EM 6438 & EM 6436 Dual Datasheet v03
EM 6438 & EM 6436 Dual Datasheet v03
EM 6438 & EM 6436 Dual Datasheet v03
n EBS measures and analyze the energy pattern of various occupants in the building both utility and Genset separately
n Ability to measure common area like Elevators, lifts, lighting loads and mutually share within the occupants
Dual Source Energy Meter:
EM6438 & EM6436 Dual
n Summary Report of all the occupants bill details
n Separate billing for utility and Genset can be computed
(Noise filter. Eg. spikes, neutral to earth voltage) Safety Measurement category III, Pollution 12 Ib
n Supports Multiple generator paralleling & bus Degree 2, Protection against shock by 8 Ib