MATH F341 - Jhuma
MATH F341 - Jhuma
MATH F341 - Jhuma
Date: 15/01/2022
In addition to Part I (General Handout for all courses appended to the time table) this portion gives further
specific details regarding the course.
2. Text-book: Erwin Kreyszig, Introductory Functional Analysis with Applications, Reprinted 2010, John Wiley.
4. Course Plan:
Lecture Learner’s objective Topics to be covered Chapter in
no. the Text
1 Review of some concepts of Vector spaces, dimension, finite dimensional vector Chapter 1 &
linear Algebra and Real Analysis spaces, Metric spaces, space of continuous functions, Chapter 2:
Compactness Sec 2.1
2–6 Introduction to normed linear Normed Linear Spaces, Banach spaces and examples Chapter 2 :
spaces and Banach spaces such as lp, c, c0, C[a,b] Sec 2.2
7–9 Studying properties of normed Properties of normed linear spaces Chapter 2 :
linear spaces Sec 2.3
10 – 11 Investigating the equivalence of Finite-Dimensional normed linear spaces and compact Chapter 2:
norms on a finite dimensional sets Sec 2.4 and
normed linear space 2.5
12 – 16 Studying continuity of linear Continuous linear transformations, linear functionals, Chapter 2:
transformations on normed linear dual spaces, reflexivity Sec 2.6 -
spaces 2.10
17 – 18 How a continuous linear functional Hahn-Banach Theorem and its applications Chapter 4:
defined on a subspace can be Sec 4.1- 4.3,
extended to the whole space 4.6
19 – 25 Investigating when a family of Category theorem, uniform boundedness principle, Chapter 4:
Continuous linear transformations strong and weak convergence, Open Mapping Sec 4.7 –
are uniformly bounded, when a theorem, Closed graph theorem 4.13
continuous linear map a
26 - 30 How concept of dot product can be Inner Product spaces, Hilbert spaces, orthogonal sets, Chapter 3
generalized to certain vector direct sum, Bessel’s inequality, continuous linear Sec 3.1 –
spaces functionals on Hilbert space 3.6
31 – 34 Dual of a Hilbert space, how Riesz Representation theorem, Symmetric and self Chapter 3:
transpose of a matrix has adjoint operators Sec 3.8 -
generalization to continuous linear 3.10
transformations in Hilbert spaces
35 - 38 Are there finite rank Compact linear operators and their spectral properties Chapter 8:
transformations defined on Sec 8.1-8.3
infinite dimensional spaces
39 – 40 Generalization of eigen values of Spectral theory of bounded linear transformations Chapter 7 :
matrices to linear transformations Sec 7.1- 7.3
5. Evaluation Scheme:
Sl. Duratio Weightage Nature of
Evaluation Component Date and Time
No. n (%) Component
1 Mid Semester Test 90 mins 30 14/03 3.30pm to5.00pm Closed
Group work activities Will be announced in the class.
2 (Presentations/ 10 Open
There will be two quizzes and
Quizzes will be conducted at
3 10+10 tutorial/lecture hours. One will Open
be before mid-sem and one post
4 Comprehensive Exam 120 mins 40 14/05 FN Closed
6. Announcements: All the announcements in relation to the above course will be put up on CMS.
10. Academic Honesty and Integrity Policy: Academic honesty and integrity are to be maintained by all the
students throughout the semester and no type of academic dishonesty is acceptable.