Module 1 - Understanding Public Administration
Module 1 - Understanding Public Administration
Module 1 - Understanding Public Administration
There is much to be said about the features or characteristics that describe public administration
as practice and academic discipline . For instance, in delineating the practice of public
administration, Tapales (1994) pointed out that it has a rational and generic meaning. Broadly
defined as a cooperative action administration connotes rationally because the cooperative action
seeks to achieve specific goals. Administration has also generic or universal meaning because it
can happen in any organization, public or private, and in any political system and culture. There
are certain aspects of administration, too, that are common among them. For instance,
recruitment is a technique that is used in both public and private administration and this process
is guided usually by the policy of getting the best minds, talents, and skills in the marked.
The conventional usage of public administration (with emphasis on the word public”) focuses on
the government and its various institutions. We usually connote public administration with
government and what it is doing for people and society. It also means that administration takes
place in or is carried out by government and its arms. This perspective is largely drawn from
general political theory in political science which is the mother discipline of public
There is also a view that public administration differs across cultures and political systems, that
what may be regarded as public administration in one country may not necessarily be true in
another. The domain of public administration can vary from state to state. What may be
considered as functions and activities of government in one country may not be the same as those
in another. For instance, many countries in Western Europe own and operate their public
transport system. In the Philippines, public transport is generally in the hands of private
Waldo (1995) cites that cultures accounts for the variation in administration between different
societies. “As the constituent parts of culture vary within a society, or between societies, so does
administration vary as a system of rational cooperative action in that society, or between
What is Public Administration?
According to Dwight Waldo (1955), public administration has dual usages: as a FIELD of
PRACTICE and as a FIELD of STUDY. It means that public administration is both a
“professional and scholarly discipline” ( Ocampo,1993).
In the first category, the meaning invoked is the activity or process of administering public
affairs and carrying out governmental functions( Waldo,1995). Examples of these activities and
processes that illustrate the practice of public administration are the following: Enacting a law,
making decisions on the best policy concerning the debt issue, formulating the Medium Term
Development Plan, maintaining peace and order, processing of claims, building roads and
bridges, issuance of license, setting standards for environmental protection, providing health and
welfare services.
When referred to as a field of study or discipline , Public administration means “ the systematic
study and improvement of government capacity and practice in forming policies , making
decisions, implementing them, and securing the desired result ( Ocampo,1993). As a scholarly
pursuit . Public administration is concerned with discovering and advancing theoretical and
practical knowledge in the field using scientific methods that other social sciences use, i.e.
empirical studies, case method analysis, surveys, quantitative analysis, etc.
Public administration has become the essential tool of government in the performance of
achieving its functions. It is there wherever the government is needed.
The often cited difference between public and private administration is goal or mission.
The former is service-oriented and the latter is guided primarily by profits. Another difference
lies in the nature of goods and services they provide. Public administration provides what are
called public goods which can be enjoyed public goods are national defense, streetlights, public
parks, and roads. You might argue that these are funded out of taxpayers money, thus, people
have also paid for them. Correct. But even those who have not paid taxes do benefit from them.
When government provides these goods and service, no one is excluded from benefiting from
them, no one is directly charged for their availment.
Private administration, on the other hand, provides goods and services to those who can
afford to pay for them. Using this as criterion, it is quite selective in whom it is going to deliver
goods and services to. Like, if you want to eat hamburger in the mall, you have to pay for it so
you can enjoy it. This difference is closely related to the goal orientation of public and private
Public administration is subject not only to public pressures and scrutiny or what Tapales
calls “fishbowl existence” but also to internal legal administrative constraints presented by
government rules and regulations. Pressure are posted as well by political institutions, such as the
legislature and individual political leaders themselves, on the civil servants. This kind of
environment makes the tasks of public administrators more complicated and their discretion and
flexibility more circumscribed than their counterparts in the private sector. This characteristic
distinguishes public administration from private administration (Fry,1989).
According to Caiden (1971), public administration has peculiarities that separate it from other
institutions. First, it is unavoidable. Citizen cannot escape the reach of its authority and have to
deal with it in their daily life. Second, it can compel obedience from the citizens because it has a
legal monopoly of coercive power. The power it enjoys is generally accepted and considered
legitimate by the people and necessary for mainstreaming a stable, civilized, and productive
Third, the activities carried out by public administration have priority. This means that
the activities are important and significant in making the life of citizens better, that these are all
needed in making society a better place to live in. There is an implication here that public
administration must be able to perform its functions with efficacy so that no activities will be
jeopardized. Identifying what activities require priority attention and budget than others will
certainly pose a problem to public administration because resources are scare.
Fourth, having the largest single multipurpose organization, public administration can provide, as
it does, people with a wide range of public services, from issuing birth certificate to pollution
control, granting franchise, maintaining peace and order, vaccinating children, delivering mail,
sweeping the streets, ,maintaining public parks, etc.
It was not until the seventeenth century when the term “public
administration” came into use. This happened in monarchical Europe when
distinction was made between the king’s administration of public affairs and
management of his private household. Later, as church and state were separated
and government grew to take care of increasingly diverse societal activities,
modern public administration emerged (Caiden,1971).
The passage of Pendleton Act in 1883 in the United States marked the attempt to
insulate the civil service from partisan politics and spoils system. The merit
system was revived and institutionalized in the American Civil Service.
The following are the major scholarly works directed to the Improvement of
the Bureaucracy
1. New York Municipal Research (1906) which was funded by civic leaders in
New York City reform movement, the bureau conducted and publicized
surveys of governmental agencies and programs and trained persons for public
service careers. Interest in public administration as a field of study and
practice spread across key cities in America. The bureau became a model for
other cities and universities which, subsequently, established their own
research programs and training schools (Nigro and Nigro, 1989).
Scholarly work, notably those by frank Goodnow and Leonard D. White, were
published and these contributed to a nascent literature on public
administration. Frank Goodnow in his book Politics and Adminstration: A
study in Government (1990) espoused the functional distinction between
politics and administration. (Caiden,1971). White wrote the first textbook in
public administration introduction to the study of Public Administration
(1926). Its focus was the structure of administrative organization and
government management service such as personnel and financial
administration (Nigro and Nigro,1989).