Pierre Bourdieu Bibliography
Pierre Bourdieu Bibliography
Pierre Bourdieu Bibliography
Bibliography 227
Bourdieu, P. (Fr. ed. 1987) Chases dites (Paris: Les Editions de Minuit).
Bourdieu, P. (Fr. ed. 1989) La Noblesse d'Etat (Paris: Les Editions de
Bourdieu, P., L. Boltanski, P. Castel, and J. C. Chamboredon (Fr. ed.
1965) Un art moyen, essai sur les usages sociaux de Ia photographie (Paris:
Les Editions de Minuit).
Bourdieu, P., L. Boltanski, and P. Maldidier (Fr. ed. 1971) 'La defense du
corps', Information sur les sciences sociales 10(4), 45-86.
Bourdieu, P., J.-C. Chamboredon and J.-C. Passeron (Fr. ed. 1968) Le
metier de sociologue (Paris: Mouton).
Bourdieu, P., A . Darbel, J.-P. Rivet and C. Seibel (Fr. ed. 1963) Travail
et travailleurs en Algerie (Paris-La Haye: Mouton).
Bourdieu, P., A. Darbel and D. Schnapper (Fr. ed. 1966) L'amour de !'art,
les musees d'art europeens et leur public (Paris: Les Editions de Minuit).
Bourdieu, P. and J.-C. Passeron (Fr. ed. 1964) Les etudiants et leurs etudes
(Paris: Mouton).
Bourdieu, P. and J.-C. Passeron (Fr. ed. 1964a) Les Heritiers, les etudiants
et Ia culture (Paris: Les Editions de Minuit).
Bourdieu, P. and J.-C. Passeron (Fr. ed. 1970) La reproduction. Elements
pour une theorie du systeme d'enseignement (Paris: Les Editions de
Bourdieu, P., J.-C. Passeron and M. de St. Martin (Fr. ed. 1965) Rapport
pedagogique et communication (Paris: Mouton).
Bourdieu, P. and A. Sayad (Fr. ed. 1964) Le deracinement. La crise de
!'agriculture traditionnelle en Algerie (Paris: Les Editions de Minuit).
Agee, J. and W. Evans. (1960) Let Us Now Praise Famous Men (Boston:
Houghton Mifflin).
Asad, T. (ed.) (1973) Anthropology and the Colonial Encounter (New York:
Humanities Press).
Auge, M. (1982) The Anthropological Circle: Symbol, Function, History
(London: Cambridge University Press).
Baron, S. (1985) 'The study of culture; cultural studies and British sociology
compared', Acta Sociologica 28, 71-86.
Barthes, R. (1977) 'The death of the author', in Image-Music-Text (Glasgow:
Fontana/Collins; in French 1968).
Bauman, Z . (1988) 'Is there a post-modern sociology?', Theory, Culture and
Society 5, 217-37.
Benveniste, E. (1969) Le vocabulaire des institutions Indo-Europeennes II
(Paris: Les Editions de Minuit).
Benveniste, E. (1974) Problemes de linguistique generale II (Paris:
Benzecri, J.-P. (1969) 'Statistical analysis as a test to make patterns emerge
from clouds', in S. Watanabe (ed.) Methodologies of Pattern Recognition
(New York: Academic Press), 35-74.
Benzecri, J.-P. (1974) 'La place de l'apriori', Encyclopedie Universalis (Sec-
tion Organum), Paris.
Berger, J. (1972) Ways of Seeing (Harmondsworth: Penguin Books).
Bernstein, R. J. (1972) Praxis and Action (London: Duckworth).
Best, D. (1980) 'The objectivity of artistic appreciation', Brtish Journal of
Aesthetics 20(2), 115-27.
Bhaskar, R. (1975) A Realist Theory of Science (Leeds: Leeds Books).
Bhaskar, R. (1979) The Possibility of Naturalism: A Philosophical Critique
of the Human Sciences (Brighton: Harvester Press).
Bloch, M. (1983) Marxism and Anthropology (Oxford: Oxford University
Bloor, D. (1983) Wittgenstein: A Social Theory of Knowledge (London:
Bolton, D. (1979) An Approach to Wittgenstein's Philosophy (London:
Bowles, S. and H. Gintis. (1976) Schooling in Capitalist America (New
York: Basic Books).
Brand, G. (1979) The Central Texts of Ludwig Wittgenstein (Oxford: Basil
238 Bibliography
Cambrosio and Keating (1983) 'The disciplinary strike - the case of chrono-
biology', Social Studies of Science 13(3), 323-53.
Casey, J. (1966) The Language of Criticism (London: Methuen).
Cassirer, E. (1961) The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms (tr. by R. Manhem)
(New Haven: Yale University Press; in German 1923-9).
Centre for European Sociology. (1972) Current Research (Paris: Ecole pra-
tique des haute etudes, Maison des sciences de l'homme).
Charbonnier, G. (1969) Conversations with Claude Levi-Strauss (London:
Jonathan Cape).
Chomsky, N. (1979) Language and Responsibility (tr. John Viertal) (Brigh-
ton: Harvester Press).
Clark, T. (1973) Prophets and Patrons (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
Clifford, J. (1988) The Predicament of Culture (London: Harvard University
Clifford, J., and G. E. Marcus. (1987) Writing Culture: the Poetics and
Politics of Ethnography (Berkeley: University of California Press).
Codd, J. A. (1982) 'Interpretive cognition and the education of artistic
appreciation', The Journal of Aesthetic Education 16(3), 15-33.
Collingwood R. G. (1938) The Principles of Art (Oxford: Clarendon Press).
Collins, R. (1988) Theoretical Sociology (San Diego: Harcourt Brace
Copans, J. (ed.) (1974) Critiques et politiques de l'anthropologie (Paris:
Craib, I. (1984) Modern Social Theory: From Parsons to Habermas (Brigh-
ton: Wheatsheaf).
Crick, M. et al. (1984) 'Anthropological imperialism; comments', Australian
Anthropological Society Newsletter, December, 17-27.
Croce, B . (1922) Aesthetics (tr. by D. Ainslie) (London: Macmillan) 2nd
Duby, G. (1980) The Three Orders: Feudal Society Imagined (Chicago:
University of Chicago Press).
Ducasse, C. J. (1929) The Philosophy of Art (New York: Dial).
Dumont, L. (1957) 'For a sociology of India', Contributions to Indian Soci-
ology 1, 7-22.
Durkheim, E. (1956) Education and Sociology (Boston: Free Press) .
Ehrmann, J . (ed.) (1970) Structuralism (New York: Doubleday).
Encreve Designe, P. E. (1983) In Encyclopedie Universalis, 614-16.
Fabian, J. (1983) Time and the Other: How Anthropology Makes Its Object
(New York: Columbia University Press).
Freeman, D. (1984) Margaret Mead and Samoa; the.Making and Unmaking
of an Anthropological Myth (Harmondsworth: Penguin).
Geertz, C. (1973) The Interpretation of Cultures (New York: Basic Books).
Geertz, C. (1985) 'Waddling in', The Times Literary Supplement, 7 June
1985, no. 4288, 623-4.
Geertz, C. (1988) Works and Lives: the Anthropologist as Author (Cam-
bridge: Polity Press).
Giddens, A. (1976) New Rules of Sociological Method (London:
Bibliography 239
Name Index 243
246 Subject Index