1. The document is a worksheet that asks the student to fill in a table with information about various subjects related to biodiversity, the information age, nanotechnology, and gene therapy. For each subject, the student provides a definition, lists benefits and issues/concerns, and reflects on their perspective of the subject.
2. Some of the benefits listed are improved health, food security, and ecosystem services from biodiversity. Improved relationships, productivity, and data security from the information age. Improved detection of contaminants and development of new materials and medicine from nanotechnology. Gene therapy offers cures for diseases like cancer and provides promising potential in medicine and agriculture.
3. Issues and concerns mentioned
1. The document is a worksheet that asks the student to fill in a table with information about various subjects related to biodiversity, the information age, nanotechnology, and gene therapy. For each subject, the student provides a definition, lists benefits and issues/concerns, and reflects on their perspective of the subject.
2. Some of the benefits listed are improved health, food security, and ecosystem services from biodiversity. Improved relationships, productivity, and data security from the information age. Improved detection of contaminants and development of new materials and medicine from nanotechnology. Gene therapy offers cures for diseases like cancer and provides promising potential in medicine and agriculture.
3. Issues and concerns mentioned
1. The document is a worksheet that asks the student to fill in a table with information about various subjects related to biodiversity, the information age, nanotechnology, and gene therapy. For each subject, the student provides a definition, lists benefits and issues/concerns, and reflects on their perspective of the subject.
2. Some of the benefits listed are improved health, food security, and ecosystem services from biodiversity. Improved relationships, productivity, and data security from the information age. Improved detection of contaminants and development of new materials and medicine from nanotechnology. Gene therapy offers cures for diseases like cancer and provides promising potential in medicine and agriculture.
3. Issues and concerns mentioned
1. The document is a worksheet that asks the student to fill in a table with information about various subjects related to biodiversity, the information age, nanotechnology, and gene therapy. For each subject, the student provides a definition, lists benefits and issues/concerns, and reflects on their perspective of the subject.
2. Some of the benefits listed are improved health, food security, and ecosystem services from biodiversity. Improved relationships, productivity, and data security from the information age. Improved detection of contaminants and development of new materials and medicine from nanotechnology. Gene therapy offers cures for diseases like cancer and provides promising potential in medicine and agriculture.
3. Issues and concerns mentioned
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Module 3 Worksheet
Name: Torrion, Melge Rose B.
Fill in the table.
Subject What is it? What are its What are the What is your benefits? issues/concerns reflection about about it? it? 1. Biodiversity Biodiversity is the -Biodiversity Many factors are As the time goes variety of life on ensures health to blame for by I have learned Earth. and food security. biodiversity loss, that we gained Biodiversity -Biodiversity including more life but at occurs at three helps fight wetlands the same time levels: the genetic disease. destruction of loss a lot of life, diversity within waterways, not just life of a species, the -Biodiversity invasive species, human but life of diversity among benefits business exotic wildlife different species. species, and the -Biodiversity diseases and diversity of provide climate change. ecosystem. livelihoods We also continue -Biodiversity to develop more protects us. and more of our nation's terrestrial -Ecological life habitats. support- biodiversity provides functioning ecosystem that supply oxygen, clean air and water, pollination of plants, pest control, waste- water, treatment and many ecosystem services. 2. Information Age Information Age -It can improve Privacy, accuracy, Information Age is the idea that relationships at property, and makes the people access to and the home, work and accessibility, lives easier. I am control of social situations these are the four thankful that this information is the by deepening major issues in period has come defining your connections information ethics because it characteristics of to others and for the information enables us to this current era in improving age. Data easily gain more human teamwork, security, crime knowledge and civilization. This decision- making, and terrorism, discover nuew period of history caring, and complexity, social things. has been called problem solving. disconnect, work the Information It enables you to overload, degital Age because it communicate media and makes available even negative or information and instant access to difficult messages job insecurity are knowledge that without creating the other issues would have been conflict or or concerns. difficult or destroying trust. impossible to find -Improved previously. productivity -increased data security 3. Nanotechnolog refers to science, –improved –accessibility to I've learned that y engineering, and detection and all income levels nanotechnology is Technology removal of –potential cost of a great help to the conducted at contaminants. clean- ups and society in any nanoscate, which –development of healthcare aspect, but if this is about 1 to 100 beneign industrial –no FDA approval is used in bad nanometers or it processes and needed way it will create refers to the for a big chaos to the materials cosmetics and society. It will length of around 0.1 nm to 100nm. –improve supplements cause inhuman Nanoscience and medicine –no nano- specific things. nanotechnology –better products EPA regulation employs the –new jobs –high reductivity study and and toxicity application of exceptionally –pervasive small things in distribution in the other areas of environment science including material science, engineering, physics, biology and chemistry. 4. Gene Therapy it is a potential –It offers cure to –modifying Gene therapy is a method to either several diseases organisms means really big help in treat or cure like cancer, modifying it relation of health genetic-related parkinson's capabilities but I would be human illness. A disease, AIDS, –viral vectors happy if the cost method of asthma, diabetes, could recover its will be cheaper so treating or heart diseases, ability to cause that the people preventing as well as a disease. that were diseases by heredity disease. experiencing replacing, –high cost poverty could also –It can replace repairing, or defective cells. –ethical issues afford this turning on or of treatment. genes of a –It has promising patient's cells. potential not only The process of in the field of gene therapy medicine but in includes the use some related of vectors and fields like non- viral method agriculture. to move a DNA or genes to one cell or another.
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