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Attitudes of High School Students toward Physical Education and Their Sport
Activity Preferences

Article  in  Journal of Social Sciences · April 2011

DOI: 10.3844/jssp.2011.529.537

86 2,206

1 author:

Howard Zeng
City University of New York - Brooklyn College


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Journal of Social Sciences 7 (4): 529-537, 2011
ISSN 1549-3652
© 2011 Science Publications

Attitudes of High School Students toward

Physical Education and Their Sport Activity Preferences

Howard Z. Zeng, Michael Hipscher, and Raymond W. Leung

Department of Physical Education and Exercise Science
Brooklyn College of the City University of New York, USA

Abstract: Problem statement: Identifying and understanding correlates of school children’s physical
education activity participation are critical to promoting current and lifelong physical activity
participation of children. Among other factors, children’s attitudes are considered to be a key element
influencing physical activity participation. Children who have more positive attitudes toward physical
activity are reported to be more likely to participate in physical activity outside of school and
demonstrate higher physical activity amounts than those with less positive attitudes. Fostering
children’s positive attitudes toward physical activity would be conducive to the promotion of current
and lifelong physical activity participation of children. Aims at to examine high school students’
attitudes toward Physical Education Activity (ATPEA) and their sports activities preferences.
Approach: Participants were 1,317 students in grades 9-12th (603 boys and 714 girls) from five urban
public school districts. The Physical Education Activity Attitude Scale (PEAAS) adapted version was
employed for data collection. One-way ANOVA revealed that the five highest scores were Items 2, 16,
11, 18 and 5 on the PEAAS. Results: The overall mean score (70.160±3.948) indicated positive
ATPEA for the participants. The independent group ANOVAs identified significant (p<0.01)
differences in ATPEA scores with respect to participants’ gender, ethnic group and Socio-Economic
Status (SES). Girls scored higher than boys in Items 2, 13 and 15. Caucasian students scored higher
than other four ethnic groups in Items 8 and 10. Students with middle SES scored higher than
students with low and high SES in Item 2. Conclusion: The current ATPEA status of the participants
appears to be positive. There are some crucial factors that structure the participants’ ATPEA. These
factors are related to students’ perception, benefit, care and value about physical education programs
and sports activities.

Key words: Perception, value of program, team sport, aerobic exercise, Physical Education (PE),
sports activities, activity preferences, theoretical framework, Attitudes Toward Physical
Education Activity (ATPEA)

INTRODUCTION ways and determine ones’ involvement in him or her

daily activities (Rikard and Banville, 2006). Developed
Researchers in the field of Physical Education a theoretical framework for a rational action, their
(PE) indicated that identifying and understanding the framework further explained attitudes flow come from
factors that are associated with children’s physical beliefs and yield intentions and actions. While
activity participation are critical to the promotion of intentions are a function of two basic determinants: (a)
current and lifelong physical activity participation one’s personal attitude toward a behavior and (b) one’s
(Chung and Phillips, 2002; Ding et al., 2006; Sallis attitude toward others (i.e., peers, teacher/leader and
et al., 2000). Among many factors, the children’s parents). The first determinant is the individual’s
attitude is considered to be a key factor that influences positive or negative evaluations for performing the
physical activity participation (Chung, M. and D.A. behavior; It just as Silverman and Subramaniam (1999)
Phillips, 2002; Ding et al., 2006; Hagger et al., 1995; indicated: generally, with positive beliefs one will have
Solmon, 2003). a favorable attitude toward the object of the beliefs;
Rikard and Banville (2006) stated that attitudes are otherwise one will possess an unfavorable attitude
born from beliefs that one’s has about him or herself toward the object of the beliefs [28]. The second
and things. Attitudes shape ones’ behaviors in many determinant is the person’s perception of social
Corresponding Author: Howard Z. Zeng, Department of Physical Education and Exercise Science,
Brooklyn College of the City University of New York, United States
J. Social Sci., 7 (4): 529-537, 2011

pressure to perform or not perform the behavior based associated with enjoyment, perceived usefulness of the
on the evaluation of others. Therefore, an attitudinal curriculum and a sense of belongingness [33].
consideration and a normative consideration are formed Curriculum with situational interests, such as those
that exert different degrees of power toward influencing requiring students to analyze and design offensive and
one’s behaviors for more positive or negative responses defensive strategies, may foster students’ interests in
(Rikard and Banville, 2006). physical activity (Chen and Darst, 2001). A learning
Strand and Scantling (1994) pointed out that people environment that promotes personal meaning is
express their beliefs and attitudes daily through considered to be important to the development of
behaviors and language. In PE, obtaining students’ positive attitudes (Rink, 2006). Children are also likely
insight into their beliefs is a critical source for to become more positive toward physical activity if
understanding their attitudes and their interests and they are in a learning environment that makes them
involvement toward their PE program (Strand and comfortable and confident (Hagger et al., 2003).
Scantling, 1994). Carlson (1995) indicated that students would lose
Researchers indicated that children who have interest in physical activity if the subject matter lacks
more positive attitudes toward physical activity are challenges or the instructors repeat the same class
reported to be more likely to participate in physical activities without bringing fun to the children [4].
activity outside of school (Chung and Phillips, 2002; Siedentop (2004) also argued that a multi-activity
Ding et al., 2006; McKenzie, 2003; Portman, 2003)
curriculum with a series of short-term units would
and demonstrate higher physical activity levels
negatively influence the attitudes of students
(Hagger et al., 19985) than those with less positive
toward physical education. In contrast found that it
attitudes. According to a review of literature on
is difficult for students to maintain interests in
children’s Attitudes toward Physical
traditional team sports than in individual sports or
Education/Activity (ATPEA) by Solmon (2003),
activities. Additionally, Tannehill et al. (1994)
children’s characteristics and contextual factors are
two major factors that are related to children’s found that, if physical education in school curricula
attitudes. Children’s characteristics refer to children’s becomes a marginal status, it would have a negative
age, gender and sports skill. Contextual factors impact on students’ attitudes (Subramaniam and
include the quality of physical education programs Silverman, 2007).
and the accessibility of after school physical activities. Gender difference is another factor that has been
With regard to children’s characteristics, addressed in children’s ATPEA research. In the studies
elementary children are found to have more positive comparing the differences of attitudes toward physical
attitudes than secondary school children (Lee, 2004; education between girls and boys by Birtwistle and
Martin, 2000; Solmon and Carter, 1995; Xiang et al., Brodie (1991), Folsom-Meek (1992) and Hick et al.
2004) and children’s attitudes become less positive as (2001), girls were found more favorable ATPEA
they progress through their schooling (Biddle and emphasizing aesthetics, whereas boys were found more
Mutrie, 2008; Lee, 2004; Prochaska et al., 2003; Xiang positive ATPEA in challenging and risk-taking
et al., 2004). It is also found that elementary school
activities (Folsom-Meek, 1992; Papaioannou, 1994).
children express very favorable attitudes toward health,
fitness, enjoyment and social interaction benefits of Specifically, Greenwood and Stillwell, (2001) reported
physical activity, but do not enjoy physical activities that boys demonstrated strong interests in archery,
involving hard practice and risk-taking movements bowling, flag football and wrestling, whereas girls
(Patterson and Faucette, 1990). Lee (2004) found that preferred gymnastics, softball and volleyball
the younger children possess more positive attitudes (Greenwood and Stillwell, 2001). Furthermore, boys
toward physical activity and show more interests were reported to have more positive attitudes than girls
toward all kinds of physical activities. However, the toward physical activities bringing them risk-taking
reliability of younger children responding to questions experiences, whereas girls were more positive than
might need to be carefully considered due to their lower
boys in physical activities with beautiful and graceful
self-evaluation ability (Lee, 2004).
With regard to contextual factors, the quality of movements (Colley et al., 1994; Hick et al., 2001;
physical education programs has been reported to be a Parkhurst, 2000). Subramanian and Silverman (2002),
strong factor influencing children’s ATPEA, however, did not find gender difference in attitudes
Subramaniam and Silverman (2002) indicated that between boys and girls toward physical education
school children’s positive attitudes are likely to be (Subramaniam and Silverman, 2007).
J. Social Sci., 7 (4): 529-537, 2011

With regard to children’s sports/activities MATERIAL AND METHODS

preferences, Greenwood and Stillwell (2001) found that
children had strong interests in basketball, bicycling, Participants: Ten public high schools were recruited
roller-skating, soccer, swimming and volleyball and had voluntarily from five school districts of New York City
little interests in folk or square dancing, badminton, (two schools from each school distract of the NYC). A
field hockey and floor hockey (Greenwood and total of 1,317 participants in grades 9-12 (603 boys and
Stillwell, 2001). Parkhurst, (2000) conducted a study to 714 girls, aged 16.79±1.14 yr) returned the informed
compare the attitudes toward physical activity and consent signed by their parent and voluntarily
physical activity levels of sixth grade children in completed the questionnaire. Among the participants,
different ethnic groups. Parkhurst found that African 54.21% were females, 72.51% claimed they preferred
American boys possessed more positive attitudes in the co-ed class format and 74.26% claimed they came from
middle-income family which is families with annual
ascetic sub domain than African American girls.
incomes between about $40,000 and $65,000. The
Regardless of ethnicity, boys possessed higher physical
percentages of participants came from different ethnic
activity levels than girls (Parkhurst, 2000). Concerning
groups reflected the diverse characteristics of this urban
Socio-Economic Status (SES), limited research has city with 10.86% Caucasian, 21.56% Africa American,
been conducted to examine how SES affects children’s 42.82% Hispanic, 22.32% Asian and others 2.44%.
attitudes toward physical activity and participation in
sports and physical activities. Physical education characteristics of the selected
Since 1990, there has been an increase in the body school districts: The characteristics of the physical
of knowledge in children’s ATPEA. The increased education lessons provided by the selected school
interest in this topic might be attributed to the influence districts were as follows: (a) Each high school provided
of attitudes toward further participation in physical physical education lessons on the content knowledge of
activities after school (e.g., studies by (Papaioannou, basic motor and manipulative skills, cardiorespiratory
1994; Strand and Scantling, 1994; Subramaniam and endurance, flexibility, muscular strength, muscular
Silverman, 2002; Tannehill et al., 1994) and further endurance and body composition; (b) Students were
participation in physical activities out of school that required to participate in physical activities that develop
related to achievements in students’ sport competition physical fitness skills, demonstrate fundamental
(Graham et al., 2007; Lee, 2004; Strand and Scantling, motor, non-locomotor and manipulative skills,
1994; Subramaniam and Silverman, 2002). Researchers understand the effects of activity on the body and the
also reported that students tend to participate in physical risks associated with inactivity, understand the
activities continually when they perceive the activities to relationship between physical activity and individual
be fun and enjoyable (Silverman and Subramanian, well being; (c) Students learned the necessary
1999). As most of the previous studies were conducted at knowledge and skills to establish and maintain
the elementary and middle school levels, examining the physical fitness, to participate in physical activity and
to maintain personal health. The students had one
ATPEA of high school students is important.
physical education lesson per day, five days per week.
New York City (NYC) is the most populous and
diverse city in the United States. The City is the center
Questionnaires: Two questionnaires were administered
of international finance, politics, entertainment and
to the participants. The first questionnaire was the
culture. The City includes the largest population of
Physical Education Activity Attitude Scale (PEAAS)
immigrants from over 180 countries. Moreover, the
originally developed. This was a study and pencil self-
City contains the largest public school system in the report questionnaire with a 5-point Likert-type scale
nation, with over 1 million students taught throughout with responses ranging from 1 (Strongly Agree) to 5
1,200 separate schools. To the knowledge of the (Strongly Disagree) summed across 20 items, resulting
investigators, no studies have been conducted to in a range of scores from 20-100. A score of 20
examine students’ ATPEA and sports/activities indicated the most negative attitude, 21-40 indicated a
preferences in this City where both the educational negative attitude, 41-60 indicated a neutral attitude,
system and the students’ population possess the most 61-80 indicated a positive attitude and 81-100
diverse characteristics on earth. Hence, the purpose of indicated a highly positive attitude (Appendix A). The
this study was to examine the current status of ATPEA second questionnaire was the Sports/Activities
and sports/activities preferences of the high school Preference Questionnaire (see Appendix B) developed
students in the City of New York. by the Principal Investigator (PI). This questionnaire
J. Social Sci., 7 (4): 529-537, 2011

contained eight questions that asked the participants to highest score was Item 11 (M = 3.961±0.829), in which
self-report the activities they preferred and their the participants actually believed that “Physical
demographic information. This questionnaire had a exercise is the best way to obtain a youthful looking
Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient of.92, an and agile body.”
intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.90 and a scale The top five high scores, in rank order, answered by
validity coefficient of 0.93. the participants were Items 2, 16, 11, 18 and 5 (Table 1).
The fourth highest score was Item 18 (M =
Data collection procedures: After the schools were 3.942±1.038), in which the participants did not believe
selected, permission to conduct the current study was that “High school would be better without physical
granted by the administrators of the schools. In the education/activities classes.” In other words, the
letter to the school administrators, the purposes, participants believed that without physical education,
procedures and potential outcomes of the study were high school would not be possible as it is supposed to
described. Students were then asked if they would be be. The fifth highest score was Item 5 (M =
willing to participate in the study. The volunteer 3.887+0.903), in which the participants believed that
students signed the inform consent forms. The “Physical exercise provides an important relief from the
questionnaires were administered by their instructors in stress of one’s daily life.” In other words, the high school
physical education class settings and the students students felt that physical exercises bring them fun and
completed the questionnaires. After the questionnaires relaxation and are their essential daily activities.
were collected, the investigators checked the Moreover, the overall mean score for the 20 items was
completion of each questionnaire and the incomplete 70.160+3.948 indicating that the participants in the
questionnaires were eliminated. In the current study, the current study certainly possessed positive ATPEA.
completion rate was 87.8% (1,317 out of 1,500 Results of the participants’ sports/activities
questionnaires). Additionally, unofficial interviews with preference are presented in Table 2. Nearly sixty-two
the program directors of the high schools were carried percent of the students reported that they preferred
out during this study and the interview questions playing team sports; 22.85% of the students reported
focused on their facilities, equipment, traditional sports, that they liked to play individual sports; and 15.19% of
physical education and activities curriculum and state the students were in favor of playing dual game sports.
and school district requirements. Among the five activities, aerobic exercise (35.91%)
Statistics analyses: Descriptive statistics were was the most favorite activity and weight lifting
computed in regard to the high school students’ (23.01%) was ranked second. Other activities, such as
ATPEA. A one-way Analysis Of Variance (ANOVA) dance (19.50%), outdoor adventure (11.92%) and
was utilized to determine the current status of the martial arts (8.12%), were ranked right after.
ATPEA for the participants. Furthermore, independent Table 1: Descriptive Statistics of Participants’ Attitudes-toward
group ANOVAs that determined the differences in Physical Education/Activity (ATPEA) from Physical
ATPEA scores with respect to participants’ gender, Education Activity Attitude Scale (PEAAS); (N = 1,317)
ethnic groups and SES were also conducted. Items M SD
Item 1 3.872 0.844
RESULTS Item 2 4.004* 0.988
Item 3 2.924 0.991
The aim of this study was to examine the ATPEA Item 4 2.723 1.051
and sports/activities preferences of the high school Item 5 3.887* 0.903
Item 6 3.413 1.140
students in the public schools from the five boroughs of Item 7 3.711 1.008
New York City. The descriptive statistics with respect Item 8 3.030 1.116
to the ATPEA scores for the participants from the Item 9 3.832 0.820
PEAAS are presented in Table 1. Item 10 3.213 1.086
Item 11 3.961* 0.829
The highest score (M = 4.004±0.988) was Item 2, Item 12 3.247 1.081
in which the participants believed that “Physical Item 13 3.666 1.037
education is not only beneficial to those who are Item 14 3.872 1.024
already in good body conditioning”. In other words, the Item 15 3.421 1.127
Item 16 4.002* 0.911
participants believed that physical education should be Item 17 3.124 1.097
beneficial to anyone who regularly participates in it. Item 18 3.942* 1.038
The second highest score was Item 16 (M = Item 19 3.493 0.792
Item 20 3.352 1.088
4.002±0.911), in which the participants believed that Total M = 3.508 SD = 0.987
“During high school years, anybody who is serious Note: M = mean score; SD = standard deviation. * Top five high
about physical education is not foolish”. The third score items
J. Social Sci., 7 (4): 529-537, 2011

Table 2: Participants’ sports/activities preferences survey: the results students (M = 3.811±0.897). For item 13, the female
summary (N = 1.317)
students (M = 3.732 ±0. 976; DF = 1, F = 6.457) scored
Factors n (%)
Sports preferences
significantly (p = 0.011) higher than those of males (M
Team sports 816 61.96 = 3.587±1.099). For item 15, the female students (M =
Individual sports 301 22.85 3.498± 1.075; DF = 1, F = 7.49) scored significantly (p
Dual game sports 200 15.19
= .006) higher than those of male students (M =
Activities preferences
Aerobic exercise 473 35.91 3.328±1.180). Concerning the differences among the
Weight lifting 303 23.01 ethnic groups, for item 8, the Caucasian group (M =
Dance 277 19.50 3.343±1.126; DF = 4, F = 4.720) scored significantly (p
Outdoor adventure 157 11.92
Martial arts 107 8.12 = .000) higher than other three groups (M =
3.427±1.045). For item 10, the Caucasian group (M =
Table 3: Comparisons to determine the differences in attitudes toward 3.427±1.045; DF = 4, F = 3.218) scored significantly (p
physical education/activities scores for participants with = 0.007) higher than other three groups (M =
respect to gender, ethnic groups and social economic status
(n = 1.317)
3.427+1.045). For item18, the Asian children (M =
Factors n M SD p 4.092+0.968; DF = 4, F = 3.413) and the Caucasian
Gender children (M = 4.056±0.940) scored similarly whereas
Item 2 0.003 the Hispanic children (M = 3.878±0.1.080) and the
Male 603 3.811 0.897 Africa. American children (M = 3.838±1.051) also
Female 714 3.923 0.793
Item 0.011 scored very similar. In regard to the SES factor, only
Male 603 3.587 1.099 one significant (p = 0.003) difference was found, that
Female 714 3.732 0.976 was Item 19, in which children from middle income
Item 15 0.006
Male 603 3.328 1.180 family scored M = 3.441±0.780, DF = 2, F = 5.733;
Female 714 3.498 1.075 children from low income family scored M =
Ethnic groups 3.383±0.757; and children from high income family
Item 8 0.000
Caucasian 143 3.343 1.126
scored M = 3.214±0.874.
African A 284 2.863 1.089
Hispanic 564 2.969 1.110 DISCUSSION
Asian 294 3.136 1.109
Others 32 3.113 1.089
Item 10 0.007 The present study examined the current status of
Caucasian 143 3.427 1.045 the participants’ attitude toward ATPEA and their
African A 284 3.074 1.069
Hispanic 564 3.168 1.090 sport/activities preference. At the same time, this study
Asian 294 3.340 1.080 also addressed the differences on ATPEA of the high
Others 32 3.056 1.125 school students with regard to their gender, ethnicity
Item 18 0.005
Caucasian 143 4.056 0.940 and SES. Generally speaking, the findings of this study
African A 284 3.838 1.051 indicated that the overall mean score over the 20 items
Hispanic 564 3.878 1.080 for ATPEA of the participants was 70.160±3.948. This
Asian 294 4.092 0.968
Others 32 3.930 1.162 result indicated that the current ATPEA status of the
Social economic status participants is positive. The top five highest scores were
Item 19 0.003
High 159 3.214 0.874
Item 2 which stated that “Physical education is not only
Middle 978 3.441 0.780 beneficial to those who are already in good body
Low 180 3.383 0.757 conditioning”; Item 16 which stated that “During high
Note: Only the top three significant (p<0.05) findings were presented; school years, anybody who is serious about physical
M = mean, SD = standard deviation. African A = African American
education is not foolish”; Item 18 which stated that
Furthermore, the comparisons for determining “High school would be better without physical
the differences with respect to gender, ethnic groups education/activities classes”; Item 11 which stated that
and SES were computed using independent group “Physical exercise is the best way to obtain a youthful
ANOVAs (Table 3). looking and agile body”; and Item 5 which stated that
Gender differences showed that for item 2, female “Physical exercise provides an important relief from the
students (M = 3.923±0.793; DF = 1, F = 8.615) scored stress of one’s daily life”. We believe these factors are
significantly (p = 0.003) higher than those of male important in structuring the ATPEA of the participants.
J. Social Sci., 7 (4): 529-537, 2011

Concerning the sport preference of the participants, with the previous studies reporting that boys had more
with a wide range of selection from the physical positive ATPEA than girls (Koca and Demirhan, 2004;
education curriculum (team sports: football, baseball, Parkhurst, 2000; Subramaniam and Silverman, 2007).
basketball, volleyball and soccer; individual sports: The current findings were consistent with the findings
Swimming, Track and Field; and dual game sports: of the following studies (Colley et al., 1994; Hagger et
tennis, badminton and table tennis), team sports are the al., 1995; Parkhurst, 2000) indicating that, as physical
participants’ first choice, individual sports second and activities focused on aesthetics with beautiful and
dual game sport third (Table 2). These findings might graceful movements (e.g., dance, gymnastics and yoga),
be attributed to the influence of the following three girls showed more positive ATPEA than boys.
factors: (a) the status of facilities and equipment of the On the other hand, in the studies of the children’s
schools; (b) the school’s tradition and teachers’ skill attitudes toward physical activity, boys were found to
expertise; and (c) the majority students’ preference. have more positive attitudes toward physical activities
According to the unofficial interviews with the that were challenging and had elements of risk
program directors of these high schools, all these (Folsom-Meek, 1992; Smoll and Schutz, 1980;
schools have excellent facilities and equipments for Subramaniam and Silverman, 2007). In this aspect, the
team sports, fair facilities and equipment for current study also found that boys were more favor of
individual sports, but fairly good facilities and the sports and activities of soccer, basketball, weight
equipment for dual game sports. Moreover, these lifting, outdoor adventure and martial arts and had more
program directors claimed that they have at least one positive ATPEA than girls. It is worth pointing out that,
the finding of “the female high school students are
team sport as their school’s traditional sport.
serious about their physical education classes and
Among the five optional physical activities, the
regard physical education classes as important as other
order of the participants’ favor was: aerobic exercise,
academic classes” (see Items 13 and 15 and the Results
dance, weight lifting, outdoor adventure and martial
section for detail) was new to the ATPEA study and
arts. According to the unofficial interviews with the
was different from other previous studies.
program directors of these high schools, the activities
Concerning the ethnic factor, significant
preferences of these high school students might be differences in the ATPEA scores among the five ethnic
attributed to the school district requirements, the groups were found in Items 8, 10 and 18. Caucasian
traditional activities of the school, the influence of children scored higher in Item 8 and Item 10 than the
physical education teachers’ expertise and preference, other four ethnic groups and they scored second high in
the environment of physical education classes and the Item 18 among the five groups. These findings
ethnic and cultural background. For example, demonstrated that Caucasian children had better
Caucasian and Africa American children like and are understanding of the importance of physical education
good at team sports, Hispanic children like and are and exercise in their life. Asian children scored the
good at dancing and Asian children prefer to play highest in Item 18, scored the second in Item 8 and
individual sports and martial arts. The present result scored the third in Item 10 among the five groups, thus
was related to the finding of Hagger et al. (2002) illustrating that Asian children’ ATPEA were in the
suggesting that students are likely to become more second position that was right after the Caucasian
positive toward physical activity if they are in a children. The mean ATPEA score from Items 8, 10 and
learning environment that makes them comfortable 18 for Hispanic and Africa American groups were in
and confident (Hagger et al., 1995). According to the the fourth and fifth position among the five groups.
program directors of these high schools, since 2005, These data might be due to the fact that this population
the school districts in New York City have provided a represented the largest sample size in this survey with a
wide range of options in physical activities classes for very large standard deviation, thus resulting in their
students to choose from or take part and the learning mean ATPEA score in the fourth and fifth position
environments in those high schools are also because some children scored very high but other
comfortable and make their students feel comfortable children scored low. This finding might provide the
and confident. future direction to foster urban high school students’
With regard to the gender differences between boys ATPEA for our educators.
and girls, the current study found significant gender Lastly, concerning how the SES affected
differences in the ATPEA scores in Items 2, 13 and 15. participants’ ATPEA. The only significant difference
As the study hypothesized that, gender would have was Item 19, stating that “There is a scientific basis for
significant differences on participants’ ATPEA. The the value of physical education/activity.” In Item 19,
present results showed that the hypotheses were true. the children from middle-income family scored higher
The findings of this study were slightly inconsistent than those children from low and high-income families.
J. Social Sci., 7 (4): 529-537, 2011

The reason for the difference was unknown. students being physically active (U.S. Department of
Additionally, the current study also examined the Health and Human Services, 2000). (3) Multiple
preferences of students in co-ed or single-sex physical teaching strategies are recommended to be applied to
education class formats. Results showed that nearly meet the needs of diverse learners (Zeng et al., 2010).
75% of the students claimed they preferred a co-ed (4) To offering a wide variety of sports and
class format whereas about 25% of the students claimed activities for whom to choose. (5) Students’
they preferred a single-sex class format. A reason for cultural background and gender characteristics must
this finding might be related to the fact that the U.S. be taken into consideration when planning for their
public educational system did not promote the single- lessons or programs.
sex physical education class format. Currently, New Briefly speaking, the solutions are lying in a
York City public schools do not have the single-sex multiple dimensional relationship between school
physical education class format and the participants do environment, economic realities, cultural factors and
not know the advantages and disadvantages of the educational policy. Further research is necessary to
single-sex physical education class format. discover it. The bottom line is: if we can change
school children’s attitudes toward PE and have daily
CONCLUSION physical activities become a part of their life, we will
able to reduce the risk the hazards of a sedentary
In summary, the current ATPEA status of the lifestyle when they growing up.
participants appears to be positive. The crucial factors
that structure the participants’ ATPEA are likely be: (a) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
‘benefits’ (e.g., Item 1, 3, 5 and 11); (b) ‘serious
degree’ (e.g., Item 6, 10, 15 and 16); (c) ‘perception’ This research study was supported by a research
(e.g., Item 2, 4, 8 and 14); and (d) ‘value’ (e.g., Item 9, grant from the Research Foundation of the City
12, 18 and 19) about their physical education classes University of New York. USA. The grantee was Dr.
and physical exercises. The participants’ sport Howard Z. Zeng-the Principal investigator of this
preference is: team sports, individual sports and dual research project.
game sports. The participants’ favorite activities are:
aerobic exercise, dance, weight lifting, outdoor REFERENCES
adventure and martial arts.
In general, both male and female participants show Biddle, S.J.H. and N. Mutrie, 2008. Psychology of
positive and similar ATPEA. This finding is consistent Physical Activity: Determinants, Well-Being and
with most previous studies. In specific, the female Interventions. 2Edn., Routledge, New York, pp:
participants in the current study show more positive 428. ISBN: 041536664X
attitudes about their physical education classes than Birtwistle, G.E. and D.A. Brodie, 1991. Children’s
those of the male participants and regard physical attitudes towards activity and perceptions of
education classes as important as other academic physical education. Health Educ. Res., 6: 465-478.
classes. Concerning the ethnic factor, different ethnic doi: 10.1093/her/6.4.465
groups show different favoritism on certain factors. The Carlson, T.B., 1995. We hate gym: Student alienation
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