MATH F341 - Jhuma

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Course Handout (Part II)

Date: 15/01/2022

In addition to Part I (General Handout for all courses appended to the time table) this portion gives further
specific details regarding the course.

Course No. : MATH F341

Instructor-in-Charge: Dr. Jhuma Sen Gupta
Name of other Instructor: Debarati Mondal and Nakidi Shravani
1. Scope and Objective of the Course:
Objective of the course is to present some basic tools of Functional Analysis in a form suitable for
Engineers Scientists & Mathematicians. Ideas are not always generated by logical processes. An engineer
may have a feeling for a problem which may lead him in a method of solution but justifying part of that
needs Analysis. In this course we give such motivation and also cover the analysis part. Several concepts
of Functional Analysis were invented as there were needs from other areas such as differential equations,
optimization, Integral equations etc. Modern theory of partial differential equations relies heavily on the
fundamental tools of Functional Analysis.

2. Text-book: Erwin Kreyszig, Introductory Functional Analysis with Applications, Reprinted 2010, John Wiley.

3.. Reference Books:

 Bryan P. Rynne et al., Linear Functional Analysis, Springer Undergraduate Mathematics series, 2 nd ed. 2008.
 S. Kesavan, Functional Analysis,TRIM (52), 2017.
 John B. Conway., A course in Functional Analysis, John B. Conway, GTM, 2nd ed, 2010.

4. Course Plan:
Lecture Learner’s objective Topics to be covered Chapter in
no. the Text
1 Review of some concepts of Vector spaces, dimension, finite dimensional vector Chapter 1 &
linear Algebra and Real Analysis spaces, Metric spaces, space of continuous functions, Chapter 2:
Compactness Sec 2.1
2–6 Introduction to normed linear Normed Linear Spaces, Banach spaces and examples Chapter 2 :
spaces and Banach spaces such as lp, c, c0, C[a,b] Sec 2.2
7–9 Studying properties of normed Properties of normed linear spaces Chapter 2 :
linear spaces Sec 2.3
10 – 11 Investigating the equivalence of Finite-Dimensional normed linear spaces and compact Chapter 2:
norms on a finite dimensional sets Sec 2.4 and
normed linear space 2.5
12 – 16 Studying continuity of linear Continuous linear transformations, linear functionals, Chapter 2:
transformations on normed linear dual spaces, reflexivity Sec 2.6 -
spaces 2.10
17 – 18 How a continuous linear functional Hahn-Banach Theorem and its applications Chapter 4:
defined on a subspace can be Sec 4.1- 4.3,
extended to the whole space 4.6
19 – 25 Investigating when a family of Category theorem, uniform boundedness principle, Chapter 4:
Continuous linear transformations strong and weak convergence, Open Mapping Sec 4.7 –
are uniformly bounded, when a theorem, Closed graph theorem 4.13
continuous linear map a
26 - 30 How concept of dot product can be Inner Product spaces, Hilbert spaces, orthogonal sets, Chapter 3
generalized to certain vector direct sum, Bessel’s inequality, continuous linear Sec 3.1 –
spaces functionals on Hilbert space 3.6
31 – 34 Dual of a Hilbert space, how Riesz Representation theorem, Symmetric and self Chapter 3:
transpose of a matrix has adjoint operators Sec 3.8 -
generalization to continuous linear 3.10
transformations in Hilbert spaces
35 - 38 Are there finite rank Compact linear operators and their spectral properties Chapter 8:
transformations defined on Sec 8.1-8.3
infinite dimensional spaces
39 – 40 Generalization of eigen values of Spectral theory of bounded linear transformations Chapter 7 :
matrices to linear transformations Sec 7.1- 7.3

5. Evaluation Scheme:
Sl. Duratio Weightage Nature of
Evaluation Component Date and Time
No. n (%) Component
1 Mid Semester Test 90 mins 30 14/03 3.30pm to5.00pm Closed
Group work activities Will be announced in the class.
2 (Presentations/ 10 Open
There will be two quizzes and
Quizzes will be conducted at
3 10+10 tutorial/lecture hours. One will Open
be before mid-sem and one post
4 Comprehensive Exam 120 mins 40 14/05 FN Closed

6. Announcements: All the announcements in relation to the above course will be put up on CMS.

7. Total Marks: 100

8. Make up policy: Make up for the mid-semester/comprehensive examination will be given to the genuine
9. Chamber consultation hours: To be announced in the class.

10. Academic Honesty and Integrity Policy: Academic honesty and integrity are to be maintained by all the
students throughout the semester and no type of academic dishonesty is acceptable.


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