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LESSON/DATE/ Theme Cross Curricular Element

Lesson 44 (Sunday)
Lamguage Value
19th June 2022
5 Amal World of self, family and friends
Main Skill Focus Topic Language/ Grammar Focus

Writing Module 2: Days

Content Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
of purposes in print and digital media

Learning Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
4.2.1 Give detailed information about themselves 2.1.5 Describe people, places and objects using suitable

Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to….
Main Skill Complementary Skill
Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be
able to give detailed information about their able to describe people using suitable statements.
Lesson Plan / Materials & Reference
Teaching & Learning Activities Materials & Reference
Pre-lesson: Teacher writes ‘songs’, ‘music’, ‘costumes’, ‘presents’, ‘a family 1. English Plus 1
meal’ and ‘people to you house’ on the board. 2. Student’s Book
Lesson delivery: Activity 3, 4 and 5
1. Pupils refer to textbook page 26 Activity 5. Teacher explains to pupils by p.4
giving examples.
Ex: Do you ever run at the park? Yes, sometimes. / No, never! / No, not uually.
2. Pupils use the questions from the ‘Happy Days’ survey to ask their partners
while their partners reply using the target language. Pupils take turns to conduct
the activity. Pupils are reminded to write the questions and the answers.
3. Pupils move to another partner to asks and answer.
4. Pupils are guided to write a short paragraph to display their findings about
their friends.
Post-lesson: Teacher checks pupils work and provides feedback.
Assessment / Differentiation Strategies
Assessment Observation
Differ. Strategy S4 Time
Impact Teacher’s Action
Number of pupils who MS CS 22/28 pupils can give detailed information about
Achieved stipulated LO 22 22 their friends.
22/28 pupils can describe people using suitable
Did not achieve stipulated LO 28 28 statements.


LESSON/DATE/ Theme Cross Curricular Element
Lesson 43
Sunday Global
19th June 2022 World of knowledge Sustainability
4 Dedikasi
9.00-10.00 pm
Main Skill Focus Topic Language/ Grammar Focus

Listening Unit 3 : In the past

Content Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly

Learning Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
1.2.5 Understand a sequence of supported questions 2.1.2 Find out about and describe experiences up to now

Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to….
Main Skill Complementary Skill
To listen and answer at least 3 sentences correctly. Ask and answer the question asked correctly.

Lesson Plan / Materials & Reference

Teaching & Learning Activities Materials & Reference
Pre-lesson: Teacher brings a ‘crystal ball’ to class and pretend to be able to see what 1. worksheet
they do outside of class. 2. textbook
Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils read through textbook page 28 again.
2. Pupils listen to CD1 Track 40. Pupils raise their hands to answer YES/NO.
3. Each pupil gets a word strip. They must look for their partner. If pupil A gets a
verb, then he/she must look for partner that has a noun strip and vice versa.
4. Pupils start the verb-noun matching activity.
5. In pairs, each pupil prepares a question to be asked to their partner.
Post-lesson: Pupil A asks the first question while Pupil B answers the questions and
vice versa.

Assessment / Differentiation Strategies

Assessment Observation
Differ. Strategy S4 Time
Impact Teacher’s Action
Number of pupils who MS CS 23/28 pupils can listen and answer at least 3
Achieved stipulated LO 23 23 sentences correctly.
Did not achieve stipulated LO 5 5 23/28 pupils can ask and answer the question
asked correctly.


LESSON/DATE/ Theme Cross Curricular Element

Lesson 49
Sunday, June 19, 2022
6 Cekal World of self, family and friends
12.30am - 1.30 am
Main Skill Focus Topic Language/ Grammar Focus

Reading UNIT 4 : COOL JOBS

Content Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and
and digital texts by using appropriate reading strategies digital texts by using appropriate reading strategies
Learning Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
3.2.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from 3.2.4 Use with support familiar print and digital resources to
clues provided by title, topic, and other known words check meaning

Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to….
Main Skill Complementary Skill
Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words. Use familiar support to check meaning
Lesson Plan / Materials & Reference
Teaching & Learning Activities Materials & Reference
Pre-lesson: Teacher asks pupils to think about the jobs they know. Pupils 1. worksheet
list out the jobs on the board. Teacher guides pupils to categorise the job 2. textbook
based on a similarity (Ex: place of job).
Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils refer to Activity 1 in textbook page 48. Pupils look at the
photos and are asked a few questions (What is the woman in the first
picture doing? Where is she?)
2. Pupils read the questions in Activity 1 and discuss before answering
the questions by reading the text. Audio 1.17 is played for support.
3. Pupils refer to Activity 2. Pupils scan the words in the vocabulary
panel. Pupils refer to the words before and after the words in bold to
guide them with the meanings from the context. Pupils check their
answers on page 137.
4. Pupils refer to Activity 3. Pupils read the text and match the sentences
in their exercise books.
Post-lesson:  Pupils check their answers with the entire class.
Assessment / Differentiation Strategies
Assessment Observation
Differ. Strategy S4 Time
Impact Teacher’s Action
Number of pupils who MS CS 33/34 pupils can guess the meaning of unfamiliar
Achieved stipulated LO 33 33 words.
33/34 pupils can use familiar support to check
Did not achieve stipulated LO 1 1


LESSON/DATE/ Theme Cross Curricular Element

Lesson 44
Monday Patriotism
20th June 2022 World of knowledge
4 Dedikasi
7.30am - 8.00 am
12.00-1.00 pm
Main Skill Focus Topic Language/ Grammar Focus
Past simple (regular
Speaking Unit 3 : In the past
and/or irregular statements)
Content Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
2.3 Communicate appropriately to a small or large group 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly

Learning Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
2.3.1 Narrate short basic stories and events 2.1.2 Find out about and describe experiences up to now

Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to….
Main Skill Complementary Skill
Say out 1 sentence using the verb given correctly. Share at least 1 past experience that they would like to repeat.

Lesson Plan / Materials & Reference

Teaching & Learning Activities Materials & Reference
Pre-lesson: 3. worksheet
1. Teacher explains to pupils that in the ancient Egyptian time, pupils use verbs 4. textbook
differently because it was in the past.
Lesson delivery:
2. Teacher explains about playing on online Hangman game.
3. Pupils play the game in groups.
4. Each pupil get a verb strip. Pupils are briefed about the ‘Story Run’ activity. One
pupil will start a story using the past tense form of the verb they got. Each pupil will
say a sentence.
5. Teacher randomly chooses a pupil to start the story.
6. Pupils share their past experiences that they would like to repeat.

Assessment / Differentiation Strategies

Assessment Observation
Differ. Strategy S4 Time
Impact Teacher’s Action
Number of pupils who MS CS 26/28 pupils can say out 1 sentence using the verb
Achieved stipulated LO 26 26 given correctly.
2 2
26/28 pupils can share at least 1 past experience that
Did not achieve stipulated LO they would like to repeat


LESSON/DATE/ Theme Cross Curricular Element

Lesson 45 (Monday)
Lamguage Value
20th June 2022
5 Amal
World of self, family and friends
Main Skill Focus Topic Language/ Grammar Focus
/s/ and /z/ sound
Language Arts Watching a Bumble Bee

Content Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
5.3 Express an imaginative response to literary texts 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly

Learning Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and intelligibly through 2.1.2 Find out about and describe experiences up to now
creating simple role-plays and simple poems. Other
imaginative responses as appropriate
Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to….
Main Skill Complementary Skill
Respond imaginatively by creating simple Find out and describe their gallery walk experience.
Lesson Plan / Materials & Reference
Teaching & Learning Activities Materials & Reference
Pre-lesson: Pupils are asked to read the poem again for a recap. Anthology of Poem
Lesson delivery:
1. Teacher asks pupils to think about other insects that are suitable to replace
the bumble bee in the poem.
2. In pairs, pupils take note of the words to change in the poem. Teacher make
sure that all the groups have different insects.
3.  Pupils discuss about the other insect that they would like use in the poem
(name of the insect, characteristics).
4. A3 papers are distributed to pupils. Pupils work together in pairs to write
down their new stanzas. Pupils can use their creativity with the stanza creation.
5. Pupils put up their new poem on the wall and everyone take turns to go
around on a gallery walk.
Post-lesson: Teacher asks if anyone found anything funny, weird or illogical
from the poems. Pupils share their answers,
Assessment / Differentiation Strategies
Assessment Observation
Differ. Strategy S4 Time
Impact Teacher’s Action
Number of pupils who MS CS 26/28 pupils can respond imaginatively by
Achieved stipulated LO 26 26 creating simple poems.
26/28 pupils can find out and describe their gallery
Did not achieve stipulated LO 2 2
walk experience


LESSON/DATE/ Theme Cross Curricular Element

Lesson 50
Monday, June, 20 2022
6 Cekal World of self, family and friends
8.30am - 9.00 am
Main Skill Focus Topic Language/ Grammar Focus
Present perfect review (e.g. What’s the
Writing UNIT 3 : ADVENTURE TIME worst experience you’ve ever had?)
Content Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and
of purposes in print and digital media digital texts by using appropriate reading strategies
Learning Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
4.2.1 Give detailed information about themselves 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of simple
texts of two paragraphs or more

Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to….
Main Skill Complementary Skill
Complete the chart. Read and write the names.

Lesson Plan / Materials & Reference

Teaching & Learning Activities Materials & Reference
Pre-lesson: Teacher asks pupils if they know of any cool jobs. Pupils 1. worksheet
share why they think the jobs are cool. 2. textbook
Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils refer to textbook page 50. Pupils read the information in the
Learning to learn. Teacher asks a few questions (How do you find
specific information in a text? Is it necessary to read every word?)
2. Teacher explains the meaning of scanning for specific information to
pupils. Teacher asks pupils to find the answer to the question in textbook
page 49: Which animal did Jill Johnson help last week? Pupils are given
30 seconds to look for the answer.
3. Pupils refer to Activity 1. Pupils copy the chart into their exercise
books and complete it by referring to page 48-49.
4. Pupils refer to Activity 2 and complete the activity in their exercise
Post-lesson:  Pupils check their answers with their partners.

Assessment / Differentiation Strategies

Assessment Observation
Differ. Strategy S4 Time
Impact Teacher’s Action
Number of pupils who MS CS 31/34pupils can complete the chart
Achieved stipulated LO 31 31 31/34 pupils can read and write the names.
Did not achieve stipulated LO 2 2


LESSON/DATE/ Theme Cross Curricular Element

Lesson 51
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
6 Cekal World of stories
8.30am - 9.00 am
Main Skill Focus Topic Language/ Grammar Focus
Statements, negatives & questions in
Listening UNIT 4 : COOL JOBS present perfect + yet and already.
Content Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts

Learning Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
1.2.2 Understand with support specific information 1.2.5 Understand a sequence of supported questions
and details of longer simple texts on a range of familiar
Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to….
Main Skill Complementary Skill
Listen and create a new set of dialogues. Answer the questions.
Lesson Plan / Materials & Reference
Teaching & Learning Activities Materials & Reference
Pre-lesson: Pupils are introduced to the words at the top of textbook page 3. worksheet
52 using examples. 4. textbook
Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils refer to Activity 1 and the teacher asks a few questions (Who
can you see? Where are they? What do you think they are talking
about?).  Pupils answer the questions.
2. Pupils listen to audio 1.18 and check if their answers are correct.
Pupils also check the structure of present perfect (always and yet).
3. Pupils refer to Activity 2. Pupils read the prompts and say if they are
affirmative (ticks) or negative (crosses).
4. Pupils read and write the sentences.
5. Pupils refer to Activity 3. Pupils make a list of things they could do on
the first day at a new school. Pupils share their answers.
6. Pupils refer to Activity 4. Teacher explains that pupils are going to
write their own dialogues based on the answers from Activity 2 and 3.
Post-lesson:  Pupils listen to their friends’ dialogues and provide
Assessment / Differentiation Strategies
Assessment Observation
Differ. Strategy S4 Time
Impact Teacher’s Action
Number of pupils who MS CS 31/34 pupils can listen and create a new set of
Achieved stipulated LO 31 31 dialogues.
2 2 31/34 pupils can answer the questions.
Did not achieve stipulated LO


LESSON/DATE/ Theme Cross Curricular Element

Lesson 46 Tuesday)
Lamguage Value
21th June 2022
5 Amal World of self, family and friends
Main Skill Focus Topic Language/ Grammar Focus

Speaking Module 2: Days

Content Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
2.2 Use appropriate communication strategies 4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range of
purposes in print and digital media

Learning Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges by 4.2.1 Give detailed information about themselves
using suitable questions

Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to….
Main Skill Complementary Skill
Keep interaction going in short exchanges with Give detailed information about themselves.
suitable questions.
Lesson Plan / Materials & Reference
Teaching & Learning Activities Materials & Reference
Pre-lesson: Teacher writes some questions. Ex: What is the special festival that 1. English Plus 1
you celebrate with your family? Do you like it? Why do you like/dislike it? 2. Student’s Book
Teacher guides pupils to answer in present simple. Activity
Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils refer to textbook page 27 Exercise 1. Pupils match the questions with
the answers. Then, pupils check the ‘RULES’ box to check if their answers are
based on the rules.
2. Pupils refer to Activity 2. Teacher does a short recap on ‘do’, ‘does’, ‘has’
and ‘have’.
3. Pupils share their answers of Activity 2 orally.
4. In pairs, pupils refer to Activity 3 and wait teacher’s cue to start. In 2
minutes, pupils must write as many questions as they can based on the grid.
5. After 2 minutes, pupils check their questions for errors.
6. Then, pupils ask their partners the questions that they have created. Pupils
take turns to ask the questions.
Post-lesson:  Pupils share their questions and answers with the class.

Assessment / Differentiation Strategies

Assessment Observation
Differ. Strategy S4 Time
Impact Teacher’s Action
Number of pupils who MS CS 22/28 pupils can keep interaction going in short
Achieved stipulated LO 22 22 exchanges with suitable questions.
22/28 pupils can give detailed information about
Did not achieve stipulated LO 6 6


LESSON/DATE/ Theme Cross Curricular Element

Lesson 45
Tuesday Global
21st June 2022 World of knowledge Sustainability
4 Dedikasi
12.00-1.00 pm
Main Skill Focus Topic Language/ Grammar Focus
Present & Past simple
Reading Unit 3 : In the past

Content Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
and digital texts by using appropriate reading strategies

Learning Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of 1.2.4 Understand longer sequences of supported classroom
simple texts of two paragraphs or more instructions

Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to….
Main Skill Complementary Skill
Read and identify at least 5 sentences correctly. Listen and mime at least 4 sentences appropriately.

Lesson Plan / Materials & Reference

Teaching & Learning Activities Materials & Reference
Pre-lesson: 5. worksheet
1. Pupils refer to textbook page 32 and look at the Vocabulary section. Pupils go 6. textbook
through the words and share their experience with any of the words.
Lesson delivery:
2. Pupils read through the ‘Facts about Egypt and Present.
3. Pupils copy the sentences into their exercise books. Pupils write the sentences into
a table and write ‘PAST’ or ‘PRESENT’ beside the sentences.
4. CD 1 Track 47 is played. Pupils listen and compare their answers.
5. Pupils play the ‘Do as I say’ game where pupils form circles. Each pupil comes
to the middle and says a sentence using past tense. Other pupils standing in the
circle must mime what the person in the has said.

Assessment / Differentiation Strategies

Assessment Observation
Differ. Strategy S4 Time
Impact Teacher’s Action
Number of pupils who MS CS 24/28 pupils can read and identify at least 5 sentences
Achieved stipulated LO 24 24 correctly.
4 4
24/28 pupils can listen and mime at least 4 sentences
Did not achieve stipulated LO appropriately.


LESSON/DATE/ Theme Cross Curricular Element

Lesson 46
Wednesday Global
22nd June 2022 World of knowledge Sustainability
4 Dedikasi
7.30-8.00 am
Main Skill Focus Topic Language/ Grammar Focus
Past simple; use of
Writing Unit 3 : In the past adjectives; coordinating conjunctions:
and; / but
Content Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and
of purposes in print and digital media digital texts by using appropriate reading strategies
Learning Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
4.2.5 Connect sentences into one or two coherent 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of simple
paragraph using basic coordinating conjunctions and texts of two paragraphs or more
reference pronouns
Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to….
Main Skill Complementary Skill
Fill in the blanks with the correct answer they listened Arrange the phrases in the correct order.
from their teacher.
Lesson Plan / Materials & Reference
Teaching & Learning Activities Materials & Reference
1. Choose a pre-lesson task from the list to elicit pupils’ experiences on writing or 7. worksheet
receiving email. 8. textbook
Lesson delivery
2. Follow the instructions in the Teacher’s Book for Activity 1(CD1 – Track 49).
3. 4. Focus on the Writing Tip and use the guidelines in the Teacher’s Book to talk to
your class about the four writing points.
5. Ask pupils to find examples of the four points in the email in Activity 1.
6. Have pupils write an email to a friend about a trip they made using the four points
in the Writing Tip. They could finish the email with a question, to encourage a reply.
Have pupils sit in pairs and support each other in their writing. If possible, have
pupils use computers or other devices to write the emails.
7. Pupils send or exchange the emails with another pupil, who reads it and gives
feedback on it. If time allows, pupils can write a reply, or can do so as homework.
8. Choose a suitable and short Post-lesson task from the list, which asks pupils to
reflect on their learning in this sequence of lessons.
Assessment / Differentiation Strategies
Assessment Observation
Differ. Strategy S4 Time
Impact Teacher’s Action
Number of pupils who MS CS 26/28 pupils can fill in the blanks with the correct
Achieved stipulated LO 26 26 answer they listened from their teacher.
2 2
26/28 pupils can arrange the phrases in the correct
Did not achieve stipulated LO order.

22 JUN 2022

PK 02/03-12
MASA GANTI 0800 – 0830 PAGI
AKTIVITI DIJALANKAN (Pengecualian PIQ2A 0830 – 0930)

LESSON/DATE/ Theme Cross Curricular Element

Lesson 47 (Wednesday)
Lamguage Value
22nd June 2022
5 Amal World of self, family and friends
Main Skill Focus Topic Language/ Grammar Focus

Listening Module 2: Days

Content Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
1.3 Use appropriate listening strategies in a variety of 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and
contexts digital texts by using appropriate reading strategies

Learning Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
1.3.1 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from 3.2.4 Use with support familiar print and digital resources to
clues provided by other known words check meaning

Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to….
Main Skill Complementary Skill
Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words. Use familiar resources to check meaning.

Lesson Plan / Materials & Reference

Teaching & Learning Activities Materials & Reference
Pre-lesson: Pupils refer to text in textbook page 24 for a recap. 1. English Plus 1
Lesson delivery: 2. Student’s Book
1. Pupils are asked to think about their daily routines and compare theirs with Activity 3, 4 and 5
the Radfords. They discuss the differences with their partners. p.4
2. Teacher provides an example for the pupils to start discussing the examples.
Teacher reminds pupils to use ‘but’ to show differences. Ex: The Radford
family has breakfast at 6.46 but I have breakfast at 8.
3. Pupils discuss the differences and share some answers with the class.
4. Pupils refer to Activity 1 and match the sentences with the rules.
5. Pupils copy the sentences in Activity 3 into their exercise books. Pupils
discuss the answers with the teacher.
Post-lesson: Pupils listen to CD1-24 and identify the verbs that end with /iz/
and /s/ sounds. Pupils write down the verbs and share the answers.

Assessment / Differentiation Strategies

Assessment Observation
Differ. Strategy S4 Time
Impact Teacher’s Action
Number of pupils who MS CS 25/28 pupils can Guess the meaning of
Achieved stipulated LO 25 25 unfamiliar words.
Did not achieve stipulated LO 3 3 25/28 pupils can Use familiar resources to check


LESSON/DATE/ Theme Cross Curricular Element

Civic Lesson
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
6 Cekal World of self, family and friends
12.30pm - 1.30 pm
Main Skill Focus Topic Language/ Grammar Focus
Present perfect questions with How
Speaking Respect Religious, Cultural, Ethnic and long..? and answers with for and since
Language Diversity in Malaysia
Content Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts

Learning Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
2.1.1 Give detailed information about themselves 1.2.5 Understand a sequence of supported questions

Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to….

Knowledge: read and answer at least 3 comprehension questions correctly

Socioemotional:  Share at least 2 things that they know about Raya Aidilfitri.
Action:  complete the Year 6 Oh My Raya! Booklet
Lesson Plan / Materials & Reference
Teaching & Learning Activities Materials & Reference
Pre-lesson: Pupils are asked about 3 main races in Malaysia. 5. worksheet
6. textbook
Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils are introduced to common celebration vocabulary.
2. Pupils share what they know about Raya Aildilfitri, Chinese New
Year and Deepavali.
3. Pupils are asked if they do stay around neighbours or have friends who
celebrate Raya, how would they respect and celebrate with the people
around them?
4. Pupils complete I-think map.

Post-lesson:   Pupils share their answers in front of the class.

Assessment / Differentiation Strategies

Assessment Observation
Differ. Strategy S4 Time
Impact Teacher’s Action
Number of pupils who MS pupils can read and answer at least 3
CS 31/34
Achieved stipulated LO 31 31 comprehension questions correctly
Did not achieve stipulated LO 2 2 31/34 pupils can share at least 2 things that they
know about Raya Aidilfitri.
31/34 pupils can complete the Year 6 Oh My
Raya! Booklet

LESSON/DATE/ Theme Cross Curricular Element

Civic Lesson
Thursday Language
23rd June 2022 World of self, family and friends
4 Dedikasi
9.00-10.00 pm
Main Skill Focus Topic Language/ Grammar Focus
Writing Respect Religious, Cultural, Ethnic
and Language Diversity in Malaysia
Content Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and 3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and
style for a range of purposes in print and digital media digital texts by using appropriate reading strategies
Learning Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
4.3.1 Use capital letters, full stops, commas in lists and 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of simple
question marks appropriately in independent writing texts of two paragraphs or more
at discourse level
Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to….

Knowledge: To identify at least four traditional foods in Malaysia

Socioemotional: To know how to express gratitude
Action: To know what one should do and don’t when visiting to someone’s house.
Lesson Plan / Materials & Reference
Teaching & Learning Activities Materials & Reference
Pre-lesson 9. worksheet
1. Teacher plays Heal the World song. 10. Choose an item.
2. Pupils listen and sing the song.
Lesson delivery
3. Teacher shows varieties of food. Teacher asks questions based on the pictures. (Can you
name this food? / Which is your favourite food? / Which culture does the food belongs to?
4. Act 1: Teacher reads out statements and pupils respond through gestures.
5. Act 2: Pupils get into few groups; teacher gives a situation and pupils need make a
statement about the situation given.
6. Act 3: Identify do’s and don't s when someone visit your neighbour from different races.
7. Pupil need to explain what do they understand with the lesson today by giving an

Assessment / Differentiation Strategies

Assessment Observation
Differ. Strategy S4 Time
Impact Teacher’s Action
Number of pupils who MS CS 29/29 pupils can identify at least four traditional
Achieved stipulated LO 29 29 foods in Malaysia
29/29 pupils can know how to express gratitude
Did not achieve stipulated LO 29/29 pupils can know what one should do and
don’t when visiting to someone’s house.


LESSON/DATE/ Theme Cross Curricular Element

Lesson 52
Thursday, June 23, 2022
6 Cekal World of self, family and friends
10.30am - 12.00 pm
Main Skill Focus Topic Language/ Grammar Focus
Present perfect questions with How
Speaking UNIT 3 : ADVENTURE TIME long..? and answers with for and since
Content Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Learning Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
2.1.1 Give detailed information about themselves 1.2.5 Understand a sequence of supported questions

Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to….
Main Skill Complementary Skill
Answer the questions based on their personal Listen and answer the questions.
Lesson Plan / Materials & Reference
Teaching & Learning Activities Materials & Reference
Pre-lesson: Pupils play a short BINGO game using names of jobs 7. worksheet
provided by the teacher. 8. textbook
Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils refer to the picture in Activity 1. Teacher asks a few questions
(Where is the young man? How do you think he feels? Who is the old
man in the white coat? What is he going to do?).
2. Pupils refer to the Graphic Grammar box and read the questions.
3. Teacher explains that we use for to express how long, since to say
when something started in the past is still true now. Teacher can
demonstrate with sample sentences.
4. Pupils refer to Activity 2. Teacher explains the second prompt.
Teacher guides what to sentence with (How long…., Jill (the subject),
past participle of the verb work (worked). Pupils try to write the
question. Pupils complete the exercises independently.
5. Pupils are explained about Activity 3 where pupils must ask and
answer the questions with their friends. Pupils carry out the activity.
Post-lesson:  Pupils share their thoughts.
Assessment / Differentiation Strategies
Assessment Observation
Differ. Strategy S4 Time
Impact Teacher’s Action
Number of pupils who MS CS 31/34 pupils can answer the questions based on
Achieved stipulated LO 31 31 their personal lives.
2 2 31/34 pupils can listen and answer the questions.
Did not achieve stipulated LO

LESSON/DATE/ Theme Cross Curricular Element

Civic (Thursday)
Lamguage Value
23th June 2022
5 Amal World of self, family and friends
Main Skill Focus Topic Language/ Grammar Focus
Races, food and celebration
Speaking Choose an item.

Respect Religious, Cultural,

Ethnic and Language
Diversity in Malaysia
Content Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
Learning Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
4.2.2 Ask for, give and respond to simple advice 2.1.4 Ask about and describe future plans

Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to….

Knowledge: To identify at least four traditional foods in Malaysia

Socioemotional: To know how to express gratitude
Action: To know what one should do and don’t when visiting to someone’s house.
Lesson Plan / Materials & Reference
Teaching & Learning Activities Materials & Reference
Pre-lesson: 1. English Plus 1
1. Pupils are asked what is respect in their understanding.
2. Pupils listen to Heal the World song.
3. Pupils sing the song. Teacher relates the song with Respect.
Lesson Delivery:
4. Pupils complete the table with races, food and celebration from different
racial in Malaysia.
5. Pupils do gallery walk and check other groups answer.
Post lesson:
6. Pupils identify do’s and don’t s when they visit their neighbour from
different races.
7. Pupils in group category the situation given in the table.

Assessment / Differentiation Strategies

Assessment Observation
Differ. Strategy S4 Time
Impact Teacher’s Action
Number of pupils who MS CS 26/29 pupils can identify at least four traditional
26 26 foods in Malaysia
Achieved stipulated LO
26/29 pupils can know how to express gratitude
Did not achieve stipulated LO 2 2 26/29 pupils can know what one should do and don’t
when visiting to someone’s house.

LESSON/DATE/ Theme Cross Curricular Element

Lesson 47 (Sunday)
Lamguage Value
26th June 2022
5 Amal World of self, family and friends
Main Skill Focus Topic Language/ Grammar Focus
Races, food and celebration
Listening Module 2: Days

Content Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
of purposes in print and digital media

Learning Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
4.2.2 Ask for, give and respond to simple advice 2.1.4 Ask about and describe future plans

Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to….
Main Complementary
Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words. Use familiar resources to check meaning.
Lesson Plan / Materials & Reference
Teaching & Learning Activities Materials & Reference
Pre-lesson: Pupils refer asked to think about the three things that do with their 2. English Plus 1
family members or friends at the weekend. Then, in group groups, pupils share
their answer to find out if anyone has similar answers.
Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils refer to textbook page 28 Activity 1. Pupils look at the programme
and check out the new words. Pupils can guess the meaning of the words.
2. Teacher asks pupils if there are any special days in school that they like.
Pupils share their answers and their reasons.
3. Pupils refer to Activity 2. Pupils listen to CD1-26 and complete the dialogue.
4. Teacher writes (A. When you agree) (B. When you’re thinking) (C. When
you’re surprised). Pupils look at the dialogue to look for the responses given
based on situations A, B and c.
Post-lesson:  Pupils read through the programme again and list down the
activities that they would like to do in the afternoon and evening.
Assessment / Differentiation Strategies
Assessment Observation
Differ. Strategy S4 Time
Impact Teacher’s Action
Number of pupils who MS CS 27/28 pupils can guess the meaning of
Achieved stipulated LO 27 27 unfamiliar words.
1 1 27/28 pupils can use familiar resources to check
Did not achieve stipulated LO


LESSON/DATE/ Theme Cross Curricular Element

Lesson 47
Sunday Language
26th June 2022 World of self, family and friends
4 Dedikasi
12.30-1.30 pm
Main Skill Focus Topic Language/ Grammar Focus

Language Arts Topic : The King of Kites

Content Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
5.2 Express personal responses to literary texts 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts

Learning Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
5.2.1 Explain in simple language why the like or dislike 1.2.4 Understand longer sequences of supported classroom
an event, description or character in a text instructions

Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to….
Main Skill Complementary Skill
Share in at least 1 sentence what the story Give at least 2 appropriate reasons for their
might be like. predictions
Lesson Plan / Materials & Reference
Teaching & Learning Activities Materials & Reference
Pre-lesson: Pupils look at ‘The King of Kites’ book cover. Ask Wh-questions about 11. worksheet
the cover. Ex: What do you think this boy likes to do? 12. textbook
Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils conduct a think-pair-share session in their groups to discuss their
predictions of the story.
2. Pupils share their answers and are introduced to the features of the book cover
(title, authors, synopsis and etc).
3. Pupils are given ‘Things You Need’ graphic organisers. Pupils skim through the
book and look for pages that matches the title of the graphic organisers.
4. Pupils complete the graphic organisers.
Post-lesson: Pupils share their answers upon whole-class discussion

Assessment / Differentiation Strategies

Assessment Observation
Differ. Strategy S4 Time
Impact Teacher’s Action
Number of pupils who MS CS 23/28 pupils can share at least 1 sentences what
Achieved stipulated LO 23 28 the story might be like.
Did not achieve stipulated LO 5 5 23/28 pupils can give at least 2 appropriate
reasons for their predictions.


LESSON/DATE/ Theme Cross Curricular Element

Lesson 53
Sunday, June 26, 2022
6 Cekal World of stories
10.30am - 12.00 am
Main Skill Focus Topic Language/ Grammar Focus


Content Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
5.2 Express personal responses to literary texts 4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and style for
a range of purposes in print and digital media
Learning Standards
Main Skill Complementary Skill
5.2.1 Explain in simple language why the like or dislike 4.3.2 Spell a range of high frequency words accurately in
an event, description or character in a text independent writing

Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to….
Main Skill Complementary Skill
Main:  At the end of the lesson, pupils will be Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be
able to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words. able to use familiar support to check meaning
Lesson Plan / Materials & Reference
Teaching & Learning Activities Materials & Reference
Pre-lesson: Teacher asks pupils to think about the jobs they know. Pupils 3. worksheet
list out the jobs on the board. Teacher guides pupils to categorise the job 4. textbook
based on a similarity (Ex: place of job).
Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils refer to Activity 1 in textbook page 48. Pupils look at the
photos and are asked a few questions (What is the woman in the first
picture doing? Where is she?)
2. Pupils read the questions in Activity 1 and discuss before answering
the questions by reading the text. Audio 1.17 is played for support.
3. Pupils refer to Activity 2. Pupils scan the words in the vocabulary
panel. Pupils refer to the words before and after the words in bold to
guide them with the meanings from the context. Pupils check their
answers on page 137.
Post-lesson:  Pupils check their answers with the entire class.
Assessment / Differentiation Strategies
Assessment Observation
Differ. Strategy S4 Time
Impact Teacher’s Action
Number of pupils who MS CS 33/34 pupils can guess the meaning of unfamiliar words.
33/34 pupils can use familiar support to check meaning.
Achieved stipulated LO 33 33
Did not achieve stipulated LO 1 1

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