Introduction To Entrepreneurship-Merged
Introduction To Entrepreneurship-Merged
Introduction To Entrepreneurship-Merged
7. Competitive Spirit
The business world is a very cut-
throat space. Thousands of new
businesses born and die every day.
So the competition is always going
to be fierce and intense.
8. Resilient
And finally one of the most important
traits in a successful entrepreneur is
resilience. There is no smooth
straightforward path to success.
4.0 Objectives
After completing this unit, you will be able to:
Classify different types of entrepreneurs on various bases.
Look at the reasons for entrepreneurial failure.
Describe the various functions of entrepreneurs.
Understand the role and significance of entrepreneur in economic development
Establish a relationship between entrepreneur and entrepreneurship.
Come across the rewards and challenges of being an entrepreneur.
4.1 Introduction
The role of entrepreneurs in economic development varies from economy to economy, country to country,
depending upon its material resources, industrial climate and more importantly, the responsiveness of the
political system to the growth of entrepreneurs. Liberalization and the new economic policy have thrown
upon the doors for every entrepreneur to seek its own fortunes and thus contribute to the growth of the
economy. And entrepreneur is an important input of economic development. He is a catalyst of development.
Only the entrepreneurs create capital, wealth and resources in a country by their inventive and risk-taking
behaviour. They are the prime movers of industrial development in a country. Entrepreneurs are found in
every economic system and in every type of economic activity. Artisans, traders, importers, engineers,
exporters, bankers, industrialists, farmers, forest workers, tribal’s, professionals, politicians, and bureaucrats,
any one from these could be entrepreneur. The nature of entrepreneurs differs according to their functions.
1. On the Basis of Economic Development: Clarence Danhof classified entrepreneurs into four groups
on the basis of economic development.
A. Innovating Entrepreneurs: This type of entrepreneurship is characterized by aggressive
assemblage of information and the analysis of results deriving from novel combination of factors of
production. Entrepreneurs falling in this class are generally aggressive in experimentation and exhibited
shrewdness in putting attractive possibilities into practice.
They are the entrepreneurs who have creative and innovative ideas of starting a new business. An
innovating entrepreneur sees the opportunity for introducing a new technique or a new product or a
new market. He may raise money to launch an enterprise, assemble the various factors, and choose
top executives and the set the organization going. Schumpeter’s entrepreneur was of this type.
Innovative entrepreneurs thus, results in the creation of something new. They are the contributors to
the economic development of a country.
Innovating entrepreneurs are very commonly frond in undeveloped countries. There is dearth of
such entrepreneurs in developed countries. Innovating entrepreneurs played the key role in the rise
of modern capitalism, through their enterprising sprit, hope of moneymaking, ability to recognize
and exploit opportunities, etc.
B. Adoptive or Imitative Entrepreneur: There is a second group of entrepreneurs generally
referred as imitative entrepreneurs. The imitative entrepreneurs copy or adopt suitable innovations
made by the innovative entrepreneurs. They does not innovate the changes himself. They only
imitates technology innovated by others.
Such entrepreneurs are particularly important in developing courtiers because they contribute
significantly to the development of such economies. Imitative entrepreneurs are most suitable for the
developing regions because in such countries people prefer to imitate the technology, knowledge
and skill already available in more advanced countries. In highly backward countries there is shortage
of imitative entrepreneurs also. People who can imitate the technologies and products to the particular
conditions prevailing in these countries are needed.
Sometimes, there is a need to adjust and adopt the new technologies to their special conditions.
Imitative entrepreneurs help to transform the system with the limited resources available. However;
these entrepreneurs face lesser risks and uncertainty then innovative entrepreneurs. While innovative
entrepreneurs are creative, imitative entrepreneurs are adoptive.
C. Fabian Entrepreneur: The third type is Fabian entrepreneur. By nature these entrepreneurs
are shy and lazy. This type of entrepreneurs have neither will to introduce new changes nor desire to
adopt new methods of production innovated by the most entrepreneurs. They follow the set
procedures, customs, traditions and religions. They are not much interested in taking risk and they
try to follow the footsteps of their predecessors. Usually they are second generation entrepreneur in
a business family enterprise.
D. Drone Entrepreneur: The fourth type is Drone entrepreneurs who refuse to copy or use
opportunities that come on their way. They are conventional in their approach and stick to their set
practices products, production methods and ideas. They struggle to survive not to grow. They may
be termed as Laggards. In such cases the organization looses market, their operations become
uneconomical and they may be pushed out of the market.
2. On the Basis of Type of Business: Under this category we can classify entrepreneurs as described
A. Business Entrepreneurs: They are the entrepreneurs who conceive an idea for a new product
or service and then create a business to materialize their idea into reality. They tap the entire factor
of production to develop a new business opportunity. They may set up a big enterprise or a small
scale business. When they establish small business units they are called small business entrepreneurs.
In a majority of cases, entrepreneurs are found in small trading and manufacturing business.
B. Trading Entrepreneur: There entrepreneurs undertake trading activities and are not concerned
with the manufacturing work. They identifies potentiality of their product in markets, stimulates
demand for their product line among buyers. They may go for both domestic and overseas trade.
These entrepreneurs demonstrated their ability in pushing many ideas ahead which promoted their
D. Corporate Entrepreneur: These entrepreneurs used his innovative skill in organizing and
managing a corporate undertaking. A corporate undertaking is a form of business organisation
which is registered under some statute or Act like a trust registered under the Trust Act, or a
company registered under the Companies Act. These corporate work as separate legal entity. He is
thus an individual who plans, develops and manages a corporate body.
3. According to the Use of Technology: The application of new technology in various sectors of the
national economy is essential for the future growth of business. We may broadly classify these entrepreneurs
on the basis of the use of technology as follows:
A. Technical Entrepreneurs: With the decline of joint family business and the rise of scientific and
technical institutions, technically qualified persons have entered the field of business. These
entrepreneurs may enter business to commercially exploit their inventions and discoveries. Their
main asset is technical expertise. They raise the necessary capital and employ experts in financial,
legal- marketing and other areas of business. Their success depends upon how they start production
and on the acceptance of their products in the market.
B. Non-technical Entrepreneur: Non-technical entrepreneurs are those who are not concerned
with the technical aspects of the product or service in which they deal. They are concerned only
with developing alternative marketing and promotional strategies for their product or service.
4. According to Motivation: Motivation is the main force that promotes the efforts of the entrepreneur to
achieve his goals. An entrepreneur is motivated to achieve or prove his excellence in their performance.
According to motivation we can classify entrepreneur as:.
C. Motivated Entrepreneur: New entrepreneurs are motivated by the desire for self-fulfillment.
They come into being because of the possibility of making and marketing some new products for
the use of consumers. They are motivated through reward like profit.
5. According to Growth: The industrial units are identified as high growth, medium growth and low growth
industries and as such we have ‘Growth Entrepreneur’ and ‘Super Growth Entrepreneur.’
A. Growth Entrepreneur: He necessarily takes up a high growth industry and chooses an industry
which has sustained growth prospects. Growth entrepreneurs have both the desire and ability to
grow as fast as large as possible.
A. Novice Entrepreneur: A novice is someone who has started his/her first entrepreneurial venture.
A novice entrepreneur is an individual who has no prior business ownership experience as a business
founder, inheritor of a business, or a purchaser of a business. It is not similar to early starter; a
novice can also be a 50 year old with over 25 years of experience in the industry.
7. Other Entrepreneurs:
A. First-Generation Entrepreneurs: This category consists of those entrepreneurs whose parents
or family had not been into business and was into salaried service. The booming economy of India
has led to a multitude of business opportunities, and with deregulation, it has become easier to set
up businesses. Also, with a change in the mindset of the middle class, it is now more acceptable to
become an entrepreneur. A first-generation entrepreneur is one who starts an industrial unit by
means of an innovative skill. He is essentially an innovator, combining different technologies to
produce a marketable product or service.
B. Modern Entrepreneur: A modern entrepreneur is one who undertakes those businesses which
go well along with the changing scenario in the market and suits the current marketing needs.
C. Women Entrepreneurs: Women as entrepreneurs have been a recent phenomenon in India.
The social norms in India had made it difficult for women to have a professional life. Now this has
changed. Progressive laws and other incentives have also boosted the presence of women in
entrepreneurial activity in diverse fields. In 1988, for the first time, the definition of Women
Entrepreneurs’ enterprise was evolved that termed an SSI unit/industry-related service or business
enterprise, managed by one or more women entrepreneurs in proprietary concerns, or in which
she/they individually or jointly have a share capital of not less than 51 per cent as partners /
shareholders / directors of a private limited company / members of a cooperative society, as a
Woman Enterprise.
D. Nascent Entrepreneur: A nascent entrepreneur is an individual who is in the process of starting
a new business.
E. Habitual Entrepreneur: Ahabitual entrepreneur is an individual who has prior business ownership
experience. The nascent entrepreneur can either be a novice or a habitual entrepreneur.
F. Lifestyle Entrepreneurs: Lifestyle entrepreneurs have developed an enterprise that fits their
individual circumstances and style of life. Their basic intention is to ear an income for themselves
and their families.
G. Copreneurs: It is related to the married couples working together in a business. When a married
couple share ownership, commitment and responsibility for a’ business, they are called “copreneurs”.
As copreneurs, couples struggle in ventures to establish equality in. their relationships. Such couples
represent the dynamic interaction of the systems of love and work.
H. IT Entrepreneurs: IT entrepreneurs are creating a new business platform that takes them
straight to the top. They are confident, ambitious innovative and acquired creativity in the competitive
global environment and created a niche of their self. They are the brave new bunch of entrepreneurs
who are raring to take on the world of information technology.
I. Social Entrepreneur: Social entrepreneur is one who recognizes the part of society which is
stuck and provides new ways to get it unstuck. Be it dedicated efforts for child upliftment, fighting
for the conservation of Assam’s rainforests, working for the betterment of the blind or initiatives to
empower women, the entrepreneur’s passion is very strong. Freedom, wealth, exposure, social
mobility and greater individual confidence are driving this huge wave of social innovation and
entrepreneurship. After all are tired with the Inefficiency of governments and the indifference of
corporate, and want to make a change and this is the case everywhere.
J. Forced Entrepreneurs: The money-lenders of yesterday, who are thrown out of their family
business because of government legislation, the neorich Indians returning from abroad and the
educated unemployed seeking self-employment form this class of entrepreneurs.
K. Individual and Institutional Entrepreneurs: In the small scale sector individual entrepreneurs
are dominant. Small enterprises outnumber the large ones in every country. Such entrepreneurs
have the advantage of flexibility, quick decision making. But a single individual can establish, operate
and control an organization up to a limit. Thereafter, it becomes necessary to institutionalize
entrepreneurship. The business will have to acquire a number of new entrepreneurial skills through
a corporate body. A group of entrepreneurs has to be developed to handle the increasingly complex
network of decision making. The central function of the entrepreneur remains the same but the basic
decisions like the line of business, the amount of capital employed, etc. are taken collectively by the
promoters at the helm of affairs. Thus, individual entrepreneur and institutional entrepreneur coexist
and support each other. Corporate sector the symbol of institutionalized entrepreneurship.
L. Entrepreneurs by Inheritance: At times, people become entrepreneurs when they inherit the
family business. In India, there are a large number of family controlled business houses. Firms in
these houses are passed from one generation to another.
The various types of entrepreneur based on certain basis are also explained in the figure 4.1:
On the basis of Industrial
type of business Corporate
According to Non-technical
use of technology Professional
According ot Induced
motivation Motivated
According Growth
to growth Super growth
According to Novice
entrepreneurial activity Serial
Fist generation
Other Women
IT entrepreneur Habitual
Social entrepreneur Life style
Institutionalized Copreneurs
Forced entrepreneur By inheritance
60 Reasons Why company-branded baseball hat daily.
He is the boss -- he can wear
Entrepreneurship Is Amazing whatever he wants.
Every entrepreneur has a different story
about why he or she decided to start a
6. You have the opportunity to
business. Some have known from day one
change lives. Have an idea for a
that they wanted to work for themselves and
product or service that has the
others come up with ideas while working for
potential to make a huge impact? Go
someone else and decide to take the
for it -- nothing is stopping you!
entrepreneurial leap.
7. You have full control over your
Most business owners will agree on one
workspace. Do you excel in a
thing -- being an entrepreneur is great.
creative environment? Want an
There are endless reasons for this, and
office with dry-erase paint so you
every entrepreneur will have his or her own
can draw on the walls and a full
personal reasons as well. Here are 60
espresso bar to keep you full of
reasons, in no particular order, why I think
caffeine? Make it happen!
entrepreneurship is amazing.
1. You have full control over your
8. It provides a rush that is hard to
destiny. You call the shots and
duplicate. There is no greater shot
make the decisions that ultimately
of adrenaline than the one you
determine the success or failure of
receive after reaching a goal and
your business. Nobody will get in the
knowing you worked extremely hard
way of your vision.
to get to that point.
2. Entrepreneurs are innovators.
9. You serve as a role model. As an
Think of all the new technology and
entrepreneur, people will look up to
ideas that have come to life over the
you. You have the ability to be a role
past few years. Those were all once
model for family, friends, employees
just an idea -- but amazing
and community members. Your
entrepreneurs brought those ideas
success serves as motivation and
to life.
3. You become part of a family. The
10. You will never be bored. There is
entrepreneurial culture is almost like
always something to do and you will
a big family -- and you won't find a
more than likely always have a mile
better group of people willing to offer
long to-do list. Every day presents
advice and help than fellow
new challenges and new
opportunities to keep you on your
4. You control who represents your
brand. The team you surround
11. Freedom to travel. Modern
yourself with plays a major role in
technology, remote employees and
your success -- you can assemble a
the Internet allow you the freedom to
team of like-minded individuals that
travel while still running your
share your same drive and passion.
business. Being able to see the
world while creating an amazing
5. No dress code. CEO and Founder
company is a realistic possibility.
of Vivint, Todd Pedersen, was
recently on the TV show Undercover
12. There is no age barrier.
Boss and stated that he wears a
Entrepreneurs are starting at very
young ages -- some straight out of something better or more efficient?
college, some while still in high Make it happen!
school and even children as young
as 9 years old that want to create 20. Spend more time with family.
healthy treats. Entrepreneurs with children have the
ability to adjust their schedules to
13. Your mind will always be utilized. attend school functions and
Every single decision that involves activities.
your business is your responsibility,
from the initial concept and branding 21. You get out what you put in. If you
to the growth and goal setting. are willing to work harder than
anyone else, you will be rewarded
14. The satisfaction of saying you're a accordingly. Want to experience
business owner. It is a great feeling more growth and opportunities?
to be able step back and say, "this is Simply work harder.
my company," while proudly holding
your head up. Being an entrepreneur 22. Provide opportunities for family
takes an incredible amount of work - members. Many will say that mixing
- those few words feel so good family and business partnerships is
coming out of your mouth. a bad idea (and I agree) -- but this is
less of an issue when talking about
15. Go cubicle free. Entrepreneurs have an employer/employee relationship.
total freedom to roam, create,
delegate and work. There are no 23. Opportunity to give back. Owning a
cubicles or desks to be tied to all business gives you the opportunity
day. to support local charity events, local
schools and nonprofit organization.
16. No blame game. As an Being able to make a difference in
entrepreneur, there is no finger- your community is a great feeling.
pointing when something goes
wrong. Knowing every decision that I 24. Become healthier. A flexible
make daily directly impacts my schedule allows you to create a
business is the best kind of fitness routine and stick to it. Hit the
motivation. gym early in the morning, at lunch or
in the evening -- whatever works for
17. You never feel undervalued. If you you.
have ideas to make the business
better you can implement them right 25. Enjoy your hobbies. As long as you
away -- you don't have to hope that "do the work" and give 100 percent
someone in a higher position will when in work mode, your free time
give you the time of day and listen to can be spent doing the things you
your suggestions. love. Attend more sporting events,
play more rounds of golf or fish
18. Creating something from nothing. more. Being an entrepreneur
Every business starts as an idea. provides you with the ability to enjoy
You get to create it from the ground your hobbies more.
26. You contribute to society. You can
19. Opportunity to make a better directly impact society by introducing
mousetrap. Have an idea to make a service or product that people use.
27. No more frantically checking the 34. Turn your passion and beliefs into a
time. How many times does the 9-to- business. Are you passionate about
5 crowd check the clock daily? health and fitness? Become a
Often. As an entrepreneur your time nutritional consultant or open a gym.
management balance is key. Your You have the ability to create a
day ends when your tasks and business as well as impact people
responsibilities are taken care of. through your passions and beliefs.
28. You report to nobody. There is no 35. You can make people happy. There
boss to report to and you don't have is a good chance you own an Apple
to get expense requests approved. If product -- an iPhone, MacBook,
you want to do something you iMac, iPod or iPad. These products
believe will help your business there bring a smile to faces of millions
is no red tape to navigate through. every single day. Sure, Apple is
making billions of dollars, but they
29. It'll be one of the biggest challenges are also making their customers
you will face. Leading a company happy.
and team members on a growth path
is a huge challenge. The obstacles 36. You will never hit a ceiling. Some
you face along the way will provide jobs have a growth cap and you can
you with an experience you won't only advance so far. When you are
find anywhere else. an entrepreneur, there is no growth
30. No career hamster wheel. Imagine
doing the same thing every day for 37. Earn a living doing what you love.
as long as you work. Thankfully, as Let's face it, money is important.
an entrepreneur you don't have to When you are able to make a
worry about this -- you wear multiple comfortable living doing what you
hats and play a variety of roles. love it's a win-win situation.
31. The ability to pivot. If your business 38. Feeling appreciated is great. It's a
model slows down, you have the great feeling when you receive an
freedom to pivot. Think of how many email or phone call from someone
businesses died because of the that took time out of his or her day to
Internet. The ones with good leaders let you know that your business
simply pivoted and made impacted them in a positive way.
adjustments to survive.
39. Build your own security. It doesn't
32. You get to work with brilliant minds. get any more secure than controlling
As an entrepreneur you will connect your own destiny. You will never
with extremely intelligent people stress about having the wrong
from all over the world. You person in charge of a business.
encounter brilliant minds on your
team and through business 40. You get to constantly learn. As an
relationships. entrepreneur you are always
learning lessons -- sometimes the
33. Create a legacy. Creating a hard way. It is a priceless education
successful brand to the point where that you can't get in a classroom.
it leaves a personal legacy behind is
appealing and serves as motivation 41. Eliminate downsizing or layoff fears.
for many entrepreneurs. Businesses make cuts and lay off
employees daily. That can be your employees to work from home
extremely stressful. When you on Fridays? How about providing in-
become an entrepreneur this fear office daycare to allow your
doesn't exist. employees to bring their children to
work? You get to develop the
42. Bad days could always be worse. A corporate culture that you believe
bad day as an entrepreneur is better will provide the best environment for
than a bad day working for someone success and excellence.
50. Experience personal growth. It is a
43. No degrees or pieces of paper stand great feeling when you look back
in your way. You don't have to have and see how much you have grown
a degree from an Ivy League school as an individual. The growth and
to start a business. In fact, some of success of a business is often
the most successful tech billionaires directly related to the personal
dropped out of college. growth of the entrepreneur behind it.
44. You get to push the envelope. There 51. You become an expert problem
are no boundaries -- create, invent solver. As a business owner you
and disrupt as you wish. This is how become very resourceful and over
brilliant ideas are born. time you will learn to overcome
anything and solve any problem
45. Satisfy your personal curiosity. Most placed in front of you.
entrepreneurs are curious -- will my
idea work? Can I grow this into a 52. It never feels like work. Some might
sustainable business? Can I be a disagree -- but that just means they
good leader? haven't found what they truly love to
do. Once you do find that you will
46. No more boring meetings. Gone are never refer to what you do as work.
the days of boring meetings -- now,
if you are in a boring meeting, you 53. Even learning disabilities can't stop
have nobody to blame but yourself. you. Johnny Earle, the creator of the
brand Johnny Cupcakes, is proof
47. Media and press acknowledgement. that not even a learning disability
When your company receives media can stop an entrepreneur from
coverage and validation it is succeeding. If you don't know
extremely satisfying. Recognition for Johnny's story watch this video for
the hard work you put in helps fuel some inspiration.
your inner fire.
54. Endless life experiences. You get to
48. You become a provider. As an travel to new places and interact
entrepreneur you will become a with different people all the time.
provider for many. Your employees What some might see as just a
will depend on your leadership and business conference, you see as an
decision-making, as it will directly opportunity to visit a new part of the
impact their livelihood and well- world and meet people you would
being. never have met otherwise.
49. Create your own corporate culture. 55. You develop an iron jaw. You are
You get to create a corporate culture going to get hit and knocked down.
based on your beliefs. Want to allow Learning to take the punches and
continuing to get up turns you into a of earning returns and rewards, from that
stronger business owner and business. He is the most important person
individual. who envisions new opportunities, products,
techniques and business lines and
56. You get to walk on the wild side. coordinates all the activities to make them
When you put your own livelihood real.
and finances on the line because
you believe in something 100 On the contrary, an intrapreneur is an
percent, it becomes an extreme employee of the organization who is paid
rush. remuneration according to the success of
the business unit, for which he/she is hired
57. You conduct your own performance or responsible.
review. Sales, company morale,
growth and customer feedback can The primary difference between an
all be used to judge your entrepreneur and intrapreneur is that the
performance -- not some person with former refers to a person who starts his own
a clipboard and a generic Q&A business with a new idea or concept, the
review test. latter represents an employee who
promotes innovation within the limits of the
58. You can get competitive with organization. In this article excerpt, we are
yourself. Entrepreneurs are providing you with some other important
competitive by nature. The goal is to points of distinction between the two.
constantly improve and grow, so turn
it into a personal competition. Can BASIS FOR ENTREPRENEUR INTRAPRENEUR
you make more business contacts COMPARISON
today than you did yesterday? Can Meaning Entrepreneur Intrapreneur
you motivate your sales team to refers to a refers to an
crush the numbers from yesterday? person who employee of
set up his own the
59. It enables you to dream big. No idea business with organization
is too crazy and no goal is too big a new idea or who is in
when you are an entrepreneur -- you concept. charge of
can dream as big as you want! undertaking
innovations in
60. You don't have to be lucky. Luck has product,
nothing to do with being successful. service,
Thinking it does is just an excuse process etc.
that prevents you from achieving
success. Approach Intuitive Restorative