G60 protection relay testing guide

Figure 11. Impedance zones

Figure 12. Impedance Reach

Prepared by: Engr. Anis ALHABIB BEN HAMMOUDA -QPP & Engr.Shams Ullah Dilawar Shah-GTSD 13
G60 protection relay testing guide

Figure 13. Distance Function

Prepared by: Engr. Anis ALHABIB BEN HAMMOUDA -QPP & Engr.Shams Ullah Dilawar Shah-GTSD 14
G60 protection relay testing guide

Figure 14. Distance settings

Prepared by: Engr. Anis ALHABIB BEN HAMMOUDA -QPP & Engr.Shams Ullah Dilawar Shah-GTSD 15
G60 protection relay testing guide

6.2. Power Swing:

The power swing detect element provides both power swing blocking and out-of-step tripping functions.
The element measures the positive-sequence apparent impedance and traces its locus with respect to
either two or three user-selectable operating characteristic boundaries. Upon detecting appropriate
timing relations, the blocking and tripping indications are given through FlexLogic™ operands. The
element incorporates an adaptive disturbance detector. This function does not trigger on power swings,
but is capable of detecting faster disturbances – faults in particular – that may occur during power swings.
Operation of this dedicated disturbance detector is signaled via the POWER SWING 50DD operand.
The power swing detect element asserts two outputs intended for blocking selected protection elements
on power swings: POWER SWING BLOCK is a traditional signal that is safely asserted for the entire
duration of the power swing, and POWER SWING UN/BLOCK is established in the same way, but resets
when an extra disturbance is detected during the power swing. The POWER SWING UN/BLOCK operand
may be used for blocking selected protection elements if the intent is to respond to faults during power
swing conditions.
Different protection elements respond differently to power swings. If tripping is required for faults
during power swing conditions, some elements may be blocked permanently (using the POWER
SWING BLOCK operand), and others may be blocked and dynamically unblocked upon fault detection
(using the POWER SWING UN/BLOCK operand)

Figure 15. Impedance mho zones

Prepared by: Engr. Anis ALHABIB BEN HAMMOUDA -QPP & Engr.Shams Ullah Dilawar Shah-GTSD 16
G60 protection relay testing guide

Figure 16. Power Swing settings

Figure 17. Power Swing Graph

Prepared by: Engr. Anis ALHABIB BEN HAMMOUDA -QPP & Engr.Shams Ullah Dilawar Shah-GTSD 17
G60 protection relay testing guide

6.3. Stator Differential Protection 87G:

The differential protection will protect the Generator stator from any internal short circuit located between the
two CTs supplying the 87G protection.
 Biased differential
Diff P/U = 10% of rated current, as 100% Stator earth fault protection has been provided high sensitivity is not
required. Initial bias slope = 5% - to provide optimum sensitivity for internal fault and stability against transients.
Threshold – second bias setting = 120% of rated current
Second Bias slope = 150% - to provide adequate stability for external fault.
 High impedance differential
Diff P/U = 10% of rated current
Stabilizing res = Rst = Vs / Gen Diff P/U where Vs = K. If.[Rct+2RL) where k=1.5
Where If = max secondary through fault; RL = resistance of a single lead
Rst = K. If.[Rct+2RL) / 0.1,
Protection primary operating current = Iop = (CT ratio)x (Gen diff Is1+n.Ie),
where n= no. of CT secondary in parallel with relay element = 2.

Figure 18.Differential relay in-zone fault

Prepared by: Engr. Anis ALHABIB BEN HAMMOUDA -QPP & Engr.Shams Ullah Dilawar Shah-GTSD 18
G60 protection relay testing guide

Figure 19.Differential relay in healthy condition

Figure 20.Differential relay Slope Figure 21.Differential relay Logic

Prepared by: Engr. Anis ALHABIB BEN HAMMOUDA -QPP & Engr.Shams Ullah Dilawar Shah-GTSD 19
G60 protection relay testing guide

Figure 22.Differential relay overall Logic

Figure 23.Differential relay overall Logic

Prepared by: Engr. Anis ALHABIB BEN HAMMOUDA -QPP & Engr.Shams Ullah Dilawar Shah-GTSD 20
G60 protection relay testing guide

Figure 24.Differential relay Slope

6.4. Phase Current (51V)

The overcurrent time protection represents the short-circuit protection for small or low voltage machines. For
larger machines it is used as back-up protection for the machine short-circuit protection (differential protection
and/or impedance protection). It provide the back-up protection for network faults which are not promptly
disconnected and thus may endanger the machine.

Figure 25.Over current relay settings

Prepared by: Engr. Anis ALHABIB BEN HAMMOUDA -QPP & Engr.Shams Ullah Dilawar Shah-GTSD 21
G60 protection relay testing guide

6.5. Generator Unbalance Protection-46

When the Generator is supplying an unbalanced load, the phase currents and terminal voltages deviate from the
ideal balanced relationship, and a negative phase sequence armature current (I2) is imposed on the Generator. The
negative sequence current in the armature winding creates a magnetic flux wave in the air gap which rotates in
opposition to the rotor at synchronous speed. This flux induces currents in the rotor body iron, wedges, retaining
rings and windings at twice the line frequency. Heating occurs in these areas and the resulting temperatures
depend upon the level and duration of the unbalanced currents. Under some conditions, it is possible to reach
temperatures at which the rotor materials no longer contain the centrifugal forces imposed on them, resulting in
serious damage to the turbine-Generator set.

There is always some low level unbalance in any power system and therefore limits on the continuous unbalance
have been established. For currents above the permissible continuous levels, a limit on the time-integral of I22 has
been established. I2 capability may be referred to ANSI or IEC and generators will be protected within the capability
limits in the event of faults, open lines or breaker failures.

Figure 26.Unbalance protection curve

Prepared by: Engr. Anis ALHABIB BEN HAMMOUDA -QPP & Engr.Shams Ullah Dilawar Shah-GTSD 22
G60 protection relay testing guide

Figure 27.Generator Unbalance relay settings

6.6. Over/Under Voltage Protection-59/27.

Under voltage protection detects and reports abnormally low voltage conditions, some of which could be related
to system stability problems (voltage collapse, etc.).
Two-pole short circuits or earth faults cause an asymmetrical voltage collapse. Compared with three monophasic
measuring systems, the detection of the positive phase sequence system is not influenced by these procedures and
is advantageous especially with regard to the judgment of stability problems.

Overvoltage protection serves to protect the electrical machine, and the associated electrical plant connected to it,
from the effects of impermissible voltage increases.
Overvoltage’s can be caused by incorrect manual operation of the excitation system, faulty operation of the
automatic voltage regulator, (full) load shedding of a generator, separation of the generator from the system or
during island operation.

Prepared by: Engr. Anis ALHABIB BEN HAMMOUDA -QPP & Engr.Shams Ullah Dilawar Shah-GTSD 23
G60 protection relay testing guide

Figure 28.Generator Under and Over Voltage relay settings

Prepared by: Engr. Anis ALHABIB BEN HAMMOUDA -QPP & Engr.Shams Ullah Dilawar Shah-GTSD 24
G60 protection relay testing guide

6.7. Volts per Hertz /Over excitation (24) Protection.

The over excitation protection is used to detect impermissible over excitation conditions which can endanger
generators and transformers. Such conditions are caused by an increase in voltage and/or a reduction in frequency.
The over excitation protection must pick up when the limit reach to the protected object .

The over excitation protection feature servers to measure the voltage/frequency ratio which is proportional to the
B induction and puts it in relation to the BN nominal induction. In this context, both voltage and frequency are
related to nominal values of the object to be protected (generator, transformer).

Figure 29. Over excitation curve

Figure 30.Generator Over excitation relay settings

Prepared by: Engr. Anis ALHABIB BEN HAMMOUDA -QPP & Engr.Shams Ullah Dilawar Shah-GTSD 25
G60 protection relay testing guide

6.8. Loss of excitation Protection-40.

Loss of excitation (or loss of field) results in loss of synchronism and operation of the Generator as an induction
machine. This will result in the flow of slip frequency currents in the rotor body, wedges, and windings as well as
severe torque oscillations in the rotor shaft. The rotor is not designed to sustain such currents, nor is the turbine-
Generator shaft designed to long withstand the alternating torques. The result can be rotor overheating, coupling
slippage and even rotor failure. The length of time before serious damage occurs depends on the Generator load at
the time of the incident, slip frequency, and whether the field winding is open circuited or shorted, and may be a
matter of seconds.

A loss of excitation normally indicates a problem with the excitation system which, depending on its nature, could
be serious (e.g., collector ring flashover, if so equipped). Because of the VARs absorbed to make up for the low or
lost excitation, some systems cannot tolerate the continued operation of a Generator without excitation.
Consequently, if the Generator is not disconnected immediately when it loses excitation, widespread instability
may very quickly develop, and major system shut-down may occur.

Figure 31.Generator Loss of excitation relay settings

Prepared by: Engr. Anis ALHABIB BEN HAMMOUDA -QPP & Engr.Shams Ullah Dilawar Shah-GTSD 26
G60 protection relay testing guide

Figure 32.Generator Loss of excitation relay settings

6.9. Accidental /Inadvertent energization Protection 50/27.

Accidental energization of a generator when it is not running or running at low speed may cause severe
damage to it. With the generator at standstill, closing the circuit breaker results in the generator acting as
an induction motor; the field winding (if closed) and the rotor solid iron/damper circuits acting as rotor
circuits. Very high currents are induced in these rotor components, and also occur in the stator, with
resultant rapid overheating and damage.
Protection against this condition is therefore desirable. A combination of stator under voltage and
overcurrent can be used to detect this condition. An instantaneous overcurrent element is used, and
gated with a three phase under voltage element (fed from a VT on the generator side of the circuit
breaker) to provide the protection. The overcurrent element can have a low setting, as operation is
blocked when the generator is operating normally. The voltage setting should be low enough to ensure
that operation cannot occur for transient faults. A setting of about 50% of rated voltage is typical. VT
failure can cause mal operation of the protection, so the element should be inhibited under these

Prepared by: Engr. Anis ALHABIB BEN HAMMOUDA -QPP & Engr.Shams Ullah Dilawar Shah-GTSD 27
G60 protection relay testing guide

Figure 33.Generator Accidental Energization relay settings

6.10. Sensitive Directional Power Protection.(32)Reverse Power

Reverse power protection is used to protect a turbo-generator unit in case of failure of energy to the prime mover.
In this case the synchronous generator runs as a motor and drives the turbine whereby the required motoring
energy is taken from the network.
This condition leads to overheating of the turbine blades and must be interrupted within a short time by tripping
the network circuit-breaker.
For the generator, there is the additional risk that, in case of a malfunctioning residual steam pass (defective
stop valves) after the switching off of the circuit breakers, the turbine-generator-unit is speeded up, thus
reaching an over speed. For this reason, the system isolation should only be performed after a detected active
power input

Figure 34.Generator reverse Power relay settings

Prepared by: Engr. Anis ALHABIB BEN HAMMOUDA -QPP & Engr.Shams Ullah Dilawar Shah-GTSD 28
G60 protection relay testing guide

6.11. 3rd Harmonic/100% Stator Earth Fault protection (64G2) Protection.

The third harmonic neutral under voltage function detects a loss of third harmonic voltage at the
generator neutral. The percentage of stator winding covered by this function depends on the pickup
setting and the amount of third harmonic generated by the machine at the time of the fault. A settable
window of forward power can supervise this element for enhanced security. The element is also
supervised by positive-sequence voltage measured at the generator output terminals. This element can
be used with either wye or delta connected VTs on the terminal side and requires the machine neutral
voltage to be connected via an auxiliary voltage channel of a relay VT bank.

Figure 35.Generator 3rd harmonic detection Wiring diagram

Figure 36.Generator 3rd harmonic settings

Prepared by: Engr. Anis ALHABIB BEN HAMMOUDA -QPP & Engr.Shams Ullah Dilawar Shah-GTSD 29
G60 protection relay testing guide

6.12. Over Frequency/Under Frequency-81.

The frequency protection function detects abnormally high and low frequencies in the system. If the
frequency lies outside the allowable range, appropriate actions are initiated, such as separating a
generator from the system. A decrease in system frequency occurs when the system experiences an
increase in the real power demand, or when a malfunction occurs with a generator governor or
automatic generation control (AGC) system. The under frequency protection is also used for generators
which (for a certain time) function on an island network. This is due to the fact that the reverse power
protection cannot operate in case of a drive power failure. The generator can be disconnected from the
power system by means of the under frequency protection.

Figure 37.Generator Frequency Curves

Figure 38.Generator Frequency Tripping Logic

Prepared by: Engr. Anis ALHABIB BEN HAMMOUDA -QPP & Engr.Shams Ullah Dilawar Shah-GTSD 30
G60 protection relay testing guide

Figure 39.Generator Frequency relay settings


The VT fuse failure detector can be used to raise an alarm and or block elements that may operate
incorrectly for a full or partial loss of AC potential caused by failure of one or more fuses. Some
elements which are able to be blocked via block input are distance, voltage restrained overcurrent and
directional current.
There are two classes of Fuse failure
 Class A: Loss of one or two phases
 Class B: Loss of all three phases

Different ways of detection are required for each class An indication of class A failures is a significant
level of negative sequence voltage, while an indication of class B failure is when positive sequence
current is present and there is an insignificant amount of positive sequence voltage. These noted
indication of fuse failure could also be present when faults are present on the system. Once the fuse
failure condition is declared it will be sealed in until the cause that generated it disappears.

Prepared by: Engr. Anis ALHABIB BEN HAMMOUDA -QPP & Engr.Shams Ullah Dilawar Shah-GTSD 31
G60 protection relay testing guide

Figure 40.VT fuse failure scheme logic

Figure 41.Input contact debouncing mechanism and time stamping sample timing

Prepared by: Engr. Anis ALHABIB BEN HAMMOUDA -QPP & Engr.Shams Ullah Dilawar Shah-GTSD 32

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