HSBC Bank Message Implementation Guide: Ifile

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Message Implementation Guide


Middle East and North Africa

Version 9.0 November 2017
Introduction 1

File structure 2

File Specification 3

File Header Record 4

Batch Header and First Party Details Record 5

Second Party Details Record for HVP (PP) and LVP payments (ACH) 11

Second Party Details Record for UAE WPS Payments 24

Second Party Details Record for Oman WPS Payments 26

COS Transactional Record 28

Advising Record 35

Appendices 40

Acknowledgement and Return 40

File Exception Report 40

File Upload Report 42

UAE WPS related error codes 44

Country specific Payment Rules 45

List of Payment Purpose codes for Bahrain 47

List of Payment Purpose codes for Egypt 48

List of Payment Purpose codes for Oman 49

List of Payment Purpose codes for Qatar 50

List of Payment Purpose codes for UAE 51

iFile is designed to enable customers to submit different types of transactional instructions to the Bank in one single
file An iFile file structure contains 3 core entries and 1 optional entry

Core entries
 File Header Record
 Batch Header Record (with first party information)
 Instruction Detail Record

Optional entry
 Advising Record

File Header Record (IFH) is the first record of the file. It contains the identification of the file submitting customer, file level
information and other control Information
Batch Header Record (BATHDR) distinguishes the start of each batch. It consists of the Control Section and the First
Party Section. The Control Section defines the type of instruction within the batch, and the First Party Section carries first
party related information such as account no, value date and transaction amount. A file can have multiple batches of
For each batch, at least one Second Party Details Record (SECPTY) for priority payment and ACH payment or one COS
record (COS) for COS instructions is required. The second party details record for priority payment and ACH payment
defines the detail for beneficiary parties. For customer who adapts the COS format, they can make use of COS record and
COS-BEN record which leverage most of the COS existing format
Advising record (ADV) can be attached to any second party detail record or COS beneficiary information record. The
advising record defines the recipient information and the delivery details. Optional advising free text (ADV-FREETXT) and
table content (ADV-TBLTXT and ADV-TBLBDY) can be added after the Advising record

iFile is a comma-delimited format (csv format) where comma (“,”) is the default delimiter.

File structure
Description Record Type Instruction Type Mandatory (M)
/Optional (O)

File Header IFH M

Priority Batch header (<Control Section><First BATHDR 'IAT”/'LTR”/'FTR” M
payments Party Section>)
(optional ADV
Second Party Details Record SECPTY M
Batch header (<Control Section><First BATHDR 'IAT”/'LTR”/'FTR” M
Party Section>)

Second Party Details Record SECPTY M


ADV Table details ADV-TBLBDY
ACH payments Batch header (<Control Section><First BATHDR 'ACH-DR”/'ACH- M
(optional ADV Party Section>) CR”
Second Party Details Record SECPTY M

Second Party Details Record SECPTY M

ADV Record ADV O
ADV Free text ADV-

Second Party Details Record SECPTY M

ADV Record ADV O
ADV Table details ADV-TBLBDY

COS payments Batch header (<Control Section><First BATHDR 'COS” M

(optional Party Section>)
COS Record COS M
Details, and
ADV record) COS Beneficiary Information Record COS-BEN O

COS Payment Details Free Text Record COS-TXT O

COS Record COS M

COS Beneficiary Information Record COS-BEN O

COS Payment Details Free Text Record COS-TXT O
COS Payment Details Table COS-TBL O
Row Content Record


ADV Table details ADV-TBLBDY

File Specification
M = Mandatory
O = Optional
C = Conditional
S = Specific for some instruction types
N = Not Used
AN = alphanumeric characters (All alpha characters used within iFile message must be presented in UPPER CASE)
N = numerical characters
1 Byte = 1 Character
Some special characters can be used within iFile and they require special handling when used:
 Comma, – This is the default delimiter for CSV file format. User can put an escape character “?” when they want
to use comma as part of the value
 Question mark? – This is the default escape character. User can put an additional “?” when they want to use
questions mark as part of the value
 Other special characters are not supported in iFile format. please contact bank representative for any assistance

Supported Character Sets for Cross Border and Domestic High Value payments
All high value cross-border and domestic payment instructions submitted via File Upload service or via HSBC Connect/
SWIFTnet File ACT must only contain SWIFT supported characters.
Please note that the use of local language is supported for below payments (For details, please discuss with you client
integration manager/ client service manager)
 Cross-border payments from Hong Kong to China and Taiwan
 Domestic High Value payments within China, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Czech Republic,
Poland, Turkey and Russia
File encoding method (Code Page)
We support standard encoding methods for local languages e.g. UTF8, BIG5 JIS1. If you need to use multiple
encoding methods, please ensure to always include the proper encoding method in the file header.

SWIFT supported characters

Character Description
“a” – “z” 26 small characters of the Latin alphabet
“A” – “Z” 26 capital characters of the Latin alphabet
“0” – “9” 10 numeric characters
“/” Solidus (slash)
“-“ Hyphen
“?” Question mark
“:” Colon
“(“ Opening parenthesis
“)” Closing parenthesis
“.” Full stop
“,” Comma
“‘“ Apostrophe
“+” Plus
““ Space

HSBC supports the below encoding methods

 BIG5 (Hong Kong Special Character Set)
 JIS1 (Japanese)
 KR01 (Korean)
 1250 (Central European & Eastern European)
 1255 (Windows for Hebrew)
 1252 (Western European)
 UTF8 (Standard encoding for all possible NLS characters in Unicode)

File Header Record
Item# Inbound fields M/O NLS Format Max Max Remarks
in iFile Lengt Length
h (NLS) (in
(Eng) bytes)
(in bytes)
1 Record Type M AN 16 IFH – This is a constant value
2 File Format M AN 16 IFILE – This is a constant value
3 File Type M AN 16 CSV – This is a constant value

4 HSBC Connect C AN 11 Customer ID will be provided by

Customer ID HSBC e.g. ABC12345001
Mandatory for HSBC Connect client

5 HSBCnet C AN 18 Customer ID will be provided by

Customer ID HSBC
CC = country code
IIII = institution code X...X
= customer ID Mandatory
for HSBC net file upload

6 File Reference M AN 35 Unique for each file (retention for

3 months)

7 File Creation Date M N 10 CCYY/MM/DD

The file creation date should
be within 5 days of the date
of uploading the file

8 File Creation Time M N 8 HH:MM:SS

9 Authorization Type M AN 1 A – Pre Authorized

P – Instruction Level
Authorization F – File Level
Authorization (Summary)
V – File Level Authorization (Detail)
10 File Version M N 3 1.0 – This is a constant value
11 Record Count M N 7 Total number of records in the
file including IFH line

12 Local Language O AN 4 N.A. for Middle East

Character Set

Sample File Header Record:


Batch Header and First Party Details Record
Item Inbound fields M/O NLS Format Max Max Remarks
# in iFile Length Length
(Eng) (NLS)
(in bytes) (in

Control Section
1 Record Type M AN 16 BATHDR – This is a constant value
2 Instruction Type M AN 16 PP IAT – Inter-account
Transfer (both debit
and credit accounts
are within customer’s
HSBCnet portfolio)
LTR – Local Transfer
(both debit and credit
accounts held in
local country and the
transaction currency
can be cleared locally)
FTR – Foreign Transfer
(other than IAT/LTR)

ACH ACH-CR – Autopay out

(Payment/ ACH-DR – Autopay In/
Collections) Direct Debit

COS COS – Cheque



3 Total number of M N 7 This should be the total number of

instructions in batch SECPTY lines under the batch

4 Batch Reference O AN 35 Must provide comma delimiter if no

value provided, should be unique
for 12 months.

ACH/PP Max 35 bytes

5 Filler N 35 Must provide comma delimiter
6 Filler N 35 Must provide comma delimiter

7 Filler N O 35 Must provide comma delimiter

8 Filter N 35 Must provide comma delimiter

Item# Inbound M/O NLS Format Max Max Remarks
fields in iFile Length Length
(Eng) (NLS)
(in bytes) (in

9 Filler N 35 Must provide comma delimiter

Payment (First Party) Details Section

10 Constant Eye Catcher C AN 5 @1ST@ – This is a constant value

Mandatory for all payment types
except COS non-batch mode

11 Value Date C N 8 Mandatory for all payment types

For COS batch mode, this value date
must be same as the value date of
the individual COS records. If this
field is left empty, the value date in
the COS records must also be empty
ACH Value date of
the payments in
YYYYMMDD format.
Value date should not
be less than the file
creation date and not
less than the current
date. The date
difference between the
File Creation date and
the value date cannot
be greater than 5 days

12 First Party Account M N 35 Account number should be

populated without any hyphen,
space or special character. Any
leading or trailing zeroes must
also be populated.

13 Transaction M AN 3 Currency codes must adhere to

Currency* ISO 4217

Only AED for UAE

Only OMR for Oman

COS Only local currency

for CC and ICO

Item# Inbound M/O NLS Format Max Max Remarks
fields in iFile Length Length
(Eng) (NLS)
(in bytes) (in
Algeria PP/ Only local currency
14 Transaction C N 14 Applicable to individual PP
Required if “Payment amount
in Debit account currency”
not provided
(E.g. MAX with decimal place:
123456789012.00 or MAX without
decimal place: 12345678901234).
Amount should be populated without
any separators like comma.
15 Template Mode N AN 1 NA, Must provide comma delimiter
16 Batch Template ID N AN 16 NA, Must provide comma delimiter

17 First Party Account C AN 2 Country code must adhere to ISO

Country 3166 standard
Oman WPS Only OM
COS This will be mapped
as the Debit Account
Country of the Batch
Header record in COS

If not provided, COS

engine will derive the
information given by
the account
Algeria Mandatory to provide
ACH this information. If not
provided the entire
batch of payments will
be rejected
18 First Party Account C AN 4 UAE/OMAN Only HBME
Institution WPS
COS This will be mapped
as the Debit Account
Institution of the Batch
Header record in COS
format. If not
provided, COS
engine will derive
the information
given by the account

19 First Party Account O AN 3 Currency codes must adhere

Currency* to ISO 4217. Must be AED
for UAE WPS and OMR for

20 Payment Amount C N 20 Required if “Transaction Amount”

in Debit account is not provided

Item# Inbound M/O NLS Format Max Max Remarks
fields in iFile Length Length
(Eng) (NLS)
(in bytes) (in

21 First Party Name M AN 120 The Ordering Party Name field

should be used to supply the
name of the party instructing the
Transaction: the ultimate debtor.
This field is MANDATORY and
should specify the name of the
customer instructing the
transaction and on behalf of whom
the payment is made.

Maximum 35 bytes
supported for First
Party Ordering
Party Name.
However, if upto 70
bytes of Ordering
Party Name is
provided, only 2
lines of Ordering
Party address can
be supported.

22 First Party M AN 35 The Ordering Party Address field

Information Line 1 should be used to supply the postal
address of the party instructing the
transaction: the ultimate debtor.
This field is MANDATORY and
should specify the postal address of
the customer instructing the
transaction and on behalf of whom
the payment is made. The address
should contain at least the town or
city, the state or country sub-entity
(where applicable) and the country.

PP Ordering Customer
Address Line 1 (max
35 bytes)

COS Instrument No for

CC only (max 20
bytes) – Mandatory
if Customer level
allocation of cheque
numbers chosen
OMAN Employer CR-NO.
This field will
contain the
registration number
of the employer

Item# Inbound fields M/O NLS Format Max Max Remarks
in iFile Length Length
(Eng) (NLS)
(in bytes) (in

23 First Party M AN 35 The Ordering Party Address field

Information Line 2 should be used to supply the postal
address of the party instructing the
transaction: the ultimate debtor.
This field is MANDATORY and
should specify the postal address of
the customer instructing the
transaction and on behalf of whom
the payment is made.

PP Ordering Customer
Address Line 2 (max
35 bytes)
This field will contain
the commercial
registration number
of the payer.
24 First Party O AN 35 The Ordering Party Address field
Information Line 3 should be used to supply the postal
address of the party instructing the
transaction: the ultimate debtor.
This field can only be used if
Ordering Party Name provided is
35 bytes or less

PP Ordering Customer
Address Line 3 (max
35 bytes)

OMAN WPS Salary year

The year of the
salaries (formatted
as YYYY)
25 First Party C AN 35 Salary month
Information Line 4 OMAN WPS The month of the
salaries (formatted as
Applicable for
26 Payment Code C AN 30 ACH/UAE Applicable for
Authorization type P
WPS/ OMAN Authorization type P
only This value is
WPS only Thistovalue
specific yourisdebit
specific to your
account and will debit
account and will
provided by HSBC be
provided by HSBC.
Payment set can be
reused in another
batch/file only after
the value date of an
earlier batch for
which the set was
used crosses.

PP/ COS Not Applicable

Item# Inbound M/O NLS Format Max Max Remarks
fields in iFile Length Length
(Eng) (NLS)
(in bytes) (in

27 Reference Line 1 CS AN 35 UAE WPS Populate MOL

ID upto 35 digit
For example:
For Oman WPS this
Oman WPS
field will contain one
of the following
values -
1. Salary
2. Bonus
3. Allowance
4. Overtime Payment

Non-WPS Populate a reference

Payments that you want to be
passed back in the
bank statement
ACH Max 12
PP Max 16
COS Mandatory if cheque
number is given in
item 22
28 Reference Line 2 CS AN 35 NA, Must provide comma delimiter
29 Ordering Party O AN 35 PP This field should be
Account/ID used to provide the
originating account
of the instruction,
where an account
other than the HSBC
debit account is the
originating source of
If the Originating
Account Number is
provided, then the
Ordering Party Name
and Address MUST
also be provided. The
address should
contain at least the
town or city, the state
or country sub-entity
(where applicable)
and the country.
Customers may also
provide a unique ID for
the transaction where
no Originating Account
is available.

Sample Batch Header and First Party Details Record:
BATHDR,LTR,1,BATCH REFERENCE,,,,,,@1ST@,20110616,0210xxxxx001,AED,1,,,AE,HBME,AED,,ORDERING

Second Party Details Record for HVP (PP) and LVP

payments (ACH)
Item# Inboun M/O NLS Format Max Max Remarks
d fields Length Length
in iFile (Eng) (NLS) (in
(in bytes) bytes)

Second Party Details Records – PP and ACH/ UAE WPS

1 Record Type M AN 16 SECPTY – this is a constant value

2 Second Party O AN 35 Please populate account number

Account without any hyphens, spaces or
Number any special characters. For IBAN
countries (example Saudi,
Bahrain, UAE, Kuwait, Europe)
please populate IBAN. For Algeria,
please populate 20 digit account

Item# Inboun M/O NLS Format Max Max Remarks
d fields Length Length
in iFile (Eng) (NLS) (in
(in bytes) bytes)

3 Second Party M AN 300 The Beneficiary Name field

Name should be used to supply the
name of the party who will be the
final recipient of the funds: the
ultimate beneficiary. This field is
MANDATORY and should specify
the name of the party who will
ultimately receive the funds.

PP 35 bytes supported
for Second Party
Beneficiary Name.
However, if up to 70
bytes of Second
Party Beneficiary
Name is provided,
only 2 lines of
Second Party
Beneficiary address
can be supported.
ACH For Algeria, Bahrain,
Egypt, Kuwait, Oman,
Qatar and UAE
Max 35 bytes (No
special characters)

ACH-DR Max 20 bytes (No

special characters)
ACH Max 35 bytes (No
(WPS) special characters)

COS Max 100 bytes (No

special characters)

4 Second Party S AN 38 PP NA, Must provide

Identifier comma delimiter

ACH Maximum 12 chars.

Must be unique within
the batch
This reference is used
to identify the
individual transaction
between the ordering
customer and its bank
This value must be
unique for 3 months
(Preauthorized and
File Level
Authorization modes)

ACH Beneficiary
(WPS) Employee ID Max of
12 Digit, it has to be
unique in the file

Item# Inboun M/O NLS Format Max Max Remarks
d fields Length Length
in iFile (Eng) (NLS) (in
(in bytes) bytes)

5 Beneficiary S N 9 PP NA, Must provide

Bank comma delimiter
ACH Please populate 8
character HSBC
provided CBID code

For HSBC account

holders please
populate 11111111
UAE Please populate
ACH/ 9 digits Local Clearing
UAE Code (LCC)
Algeria Please populate 8
ACH digits bank routing
code which is the
first 8 digits of the
account number

6 Beneficiary S N 4 NA, Must provide comma delimiter


7 Transaction S AN 6 NA, Must provide comma delimiter


8 Second Party S N 14 ACH/ Mandatory (e.g. MAX

Transaction UAE with decimal place:
Amount WPS 123456789012.00 or
MAX without decimal
Oman Amount restriction
ACH (Should not exceed
OMR 19,999)
ACH Max 15 digits Numeric
(WPS) with two decimals
Oman MAX with decimal place:
WPS 123456789.000 or MAX
(Net without decimal place:
Salary) 123456789012)

9 Entry S N 8 Value date given in BATHDR will

Value Date over write this value

10 Second Party S AN 60 PP Max of 35 bytes

ACH Max of 35 bytes

Item# Inboun M/O NLS Format Max Max Remarks
d fields Length Length
in iFile (Eng) (NLS) (in
(in bytes) bytes)
Egypt/ Please provide Direct
Qatar Debit Mandate ID
Kuwait Please prefix reference
(Salary) ID><Salary month and
SALARY is a code word
MOSAL ID is 12 digits
Salary month and year
must be in MMMYY
format (example Sep14)
UAE Please provide 29 digit
ACH-DR Direct Debit Reference
or 23 digit Mandate
Reference as mandated
by UAE Central Bank

Direct Debit Reference

is a combination of 23
digit Mandate Reference
followed by 6 digit
sequence number.

If 29 digit, quote 23 digit

Mandate Reference
followed by 6 digit
sequence number. This
sequence should be
different for each
collection being made
from a specific payer.
Example : Month 1 -
Month 2-

In case of failure of a
collection and there is a
requirement to re present
the same request, use
the same 29 digit direct
debit reference that was

Item# Inboun M/O NLS Format Max Max Remarks
d fields Length Length
in iFile (Eng) (NLS) (in
(in bytes) bytes)
Information Oman ACH- The Beneficiary Address field
11 O AN 35
Line 1 should be used to supply the
should not be postal address of the party who
provided will be the final recipient of the
funds: the ultimate beneficiary.
This field is RECOMMENDED
and should specify the name and
postal address of the party who
will ultimately receive the funds.
The address should contain at
least the town or city, the state or
country sub-entity (where
applicable) and the country.

PP Beneficiary Address
Line 1
Oman Beneficiary Address
PP is mandatory for
payments going
outside Oman
Algeria Beneficiary Address is
PP/ mandatory
Information Oman ACH- The Beneficiary Address field
12 O AN 35
Line 2 should be used to supply the
should not be postal address of the party who
provided will be the final recipient of the
funds: the ultimate beneficiary.
This field is RECOMMENDED
and should specify the name and
postal address of the party who
will ultimately receive the funds.

PP Beneficiary Address
Line 2

Information Oman ACH- The Beneficiary Address field

13 O AN 35
Line 3 should be used to supply the
should not be postal address of the party who
provided will be the final recipient of the
funds: the ultimate beneficiary.
This field is RECOMMENDED
and should specify the name and
postal address of the party who
will ultimately receive the funds.
PP Beneficiary Address
Line 3. This field can
only be used if
Beneficiary name is
35 bytes or less.

14 Information S AN NA
Line 4
15 Advice M AN 1 Y – Advice record required
Indicator N – Advice record not required

Item# Inboun M/O NLS Format Max Max Remarks
d fields Length Length
in iFile (Eng) (NLS) (in
(in bytes) bytes)

16 WHT M AN 1 NA for Middle East


17 Filler N 35
18 Filler N 35

19 Filler N 35
20 Filler N 35
21 Filler N 35

Additional HVP (PP) and LVP (ACH CR) fields

22 Constant Eye M AN 5 PP – @HVP@ is a constant
Catcher value ACH CR – @LVP@ is a
constant value (applicable for
Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Kuwait,
Qatar, Oman and UAE

23 First Party N AN 35 NA, Must provide comma

Reference delimiter
24 Payment N AN 3 Currency codes must adhere
Currency to ISO 4217

25 Template ID N AN 16 NA, Must provide comma


26 Exchange O N 12 NA, Must provide comma

Rate delimiter

27 Intermediary O AN 3 SWF for SWIFT address BCD

Institution for bank code or if using
Bank ID/ Intermediary Institution Bank
SWIFT CHIPS ABA/ Fedwire/ Sort
Address Code <Blank> for Bank Name
Code and Address

Item# Inboun M/O NLS Format Max Max Remarks
d fields Length Length
in iFile (Eng) (NLS) (in
(in bytes) bytes)

28 Intermediary C AN 35 Not required if SECPTY(27) = SWF

Bank Name

29 Intermediary C AN 35 Not required if SECPTY(27) = SWF

Bank Address
Line 1
30 Intermediary C AN 35 Not required if SECPTY(27) = SWF
Bank Address
Line 2

31 Intermediary C AN 35 Not required if SECPTY(27) = SWF

Bank Address
Line 3

32 Intermediary C AN 35 Not required if SECPTY(27) = SWF

Bank Address
Line 4

33 Intermediary C AN 35 Mandatory if SECPTY(27) = SWF

Institution Intermediary Institution Bank
Bank ID/ CHIPS ABA/ Fedwire/ Sort Code
SWIFT can be entered here

34 Intermediary C N 34

35 Beneficiary M AN 3 SWF for SWIFT address BCD

Bank ID/ for bank code or if using
SWIFT Beneficiary Institution Bank
Address CHIPS ABA/ Fedwire/ Sort Code
Code <Blank> for Bank Name and
When BCD is used, SECPTY 42
is Mandatory.

Algeria BCD is mandatory.


When BCD is used,

SECPTY 42 is

Bahrain, SWF for SWIFT BIC


Item# Inboun M/O NLS Format Max Max Remarks
d fields Length Length
in iFile (Eng) (NLS) (in
(in bytes) bytes)

36 Beneficiary M AN 34 Mandatory if “Beneficiary Bank

Bank ID/ ID/SWIFT Address Code” =
SWIFT SWF Beneficiary Bank CHIPS
Address ABA/ Fedwire/ Sort Code can
be entered here
Algeria Please populate 8
PP digits bank routing
code which is the
first 8 digits of the
account number
Bahrain, Please populate 8 or 11
Egypt, character SWIFT BIC

37 Beneficiary C AN 35 SECPTY(35) must be

Bank Name provided and Bank Name and
Address should not be used

38 Beneficiary C AN 35 SECPTY(35) must be

Bank Address provided and Bank Name and
Line 1 Address should not be used

39 Beneficiary C AN 35 SECPTY(35) must be

Bank Address provided and Bank Name and
Line 2 Address should not be used

40 Beneficiary C AN 35 SECPTY(35) must be

Bank Address provided and Bank Name and
Line 3 Address should not be used

41 Beneficiary N AN 35 Not Applicable. Should not

Bank Address be used.
Line 4

42 Beneficiary C AN 2 Country code must adhere to ISO

Bank Country 3166 standard
Mandatory for PP. Mandatory if
SWIFT code is provided in field 36.
Mandatory for Priority Payments
when SECPTY 35 is populated
with “BCD”

43 Beneficiary O AN 6 NA, Must provide comma

CHIPS UID delimiter

Item# Inboun M/O NLS Format Max Length Max Remarks
d fields (Eng) Length
in iFile (in bytes) (NLS)
44 Payment C AN 35 Algeria, Provide payment
Details Line 1 (Only 35 Egypt, details example –
characters and Salary payment/
are Kuwait PP Vendor payment etc
allowed. All
data will be
truncated For Pension
after 35 payments,
(Pension D
Payments/ 12345/EMPLOYERID
Adjustments) 123/

For Pension

For New Employee,


For Last Contribution

for Existing Employee,

For Retro Payments

for Existing Employee,

For Temporary

For Resumption Post

Dhabi Pension V/EMPLOYER


45 Payment C AN 35 GPSSA S/MMYYYY/
Details Line 2 (Only 35 (Pension B0000000.00/
character Payments/
s are Adjustments/
allowed. For New
All data will Employee/
For Last
after 35
for Existing

For Retro
Payments for
Employee/ For


UAE - Abu only IF INV=PSM

Dhabi Pension
contributions M

46 Payment C AN 35 GPSSA S0000000.00/

Details Line 3 (Only 35 (Pension C0000000.00/
characters Payments/
are Adjustments/
allowed. All For New
data will be Employee/
For Last
after 35
for Existing

For Retro
Payments for



UAE - Abu
Dhabi Pension
Field should be blank,
contributions do not capture details
(ADPBRF) here
47 Payment C AN 35 GPSSA L0000000.00/
Details Line 4 (Only 35 (Pension O0000000.00/
characters Payments/ T0000000.00
are Adjustments/
allowed. All For New
data will be Employee/
For Last
after 35
for Existing

For Retro
Payments for



UAE - Abu Field should be blank,

Dhabi Pension do not capture
contributions details here
Item# Inboun M/O NLS Format Max Max Remarks
d fields Length Length
in iFile (Eng) (NLS) (in
(in bytes) bytes)

48 Details of O AN 3 SHA for charge shared

Charges BEN for charge to beneficiary
OUR for charge to ordering party

Remarks: Whether the bank

charges will be deducted from
the transaction amount, please
consult your local HSBC
49 Sender N AN 15 NA, Must provide comma
Charges delimiter

50 Charges N AN 34 NA, Must provide comma

Account delimiter
51 Instruction O AN 35 Supported Instruction Code:
Code Line 1 CHQB

52 Instruction O AN 35
Code Line 2
53 Instruction O AN 35 NA, Must provide comma
Code Line 3 delimiter
54 Instruction O AN 35 NA, Must provide comma
Code Line 4 delimiter

55 Bank to Bank C AN 35 Only up to 5 lines of 35
Information bytes will be passed as
Line 1 Instruction to Beneficiary
The data provided will be
separated into lines of data
to be passed to the
beneficiary bank. The first
line will be 35 bytes and
subsequent lines 33 bytes.
i) If you are providing
Exchange Contract
Number (SECPTY (61-
62)*) OR CNY Purpose of
Payment code (In any of
the lines between SECPTY
(55-59)), you have 1 less
line to be passed on as
Instruction to Beneficiary
ii) If both Exchange
Contract Number and CNY
Purpose of Payment Code
are provided, you have 2
less lines.
iii) If you are using the
Authorisation Type of ILA
and using Get Rate
functionality, then number
of lines will further be
reduced by 1 line.
*If you are providing 2
Exchange Contract
Information SECPTY (61-
64), the number of lines will
be reduce by 2 instead of 1
for Instruction to
Beneficiary Bank
Supported Bank to Bank
iii) If you are using the
Authorisation Type of ILA
and using Get Rate
functionality, then number
of lines will further be
reduced by 1 line.
*If you are providing 2
Exchange Contract
Information SECPTY (61-
64), the number of lines will
be reduce by 2 instead of 1
for Instruction to
GPSSA Pension

For Adjustments /E0000000.00/

For New
Employee /E0000000.00/C00
For Last
Contribution for
Existing 00000.00/EDDDM
Employee MYY

For Retro
Payments for /E0000000.00/C00
Existing 00000.00/SDDDM
Employee MYY

For Temporary
Suspension /E0000000.00/C00
Post /E0000000.00/C0
Temporary 000000.00/RODD
Suspension MMYY

UAE - Abu Dhabi Field should be

Pension blank, do not
contributions capture details here

56 Bank to Bank C AN 35 Refer to the remarks

Information provided in Bank to Bank
Line 2 information Line 1


Payments for

For Temporary

UAE - Abu Dhabi Field should be

Pension blank, do not
contributions capture details
(ADPBRF) here
Item# Inboun M/O NLS Format Max Max Remarks
d fields Length Length
in iFile (Eng) (NLS) (in
(in bytes) bytes)

57 Bank to Bank C AN 35 Refer to the remarks

Information provided in Bank to Bank
Line 3 information Line 1
(Pension ZP000DDMMYY/
58 Bank to Bank C AN 35 Refer to the remarks
Information provided in Bank to Bank
Line 4 information Line 1
(Pension UA000DDMMYY
59 Bank to Bank C AN 35 Refer to the remarks
Information provided in Bank to Bank
Line 5 information Line 1
ACH CR /LP000000000.00
60 Bank to Bank O AN 35 NA, Must provide comma
Information delimiter
Line 6
61 1st Exchange O AN These take priority to
Contract SECPTY (55-59) when
Number passing on Bank to Bank

When 1st exchange

contract number and
amount is used, there will
be 1 less line to be
passed on as Instruction
to Beneficiary Bank.

When 1st and 2nd

exchange contract
number and amount is
used, there will be 2 less
line to be passed on as
Instruction to Beneficiary

62 1st Exchange O N Refer to the remarks

Contract provided in Item 61
63 2nd Exchange O AN Refer to the remarks
Contract provided in Item 61
64 2nd Exchange O N Refer to the remarks
Contract provided in Item 61

Item# Inboun M/O NLS Format Max Max Remarks
d fields Length Length
in iFile (Eng) (NLS) (in
(in bytes) bytes)

65 Regulatory M AN 35 Qatar The purpose of

Reporting PP payment applies to both
Line 1 domestic high value and
cross borders RTGS
payments. For
domestic payments
below QAR 250,000
(payment currency –
QAR), 4 letter
payment purpose
code is mandatory in
below format:
For Instruction Level
For File Level
Preauthorized files, /
is the ISO country code
of beneficiary
The List of Payment
Purpose codes are
available in the

Bahrain Bahrain : /BENEFRES/


UAE: Domestic
payment in AED
currency to banks in
e Code

Domestic payment in
UAE all currencies to banks
in UAE (except AED):
se Code

Cross border payment

in all currencies:

se Code

Bahrain, Purpose of Payment

Egypt, code.
and UAE

Item# Inboun M/O NLS Format Max Max Remarks
d fields Length Length
in iFile (Eng) (NLS) (in
(in bytes) bytes)

66 Regulatory O AN NA, Must provide comma

Reporting delimiter
Line 2

67 Regulatory O AN NA, Must provide comma

Reporting delimiter
Line 3

68 Advise By O AN NA, Must provide comma


69 Advise By O AN NA, Must provide comma

Number delimiter

70 Intermediary O AN 2 Country code must adhere to ISO

Bank Country 3166 standard
(Not available for Instruction
Level Authorization)

Exception case: Mandatory if

using Intermediary Institution
Bank CHIPS ABA/ Fedwire/
Sort Code SECPTY (33)
Instruction Level Authorization

Second Party Details Record for UAE WPS Payments
Ite Inbound fields in M/O NLS Format Max Max Value in iFile/Remark
m# i-File Length Lengt
(Eng) h
(in (NLS)
bytes) (in
Second Party Details Records – UAE WPS
1 Record Type M AN 16 WPSAE – This is a constant value

2 Employee ID M AN 35 Unique Identifier as provided by Labor

Regulatory Authority (Should be unique
within a file)

3 Pay start date M N 35 Must be of the format YYYYMMDD

4 Pay end date M N 35 Must be of the format YYYYMMDD

5 Days in a period M N 35 Must be the number of calendar days

for which the salary is being paid

6 Fixed Amount M N 15 Valid amount (e.g. 2345.97/23.00/22).

If no contribution from this component
then send 0.00. Negative amounts are
NOT permitted and the file will be

7 Variable Amount M N 15 Valid amount (e.g. 2345.87/23.00 22).

If no contribution from this component
then send 0.00. Negative amounts are
NOT permitted and the file will be

8 Days on leave M N 35 This shall be the number of days that the

employee has availed of leave without
pay in the pay period. If no leave has
been availed off then indicate with zero

9 Housing O N 15 "Valid amount (e.g., 2345.87 / 23.00

Allowance / 22). If no
contribution from this component then
send 0.00. Negative amounts are NOT
permitted and the file will be rejected."

10 Conveyance O N 15 "Valid amount (e.g., 2345.87 / 23.00

Allowance / 22). If no
contribution from this component then
send 0.00. Negative amounts are NOT
permitted and the file will be rejected."

11 Medical O N 15 "Valid amount (e.g., 2345.87 / 23.00

Allowance / 22). If no
contribution from this component then
send 0.00. Negative amounts are NOT
permitted and the file will be rejected."

Ite Inbound fields in M/O NLS Format Max Max Value in iFile/Remark
m# i-File Length Lengt
(Eng) h
(in (NLS)
bytes) (in
12 Annual Passage O N 15 "Valid amount (e.g., 2345.87 / 23.00
Allowance / 22). If no
contribution from this component then
send 0.00. Negative amounts are NOT
permitted and the file will be rejected."

13 Overtime O N 15 "Valid amount (e.g., 2345.87 / 23.00

Allowances / 22). If no
contribution from this component then
send 0.00. Negative amounts are NOT
permitted and the file will be rejected."

14 All Other O N 15 "Valid amount (e.g., 2345.87 / 23.00

Allowances / 22). If no
contribution from this component then
send 0.00. Negative amounts are NOT
permitted and the file will be rejected."

15 Leave O N 15 "Valid amount (e.g., 2345.87 / 23.00

Encashment / 22). If no
contribution from this component then
send 0.00. Negative amounts are NOT
permitted and the file will be rejected."

SECPTY,AE1102000000000000XXXX1,MR XYZ,00000001,302020120,,,10.00,20160224,2400000422201300000046

Second Party Details Record for Oman WPS Payments
Ite Inbound fields in M/O NLS Format Max Max Value in iFile/Remark
m# i-File Length Lengt
(Eng) h
(in (NLS)
bytes) (in
Second Party Details Records – Oman WPS
1 Record Type M AN 5 WPSOM – This is a constant value

2 Employee Bank M AN 11 SWIFT BIC - The SWIFT BIC of the

Identification Code bank where employee has his/her

The type of identification document for

the employee. This value will equal one
of the supported ID types as defined in
WPS system lookup tables.
3 Employee ID Type M N 1
Possible values as follows :

(i) If Passport "P"

(ii) If Civil ID "C"

The employee identification number

4 Employee ID M N 17 associated with the provided
identification document.

5 Salary frequency M N 1 The frequency of the paid salary. It shall

be one of the following values:
· “B” – Bi-weekly
· “M” – Monthly
Note: It is recommended to specify the
salaries of one type of frequency in one
payment file (not mix frequencies).

6 No. of Working O N 3 Total number of days that employee

days worked during the month. It can be
less than 30 days.

7 Basic Salary M N 9.3 (13) The amount that the Employer should
pay to the employee monthly, in
Omani Riyals according to the
contract or by the law. The basic
salary should be more than 0 (zero).

8 Extra Income O N 9.3 (13) Extra income is specified in Omani

Riyals. It can include the following:
 Transportation allowances
 Housing allowances
 Overtime
 Working on holidays or
 Bonuses or raises
 Any previous or late payments
 Any advance payments for the
 Or anything else

Ite Inbound fields in M/O NLS Format Max Max Value in iFile/Remark
m# i-File Length Lengt
(Eng) h
(in (NLS)
bytes) (in
bytes) Total deductions are specified in Omani
9 Deductions O N 9.3 (13)
Riyals. It can include:
 Violations against the country
laws or violations
 Loans payments
 Coverage for damage caused
by the employee to the
 Decrease the salary (in case
of sick vacation)

10 Social Security O N 9.3 (13) Total deductions are specified in Omani

Deductions Riyals for Social Security.
Note: Social Security Deductions are
only applicable for Omani nationals.
WPS will be able to distinguish whether
the employee is an Omani national or
not from the employee CIVIL ID.

11 Extra Hours O N 3.2 (6) The total number of hours that

employee worked after his working
hours (shift) or during the holidays.

12 Notes O AN 300 Extra notes including justification for any

divergence in the payments.

neLn2,BeneAddress Ln3,,N,N

COS Transactional Record
Item Inbound fields in M/O NLS Format Max Max Value in iFile/Remark
# iFile Length Lengt
(Eng) h
(in (NLS)
bytes) (in
COS Details Record (ICD)

1 Record Type M AN 16 COS – This is a constant value

2 Batch Template/ M AN 1 I – This is a constant value


3 Payment Type M AN 5 CC – Company Cheque

DD – Demand Draft
ICO – In-country Cashier Order
4 Debit Account O AN 2 Country code must adhere to ISO
Country 3166 standard

5 Debit Account O AN 4
6 Debit Account M N 35

7 Debit Account O AN 2
Product Type
8 Debit Currency O AN 3 Debit Account Currency
Currency codes must adhere to
ISO 4217

9 Instruction O AN 3 Transaction Currency

Currency Currency codes must adhere to
ISO 4217
CC, ICO – Only Local currency (e.g.
AED for UAE) is supported
DD – Cross currency is supported
10 Instrument C N 20 Either Instruction amount in instrument
Amount in currency or Instruction amount in debit
Instrument currency must be filled
Currency Indicate with decimal places, if any,
e.g., 100.05

UAE DD: If Amount exceeds AED

20,000, payment purpose is mandatory

Ite Inbound fields in M/O NLS Format Max Max Value in iFile/Remark
m# iFile Length Lengt
(Eng) h
(in (NLS)
bytes) (in
11 Instrument C N 20 Either Instruction amount in instrument
Amount in currency or Instruction amount in debit
Debit Currency currency must be filled
Indicate with decimal places, if any,
e.g., 100.05

Please adhere to ISO standard

for decimal places

12 Instrument Date O N 8 If instrument date is blank, the system will

(YYYYMMDD) default to the earliest applicable date.

Instruction date value should be identical

with BATHDR 11 value, i.e. if BATHDR
11 is NULL then COS 12 is NULL

13 Issuing/Clearing C AN 2 Country code must adhere to ISO

Bank Country 3166 standard

Must be blank when Payment Type

is ‘DD’

For ICO this value refers to the country

where the ICO is to be issued and

14 Customer O AN 35 Max 18 bytes. Shown on Payment

Reference Advice
Should be unique, cannot be
duplicated for one year

15 Layout O AN 25 The layout template ID specified must

Template ID be already maintained. Otherwise, the
default value (if any) will be used if not

16 Beneficiary ID O AN 16 Use to retrieve beneficiary information

that is preset in HSBC system (When
this field is specified, no additional
beneficiary information will be required)

17 Payment Details O AN 16 NA, Must provide comma delimiter

Template ID
18 Remarks 1 O AN 100 This value may only be shown in some
report but NOT on the instrument or

19 Remarks 2 O AN 100 This value may only be shown in some

report but NOT on the instrument or

20 Deduct Charge M A 1 B = Charge to Beneficiary

Flag C = Charge to Debit account

Ite Inbound fields in M/O NLS Format Max Max Value in iFile/Remark
m# iFile Length Lengt
(Eng) h
(in (NLS)
bytes) (in
21 Show Order C A 1 Indicate whether to print the debit
Customer Flag account holder’s name (as stored in
HSBC’s back office system) on the
back of the instrument;
For ICO/CCO/DD/CBC only;
Y – Print ordering customer name at
the back of the instrument

22 Override M A 1 Indicate whether to allow transaction

Duplication Flag to bypass duplication check.
Y – Bypass duplication check and
process transaction even with duplicated
customer reference
N – Transactions with duplicated
customer reference will not be

23 Number of C N 3 Indicate the total number of recipients to

Recipients be advised for this instruction. (Should
be equivalent to the number of ADV
records for this instruction)

Zero or leave blank when no advises

are required;
A max of 6 recipients is supported
for each instruction.

Exchange Information
24 First Contract O AN 7 For instructions with foreign exchange
Number involved only

25 First Contract O N 20 For instructions with foreign exchange

Take-up Amount involved only

26 Second Contract O AN 7 For instructions with foreign exchange

Number involved only

27 Second Contract O N 20 For instructions with foreign exchange

Take-up Amount involved only

28 Key-in Rate O N 15 For instructions with foreign exchange

involved only

29 Dealer O AN 12 For instructions with foreign exchange

Reference involved only

Ite Inbound fields in M/O NLS Format Max Max Value in iFile/Remark
m# iFile Length Lengt
(Eng) h
(in (NLS)
bytes) (in
30 Exchange O AN 20 For instructions with foreign exchange
Control involved only
31 Drawee Bank O AN 2 Country code must adhere to ISO
Country 3166 standard

32 Drawee Bank O AN 72 Drawee bank and branch name;

Branch The format is Drawee Bank Name\\
Drawee branch Name

DD Purpose of Payment

33 DD Purpose of O AN 35 For DD only – The value will be printed

Payment line 1 at the back of instrument

UAE DD: Mandatory If Amount exceeds

AED 20,000

34 DD Purpose of O AN 35 For DD (only), the value will be printed

Payment line 2 at the back of instrument

Signature ID

35 Signature ID 1 O AN 40 Applicable for Preauthorized only

36 Signature ID 2 O AN 40 Applicable for Preauthorized only

37 Signature ID 3 O AN 40 Applicable for Preauthorized only

38 Template ID O AN 16
39 Template Record C AN 1

40 Template O AN 100
Country Specific Fields

41 Payment Code C AN 6

42 Payment C AN For Unique Reference

Information Line 1 individual Line (35 bytes)

43 Payment C AN
Information Line 2
44 Payment C AN
Information Line 3
45 Payment C AN 50
Information Line 4

Ite Inbound fields in M/O NLS Format Max Max Value in iFile/Remark
m# iFile Length Lengt
(Eng) h
(in (NLS)
bytes) (in
46 Drawee Bank C AN 3

47 Drawee Branch C AN 4

48 Reference N AN 12

49 Special Instruction C AN 35

50 Special Instruction C AN 35

51 Receiver Identity C AN 16
Beneficiary Information Record
1 Record Type M AN 16 COS-BEN – This is a constant value

2 Template/ M AN 1 I – This is a constant value


3 Action Code (for N AN 1

instructions only)

4 Beneficiary ID (for N AN 16
instructions only)

5 Beneficiary Name M AN 100

6 Beneficiary C AN 40 Mandatory when Delivery To field is

Address 1 Beneficiary ('B”) and Delivery Mode is
ordinary mail ('O”), registered mail
('R”) and courier ('C”)

7 Beneficiary O AN 40
Address 2

8 Beneficiary O AN 40
Address 3
9 Beneficiary O AN 40
Address 4

10 Beneficiary O AN 40
Address 5

11 Beneficiary Post/ O AN 20
Zip Code

12 Beneficiary C AN 2 Mandatory when Delivery To field is

Country Beneficiary ('B”) and Delivery Mode is
ordinary mail ('O”), registered mail
('R”) and courier ('C”)

Country code must adhere to ISO

3166 standard

13 Payee Name O AN 100

Ite Inbound fields in M/O NLS Format Max Max Value in iFile/Remark
m# iFile Length Lengt
(Eng) h
(in (NLS)
bytes) (in
14 Delivery To for C AN 1 Applicable to payment type CC
CC 'IS” or 'IW” = Self with Signature
'IU” = Self without Signature 'IB”
= Beneficiary Party
'IT” = Third Party

Third Party Information for CC Must be blank if 'IDelivery To For

Non-CC” not equal to ('IT”)
Mandatory when 'IDelivery To for
CC” is ('IT”)

15 Third Party C AN 100 Only applicable for CC;

Name for CC
Blank if Delivery To is self with signature
(‘W’) or self without signature (‘U’) or
beneficiary (‘B’)

16 Third Party C AN 40 Only applicable for CC;

Address 1 for CC
Blank if Delivery To is self with signature
(‘W’) or self without signature (‘U’) or
beneficiary (‘B’)

17 Third Party C AN 40 Only applicable for CC;

Address 2 for CC
Blank if Delivery To is self with signature
(‘W’) or self without signature (‘U’) or
beneficiary (‘B’)

18 Third Party C AN 40 Only applicable for CC;

Address 3 for CC
Blank if Delivery To is self with signature
(‘W’) or self without signature (‘U’) or
beneficiary (‘B’)

19 Third Party C AN 40 Only applicable for CC;

Address 4 for CC Blank if Delivery To is self with signature
(‘W’) or self without signature (‘U’) or
beneficiary (‘B’)

20 Third Party C AN 40 Only applicable for CC;

Address 5 for CC
Blank if Delivery To is self with signature
(‘W’) or self without signature (‘U’) or
beneficiary (‘B’)

21 Third Party Postal/ C AN 30 Only applicable for CC;

Zip Code for CC
Blank if Delivery To is self with signature
(‘W’) or self without signature (‘U’) or
beneficiary (‘B’)

22 Third Party C AN 2 Only applicable for CC;

Country Name
for CC Blank if Delivery To is self with signature
(‘W’) or self without signature (‘U’) or
beneficiary (‘B’)

Ite Inbound fields in M/O NLS Format Max Max Value in iFile/Remark
m# iFile Length Lengt
(Eng) h
(in (NLS)
bytes) (in
23 Delivery To For C AN 1 Applicable to all payment types
'IS” = Self
'IB” = Beneficiary Party
'IT” = Third Party
Third Party Information Must be blank if 'IDelivery To For
CC” not equal to ('IT”)
Mandatory when 'IDelivery To For
Non-CC” is ('IT”)

24 Third Party Name C AN 100 Mandatory when Delivery To field is

‘T’ Blank if Delivery To is self (‘S’) or
beneficiary (‘B’)

25 Third Party C AN 40 Mandatory when Delivery To field is

Address 1 third party (‘T’) and Delivery Mode
is ordinary mail (‘O’), registered mail
(‘R’) and courier ‘(C’)
Blank if Delivery To is self (‘S’)
or beneficiary (‘B’)
26 Third Party C AN 40 Blank if Delivery To is self (‘S’)
Address 2 or beneficiary (‘B’)

27 Third Party C AN 40 Blank if Delivery To is self (‘S’)

Address 3 or beneficiary (‘B’)

28 Third Party C AN 40 Blank if Delivery To is self (‘S’)

Address 4 or beneficiary (‘B’)

29 Third Party C AN 40 Blank if Delivery To is self (‘S’)

Address 5 or beneficiary (‘B’)

30 Third Party Postal/ C AN 30 Blank if Delivery To is self (‘S’)

Zip Code or beneficiary (‘B’)

31 Third Party C AN 2 Mandatory when Delivery To field is

Country Name third party (‘T’) and Delivery Mode
is ordinary mail (‘O’), registered mail
(‘R’) and courier ‘(C’);
Blank if Delivery To is self (‘S’)
or beneficiary (‘B’)

32 Delivery Mode M AN 1 O – ordinary mail

R – registered mail
C – courier
P – pickup
Pickup Information

Ite Inbound fields in M/O NLS Format Max Max Value in iFile/Remark
m# iFile Length Lengt
(Eng) h
(in (NLS)
bytes) (in
33 Pickup Country C AN 2 Mandatory when Delivery Mode
is pickup ('P”)
Country code must adhere to ISO
3166 standard

Blank if Delivered Mode is ordinary mail

(‘O’) or registered mail (‘R’) or courier (‘C’)

34 Pickup City C AN 35 Mandatory when Delivery Mode

is pickup ('P”)

Blank if Delivered Mode is ordinary mail

(‘O’) or registered mail (‘R’) or courier (‘C’)

35 Pickup Bank C AN 50 Mandatory when Delivery Mode

is pickup ('P”)

Blank if Delivered Mode is ordinary mail

(‘O’) or registered mail (‘R’) or courier (‘C’)

36 Pickup Location C AN 20 Mandatory when Delivery Mode

is pickup ('P”)

Blank if Delivered Mode is ordinary mail

(‘O’) or registered mail (‘R’) or courier (‘C’)
Country specific extension

37 Beneficiary O AN 35
Account Number

38 Beneficiary Bank O AN 50
39 Beneficiary ID O AN 20

40 Beneficiary Phone O AN 15
Payment Details Free Text Record

1 Record Type M AN 16 COS-TXT – This is a constant value

2 Template/ M AN 1 I – This is a constant value


3 Continuation M AN 1 ‘N’ – Not a continued record;

Indicator ‘Y’ – Payment details text in this record
is continued with the previous one

4 Payment Details O AN 3900 3900 is the max length per PF record.

Text Max size of ALL of customer’s payment
details free text (PF record) + table (PT
record) = 2000 * 360 bytes
Where 360 is the average bytes per row
Payment Details Table Row Content Record
1 Record Type M AN 16 COS-TBL – This is a constant value

Item Inbound fields in M/O NLS Format Max Max Value in iFile/Remark
# iFile Length Lengt
(Eng) h
(in (NLS)
bytes) (in
2 Template/ M AN 1 I – This is a constant value

3 Table Name/ ID M AN 16 Table ID for the table defined through

Bank’s staff function
Row Content Average row length = 120 char or
360 bytes;
Only 1 wrap column can apply word
wrapping. For that particular column,
max length is 300 char for English
character or 900 bytes for non-
English characters.

4 Column 1 O AN 300 Max 120 bytes including all 6 columns

5 Column 2 O AN 300
6 Column 3 O AN 300
7 Column 4 O AN 300
8 Column 5 O AN 300
9 Column 6 O AN 300
Payment Details Table Row Content for Multiple Tables Record –Applicable only for Pakistan

1 Record Type M AN 16 COS-MTB – This is a constant value

The COS-MTB record is used to

show multiple tables on the Cheque
Advice. If used, the COS-TBL record
can be ignored

2 Template/ M AN 1 I – This is a constant value


3 Table Index M N 2 The index of payment details table. Only

12 tables are allowed. The range of
number lies between 1 to 12, to indicate
the 1st table up to the 12th table

4 Table Name/ ID M AN 16 Table ID for the table defined through

staff function

Row Content Average row length = 120 char or

360 bytes;
Only 1 wrap column can apply word
wrapping. For that particular column,
max length is 300 char for English
character or 900 bytes for non-
English characters

5 Column 1 O AN 300
6 Column 2 O AN 300
7 Column 3 O AN 300
8 Column 4 O AN 300

Item Inbound fields in M/O NLS Format Max Max Value in iFile/Remark
# iFile Length Lengt
(Eng) h
(in (NLS)
bytes) (in
9 Column 5 O AN 300
10 Column 6 O AN 300
10 Column 7 O AN 300
10 Column 8 O AN 300
10 Column 9 O AN 300
10 Column 10 O AN 300
10 Column 11 O AN 300
10 Column 12 O AN 300

Advising Record
Ite Inbound fields M/O NLS Format Max Max Remarks
m# in iFile Length Lengt
(Eng) h
(in (NLS)
bytes) (in
Advising Record (Max 6 occurrences)

Recipient Details
1 Record Type M AN 16 ADV – This is a constant value The
max occurrence is 6 per batch

2 Advice Recipient C AN 96 Only the first Advice recipient ID will

ID be use within an instruction

3 Action Flag C AN 1 R – Retrieve

S – Save

4 Recipient template C AN 480 NA, Must provide comma delimiter


5 User ID N AN 40 NA, Must provide comma delimiter

6 User First Name N AN 15 NA, Must provide comma delimiter

7 User Last Name N AN 15 NA, Must provide comma delimiter

8 Total Number of M N 3 1 to 6
Recipient (1 – 6)

9 Recipient Item No O N 3 This is the nth record of the total number

of ADV records.

10 Recipient Name M AN 600

11 Recipient Title O AN 1 M – MR
Flag R – MRS

12 Recipient Title O AN 240 NA, Must provide comma delimiter


13 Action Code N AN 5 NA, Must provide comma delimiter

Ite Inbound fields M/O NLS Format Max Max Remarks
m# in iFile Length Lengt
(Eng) h
(in (NLS)
bytes) (in
14 Template ID N AN 16 NA, Must provide comma delimiter

15 Template Status N AN 1 NA, Must provide comma delimiter

16 Template N AN 26 NA, Must provide comma delimiter


17 Advice Format C AN 1 Mandatory for COS

F – Full advice
S – Short advice

18 Email channel O AN 1 Must be either Y or <Blank>

select flag

19 Email Format C N 1 1 – PDF

2 – CSV

20 Email Address C AN 70 Mandatory if Email channel select flag

is set to Y

21 Alternate Email O AN 70

22 Domicile of C AN 2 Mandatory for email advice

email recipient
23 Email Threshold O AN 3 Must be either USD or <Blank>

24 Email Threshold O N 18
Fax (Not applicable for Middle East)

25 Fax channel select O AN 1


26 Fax Country Code C AN 2

27 Fax Country C N 3

28 Fax Area Number O N 5

29 Fax Number C N 30
30 Fax alternate O AN 2
country code

31 Fax alternate O N 3
country number

32 Fax alternate area O N 5


33 Fax alternate no. O N 30

34 Fax Threshold O AN 3

35 Fax Threshold O N 18

Paper channel (Not applicable for Middle East)

Ite Inbound fields M/O NLS Format Max Max Remarks
m# in iFile Length Lengt
(Eng) h
(in (NLS)
bytes) (in
36 Paper channel O AN 1
select flag

37 Paper address C AN 240

line 1

38 Paper address O AN 240

line 2

39 Paper address O AN 240

line 3

40 Paper address O AN 240

line 4

41 Paper address O AN 240

line 5

42 Paper address C AN 30

43 Paper country C AN 2

44 Postal code O AN 10
45 Paper Threshold O AN 3

46 Paper Threshold O N 18

Advice Details – Free Text

1 Record Type M AN 16 ADV-FREETXT – This is a constant value

2 Sequenc O N 6
e Number

3 Advice Template C AN 96 Only the first Advice template ID will

ID be use within an instruction

4 Action Flag O AN 1 S – Save

R – Retrieve

5 Advice Template C AN 480 Used when “Action Flag” is S


6 Free Text O AN 3600

Advice Details – Table Header (should appear once within the advising group)

1 Record Type M AN 16 ADV-TBLTXT – This is a constant value

2 Number of column O N 2 Maximum 6 columns allowed

3 1st Column width * O N 2

4 1st Column O AN 1 “L” – Left
justification “R” – Right

5 1st Column header O AN 540

6 2nd Column width* O N 2

Item Inbound fields M/O NLS Format Max Max Remarks
# in iFile Length Lengt
(Eng) h
(in (NLS)
bytes) (in
2nd Column bytes)
7 O AN 1 “L” – Left
justification “R” – Right

8 2nd Column header O AN 540

9 3rd Column width* O N 2
10 3rd Column O AN 1 “L” – Left
justification “R” – Right

11 3rd Column header O AN 540

12 4th Column width* O N 2
13 4th Column O AN 1 “L” – Left
justification “R” – Right

14 4th Column header O AN 540

15 5th Column width* O N 2
16 5thColumn O AN 1 “L” – Left
justification “R” – Right

17 5th Column header O AN 540

18 6th Column width* O N 2
19 6thColumn O AN 1 “L” – Left
justification “R” – Right

20 6th Column header O AN 540

* The sum of all 6 “column width” fields must be less than or equal to 90 bytes
Advice Details – Table Body (one row per record)

1 Record Type M AN 16 ADV-TBLBDY – This is a constant value

2 Table entry O AN 600

column 1 detail*

3 Table entry C N 3
column 1 length

4 Table entry O AN 600

column 2 detail*

5 Table entry C N 3
column 2 length

6 Table entry O AN 600

column 3 detail*

7 Table entry C N 3
column 3 length

8 Table entry O AN 600

column 4 detail*

9 Table entry C N 3
column 4 length

10 Table entry O AN 600

column 5 detail *

Ite Inbound fields M/O NLS Format Max Max Remarks
m# in iFile Length Lengt
(Eng) h
(in (NLS)
bytes) (in
11 Table entry C N 3
column 5 length

12 Table entry O AN 600

column 6 detail *

13 Table entry C N 3
column 6 length

*Column details and column length must be defined in pairs


Acknowledgement and Return

File upload acknowledgement and report is in comma-delimited format (csv format). Two types of standard report
will be returned base on the status of the file upload:
1. File Exception Report – Three different formats:
a. For all authorization modes, generated when there are file level errors. OR
b. For Instruction Level authorization only, generated when there are instruction level errors in Payment Engine. OR
c. For ACH only, generated when file is uploaded after the cut-off time or contain invalid payment set code.
2. File Upload Report – generated after instruction level validation in HSBC Connect

File Exception Report

a. Generated when there are file level errors

Fields Length Description

Acknowledgement type 01x “1” – File upload exception report
File Reference 35x Unique file reference provide in the inbound payment file. It is for
our duplicate file checking

File Name 35x Name of the file received from the customer

Submission Date 10n Date of submission

Submission Time 08n Time of submission

File Type 16x Type of file sent (e.g., MXDPY – Mixed Payment, PP, COS)
File Format 16x The file format (e.g., iFile)
Authorization Type 01x Authorization type , i.e.,
“A” – Preauthorized transactions “P”
– Instruction level authorization “V” –
File level authorization (Detail) “F” –
File level authorization (Summary)

HSBCnet Customer ID 18x Customer ID defined in our HSBC

Batch Number 16n System generated number

Total Count 07n Total count of instruction in the submitted file

Status 19x ‘Rejected by Bank ’ followed by 3 byte error code provided by HSBC*
Status Description 60x Up to 60 byte description

Erroneous Line Number 07n The record line number where the file level error is found

b. For Instruction Level authorization only, generated when there are instruction level errors in Payment Engine

Fields Length Description

File Name 35x Name of the file received from the customer

File Reference 35x Unique file reference provide in the inbound payment file. It is for
our duplicate file checking

Submission Date 10n Date of submission

Submission Time 08n Time of submission

Total Count 06n Total count of instruction in the submitted file

User name 30x

Status 19x ‘Rejected by Bank’ followed by 3 byte error code provided by HSBC*
Status Description 60x Up to 60 byte description

Batch ID 12n Internal HSBC reference

Item no. 04n Internal HSBC sequence number

Payment Type 08x Type of payments sent (e.g. GHV, GLV)
1st Party Account no. 35n 1st party account/Ordering party account

Currency 03x Currency of the transaction

Amount 16n Amount for the instruction

Originator Reference 35x Customer Reference
2nd Party Account no. 35n 2nd Party Account no./Beneficiary Account
Beneficiary Reference 35x Payment Reference

Date of Payment 10n Value Date of the payment

IRN 12x Internal HSBC reference number
Status 02x 2 byte error code provided by HSBC*

Reason 60x Description of rejection.

c. For ACH only, generated when file is uploaded after the cut-off time or contain invalid payment set code

Fields Length Description

File Name 35x Name of the file received from the customer
File Reference 35x Unique file reference provide in the inbound payment file. It is for
our duplicate file checking

Submission Date 10n Date of submission

Submission Time 08n Time of submission
Total Count 06n Total count of instruction in the submitted file

User name 30x

Status 19x ‘Rejected by Bank ’ followed by 3 byte error code provided by HSBC*
Status Description 60x Up to 60 byte description

Batch ID 12n Internal HSBC reference

File Upload Report
This report will be generated for each file uploaded via HSBC net after the instruction level validation in HSBC Connect
The Full reports contains 3 types of information
A record header – display file level details
A summary line – display summary details base on successful instructions
Details records – display details of individual instructions

File Upload Report – first line

This record will be generated once per file.

Fields Length Description

Acknowledgement type 01x “2” – File upload full report
File name 35x Name of the file received from the customer

File Reference 35x File reference sent in the interface

Submission Date 10n Date of submission

Submission Time 08n Time of submission

File Type 16x Type of payments sent
File Format 16x The file format (e.g., iFile)

Authorization Type 01x Authorization type, i.e.,

“A” – Preauthorized transactions “P”
– Instruction level authorization “V” –
File level authorization (Detail) “F” –
File level authorization (Summary)
Number of transactional 06n Total number of batch record (BATHDR) that successfully passed
batches(successful) the validation
Number of transactional 06n Total number of batch record (BATHDR) that failed the validation

Number of 07n Total number of instructions record that successfully passed the validation.
transactions(successful) For PP and ACH, total number of second party record (SECPTY) that
successfully passed validation
For COS, total number of COS record (COS ) that successfully
passed validation

Number of 07n Total number of instructions record that failed the validation.
transactions(unsuccessful) For PP and ACH, total number of second party record (SECPTY) that
failed the validation
For COS, total number of COS record (COS ) that failed the validation
Number of successful non- 06n Total number of successful non-transactional batch records
transactional batches
Number of unsuccessful non- 06n Total number of unsuccessful non-transactional batch records
transactional batches

HSBCnet Customer ID 18x Customer ID provided by HSBC

Status 03x 3 byte error code provided by HSBC*
Status Description 16x ‘Received by bank’

File Upload Report – summary records
This record details a summary for valid transactional instructions by first party account, product type and currency. Non-
transactional instructions will not be included.

Fields Length Description

Record type 02x “SM” – Summary record
1st party Account 35n 1st party account

Payment Type 08x Type of payments sent (e.g., PP, COS)

Currency 03x Currency of the transaction
Total valid value 18n Total amount for all valid instructions

Total count 07n Total number of instructions

File Upload Report – detail records

This record shows the detail of each transactional instruction. For non-transactional instructions, only one record will be
generated for each batch, which contains the information of Batch ID, Item Number, Payment Type, 1st Party Account (if
any), Total Count, Status and Reason.

Fields Length Description

Record type 02x “ID” – Instruction Details

Batch ID 16n Internal HSBC reference

Item Number 04n Internal HSBC sequence number

Payment Type 16x Type of payments sent (e.g., PP, ACHCR)
1st party Account 35n 1st party account

Currency 03x Currency of the transaction

Amount 16n Amount of the transaction

Originator Reference 35x Customer Reference

2nd party Account 35n 2nd party Account
Beneficiary Reference 35x Payment Reference

Date Of Payment 10n Value date of the payment

IRN 12n Internal HSBC reference number

Total number of non- 07n Total number of non-transactional instructions for each batch
transactional instructions

Status 02n 2 byte error code provided by HSBC*

Reason 60x Description of rejection.

UAE WPS related error codes
Error Text of the error code iFile Field
BX9 INVALID DATE/PERIOD WPSAE(3) = Pay Start Date (Validation on date format

BX9 INVALID DATE/PERIOD WPSAE(4) = Pay End Date (Validation on date format)

BX9 INVALID DATE/PERIOD WPSAE(5) = Days in Period (Validation on 2 digits numeric


BX9 INVALID DATE/PERIOD WPSAE(8) = Days in Period (Validation on 2 digits numeric





B49 INCONSISTENT PAY START/END Pay start date and end date should be in same month and year

C37 FILE CREATION DATE INVALID IFH(7) = File Creation Date (Validation on date format)

C23 FILE CREATION TIME INVALID IFH(8) = File Creation Time (Validation on time format)


BCC INVALID AMOUNT WPSAE(6) = Fix amount is not numeric

BCC INVALID AMOUNT WPSAE(7) = Variable amount is not numeric


Second party transaction amount is not equal fix amount +
variable amount

Oman WPS related error codes

Error Text of the error code iFile Field




BATHDR Field 23- Payer CR-NO







AMOUNT GREATER THAN THE SECPTY - Field 8 -Second Party Transaction Amount (Net

B49 INCONSISTENT PAY START/END Pay start date and end date should be in same month and year





Country specific Payment Rules
Country Payment Description Record Field Name Remarks
Type Type (Field

Algeria PP/ ACH Regulatory SECPTY(11) Information Line 1 Beneficiary Address

Requirement is mandatory

PP/ ACH Purpose of Payment SECPTY(44) Payment Details Line 1 Provide payment details
example – Salary payment/
Vendor payment etc.

Bahrain PP Regulatory Reporting SECPTY(65) Regulatory Reporting /BENEFRES/BH//PAYMENT

The List of Payment Purpose
codes are appended below

ACH CR Regulatory Reporting SECPTY(65) Regulatory Reporting Payment Purpose Code

Line 1 The List of Payment Purpose
codes are appended below

Egypt PP Purpose of Payment SECPTY(44) Payment Details Line 1 Provide payment details
example – Salary payment/
Vendor payment etc.
ACH CR Regulatory Reporting SECPTY(65) Regulatory Reporting Payment Purpose Code
Line 1 The List of Payment Purpose
codes are appended below

Kuwait PP Purpose of Payment SECPTY(44) Payment Details Line 1 Provide payment details
example – Salary payment/
Vendor payment etc.
ACH Purpose of Payment SECPTY(10) Second Party Please prefix reference with
(Salary) Reference SALARY<MOSAL ID><Salary
month and year>
SALARY is a code word
MOSAL ID is 12 digits ID Salary
month and year must be in
MMMYY format (example

Oman PP Regulatory SECPTY(11) Information Line 1 Beneficiary Address is

Requirement mandatory for payments
going outside Oman

ACH CR Regulatory SECPTY(8) Second Party As per Central Bank rule, a

Requirement Transaction Amount single ACH transaction cannot
be more that OMR 19,999

Regulatory Reporting SECPTY(65) Regulatory Reporting Payment Purpose Code

Line 1
The List of Payment Purpose
codes are appended below

Country Payment Description Record Field Name Remarks
Type Type (Field

Qatar PP Regulatory Reporting SECPTY(65) Regulatory Reporting The purpose of payment is

Line 1 mandatory and applies to both
domestic high value and cross
borders RTGS payments.

For domestic payments

below QAR 250,000
(payment currency – QAR), 4
letter payment purpose code
is mandatory in below format:
For Instruction Level
Authorisation, /BENEFRES/
File Level Authorisation/
Preauthorized files,
PURPOSE where CC is the
ISO country code of

The List of Payment Purpose

codes are available in the

Otherwise, the purpose of

payment should be free text
(up to 21 characters) and must
be clear and self-explanatory
example “Supplier Payment”

ACH CR Regulatory Reporting SECPTY(65) Regulatory Reporting Payment Purpose Code

Line 1
The List of Payment Purpose
codes are appended below

UAE PP Regulatory Reporting SECPTY(65) Regulatory Reporting /BENEFRES/AE//PAYMENT


The List of Payment Purpose

codes are appended below

ACH CR Regulatory Reporting SECPTY(65) Regulatory Reporting Payment Purpose Code

Line 1
The List of Payment Purpose
codes are appended below

COS – Purpose of Payment COS (33) DD Purpose of Mandatory If amount exceeds

DD Payment line 1 AED 20,000

List of Payment Purpose codes for Bahrain
Codes Description
001 Ordinary transfers
020 Fee Payment
021 Salary payment

022 Generic Bill Payment

023 Topup of Prepaid Account

024 Transfer from Prepaid Account to Bank Account

025 Credit Card Settlement
026 Pension

027 Dividends
028 Interest Received

029 Loan Installment

030 Rental
031 Charity Payments

List of Payment Purpose codes for Egypt
Codes Description
CACC Current Account

CCRD Credit Card Payment

GOVT Government Payment

LOAN Loan Payments

PENG National Social Insurance Payment

PENS Pensions Payment

SALA Salary Payment

SCCD Suez Canal Certificate of Deposit

SSBE Social Security Benefit

SUPP Supplier Benefit

TAXS Tax Payment

TRAD Trade Payment

CASH Remittance or any other general Payment

List of Payment Purpose codes for Oman

Please contact your HSBCnet representative for the latest list.

List of Payment Purpose codes for Qatar
Code Description
ALLW Allowances Claim

BILL Bill Payment

BONU Bonus Payments

CHCO Cheque Collection

CHQR Cheque Returns

CLPR Car Loan Payment

CNTP Payment to Contractor

CORT Trade Settlement Payment

COUR Court Case

CRCP Credit Card Payments

DIVI Dividend, Coupon Payments

ESRV End of Service Benefits

GOVT Government Payment

HOLP Housing Loan Payment

INSU Insurance Premium

INTC Intra Company Payment

INTE Interest

LEAV Leave Encashment

LIAB Liability Settlements

MOPA Mobile Payment

OFFM Official Mission

PENS Pension Payment

PFLB Payments for Local Banks (transfers)

PFST Personal Finance Settlement


RENT Rent Payment

SALA Salary Payment

SECU Securities Payment

SSBE Social Security Benefit

STAN Standing Orders

SUPP Supplier Payment

TAXS Tax Payment

TERM Termination of Services

TRAV Travel Allowance

TRCF Training Course Fees

TREA Treasury Payment

TUIT Tuition Fees

VATX Value Added Tax Payment

List of Payment Purpose codes for UAE
For latest list of purpose of payment for UAE, please refer to website.

Section - Transfers and Payments

Document Name - Explanatory Notes on UAE Purpose of Payment Codes

Regulatory Disclosures:
Where the Bank provides the Accounts and/or Services in the following jurisdictions, the Bank provides the Customer with
the following information:

HSBC Bank Middle East Limited Algeria Branch Algeria Business Center, Pins Maritimes, El Mohammadia, 16212 Algiers,
regulated by the Central bank of Algeria for the purposes of this promotion and lead regulated by the Dubai Financial
Services Authority

HSBC Bank Middle East Limited Bahrain Branch, P.O. Box 57, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain, licensed and regulated by the
Central Bank of Bahrain as a Conventional Retail Bank for the purposes of this promotion and lead regulated by the Dubai
Financial Services Authority.

HSBC Bank Egypt S.A.E., PO Box 124, Maadi, Cairo, Egypt, is regulated by the Central Bank of Egypt.
HSBC Bank Middle East Limited Kuwait Branch, P.O. Box 1683 Safat 13017, regulated by the Central Bank of Kuwait for
the purposes of this promotion and lead regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority.

HSBC Bank Oman S.A.O.G., P.O.Box 1727, PC 111, CPO Seeb, Sultanate of Oman, is regulated by the Central
Bank of Oman and Capital Market Authority, Oman.

HSBC Bank Middle East Limited Qatar Branch, P O Box 57, Doha, Qatar, regulated by Qatar Central Bank for the
purposes of this promotion and lead regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority.
HSBC Bank Middle East Limited U.A.E Branch, P.O.Box 66, Dubai, U.A.E, regulated by the Central Bank of the U.A.E
for the purposes of this promotion and lead regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority.

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