Guanzon Vince Allen IPAQ Form

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Retrieve the International Physical Activity Questionnaire from this link: 
We are interested in finding out about the kinds of physical activities that people do as part of
their everyday lives. The questions will ask you about the time you spent being physically active
in the last 7 days. Please answer each question even if you do not consider yourself to be an
active person. Please think about the activities you do at work, as part of your house and yard
work, to get from place to place, and in your spare time for recreation, exercise or sport. Think
about all the vigorous activities that you did in the last 7 days. Vigorous physical activities refer
to activities that take hard physical effort and make you breathe much harder than normal. Think
only about those physical activities that you did for at least 10 minutes at a time. 
1. During the last 7 days, on how many days did you do vigorous physical activities like heavy
lifting, digging, aerobics, or fast bicycling? 
_____ days per week 
      □ No vigorous physical activities Skip to question 3 
2. How much time did you usually spend doing vigorous physical activities on one of those
 _____ hours per day 
_____ minutes per day 
 Don’t know/Not sure 
Think about all the moderate activities that you did in the last 7 days. Moderate activities
refer to activities that take moderate physical effort and make you breathe somewhat harder than
normal. Think only about those physical activities that you did for at least 10 minutes at a time. 
3. During the last 7 days, on how many days did you do moderate physical activities like
carrying light loads, bicycling at a regular pace, or doubles tennis? Do not include walking. 
_____ days per week 
 No moderate physical activities Skip to question 5

4. How much time did you usually spend doing moderate physical activities on one of those
 _____ hours per day 
_____ minutes per day 
 Don’t know/Not sure 
Think about the time you spent walking in the last 7 days. This includes at work and at
home, walking to travel from place to place, and any other walking that you have done solely for
recreation, sport, exercise, or leisure. 
5. During the last 7 days, on how many days did you walk for at least 10 minutes at a time?
 _____ days per week
      □ No walking Skip to question 7 
6. How much time did you usually spend walking on one of those days?
 _____ hours per day 
_____ minutes per day 
 Don’t know/Not sure 
The last question is about the time you spent sitting on weekdays during the last 7 days.
Include time spent at work, at home, while doing course work and during leisure time. This may
include time spent sitting at a desk, visiting friends, reading, or sitting or lying down to watch
7. During the last 7 days, how much time did you spend sitting on a week day? 
_____ hours per day
 _____ minutes per day 
      □ Don’t know/Not sure

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